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作者 陈国中 陈坚波 《卫生职业教育》 2004年第13期122-122,共1页
笔者近年来跟从张昌禧老先生学习吸收了一些关于中药临床处方用名规律的宝贵经验,结合教学与临床诊治处方实践,深感将这些规律运用于中医药教学与临床中,对理解和正确使用纷繁复杂的临床中药处方名有着很大的帮助.这些中药处方用名规律... 笔者近年来跟从张昌禧老先生学习吸收了一些关于中药临床处方用名规律的宝贵经验,结合教学与临床诊治处方实践,深感将这些规律运用于中医药教学与临床中,对理解和正确使用纷繁复杂的临床中药处方名有着很大的帮助.这些中药处方用名规律总结归纳起来,常见有以下一些. 展开更多
关键词 中医临床 中药处方名 辨解
作者 江鎏渤 《重庆第二师范学院学报》 2019年第4期34-38,127,共6页
晚明郝敬所著《尚书辨解》对前人经说的辨订,主要从两个方面展开,即辨订《孔书》体例和前儒误说。郝敬据汉代《今文尚书》编排以辨订《孔书》体例,依照“古史官精神”分合篇目,对其篇目设置提出了质疑,且不满于《孔书》合注今古文,而采... 晚明郝敬所著《尚书辨解》对前人经说的辨订,主要从两个方面展开,即辨订《孔书》体例和前儒误说。郝敬据汉代《今文尚书》编排以辨订《孔书》体例,依照“古史官精神”分合篇目,对其篇目设置提出了质疑,且不满于《孔书》合注今古文,而采取分注今古文的编排方式。郝敬以经世为原则,对前说中有关名物制度、史实、义理等予以辨订。郝敬的这种解经特点,反映了晚明学界在经学研究思想、方法上的新动向,预示了明清之际学风的转变。 展开更多
关键词 郝敬 《尚书辨解 价值
作者 曹玟焕 《诸子学刊》 CSSCI 2018年第2期418-432,共15页
朝鮮儒家學者們通過理氣心性論來區分正學和異端,並以此批判異端,這當中包含着是否正確理解作爲'形而上者'的道和'本源上達處'。南塘韓元震爲《莊子》作注稱,這種標準適用於評判莊子思想,並把他的箋注稱作《莊子辨解》... 朝鮮儒家學者們通過理氣心性論來區分正學和異端,並以此批判異端,這當中包含着是否正確理解作爲'形而上者'的道和'本源上達處'。南塘韓元震爲《莊子》作注稱,這種標準適用於評判莊子思想,並把他的箋注稱作《莊子辨解》。韓元震把莊子思想規定爲'彌近理而大亂真'的具體内容,正符合於他對異端的認識。韓元震認爲《齊物論》中莊子把'一本萬殊'都看作是氣,即莊子所説的是'氣一分殊',而'氣一'中的'氣'就是莊子所説的虚無的道。與儒家所説的'理一分殊'相比,莊子則説'氣一分殊',那麽'理一分殊'與'氣一分殊'的根本差異就在於理和氣的差異。若要理解韓元震對莊子思想批判的核心,站在主張'理一分殊'的儒家立場來看,有必要考察以'虚無爲道,齊物爲宗旨'與'主張氣一分殊'的莊子思想中存在的問題。儒學和異端的不同在於——他們分别'把性和道當作什麽',以及怎麽認識理和氣中哪個是使役者、哪個是施令者。具體而言,儒學以理爲'性和道',異端以氣爲'性和道';儒學主張'以理御氣'和'氣聽命於理',而異端學主張'以氣役理'和'理反聽命於氣'。最後,韓元震通過把理和氣是當作'一物'還是'兩物'來展開對異端的考察。異端把理和氣看作一體,即'認氣爲理'。從這一點來看,老佛以來異端之説顯現的弊端,都是源於'認氣爲理'。'認氣爲理'和'認心爲性'是韓元震在《莊子辯解》中批判莊子思想的核心。在韓元震看來,莊子當作至道的混沌屬於前陽已滅餘下的'陰静',因此莊子雖然以混沌爲至道,但他不知道這個混沌並非儒家所説的形而上者的道,實際上他所説的道是'天地未辟'、'萬物未生之前'的'一陰之静',以此爲道實非真道。莊子的這種思維不僅不明白儒家所説的'陰陽無始'和'動静無端'的道理,也不理解'一陰一陽之謂道',他也不清楚陰陽和動静之上更有太極之道。 展开更多
关键词 韓元震 莊子辨解 彌近理而大亂 真認氣爲理 認心爲性 認氣爲道
贾谊《新书》之传世辨解 被引量:2
作者 鲁纳 《文献》 2000年第2期12-31,共20页
今本署名汉初政论家贾谊的《新书》或《贾子》一书,自宋以来屡受质疑,如宋朱熹语'贾谊新书除了《汉书》中所载,余亦难得粹者,看来只是贾谊一杂记稿耳。中间事事有些个。'贾谊及其政治学说对于我们理解形成于战国末至汉初的折衷... 今本署名汉初政论家贾谊的《新书》或《贾子》一书,自宋以来屡受质疑,如宋朱熹语'贾谊新书除了《汉书》中所载,余亦难得粹者,看来只是贾谊一杂记稿耳。中间事事有些个。'贾谊及其政治学说对于我们理解形成于战国末至汉初的折衷主义哲学至关重要。但由于《新书》的版本及内容至今尚无定论,而阻碍了对贾谊是否能作为汉初哲学代表的研究工作。通过对《新书》自身内在的和外在他方资料的分析。 展开更多
关键词 《新书》 贾谊 传世辨解
《左传》“寡君之以为戮”歧解辨 被引量:1
作者 陈若愚 《西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第1期82-85,90,共5页
关键词 《左传》 之以为戮 以之为戮 歧义
《周易》“元亨利贞”歧解辨正 被引量:2
作者 高尚榘 《齐鲁学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第3期14-17,共4页
“元亨利贞”四字,在《周易》卦爻辞中出现频率最高,然而易学界对这四个字的解释分歧也最大。明其义,一是应从文字学的角度考察,找准与《周易》所用的相关意义;一是应从卦爻辞用法上考察,锁定其在特定语境中的基本意义。“元”为“大”... “元亨利贞”四字,在《周易》卦爻辞中出现频率最高,然而易学界对这四个字的解释分歧也最大。明其义,一是应从文字学的角度考察,找准与《周易》所用的相关意义;一是应从卦爻辞用法上考察,锁定其在特定语境中的基本意义。“元”为“大”义,“亨”为“亨通”,“利”为“利于”,“贞”为“占卜”、“占问”。四字联用,“元亨”为句,“元”为副词,作“亨”的修饰语,表示“大通顺”、“很亨通”;“利贞”为句,“利”修饰“贞”,表示“利于占卜”。 展开更多
关键词 卦辞 爻辞 《周易》
作者 江鎏渤 《安顺学院学报》 2019年第5期47-54,共8页
郝敬通过分注今古文、考辨章法以及史实对《今文尚书》《古文尚书》《孔传》、大小《书序》展开辨伪。既而形成了三种辨伪思想,建构着他的经学体系。他反对宋儒对《伏书》的怀疑,认为《伏书》存圣人删述之旨。同时,他指出虞廷十六字辞... 郝敬通过分注今古文、考辨章法以及史实对《今文尚书》《古文尚书》《孔传》、大小《书序》展开辨伪。既而形成了三种辨伪思想,建构着他的经学体系。他反对宋儒对《伏书》的怀疑,认为《伏书》存圣人删述之旨。同时,他指出虞廷十六字辞精而旨浅,非往圣之心传,诸儒对此十六字过分拔高。受《书集传》的影响,郝敬大力排诋《书小序》,申述《书小序》无微言大义。郝敬之《尚书》学主要集中在辨伪这一议题,作为其经学体系的重要组成部分,反映了他复归孔孟之原的诉求,不仅是晚明经学之殿军,更为清代学术之先导。 展开更多
关键词 郝敬 《尚书辨解
作者 陈华伟 《喀什师范学院学报》 2002年第2期52-54,共3页
关键词 "悟" "" 英汉翻译 翻译原则 文化差异
作者 宋丹辉 《现代情报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期27-37,共11页
为计算复杂应用本体中非合法蕴含式集合的根本性冲突原因,首先对现有不一致诊断方法进行系统的梳理,然后结合应用本体及其需求特点,分析存在问题与不足,探讨将原本相互孤立的、分别应用在不同诊断工具中的反模式探测法、根辨解法、简洁... 为计算复杂应用本体中非合法蕴含式集合的根本性冲突原因,首先对现有不一致诊断方法进行系统的梳理,然后结合应用本体及其需求特点,分析存在问题与不足,探讨将原本相互孤立的、分别应用在不同诊断工具中的反模式探测法、根辨解法、简洁辨解法之核心算法进行组合、优化的思路与方法。在此基础上,提出一个综合性的启发式简洁根辨解诊断法,阐述其基本思路与具体步骤,并以相关论文中经常使用的实验本体为例,验证方法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 应用本体 不一致诊断 简洁辨解 辨解 反模式探测
肿瘤的食疗理论浅析 被引量:2
作者 杨柱 陈学习 《中国民族民间医药》 2002年第2期70-72,共3页
关键词 肿瘤 食疗 性味辨解 证配膳
Classification of Chinese Traditional Drug-"Beimu" (Bulbus Fritillariae) by Pyrolysis High Resolution Gas Chromatography-Pattern Recognition 被引量:2
作者 房杏春 李萍 +1 位作者 田琳 安登魁 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 1992年第2期65-72,共8页
The combination of pyrolysis high resolution gas chromatography and pat- tern recognition techniques is a powerful tool for the classification of traditional Chinese drug.A study has been completed on 55 Beimu samples... The combination of pyrolysis high resolution gas chromatography and pat- tern recognition techniques is a powerful tool for the classification of traditional Chinese drug.A study has been completed on 55 Beimu samples of five different geographic origins: Eastern China.Central China.South-western China,North-western China and North-eastern China.Principal component analysis and SIMCA are applied to effectively classifying the samples according to the origin of the plants.The chemical information contained in the high resolution gas chromatographic data is sufficient to characterize the geographic origin of sam- pies. 展开更多
关键词 Beimu FRITILLARIA Pyrolysis High Resolution Gas Chromatography Pattern Recognition
Overlapped peaks resolution for linear sweep polarography using Gaussian-like distribution 被引量:2
作者 朱红求 王国伟 +2 位作者 阳春华 曹宇 桂卫华 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第7期2181-2186,共6页
A resolution method based on Gaussian-like distribution for overlapped linear sweep polarographic peaks was proposed to simultaneously detect the polymetallic components, such as Zn(Ⅱ) and Co(Ⅱ), coexisting in t... A resolution method based on Gaussian-like distribution for overlapped linear sweep polarographic peaks was proposed to simultaneously detect the polymetallic components, such as Zn(Ⅱ) and Co(Ⅱ), coexisting in the leaching solution of zinc hydrometallurgy. A Gaussian-like distribution was constructed as the sub-model of overlapped peaks by analyzing the characteristics of linear sweep polarographic curve. Then, the abscissas of each peak and trough were pinpointed through multi-resolution wavelet decomposition, the curve and its derivative curves were fitted by using nonlinear weighted least squares (NWLS). Finally, overlapped peaks were resolved into independent sub-peaks based on fitted reconstruction parameters. The experimental results show that the relative error of half-wave potential pinpointed by multi-resolution wavelet decomposition is less than 1% and the accuracy of Ip fitted by NWLS is higher than 96%. The proposed resolution method is effective for overlapped linear sweep polarographic peaks of Zn(Ⅱ) and Co(Ⅱ). 展开更多
关键词 zinc hydrometallurgy Gaussian-like distribution overlapped peaks resolution multi-resolution wavelet decomposition nonlinear weighted least squares fitting
A method for absorption compensation based on adaptive molecular decomposition 被引量:1
作者 汪玲玲 高静怀 张明 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第1期74-87,100,共15页
In this paper,we present a new method for seismic stratigraphic absorption compensation based on the adaptive molecular decomposition.Using this method,we can remove most of the effects resulting from wavelets truncat... In this paper,we present a new method for seismic stratigraphic absorption compensation based on the adaptive molecular decomposition.Using this method,we can remove most of the effects resulting from wavelets truncation and interference which usually exist in the common time-frequency absorption compensation method.Based on the assumption that the amplitude spectrum of the source wavelet is smooth,we first construct a set of adaptive Gabor frames based on the time-variant properties of the seismic signal to transform the signal into the time-frequency domain and then extract the slowly varying component(the wavelet's time-varying amplitude spectrum) in each window in the timefrequency domain.Then we invert the absorption compensation filter parameters with an objective function defined using the correlation coefficients in each window to get the corresponding compensation filters.Finally,we use these filters to compensate the timefrequency spectrum in each window and then transform the time-frequency spectrum to the time domain to obtain the absorption-compensated signal.By using adaptive molecular decomposition,this method can adapt to isolated and overlapped seismic signals from the complex layers in the inhomogeneous viscoelastic medium.The viability of the method is verified by synthetic and real data sets. 展开更多
关键词 wadaptive molecular decomposition ABSORPTION COMPENSATION RESOLUTION
作者 江鎏渤 《保山学院学报》 2019年第4期103-108,共6页
郝敬近年来逐渐受到学界的关注,学者们针对其生平、著述、文学以及经学成就展开了广泛讨论,研究的成果也层出不穷,但仍存有较大的拓展空间;以其《尚书辨解》为例,无论是从明代《尚书》学研究资料的整理与成果总结的宏观考量,还是从探究... 郝敬近年来逐渐受到学界的关注,学者们针对其生平、著述、文学以及经学成就展开了广泛讨论,研究的成果也层出不穷,但仍存有较大的拓展空间;以其《尚书辨解》为例,无论是从明代《尚书》学研究资料的整理与成果总结的宏观考量,还是从探究郝敬个人的学术主张等微观考虑,都有着不可掩盖的学术价值,可以更加清晰地看出郝敬的学术思考与时代精神形成的双向互动。 展开更多
关键词 郝敬 文献综述 《尚书辨解
Application of sparse time-frequency decomposition to seismic data 被引量:3
作者 王雄文 王华忠 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第4期447-458,510,共13页
The Gabor and S transforms are frequently used in time-frequency decomposition methods. Constrained by the uncertainty principle, both transforms produce low-resolution time-frequency decomposition results in the time... The Gabor and S transforms are frequently used in time-frequency decomposition methods. Constrained by the uncertainty principle, both transforms produce low-resolution time-frequency decomposition results in the time and frequency domains. To improve the resolution of the time-frequency decomposition results, we use the instantaneous frequency distribution function(IFDF) to express the seismic signal. When the instantaneous frequencies of the nonstationary signal satisfy the requirements of the uncertainty principle, the support of IFDF is just the support of the amplitude ridges in the signal obtained using the short-time Fourier transform. Based on this feature, we propose a new iteration algorithm to achieve the sparse time-frequency decomposition of the signal. The iteration algorithm uses the support of the amplitude ridges of the residual signal obtained with the short-time Fourier transform to update the time-frequency components of the signal. The summation of the updated time-frequency components in each iteration is the result of the sparse timefrequency decomposition. Numerical examples show that the proposed method improves the resolution of the time-frequency decomposition results and the accuracy of the analysis of the nonstationary signal. We also use the proposed method to attenuate the ground roll of field seismic data with good results. 展开更多
关键词 Time-frequency analysis sparse time-frequency decomposition nonstationary signal RESOLUTION
A new identification method for five species of oysters in genus Crassostrea from China based on high-resolution melting analysis 被引量:7
作者 王家丰 许飞 +1 位作者 李莉 张国范 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第2期419-425,共7页
The high phenotypic plasticity in the shell of oysters presents a challenge during taxonomic and phylogenetie studies of these economically important bivalves. However, because DNA can exhibit marked differences among... The high phenotypic plasticity in the shell of oysters presents a challenge during taxonomic and phylogenetie studies of these economically important bivalves. However, because DNA can exhibit marked differences among morphologically similar species, DNA barcoding offers a potential means for oyster identification. We analyzed the complete sequences of the cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) of five common Crassostrea species in China (including Hong Kong oyster C. hongkongensis, Jinjiang oyster C. ariakensis, Portuguese oyster C. angulata, Kumamoto oyster C. sikamea, and Pacific oyster C. gigas) and screened for distinct fragments. Using these distinct fragments on a high-resolution melting analysis platform, we developed an identification method that does not rely on species-specific PCR or fragment length polymorphism and is efficient, reliable, and easy to visualize. Using a single pair of primers (Oyster- COI-1), we were able to successfully distinguish among the five oyster species. This new method provides a simple and powerful tool for the identification of oyster species. 展开更多
关键词 identification cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COl) CRASSOSTREA OYSTER high-resolution melting (HRM)
EMD Based Multi-scale Model for High Resolution Image Fusion 被引量:5
作者 WANG Jian ZHANG Jixian LIU Zhengjun 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2008年第1期31-37,共7页
High resolution image fusion is a significant focus in the field of image processing. A new image fusion model is presented based on the characteristic level of empirical mode decomposition (EMD). The intensity hue ... High resolution image fusion is a significant focus in the field of image processing. A new image fusion model is presented based on the characteristic level of empirical mode decomposition (EMD). The intensity hue saturation (IHS) transform of the multi-spectral image first gives the intensity image. Thereafter, the 2D EMD in terms of row-column extension of the 1D EMD model is used to decompose the detailed scale image and coarse scale image from the high-resolution band image and the intensity image. Finally, a fused intensity image is obtained by reconstruction with high frequency of the high-resolution image and low frequency of the intensity image and IHS inverse transform result in the fused image. After presenting the EMD principle, a multi-scale decomposition and reconstruction algorithm of 2D EMD is defined and a fusion technique scheme is advanced based on EMD. Panchromatic band and multi-spectral band 3,2,1 of Quickbird are used to assess the quality of the fusion algorithm. After selecting the appropriate intrinsic mode function (IMF) for the merger on the basis of EMD analysis on specific row (column) pixel gray value series, the fusion scheme gives a fused image, which is compared with generally used fusion algorithms (wavelet, IHS, Brovey). The objectives of image fusion include enhancing the visibility of the image and improving the spatial resolution and the spectral information of the original images. To assess quality of an image after fusion, information entropy and standard deviation are applied to assess spatial details of the fused images and correlation coefficient, bias index and warping degree for measuring distortion between the original image and fused image in terms of spectral information. For the proposed fusion algorithm, better results are obtained when EMD algorithm is used to perform the fusion experience. 展开更多
关键词 image fusion experimental model decomposition quantitatively evaluation
Photodissociation Dynamics of 2-1odotoluene Investigated by Femtosecond Time-Resolved Mass Spectrometry 被引量:1
作者 刘志明 王艳梅 +2 位作者 胡春龙 龙金友 张冰 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第1期53-58,I0001,共7页
The photodissociation dynamics of 2-iodotoluene following excitation at 266 nm have been investigated employing femtosecond time-resolved mass spectrometry. The photofragments are detected by multiphoton ionization us... The photodissociation dynamics of 2-iodotoluene following excitation at 266 nm have been investigated employing femtosecond time-resolved mass spectrometry. The photofragments are detected by multiphoton ionization using an intense laser field centered at 800 nm. A dissociation time of 3804-50 fs was measured from the rising time of the co-fragments of toluene radical (C7H7) and iodine atom (I), which is attributed to the averaged time needed for the C-I bond breaking for the simultaneously excited nσ and ππ* states by 266 nm pump light. In addition, a probe light centered at 298.23 nm corresponding to resonance wavelength of ground-state iodine atom is used to selectively ionize ground-state iodine atoms generated from the dissociation of initially populated hσ* and ππ* states. And a rise time of 4004-50 fs is extracted from the fitting of time-dependent I+ transient, which is in agreement with the dissociation time obtained by multiphoton ionization with 800 nm, suggesting that the main dissociative products are ground-state iodine atoms. 展开更多
关键词 resolved mass 2-1odotoluene PHOTODISSOCIATION Dissociation time Femtosecond timespectrometry
lp norm inverse spectral decomposition and its multi-sparsity fusion interpretation 被引量:2
作者 Li Sheng-Jun Wang Tie-Yi +3 位作者 Gao Jian-Hu Liu Bing-Yang Gui Jin-Yong Wang Hong-Qiu 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2021年第4期569-578,595,共11页
Spectral decomposition has been widely used in the detection and identifi cation of underground anomalous features(such as faults,river channels,and karst caves).However,the conventional spectral decomposition method ... Spectral decomposition has been widely used in the detection and identifi cation of underground anomalous features(such as faults,river channels,and karst caves).However,the conventional spectral decomposition method is restrained by the window function,and hence,it mostly has low time–frequency focusing and resolution,thereby hampering the fi ne interpretation of seismic targets.To solve this problem,we investigated the sparse inverse spectral decomposition constrained by the lp norm(0<p≤1).Using a numerical model,we demonstrated the higher time–frequency resolution of this method and its capability for improving the seismic interpretation for thin layers.Moreover,given the actual underground geology that can be often complex,we further propose a p-norm constrained inverse spectral attribute interpretation method based on multiresolution time–frequency feature fusion.By comprehensively analyzing the time–frequency spectrum results constrained by the diff erent p-norms,we can obtain more refined interpretation results than those obtained by the traditional strategy,which incorporates a single norm constraint.Finally,the proposed strategy was applied to the processing and interpretation of actual three-dimensional seismic data for a study area covering about 230 km^(2) in western China.The results reveal that the surface water system in this area is characterized by stepwise convergence from a higher position in the north(a buried hill)toward the south and by the development of faults.We thus demonstrated that the proposed method has huge application potential in seismic interpretation. 展开更多
关键词 Spectral decomposition lp norm multiresolution time–frequency feature fusion seismic interpretation fi ne interpretation
作者 YangFan PuZhaobang ZhaoYugang 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2004年第6期511-514,共4页
Based on the theory of fuzzy logic, the method of obfuscating coefficient and reliability to fuse the information of hand geometry and palm prints for identity discrimination is proposed. The experiment proves that th... Based on the theory of fuzzy logic, the method of obfuscating coefficient and reliability to fuse the information of hand geometry and palm prints for identity discrimination is proposed. The experiment proves that the method is useful and effective. Its identification rate is up to 90%, which is 20%-30% higher than that of using hand geometry or palm prints singly,thus it can be widely used in highly demanded security field, such as finance, entrance guard, etc. 展开更多
关键词 Fuzzy logic Weighted information fusion Identity discrimination
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