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作者 李欢欢 刘文洋 李荣晖 《低温建筑技术》 2024年第4期121-125,共5页
为解决三边连接屈曲约束钢板墙在自由边两个角部首先发生破坏的问题,文中提出了一种新型三边连接K形屈曲约束钢板墙。采用ABAQUS有限元软件对三边连接矩形和K形屈曲约束钢板墙进行受力性能分析,获得了屈曲约束钢板墙的屈服荷载、初始刚... 为解决三边连接屈曲约束钢板墙在自由边两个角部首先发生破坏的问题,文中提出了一种新型三边连接K形屈曲约束钢板墙。采用ABAQUS有限元软件对三边连接矩形和K形屈曲约束钢板墙进行受力性能分析,获得了屈曲约束钢板墙的屈服荷载、初始刚度、荷载位移曲线、塑性应变分布和屈服区分布。结果表明K形屈曲约束钢板墙的屈服荷载、初始刚度以及荷载位移曲线与矩形屈曲约束钢板墙相差不大,但在延性和耗能能力方面表现更佳。最后,提出了形式简洁计算精度较高的该类新型屈曲约束钢板墙的理论计算公式,可为K形屈曲约束钢板墙的工程设计提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 屈曲约束钢板墙 边连接 K形钢板墙 屈服荷载 初始刚度
基于边连接策略的指控网络模型研究 被引量:8
作者 王运明 崔怀健 +1 位作者 陈波 潘成胜 《指挥与控制学报》 2016年第1期40-46,共7页
针对目前指控网络模型难以反映指控网络复杂结构的不足,利用复杂网络理论描述指控网络构成要素之间层次结构和关联关系,提出基于节点自身属性和网络属性相结合的指控网络边连接策略,节点自身属性主要考虑节点通信传输能力、节点间任务... 针对目前指控网络模型难以反映指控网络复杂结构的不足,利用复杂网络理论描述指控网络构成要素之间层次结构和关联关系,提出基于节点自身属性和网络属性相结合的指控网络边连接策略,节点自身属性主要考虑节点通信传输能力、节点间任务协同能力和节点距离等因素,网络属性主要用层级和介数表示,在传统树状网络模型基础之上根据边连接策略生成机构内部指挥边、机构之间协同边以及越级指挥边以构建扁平化指控网络.仿真结果表明该模型符合实际,具有小世界和无标度特性,增强了指挥协同能力,有效提高了网络的指挥效率和抗毁性. 展开更多
关键词 指控网络模型 复杂网络 边连接策略 抗毁性
关于车道边及其连接道路技术标准的探讨 被引量:4
作者 陈东升 袁英爽 《铁道工程学报》 EI 北大核心 2016年第10期65-67,121,共4页
研究目的:交通枢纽内的车流有其固定的特点,用于枢纽客流快速集散的车道边及与其连接道路的设计,既不同于市政道路设计,又不同于公路设计,目前缺乏对其相关设计标准的系统研究,成为设计工作的薄弱环节,本文对其设计标准进行探讨研究。... 研究目的:交通枢纽内的车流有其固定的特点,用于枢纽客流快速集散的车道边及与其连接道路的设计,既不同于市政道路设计,又不同于公路设计,目前缺乏对其相关设计标准的系统研究,成为设计工作的薄弱环节,本文对其设计标准进行探讨研究。研究结论:(1)车道边连接道路设计速度可以根据实际情况选取40 km/h、30 km/h或20 km/h;(2)车道边连接道路平面线形根据其设计速度选用线形标准,车道边平面设计受枢纽站房外形因素控制;(3)车道边连接道路纵坡标准可以参考《城市道路工程设计规范》选用,但积雪或冰冻地区不宜大于4%,最小纵坡小于0.3%时应加强排水设计,车道边纵断面受控于衔接处枢纽站房高程;(4)车道边横断面由路缘带、贯通车道、缓冲车道、落客车道、落客平台组成,落客车道宽度建议采用4.0 m,落客平台宽度采用2.0 m,其他车道宽度可参照《城市道路工程设计规范》选取;(5)本研究成果在大型综合交通枢纽车道边及其连接道路设计工作中具有实用价值。 展开更多
关键词 车道边 车道边连接道路 交通枢纽 技术标准
多属性加权的指挥控制网络建模方法研究 被引量:4
作者 潘成胜 熊文 +2 位作者 邱少明 王运明 陈波 《现代防御技术》 2018年第4期60-66,共7页
针对现有基于指控网络模型中的边连接方法仅能反映局部网络节点的重要性、且仅注重网络连通性难以很好体现网络局部特征的不足,提出了一种基于多属性加权的指挥控制网络模型构建方法。首先,定义节点自身属性有指控能力、节点任务相关程... 针对现有基于指控网络模型中的边连接方法仅能反映局部网络节点的重要性、且仅注重网络连通性难以很好体现网络局部特征的不足,提出了一种基于多属性加权的指挥控制网络模型构建方法。首先,定义节点自身属性有指控能力、节点任务相关程度、空间距离;其次,将度和介数相结合,综合考虑网络局部、网络全局特征以表达节点的网络属性,在与自身属性加权结合下设计了多属性加权的指控网络边连接策略算法。仿真结果表明,该策略建立的指控网络模型满足无尺度特性,具有更高的网络效率和更强的网络抗毁性。 展开更多
关键词 指挥控制网络 复杂网络 建模 多属性 加权 边连接策略
基于拉伸特征的B-Rep→CSG转换算法及其应用 被引量:1
作者 罗月童 韩承村 +1 位作者 杜华 严伊蔓 《浙江大学学报(理学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第2期151-158,166,共9页
边界表示(boundary representation,B-Rep)法和构造实体几何(construction solid geometry,CSG)法是目前应用最广泛的两种实体表示法,B-Rep→CSG转换也备受关注。B-Rep→CSG转换算法为一种半空间分割法,完全依赖三维造型引擎中的布尔运... 边界表示(boundary representation,B-Rep)法和构造实体几何(construction solid geometry,CSG)法是目前应用最广泛的两种实体表示法,B-Rep→CSG转换也备受关注。B-Rep→CSG转换算法为一种半空间分割法,完全依赖三维造型引擎中的布尔运算,计算量大且不稳定。实际应用中已有大量具有拉伸特征的B-Rep模型:可将整个模型或模型的一部分看作由二维图形沿一定方向拉伸而成。通过将三维模型的B-Rep→CSG转换问题变为二维图形的B-Rep→CSG转换问题,从而避免对布尔运算的依赖,为此,提出基于拉伸特征的BRep→CSG转换算法。首先,得到拉伸边具有相互平行性、首尾相连性、方向相反性、唯一连接性4个拉伸特征,然后,基于这些特征提出基于平行边连接图的拉伸特征识别算法,最后,结合拉伸特征识别算法、基于环收缩的模型分割算法和基于顶点可见的多边形分割算法,提出具有拉伸特征的三维模型的B-Rep→CSG转换整体解决方案。将本文算法集成至自主研发的粒子输运可视建模(COSINE visual modelling of particle transport,cosVMPT)软件,并基于cosVMPT对3个专门构造的例题和1个实际应用实例进行了测试,测试结果证明了本文算法的有效性和优越性。 展开更多
关键词 B-Rep→CSG转换 拉伸特征 平行边连接图形 多边形分割
大规模网络边分解的一种新算法 被引量:1
作者 戴澹潜 王建平 《华中理工大学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 1995年第8期121-124,共4页
针对最小化边连接集分解法所存在的问题,提出了一种新的BBD(加边对角)形式的边分解法,它包括相对最小化边连接集概念及其判别与判别定理,以及新的边分解方法两部分。与原分解方法比较,分解结果更为合理,分解速度更快,还给出... 针对最小化边连接集分解法所存在的问题,提出了一种新的BBD(加边对角)形式的边分解法,它包括相对最小化边连接集概念及其判别与判别定理,以及新的边分解方法两部分。与原分解方法比较,分解结果更为合理,分解速度更快,还给出了改进的数据结构、程序框图和分解实例。 展开更多
关键词 BBD 边分解 最小化边连接 数据结构 网络
基于属性匹配的装备保障体系建模方法研究 被引量:4
作者 徐耀耀 吕亚娜 +1 位作者 邱少明 陈波 《火力与指挥控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期44-49,共6页
现有装备保障体系拓扑建模方法难以描述体系内部异质节点及各功能子网之间的关系,借助超网络理论提出了装备保障体系网络建模方法。定义了基于超网络的装备保障体系概念;提出了基于“三层五网”结构的装备保障体系超网络模型,结合欧式... 现有装备保障体系拓扑建模方法难以描述体系内部异质节点及各功能子网之间的关系,借助超网络理论提出了装备保障体系网络建模方法。定义了基于超网络的装备保障体系概念;提出了基于“三层五网”结构的装备保障体系超网络模型,结合欧式距离算法提出了基于属性匹配优先的边连接策略;以某战区装备保障体系为例,仿真表明该模型展现出近似无标度特性和小世界特性,且抗毁性高,为装备保障网络建设提供了一种新思路。 展开更多
关键词 装备保障体系 超网络 边连接策略 属性匹配优先
中小城市首级GPS控制网布测方案的选择 被引量:4
作者 宋良学 周开元 《北京测绘》 2005年第2期50-51,9,共3页
关键词 GPS控制网边连接 边点混合连接 分级布网 同级全面网
作者 孙永毅 杨恒 陈忠卿 《辽宁科技学院学报》 2008年第1期26-28,共3页
关键词 GPS 边连接 连接 导线
Connecting Conditions and Constraint Equations in Applied Science
作者 沈永刚 唐觉明 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2006年第1期32-35,共4页
To solve the optimal solution of some issues in applied science, studying of connecting conditions, constraint conditions and constraint equations is made. This paper cites an example in point in vibration mechanics a... To solve the optimal solution of some issues in applied science, studying of connecting conditions, constraint conditions and constraint equations is made. This paper cites an example in point in vibration mechanics and seeks the connecting conditions and constraint equations of high speed compound rotating system. This paper points out that the selection of the boundary conditions or connection conditions can effect on the optimal solution of the issue as soon as the object function is determined. 展开更多
关键词 connecting condition constraint equation applied science boundary condition optimal solution.
A Spatio-Temporal Odyssey Around the Concepts of Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility: Boundaries to Be Determined?
作者 Azzedine Tounes Wafa Chakroun Fafani Gribaa 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2011年第10期1158-1168,共11页
The aim of this research is to analyze the emergence of the concepts of sustainable development (SD) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) in companies in time and space. A spatio-temporal reading will indicat... The aim of this research is to analyze the emergence of the concepts of sustainable development (SD) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) in companies in time and space. A spatio-temporal reading will indicate the most important socio-political and environmental events that have emerged with these two concepts. In order to complete the odyssey, a spatio-temporal analysis has retraced the epistemological evolution of these latter, whilst at the same time remarking the appropriation that has been made by the different institutional and organizational actors. The historical and epistemological reviews tell us that these two concepts, which came into existence almost 80 years, have indefinite outlines; one can be substituted for the other. However, thanks to this odyssey, we have reduced the boundaries even further between sustainable development and social responsibility and shown their theoretic and historical association. The perspective adopted shows that the concept of corporate social responsibility is closely connected to that of sustainable development. This connection means that researchers in management science are faced with more new problem issues reaching further than the simple lack of conceptual consensuses. 展开更多
关键词 corporate social responsibility eco-development spatio-temporal analysis sustainable development
作者 Yuichi YOSHIDA.HiroI TO 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2010年第1期91-101,共11页
This paper presents an algorithm that tests whether a given degree-bounded digraph is k-edge-connected or E-far from k-edge-connectivity. This is the first testing algorithm for k-edge- connectivity of digraphs whose ... This paper presents an algorithm that tests whether a given degree-bounded digraph is k-edge-connected or E-far from k-edge-connectivity. This is the first testing algorithm for k-edge- connectivity of digraphs whose running time is independent of the number of vertices and edges. A digraph of n vertices with degree bound d is ε-far from k-edge-connectivity if at least εdn edges have to be added or deleted to make the digraph k-edge-connected, preserving the degree bound. Given a constant error parameter ε and a degree bound d, our algorithm always accepts all k-edge-connected digraphs and reiects all digraphs that is ε-far from k-edge-connectivity with orobabilitv at least 2/3.It runs in O(d(εd^-c)^k logεd^-1O)(c〉1 is a constant)time when input digraphs are restricted to be (k-1)-edge connected and runs in O(d(εd^-ck)^klogεd^-kO)(c〉1 is a constant)time for general digraphs. 展开更多
关键词 DIGRAPH GRAPH k-edge-connectivity property testing.
Normal edge-transitive Cayley graphs on non-abelian groups of order 4p,where p is a prime number 被引量:6
作者 DARAFSHEH Mohammad Reza ASSARI Amir 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE 2013年第1期213-219,共7页
We determine all connected normal edge-transitive Cayley graphs on non-abelian groups with order 4p, where p is a prime number. As a consequence we prove if IGI = 25p, δ = 0, 1, 2 and p prime, then F 1 Cay(G, S) i... We determine all connected normal edge-transitive Cayley graphs on non-abelian groups with order 4p, where p is a prime number. As a consequence we prove if IGI = 25p, δ = 0, 1, 2 and p prime, then F 1 Cay(G, S) is a connected normal 1/2 arc-transitive Cayley graph only if G = F4p, where S is an inverse closed generating subset of G which does not contain the identity element of G and F4p is a group with presentation F4p = (a, b |aP = b4 = 1, b-lab = a^λ), where λ2 = -1 (mod p). 展开更多
关键词 Cayley graph automorphism group normal edge-transitive graph
On restricted edge-connectivity of replacement product graphs
作者 HONG ZhenMu XU JunMing 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第4期745-758,共14页
This paper considers the edge-connectivity and the restricted edge-connectivity of replacement product graphs, gives some bounds on edge-connectivity and restricted edge-connectivity of replacement product graphs and ... This paper considers the edge-connectivity and the restricted edge-connectivity of replacement product graphs, gives some bounds on edge-connectivity and restricted edge-connectivity of replacement product graphs and determines the exact values for some special graphs. In particular, the authors further confirm that under certain conditions, the replacement product of two Cayley graphs is also a Cayley graph, and give a necessary and sufficient condition for such Cayley graphs to have maximum restricted edge-connectivity. Based on these results, we construct a Cayley graph with degree d whose restricted edge-connectivity is equal to d + s for given odd integer d and integer s with d 5 and 1 s d- 3, which answers a problem proposed ten years ago. 展开更多
关键词 graph theory CONNECTIVITY restricted edge-connectivity replacement product Cayley graph
Weighted Scaling in Non-growth Random Networks
作者 陈光 杨旭华 徐新黎 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第9期456-462,共7页
We propose a weighted model to explain the self-organizing formation of scale-free phenomenon in nongrowth random networks. In this model, we use multiple-edges to represent the connections between vertices and define... We propose a weighted model to explain the self-organizing formation of scale-free phenomenon in nongrowth random networks. In this model, we use multiple-edges to represent the connections between vertices and define the weight of a multiple-edge as the total weights of all single-edges within it and the strength of a vertex as the sum of weights for those multiple-edges attached to it. The network evolves according to a vertex strength preferential selection mechanism. During the evolution process, the network always holds its totM number of vertices and its total number of single-edges constantly. We show analytically and numerically that a network will form steady scale-free distributions with our model. The results show that a weighted non-growth random network can evolve into scMe-free state. It is interesting that the network also obtains the character of an exponential edge weight distribution. Namely, coexistence of scale-free distribution and exponential distribution emerges. 展开更多
关键词 weighted network random network non-growth scale-free distribution
Continuous-Time Independent Edge-Markovian Random Graph Process
作者 Ruijie DU Hanxing WANG Yunbin FU 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第1期73-82,共10页
In this paper, the continuous-time independent edge-Markovian random graph process model is constructed. The authors also define the interval isolated nodes of the random graph process, study the distribution sequence... In this paper, the continuous-time independent edge-Markovian random graph process model is constructed. The authors also define the interval isolated nodes of the random graph process, study the distribution sequence of the number of isolated nodes and the probability of having no isolated nodes when the initial distribution of the random graph process is stationary distribution, derive the lower limit of the probability in which two arbitrary nodes are connected and the random graph is also connected, and prove that the random graph is almost everywhere connected when the number of nodes is sufficiently large. 展开更多
关键词 Complex networks Random graph Random graph process Stationary distribution Independent edge-Markovian random graph process
Transport of Cu-H2O nanofluid through a channel with wavy walls under velocity slip and connective boundary conditions
作者 F. M. Abbasi T. Hayat A. Alsaedi 《International Journal of Biomathematics》 2016年第2期85-103,共19页
Present study examines the mixed convective peristaltic transport of Cu-H2O nanofluid with velocity slip and convective boundary conditions. Analysis is performed using the two-phase model of the nanofluid. Viscous di... Present study examines the mixed convective peristaltic transport of Cu-H2O nanofluid with velocity slip and convective boundary conditions. Analysis is performed using the two-phase model of the nanofluid. Viscous dissipation and heat generation/absorption effects are also taken into account. Problem is formulated using the long wavelength and low Reynolds number approach. Numerical solutions for the pressure rise per wavelength, pressure gradient, axial velocity, temperature and heat transfer rate at the boundaxy are obtained and studied through graphs. Results show that the area of peristaltic pumping decreases with an increase in the nanoparticles volume fraction. Increase in the velocity slip parameter shows an increase of the pressure gradient in the occluded part of the channel. Further, addition of copper nanoparticles reduces both the axial velocity and temperature of the base fluid. Temperature of the nanofluid also decreases sufficiently for an increase in the value of Blot number. 展开更多
关键词 PERISTALSIS slip effects convective boundary conditions Cu-H2O nanofluid wavy walls.
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