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巴西辣椒种的遗传变异和系统分析 被引量:1
作者 布索·格来奥西亚 马查多·费来维亚 +1 位作者 怀瑞拉·马西阿 安狄 《辣椒杂志》 2005年第2期41-44,共4页
关键词 系统分析 遗传变异 辣椒种 巴西 美洲大陆 资源考察 野生
辣椒种用毛巾卷发芽快而齐 被引量:1
作者 李霞 《江苏科技信息》 1997年第12期29-29,共1页
关键词 辣椒种 毛巾卷 发芽
作者 罗海平 《长江蔬菜》 2013年第11期53-54,共2页
自中国种子行业市场化以来,辣椒种子市场已迎来第一个发展"低谷期",辣椒种企要在"低谷期"异军突起,从林立的辣椒种企中脱颖而出,必须要有好品种,靠品牌技术,规避产品同质化竞争,提高产品价格,占有市场份额。但对于... 自中国种子行业市场化以来,辣椒种子市场已迎来第一个发展"低谷期",辣椒种企要在"低谷期"异军突起,从林立的辣椒种企中脱颖而出,必须要有好品种,靠品牌技术,规避产品同质化竞争,提高产品价格,占有市场份额。但对于辣椒种企来说,要培育出好的品种,不仅要靠传统意义上的技术,还应该高度重视非技术性育种的应用,要求辣椒种企在经营上要参与到育种中,做好育种导向和管理,从而帮助种企提高育种效益。 展开更多
关键词 应用 辣椒种 技术 产品同质化 子行业 子市场 产品价格 市场份额
作者 吴正肖 邵代兴 《耕作与栽培》 2024年第5期138-140,共3页
为进一步摸清辣椒换种工程实施情况、成效和面临的不足,本文通过实地调研、查阅资料、数据整理归纳等方式,从辣椒换种面积、资金投入、换种品种等总结了辣椒换种工程实施情况;围绕本地优质辣椒种子研发推广、辣椒换种经济效益、壮大集... 为进一步摸清辣椒换种工程实施情况、成效和面临的不足,本文通过实地调研、查阅资料、数据整理归纳等方式,从辣椒换种面积、资金投入、换种品种等总结了辣椒换种工程实施情况;围绕本地优质辣椒种子研发推广、辣椒换种经济效益、壮大集体经济等方面阐述辣椒换种工程实施成效。通过实地调研了解辣椒换种工程存在本地优质品种研发能力有待突破、不能全面满足市场需求、区域优势不显著、技术服务不配套等问题,在客观分析现状的基础上提出了高质量推动辣椒换种工程的市场化转型建议,为遵义辣椒换种工程升级发展提供决策参考。 展开更多
关键词 遵义朝天椒 辣椒工程 现状 对策
基于SNPs全基因组测序技术对泰国辣椒地方品种遗传多样性分析和辣椒素含量关联分析 被引量:2
作者 Wassana Kethom Pumipat Tongyoo +2 位作者 Orarat Mongkolporn 魏小英(译) 孔秋生(译) 《辣椒杂志》 2019年第2期37-46,共10页
泰国的辣椒地方品种是非常重要的种质资源,由于其独特的香气和风味,被广泛应用于新鲜食用和食品行业。本研究收集了243份辣椒地方品种,对其遗传多样性和辣椒素含量进行鉴定。利用多样性微阵列基因分型技术或DArTseq技术从泰国辣椒地方... 泰国的辣椒地方品种是非常重要的种质资源,由于其独特的香气和风味,被广泛应用于新鲜食用和食品行业。本研究收集了243份辣椒地方品种,对其遗传多样性和辣椒素含量进行鉴定。利用多样性微阵列基因分型技术或DArTseq技术从泰国辣椒地方品种中筛选到22000多个SNPs。经过滤得到9610个SNPs用于多样性鉴定和全基因组关联分析。聚类分析将辣椒地方品种分为两个不同的组,分别对应于辣椒品种中的一年生辣椒种(C.annuum)和野生灌木辣椒种(C.frutescens),相异指数为0.0092~0.8410。然而,经检测每个辣椒种的种间遗传背景非常狭窄。通过全基因组关联分析,鉴定出与辣椒素类物质含量显著相关的7个SNPs,其中5个位于辣椒素类物质生物合成途径相关基因的附近。 展开更多
关键词 一年生辣椒种(Capsicum annuum) 野生灌木辣椒种(C.frutescens) 多样性微阵列基因分型技术 全基因组关联分析 单核苷酸多态性 SNP
五个辣椒品种对南方根结线虫的抗性评价 被引量:5
作者 安连菊 贾尝 +2 位作者 阮维斌 宋晓艳 郑连斌 《北方园艺》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第5期158-160,共3页
近年山东省寿光市日光温室大棚蔬菜生产中根结线虫病危害严重,菜农通常轮作辣椒以降低线虫的危害。为了解辣椒对辣椒轮作是否具有控制南方根结线虫的效果,利用盆栽试验对5个辣椒品种抗根结线虫的效果进行了评价。结果表明:供试5种辣椒... 近年山东省寿光市日光温室大棚蔬菜生产中根结线虫病危害严重,菜农通常轮作辣椒以降低线虫的危害。为了解辣椒对辣椒轮作是否具有控制南方根结线虫的效果,利用盆栽试验对5个辣椒品种抗根结线虫的效果进行了评价。结果表明:供试5种辣椒都是易感病品种,它们不具有抗南方根结线虫的性状,反而是根结线虫的易感寄主。 展开更多
关键词 南方根结线虫 5辣椒 抗性评价 卵的密度
作者 晓利 《农家之友》 2007年第09S期31-31,共1页
整地起畦摊平畦面后,每0.1亩地用氮磷钾15∶15∶15的复合肥5公斤,新鲜石灰粉10公斤,新鲜草皮烧土50公斤撒于畦面。先撒复合肥,再撒石灰,后撒草皮烧土。撒后浅锄中和摊平,再铺一层厚0.5厘米左右的新鲜草皮烧土,畦面摊后即可播辣椒种,... 整地起畦摊平畦面后,每0.1亩地用氮磷钾15∶15∶15的复合肥5公斤,新鲜石灰粉10公斤,新鲜草皮烧土50公斤撒于畦面。先撒复合肥,再撒石灰,后撒草皮烧土。撒后浅锄中和摊平,再铺一层厚0.5厘米左右的新鲜草皮烧土,畦面摊后即可播辣椒种,每0.1亩地可播300克种子。播后在椒种上覆盖一层过筛的草皮烧土,并一次性淋足水,然后用地膜贴地面(非冷天切勿起拱棚), 展开更多
关键词 辣椒种 复合肥 石灰粉 草皮 氮磷钾 新鲜 一次性
作者 黄哲 欧立军 《湖南农业科学》 2018年第4期33-35,共3页
为比较不同辣椒栽培种萌发的差异,对3个辣椒栽培种Capsicum annuum L.(CA)、Capsicum baccatum L.(CB)、Capsicum chinense Jacquin.(CC)萌发过程中的可溶性糖、淀粉、蛋白质和氨基酸含量进行了研究。结果表明:3个辣椒栽培种萌发后期的... 为比较不同辣椒栽培种萌发的差异,对3个辣椒栽培种Capsicum annuum L.(CA)、Capsicum baccatum L.(CB)、Capsicum chinense Jacquin.(CC)萌发过程中的可溶性糖、淀粉、蛋白质和氨基酸含量进行了研究。结果表明:3个辣椒栽培种萌发后期的可溶性糖、淀粉和蛋白质含量均低于萌发前期,而萌发后期的氨基酸含量高于萌发前期;可溶性糖含量在萌发过程中的波动较大,淀粉和蛋白质含量分别在萌发第6 d和21 h迅速下降;不同栽培种在萌发过程中内含物的消耗速率不一,CC栽培种的可溶性糖和蛋白质消耗速率大于其他2个栽培种,淀粉和氨基酸含量则无明显差异。由此可知,可溶性糖和蛋白质是辣椒栽培种萌发过程中提供能量的主要物质,CC栽培种的能量消耗大于其他2个栽培种,推测与较快的萌发速率有关。 展开更多
关键词 辣椒栽培 萌发 内含物 能量
作者 李凝 王芳莉 +1 位作者 绪言 张明 《南方农机》 2018年第10期37-37,共1页
关键词 气吹供 盘吸式辣椒 机理
作者 刘继恩 《农村科技》 2015年第3期67-68,共2页
目前,市场上1包F1代辣椒种价格在40元左右,有的高达70多元,上百元的也很常见.辣椒杂交种(F1代)性状优良,产量和品质大大超过常规种.杂交种虽然有很多优点,但因其生产途径繁琐、成本投入过高,故价格偏贵.如选择自家小面积种植,种子的... 目前,市场上1包F1代辣椒种价格在40元左右,有的高达70多元,上百元的也很常见.辣椒杂交种(F1代)性状优良,产量和品质大大超过常规种.杂交种虽然有很多优点,但因其生产途径繁琐、成本投入过高,故价格偏贵.如选择自家小面积种植,种子的价格还可以接受,换成大规模的工厂化育苗,种子发芽率低会严重影响工厂化育苗的经济效益.另外,辣椒出苗不齐也是一个较为常见的问题.采用常规穴盘育苗,在环境条件优良的情况下,辣椒出苗需要20天左右,有的品种甚至需要更长时间,而且辣椒种通常不出全苗.如果采用科学的催芽技术和适当的管理措施,可在短时间内培育出大量优质的辣椒苗.经过多次催芽试验,我们掌握了一套较为科学的辣椒催芽技术. 展开更多
关键词 工厂化育苗 催芽技术 辣椒种 子发芽率 出苗不齐 成本投入 经济效益 穴盘育苗
辣椒病虫害绿色防控与专业化统防统治融合技术 被引量:4
作者 范俊珺 《云南农业科技》 2019年第3期47-48,共2页
文山州辣椒种植面积从2010 年的7.06 万hm^2 增加到2017 年的12.33 万hm^2,年均增长率接近10%,占云南省辣椒种植面积的60%以上;2017 年辣椒产量达到20 万t、综合产值45 亿元,是文山州独具特色的地方传统优势产业、也是最重要的蔬菜种植... 文山州辣椒种植面积从2010 年的7.06 万hm^2 增加到2017 年的12.33 万hm^2,年均增长率接近10%,占云南省辣椒种植面积的60%以上;2017 年辣椒产量达到20 万t、综合产值45 亿元,是文山州独具特色的地方传统优势产业、也是最重要的蔬菜种植品种。 展开更多
关键词 辣椒种 融合技术 绿色防控 专业化 病虫害 统防 植面积 优势产业
作者 李配银 《吉林农业》 2005年第7期35-35,共1页
关键词 子经营许可证 剩余 出售 农民 经济效益 辣椒种 集市
作者 艾·斯利拉萨厍麦利 尔阿·乌拉贾孟利 安狄 《辣椒杂志》 2004年第1期41-42,共2页
关键词 辣椒 辣椒种 辣椒 变异性 遗传 遗传力
Resistance Evaluation of Capsicum spp. Germplasm to Meloidogyne incognita 被引量:3
作者 刘子记 杜公福 +2 位作者 朱婕 申龙斌 曹振木 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第7期1723-1728,共6页
[Objective] This study aimed to screen out hot pepper germplasms highly resistant to Meloidogyne incognita, thereby providing resistant resources for hot pep- per breeding. [Method] Comprehensive analysis combining cl... [Objective] This study aimed to screen out hot pepper germplasms highly resistant to Meloidogyne incognita, thereby providing resistant resources for hot pep- per breeding. [Method] Comprehensive analysis combining cluster analysis and sub- ordinate function was conducted through determining related resistance indexes of 67 hot pepper germplasms 50 days after inoculated with M. incognita. [Result] The effects of M. incognita on related resistance indexes were significantly different am- ong the hot pepper germplasms. Egg index and gall index had abundant genetic variation with variation coefficients of 143.16% and 118.95%, respectively. Based on the gall indexes, cluster analysis of hot pepper germplasms was performed. The 67 hot pepper germplasms were divided into 4 groups (resistant, moderately resistant, susceptible and high susceptible). The resistance intensity of the hot pepper germplasms were ranked according to the sum of subordinate function values of various resistance indexes. The total function values of Rela 2 and L506M were the largest (2.00), indicating that these two germplasms were immune to M. incognita. The total function values of L287-2, L522-1M, L504M, L515-2, 13SM100-1, L512M, L292-1, L319, L316, L317, 13SM87-1 and Rela 5 were larger than 1.95, indicating that these germplasms were highly resistant to M. incognita. [Conclusion] This study could provide certain resistant resources for resistance breeding of hot pepper to M. incognita. 展开更多
关键词 Capsicum spp. Gerrnplasm Meloidogyne incognita Resistance index Cluster analysis Subordinate function analysis
Screening of Low Temperature Resistance Germplasm Resources of Pigment Pepper 被引量:9
作者 易晓华 刘建萍 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第6期87-90,共4页
Objective The aim of this study was to explore the method and standard for rapidly screening low temperature-resistant pepper germplasm resources and provide a theoretical basis for the breeding of low temperature-res... Objective The aim of this study was to explore the method and standard for rapidly screening low temperature-resistant pepper germplasm resources and provide a theoretical basis for the breeding of low temperature-resistant pepper. [ Method ] With 110 pigment pepper seeds as the materials, their germination vigor under optimum temperature and suboptimal temperature were determined by means of roll rapid germination, and seeds with different genetic types were evaluated from aspects of germination vigor and its interval division. [ Result ] 37 pepper seeds with stronger low temperature resistance were screened. [ Conclusion]This study provides an important basis for screening low temperature-resistant pepper germplasm resources. 展开更多
关键词 Pepper seed Optimum temperature Suboptimal temperature Germination energy
A virus vector species of Ceratothripoides new to China(Thysanoptera:Tripidae) 被引量:5
作者 谢永辉 张宏瑞 +2 位作者 李正跃 孙跃先 吕要斌 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期30-34,共5页
In this paper, the newly recorded species Ceratothripoides claratris (Shumsher) is described and illustrated. This species is an important vector of the Capsicum Chlorosis Virus. Slide-mounted specimens are deposite... In this paper, the newly recorded species Ceratothripoides claratris (Shumsher) is described and illustrated. This species is an important vector of the Capsicum Chlorosis Virus. Slide-mounted specimens are deposited at Yunnan Agricultural University. 展开更多
关键词 newly recorded species CaCV Ceratothripoides claratris China
Screening of SSR Core Primers for Purity Identification of Pepper(Capsicum) Hybrids 被引量:2
作者 管俊娇 黄清梅 +3 位作者 张鹏 马芙蓉 张惠 张建华 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第10期2155-2158,2230,共5页
[Objective] This study aimed to screen a set of SSR core primers suitable for purity identification of pepper (Capsicum) hybrids. [Method] DNA fingerprint of 100 pepper hybrids was analyzed using 17 SSR primers. [Re... [Objective] This study aimed to screen a set of SSR core primers suitable for purity identification of pepper (Capsicum) hybrids. [Method] DNA fingerprint of 100 pepper hybrids was analyzed using 17 SSR primers. [Result] According to the polymorphism and heterozygosity, Hpms1-214, Es395 and Hpmsl-5 were determined as three preferred core primers for purity identification of pepper hybrids. By using these three preferred core primers, 97 pepper hybrids (accounting for 97%) had heterozygous band pattern with at least one primer. Es330, Es363, Epms923, Es120 and Es64 were determined as candidate core primers for purity identification of pepper hybrids. Specific primers of 14 varieties were obtained, which could be used to further screen parent-complementary primers of each pepper hybrid. [Con- clusion] This study laid the foundation for constructing standard DNA fingerprints for purity identification of pepper hybrids. 展开更多
关键词 PEPPER SSR HYBRID Purity identification Core primers
Effects of Liquid Seaweed Bio-organic Fertilizer on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Vegetables 被引量:1
作者 刘培京 王飞 张树清 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第3期407-411,共5页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the effects of liquid seaweed bio-organic fertilizer on seed germination and seedling growth of different vegetables. [Method] Serial dilution concentrations of liquid seawe... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the effects of liquid seaweed bio-organic fertilizer on seed germination and seedling growth of different vegetables. [Method] Serial dilution concentrations of liquid seaweed bio-organic fertilizer were prepared for seed soaking and pot incubation of cucumber, tomato and chili, to ob- serve the effects of liquid seaweed bio-organic fertilizer on seed germination and seedling growth of vegetables. [Result] Compared with the control, germination rate of cucumber and tomato seeds applied with 600-fold liquid seaweed bio-organic fer- tilizer varied significantly; germination rate of chili seeds applied with 400-fold liquid seaweed bio-organic fertilizer varied significantly; germination energy and germination index of chili seeds applied with different dilution concentrations of liquid seaweed bio-organic fertilizer presented no significant differences. In addition, 200-fold and 400-fold liquid seaweed bio-organic fertilizer significantly improved the root length, plant height, plant fresh weight, plant dry weight, chlorophyll content and leaf area of cucumber, tomato and chili seedlings; after treated with 600-fold liquid seaweed bio-organic fertilizer, root length, chlorophyll content and leaf area of cucumber seedlings varied significantly compared with the control, but no significant differences were observed in plant height, plant fresh weight and plant dry weight; after treated with 600-fold liquid seaweed bio-organic fertilizer, root length, chlorophyll content, plant height, plant fresh weight and plant dry weight of chili and tomato varied sig- nificantly compared with the control, but no significant differences were observed in leaf area. [Conclusion] Soaking vegetable seeds with liquid seaweed bio-organic fer- tilizer can significantly improve seed generation rate and seedling growth. 展开更多
关键词 Liquid seaweed bio-organic fertilizer CUCUMBER Chili Tomato Seed germination Seedling growth
Relationship between SSR Genetic Distance and Heterosis in Hot Pepper 被引量:1
作者 何建文 姜虹 +2 位作者 杨红 苏丹 刘永翔 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第9期1224-1227,1279,共5页
[Objective] This study aimed to predict the heterosis of hot pepper using SSR genetice distance. [Method] Twenty-five hybridized combinations between 10pepper parents were obtained through NCⅡ incomplete diallel cros... [Objective] This study aimed to predict the heterosis of hot pepper using SSR genetice distance. [Method] Twenty-five hybridized combinations between 10pepper parents were obtained through NCⅡ incomplete diallel cross to analyze the relationship between SSR genetic distance and heterosis. [Result] The genetic distance of the parents varied in a range from 0.13 to 0.33, and the average genetic distance was 0.25, indicating that the genetic difference was not obvious among the parents, namely, they shared a close genetic relationship. In addition, the SSR genetic distance was closely related to yield per plant and fruits per plant, but showed no obvious correlation with other traits. [Conclusion] This study proved that in a certain range the combinations between the parents with a distant genetic distance possessed stronger heterosis and a larger possibility to produce a high yield and vice versa. 展开更多
关键词 Hot pepper SSR Genetic distance HETEROSIS
Relationship between Pepper Cultivars' Yields and High Temperatures with Pepper in Different Genotypes 被引量:1
作者 钱芝龙 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第4期588-590,共3页
[Objective] The aim was to research effects of high temperature stress on pepper yield by cultivation of peppers in different genotypes and provide theoretical references for pepper breeding and high-yield cultivation... [Objective] The aim was to research effects of high temperature stress on pepper yield by cultivation of peppers in different genotypes and provide theoretical references for pepper breeding and high-yield cultivation. [Method] Four pepper va- rieties were studied with varied genotypes to explore effects of temperatures on pepper fruiting and yield in the whole growth stage. [Result] The optimal-temperatre term for pepper blooming and fruiting were shorter. For example, the periods from June 16 to July 15 and from August 16 to September 15 would be the best, with temperature ranging from 20.70 ℃ to 30.74 ℃. In the stage from July 16 to August 15, the temperature range of 24.22 ℃-32.17 ℃ would severely affect pepper growth and yield. Pepper No. 1 and pepper No. 1-1's yields were just 38.21% and 51.74% of the yields in the stage 1st and 52.01% and 62.35% in the stage 3rd and eady No. 1 and late No. 1 were 48.1% and 72.38%, respectively. Under high tem- perature stress in summer, pepper No. 1, pepper No. 1-1, and late No. 1 showed extremely significant differences with early No. 1 (P〈0.01). The yield ratios of pep- per No. 1 and pepper No. 1-1 in stage 1st (May 25-July 15) and the later three stages were 42.34:57.66 and 39.50:60.50; the ratio was 47.99:52.21 of early No. 1; the ratio of late No. 1 was 20.25:79.75. [Conclusion] The cultivation approaches should vary upon pepper variety, necessitating the focus on pepper management, fertilization, and irrigation, and locating peak-blooming term in moderate-temperature stage to accelerate pepper growth. 展开更多
关键词 PEPPER CULTIVAR Culture High temperature Moderate temperature Stress YIELD
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