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川西色达早侏罗世郎木寺组火山岩特征及构造意义 被引量:8
作者 曾宜君 黄思静 +1 位作者 熊昌利 冯文立 《成都理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期78-86,共9页
对四川西部色达大章乡隆湾玛日一带的火山岩进行了较系统的岩石学、地球化学研究,通过实测剖面、同位素测年及区域地层对比,将该套火山岩厘定为早侏罗世郎木寺组。该套火山岩岩石组合主要为中性、中酸性熔岩,主元素以低TiO2,高K2O和Al2O... 对四川西部色达大章乡隆湾玛日一带的火山岩进行了较系统的岩石学、地球化学研究,通过实测剖面、同位素测年及区域地层对比,将该套火山岩厘定为早侏罗世郎木寺组。该套火山岩岩石组合主要为中性、中酸性熔岩,主元素以低TiO2,高K2O和Al2O3为特征,主要为高钾钙碱性系列;稀土元素配分模式为LREE中等富集型,微量元素配分型式表现为大离子亲石元素K,Rb,Ba及高场强元素Th的富集和Ti的亏损,具有弧火山岩的特征。地质、地球化学及年代学综合分析研究结合产出特征认为,岩浆为巴颜喀拉残留洋盆闭合,陆-陆碰撞后进一步挤压环境下的产物。 展开更多
关键词 火山岩 地球化学 早侏罗世 大章乡 四川西部
作者 杨于卓 《西藏艺术研究》 2022年第2期4-12,共9页
塔洛是第五批国家级非物质文化遗产项目藏戏(色达藏戏)代表性传承人,也是四川省唯一的藏戏国家级非遗代表性传承人。他师承日洛,从小喜欢藏戏,创办了色达藏戏团,并带领藏戏团万里巡演,远赴波兰、英国等,更在上世纪80年代初,创造性地将... 塔洛是第五批国家级非物质文化遗产项目藏戏(色达藏戏)代表性传承人,也是四川省唯一的藏戏国家级非遗代表性传承人。他师承日洛,从小喜欢藏戏,创办了色达藏戏团,并带领藏戏团万里巡演,远赴波兰、英国等,更在上世纪80年代初,创造性地将《格萨尔》故事移植进“南木特”藏戏的舞台表演中,开创了独具特色的色达藏戏流派,推动了格萨尔史诗的整体传承,也丰富了“南木特”藏戏的表演题材,为传统藏戏的传承发展做出了突出的贡献。 展开更多
关键词 塔洛 藏戏 格萨尔
色达—松潘断块温泉水文地球化学特征及成因分析 被引量:3
作者 胡泽祥 赵学钦 +3 位作者 李松 李军亚 王玉珏 杨洛 《现代地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期484-493,共10页
为查明色达—松潘断块地热资源赋存状态及热源来源,以四川黑水县内3处温泉(热水塘、上达古、卡龙沟)为研究对象,采集温泉水样进行水化学分析和同位素测试,研究地热水的补给来源和热储温度。研究结果显示,热水塘温泉的地下水化学类型为HC... 为查明色达—松潘断块地热资源赋存状态及热源来源,以四川黑水县内3处温泉(热水塘、上达古、卡龙沟)为研究对象,采集温泉水样进行水化学分析和同位素测试,研究地热水的补给来源和热储温度。研究结果显示,热水塘温泉的地下水化学类型为HCO_(3)-Na型,上达古温泉和卡龙沟温泉的地下水化学类型为HCO_(3)-Ca型,补给水源主要为大气降水,补给高程分别为5121 m、3890 m、3921 m。结合矿物饱和指数,采用SiO;地热温标计算3处温泉的热储温度,分别为119.036℃、49.034℃、30.215℃。综合分析认为研究区地下热水的成因主要为大气降水经高山补给区入渗至储集层,吸取地下深部向上传导的热量和放射性元素衰变释放的热量,并与围岩发生水-岩作用形成地下热水,在断裂发育部位热水沿断裂带向上运移,最后在地表出露形成温泉。 展开更多
关键词 —松潘断块 温泉 水化学 同位素 热储温度
四川色达-阿坝地区典型金矿床特征及找矿方向探讨 被引量:1
作者 冯丽 徐日勇 《内蒙古煤炭经济》 2012年第10期8-10,共3页
色达-阿坝地区位于松潘—甘孜印支造山带巴颜喀拉印支构造带的若尔盖亚带、马尔康亚带和雅江亚带交界处,已发现阳山、马脑壳、东北寨、涮经寺、嘎拉等几十处大中型金矿床,金矿床主要产于早古生代志留、晚古生代三河口群和西沟群地层、... 色达-阿坝地区位于松潘—甘孜印支造山带巴颜喀拉印支构造带的若尔盖亚带、马尔康亚带和雅江亚带交界处,已发现阳山、马脑壳、东北寨、涮经寺、嘎拉等几十处大中型金矿床,金矿床主要产于早古生代志留、晚古生代三河口群和西沟群地层、三叠系浊积岩建造中,其形成与分布明显受构造控制。成矿期可分为印支-燕山早期成矿期、燕山中晚期成矿期、喜马拉雅期成矿期。通过区域成矿条件、成矿规律和控矿因素等综合因素分析,进行了金成矿预测,圈定了金成矿远景区6处,其中A类远景区3个,B类远景区2个,C类远景区1个。在此基础上,优选出8个金找矿靶区,以及下一步进行预查勘查的靶区。 展开更多
关键词 金矿床 地质特征 找矿方向 -阿坝 四川
色达部落习惯法述略 被引量:1
作者 益邛 《中国藏学》 CSSCI 1996年第2期69-79,共11页
色达地处川西北,旧时称瓦须色达。“瓦须”是色达官宦家族之意,解放前夕,该家族领有49个部落,25000多人,30多万头牲畜。由于受外界及古代藏族法律的影响,紊有“化外之域”称谓的瓦须色达,在长期部落联盟的历史进程中,逐步形成... 色达地处川西北,旧时称瓦须色达。“瓦须”是色达官宦家族之意,解放前夕,该家族领有49个部落,25000多人,30多万头牲畜。由于受外界及古代藏族法律的影响,紊有“化外之域”称谓的瓦须色达,在长期部落联盟的历史进程中,逐步形成了自己独具特色的部落习惯法。 展开更多
关键词 部落 习惯法 中国 西藏 权力结构 《红皮法典》 《黄皮法书》 司法程度
作者 高腊生 《湖北经济学院学报(人文社会科学版)》 2017年第8期F0002-F0002,共1页
色达 灵魂苏醒的地方
作者 行走的强子 《中国西部》 2015年第28期50-55,共6页
有人说,这里恐怕是地球上最后一片净土了,这里的人终日只做一件事:修行。这里是信仰的乌托邦,穿行在这片红色的海洋,感受身披绛红色僧袍的喇嘛和觉姆来来往往,心灵被强烈地震撼。金色的黄昏,红色的房屋,闪着光的佛塔,似乎在海拔4200米... 有人说,这里恐怕是地球上最后一片净土了,这里的人终日只做一件事:修行。这里是信仰的乌托邦,穿行在这片红色的海洋,感受身披绛红色僧袍的喇嘛和觉姆来来往往,心灵被强烈地震撼。金色的黄昏,红色的房屋,闪着光的佛塔,似乎在海拔4200米的这里,你能找到永恒。这里便是甘孜色达喇荣五明佛学院,世界上最大的藏传佛教佛学院,无数人来此寻找灵魂深处最干净的归属。 展开更多
关键词 佛学院 最后一片净土 宁玛派 转经筒 空行母 修行者 大乘佛教 僧衣 上天堂
作者 香袭 《西部大开发》 2016年第11期124-125,共2页
有些记忆会随着岁月的消失越来越淡,有些记忆却随着岁月的流转,雕刻成一道痕迹,深深地刻在脑海里。偶尔泛起,是由不得自己的一种想起。咀嚼着,回味着,一遍又一遍关于它的模样,关于它的故事,关于它的风采,关于它的蕴藏在历史的经典。色... 有些记忆会随着岁月的消失越来越淡,有些记忆却随着岁月的流转,雕刻成一道痕迹,深深地刻在脑海里。偶尔泛起,是由不得自己的一种想起。咀嚼着,回味着,一遍又一遍关于它的模样,关于它的故事,关于它的风采,关于它的蕴藏在历史的经典。色达就是这样的一种情感的纠结。挥之不去的红色典藏,那一个个孤独行走的灵魂,和他们背负着的故事,打动着如我这样的过客。匆匆之间。 展开更多
关键词 故事 民间文学 经筒 佛学院 佛音
作者 李姝萌 《黄河之声》 2020年第21期72-73,共2页
色达骨笛是四川省非物质文化遗产项目之一。本文从色达骨笛的源流与发展情况介绍了该项非遗的基本情况,并从其制作工艺与表现模式等角度分析了色达骨笛的文化艺术特点,得出其隶属于"甘肃骨笛"的支流,是甘肃地区骨笛发展的延续... 色达骨笛是四川省非物质文化遗产项目之一。本文从色达骨笛的源流与发展情况介绍了该项非遗的基本情况,并从其制作工艺与表现模式等角度分析了色达骨笛的文化艺术特点,得出其隶属于"甘肃骨笛"的支流,是甘肃地区骨笛发展的延续,并于上世纪40年代经藏传佛教僧侣传入四川省色达境内的结论。分析了其中所包含的部分"佛教"与"儒家"的观点,以及色达骨笛在近期发展中存在的一些问题。 展开更多
关键词 骨笛 佛教 藏戏 非物质文化遗产
作者 苏小川 《健康生活》 2017年第6期F0004-F0004,共1页
作者 李姝萌 《黑龙江史志》 2021年第5期38-41,共4页
色达藏戏是国务院于2018年审核批准的第一批国家级非物质文化遗产,具有悠久的历史、丰富的文化内涵和较高的艺术价值。但由于历史的原因,色达藏戏曾于1958年至1980年期间停演近22年之久,直到1980年5月,色达藏戏才在塔洛仁波切的极力促... 色达藏戏是国务院于2018年审核批准的第一批国家级非物质文化遗产,具有悠久的历史、丰富的文化内涵和较高的艺术价值。但由于历史的原因,色达藏戏曾于1958年至1980年期间停演近22年之久,直到1980年5月,色达藏戏才在塔洛仁波切的极力促成下恢复,重新出现在藏民们的生活中。文章通过对色达藏戏传承人塔洛仁波切的实地采访以及对藏区、藏民生活的实地考察,讲述了色达藏戏起源、传承、发展及流派特点等,阐明了色达藏戏对周边地区藏民、藏区社会稳定和发展发挥了重要的促进作用。 展开更多
关键词 藏戏 多智钦寺 塔洛仁波切 智美更登 格萨尔王传
《中国印刷》 2003年第7期95-95,共1页
速能达52系列采用双倍——三倍——双倍的V型滚筒排列,这使滚筒间的宽度充分有利于操作,同时机器长度也只有3.6米。速能达252A/452A配备有EPS快捷换版系统(Easy Plate setting system),可对所有版滚筒自动上、卸版,从而使换版及辅助时... 速能达52系列采用双倍——三倍——双倍的V型滚筒排列,这使滚筒间的宽度充分有利于操作,同时机器长度也只有3.6米。速能达252A/452A配备有EPS快捷换版系统(Easy Plate setting system),可对所有版滚筒自动上、卸版,从而使换版及辅助时间降至最低限度。在速能达52系列中,橡皮布自动清洗装置为标准配备,四个滚筒的清洗干燥只需要1分钟便可完成。 展开更多
关键词 速能52系列多 胶印机 滚筒排列方式 技术指标 产品特点
作者 张勇 《影视制作》 2013年第12期50-56,共7页
关键词 数字调风格 数据中介(DI) 方案 芬奇校
作者 周梦舟 冯艺华 +2 位作者 祝炳琴 郑茜玲 刘金瑞 《成都工业学院学报》 2023年第4期67-71,共5页
为提升游客的旅游体验,将增强现实(AR)技术应用于旅游服务。通过分析AR技术和景区App的特点,探索二者的结合切入点和优势,并进行了AR技术与景区App结合的应用研究。以四川省色达地区景区App的设计为例,研究将AR技术应用于景区App的方式... 为提升游客的旅游体验,将增强现实(AR)技术应用于旅游服务。通过分析AR技术和景区App的特点,探索二者的结合切入点和优势,并进行了AR技术与景区App结合的应用研究。以四川省色达地区景区App的设计为例,研究将AR技术应用于景区App的方式,提高游客对景区的满意度且增强景区的竞争力。 展开更多
关键词 AR技术 景区App 游客体验
Isolation, Expression Characteristics and Chromosomal Locations of Three cDNA Fragments Under Salt Stress in Rice 被引量:3
作者 钱前 柳原城司 +3 位作者 滕胜 曾大力 朱立煌 陈受宜 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第9期1090-1095,共6页
cDNA libraries were constructed from the leaves of a rice (Oryza sativa L.) salt tolerancevariety Tesan抋i 2 growing in solutions with 150 mmol/L NaCl for 3 h or without salt stress. Three salt-responsive cDNA clones,... cDNA libraries were constructed from the leaves of a rice (Oryza sativa L.) salt tolerancevariety Tesan抋i 2 growing in solutions with 150 mmol/L NaCl for 3 h or without salt stress. Three salt-responsive cDNA clones, Ts1, Ts2 and Ts3 were isolated by differential screening. Northern blottinganalysis showed that the transcription levels of Ts1 and Ts2 increased within 3 h salt stress and kept onincreasing within 24 h, while the transcription level of Ts3 reached its peak within 3 h. Sequence analysisindicated that there were no homologies between the three cDNA clones and any known gene. The threecDNA clones were mapped using a doubled haploid (DH) population derived from an indica variety ZYQ8,which was a salt tolerance parent of Tesan抋i 2, with a japonica variety JX17. Ts1, Ts2 and Ts3 werelocated on chromosomes 1, 3 and 7, respectively. It was noted that Ts1, Ts2, and Ts3 were in or near theregions of major or minor salt tolerance quantitative trait loci (QTLs), which were mapped in the same DHpopulation in a parallel study. 展开更多
关键词 RICE differential screening salt stress response mappingAbstract: cDNA libraries were constructed from the leaves of a rice (Oryza sativa L.) salttolerance variety Tesan’ai 2 growing in solutions with 150 mmol/L NaCl for 3 h or without s
Screening of the Metastasis-Associated Genes by Gene Chip in High Metastatic Human Ovarian Cancer Cell Lines 被引量:1
作者 许沈华 牟瀚舟 +3 位作者 顾琳慧 苏丹 朱赤红 刘祥麟 《Journal of Genetics and Genomics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第7期581-590,共10页
Affymetrix U133A oligonucleotide microarrays were used to study the differences of gene expressions between high (H) metastatic ovarian cancer cell line, HO-8910PM, and normal ovarian tissues (C). Bioinformatics w... Affymetrix U133A oligonucleotide microarrays were used to study the differences of gene expressions between high (H) metastatic ovarian cancer cell line, HO-8910PM, and normal ovarian tissues (C). Bioinformatics was used to identify their chromosomal localizations. A total of 1,237 genes were found to have a difference in expression levels more than eight times. Among them 597 were upregulated [Signal Log Ratio (SLR) ≥3], and 640 genes were downregulated (SLR≤-3). Except one gene, whose location was unknown, all these genes were randomly distributed on all the chromosomes. However, chromosome 1 contained the most differentially expressed genes (115 genes, 9.3%), followed by chromosome 2 (94 genes, 7.6%), chromosome 12 (88 genes, 7.1%), chromosome 11 (76 genes, 6.1%), chromosomes X (71 genes, 5.7%), and chromosomes l7 (69 genes, 5.6%). These genes were localized on short-arm of chromosome (q), which had 805 (65.1%) genes, and the short arms of No.13, 14, 15, 21, and 22 chromosomes were the only parts of the chromosomes where the differentially expressed genes were localized. Functional classification showed that most of the genes (306 genes, 24.7%) belonged to the enzymes and their regulator groups. The subsequent group was the nucleic acid binding genes (144 genes, 11.6%). The rest of the top two groups were signal transduction genes (137 genes, 11.1%) and proteins binding genes (116 genes, 9.4%). These comprised 56.8% of all the differentially expressed genes. There were also 207 genes whose functions were unknown (16.7 %). Therefore it was concluded that differentially expressed genes in high metastatic ovarian cancer cell were supposed to be randomly distributed across the genome, but the majority were found on chromosomes 1, 2, 12, 11, 17, and X. Abnormality in four groups of genes, including in enzyme and its regulator, nucleic acid binding, signal transduction and protein binding associated genes, might play important roles in ovarian cancer metastasis. Those genes need to be further studied. 展开更多
关键词 ovarian cancer cell line metastatic associated gene chromosomal localization molecular function
Induced Expression of Cytochrome P450 CYP305 B1V1 Gene in Different Tissues of Wild Mulberry Silkworm(Bombyx mandarina) 被引量:6
作者 路爱成 卫正国 +1 位作者 李兵 沈卫德 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第2期54-58,共5页
[ Objective] The aim of this study was to investigate effects of various inducers on the expression of cytochrome P450 CYP305 B1 V1 Gene in different tissues of wild mulberry silkworm. [ Method] Referring to the mRNA ... [ Objective] The aim of this study was to investigate effects of various inducers on the expression of cytochrome P450 CYP305 B1 V1 Gene in different tissues of wild mulberry silkworm. [ Method] Referring to the mRNA sequence of CYP305 B1 V1 Gene published in GenBank for wild mulberry silkworm, one pair of primers was designed, and the expression of cytochrome P450 CYP305 B1 V1 Gene in different tissues of wild mulberry silkworm treated by NaF, rutin, cypermethrin and ecdysone was also analyzed by the semi - quantitative RT - PCR. Furthermore, homology comparison and phylogenetic analysis for amino acid sequences of this gene were studied. [ Result] Rutin, cypermethrin and NaF had effects on the expression of P450 CYP305 B1 V1 Gene in different tissues of wild mulberry silkworm, while ecdysone had no significant effect. Homology comparison for amino acids indicated that the amino acid sequence of this gene was the most similar to that of CYP305 B1 gene in Bombyx mori with 100% amino acid identity, and highly similar to those of Tribolium casmneum CYP305A1, Apis mellifera CYP305A1, Drosophi- la melanogaster CYP305A1, Anopheles gambiae CYP305A2and Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus CYP2LI. [ Conclusion] CYP305 B1 V1 Gene of wild mulberry silkworm is likely to mainly take part in the metabolism of exogenous compounds, which is of great significance for revealing the function of cytochrome P450 and the metabolic mechanism of different drugs. 展开更多
关键词 Wild mulberry silkworm CYP305B1V1 INDUCE EXPRESSION Phylogenetic analysis
伊蚊一新种的记述(双翅目:蚊科) 被引量:2
作者 雷心田 《四川动物》 CSCD 1989年第1期6-8,共3页
Aedes (Ochlerotatus) sedaensis sp.nov. The new species is closely related to Aedes(Och.) Pullatus and Aedes(Och.)implicatus. The differences are tabulated below:
关键词 伊蚊 伊蚊 蚊科
Mechanized Seed Production of Xinhunyou No.6 through Mixed Seeding of Parents' Seeds 被引量:2
作者 张德文 倪金龙 +3 位作者 汪婉琳 倪大虎 杨前进 张伟 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第12期2656-2663,共8页
Hybrid rice Xinhunyou No. 6 could be cultivated by mixing male and fe- male parents and performing seedling raising followed by transplanting, mechanical planting or mechanical direct seeding according to the producti... Hybrid rice Xinhunyou No. 6 could be cultivated by mixing male and fe- male parents and performing seedling raising followed by transplanting, mechanical planting or mechanical direct seeding according to the production methods of com- mercial rice. During flowering stage, leaf cutting, application of "920" and pollination were conducted; after pollination, bentazon with a certain concentration was sprayed to kill the male parent; and the hybrid rice was harvested mechanically. Before storage, color separation was performed to remove little remaining male parent, thereby achieving whole-process mechanization of hybrid rice seed production. This study introduced mechanized seed production of Xinhunyou No. 6 through mixed- seeding from the aspects including mechanical direct seeding, seeding raising fol- lowed by transplanting and mechanical planting. 展开更多
关键词 Xinhunyou No. 6 Seed production Brown marker MECHANIZATION
Molecular Cloning and Expression of Carotenogenic Genes in Yellowish and Mutant Whitish Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) Fruits 被引量:2
作者 孙淑霞 谢红江 +3 位作者 陈栋 李靖 涂美艳 江国良 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第7期941-945,共5页
ObjectiveThe study aimed to explore the factors regulating carotenoid accumulation in flesh color. MethodA loquat mutation (red-or orange-fleshed plant emerged a bud mutation of white-flesh in trunk) was used as mat... ObjectiveThe study aimed to explore the factors regulating carotenoid accumulation in flesh color. MethodA loquat mutation (red-or orange-fleshed plant emerged a bud mutation of white-flesh in trunk) was used as material; HPLC analysis of β-carotene content was conducted. ResultThe β-carotene concentration in the flesh of wild and mutant types was 60.9 and 4.6 μg/g fresh weight, respectively. According to the conserved regions of genes from rose family genome, carotenogenic gene fragments in wild and mutant types were obtained. No nucleotide variation of the carotenogenic gene fragments was observed between wild and mutant genome. Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (Q-PCR) was compared and one carotenogenic gene, β-ring hydroxylase (HYB) were considerably suppressed in mature mutant loquat fruits compared with that in wild. The other six carotenogenic genes were also expressed but the expression patterns appeared to be not correlated with the amount of β-carotene concentration in wild loquat flesh. ConclusionThe mutant whitish loquat lacks the ability to synthesize β-carotene because of the transcriptional down-regulation of carotenogenic gene HYB. 展开更多
关键词 Β-CAROTENE β-ring hydroxylase Flesh colour Gene expression LOQUAT
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