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“迁省之争”与民元广西政局 被引量:2
作者 蔡洁 《安徽史学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第6期103-110,共8页
民国元年,"省会迁移"成为广西军政各界争论的核心问题。以革命党人为主的"迁省派"倡导将省会从桂林迁至南宁,以立宪派为主的"反对派"坚持仍以桂林为省会。在陆荣廷的支持和袁世凯的默许下,"迁省派&q... 民国元年,"省会迁移"成为广西军政各界争论的核心问题。以革命党人为主的"迁省派"倡导将省会从桂林迁至南宁,以立宪派为主的"反对派"坚持仍以桂林为省会。在陆荣廷的支持和袁世凯的默许下,"迁省派"最终取得了胜利,南宁取代桂林成为广西新的省会。"迁省之争"既彰显了民元广西的党争以及立宪派与革命派势力的消长,也反映了袁世凯政府对广西军阀势力的弱势统治。都督陆荣廷选择与"迁省派"结合,是基于稳定在广西军政统治的考虑。袁世凯政府对"迁省派"的态度从反对转向支持,则是对于平息广西政争、稳固西南边防以及陆荣廷军政实力的综合权衡。同时,"迁省南宁"的结局也推动了近代广西区域民族关系的变动。 展开更多
关键词 迁省之争” 广西政局 民国元年 桂林 南宁
略论清末民初广西迁省问题 被引量:1
作者 张新洲 《黑龙江史志》 2013年第19期43-44,共2页
清末民初,围绕着广西省会驻桂林还是驻南宁而引出的迁省问题,广西各方展开了激烈的争论,兴起了广西历史上著名的迁省之争。迁省是军事、经济、政治等多方因素促成的结果。以辛亥广西独立为界,前期讨论迁省多是从地域角度来衡量广西省会... 清末民初,围绕着广西省会驻桂林还是驻南宁而引出的迁省问题,广西各方展开了激烈的争论,兴起了广西历史上著名的迁省之争。迁省是军事、经济、政治等多方因素促成的结果。以辛亥广西独立为界,前期讨论迁省多是从地域角度来衡量广西省会驻地。辛亥革命广西独立后,迁省赋予了浓厚的政治色彩,反应更多的是广西各派政治势力的较量。 展开更多
关键词 广西 迁省之争 陆荣廷
自厝同异:民国初年广西迁省之争的再探讨 被引量:2
作者 刘超建 《昆明学院学报》 2020年第1期26-32,共7页
民国元年至四年(1912—1915年),广西迁省之争发生了两次较大的争论。之所以在短时间内,关于广西迁省的争论不断,主要是北洋政府试图利用这一事件,来加强对广西的控制,但事与愿违,反而增加了广西与中央的离心倾向。中央与地方、地方各派... 民国元年至四年(1912—1915年),广西迁省之争发生了两次较大的争论。之所以在短时间内,关于广西迁省的争论不断,主要是北洋政府试图利用这一事件,来加强对广西的控制,但事与愿违,反而增加了广西与中央的离心倾向。中央与地方、地方各派系以及革命党与陆荣廷等之间存在较多的矛盾与斗争,迁省之争亦是他们之间多重复杂关系及相互制衡的重要体现。 展开更多
关键词 近代广西 民国初年 南宁 桂林 北洋政府 地方派系 迁省之争
作者 吴智刚 《黑龙江史志》 2015年第1期79-80,92,共3页
清末广西迁移省会问题,从广西巡抚林绍年与两广总督岑春煊出于筹办桂越边务考量,联名奏请迁省南宁,至清廷中枢忧于革命党边境起事,酝酿迁省梧州以控驭边局。后任巡抚张鸣岐权衡厉害,复请迁省南宁,但之后边局稍缓,张即一反前说,坚决反对... 清末广西迁移省会问题,从广西巡抚林绍年与两广总督岑春煊出于筹办桂越边务考量,联名奏请迁省南宁,至清廷中枢忧于革命党边境起事,酝酿迁省梧州以控驭边局。后任巡抚张鸣岐权衡厉害,复请迁省南宁,但之后边局稍缓,张即一反前说,坚决反对广西咨议局的迁省议案,反映清政府各方在迁移省会问题上思虑多有不同。清政府上下看似同心,实则各人各有盘算,人事相互纠葛,以至问题长期筹而不决,相关问题甚至延续至民初。 展开更多
关键词 广西 迁省之议 人事纠葛
作者 李波 《广西地方志》 2010年第2期36-38,27,共4页
广西1912年省会的迁移,现有的研究成果大都从政治争斗等纯政治的层面考虑。经济问题一直贯穿于桂林与南宁争夺省会的争论的始终,商人在其中也扮演着非常重要的角色。从经济问题及其解决的角度来分析这次迁省之争,可以厘清此次迁省运动... 广西1912年省会的迁移,现有的研究成果大都从政治争斗等纯政治的层面考虑。经济问题一直贯穿于桂林与南宁争夺省会的争论的始终,商人在其中也扮演着非常重要的角色。从经济问题及其解决的角度来分析这次迁省之争,可以厘清此次迁省运动中常被忽视的另一条线络。 展开更多
关键词 广西 迁省之争 经济问题
生活的移植——跨省外迁三峡移民的社会适应 被引量:32
作者 风笑天 《江苏社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第3期78-82,共5页
本文依据对江苏、浙江两省343户跨省外迁三峡移民的问卷调查资料,采用多元统计分析方法,定量地考察了影响移民社会适应的主要因素。研究结果表明,安置地政府和居民对移民的接纳状况,是影响移民适应状况的最重要因素。同时,移民的住房状... 本文依据对江苏、浙江两省343户跨省外迁三峡移民的问卷调查资料,采用多元统计分析方法,定量地考察了影响移民社会适应的主要因素。研究结果表明,安置地政府和居民对移民的接纳状况,是影响移民适应状况的最重要因素。同时,移民的住房状况、移民与当地居民的交往状况、移民相互间的交往状况、移民对当地语言的熟悉程度、以及两地习俗方面的差别等因素,也对移民的社会适应具有一定影响。 展开更多
关键词 三峡移民 社会适应
1914—1915年广西“迁省”风波探究 被引量:1
作者 张季 《史学月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第1期59-66,共8页
省治所适当与否,不仅关系到一省发展,更与地缘政治发展息息相关。肇端于清季的广西迁省之争一直延续到民国初年。民国元年曾在广西激发了政争,但并未最终解决。张鸣岐主掌广西民政之后,提出省会迁回桂林。此议得到了桂林绅商的大力支持... 省治所适当与否,不仅关系到一省发展,更与地缘政治发展息息相关。肇端于清季的广西迁省之争一直延续到民国初年。民国元年曾在广西激发了政争,但并未最终解决。张鸣岐主掌广西民政之后,提出省会迁回桂林。此议得到了桂林绅商的大力支持,却遭到了南宁方面极端抵制。都督陆荣廷从最初表面支持,继而暗中指使军官反对,最后直接发电反对迁省。由于地方实力派强力反对,正在筹备帝制的袁世凯遂收回成命。1914—1915年广西迁省风波不止是民元政争的延续,亦非简单的党派之争,而是反映出民国初年中央与地方权力的博弈和边疆治理理念的变迁。 展开更多
关键词 广西 迁省 桂林 地方治理
陆荣廷建省会于南宁试析 被引量:6
作者 陆炬烈 《广西民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1996年第2期108-112,131,共6页
关键词 陆荣廷 迁省之争 桂林 南宁
作者 蓝消蔓 《边疆经济与文化》 2021年第3期86-89,共4页
政治中心的选择不仅事关行政区划,还关乎政治运作,而省级政治中心作为国家治理下的一个重要单位,其选择尤为重要。广西在唐后期首次得以设置高层政区后,其政治中心的选择在不同时代背景下出现了多次调整和反复。城市首位度选择包含自然... 政治中心的选择不仅事关行政区划,还关乎政治运作,而省级政治中心作为国家治理下的一个重要单位,其选择尤为重要。广西在唐后期首次得以设置高层政区后,其政治中心的选择在不同时代背景下出现了多次调整和反复。城市首位度选择包含自然、地理、人文等因素。从国家地区行政运作的角度看,广西历代政治中心变迁背后的存在多重内在动因。 展开更多
关键词 历代 广西 政治中心 迁省之争
作者 陈洪毅 《广西地方志》 2021年第5期34-41,86,共9页
本文立足历史视角,借助丰富的历史资料,把"南宁渠道"放到南宁发展历史中考察并认为:"南宁渠道"是长期打造的结果。古代南宁开发、发展,根植坚实的历史传统和人文基础;近现代南宁开埠通商、设为省会城市、建设"... 本文立足历史视角,借助丰富的历史资料,把"南宁渠道"放到南宁发展历史中考察并认为:"南宁渠道"是长期打造的结果。古代南宁开发、发展,根植坚实的历史传统和人文基础;近现代南宁开埠通商、设为省会城市、建设"大西南出海通道"、建设广西北部湾经济区等,确立南宁南宁海陆通商口岸、西南区域经济中心的区位优势,构筑"南宁渠道"硬件基础。随着中国—东盟自由贸易区加快建设,在南宁召开的中国—东盟博览会、商务与投资峰会,直接催生了"南宁渠道"。 展开更多
关键词 南宁渠道 南宁开埠 迁省之争” 广西北部湾经济区 中国—东盟博览会
Comparative Analysis of Influence Factors on Arable Land Use Intensity at Farm Household Level:A Case Study Comparing Suyu District of Suqian City and Taixing City,Jiangsu Province,China 被引量:16
作者 LU Xiao HUANG Xianjin +3 位作者 ZHONG Taiyang ZHAO Xiaofeng CHEN Yingxue GUO Shuiqiong 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第5期556-567,共12页
Using data from the farm household survey conducted in 2009,arable land use intensity(ALUI)and its influence factors at farm household level were investigated by the Tobit model.Suyu District of Suqian City and Taixin... Using data from the farm household survey conducted in 2009,arable land use intensity(ALUI)and its influence factors at farm household level were investigated by the Tobit model.Suyu District of Suqian City and Taixing City of Jiansu Province,China were chosen as the regions for comparison.The results show that:1)On the average, the ALUI,labor intensity,yield-increasing input,and labor-saving input are 15 238.14 yuan(RMB)/ha,192 d/ha, 7233.01 yuan/ha,and 2451.32 yuan/ha in the less economically developed Suyu District,and 13 020.65 yuan/ha,181 d/ha,5871.82 yuan/ha,and 2625.97 yuan/ha in more economically developed Taixing City.The figures indicate that Suyu District has higher ALUI and labor intensity input but lower labor-saving input.2)Comparing all the influence factors,the total arable land area in available and average plot size have bigger effects on arable land intensive use;to a small degree,family′s non-farm income affects labor intensity,yield-increasing input,and labor-saving input;the yield-increasing input decreases significantly when the householder has higher education attainment;the commercialization rates of agricultural products and the planting proportion of cash crops both have unstable influence on ALUI; the share of arable land rented in has few impacts on labor intensity,yield-increasing input,and labor-saving input. 3)There are no differences found in the internal impact mechanism of influence factors on the arable land intensive use behaviors of farm households.However,there are conspicuous disparities in the impact degrees and statistical significance based on varying economic levels.4)Using the results as bases,this study proposes that the government should implement land management and agricultural policies according to local condition.And these policies should decrease land fragmentation to promote scale management of land and arable land use intensification. 展开更多
关键词 arable land use intensity (ALUI) labor intensity yield-increasing input labor-saving input comparativeanalysis farm household
Livelihood changes and evolution of upland ethnic communities driven by tourism:a case study in Guizhou Province,southwest China 被引量:13
作者 LI Ya-juan VV Hu +2 位作者 CHEN Tian HU Jing CUI Hai-yang 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第7期1313-1332,共20页
As an effective livelihood approach to alleviate poverty without rural population migration, ethnic tourism has become the primary choice of economic development in ethnic areas worldwide in addition to traditional li... As an effective livelihood approach to alleviate poverty without rural population migration, ethnic tourism has become the primary choice of economic development in ethnic areas worldwide in addition to traditional livelihood approaches. This article applies the theories of livelihood to study the community evolution driven by tourism livelihood and examine three mountainous tourism communities in different stages of tourist area life cycle. Drawing on the methods of GIS spatial analysis, semi-structured interviews and questionnaires, this article proposes a sustainable livelihood framework for ethnic tourism to explore the evolution of ethnic tourism communities by identifying changes in livelihood assets(natural, financial, social, cultural and human capitals) in the process of tourism development. The results show that the development of ethnic tourism has led to changes in the increase of building land, and the diversification of land use functions with a trend of shifting from meeting local villagers' living needs to satisfying tourists, income composition and uneven distribution of tourism income spatially. Ethnic tourism also led to the deterioration of traditional social management structure, collapse of neighboring relationship, the over- commercialization and staged authenticity of ethnic culture, as well as the gradual vanish of agricultural knowledge with a trend of increasing modern business knowledge and higher education. In addition, these changes, involving livelihood assets from natural, economic, human, social and cultural aspects are interrelated and interactive, which form new evolution characters of ethnic community. This study reveals the conflicts over livelihood approaches which have formed new vulnerabilities to impact on sustainable evolution of ethnic communities. This research provides implications for achieving the sustainable development of ethnic communities with the driving force of tourism livelihood. 展开更多
关键词 Community evolution Tourism livelihood Livelihood assets Ethnic tourism Guizhou
Stone Bridge and Village Life World:A Case Study on Luqiao Village in Shandong Province, China
作者 ZHANG Xing-yu GUAN Xia 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第8期1054-1061,共8页
Based on the custom of stone bridge and village, by categorizing and interpreting the relationship between Lufeng Bridge (鲁封桥) and Luqiao Village (鲁桥村) in Southern Shandong Province, China, this paper focuse... Based on the custom of stone bridge and village, by categorizing and interpreting the relationship between Lufeng Bridge (鲁封桥) and Luqiao Village (鲁桥村) in Southern Shandong Province, China, this paper focuses on discussing the dynamic of rural society change in China and the practice of village life world. It provides detailed materials of field research about folk life of stone bridge and village in North China. Here village life world not only includes the folk integration of their everyday life, but also covers local villagers cognitive attitude towards village, such as village history, legend, belief, ritual, clan and other everyday life styles. Expounding and reconstructing of village life world, shows the essential meanings and categories of bridge folklore, it also demonstrates the consequence of shifting connection between stone bridge and village life. Firstly, the crucial context of understanding village life world is still promising. Secondly, folklore fieldwork is an significant part to comprehend the connotation of village life world. 展开更多
关键词 Life World LEGEND Folklore Space BRIDGE VILLAGE
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