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民勤干旱区冬季浓雾形成的边界层条件分析 被引量:5
作者 曾婷 李岩瑛 +1 位作者 张强 李军 《气象》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第8期936-942,共7页
利用民勤县气象站过程地面小时观测资料、逐日08时和20时每隔50 m探空资料和NECP再分析资料,对2015年11月9—13日出现在干旱区民勤县的一次罕见浓雾天气过程进行了研究分析。结果表明:前期降水后地面相对湿度增大,为大雾形成提供了必要... 利用民勤县气象站过程地面小时观测资料、逐日08时和20时每隔50 m探空资料和NECP再分析资料,对2015年11月9—13日出现在干旱区民勤县的一次罕见浓雾天气过程进行了研究分析。结果表明:前期降水后地面相对湿度增大,为大雾形成提供了必要的水汽条件,稳定的高低层环流配置提供了大雾形成的稳定层结和弱风条件。雾层的厚度和强度与近地面逆温层的强度和厚度、边界层高度、水汽垂直运动以及夜间地气温差绝对值密切相关,边界层高度越高,逆温层越厚,雾层越厚;逆温层越强,夜间地气温差绝对值越小,雾层越强。高空环流形势稳定少动,近地层强逆温层、稳定等温层以及饱和湿层长时间维持,导致此次大雾强度和持续时间异常罕见。 展开更多
关键词 冬季浓雾 近地面边界层条件 成因分析 民勤干旱区
重庆主城区边界层气象条件对PM_(10)质量浓度影响分析 被引量:9
作者 周国兵 王式功 《西南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第11期101-108,共8页
对雾天、晴天和阴天3种不同天气背景下边界层气象条件对PM10质量浓度影响进行了分析,结果表明:夜间到早上,由于3种天气均出现有逆温且高低空风速较小,PM10向高空扩散能力弱,在污染源排放明显减弱的情况下PM10质量浓度呈现自然下降态势,... 对雾天、晴天和阴天3种不同天气背景下边界层气象条件对PM10质量浓度影响进行了分析,结果表明:夜间到早上,由于3种天气均出现有逆温且高低空风速较小,PM10向高空扩散能力弱,在污染源排放明显减弱的情况下PM10质量浓度呈现自然下降态势,雾天由于相对湿度大,水汽的吸附作用,PM10质量浓度下降速度比晴天和阴天快;上午,阴天升温不及雾天和晴天快且高低空风速也比较小,导致PM10质量浓度上升速度比雾天和晴天快;午后,由于晴天增温快,温度高,高低空风速大,PM10质量浓度下降速度快,雾天温度增速不及晴天且地面风速变化不大,PM10质量浓度下降速度要低于晴天,阴天增温速度明显比晴天和雾天慢,高低空风速较小,PM10质量浓度降低速度慢,相对质量浓度高. 展开更多
关键词 边界层气象条件 PM10 日变化 影响分析
持续性霾天气与大气边界层气象条件的关系分析 被引量:3
作者 杨雪艳 杜倩 +1 位作者 慕秀香 张梦远 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2015年第3期240-243,共4页
利用地面气象观测资料以及气象探空资料,从环流形势特点、边界层风速、逆温强度、湿度垂直分布特征、混合层高度、通风系数等方面分析了2013年1月11-17日长春市持续霾天气的气象条件。结果发现,此次霾天气发生在高空不断有弱槽扰动、冷... 利用地面气象观测资料以及气象探空资料,从环流形势特点、边界层风速、逆温强度、湿度垂直分布特征、混合层高度、通风系数等方面分析了2013年1月11-17日长春市持续霾天气的气象条件。结果发现,此次霾天气发生在高空不断有弱槽扰动、冷空气总体较弱的天气背景下,大气边界层逆温强、风速偏小、湿度大、混合层高度持续〈800 m、边界层通风系数持续〈3 000 m^2/s,致使大气水平扩散能力和垂直交换能力弱,引发了此次持续霾天气。 展开更多
关键词 边界层气象条件 逆温强度 混合层高度 通风系数
边界条件对有限长正方形棱柱气动力的影响 被引量:3
作者 王汉封 杨帆 邹超 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期39-46,共8页
通过风洞实验研究了均匀流与湍流边界层中一端固定于壁面、另一端为自由端的有限长正方形棱柱气动力特性。实验模型宽度d=200 mm,高宽比H/d=5。基于自由流风速U_∞与d的雷诺数Re_d=0.68×10~5~5.47×10~5。研究发现,均匀流与湍... 通过风洞实验研究了均匀流与湍流边界层中一端固定于壁面、另一端为自由端的有限长正方形棱柱气动力特性。实验模型宽度d=200 mm,高宽比H/d=5。基于自由流风速U_∞与d的雷诺数Re_d=0.68×10~5~5.47×10~5。研究发现,均匀流与湍流边界内有限长正方形柱气动力均不存在明显的雷诺数效应。棱柱局部时均阻力系数C_D、脉动阻力系数C'_D和脉动升力系数C'_L沿展向存在明显差异。湍流边界层会增大C'_D与C'_L。且均匀流中脉动风压与气动力的双稳态现象在湍流边界层内基本消失。经POD分析,确定了对称与反对称等两种典型风压分布状态对脉动风压的贡献率。均匀流中,柱体两端附近风压脉动由对称或准对称风压分布所控制;而柱体中部则由反对称风压分布控制。湍流边界层中所有高度风压脉动均由反对称风压分布控制。两种边界条件下,仅反对称形态的POD模态具有明显周期性并对柱体气动力周期性起支配作用。尽管对称风压POD模态在某些位置占支配地位,但其无明显周期性。 展开更多
关键词 有限长棱柱 气动力 边界层条件 双稳态 POD
乌鲁木齐冬季焚风天气过程大气扩散条件特征分析 被引量:7
作者 赵克明 李娜 +5 位作者 李霞 孙鸣婧 施俊杰 安大维 蒲洁 郑博华 《干旱区地理》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第6期1534-1544,共11页
利用逐时地面气象数据、探空秒级数据及风廓线雷达数据分析了2013—2017年乌鲁木齐低空焚风演变时边界层和近地层气象扩散条件的变化特征。结果表明:(1)乌鲁木齐大气扩散条件总体呈现夏季最有利,冬季最差(最大混合层厚度0.44×10^(3... 利用逐时地面气象数据、探空秒级数据及风廓线雷达数据分析了2013—2017年乌鲁木齐低空焚风演变时边界层和近地层气象扩散条件的变化特征。结果表明:(1)乌鲁木齐大气扩散条件总体呈现夏季最有利,冬季最差(最大混合层厚度0.44×10^(3) m、通风系数1.52×10^(3)m^(2)·s^(-1)、逆温层厚度768 m、逆温层温差4.82℃、静稳指数6.36),且冬季12月与1月极不利于污染物扩散。(2)冬季低空焚风演变的5个阶段,大气混合层厚度、通风系数呈减小—增大特征,焚风强盛期混合层厚度最低(0.30×10^(3) m)、通风系数最小(0.62×10^(3)m^(2)·s^(-1));逆温层厚度及强度、静稳指数变化趋势为增大—减小特征,强盛期逆温最强(10.9℃)、逆温层厚度(0.99×10^(3) m)、静稳指数最大(9.7)。(3)低空焚风过程的发展期和强盛期各站气压减小,高海拔站点气温升高、风速增大,焚风层以下低海拔区域气温降低、风速减小,说明焚风使得焚风层以下区域的大气更加稳定,不利于污染物扩散。(4)总体上焚风致使水平扩散能力和垂直交换能力减弱,大气易凝结,结束后扩散条件重建。业务中可利用焚风发展趋势预判边界层扩散条件及地面气象要素的演变,为乌鲁木齐城市群空气污染预报和污染治理提供参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 低空焚风 边界层扩散条件 气象要素 乌鲁木齐
2013年1月持续性霾天气中影响污染程度的气象条件分析 被引量:21
作者 张蓬勃 金琼 +2 位作者 陆晓波 李聪 姜玥宏 《气象科学》 北大核心 2016年第1期112-120,共9页
利用南京本站气象观测记录、环保局监测数据以及NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,分析2013年1月持续性污染天气过程的大气环流背景,并结合南京地区探空资料、风廓线雷达资料以及激光雷达资料,分析这次持续性污染过程中空气质量属良好、轻度污染、... 利用南京本站气象观测记录、环保局监测数据以及NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,分析2013年1月持续性污染天气过程的大气环流背景,并结合南京地区探空资料、风廓线雷达资料以及激光雷达资料,分析这次持续性污染过程中空气质量属良好、轻度污染、中度污染、重度污染典型个例的大气垂直特征和边界层内气象条件的差异。得到如下结论:2013年1月份北方冷空气活动较弱,南京地区大气层结稳定,近地层风速小,污染物气象扩散条件差。加之近地层以弱偏东风为主,水汽较多,有利于污染物颗粒直径增大。大气垂直结构以及边界层内水平风速均对大气污染程度起到一定影响。AQI与逆温层高度存在显著负相关关系;大气污染时,1 000 m以下出现逆温结构,且逆温层越低、越厚,污染程度越大;重度污染时,近地层出现贴地逆温层,厚度为700m左右。逆温层高度下降,PM_(10)颗粒物高浓度区高度也明显下降,近地层污染物浓度对垂直方向上污染物浓度正响应的高度降低。在空气质量良好时,150~1 500m存在风速大值区,且风无空,湍流作用明显,有利于污染物和周围的洁净空气相混合而得到稀释,加速污染物的垂直扩散进程。当中度污染日和典型重度污染日时,150~1 500 m之间并不存在大风速区。此外,PM_(10)的300μg·m^(-3)高浓度垂直高度延伸至300 m附近时,近地层PM_(2.5)明显上升至100μg·m^(-3)以上,高浓度区数值越大,近地层PM_(2.5)越大。 展开更多
关键词 空气质量指数 大气垂直结构 边界层气象条件
作者 王术 辛周平 《中国科学:数学》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第10期1303-1326,共24页
本文研究通常的Dirichlet物理边界条件下带有小而变化的黏性和磁扩散系数的不可压磁流体(MHD)方程组的初边值的极限问题;发现了一类非平凡的初值,对于这类初值能建立其Prandtl型边界层的一致稳定性,并且严格证明了理想的MHD方程组的解和... 本文研究通常的Dirichlet物理边界条件下带有小而变化的黏性和磁扩散系数的不可压磁流体(MHD)方程组的初边值的极限问题;发现了一类非平凡的初值,对于这类初值能建立其Prandtl型边界层的一致稳定性,并且严格证明了理想的MHD方程组的解和Pandtl型边界层矫正子的叠加是黏性扩散不可压MHD方程的解的一致逼近.这里的主要困难是处理和控制由耗散的MHD系统和理想MHD系统边界条件差异产生的Prandtl型的奇异边界层.关键的观察是对于本文研究的初值,其解的速度场和磁场的边界层的主要奇异项存在有抵消现象.这使得我们能基于精细的能量方法来使用这个特殊结构带来的好处,从而克服在研究这类问题中通常不能解决的困难.此外,在黏性系数为固定的正常数情形,对于一般初值,也能建立磁场的扩散边界层的稳定性以及零磁扩散极限中解的一致收敛性. 展开更多
关键词 不可压的黏性扩散MHD方程 理想的不可压MHD方程 Dirichlet边界条件下的边界层问题
基于多源数据的四川盆地大气污染过程的气溶胶演变特征分析 被引量:1
作者 李晓敏 王晨曦 +2 位作者 晏惠芬 王一文 耿蔚 《四川环境》 2023年第2期92-100,共9页
为了研究H8卫星AOD数据表征四川盆地的颗粒物浓度可靠性,并在此基础上探究大气污染过程的AOD分布规律和原因,为秋冬季的大气污染防控提供支撑。研究基于包括葵花-8(Himawari-8,H-8)卫星气溶胶光学厚度(Aerosol Optical Depth, AOD)产品... 为了研究H8卫星AOD数据表征四川盆地的颗粒物浓度可靠性,并在此基础上探究大气污染过程的AOD分布规律和原因,为秋冬季的大气污染防控提供支撑。研究基于包括葵花-8(Himawari-8,H-8)卫星气溶胶光学厚度(Aerosol Optical Depth, AOD)产品结合探空数据、环保国控站点的污染浓度的多源数据,利用归一化和相关性分析等方法,对2021年2月1~6日四川盆地典型大气污染过程的污染物进行时空分布特征及其气象条件和边界层特征分析,结果表明:(1)该过程的AOD与首要污染物PM_(2.5)时空演变规律基本一致,相关性达0.9139,呈现2月1~4日盆地区域内污染增强而2月5~6日减弱的趋势。(2)污染过程期间为静稳天气形势,盆地位于地面高压前部;后期受高空槽过境影响,污染逐步消散。(3)气象条件分析中,温度、风速与AOD呈现负相关;而相对湿度为正相关。并且温江、达州、宜宾探空站显示边界层条件基本为静风或小风天气,并多次出现逆温。研究结果表明AOD对主要污染物具有较好指示作用,并且为我省打赢蓝天保卫战、走绿色发展之路提供科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 四川盆地 气溶胶 葵花-8 气象条件边界层特征
MWI in Cylindrical Coordinates and Its Application
作者 谢袁春 高本庆 邓次平 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2000年第2期176-182,共7页
Based on FDTD difference expressions and eigenfunctions of Maxwell functions in cylindrical coordinates, mesh wave impedances (MWIs) in 2D and 3D cylindrical coordinates were introduced. Combined with the concept of p... Based on FDTD difference expressions and eigenfunctions of Maxwell functions in cylindrical coordinates, mesh wave impedances (MWIs) in 2D and 3D cylindrical coordinates were introduced. Combined with the concept of perfectly matched layer (PML), MWI PML absorbing boundary condition (ABC) algorithm was deduced in 2D cylindrical coordinates. Numerical experiments were done to investigate the validity of MWI and its application in cylindrical coordinates FDTD algorithm. The results showed that MWI in cylindrical coordinates can be used to accurately calculate the numerical reflection error caused by different mesh increments in non uniform FDTD. MWI can also provide theoretical criterion to define the permitted variable range of mesh dimension. MWI PML ABC is easy to be applied and reduces low numerical reflection, which only causes a little higher reflection error compared with Teixeira's PML. 展开更多
关键词 mesh wave impedance cylindrical coordinates finite-difference time-domain perfectly matched layer absorbing boundary condition
Dynamic responses of a multilayer piezoelectric hollow cylinder under electric potential excitation 被引量:3
作者 王惠明 陈云敏 丁皓江 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第9期933-937,共5页
The dynamic responses of a multilayer piezoelectric infinite hollow cylinder under electric potential excitation were obtained. The method of superposition was used to divide the solution into two parts, the part sati... The dynamic responses of a multilayer piezoelectric infinite hollow cylinder under electric potential excitation were obtained. The method of superposition was used to divide the solution into two parts, the part satisfying the mechanical boundary conditions and continuity conditions was first obtained by solving a system of linear equations; the other part was obtained by the separation of variables method. The present method is suitable for a multilayer piezoelectric infinite hollow cylinder consisting of arbitrary layers and subjected to arbitrary axisymmetric electric excitation. Dynamic responses of stress and electric potential are finally presented and analyzed. 展开更多
关键词 AXISYMMETRIC Dynamic response MULTILAYER Hollow cylinder PIEZOELECTRIC
Analytical Solutions to the Fundamental Frequency of Arbitrary Laminated Plates under Various Boundary Conditions 被引量:1
作者 Yingqin Luo Ming Hong Yuan Liu 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 CSCD 2015年第1期46-52,共7页
In recent years, as the composite laminated plates are widely used in engineering practice such as aerospace, marine and building engineering, the vibration problem of the composite laminated plates is becoming more a... In recent years, as the composite laminated plates are widely used in engineering practice such as aerospace, marine and building engineering, the vibration problem of the composite laminated plates is becoming more and more important. Frequency, especially the fundamental frequency, has been considered as an important factor in vibration problem. In this paper, a calculation method of the fundamental frequency of arbitrary laminated plates under various boundary conditions is proposed. The vibration differential equation of the laminated plates is established at the beginning of this paper and the frequency formulae of specialty orthotropic laminated plates under various boundary conditions and antisymmetric angle-ply laminated plates with simply-supported edges are investigated. They are proved to be correct. Simple algorithm of the fundamental frequency for multilayer antisymmetric and arbitrary laminated plates under various boundary conditions is studied by a series of typical examples. From the perspective of coupling, when the number of laminated plates layers N〉8-10, some coupling influence on the fundamental frequency can be neglected. It is reasonable to use specialty orthotropic laminated plates with the same thickness but less layers to calculate the corresponding fundamental frequency of laminated plates. Several examples are conducted to prove correctness of this conclusion. At the end of this paper, the influence of the selected number of layers of specialty orthotropic laminates on the fundamental frequency is investigated. The accuracy and complexity are determined by the number of layers. It is necessary to use proper number of layers of special orthotropic laminates with the same thickness to simulate the fundamental frequency in different boundary conditions. 展开更多
关键词 laminated plates arbitrary orientation analytical solutions fundamental frequency boundary conditions
Elimination of boundary effect for laminated overburden model in pillar stability analysis 被引量:2
作者 张鹏 K. A. Heasley 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第6期1468-1473,共6页
The laminated overburden model(La Model)has been widely used for pillar design and stability analysis.As a boundary element program,the La Model program is sensitive to the boundary condition,which should be considere... The laminated overburden model(La Model)has been widely used for pillar design and stability analysis.As a boundary element program,the La Model program is sensitive to the boundary condition,which should be considered before creating the model.To eliminate the boundary effect in a La Model pillar stability analysis,a suitable boundary buffer zone is needed around the model edge.The radius of influence(R)and the abutment load extent(D)are two major factors that affect the stresses and displacements calculated in LaM odel.To determine the optimum buffer zone extent,a database of case histories was analyzed using the La Model program.Values for R and D were varied until a buffer zone having negligible influence on the pillar stability factor(SF)of the active mining zone(AMZ)was determined. 展开更多
关键词 pillar stability boundary effect LaModel numerical simulation room-and-pillar
Construction of Wave-free Potentials and Multipoles in a Two-layer Fluid Having Free-surface Boundary Condition with Higher-order Derivatives 被引量:1
作者 Dilip Das 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 CSCD 2015年第3期270-282,共13页
There is a large class of problems in the field of fluid structure interaction where higher-order boundary conditions arise for a second-order partial differential equation. Various methods are being used to tackle th... There is a large class of problems in the field of fluid structure interaction where higher-order boundary conditions arise for a second-order partial differential equation. Various methods are being used to tackle these kind of mixed boundary-value problems associated with the Laplace’s equation (or Helmholtz equation) arising in the study of waves propagating through solids or fluids. One of the widely used methods in wave structure interaction is the multipole expansion method. This expansion involves a general combination of a regular wave, a wave source, a wave dipole and a regular wave-free part. The wave-free part can be further expanded in terms of wave-free multipoles which are termed as wave-free potentials. These are singular solutions of Laplace’s equation or two-dimensional Helmholz equation. Construction of these wave-free potentials and multipoles are presented here in a systematic manner for a number of situations such as two-dimensional non-oblique and oblique waves, three dimensional waves in two-layer fluid with free surface condition with higher order partial derivative are considered. In particular, these are obtained taking into account of the effect of the presence of surface tension at the free surface and also in the presence of an ice-cover modelled as a thin elastic plate. Also for limiting case, it can be shown that the multipoles and wave-free potential functions go over to the single layer multipoles and wave-free potential. 展开更多
关键词 two-layer fluid wave-free potentials Laplace’s equation modified Helmholtz equations higher order boundary conditions MULTIPOLES
A state space solution for the bending problem of thick laminated piezoelectric open cylindrical shells 被引量:1
作者 盛宏玉 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2009年第2期125-132,共8页
Based on the theories of three-dimensional elasticity and piezoelectricity, and by assuming appropriate boundary functions, we established a state equation of piezoelectric cylindrical shells. By using the transfer ma... Based on the theories of three-dimensional elasticity and piezoelectricity, and by assuming appropriate boundary functions, we established a state equation of piezoelectric cylindrical shells. By using the transfer matrix method, we presented an analytical solution that satisfies all the arbitrary boundary conditions at boundary edges, as well as on upper and bottom surfaces. Our solution takes into account all the independent elastic and piezoelectric constants for a piezoelectric orthotropy, and satisfies continuity conditions between plies of the laminates. The principle of the present method and corresponding results can be widely used in many engineering fields and be applied to assess the effectiveness of various approximate and numerical models. 展开更多
关键词 laminated piezoelectric cylindrical shells state equation bending problem boundary functions analytical solution
Seismic Waves in Layered Media
作者 Dmytro Malytskyy Eduard Kozlovskyy 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2014年第5期311-325,共15页
This paper is organized as follows. After a discussion of the differential equations for wave propagation in the horizontally stratified medium and of the initial and boundary conditions, the displacements are derived... This paper is organized as follows. After a discussion of the differential equations for wave propagation in the horizontally stratified medium and of the initial and boundary conditions, the displacements are derived on the free surface of the layered medium for plane waves when a point source is located on the s-th imaginary boundary at the depth -s (physical parameters of the layers s and (s + 1) are put to be identical). Then, the source will be represented as a single force of arbitrary orientation and a general moment tensor point source. Further, "a primary field" for a point source will be introduced. Matrix method for the solution of the direct seismic problem is considered based on the matrix method of Thomson-Haskell and its modifications. 展开更多
关键词 Matrix method seismic waves a point source seismic moment tensor the far-field displacements.
Effects Viscous Dissipation on the Asymptotic Behaviour of Laminar Forced Convection for HerscheI-Bulkley Fluid in a Circular Duct
作者 Rabha Khatyr Jaafar Khalid-naciri Ali IL Idrissi 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2016年第8期419-426,共8页
The asymptotic behaviour of laminar forced convection in a circular duct, for a Herschel-Bulkley fluid with constant properties, is analysed by taking into account the viscous dissipation effects. The axial heat condu... The asymptotic behaviour of laminar forced convection in a circular duct, for a Herschel-Bulkley fluid with constant properties, is analysed by taking into account the viscous dissipation effects. The axial heat conduction in the fluid is neglected. The asymptotic temperature field and the asymptotic value of the Nusselt number are determined for every boundary condition that allows a fully developed region. Comparisons with other existing solutions for Newtonian and non-Newtonian cases are presented. 展开更多
关键词 Laminar forced convection viscous dissipation Herschel-Bulkley fluid asymptotic behaviour variable wall heat flux.
Modeling seismic wave propagation in a coal-bearing porous medium by a staggered-grid finite difference method
作者 Zou Guangui Peng Suping Yin Caiyun Deng Xiaojuan Chen Fengying Xu Yanyong 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2011年第5期727-731,共5页
A staggered-grid finite difference method is used to model seismic wave records in a coal bearing, porous medium. The variables analyzed include the order of the difference calculations, the use of a perfect match lay... A staggered-grid finite difference method is used to model seismic wave records in a coal bearing, porous medium. The variables analyzed include the order of the difference calculations, the use of a perfect match layer to provide absorbing boundary conditions, the source location, the stability conditions, and dispersion in the medium. The results show that the location of the first derivative of the dynamic variable with respect to space is coincident with the location of the first derivative of the kinematic varable with respect to time. Outgoing waves are effectively absorbed and reflection at the boundary is very weak when more than 20 perfect match layer cells are used. Blot theory considers the liquid phase to be homogeneous so the ratio of liquid to solid exposure of the seismic source depends upon the medium porosity. Numerical dispersion and generation of false frequencies is reduced by increasing the accuracy of the difference calculations and by reducing the grid size and time step. Temporal second order accuracy, a tenth order spatial accuracy, and a wavelength over more than ten grid points gave acceptable numerical results. Larger grid step sizes in the lateral direction and smaller grid sizes in the vertical direction allow control of dispersion when the medium is a low speed body. This provides a useful way to simulate seismic waves in a porous coal bearing medium. 展开更多
关键词 CoalPorous mediaStaggered-grid finite differenceSeismic wave propagation
Examples of Boundary Layers Associated with the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations
作者 Xiaoming WANG 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第5期781-792,共12页
The author surveys a few examples of boundary layers for which the Prandtl boundary layer theory can be rigorously validated.All of them are associated with the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations for Newtonian flu... The author surveys a few examples of boundary layers for which the Prandtl boundary layer theory can be rigorously validated.All of them are associated with the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations for Newtonian fluids equipped with various Dirichlet boundary conditions(specified velocity).These examples include a family of(nonlinear 3D) plane parallel flows,a family of(nonlinear) parallel pipe flows,as well as flows with uniform injection and suction at the boundary.We also identify a key ingredient in establishing the validity of the Prandtl type theory,i.e.,a spectral constraint on the approximate solution to the Navier-Stokes system constructed by combining the inviscid solution and the solution to the Prandtl type system.This is an additional difficulty besides the wellknown issue related to the well-posedness of the Prandtl type system.It seems that the main obstruction to the verification of the spectral constraint condition is the possible separation of boundary layers.A common theme of these examples is the inhibition of separation of boundary layers either via suppressing the velocity normal to the boundary or by injection and suction at the boundary so that the spectral constraint can be verified.A meta theorem is then presented which covers all the cases considered here. 展开更多
关键词 Boundary layer Navier-Stokes system Prandtl theory CORRECTOR Inviscid limit Spectral constraint Nonlinear plane parallel channel flow Nonlinear pipe flow Injection and suction
Heat Transfer Characteristics of Laminar Flow in Internally Finned Tubes under Various Boundary Conditions
作者 Ze-NingWang Qiang-TaiZhou 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 1994年第2期103-109,共7页
Numerical solutions for fully developed laminar flow in internally finned tubes with trapezoidal and triangular fin profiles were given with Finite Element Method (FEM): The heat transfer characteristics were obtained... Numerical solutions for fully developed laminar flow in internally finned tubes with trapezoidal and triangular fin profiles were given with Finite Element Method (FEM): The heat transfer characteristics were obtained and compared under the boundary conditions of uniform heat flux, uniform wall temperature, and the third boundary condition with finite wall thermal conductivity considered. The numerical results show that boundary conditions have pronounced effects on the temperature field.Furthermore, a new mechanism on the heat transfer augmentation of internally finned tubes is proposed. 展开更多
关键词 heat transfer internally finned tube laminar flow.
Laminar-Turbulent Transition Tripped by Step on Transonic Compressor Profile 被引量:1
作者 Pawel Flaszynski Piotr Doerffer +2 位作者 Ryszard Szwaba Michal Piotrowicz Piotr Kaczynski 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第1期1-7,共7页
The shock wave boundary layer interaction on the suction side of transonic compressor blade is one of the main objectives of TFAST project (Transition Location Effect on Shock Wave Boundary Layer Interaction). The e... The shock wave boundary layer interaction on the suction side of transonic compressor blade is one of the main objectives of TFAST project (Transition Location Effect on Shock Wave Boundary Layer Interaction). The experimental and numerical results for the flow structure investigations are shown for the flow conditions as the existing ones on the suction side of the compressor profile. The two cases are investigated: without and with boundary layer tripping device. In the fwst case, boundary layer is laminar up to the shock wave, while in the second case the boundary layer is tripped by the step. Numerical results carried out by means of Fine/Turbo Numeca with Explicit Algebraic Reynolds Stress Model including transition modeling are compared with schlieren, Temperature Sensitive Paint and wake measurements. Boundary layer transition location is detected by Temperature Sensitive Paint. 展开更多
关键词 transonic flow shock wave laminar-turbulent transition flow control compressor prof'de
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