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社会生活中的具体与抽象 兼论“过程—事件分析” 被引量:12
作者 李化斗 《社会》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期216-240,共25页
常人方法学对行动的策略性与局部性的研究是以默认行动的索引性,尤其是以抽象索引为基础的,这一点体现了它与帕森斯社会学的衔接关系,但常人方法学在后来的发展中逐渐放弃了对抽象索引的考虑,陷入了孤立强调行动者能动性的个人主义。一... 常人方法学对行动的策略性与局部性的研究是以默认行动的索引性,尤其是以抽象索引为基础的,这一点体现了它与帕森斯社会学的衔接关系,但常人方法学在后来的发展中逐渐放弃了对抽象索引的考虑,陷入了孤立强调行动者能动性的个人主义。一种完备的社会本体论应兼顾抽象索引和行动者能动性两种要素,并且应认识到抽象索引在型塑社会进程中的基础地位。以这种本体论来看,在中国大陆学界颇具影响的"过程—事件分析"也存在孤立地研究行动的问题,因其忽略社会抽象性的一面,从而大大限制了该策略的解释力。通过理论梳理,本文认为,在方法论上,可将社会学对于社会抽象性的分析概括为四种策略,其中有展示策略和解释策略之分。 展开更多
关键词 社会本体论 常人方法学 索引性 抽象索引 过程—事件分析”
浦东综改中政府职能转变的动力、路径与启示——一种类“过程—事件”的分析 被引量:5
作者 罗峰 《理论与改革》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期93-98,共6页
浦东综合配套改革中的政府职能转变,涉及动力结构和路径选择这两大问题。动力结构来源于国内外环境中相关主体的交叉期望与压力,它包括政治支持、市场质量、社会组织和国际规则等各种因素;在坚持政府公共性、服务性的价值前提下,浦东在... 浦东综合配套改革中的政府职能转变,涉及动力结构和路径选择这两大问题。动力结构来源于国内外环境中相关主体的交叉期望与压力,它包括政治支持、市场质量、社会组织和国际规则等各种因素;在坚持政府公共性、服务性的价值前提下,浦东在政府管理体制调整、大部制的机构设置、行政审批制度改革、政府服务方式创新等方面进行了尝试,形成了政府职能转变的浦东路径。浦东的做法对其他地方政府的启示在于:要理顺"条""块"关系,形成推动政府职能转变的整体合力;要推动社会组织的发展,培育承接政府职能的社会主体;要吸纳民众有序参与,奠定定位政府职能的微观基础;要注重制度化推进,巩固、扩散政府职能转变的成果。 展开更多
关键词 政府职能转变 动力 路径 过程—事件
作者 孙少石 《法律和政治科学》 2022年第1期173-198,共26页
压力型体制往往外化为专项行动,它所引起的政府行为的系统性调适,是动态、深层理解政府运作机理的视角与线索。在打击电信网络诈骗犯罪的专项行动中,上下级公安机关围绕“典型案例”,暗中减压、制作“案件”,最终完成指标,考核过关。表... 压力型体制往往外化为专项行动,它所引起的政府行为的系统性调适,是动态、深层理解政府运作机理的视角与线索。在打击电信网络诈骗犯罪的专项行动中,上下级公安机关围绕“典型案例”,暗中减压、制作“案件”,最终完成指标,考核过关。表面上看,这意味着压力型体制被暗中逐步消解,但深层次看,这是在配套措施不到位的情况下,片面施加压力,基层公安进行的反弹和抵制。因此,压力型体制被软化反映的问题实质是,如何对制度或资源进行结构性重组以应对新型治理问题。 展开更多
关键词 压力型体制 电信网络诈骗犯罪 策略互动 过程—事件
制度韧性:不确定性风险下市域环境治理的逻辑转向——基于H市黑臭水体治理的“过程-事件”分析 被引量:1
作者 余敏江 杨旭 《学术研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第7期69-76,共8页
作为风险社会的典型场域,环境问题由于治理制度割裂和治理结构离散的人造风险以及环境风险的流动性、扩散性和易反弹性而呈现高度的弥散性和不确定性,抵御不确定性环境风险的关键在于探寻制度“秩序”与“活力”间的“黄金分割点”。“... 作为风险社会的典型场域,环境问题由于治理制度割裂和治理结构离散的人造风险以及环境风险的流动性、扩散性和易反弹性而呈现高度的弥散性和不确定性,抵御不确定性环境风险的关键在于探寻制度“秩序”与“活力”间的“黄金分割点”。“过程—事件”分析法遵循“制度设计—制度执行—制度监督”的事件发展脉络,能够揭示H市黑臭水体治理由反弹反复走向根本改善的制度肇因和隐蔽机制。伴随环境风险周期规律紊乱等现象的持续产生,制度刚性与制度弹性在H市黑臭水体复黑复臭的过程中起到了“推波助澜”作用,加剧了因利益博弈和目标冲突而发生的“拆台”和“掣肘”现象;而制度韧性则依循风险预防原则,在事后监督阶段展现出强大的适应性,并合理化解黑臭水体事件愈演愈烈之势。循此思路,对现存环境制度进行变革有必要以“米字型”制度体系的搭建、完善和实施为基本模型与总体运行方式,实现市域环境治理从“刚性”“弹性”到“韧性”的现代化转型,以阻断环境风险并消解市域环境治理“有组织的不负责任”。 展开更多
关键词 制度韧性 不确定风险 市域环境治理 过程—事件”分析
论过度教育竞争的根源及其对策——对一起“高考事件”的“过程——事件”分析 被引量:6
作者 王一涛 《教育理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第2期34-36,共3页
我国现行的教育是一种过度竞争,教育中的过度竞争严重阻碍了学生的健康成长。而人们对教育所具有的功利性期望是教育过度竞争的主要根源,要从根本上解决教育中的过度竞争问题,国家教育部或省级教育行政部门对推行素质教育的难度要有清... 我国现行的教育是一种过度竞争,教育中的过度竞争严重阻碍了学生的健康成长。而人们对教育所具有的功利性期望是教育过度竞争的主要根源,要从根本上解决教育中的过度竞争问题,国家教育部或省级教育行政部门对推行素质教育的难度要有清醒的认识,以保证各地区的公平竞争。 展开更多
关键词 过度竞争 素质教育 过程—事件
社会变迁下服饰类非物质文化遗产的实践及功能研究——对白裤瑶服饰制作的“过程—事件”分析 被引量:2
作者 胡彬彬 杨帆 《装饰》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第11期89-91,共3页
本文跳出传统服饰类非物质文化遗产实物分析的研究路径,以"过程—事件"分析方法对白裤瑶服饰——这项国家级非物质文化遗产的制作过程进行参与式深入探究分析。通过观察及对比两个场域背景下白裤瑶妇女服饰生产、运作及流变... 本文跳出传统服饰类非物质文化遗产实物分析的研究路径,以"过程—事件"分析方法对白裤瑶服饰——这项国家级非物质文化遗产的制作过程进行参与式深入探究分析。通过观察及对比两个场域背景下白裤瑶妇女服饰生产、运作及流变过程的差异,本文揭示出传统及现代市场化社会发展趋势下白裤瑶服饰制作的运作逻辑及社会功能,并归结出对当前非物质文化遗产保护及地方社会治理具有一定启示意义的相关结论。 展开更多
关键词 非物质文化遗产 白裤瑶服饰 过程—事件 社会网络 市场
作者 李峰 韩冰 《社会科学论坛》 2021年第3期149-154,共6页
该文以发生在华北A村的一起更名事件为例,探索在乡域政治运作过程中,以乡镇干部为代表的国家精英、以村干部为代表的双重精英和以地方能人为代表的社会精英之间的互动关系。通过对文本的叙事性描述和"过程—事件"分析,研究发... 该文以发生在华北A村的一起更名事件为例,探索在乡域政治运作过程中,以乡镇干部为代表的国家精英、以村干部为代表的双重精英和以地方能人为代表的社会精英之间的互动关系。通过对文本的叙事性描述和"过程—事件"分析,研究发现在国家权力的实践过程中,乡域政治中各精英主体深度嵌入乡村熟人社会结构,通过体制、权力、文化和关系等共同运作来塑造和再生产乡村社会内部的地方关系网络,进一步起到维持社会秩序的作用。 展开更多
关键词 乡域政治 精英互动 深度嵌合“ 过程—事件”分析
政府运作分析:实践社会学视角的研究及借鉴 被引量:3
作者 任晓春 《广东社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期211-218,共8页
长期以来,由于行政学实证研究严重不足,面向真实实践的行政学研究是行政学学科发展亟待解决的一个重要问题。在这方面,实践社会学视角下的政府运作分析和研究值得行政学研究借鉴。本研究分析了实践社会学作为研究政府运作的方法论立场以... 长期以来,由于行政学实证研究严重不足,面向真实实践的行政学研究是行政学学科发展亟待解决的一个重要问题。在这方面,实践社会学视角下的政府运作分析和研究值得行政学研究借鉴。本研究分析了实践社会学作为研究政府运作的方法论立场以及"过程——事件"分析策略,并在此基础上对实践社会学视角下政府运作研究经典案例予以分类介绍,指出面向真实实践的行政学研究应借鉴社会学经验主义研究传统,强化行政学田野研究;要借鉴实践社会学研究和分析方法,提炼行政学研究分析真实世界政府运作的分析工具;要借鉴实践社会学者构建中层理论的理论抱负,在扎实的经验研究基础努力构建出中国本土的行政学中层理论。 展开更多
关键词 行政学 政府运作分析 实践社会学 过程—事件分析
作者 李丹 《中山大学研究生学刊(社会科学版)》 2013年第1期76-87,共12页
在以土地非农化为特点的城市扩张中,地方政府不仅是国家权力和利益的代理者、当地利益的保证者,更是具有独立利益的"理性人"。在征地过程中,从微观上看,地方政府扮演着"独断者"、"经济人"、"透明人&... 在以土地非农化为特点的城市扩张中,地方政府不仅是国家权力和利益的代理者、当地利益的保证者,更是具有独立利益的"理性人"。在征地过程中,从微观上看,地方政府扮演着"独断者"、"经济人"、"透明人"的角色;从宏观上看,其角色由"‘X’型剪刀式"向"‘Y’型漏斗式"转变,越位、错位、缺位并存。上述问题根源于制度、政府自身和被征地方的缺陷,地方政府的应然角色包括"公共利益的捍卫者而非争利者"、"土地市场的产权界定者而非垄断者"、"公共服务的提供者而非规避者"、"城市精明增长的规划者而非破坏者"。 展开更多
关键词 地方政府 征地 角色 过程—事件”分析
作者 良今 《中外企业文化》 2000年第16期61-61,共1页
关键词 网络经济 信息规则 商业战略 策略指导 泡沫经济 新经济 过程—事件分析 实践形态 国家—社会关系 商业策略
The Kelvin Wave Processes in the Equatorial Indian Ocean during the 2006-2008 IOD Events 被引量:4
作者 DU Yan LIU Kai +1 位作者 ZHUANG Wei YU Wei-Dong 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2012年第4期324-328,共5页
The present study investigates the role of Kelvin wave propagations along the equatorial Indian Ocean during the 2006-2008 Indian Ocean Dipole(IOD).The 2006 IOD lasted for seven months,developing in May and reaching i... The present study investigates the role of Kelvin wave propagations along the equatorial Indian Ocean during the 2006-2008 Indian Ocean Dipole(IOD).The 2006 IOD lasted for seven months,developing in May and reaching its peak in December,while the 2007 and 2008 IODs were short-lived events,beginning in early May and ending abruptly in September,with much weaker amplitudes.Associated with the above IODs,the impulses of the sea surface height(SSH) anomalies reflect the forcing from an intraseasonal time scale,which was important to the evolution of IODs in 2007 and 2008.At the thermocline depth,dominated by the propagation of Kelvin waves,the warming/cooling temperature signals could reach the surface at a particular time.When the force is strong and the local thermocline condition is favorable,the incoming Kelvin waves dramatically impact the sea surface temperature(SST) in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean.In July 2007 and late July 2008,the downwelling Kelvin waves,triggered by the Madden-Julian Oscillation(MJO) in the eastern and central equatorial Indian Ocean,suppressed the thermocline in the Sumatra and the Java coast and terminated the IOD,which made those events short-lived and no longer persist into the boreal fall season as the canonical IOD does. 展开更多
关键词 Kelvin wave IOD equatorial Indian Ocean MJO
WentzeI-Freidlin Estimates for Jump Processes in Semi-Group Theory: Upper Bound
作者 Remi Leandre 《Computer Technology and Application》 2011年第4期329-332,共4页
Large deviations estimates for Poisson processes estimate the logarithm of rare events associated to a Poisson process which has more and more jump which are smaller and smaller. In stochastic analysis, they are valid... Large deviations estimates for Poisson processes estimate the logarithm of rare events associated to a Poisson process which has more and more jump which are smaller and smaller. In stochastic analysis, they are valid on the whole path space. Asoociated to this jump process is a Markov semi-group. We translate in semi group theory the proof of Wentzel-Freidlin for these estimates by translating in semi-group theory some basical tools of stochastic analysis as the exponential martingales of stochastic analysis. These Wentzel-Freidlin estimates (upper-bound) are only true for the semi-group. 展开更多
关键词 Large deviations poisson processes semi-groups.
Assessing Probabilities for Events Pertaining to Buy/Sell and Similar Decisions
作者 Warren Richard Hughes 《Chinese Business Review》 2017年第5期245-249,共5页
Assessing probabilities for relevant and sometimes unique events in real-world decision situations can be problematic. This paper elucidates a 2-step process for assigning probabilities to relevant events enabling a r... Assessing probabilities for relevant and sometimes unique events in real-world decision situations can be problematic. This paper elucidates a 2-step process for assigning probabilities to relevant events enabling a rational decision process to supersede decision choices based only on a gut feeling. After assessing probabilities the decision maker can confirm or reverse a gut feeling choice using expected values for each available act and traditional decision theory methodology. A simple example involving a buy now or buy later situation with market uncertainty illustrates the process for typical yes or no decisions. 展开更多
关键词 probability assessment expected value decision theory
South Africa's Nuclear Forensics Response Plan Step 1 - in Support of Nuclear Security Investigations
作者 Phuti Reuben Mogafe Banyana Kokwane Precious Tshidada AmosL Matshiga JJHancket 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2015年第3期183-190,共8页
In South Africa, the nuclear forensics approach and its functions hosted and managed by Necsa, in support of any nuclear security investigations, start from the incident scene when the nuclear or radioactive material ... In South Africa, the nuclear forensics approach and its functions hosted and managed by Necsa, in support of any nuclear security investigations, start from the incident scene when the nuclear or radioactive material (that is out of regulatory control) is being handled and handed over to Necsa Emergency Control Centre by the South African law enforcement agencies in the presence of NOMS Department official. The main objective of this approach is to increase the credibility status of the chain of custody on the handling of the material during incident (crime) scene management process (for both nuclear forensics and traditional forensic evidence collection) and its transportation from the scene to the suitable storage facility at Necsa. Aspects to be looked into during the response process include interactions between law enforcement agencies, Necsa relevant departments and the National Nuclear Regulator of South Africa. This paper focuses on the entire whole response process and associated prior arrangements, in order to show and provide a set of requirements attached to the material, the scope of critical relevant technical and law enforcement information that to be acquired by all parties involving and participating in the nuclear/radiological incident or event response process before the material is authorized for storage at a suitably qualified Necsa's nuclear forensics, which is dedicated storage facility on Pelindaba site. 展开更多
关键词 Response plan nuclear incidents.
Simulation of the Microphysical Processes and Effect of Latent Heat on a Heavy Rainfall Event in Beijing
作者 GUO Chun-Wei XIAO Hui +1 位作者 YANG Hui-Ling TANG Qi 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2014年第6期521-526,共6页
An extraordinary rainstorm that occurred in Beijing on 21 July 2012 was simulated using the Weather Research and Forecasting model. The results showed that:(1) The two precipitation phases were based on a combination ... An extraordinary rainstorm that occurred in Beijing on 21 July 2012 was simulated using the Weather Research and Forecasting model. The results showed that:(1) The two precipitation phases were based on a combination of cold cloud processes and warm cloud processes. The accumulated conversion amount and conversion rate of microphysical processes in the warm-area phase were all much larger than those in the cold front phase.(2) 72.6% of rainwater was from the warm-area phase. Rainwater mainly came from the melting of graupel and the melting of snow, while the accretion of cloud water by rain ranked second.(3) The net heating rate with height appeared as an overall warming with two strong heating centers in the lower and middle layers of the troposphere and a minimum heating center around the melting layer. The net heating effect in the warm-area phase was stronger than that in the cold front phase.(4) Warm cloud processes contributed most to latent heat release, and the thermal effect of cold cloud processes on the storm in the cold front phase was enhanced compared to that in the warm-area phase.(5) The melting of graupel and snow contributed most to latent heat absorption, and the effect of the evaporation of rainwater was significantly reduced in the cold front phase. 展开更多
关键词 extraordinary rainstorm warm-area precipitation cold front precipitation microphysical processes latent heat effect
Spectrum Deviation Method of Identification of Foreshocks or Generalized Foreshocks and Its Applications
作者 Yang Liming Mei Xiuping Jiang Jiajia 《Earthquake Research in China》 CSCD 2016年第2期155-165,共11页
Based on previous research work,we present a spectrum deviation method to recognize a foreshock or generalized foreshock in this paper. The criterion to determine whether an event is a foreshock is a wide spectrum for... Based on previous research work,we present a spectrum deviation method to recognize a foreshock or generalized foreshock in this paper. The criterion to determine whether an event is a foreshock is a wide spectrum for an ordinary event,however,a moderate earthquake with foreshock or generalized foreshock has the characteristics of a narrow frequency band,and it deviates to the low frequency. It may be explained by metastable extension in the rupture source or related area of the main shock or regional fragmentation damage and crack nucleation process. The calculation results of two foreshocks,the M_S4. 7 event which occurred before the Yushu M_S7. 1 earthquake on April 14,2010 and the M_S5. 3 event which occurred before the Yutian M_S7. 3 earthquake on February 12,2014,show that the spectra of foreshocks shift,and they are quite different from the nonforeshock seismic spectrum of equivalent size. Therefore,this result can verify the validity of the spectrum deviation method. 展开更多
关键词 Foreshocks or generalized foreshocks FFT mean square spectrumSpectrum deviation method
The Preliminary Analysis of the Characteristics of Geomagnetic Harmonic Wave Amplitude Ratios before the Gaoyou-Baoying MS4.9 Earthquake
作者 Jiang Yanlin Yuan Guiping +2 位作者 Li Hongyu Tang Tingmei Zhao Weihong 《Earthquake Research in China》 CSCD 2016年第4期578-583,共6页
In this paper,the Gaoyou-Baoying M_S4.9 earthquake was analyzed by the geomagnetic harmonic wave amplitude ratios method. The earthquake was an isolated seismic event,before and after which there were no other earthqu... In this paper,the Gaoyou-Baoying M_S4.9 earthquake was analyzed by the geomagnetic harmonic wave amplitude ratios method. The earthquake was an isolated seismic event,before and after which there were no other earthquakes occurred in this region. The dense distribution of geomagnetic observataries provided an advantage condition for the analysis of characteristics of the geomagnetic harmonic amplitude ratios. The analysis results verify the former knowledge of anomaly characteristics of the geomagnetic harmonic amplitude ratio,that is,the anomalous characteristics of the earthquake mostly appeared during the decline-turning-recovery rising process. The results also show that the change of the anomalies was asynchronous at the observatories close to the epicenter, namely, the anomalous characteristics were different between the H and the D components,as well as between the long and short periods. 展开更多
关键词 GEOMAGNETIC Anomaly Harmonic wave Gaoyou-Baoying Ms4.9 earthquake
基层法院“司法过程”实证研究:法院调解之困境——以我国西北地区为例 被引量:2
作者 韩宝 《民事程序法研究》 2012年第1期129-165,共37页
辛卯岁末,《民事诉讼法修正案(草案)》艰难面世,并交诸社会各界征求意见与建议。在这洋洋洒洒的54项中,其中第25项之"先行调解"与第39项之"人民调解协议之司法确认程序"尚属民事诉讼法之首次规定。对于此两项新规... 辛卯岁末,《民事诉讼法修正案(草案)》艰难面世,并交诸社会各界征求意见与建议。在这洋洋洒洒的54项中,其中第25项之"先行调解"与第39项之"人民调解协议之司法确认程序"尚属民事诉讼法之首次规定。对于此两项新规定及法院调解程序同审判程序之关系,以及我国法院之调解制度,主要是立法,都当成为研讨之重点。在本文中,笔者主要经由对我国西北地区三个基层法院调解过程之观察,立基于一种"过程——事件分析"的论证方法,以民事诉讼法关于调解之基本原则——"合法"、"自愿",及基本要求——"事清责明"为考察之中心,以期揭橥法院调解之理路及实践与立法之矛盾:一者,人民法院如果严格遵照这些基本原则和基本要求,法院调解将很难进行;另者,若要讲求调解之效果,法院又极易违背这些规定。对此,民事诉讼法此次修正,应当予以充分的关照。 展开更多
关键词 过程—事件分析”法 基层法院调解 调解之基本原则及要求立法修改
The Extent of Land Use Impact on Water Regime in the Vseminka Catchment
作者 Pavel Kovar Darina Vassova 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2012年第2期228-237,共10页
The paper deals with the impact of land use changes on water regime. An assessment was carried out in order to determine the extent to which the main components of the water balance on the experimental catchment Vsemi... The paper deals with the impact of land use changes on water regime. An assessment was carried out in order to determine the extent to which the main components of the water balance on the experimental catchment Vseminka have been influenced by land use changes (region Vsetinske Hills, the Czech Republic). For this reason, the water balance model WBCM-5 was implemented for the period of 30 years in a daily step, with particular focus on the simulation of the components of direct runoff and of subsurface water recharge. In the selected years of the period 1980-2009, major changes were made in land use and significant fluctuation of rainfall-runoff regimes were observed (e.g. dry year 1992, flood year 1997 and normal year 2009). After WBCM-5 parameter calibration it was observed that some water balance components can change in relation to substantial land use changes, even up to dozens of percent in a balance-consideration, i.e. in daily, monthly and yearly or decadal values, specifically as far as the components of interception and also of direct runoff and of subsurface water recharge are concerned. However, a different situation appeared during the investigation of significant short-term rainfall-runoff processes. There were about seven real flood events during the same period on the same catchment which were analysed using the KINFIL-2 model (time step 0.5 hr). Land use change, positive or negative scenarios, were also analysed during this period. As opposed to long-term water balance analyses, only a 10% difference in the hydrograph peak and volume was observed. In summary, the authors have shown that it is always important to distinguish a possible land use change impact on either long-term balance or short-term runoff. Otherwise, as often found in over simplified commentaries on flood events in the mass media, the actual impact of land use changes on water regime may be misunderstood. 展开更多
关键词 Land use change water balance rainfall-runoff event hydrological model.
我国本科教学改革的组织自主性研究——透过“事件”窥探“结构” 被引量:1
作者 洪玉管 谢冬平 《教育学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第8期89-96,共8页
透过"事件"窥探"结构"是目前学术界坚持的一种研究路径,这有利于更好地把握某一问题的逻辑与本质。启发于此,在U11、U41、U51三所高校本科教学改革"事件"与"过程"中,高校以一种"弱者的武... 透过"事件"窥探"结构"是目前学术界坚持的一种研究路径,这有利于更好地把握某一问题的逻辑与本质。启发于此,在U11、U41、U51三所高校本科教学改革"事件"与"过程"中,高校以一种"弱者的武器"身份对政府的安排进行着自身的理解与诠释,高校教师表现出从积极到半途而废的行为嬗变,学生则在"以学生为中心"的外衣下身处"去学生中心"的实质境况。无论高校还是教师、学生,各个主体的考量与状态都传达出本科教学改革中的自主性这一"结构"问题。由此形成了主导—应对、主导—妥协、主导—从属三种不同利益主体之间的关系结构,这三种关系结构都表明了我国本科教学改革组织自主性不够成熟。 展开更多
关键词 本科教学改革 过程—事件 制度—结构 自主性模式
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