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Mask Boundary R-CNN实例分割边界精度算法
作者 李旺 陶洋 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期1702-1709,共8页
边界模糊问题在实例分割中是一个经典的难题,即使是在以高精度著称的双阶段实例分割中,边界处的分割效果也不理想,这是因为实例分割网络大多使用分类置信度作为依据进行掩膜的选择,它忽略了分割的边界信息,针对这个问题,本文提出了Mask ... 边界模糊问题在实例分割中是一个经典的难题,即使是在以高精度著称的双阶段实例分割中,边界处的分割效果也不理想,这是因为实例分割网络大多使用分类置信度作为依据进行掩膜的选择,它忽略了分割的边界信息,针对这个问题,本文提出了Mask Boundary R-CNN的实例分割框架,它包含两个评分预测分支,融合了更多图像边界的特征,重新学习并预测了掩膜的边界评分,并将两分支结果进行融合,得到的综合评分更能代表掩膜的边界质量,通过优先选择边界质量更好的掩膜来提高边界处的分割性能.在没有其他任何附加功能的情况下,Mask Boundary R-CNN在COCO2017数据集上分割精度比Mask R-CNN提升了约1.6%,尤其是在使用最新评价掩膜边界质量的指标APboundary衡量时,其边界分割精度比Mask R-CNN提升了约2%. 展开更多
关键词 深度学习 实例分割 边界精度 评价分数
高边界精度和抗噪的均值漂移图像分割算法 被引量:2
作者 冷璐 黎明 张家树 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期145-148,152,共5页
Meanshift(均值漂移)算法核函数窗口的带宽目前仍没有一个统一的确定标准。对整体图像根据Canny算子提取的边缘方向信息分成3类子图,一类是规则边缘子图,由规则边缘像素组成;第2类为非规则边缘子图,由边界方向变化剧烈的边缘像素组成;第... Meanshift(均值漂移)算法核函数窗口的带宽目前仍没有一个统一的确定标准。对整体图像根据Canny算子提取的边缘方向信息分成3类子图,一类是规则边缘子图,由规则边缘像素组成;第2类为非规则边缘子图,由边界方向变化剧烈的边缘像素组成;第3类是非边缘子图,由区域内部平坦区域和噪声区域组成。规则边缘子图和非边缘子图采用大窗口使区域内部更为平滑,并使噪声区域达到更高的抗噪性能,非规则边缘子图用小窗口可保持更高的边界精度。实验采用金属断口图像进行分割,结果表明,针对不同子图采用不同核函数带宽的方法使分割后的金属断口图像边界更准确,抗噪性能也更强。 展开更多
关键词 均值漂移 子图 边界精度 抗噪性能 图像分割 金属断口
近似边界精度信息熵的属性约简 被引量:1
作者 梁宝华 吴其林 《华东师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期97-108,156,共13页
针对信息观只考虑知识粒度的大小,不能客观、全面度量属性重要性的不足,首先从代数观出发,提出近似边界精度的定义;其次,根据相对模糊熵的定义,提出相对信息熵及增强信息熵概念,与相对模糊熵相比具有明显的放大作用;再次,将近似边界精... 针对信息观只考虑知识粒度的大小,不能客观、全面度量属性重要性的不足,首先从代数观出发,提出近似边界精度的定义;其次,根据相对模糊熵的定义,提出相对信息熵及增强信息熵概念,与相对模糊熵相比具有明显的放大作用;再次,将近似边界精度融合相对信息熵和增强信息熵,提出两种新的属性约简方法,在求U/(B∪b)时充分利用U/B的结果,可大大减少系统的时间开销;最后,通过实验分析和比较,本文算法在约简质量、分类精度上的可行性和有效性得到了验证. 展开更多
关键词 粗糙集 属性约简 近似边界精度 相对信息熵 增强信息熵
基于不对称边界的变精度粗糙集的参数选择 被引量:1
作者 赵越岭 王建辉 顾树生 《系统仿真学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第12期3472-3474,共3页
不对称边界的变精度粗糙集是Pawlak粗糙集、变精度粗糙集的推广,在l和u参数作用下,使粗糙集模型更加一般化,完善了近似空间的概念。基于不对称变精度粗糙集模型研究的基础上,提出了分类质量和依赖度的方法对不精确信息进行度量,对决策... 不对称边界的变精度粗糙集是Pawlak粗糙集、变精度粗糙集的推广,在l和u参数作用下,使粗糙集模型更加一般化,完善了近似空间的概念。基于不对称变精度粗糙集模型研究的基础上,提出了分类质量和依赖度的方法对不精确信息进行度量,对决策表进行约简。在l,u值的选取,提出了单参数控制的方法,通过l,u-质量图分析和计算验证了方法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 不对称边界的变精度粗糙集 分类质量 依赖度 单参数控制 l u-质量图
高精度缓冲区边界相向逼近求交算法研究及实验 被引量:5
作者 宁方辉 董箭 +2 位作者 彭认灿 黄忠刚 王云 《海洋测绘》 2013年第6期18-21,共4页
针对海洋划界等距离线/中间线方法中双方距离比例不为1∶1时的海洋划界存在的不足,探讨了基于欧氏平面的距离等比例线法及其后续研究存在的精度无法满足海洋划界的实际应用需求的问题,提出了基于地球椭球体解算距离等比例线的高精度缓... 针对海洋划界等距离线/中间线方法中双方距离比例不为1∶1时的海洋划界存在的不足,探讨了基于欧氏平面的距离等比例线法及其后续研究存在的精度无法满足海洋划界的实际应用需求的问题,提出了基于地球椭球体解算距离等比例线的高精度缓冲区边界相向逼近求交算法,并阐述了该算法的基本原理和实现步骤,最后结合海洋划界实例,对该算法的有效性进行了验证。 展开更多
关键词 海洋划界 等距离线 中间线 距离等比例线 精度缓冲区边界相向逼近求交算法
波动数值模拟中的外推型人工边界条件 被引量:3
作者 邢浩洁 李小军 +3 位作者 刘爱文 李鸿晶 周正华 陈苏 《力学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期1480-1495,I0005,共17页
当前波动数值模拟中的人工边界条件(artificial boundary condition,ABC)数量繁多,但用于串联它们的理论及公式体系还需进一步完善,以便在复杂波动问题模拟中更准确地选取ABC并评估其性能.本工作发展一种外推型人工边界条件理论,将一系... 当前波动数值模拟中的人工边界条件(artificial boundary condition,ABC)数量繁多,但用于串联它们的理论及公式体系还需进一步完善,以便在复杂波动问题模拟中更准确地选取ABC并评估其性能.本工作发展一种外推型人工边界条件理论,将一系列利用临近边界一组节点在前若干时刻的运动来外推人工边界节点运动的经典ABC纳入一个体系.这些ABC包括廖氏透射边界(multi-transmittig formula,MTF)、旁轴近似边界、Higdon边界以及Givoli-Neta、Hagstrom-Warburton、AWWE辅助变量边界等.针对现有边界公式存在的不足,分别提出一种引入多个人工波速进行优化的MTF公式(离散公式)和一种定义在统一局部坐标之上并采用多个人工波速作为控制参数的统一Higdon边界公式(连续公式或微分方程形式ABC),作为外推型ABC的两个基本公式.这二者是最简单实用的外推型ABC,其他同类ABC大多可以由它们转化得到,或者通过某种等价的中间形式与之相关联.数值试验证实了理论的正确性,并初步展示了多人工波速ABC比传统单一人工波速ABC所具有的优势.研究结果不仅具有重要理论价值,还为更好地解决具有差异较大的多种物理波速的复杂波动,如大纵横波速比的软土介质中波动或海洋声学、气象学中的频散波动等的ABC问题提供了实用方法. 展开更多
关键词 波动数值模拟 人工边界条件 时空外推 边界精度控制原理 多人工波速
黏弹性多层介质中SH波动的一种吸收边界条件 被引量:6
作者 吴利华 赵密 杜修力 《力学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期480-490,共11页
提出一种高精度时域吸收边界条件,与有限元法结合用于模拟瞬态标量SH波在达朗贝尔黏弹性多层介质中传播问题.建立时域吸收边界条件的过程是:首先将半无限域沿着竖向半离散得到半离散的位移方程以及人工边界处的力-位移关系,再通过引入... 提出一种高精度时域吸收边界条件,与有限元法结合用于模拟瞬态标量SH波在达朗贝尔黏弹性多层介质中传播问题.建立时域吸收边界条件的过程是:首先将半无限域沿着竖向半离散得到半离散的位移方程以及人工边界处的力-位移关系,再通过引入模态分解,将物理空间下的量转化到模态空间,从而获得半无限域模态空间下的频域动力刚度;其次采用一种在全频范围内收敛的连分式精确逼近单层介质模态空间下标量形式的频域动力刚度,将标量连分式扩展为矩阵形式用来表示多层介质的频域动力刚度;最后通过引入辅助变量技术,将模态空间下基于连分式的频域动力刚度关系转化为时域吸收边界条件,进一步转换到物理空间后得到物理空间下的时域吸收边界条件.单层介质和五层介质的数值算例表明,建立的高精度时域吸收边界条件对于达朗贝尔黏弹性单层介质是精确且稳定的;对于达朗贝尔黏弹性多层介质,为了保证其高精度特性,需要将人工边界放置在距离感兴趣区域约为0.5倍无限域高度的位置处. 展开更多
关键词 精度吸收边界条件 连分式 达朗贝尔黏弹性多层介质 标量波 有限元
A truncated implicit high-order finite-difference scheme combined with boundary conditions 被引量:2
作者 常锁亮 刘洋 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第1期53-62,118,共11页
In this paper, first we calculate finite-difference coefficients of implicit finite- difference methods (IFDM) for the first and second-order derivatives on normal grids and first- order derivatives on staggered gri... In this paper, first we calculate finite-difference coefficients of implicit finite- difference methods (IFDM) for the first and second-order derivatives on normal grids and first- order derivatives on staggered grids and find that small coefficients of high-order IFDMs exist. Dispersion analysis demonstrates that omitting these small coefficients can retain approximately the same order accuracy but greatly reduce computational costs. Then, we introduce a mirrorimage symmetric boundary condition to improve IFDMs accuracy and stability and adopt the hybrid absorbing boundary condition (ABC) to reduce unwanted reflections from the model boundary. Last, we give elastic wave modeling examples for homogeneous and heterogeneous models to demonstrate the advantages of the proposed scheme. 展开更多
关键词 Implicit finite difference symmetric boundary condition high-order accuracy TRUNCATION absorbing boundary condition staggered grid numerical modeling
内置变径障碍物组管道内爆轰波传播规律的研究 被引量:2
作者 丁建旭 杜群贵 +1 位作者 王新华 吴雨蒙 《中国安全生产科学技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期33-38,共6页
为了研究爆轰波与变径障碍物组的相互作用规律,基于化学反应Euler控制方程组,结合高精度加权本质无振荡WENO(Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory)空间离散格式和高精度ILW(Inverse Lax-Wendroff)固壁边界处理技术,研发了爆炸动力学... 为了研究爆轰波与变径障碍物组的相互作用规律,基于化学反应Euler控制方程组,结合高精度加权本质无振荡WENO(Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory)空间离散格式和高精度ILW(Inverse Lax-Wendroff)固壁边界处理技术,研发了爆炸动力学的一致高精度仿真程序,并对爆轰波在内置圆柱障碍物组管道中的传播规律进行了研究,获得了爆轰流场内部反射以及绕射等作用下产生的清晰的复杂波系结构。研究结果表明:圆柱障碍物组半径的变化对绕射区45°方向上障碍物壁面上的最大压力影响较小;障碍物组半径不变的情况下获得的对称轴线上最大压力的最大峰值最大。 展开更多
关键词 爆轰波 精度空间离散 精度边界处理 障碍物组
Solution of pavement temperature field in“Environment-Surface”system through Green's function 被引量:2
作者 陈嘉祺 李亮 +2 位作者 赵炼恒 但汉成 姚辉 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第5期2108-2116,共9页
In order to simplify the boundary conditions of pavement temperature field,the "Environment-Surface" system which considered the natural environment and pavement surface was established.Based on this system,... In order to simplify the boundary conditions of pavement temperature field,the "Environment-Surface" system which considered the natural environment and pavement surface was established.Based on this system,the partial differential equations of the one-dimensional heat conduction in the pavement were established on the basis of the heat transfer theory.Furthermore,the function forms of the initial and boundary conditions of the equations were created through the field experiments.The general solution of the pavement one-dimensional heat conduction partial differential equations was acquired by using Green's function,and the explicit expression of pavement temperature field under specific constraint conditions was derived.For the purpose of analysis,the pavement temperatures in different seasons were calculated using the explicit expression of pavement temperature field,and the calculation accuracy was analyzed through the comparison between measured and calculated values.Then,the relationship between fitting accuracy and calculation accuracy of pavement temperatures was analyzed.The analysis results show that: the usage of "Environment-Surface" system simplifies the calculation of pavement temperature field; the relative error between calculated and measured values is generally less than 7% and is seldom influenced by seasons; there is a positive correlation between the calculation accuracy and the fitting accuracy of pavement surface temperature; high fitting accuracy would result in less error of pavement temperature prediction. 展开更多
关键词 road engineering pavement temperature field "Environment-Surface" system heat transfer theory Green's function
Large deflection of clamped circular plate and accuracy of its approximate analytical solutions 被引量:3
作者 Yin Zhang 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第2期67-77,共11页
A different set of governing equations on the large deflection of plates are derived by the principle of virtual work(PVW), which also leads to a different set of boundary conditions. Boundary conditions play an impor... A different set of governing equations on the large deflection of plates are derived by the principle of virtual work(PVW), which also leads to a different set of boundary conditions. Boundary conditions play an important role in determining the computation accuracy of the large deflection of plates. Our boundary conditions are shown to be more appropriate by analyzing their difference with the previous ones. The accuracy of approximate analytical solutions is important to the bulge/blister tests and the application of various sensors with the plate structure. Different approximate analytical solutions are presented and their accuracies are evaluated by comparing them with the numerical results. The error sources are also analyzed. A new approximate analytical solution is proposed and shown to have a better approximation. The approximate analytical solution offers a much simpler and more direct framework to study the plate-membrane transition behavior of deflection as compared with the previous approaches of complex numerical integration. 展开更多
关键词 approximate analytical solutions large deflection PLATE MEMBRANE bulge and blister tests
Variable-step integration method for milling chatter stability prediction with multiple delays 被引量:18
作者 ZHANG XiaoJian XIONG CaiHua +1 位作者 DING Ye XIONG YouLun 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第12期3137-3154,共18页
This paper analyzes the stability of milling with variable pitch cutter and tool runout cases characterized by multiple delays,and proposes a new variable-step numerical integration method for efficient and accurate s... This paper analyzes the stability of milling with variable pitch cutter and tool runout cases characterized by multiple delays,and proposes a new variable-step numerical integration method for efficient and accurate stability prediction. The variable-step technique is emphasized here to expand the numerical integration method,especially for the low radial immersion cases with multiple delays. First,the calculation accuracy of the numerical integration method is discussed and the variable-step algorithm is developed for milling stability prediction for single-delay and multiple-delay cases,respectively. The milling stability with variable pitch cutter is analyzed and the result is compared with those predicted with the frequency domain method and the improved full-discretization method. The influence of the runout effect on the stability boundary is investigated by the presented method. The numerical simulation shows that the cutter runout effect increases the stability boundary,and the increasing stability limit is verified by the milling chatter experimental results in the previous research. The numerical and experiment results verify the validity of the proposed method. 展开更多
关键词 variable-step numerical integration method MILLING chatter stability prediction multiple delays variable pitch cutter cutter runout
On Local Nonreflecting Boundary Conditions for Time Dependent Wave Propagation
作者 Marcus J. GROTE Imbo SIM 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第5期589-606,共18页
The simulation of wave phenomena in unbounded domains generally requires an artificial boundary to truncate the unbounded exterior and limit the computation to a finite region.At the artificial boundary a boundary con... The simulation of wave phenomena in unbounded domains generally requires an artificial boundary to truncate the unbounded exterior and limit the computation to a finite region.At the artificial boundary a boundary condition is then needed,which allows the propagating waves to exit the computational domain without spurious reflection.In 1977,Engquist and Majda proposed the first hierarchy of absorbing boundary conditions,which allows a systematic reduction of spurious reflection without moving the artificial boundary farther away from the scatterer.Their pioneering work,which initiated an entire research area,is reviewed here from a modern perspective.Recent developments such as high-order local conditions and their extension to multiple scattering are also presented.Finally,the accuracy of high-order local conditions is demonstrated through numerical experiments. 展开更多
关键词 Absorbing boundary conditions Scattering problems Wave equation
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