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作者 韩世杰 李瑞梅 《山东医科大学学报(社会科学版)》 1989年第3期22-25,共4页
虽然人类和其它动植物遭受病毒危害由来已久,但“病毒”这一概念的产生,则仅有短暂的历史。病毒概念作为病毒本质的概括和总结,是实践发展的产物,它是随着人们对病毒本质认识的不断深入而趋向完善的。在某种意义上,病毒学发展的历史,就... 虽然人类和其它动植物遭受病毒危害由来已久,但“病毒”这一概念的产生,则仅有短暂的历史。病毒概念作为病毒本质的概括和总结,是实践发展的产物,它是随着人们对病毒本质认识的不断深入而趋向完善的。在某种意义上,病毒学发展的历史,就是病毒概念的产生和发展的历史。 展开更多
关键词 PRION 肿瘤病毒 过滤性病毒 宿主细胞 历史发展 内源性病毒 致病因子 传染因子 病毒 细菌滤器
《中国科技产业》 2001年第7期45-45,共1页
关键词 过滤性病毒 脑癌 治疗 加拿大
成人朗格汉斯细胞组织细胞增生症11例临床分析 被引量:4
作者 孔丹青 平娜娜 +2 位作者 金正明 吴德沛 曲昌菊 《上海医学》 CAS 2022年第2期110-113,共4页
目的探讨11例成人朗格汉斯细胞组织细胞增生症(LCH)的临床特点及长期随访结果,并结合文献讨论LCH的最新诊治进展。方法回顾性分析苏州大学附属第一医院2008年1月—2020年7月收治的11例通过病理明确诊断的成人LCH患者的临床分型、受累部... 目的探讨11例成人朗格汉斯细胞组织细胞增生症(LCH)的临床特点及长期随访结果,并结合文献讨论LCH的最新诊治进展。方法回顾性分析苏州大学附属第一医院2008年1月—2020年7月收治的11例通过病理明确诊断的成人LCH患者的临床分型、受累部位、临床表现、治疗及预后。结果成人LCH各年龄段均可发病,临床表现与受累部位相关,骨骼(8/11)、淋巴结(4/11)、肺(3/11)受累更为常见;单系统LCH治疗以病灶切除为主,多系统LCH治疗以系统性方案治疗为主。11例患者中失访1例,其余10例中位随访时间为84.8个月,1例死于本病进展,1例死于脑血管意外(LCH完全缓解),其余8例患者无进展且生存至今。结论成人LCH累及部位及临床表现多样,但经规范化治疗和监测,往往预后较好。 展开更多
关键词 组织细胞增多症 朗格尔汉斯细胞 鼠类肉瘤过滤性病毒致癌同源体B1突变 克拉屈滨
犊牛肺炎病的防治 被引量:2
作者 郑延平 《畜牧兽医科技信息》 2000年第12期15-15,共1页
犊牛患肺炎后,如果诊治不及时或不合理,常引起死亡,造成经济损失。此病是病菌或过滤性病毒所致。病菌中以化脓性棒状杆菌和败血性出血性杆菌最常见。病犊体温高达41℃左右,呼吸加快,咳嗽和流鼻涕。此病多发生在秋末冬初季节,应注意防治:... 犊牛患肺炎后,如果诊治不及时或不合理,常引起死亡,造成经济损失。此病是病菌或过滤性病毒所致。病菌中以化脓性棒状杆菌和败血性出血性杆菌最常见。病犊体温高达41℃左右,呼吸加快,咳嗽和流鼻涕。此病多发生在秋末冬初季节,应注意防治:(1)加强对初生犊牛的饲养管理,增强其机体的抵抗力。 展开更多
关键词 犊牛肺炎 过滤性病毒 棒状杆菌 饲养管理 造成经济损失 初生犊牛 出血性 秋末冬初 化脓性 鸡蛋清
作者 李和 《中国农垦》 北大核心 1995年第2期32-32,共1页
养猪先防病疾病是猪致命的灾害,也是养猪户的大敌,猪生病不仅影响生长,还容易造成死亡。有的病得上就死,如猪瘟病,是过滤性病毒引起的,不论大小猪,得上无特效药治疗,几乎百分之百遭死亡。像这种恶性传染病,不严加预防,一旦发... 养猪先防病疾病是猪致命的灾害,也是养猪户的大敌,猪生病不仅影响生长,还容易造成死亡。有的病得上就死,如猪瘟病,是过滤性病毒引起的,不论大小猪,得上无特效药治疗,几乎百分之百遭死亡。像这种恶性传染病,不严加预防,一旦发生,全群毁灭,其它病如猪肺疫,猪丹... 展开更多
关键词 传染病流行 防治措施 过滤性病毒 上风位置 呼吸系统病 环境卫生 健康状况 时间确认 优良品种 造成经济损失
作者 李明 《医学文选》 1990年第6期76-76,共1页
一提到性病,人们自然想到梅毒、淋病和艾滋病。近几年,又发现一种鲜为人知的性病——披衣菌感染。披衣菌又称衣原菌,是一种比过滤性病毒大,比一般细菌小的病原体,它造成的症状与淋病细菌所造成的症状类似,常被误诊为淋病而用青霉素治疗... 一提到性病,人们自然想到梅毒、淋病和艾滋病。近几年,又发现一种鲜为人知的性病——披衣菌感染。披衣菌又称衣原菌,是一种比过滤性病毒大,比一般细菌小的病原体,它造成的症状与淋病细菌所造成的症状类似,常被误诊为淋病而用青霉素治疗。其实。 展开更多
关键词 菌感染 淋病 青霉素 艾滋病 病原体 过滤性病毒 细菌 症状 治疗 误诊
作者 薛帮群 陈菊娥 《河南科技大学学报(农学版)》 1989年第S1期61-62,共2页
家兔传染性口炎是一种过滤性病毒所引起的以口腔粘膜发生水疱性炎症为主的急性传染病。该病对30—90日龄的幼免危害最大。一旦兔群发病,若不及时治疗死亡率在50%左右、给养兔业带来较大损失。本文将该病的发病机理、临床症状、剖检变... 家兔传染性口炎是一种过滤性病毒所引起的以口腔粘膜发生水疱性炎症为主的急性传染病。该病对30—90日龄的幼免危害最大。一旦兔群发病,若不及时治疗死亡率在50%左右、给养兔业带来较大损失。本文将该病的发病机理、临床症状、剖检变化、诊断及预防措施都一一作了叙述。本人搜集大量治疗验方并经过了临床实践、文中介绍的方剂及治疗方法、治愈率达90%以上,供广大养兔户参考。 展开更多
关键词 口腔粘膜损伤 传染性 口炎 家兔 过滤性病毒 急性传染病 死亡率 及时治疗 磺胺二甲嘧啶 炎症
作者 刘莎 《新乡学院学报》 1997年第3期31-32,共2页
正常的细胞怎样变成癌细胞?早在1866年,保罗·布罗卡(Paul Broca)从给他妻子家庭画的一张谱系图,就领悟到癌症与遗传因素有关。在本世纪初,有人怀疑病毒可能与人类或其他动物的癌症有关。第一个癌基因就是在病毒中发现的,在1911年... 正常的细胞怎样变成癌细胞?早在1866年,保罗·布罗卡(Paul Broca)从给他妻子家庭画的一张谱系图,就领悟到癌症与遗传因素有关。在本世纪初,有人怀疑病毒可能与人类或其他动物的癌症有关。第一个癌基因就是在病毒中发现的,在1911年美国洛克菲勒研究所劳斯(F.P.Rous)在研究鸡肉瘤时,发现鸡肉癌能通过肿瘤的无细胞滤液传播,并首先证实鸡肿瘤的致病因子是过滤性病毒,此病毒被命名为“劳斯肉瘤病毒”。劳斯最先提出了病毒致癌的假说,但此观点在当时被认为是奇说怪论。直到50年代后不少研究者陆续发现病毒还可以使鼠、兔等多种动物产生肿瘤,劳斯的理论得到了大量事实的验证,因而重新引起了重视。 展开更多
关键词 病毒癌基因 基因概念 劳斯肉瘤病毒 病毒 原癌基因 致病因子 肿瘤 过滤性病毒 遗传因素 癌症
作者 李刚 《科技信息》 1999年第8期18-18,共1页
强白光闪照灭菌技术 最近,美国Foodco公司利用一种惰性气体灯发出波长由紫外光区至红外线区的光线,其光强度比阳光强2万倍,对大多数微生物、过滤性病毒和孢子均能致死,能延长透明物料预包装食品以及新鲜食品的货架寿命。这种设备装置避... 强白光闪照灭菌技术 最近,美国Foodco公司利用一种惰性气体灯发出波长由紫外光区至红外线区的光线,其光强度比阳光强2万倍,对大多数微生物、过滤性病毒和孢子均能致死,能延长透明物料预包装食品以及新鲜食品的货架寿命。这种设备装置避免了用H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>、ETO或电离辐射等引起食用安全问题的灭菌方法。 展开更多
关键词 现代食品 工程发展 新技术 营养成份 分子蒸馏技术 冷冻干燥技术 电离辐射 微波技术 预包装食品 过滤性病毒
《广东质量》 2003年第5期86-86,共1页
关键词 美国 西弗吉尼亚大学医学院 专家 呼吸综合症 预防措施 过滤性病毒 免疫功能
《电器》 2000年第2期33-33,共1页
阿里斯顿"蕾咪小先锋"电热水器具有银灰色外观,造型由国际知名设计师Makio HasuiKi执笔设计,保持了欧洲原味的典雅风格。
关键词 阿里斯顿 洗衣机 电热水器 克菌 银灰色 设计师 过滤性病毒 造型 纯天然 萃取
作者 何华 《现代商贸工业》 1996年第7期33-33,共1页
天然磷灰石 日本拉太尔磷灰石公司将牛骨烧制到1200C制成了天然磷灰石,它能吸附和分离蛋白质及过滤性病毒,去除产生口臭和虫牙的病源齿垢。将其加入口香糖中,具有补钙健脑、预防口臭的功效。 缩氨酸 日本昭和产业公司和通产省工业技术... 天然磷灰石 日本拉太尔磷灰石公司将牛骨烧制到1200C制成了天然磷灰石,它能吸附和分离蛋白质及过滤性病毒,去除产生口臭和虫牙的病源齿垢。将其加入口香糖中,具有补钙健脑、预防口臭的功效。 缩氨酸 日本昭和产业公司和通产省工业技术所微生物工业研究室,从玉米蛋白质中提出能抑制血管紧张的缩氨酸。提取方法是,首先从玉米中去除玉米淀粉,制成谷蛋白, 展开更多
关键词 功能性食品添加剂 磷灰石 粉末油脂 香兰素 香子兰香精 缩氨酸 玉米淀粉 过滤性病毒 提取方法 玉米蛋白质
Persistent occult hepatitis B virus infection:Experimental findings and clinical implications 被引量:17
作者 Patricia M Mulrooney-Cousins Tomasz I Michalak 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第43期5682-5686,共5页
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a highly pathogenic virus that causes chronic liver diseases in millions of people globally. In addition to a symptomatic, serologically evident infection, occult persistent HBV carriage has... Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a highly pathogenic virus that causes chronic liver diseases in millions of people globally. In addition to a symptomatic, serologically evident infection, occult persistent HBV carriage has been identified since nucleic acid amplification assays of enhanced sensitivity became introduced for detection of hepadnaviral genomes and their replicative intermediates. Current evidence indicates that occult HBV infection is a common and long-term consequence of resolution of acute hepatitis B. This form of residual infection is termed as secondary occult infection (SOI). The data from the woodchuck model of HBV infection indicate that exposure to small amounts of hepadnavirus can also cause primary occult infection (POI) where virus genome, but no serological makers of exposure to virus, are detectable, and the liver may not be involved. However, virus replicates at low levels in the lymphatic system in both these forms. We briefly summarize the current understanding of the nature and characteristics of occult hepadnaviral persistence as well as of its documented and expected pathological consequences. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatitis B viWoodchuck hepatitis virus Hepadnaviruses Hepadnaviral hepatitis Occult viral persistence Hepadnavirus lymphotropism Primary occult infection Secondary occult infection Virus reactivation
Blood micronutrient, oxidative stress, and viral load in patients with chronic hepatitis C 被引量:6
作者 Wang-Sheng Ko Chih-Hung Guo +5 位作者 Maw-Sheng Yeh Li-Yun Lin Guoo-Shyng W. Hsu Pei-Chung Chen Mei-Ching Luo Chia-Yeh Lin 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第30期4697-4702,共6页
AIM: To assess the extent of micronutrient and oxidative stress in blood and to examine their linkages with viral loads in chronic hepatitis C patients.METHODS: Hepatitis C virus (HCV)-RNA levels were quantified in th... AIM: To assess the extent of micronutrient and oxidative stress in blood and to examine their linkages with viral loads in chronic hepatitis C patients.METHODS: Hepatitis C virus (HCV)-RNA levels were quantified in the serum from 37 previously untreated patients with chronic hepatitis C. The plasma and erythrocyte micronutrients (zinc, selenium, copper, and iron) were estimated, and malondialdehyde (MDA)contents were determined as a marker to detect oxidative stress. Antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase (SOD),glutathione peroxidase (GPX) and glutathione reductase (GR) activities in blood were also measured. The control group contained 31 healthy volunteers.RESULTS: The contents of zinc (Zn), and selenium (Se)in plasma and erythrocytes were significantly lower in hepatitis C patients than in the controls. On the contrary,copper (Cu) levels were significantly higher. Furthermore,plasma and erythrocyte MDA levels, and the SOD and GR activities in erythrocytes significantly increased in hepatitis C patients compared to the controls. However, the plasma GPX activity in patients was markedly lower. Plasma Se (r= -0.730, P<0.05), Cu (r = 0.635), and GPX (r = -0.675)demonstrated correlations with HCV-RNA loads. Significant correlation coefficients were also observed between HCV-RNA levels and erythrocyte Zn (r = -0.403), Se (r = -0.544), Cu (r = 0.701) and MDA (r = 0.629) and GR (r = 0.441).CONCLUSION: The levels of Zn, Se, Cu, and oxidative stress (MDA), as well as related anti-oxidative enzymes (GR and GPX) in blood have important impact on the viral factors in chronic hepatitis C. The distribution of these parameters might be significant biomarkers for HCV. 展开更多
关键词 MICRONUTRIENT Oxidative stress Viral load Plasma and erythrocytes Hepatitis C
Replication of hepatitis B virus in primary duck hepatocytes transfected with linear viral DNA 被引量:2
作者 Yun-Qing Yao Ding-Feng Zhang +10 位作者 Ni Tang Ai-Long Huang Xiao-Yi Zou Jiang-Feng Xiao Yun Luo Da-Zhi Zhang Bo Wang Wei-Ping Zhou Hong Ren Qi Liu Shu-Hua Guo 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第32期5019-5021,共3页
AIM: To explore the expression and replication of hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA in primary duck hepatocytes (PDHs).METHODS: Complete HBV genome was transfected into PDHs by electroporation (transfected group, 1.19×... AIM: To explore the expression and replication of hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA in primary duck hepatocytes (PDHs).METHODS: Complete HBV genome was transfected into PDHs by electroporation (transfected group, 1.19×1012copies of linear HBV DNA/1×107 PDHs). After 1-5 d of transfection, HBsAg and HBeAg in the supernatant and lysate of PDHs were measured with the IMX System.Meanwhile, replicative intermediates of HBV DNA were analyzed by Southern blotting and Dot blotting. PDHs electroporated were used as control group.RESULTS: HBsAg in the hepatocyte lysates of transfected group was 15.24 (1 d), 14.55 (3 d) and 5.13 (5 d; P/N values, positive≥2.1) respectively. HBeAg was negative (<2.1). Both HBsAg and HBeAg were negative in the supernatant of transfected group. Dot blotting revealed that HBV DNA was strongly positive in the transfected group and negative in the control group. Southern blot analysis of intracellular total DNA indicated that there were relaxed circular (rc DNA), covalently closed circular (ccc DNA), and single-stranded (ss DNA) HBV DNA replicative intermediates in the transfected group, there was no integrated HBV DNA in the cellular genome. These parameters were negative in control group.CONCLUSION: Expression and replication of HBV genes can occur in hepatocytes from non-mammalian species.HBV replication has no critical species-specificity, and yet hepatic-specific regulating factors in hepatocytes may be essential for viral replication. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatitis B virus REPLICATION EXPRESSION Primary duck hepatocytes
HBeAg negative serological status and low viral replication levels characterize chronic hepatitis B virus-infected women at reproductive age in Greece: A one-year prospective single center study 被引量:3
作者 Ioannis S. Elefsiniotis Irene Glynou +5 位作者 Ioanna Magaziotou Konstantinos D. Pantazis Nikolaos V. Fotos Hero Brokalaki Helen Kada George Saroglou 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第31期4879-4882,共4页
AIM: To evaluate the seroprevalence of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) in 13 581 women at reproductive age and the hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg)/anti-HBe status as well as serum hepatitis B virus (HBV)-DNA ... AIM: To evaluate the seroprevalence of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) in 13 581 women at reproductive age and the hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg)/anti-HBe status as well as serum hepatitis B virus (HBV)-DNA levels in a subgroup of HBsAg(+) pregnant women at labor in Greece. METHODS: Serological markers were detected using enzyme immunoassays. Serum HBV-DNA was determined by a sensitive quantitative PCR assay. Statistical analysis of data was based on parametric methodology. RESULTS: Overall, 1.156% of women were HBsAg(+) and the majority of them (71.3%) were Albanian. The prevalence of HBsAg was 5.1% in Albanian women, 4.2% in Asian women and 1.14% in women from Eastern European countries. The prevalence of HBsAg in African (0.36%) and Greek women (0.29%) was very low. Only 4.45% of HBsAg (+) women were also HBeAg(+) whereas the vast majority of them were HBeAg(-)/anti-HBe(+). Undetectable levels of viremia (〈200 copies/mL) were observed in 32.26% of pregnant women at labor and 29.03% exhibited extremely low levels of viral replication (〈400 copies/mL). Only two pregnant women exhibited extremely high serum HBV- DNA levels (〉10 000 000 copies/mL), whereas 32.26% exhibited HBV-DNA levels between 1 500 and 40 000 copies/mL. CONCLUSION: The overall prevalence of HBsAg is relatively low among women at reproductive age in Greece but is higher enough among specific populations. The HBeAg(-)/anti-HBe(+) serological status and the extremely low or even undetectable viral replicative status in the majority/of HBsAg(+) women of our study population, suggestthat only a small proportion of HBsAg(+) women in Greece exhibit a high risk for vertical transmission of the infection. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatitis B Reproductive age Verticaltransmission HBEAG HBV-DNA
Viral and host causes of fatty liver in chronic hepatitis B 被引量:53
作者 Emin Altiparmak Seyfettin K(o|¨)klü +4 位作者 Mesut Yalinkilic Osman Yüksel Bahattin Cicek Ertugrul Kayacetin Tülin Sahin 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第20期3056-3059,共4页
AIM: To investigate the viral and host causes of fatty liver in chronic hepatitis B patients and the role of fat deposits in liver damage.METHODS: A total of 164 patients (113 males and 51 females, average age 35±... AIM: To investigate the viral and host causes of fatty liver in chronic hepatitis B patients and the role of fat deposits in liver damage.METHODS: A total of 164 patients (113 males and 51 females, average age 35±11.3 years, and range 10-62 years) with previously untreated chronic hepatitis B were included in the study. The patients were divided into two groups depending on the result of liver biopsy: group without steatosis (100 patients with <5% hepatosteatosis) and group with steatosis (64 patients with >5% hepatosteatosis). The groups were compared in terms of gender, body mass index (BMI), liver enzymes (ALT, AST, ALP, GGT), cholesterol, triglyceride, HBeAg, viral load, and histological findings. In the group with steatosis, the patients were subdivided depending on the degree of steatosis into mild group (45 patients with 5-24% steatosis), and severe group (19 patients with >25% steatosis). RESULTS: In the group of chronic hepatitis B with steatosis, the mean age, BMI, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels were significantly higher than those in the group without steatosis (P<0.05). Steatosis was found in 53 (46.9%) of male patients and 11 (22%) of female patients (P<0.05). No significant difference was found in the positivity of ALT, AST, ALP, GGT, HBeAg, viral load, histological activity index (HAI) and stage between the two groups (P>0.05). In the group with severe steatosis, the BMI was significantly higher than that in the group with mild steatosis (P<0.05). No significant difference was found in the other parameters between the groups (P>0.05). CONCLUSION: Steatosis in chronic hepatitis B appears to be a result of metabolic factors of the host rather than the effect of viruses. Steatosis is unrelated to the HAI and degree of fibrosis, which are considered as the histological indicators of liver damage. 展开更多
关键词 Chronic hepatitis B STEATOSIS
Multigene tracking of quasispecies in viral persistence and clearance of hepatitis C virus 被引量:2
作者 SongChen Yu-MingWang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第19期2874-2884,共11页
AIM: To investigate the evaluation of hepatitis C virus (HCV) quasispecies in the envelope region and its relationship with the outcome of acute hepatitis C. METHODS: HCV quasispecies were characterized in specimens c... AIM: To investigate the evaluation of hepatitis C virus (HCV) quasispecies in the envelope region and its relationship with the outcome of acute hepatitis C. METHODS: HCV quasispecies were characterized in specimens collected every 2-6 mo from a cohort of acutely HCV-infected subjects. We evaluated two individuals who spontaneously cleared viremia and three individuals with persistent viremia by cloning 33 1-kb amplicons that spanned E1 and the 5' half of E2, including hypervariable region 1 (HVR1). To assess the quasispecies complexity and to detect variants for sequencing, 33 cloned cDNAs representing each specimen were assessed bya combined method of analysis of a single-stranded conformational polymorphism and heteroduplex analysis. The rates of both synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions for the E1, HVR1 and E2 regions outside HVR1 were analyzed.RESULTS: Serum samples collected from chronic phase of infection had higher quasispecies complexity than those collected from acute phase of infection in all individuals examined. The genetic diversity (genetic distance) within HVR1 was consistently higher than that in the complete E1 (0.0322±0.0068 vs-0.0020±0.0014, P<0.05) and E2 regions outside HVR1 (0.0322±0.0068 vs0.0017±0.0011, P<0.05) in individuals with persistent viremia, but did not change markedly over time in those with clearance of viremia. For individuals with persistent viremia, the rate of nonsynonymous substitutions within the HVR1 region (2.76×10-3±1.51×10-3) predominated and gradually increased, as compared with that in the E1 and E2 regions outside HVR1 (0.23×10-3±0.15×10-3, 0.50×10-3±0.10×10-3).By contrast, the rates of both nonsynonymous and synonymous substitutions for the E1 and E2 regions including HVR1 were consistently lower in individuals withclearance of viremia. CONCLUSION: HCV persistence is associated with a complexity quasispecies and positive selection of HVR1by the host immune system. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatitis C virus Immune system
Bio-mathematical models of viral dynamics to tailor antiviral therapy in chronic viral hepatitis 被引量:1
作者 Maurizia Rossana Brunetto Piero Colombatto Ferruccio Bonino 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第5期531-537,共7页
The simulation of the dynamics of viral infections by mathematical equations has been applied successfully to the study of viral infections during antiviral therapy. Standard models applied to viral hepatitis describe... The simulation of the dynamics of viral infections by mathematical equations has been applied successfully to the study of viral infections during antiviral therapy. Standard models applied to viral hepatitis describe the viral load decline in the f irst 2-4 wk of antiviral therapy, but do not adequately simulate the dynamics of viral infection for the following period. The hypothesis of a constant clearance rate of the infected cells provides an unrealistic estimation of the time necessary to reach the control or the clearance of hepatitis B virus (HBV)/ hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. To overcome the problem, we have developed a new multiphasic model in which the immune system activity is modulated by a negative feedback caused by the infected cells reduction, and alanine aminotransferase kinetics serve as a surrogate marker of infected-cell clearance. By this approach, we can compute the dynamics of infected cells during the whole treatment course, and find a good correlation between the number of infected cells at the end of therapy and the long-term virological response in patients with chronic hepatitis C. The new model successfully describes the HBV infection dynamics far beyond the third month of antiviral therapy under the assumption that the sum of infected and non-infected cells remains roughly constant during therapy, and both target and infected cells concur in the hepatocyte turnover. In clinical practice, these new models will allow the development of simulators of treatment response that will be used as an "automatic pilot" for tailoring antiviral therapy in chronic hepatitis B as well as chronic hepatitis C patients. 展开更多
关键词 Viral hepatitis Bio-mathematical models Hepatitis B virus Hepatitis C virus Viral dynamics
作者 贺德元 《湖南农业》 1998年第8期14-14,共1页
羊传染性脓疱口膜炎(羊口疮)的病原为过滤性病毒,患羊死亡率高,是山羊生产的大敌。病状主要是嘴唇周围皮肤及口腔粘膜上出现炎症,病变经过红疹、水疮、脓疮、烂斑阶段,最后形成褐色痂块,口流混浊发臭液,疼痛不食。本病主要危害羔羊,出生... 羊传染性脓疱口膜炎(羊口疮)的病原为过滤性病毒,患羊死亡率高,是山羊生产的大敌。病状主要是嘴唇周围皮肤及口腔粘膜上出现炎症,病变经过红疹、水疮、脓疮、烂斑阶段,最后形成褐色痂块,口流混浊发臭液,疼痛不食。本病主要危害羔羊,出生后10天~75天龄发病较多,并常有群发流行。 预防 禁止从疫区引种,以杜绝引入病原。生产群中一旦发现有患病羊,要及时隔离治疗,并对栏舍用2% 展开更多
关键词 羊传染性脓疱 过滤性病毒 口膜 羊口疮 周围皮肤 山羊生产 口腔粘膜 隔离治疗 中药治疗 生产群
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