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作者 袁建生 谢羲 邵汉光 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 1990年第2期10-24,共15页
利用泛函分析和广义正则方程得到一个统一算子方程,能够描述几乎一切物理学科的所有边值问题。例如电动力学、固体力学、流体力学、热力学等物理学科的边值问题。从该统一算子方程得到一个统一边界积分方程。对该积分方程进行离散得到... 利用泛函分析和广义正则方程得到一个统一算子方程,能够描述几乎一切物理学科的所有边值问题。例如电动力学、固体力学、流体力学、热力学等物理学科的边值问题。从该统一算子方程得到一个统一边界积分方程。对该积分方程进行离散得到一个统一边界元方程。统一边界积分方程和统一边界元方程能够代表几乎一切物理学科中所有边值问题的边界积分方程和边界元方程。统一方程理论是系统地研究边界元理论以及利用边界元分析各种物理系统的强有力工具,是开发数值计算专家系统不可缺少的理论基础。本文附录给出了电动力学、固体力学、流体力学和热力学中一些边值问题的详细实例,用以具体说明统一理论的广泛适用性。 展开更多
关键词 边界积分方程 边界元方程 电磁场
复杂地质构造的边界元-体积元波动方程数值模拟 被引量:9
作者 于更新 李东平 +1 位作者 符力耘 蒋韬 《石油地球物理勘探》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期107-111,共5页
针对多种复杂油气藏构造所呈现的分层、层内介质非均匀及分界面复杂等特点,本文推出一套高精度的基于边界元法的数值模拟算法。该方法将边界积分表达式与Lipmann-Schwinger积分方程相结合,在边界散射基础上考虑了非均匀介质的体散射影响... 针对多种复杂油气藏构造所呈现的分层、层内介质非均匀及分界面复杂等特点,本文推出一套高精度的基于边界元法的数值模拟算法。该方法将边界积分表达式与Lipmann-Schwinger积分方程相结合,在边界散射基础上考虑了非均匀介质的体散射影响,使之可适用于任意复杂构造的正演模型。采用变单元算法、改进的分块高斯消元法和无限元吸收边界等技术,提高了计算精度和计算效率。数值模拟试验结果证明了该方法的实用性和有效性。 展开更多
关键词 边界一体积积分方程 数值模拟 广义Lipmann-Schwinger积分方程 地震波传播 复杂介质
医用针状电极电流场边界元计算方法及纯水实验研究 被引量:6
作者 王安玲 王安轩 +3 位作者 刘福平 刘冬梅 张跃飞 张广秋 《中国生物医学工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期182-187,194,共7页
根据医用针状电极系上的电势,利用边界元积分方程建立以针状电极单位长度流入导电介质中的电流为未知量的离散方程,通过求解线性方程组计算针状电极上电流密度的不均匀分布。再由针状电极上的电流密度计算了导电介质中任意一点的场,实... 根据医用针状电极系上的电势,利用边界元积分方程建立以针状电极单位长度流入导电介质中的电流为未知量的离散方程,通过求解线性方程组计算针状电极上电流密度的不均匀分布。再由针状电极上的电流密度计算了导电介质中任意一点的场,实现针状电极电流场分布的数值计算。为检验方法的可靠性和准确度,通过实验测量纯水中两针状电极的电势分布,测量值与计算结果相吻合,表明边界元积分方程法能够较好地模拟针状电极的电流场,该方法可用于针状电极电流场分布的数值计算。 展开更多
关键词 针状电极 数值模拟 边界积分方程
平板电容器问题边界元法奇异性处理及正则化 被引量:1
作者 王珏 罗跃生 刘少刚 《哈尔滨工程大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期251-254,共4页
为了研究带有复杂边界条件的平板式电容传感器数学模型,针对利用边界元方法数值求解时所遇到的边界积分方程具有积分奇异性的问题,采用解析积分方法完全消除了边界积分的奇异性.同时在实际仿真过程中,依据正则化理论对病态线性代数方程... 为了研究带有复杂边界条件的平板式电容传感器数学模型,针对利用边界元方法数值求解时所遇到的边界积分方程具有积分奇异性的问题,采用解析积分方法完全消除了边界积分的奇异性.同时在实际仿真过程中,依据正则化理论对病态线性代数方程组进行处理,克服了其不适定性.使用平板电容器检测木材含水率问题的数值计算结果表明,奇异积分和病态矩阵的处理是正确有效的,该结果可应用于解决工程实际问题.文中所提出的方法可以方便地推广到类似的复杂边界问题的数值求解中去. 展开更多
关键词 边界积分方程 奇异性 解析积分法 正则化
作者 王海洋 《山西建筑》 2024年第4期90-93,共4页
基于环境振动给社会带来的恶劣影响,提出一种排桩隔振措施来降低振动污染,通过波散射的三维边界元方程以及单排桩被动隔振边界元方法,确定隔振排桩的排数以及各排的桩长、桩径与桩间净距,以获得最优隔振排桩布局与排桩规格,并达到规定... 基于环境振动给社会带来的恶劣影响,提出一种排桩隔振措施来降低振动污染,通过波散射的三维边界元方程以及单排桩被动隔振边界元方法,确定隔振排桩的排数以及各排的桩长、桩径与桩间净距,以获得最优隔振排桩布局与排桩规格,并达到规定的隔振效果,提高社会经济效益。 展开更多
关键词 排桩隔振 三维边界元方程 排桩布局及规格 隔振效果
倾斜多针状电极所形成电场的边界元数值计算方法 被引量:4
作者 刘福平 王安玲 +3 位作者 王安轩 曹跃祖 陈强 杨长春 《中国科学(G辑)》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期69-76,共8页
根据医用倾斜多针状电极系上的电势,利用边界元积分方程建立任意倾斜多针状电极电流密度(单位长度流入生物导电组织中的电流)离散方程,通过求解线性方程组计算了针状电极上的电流密度.由电极电流密度分布实现了生物组织中任意倾斜多针... 根据医用倾斜多针状电极系上的电势,利用边界元积分方程建立任意倾斜多针状电极电流密度(单位长度流入生物导电组织中的电流)离散方程,通过求解线性方程组计算了针状电极上的电流密度.由电极电流密度分布实现了生物组织中任意倾斜多针状电极电流所产生电场的数值计算.通过算例对计算速度和计算方法的稳定性进行考察,获得了较快的计算速度和稳定的计算结果.该方法对于解决医学上倾斜多针状电极所形成电场的计算问题具有重要的借鉴意义,对类似问题是一种快速、有效的计算方法. 展开更多
关键词 倾斜多针状电极 数值模拟 边界积分方程 生物组织 稳定性
双辉光放电静电场数值模拟及场分布边角效应分析 被引量:2
作者 刘福平 张跃飞 +3 位作者 付亚波 张广秋 陈强 高原 《计算物理》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期350-354,共5页
根据双辉光放电3个电极极板上的电势,利用边界元积分方程建立以面电荷密度为未知量的离散方程,通过求解线性方程组计算3个电极极板上面电荷的不均匀分布.由极板上的不均匀面电荷分布计算在真空状态下空间任意一点的电势和电场的空间分布... 根据双辉光放电3个电极极板上的电势,利用边界元积分方程建立以面电荷密度为未知量的离散方程,通过求解线性方程组计算3个电极极板上面电荷的不均匀分布.由极板上的不均匀面电荷分布计算在真空状态下空间任意一点的电势和电场的空间分布,利用数值解对真空状态下双辉光离子渗金属实验装置场分布边角效应进行了分析. 展开更多
关键词 双辉光放电 数值模拟 边角效应 边界积分方程
作者 马克馨 肖家润 《天津城市建设学院学报》 CAS 1996年第1期17-22,共6页
弹性地基板在实际工程中有着广泛的用途.本文用一种新的计算方法即边界元─线性互补方程来计算弹性地基上受均布荷载的板在板周围地基上的边载作用下的内力.文中建立了有边载作用时的刚阵和等效荷载向量.通过算例,得到了一些有益的... 弹性地基板在实际工程中有着广泛的用途.本文用一种新的计算方法即边界元─线性互补方程来计算弹性地基上受均布荷载的板在板周围地基上的边载作用下的内力.文中建立了有边载作用时的刚阵和等效荷载向量.通过算例,得到了一些有益的结论. 展开更多
关键词 弹性地基板 边界-线性互补方程 边载作用 荷载向量
Boundary Element Method with Non-overlapping Domain Decomposition for Diffusion Equation
作者 祝家麟 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2002年第1期47-52,共6页
A boundary element method based on non-overlapping domain decomposition method to solve the time-dependent diffusion equations is presented. The time-dependent fundamental solution is used in the formulation of bounda... A boundary element method based on non-overlapping domain decomposition method to solve the time-dependent diffusion equations is presented. The time-dependent fundamental solution is used in the formulation of boundary integrals and the time integration process always restarts from the initial time condition. The process of replacing the interface values, which needs a summation of boundary integrals related to the boundary values at previous time steps can be treated in parallel iterative procedure. Numerical experiments demonstrate that the implementation of the present algorithm is efficient. 展开更多
关键词 Diffusion equation Non-overlapping domain decomposition Boundary element
Multi-domain Boundary Element Method with Dissipation
作者 Xiaobo Chen (12) xiao-bo.chen@bureauveritas.com Wenyang Duan (3) 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2012年第1期18-23,共6页
The wave diffraction and radiation around a floating body is considered within the framework of the linear potential theory in a fairly perfect fluid. The fluid domain extended infinitely in the horizontal directions ... The wave diffraction and radiation around a floating body is considered within the framework of the linear potential theory in a fairly perfect fluid. The fluid domain extended infinitely in the horizontal directions but is limited by the sea bed, the body hull, and the part of the free surface excluding the body waterplane, and is subdivided into two subdomains according to the body geometry. The two subdomains are connected by a control surface in fluid. In each subdomain, the velocity potential is described by using the usual boundary integral representation involving Green functions. The boundary integral equations are then established by satisfying the boundary conditions and the continuous condition of the potential and the normal derivation across the control surface. This multi-domain boundary element method (MDBEM) is particularly interesting for bodies with a hull form including moonpools to which the usual BEM presents singularities and slow convergence of numerical results. The application of the MDBEM to study the resonant motion of a water column in moonpools shows that the MDBEM provides an efficient and reliable prediction method. 展开更多
关键词 multi-domain boundary element method (MDBEM) fairly perfect fluid moonpool resonance DISSIPATION
Concept Design of a New Deep Draft Platform
作者 李彬彬 欧进萍 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2010年第3期241-249,共9页
The authors analyzed requirements for a new deepwater platform, from conceptual design to hydrodynamic analysis.The design incorporated Deep Draft Multi-Spar (DDMS) that allowed easy fabrication, reduced costs, and pr... The authors analyzed requirements for a new deepwater platform, from conceptual design to hydrodynamic analysis.The design incorporated Deep Draft Multi-Spar (DDMS) that allowed easy fabrication, reduced costs, and provided favorable motion performance.It also provided a dry tree system and other benefits.The conceptual design process included dimension estimation, general arrangements, weight estimation, weight distribution, stability analysis, etc.A high order boundary element method based on potential theory and the modified Morison equation was used to predict the hydrodynamic and viscous effects of this new concept platform.The response amplitude operators (RAOs) were acquired and compared with those of a typical Truss Spar.The response of the platform to the JONSWAP spectra of 3 different extreme ocean conditions was analyzed to evaluate the seakeeping ability of the new concept.The results revealed favorable motion performance due to all the degrees of freedom available. 展开更多
关键词 Spar potential theory Morison equation deepwater platform mooring line heave plate
Novel boundary element method for resolving plate bending problems
作者 焦磊 陈颂英 王乐勤 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 EI CSCD 2003年第5期584-590,共7页
This paper discusses the application of the boundary contour method fo r resolving plate bending problems. The exploitation of the integrand divergence free property of the plate bending boundary integral equation bas... This paper discusses the application of the boundary contour method fo r resolving plate bending problems. The exploitation of the integrand divergence free property of the plate bending boundary integral equation based on the Kirc hhoff hypothesis and a very useful application of Stokes' Theorem are presented to convert surface integrals on boundary elements to the computation of bending potential functions on the discretized boundary points,even for curved surface elements of arbitrary shape. Singularity and treatment of the discontinued corne r point are not needed at all. The evaluation of the physics variant at internal points is also shown in this article. Numerical results are presented for some plate bending problems and compared against analytical and previous solutions. 展开更多
关键词 Boundary contour method Plate bending Boundary element meth od
作者 赵瑞斌 徐亚敏 《天津城建大学学报》 2019年第3期168-175,共8页
地震观测数据已证实,沉积河谷对地震动具有扰动效应,而理论研究中河谷的地震反应规律有待量化分析.为此,针对二维沉积河谷平面应变模型,应用解析解中边界元法-间接高精度积分方程法,对半空间中河谷地震响应进行分析和模拟.计算大量参数... 地震观测数据已证实,沉积河谷对地震动具有扰动效应,而理论研究中河谷的地震反应规律有待量化分析.为此,针对二维沉积河谷平面应变模型,应用解析解中边界元法-间接高精度积分方程法,对半空间中河谷地震响应进行分析和模拟.计算大量参数结果表明:河谷位移的影响规律依赖于沉积介质的自身特性和入射波的角度、波形及频率;低频时,土层深度对河谷内土体位移影响较小,高频时,无量纲频率2.0以上影响较显著;地震动对河谷中心处位移扰动较大,向两侧则趋于平缓. 展开更多
关键词 沉积河谷 边界-积分方程耦合法 地震动响应 扰动效应 沉积域散射
Natural Boundary Element Method for ParabolicEquations in an Unbounded Domain 被引量:1
作者 朱昌杰 杜其奎 《Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第2期177-188,共12页
In this paper we introduce an implementation for the efficient numericalsolution of exterior initial boundary value problem for parabolic equation. The problemis reformulated as an equivalent one on a boundary T using... In this paper we introduce an implementation for the efficient numericalsolution of exterior initial boundary value problem for parabolic equation. The problemis reformulated as an equivalent one on a boundary T using natural boundary reduction.The governing equation is first discretized in time, leading to a time-stepping scheme,where an exterior elliptic problem has to be solved in each time step. By Fourier ex-pansion, we derive a natural integral equation of the elliptic problem related to timestep and Poisson integral integral formula over exterior circular domain. Finite elementdiscretization of the natural integral equation is employed to solve this problem. Thecomputational aspects of this method are discussed. Numerical results are presented toillustrate feasibility and efficiency of our method. 展开更多
关键词 parabolic problem natural boundary reduction exterior problem numer-ical implementation finite element.
Fast multipole accelerated boundary element method for the Helmholtz equation in acoustic scattering problems 被引量:2
作者 LI ShanDe GAO GuiBing +2 位作者 HUANG QiBai LIU WeiQi CHEN Jun 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第8期1405-1410,共6页
We apply the fast multipole method (FMM) accelerated boundary element method (BEM) for the three-dimensional (3D) Helmholtz equation, and as a result, large-scale acoustic scattering problems involving 400000 elements... We apply the fast multipole method (FMM) accelerated boundary element method (BEM) for the three-dimensional (3D) Helmholtz equation, and as a result, large-scale acoustic scattering problems involving 400000 elements are solved efficiently. This is an extension of the fast multipole BEM for two-dimensional (2D) acoustic problems developed by authors recently. Some new improvements are obtained. In this new technique, the improved Burton-Miller formulation is employed to over-come non-uniqueness difficulties in the conventional BEM for exterior acoustic problems. The computational efficiency is further improved by adopting the FMM and the block diagonal preconditioner used in the generalized minimum residual method (GMRES) iterative solver to solve the system matrix equation. Numerical results clearly demonstrate the complete reliability and efficiency of the proposed algorithm. It is potentially useful for solving large-scale engineering acoustic scattering problems. 展开更多
关键词 fast multipole method boundary element method Helmholtz equation acoustic scattering problems.
Some progress in spectral methods Dedicated to Professor Shi Zhong-Ci on the Occasion of his 80th Birthday 被引量:3
作者 GUO BenYu 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE 2013年第12期2411-2438,共28页
In this paper, we review some results on the spectral methods. We first consider the Jacobi spectral method and the generalized Jacobi spectral method for various problems, including degenerated and singular different... In this paper, we review some results on the spectral methods. We first consider the Jacobi spectral method and the generalized Jacobi spectral method for various problems, including degenerated and singular differential equations. Then we present the generalized Jacobi quasi-orthogonal approximation and its applica- tions to the spectral element methods for high order problems with mixed inhomogeneous boundary conditions. We also discuss the related spectral methods for non-rectangular domains and the irrational spectral methods for unbounded domains. Next, we consider the Hermite spectral method and the generalized Hermite spec- tral method with their applications. Finally, we consider the Laguerre spectral method and the generalized Laguerre spectral method for many problems defined on unbounded domains. We also present the generalized Laguerre quasi-orthogonal approximation and its applications to certain problems of non-standard type and exterior problems. 展开更多
关键词 JACOBI Hermite and Laguerre spectral approximations Jacobi and Laguerre quasi-orthogonalapproximations spectral and spectral element methods degenerated and singular problems problems on non-rectangular and unbounded domains problems of non-standard type exterior problems
The Rain on Underground Porous Media Part Ⅰ:Analysis of a Richards Model
作者 Christine BERNARDI Adel BLOUZA Linda EL ALAOUI 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第2期193-212,共20页
The Richards equation models the water flow in a partially saturated underground porous medium under the surface.When it rains on the surface,boundary conditions of Signorini type must be considered on this part of th... The Richards equation models the water flow in a partially saturated underground porous medium under the surface.When it rains on the surface,boundary conditions of Signorini type must be considered on this part of the boundary.The authors first study this problem which results into a variational inequality and then propose a discretization by an implicit Euler's scheme in time and finite elements in space.The convergence of this discretization leads to the well-posedness of the problem. 展开更多
关键词 Richards equation Porous media Euler's implicit scheme Finite element discretization Parabolic variational inequality
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