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作者 秦敏 《中国牧业通讯》 2006年第17期85-85,共1页
关键词 《走过夏季 秦敏 文学作品 散文 随笔 中国 当代作品
作者 逸雨晴 《医药与保健》 2012年第5期1-1,共1页
平凡的日子,没有大起大落的惊乍,随着夏末余辉的妄想,欲在初秋的节气里绽放最后一班灿烂之际,心底悄然泛起温柔的情怀,使时间的流逝变得活色生香。拂面而来的悠悠凉风,激活懒洋了一季的整个身心。此刻,安之若素已然!激情四射亦随... 平凡的日子,没有大起大落的惊乍,随着夏末余辉的妄想,欲在初秋的节气里绽放最后一班灿烂之际,心底悄然泛起温柔的情怀,使时间的流逝变得活色生香。拂面而来的悠悠凉风,激活懒洋了一季的整个身心。此刻,安之若素已然!激情四射亦随!仿若置身在幽野,一份唯美的享受荡漾在眼帘,目光触及处,它纯净得像一幅刚被印染的名画,天空宛如一面没人敲打但却擦拭得异常锃亮的铜锣;鸟儿的叫声从绿草丛中传来,与微风轻轻抖落在灌木丛的节律和拍;空气里散发出各种花草的清香正在悠悠弥漫。秋韵把美丽的情欲注入万物,于是,与绿水拥抱,与群岚偎依,与大地亲吻,与生灵曼舞! 展开更多
关键词 散文 文学作品 现代文学 《走过夏季的愉悦》
作者 艾林 《山西林业》 1995年第2期29-29,共1页
树桩盆景的夏季管理艾林树桩盆景的夏季管理,对于盆景爱好者来说实在是一个考验。这是因为夏季气温高,日照强,且常伴暴风暴雨的气候,无疑此类气候是不利树桩盆景的生长。所以稍有疏忽,就有可能造成盆景死亡,更难采取补救措施。可... 树桩盆景的夏季管理艾林树桩盆景的夏季管理,对于盆景爱好者来说实在是一个考验。这是因为夏季气温高,日照强,且常伴暴风暴雨的气候,无疑此类气候是不利树桩盆景的生长。所以稍有疏忽,就有可能造成盆景死亡,更难采取补救措施。可见树桩盆景的夏季管理是有一定难度的... 展开更多
关键词 树桩盆景 夏季管理 采取补救措施 观赏价值 脱水现象 夏季气温 干热气候 过夏季 湿润度 危害性
作者 王阳 杨华胜 《河南林业》 1998年第3期29-29,共1页
1.幼果园管理 栽植后1-3年生果树,建园的成败关键是能否通过夏季这一关。在这个季节主要是保苗成活,保持土壤湿润、疏松、不板结、抗旱、防涝。 (1)栽后在嫁接口以上留3~5个饱满芽,将其余枝蔓剪截掉。待芽萌发后,5月中旬,保留1-2个健... 1.幼果园管理 栽植后1-3年生果树,建园的成败关键是能否通过夏季这一关。在这个季节主要是保苗成活,保持土壤湿润、疏松、不板结、抗旱、防涝。 (1)栽后在嫁接口以上留3~5个饱满芽,将其余枝蔓剪截掉。待芽萌发后,5月中旬,保留1-2个健壮枝蔓让其向上生长。单蔓式上架比多蔓式好,营养集中,枝条健壮,发育快,挂果早。 展开更多
关键词 猕猴桃 果园管理 促果肥 过夏季 细胞分裂素 生长发育 壮果肥 人工辅助授粉 土壤水分蒸发 嫁接口
作者 B.斯卡奇柯娃 亦民 《比较教育研究》 1982年第1期7-9,41,共4页
“丹孃,等一等……” 丹孃从学校门前的台阶上站起来,转过身去等着伊拉。伊拉由于跑得太快而气喘吁吁,她问丹孃说: “怎么样,说通了吗?” “说通了……我们一起去!”两个好朋友说着便消失在门后了。
关键词 劳动队 孩子们 高年级学生 集体农庄 夏令营 学校 卫国战争 国营农场 音乐会 过夏季
作者 钱怀庆 《当代护士(中旬刊)》 1995年第7期35-35,共1页
秋风荡过,落花飞叶,那曾经美丽过春天的花,荫凉过夏季的叶,如今满枝的娇艳和清丽倾刻飘零了。只有竹,仍然青翠碧绿、青春依旧。 竹,没有花艳丽动人,没有树高大雄伟,没有草柔蔓飘逸。
关键词 青年护士 修养 过夏季 理论与实践结合 医德医风 基本技能 地理环境 行为规范 护理经验 婀娜多姿
《中国经济和信息化》 1997年第35期20-20,共1页
就像在北京过夏季一样,阿奇钟爱紫色的棉质文化衫,透气吸汗,他是一个怕热的人,容易出汗,尤其是脑门和后背,也许是他长得比较壮实的原因。今天阿奇还穿着上个夏天的紫色棉质文化衫,终于在图书馆里找到《远古的非洲》这本书,津津有味地读... 就像在北京过夏季一样,阿奇钟爱紫色的棉质文化衫,透气吸汗,他是一个怕热的人,容易出汗,尤其是脑门和后背,也许是他长得比较壮实的原因。今天阿奇还穿着上个夏天的紫色棉质文化衫,终于在图书馆里找到《远古的非洲》这本书,津津有味地读起来,这本书他等候很久了,一旦获得就爱不释手,这些天的低落情绪仿佛一扫而空。因为这些天,慧一直没在网络上露面,莲去了广东之后,也很久没有消息,阿奇的宿舍里有张捡来的桌子,说是捡的实际并不破,是上届学友留下的,莲的来信统统放在中间抽屉里,到美国一年后他攒了厚厚的一沓。阿奇的回信相比之下要少得多,大概是3:1的比例吧。是啊,他实在太忙了,对于一个外国留学生来说。 展开更多
关键词 文化衫 外国留学生 过夏季 死党 举起手 紫色 学友 奇美 好问 论述题
作者 沈晓鸣 《商务周刊》 2002年第18期18-18,共1页
关键词 王治郅 牺牲品 国家利益 世锦赛 亚运会 运动员 两个条件 过夏季 道盖 道德界限
作者 柯福兴 《新闻前哨》 1997年第4期39-39,共1页
内参报道实质上也是新闻,只是不宜公开发表.因此,内参稿既具有新闻的一般特性,也具有自身的独特个性,概括起来有“五性”:时效性.内参稿的时效性虽不像当日新闻或隔日新闻那样紧迫,但也切忌缓慢、拖拉.去年秋收前夕,一通讯员来稿反映:... 内参报道实质上也是新闻,只是不宜公开发表.因此,内参稿既具有新闻的一般特性,也具有自身的独特个性,概括起来有“五性”:时效性.内参稿的时效性虽不像当日新闻或隔日新闻那样紧迫,但也切忌缓慢、拖拉.去年秋收前夕,一通讯员来稿反映:某乡农技站因出售假中稻种子,给遭受过夏季洪涝灾害的农民造成惨重损失,使他们雪上加霜.受害农民要求赔偿,该站领导和经手人却避而不见.因此部分受害农民打算自发组织起来去讨个公道.此稿先是分给版面编辑,压了几天后觉得不宜公开见报,便转发内参.等内参送到有关领导手中,为时已晚,以致造成了不应有的损失.实践表明:编发内参稿也要有新闻敏感性,按部就班、程序化的机关作风应当改变.原始性.内参稿主要给领导和有关部门参阅,为他们提供正确决策作依据.因此,内参所报道的事情,要尽可能保持原始风貌,凸现事情的本来面目.内参不是经验总结,也不是典型报道,切忌提炼观点,妄加评论,否则容易给参阅的领导造成干扰,甚至产生误导.内参的任务就是不枝不蔓地摆事实、讲道理,事情的原始面目反映得越真实、越清楚,领导正确决策的依据就越充分.客观性.内参稿既不允许作者臆选观点和妄加评论。 展开更多
关键词 内参报道 “五性” 洪涝灾害 时效性 新闻敏感性 典型报道 版面编辑 机关作风 过夏季 独特个性
作者 栾冬化 《兵团工运》 2003年第1期23-23,共1页
1.清洗调整:首先对拖拉机的机体全面检查和清洗,在清洗中,如发现外体有漏油、漏水或漏气,应及时更换衬垫;燃烧室、活塞、气门经过夏季使用,上面往往有积炭,应及时清除。另外,蓄电液应及时调整,以便调高发电机调节器的输出电压,及时将发... 1.清洗调整:首先对拖拉机的机体全面检查和清洗,在清洗中,如发现外体有漏油、漏水或漏气,应及时更换衬垫;燃烧室、活塞、气门经过夏季使用,上面往往有积炭,应及时清除。另外,蓄电液应及时调整,以便调高发电机调节器的输出电压,及时将发动机转换开关调整到冬用位置。 展开更多
关键词 履带式拖拉机 发电机调节器 发动机启动 燃烧室 转换开关 润滑油料 输出电压 过夏季 冷却速度 轮式拖拉机
Supercooled water in austral summer in Prydz Bay,Antarctica 被引量:8
作者 史久新 程瑶瑶 +1 位作者 矫玉田 侯家强 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第2期427-437,共11页
Supercooled water with temperatures below freezing point, was identified from hydrographic data obtained by Chinese and Australian expeditions to Prydz Bay, Antarctica, during the austral summer. The study shows that ... Supercooled water with temperatures below freezing point, was identified from hydrographic data obtained by Chinese and Australian expeditions to Prydz Bay, Antarctica, during the austral summer. The study shows that most supercooled waters occurred at depths of 63-271 m in the region north of the Amery Ice Shelf (AIS) front. The maximum supercooling was 0.16℃ below the in-situ freezing point. In temperature and salinity ranges of-2.14 - -1.96℃ and 34.39-34.46, respectively, the water was colder and fresher than peripheral shelf water. The supercooled water had less variability in the vertical profiles compared to shelf water. Based on analysis of their thermohaline features and spatial distribution, as well as the circulation pattern in Prydz Bay, we conclude that these supercooled waters originated from a cavity beneath the AIS and resulted from upwelling just outside of the AIS front. Water emerging from the ice shelf cools to an extremely low temperature (about -2.0℃) by additional cooling from the ice shelf, and becomes buoyant with the addition of melt water from the ice shelf base. When this water flows out of the ice shelf front, its upper boundary is removed, and thus it rises abruptly. Once the temperature of this water reaches below the freezing point, supercooling takes place. In summer, the seasonal pycnocline at -100 m water depth acts as a barrier to upwelling and supercooling. The upwelling of ice shelf outflow water illuminates a unique mid-depth convection of the polar ocean. 展开更多
关键词 supercooled water CONVECTION ice shelf Prydz Bay ANTARCTICA
Does regional air–sea coupling improve the simulation of the summer monsoon over the western North Pacific in the WRF4 model? 被引量:2
作者 ZOU Liwei 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2020年第6期500-508,共9页
A new regional coupled ocean–atmosphere model,WRF4-LICOM,was used to investigate the impacts of regional air–sea coupling on the simulation of the western North Pacific summer monsoon(WNPSM),with a focus on the norm... A new regional coupled ocean–atmosphere model,WRF4-LICOM,was used to investigate the impacts of regional air–sea coupling on the simulation of the western North Pacific summer monsoon(WNPSM),with a focus on the normal WNPSM year 2005.Compared to WRF4,WRF4-LICOM improved the simulation of the summer mean monsoon rainfall,circulations,sea surface net heat fluxes,and propagations of the daily rainband over the WNP.The major differences between the models were found over the northern South China Sea and east of the Philippines.The warmer SST reduced the gross moist stability of the atmosphere and increased the upward latent heat flux,and then drove local ascending anomalies,which led to the increase of rainfall in WRF4-LICOM.The resultant enhanced atmospheric heating drove a low-level anomalous cyclone to its northwest,which reduced the simulated circulation biases in the stand-alone WRF4 model.The local observed daily SST over the WNP was a response to the overlying summer monsoon.In the WRF4 model,the modeled atmosphere exhibited passive response to the underlying daily SST anomalies.With the inclusion of regional air–sea coupling,the simulated daily SST–rainfall relationship was significantly improved.WRF4-LICOM is recommended for future dynamical downscaling of simulations and projections over this region. 展开更多
关键词 Regional coupled ocean–atmosphere model regional climate model western North Pacific summer monsoon regional air–sea interactions
《西南民兵》 1994年第9期46-46,共1页
关键词 人类活动 收获的季节 洋川镇 哗啦声 过夏季 散文诗 龙的传人 血与汗 人生之路 人的活动
Characteristics of land surface thermal-hydrologic processes for different regions over North China during prevailing summer monsoon period 被引量:28
作者 ZHANG Qiang ZENG Jian ZHANG LiYang 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第11期1872-1880,共9页
The observation stations of Northern China are divided into three regions:the arid Northwest China,the Loess Plateau,and the cool Northeast China.The consistencies,differences,and associated mechanisms of land surface... The observation stations of Northern China are divided into three regions:the arid Northwest China,the Loess Plateau,and the cool Northeast China.The consistencies,differences,and associated mechanisms of land surface thermal-hydrologic processes among the three regions were studied based on the normalization of major variables of land surface thermal-hydrologic processes,using data collected during prevailing summer monsoon period(July and August,2008).It is shown that differences of surface thermal-hydrologic processes are remarkable among the three regions because of different impacts of summer monsoon.Especially their soil wet layers occur at different depths,and the average albedo and its diurnal variations are distinctly different.Surface net short-wave radiation in the Loess Plateau is close to that in the cool Northeast China,but its surface net long-wave radiation is close to that in the arid Northwest China.And the ratio of net radiation to global solar radiation in the cool Northeast China is higher than the other two regions,though its temperature is lower.There are obvious regional differences in the ratios of surface sensible and latent heat fluxes to net radiation for the three regions because of distinct contribution of sensible and latent heat fluxesto land surface energy balance.The three regions are markedly different in the ratio of water vapor flux to pan evaporation,but they are consistent in the ratio of water vapor flux to precipitation.These results not only indicate different influences of climate and environmental factors on land surface thermal-hydrologic processes in the three regions,but also show that summer monsoon is important in the formation and variation of the pattern of land surface thermal-hydrologic processes. 展开更多
关键词 different regions of North China prevailing summer monsoon period coordinated experiment land surface thermalhydrologic processes influence factors
Quantitative measurements on the paleo-weathering intensity of the loess-soil sequences and implication on paleomonsoon 被引量:12
作者 郝青振 郭正堂 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2001年第6期566-576,共11页
The loess-soil sequences in northern China provide a near continuous record of Quaternary paleoclimate. The pedogenetic intensity of the sequences is closely linked with the variations of the East Asian summer monsoon... The loess-soil sequences in northern China provide a near continuous record of Quaternary paleoclimate. The pedogenetic intensity of the sequences is closely linked with the variations of the East Asian summer monsoon. In this study, 2181 samples from the Changwu and Xifeng loess sections are analyzed and two high-resolution paleo-weathering timeseries of the last 1.2 Ma are generated, using the ratio of CBD extractable free Fe2O3 (FeD) versus the total iron (FeT). This new index is compared with micromorphological features, low-frequency magnetic susceptibility, frequency-dependent magnetic susceptibility, and the Rb/Sr ratio[5,6]. The results suggest that the FeD/FeT ratio is able to better reflect the degree of soil development. Since the chemical weather-ing of loess in the Loess Plateau region mainly depends upon the summer precipitation and tem-perature under modern climate condition, which are closely associated with strength of summer monsoon, and the chemical weathering intensity of loess primarily reflects the variations of the summer monsoon circulation. 展开更多
关键词 LOESS Paleo-Weathering Intensity East Asian Summer Monsoon Fed/Fet Ratio magnetic susceptibility
Roles of forced and inertially unstable convection development in the onset process of Indian summer monsoon 被引量:5
作者 WU GuoXiong LIU BoQi 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第7期1438-1451,共14页
The NCEP/NCAR R1 reanalysis data are employed to investigate the impact of forced and inertial instability in the lower troposphere over the Arabian Sea on the onset process of Indian summer monsoon(ISM),and to reveal... The NCEP/NCAR R1 reanalysis data are employed to investigate the impact of forced and inertial instability in the lower troposphere over the Arabian Sea on the onset process of Indian summer monsoon(ISM),and to reveal the important role of zonal advection of zonal geostrophic momentum played in the forced unstable convection.Results show that during the ISM onset the zero absolute vorticity contour(??=0)shifts northward due to the strong cross-equatorial pressure gradient in the lower troposphere over southern Arabian Sea.Thus a region with negative absolute vorticity is generated near the equator in the northern hemisphere,manifesting the evident free inertial instability.When a southerly passes through this region,under the influence of friction a lower convergence that facilitates the convection flourishing at the lower latitudes appears to the north of zero absolute vorticity contour.However,owing to such a traditional inertial instability,the convection is confined near the equator which does not have direct influence on the ISM onset.On the contrary in the region to the north of the zero absolute vorticity contour and to the south of the low pressure center near the surface,although the atmosphere there is inertially stable,the lower westerly jet can develop and bring on the apparent zonal advection of zonal geostrophic momentum.Both theoretical study and diagnosing analysis present that such a zonal advection of geostrophic momentum is closely associated with the zonal asymmetric distribution of meridional land-sea thermal contrast,which induces a convergence center near and further north of the westerly jet in the lower troposphere over the southwestern coast of the Indian Peninsula,providing a favorable lower circulation for the ISM onset.It illustrates that the development of convection over the Arabian Sea in late spring and early summer is not only due to the frictional inertial instability but also strongly affected by the zonal asymmetric distribution of land-sea thermal contrast.Moreover,before the ISM onset due to the eastward development of the South Asian High(SAH)in the upper troposphere,high potential vorticity is transported to the region over the Arabian Sea.Then a local trumpet-shaped stream field is generated to cause the evident upper divergence-pumping effect which favors the ISM onset.When the upper divergence is vertically coupled with the lower convergence resulted from the aforementioned forced unstable convection development near the southwestern coast of Indian Peninsula,the atmospheric baroclinic unstable development is stimulated and the ISM onset is triggered. 展开更多
关键词 forced convection development Indian summer monsoon onset zonal advection of zonal geostrophic momentum SouthAsian High
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