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爱的花瓣,开放在边卡哨所——读饶阶巴桑的诗 被引量:1
作者 扬帆 《中央民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1981年第1期89-92,共4页
一 饶阶巴桑是大家早已熟知的藏族诗人。从五十年代起,他就以自己的诗歌创作,不断为发展和繁荣藏族新文学而努力。二十多年来,他曾在全国各地报刊上发表了近三百首诗。这些诗象溅香润露的花朵,开放在祖国的边卡哨所。
关键词 诗歌创作 新文学 藏族 边卡 花朵 祖国 花瓣 战士 云南省 藏族民歌
作者 买玉华 《新疆地方志》 2017年第2期59-64,共6页
20世纪30年代末,新疆边陲小县蒲犁(今塔什库尔干塔吉克自治县)迎来了一位中共党员——胡鉴。胡鉴担任蒲犁边卡大队大队长一职期间,率部严厉打击英商的非法走私活动,破获几起英商偷运军火案件,搜集到英国驻喀什领事馆和英驻蒲犁代办处暗... 20世纪30年代末,新疆边陲小县蒲犁(今塔什库尔干塔吉克自治县)迎来了一位中共党员——胡鉴。胡鉴担任蒲犁边卡大队大队长一职期间,率部严厉打击英商的非法走私活动,破获几起英商偷运军火案件,搜集到英国驻喀什领事馆和英驻蒲犁代办处暗中煽动、策划驻喀什部队叛乱以及勾结麻木提、马虎山残部的证据,最终将英驻蒲犁代办处代办驱逐出境。同时,胡鉴率部巡查了整个蒲犁边境线,修建了若干哨卡,加强边境巡逻,巩固了边防。他还着手整顿军纪,通过民族平等、民族团结、官兵一致和爱国主义教育,使部队一改旧习,为保卫祖国新疆的南大门做出了应有的贡献。 展开更多
关键词 胡鉴 蒲犁 边卡大队
作者 张渝庆 高秋华 《北京测绘》 1999年第1期42-42,16,共2页
关键词 矿区地籍调查 界址边卡 等高线 宗地 面积
作者 罗力夫 张守明 《乐府新声(沈阳音乐学院学报)》 1983年第1期92-95,共4页
关键词 祖国 边卡 李仁 守卫 画面 气口 户口
SIM卡更胜U盘 手环式智能卡能存病历
《中国新技术新产品》 2005年第3期65-65,共1页
5月25日上午,第八届中国国际智能卡博览会在中国国际贸易中心开幕。此次展会上不但展示了智能卡发展前端的科学技术,还展现了智能卡在生活多方面的应用。智能卡门禁、智能卡考勤机、电子护照……智能卡使用的领域不断扩大人们的生活也... 5月25日上午,第八届中国国际智能卡博览会在中国国际贸易中心开幕。此次展会上不但展示了智能卡发展前端的科学技术,还展现了智能卡在生活多方面的应用。智能卡门禁、智能卡考勤机、电子护照……智能卡使用的领域不断扩大人们的生活也因智能卡变得便利和快捷。 展开更多
关键词 智能卡 工作人员 病历 手机 门禁 感应式 影像 三星电子 生活 边卡
作者 王伯麟 《民族音乐》 1997年第5期28-28,共1页
关键词 大青 联想 绿叶 树生长 五星红旗 边卡 遮荫 华盖 沃土 校舍
作者 高原 《小学时代》 2007年第6期34-35,共2页
在A城消磨了整整一个星期之后,迪克终于回到了小镇。虽然只有一个星期,可是对大嘴豆而言,小镇的风光似乎更美了。他忍不住深深地吸了口气,“久违了,我可爱的家!”提着简单的行李和大堆买给亲朋好友的礼物,迪克回到自己的事务所。本以为... 在A城消磨了整整一个星期之后,迪克终于回到了小镇。虽然只有一个星期,可是对大嘴豆而言,小镇的风光似乎更美了。他忍不住深深地吸了口气,“久违了,我可爱的家!”提着简单的行李和大堆买给亲朋好友的礼物,迪克回到自己的事务所。本以为能看到老搭档托尼那张日渐发福的脸庞上露出又惊又喜的表情,没想到,事务所竟空无一人,迪克不由小小地失落了一下。 展开更多
关键词 走私者 稻草 边卡 车站 电话 兴奋 神秘 青年男子 退休 晚餐
《中外医疗》 1998年第4期47-47,共页
关键词 化工 造粒塔 丰收 珍珠 团聚 象征 燃烧 边卡 云层 曲乐
作者 杨根明 《中国自行车》 2006年第6期53-54,共2页
关键词 新疆 风采 英雄边卡 红其拉甫
作者 南鑫 丁亚飞 《中国建材科技》 2019年第5期57-58,143,共3页
外墙保温装饰一体板系统是一种在连接安全性上粘锚并重的非承重构造,由装饰面板、保温材料、背衬板复合成型的板块成品,通过锚固件及胶粘材料固定在砌体及混凝土结构上,密封后继而起到节能、装饰作用的构造系统。本文就某商场外装饰具... 外墙保温装饰一体板系统是一种在连接安全性上粘锚并重的非承重构造,由装饰面板、保温材料、背衬板复合成型的板块成品,通过锚固件及胶粘材料固定在砌体及混凝土结构上,密封后继而起到节能、装饰作用的构造系统。本文就某商场外装饰具体施工案例介绍采取板边卡锚式保温装饰系统的具体工艺流程及要求。 展开更多
关键词 保温装饰一体板 边卡 工艺流程
L(s,t) edge spans of trees and product of two paths 被引量:1
作者 牛庆杰 林文松 宋增民 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第4期639-642,共4页
L( s, t)-labeling is a variation of graph coloring which is motivated by a special kind of the channel assignment problem. Let s and t be any two nonnegative integers. An L (s, t)-labeling of a graph G is an assig... L( s, t)-labeling is a variation of graph coloring which is motivated by a special kind of the channel assignment problem. Let s and t be any two nonnegative integers. An L (s, t)-labeling of a graph G is an assignment of integers to the vertices of G such that adjacent vertices receive integers which differ by at least s, and vertices that are at distance of two receive integers which differ by at least t. Given an L(s, t) -labeling f of a graph G, the L(s, t) edge span of f, βst ( G, f) = max { |f(u) -f(v)|: ( u, v) ∈ E(G) } is defined. The L( s, t) edge span of G, βst(G), is minβst(G,f), where the minimum runs over all L(s, t)-labelings f of G. Let T be any tree with a maximum degree of △≥2. It is proved that if 2s≥t≥0, then βst(T) =( [△/2 ] - 1)t +s; if 0≤2s 〈 t and △ is even, then βst(T) = [ (△ - 1) t/2 ] ; and if 0 ≤2s 〈 t and △ is odd, then βst(T) = (△ - 1) t/2 + s. Thus, the L(s, t) edge spans of the Cartesian product of two paths and of the square lattice are completely determined. 展开更多
关键词 L(s t) -labeling L(s t) edge span TREE Cartesian product square lattice
L( 1,2)-edge- labeling for necklaces 被引量:1
作者 贺丹 林文松 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2014年第4期550-554,共5页
For a graph G and two positive integers j and k an m-L j k -edge-labeling of G is an assignment from the set 0 1 … m-to the edges such that adjacent edges receive labels that differ by at least j and edges at distanc... For a graph G and two positive integers j and k an m-L j k -edge-labeling of G is an assignment from the set 0 1 … m-to the edges such that adjacent edges receive labels that differ by at least j and edges at distance two receive labels that differ by at least k.Theλ′j k-number of G denoted byλ′j k G is the minimum integer m overall m-L j k -edge-labeling of G.The necklace is a specific type of Halin graph.The L 1 2 -edge-labeling of necklaces is studied and the lower and upper bounds on λ′1 2-number for necklaces are given.Also both the lower and upper bounds are attainable. 展开更多
关键词 channel assignment L j k -edge-labeling Cartesian product Halin graph NECKLACE
Edge Plasma Profiles Measured by Fast Reciprocating Probes System on HL-2A Tokamak
作者 CHENG Jun YAN Longwen HONG Wenyu QIAN Jun 《Southwestern Institute of Physics Annual Report》 2005年第1期25-27,共3页
Fast reciprocating probe systems ( FRPS ) are widely used in some tokamaks, such as JT- 60 U, TEXT and DIlI-D. The parameters with high temporal-spatial resolution are measured for boundary plasmas using these syste... Fast reciprocating probe systems ( FRPS ) are widely used in some tokamaks, such as JT- 60 U, TEXT and DIlI-D. The parameters with high temporal-spatial resolution are measured for boundary plasmas using these systems. The FRPS on HL-2A is developed, which is composed of transmission bar, digital grating displacement system, electromagnetic valves, stepping motor and so on. The high-pressure gas from the electromagnetic valves controlled by trigger signals provides the power to drive the transmission bar forward or backward. Reciprocating distance is 8 cm with the maximum speed of 1.5 m·s^-1. 展开更多
关键词 Fast reciprocating probe system Edge profiles
Monte Carlo Simulation for Slope Stabilization Using Drilled Shafts
作者 Lin Li 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第11期1467-1472,共6页
A reliability based analysis method for a drilled shaft stabilized slope system is presented in this paper. The drilled shaft stabilization mechanisms for the slope were treated as the drilled shaft induced soil archi... A reliability based analysis method for a drilled shaft stabilized slope system is presented in this paper. The drilled shaft stabilization mechanisms for the slope were treated as the drilled shaft induced soil arching, which was quantified by the load transfer factor in the limited equilibrium analysis. However, due to the inherent uncertainties of the soil properties and the model error of the semi-empirical load transfer equation, an extension modification of the deterministic method into a probabilistic method is developed in this paper. The MCS (Monte Carlo simulation) with log-normal random variables has been employed to calculate the probability of failure (Pf) for the drilled shafts/slope system. The developed theories were coded into a computer program for analyzing complex slope geometry and slope profile conditions. Finally, a case study has been performed to illustrate the application analysis of the developed probability approach in drilled shafts/slope system. 展开更多
关键词 Monte Carlo drilled shafts slope stability arching.
Observations of Edge Plasma on HL-2A Tokamak
作者 HONG Wenyu YAN Longwen QIAN Jun WANG Xiangxing PAN Yudong LUO Cuiwen XU Zhengyu PAN Li LI Wei CUI Zhengying YAO Lianghua RAO Jun 《Southwestern Institute of Physics Annual Report》 2004年第1期33-35,共3页
The edge plasma characteristics are studied by a movable array of Mach/Reynolds stress/Langmuir 10-probes and fast reciprocating 4-probes in the boundary region. These probes can measure edge plasma temperature, densi... The edge plasma characteristics are studied by a movable array of Mach/Reynolds stress/Langmuir 10-probes and fast reciprocating 4-probes in the boundary region. These probes can measure edge plasma temperature, density, poloidal electric field, radial electric field, Reynolds stress, poloidal rotation velocities and their profiles obtained by changing the radial positions of the probe array in different discharges. Measurement resuits are used to analyze plasma confinement, turbulent fluctuations and their correlation. The fixed flush 3-probe arrays are mounted on the 4-divertor neutralization plates at the same toroidal cross-section in divertor chamber. These probes are used to measure the profiles of the electron temperature, density and float potential in divertor chamber. 展开更多
关键词 Fast-scanning probe Flush probe arrays
The Plasma Boundary in Low-Parameter Divertor Discharges on the HL-2A Tokamak
作者 LI Qiang MAO Suying LUO Cuiwen PAN Li ZHANG Jinhua YANG Qingwei SONG Xianming 《Southwestern Institute of Physics Annual Report》 2004年第1期81-84,共4页
Because the last closed flux-surface (LCFS) finally determines the shape of plasma cross-section, and the shaping of plasma is a key issue directly related with lots of the hot subjects of an advanced tokamak(AT) ... Because the last closed flux-surface (LCFS) finally determines the shape of plasma cross-section, and the shaping of plasma is a key issue directly related with lots of the hot subjects of an advanced tokamak(AT) and of a reactor, e. g., the control on the current density, equilibrium, scrapeoff layer(SOL), aspects of edge particle and energy, high plasma kinetic energy, and of course, the MHD instability suppression, the further studies on the LCFS related subjects, e. g., its determination, flux loss, etc., are still tokamak research. It equilibrium, poloidal needed for present is also important to get precise LCFS-related equilibrium or configuration properties for the controls on an AT and for the understandings on the underlying basic physical issues in a discharge. 展开更多
关键词 Low-parameter divertor Plasma boundary
Casimir Force on a Piston in Randall-Sundrum Models
作者 程红波 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第6期1125-1132,共8页
The Casimir effect of a piston for massless scalar fields which satisfy Dirichlet boundary conditions in the context of five-dimensional Randall- Sundrum models is studied. In these scenarios we derive and calculate t... The Casimir effect of a piston for massless scalar fields which satisfy Dirichlet boundary conditions in the context of five-dimensional Randall- Sundrum models is studied. In these scenarios we derive and calculate the expression for the Casimir force on the piston. We also discuss the Casimir force in the limit that one outer plate is moved to the remote place to show that the nature of the reduced force between the parallel plates left. In the Randall^undrum model involving two branes the two plates attract each other when they locate very closely, but the reduced Casimir force turns to be repulsive as the plates separation is not extremely tiny, which is against the experimental phenomena, meaning that the RSI model can not be acceptable. In the case of one brane model the shape of the reduced Casimir force is similar to that of the standard two-parallel-system in the four-dimensional fiat spacetimes while the sign of force remains negative. 展开更多
关键词 Casimir force Randall-Sundrum model
作者 徐振洲 《扬子江(诗刊)》 2006年第1期57-57,共1页
关键词 路霸 边卡 横流 货币 黄牌 钞票 穿透
《少儿科技》 2008年第Z1期89-89,75,共2页
关键词 走私者 走私物品 亨利 入境 边卡 车辆 检查站 职责 男子 时分
Ten years after Hurricane Katrina: monitoring recovery in New Orleans and the surrounding areas using remote sensing 被引量:2
作者 Xuecao Li Le Yu +2 位作者 Yidi Xu Jun Yang Peng Gong 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第18期1460-1470,共11页
Remote sensing data have been widely used in pre-hazard prevention/preparation, emergency response and post-hazard recovery monitoring. Hurricane Katrina caused serious damage to the environment, society and economy i... Remote sensing data have been widely used in pre-hazard prevention/preparation, emergency response and post-hazard recovery monitoring. Hurricane Katrina caused serious damage to the environment, society and economy in the southern United States in 2005. On the 10 th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, we monitored the recovery process in New Orleans and the surrounding area based on remote sensing. Results from multi-source remote sensing data indicated that the average vegetation conditions of the affected areas have not fully recovered compared with the pre-disaster conditions, especially in the hurricane's landfall area. Analysis from moderate resolution Landsat data showed that many civil engineering works have been undertaken in the city of New Orleans to prevent future disasters. Frequent observation using highresolution images recorded the progress of some of these civil construction projects(e.g. the 17 th Street Canal pumping station) in New Orleans. In this case study, we illustrated the capabilities of remote sensing techniques in recovery monitoring following a natural disaster. International/institutional cooperation is suggested to improve Earth observation capability in hazard monitoring. More Chinese Earth observation data are expected to be used in international monitoring. 展开更多
关键词 MODIS LANDSAT High-resolutionimages Change detection Natural hazard
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