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政策异化过程探析 被引量:1
作者 杨海涛 陈耀辉 《长白学刊》 2012年第6期70-72,共3页
政策异化是指在特定的环境下,由于各种原因,政策的判断和导向作用以及政策运行的结果严重偏离或否定了原来的预期目标,变成了另外一种状态,甚至转化成为对立面。政策异化过程可以概括为三个阶段:一是"简单化"打下"伏笔&q... 政策异化是指在特定的环境下,由于各种原因,政策的判断和导向作用以及政策运行的结果严重偏离或否定了原来的预期目标,变成了另外一种状态,甚至转化成为对立面。政策异化过程可以概括为三个阶段:一是"简单化"打下"伏笔";二是"等效物"打乱原秩序;三是"新状态"取代"原状态",最终使政策走向异化。 展开更多
关键词 异化 政策异化 政策异化过程
中小学教师情感的异化过程及其矫正 被引量:3
作者 张冲 王艳君 《教学与管理》 北大核心 2018年第36期57-60,共4页
中小学教师情感异化是由教师对感受与需要进行价值判断的消极结果外显为个体主观感受的过程。本文以感受和需要为表象,以价值为中介,对教师情感的异化过程进行分析,并指出在感受与需要产生的双重负面情感影响下,教师逐渐对教育工作产生... 中小学教师情感异化是由教师对感受与需要进行价值判断的消极结果外显为个体主观感受的过程。本文以感受和需要为表象,以价值为中介,对教师情感的异化过程进行分析,并指出在感受与需要产生的双重负面情感影响下,教师逐渐对教育工作产生厌恶心理,导致教师情感的异化。文章进一步从个人、学校、社会三个角度出发,通过树立正确的职业观,改善中小学管理方式,重视榜样宣传等方式解决教师情感异化问题。 展开更多
关键词 中小学 教师情感 情感异化过程
试析当代大学生学习过程中的异化现象——从马克思主义异化劳动理论的视角看 被引量:1
作者 唐蜜 《湖南工业职业技术学院学报》 2011年第1期116-118,共3页
马克思主义的劳动异化理论针对资本主义制度和资本主义生产条件下的异化现象进行了深刻的批判,但是这并不意味着社会主义条件下就不存在异化现象。以马克思主义异化理论为视角分析当代大学生学习过程的异化现象,可以在了解现状的前提下... 马克思主义的劳动异化理论针对资本主义制度和资本主义生产条件下的异化现象进行了深刻的批判,但是这并不意味着社会主义条件下就不存在异化现象。以马克思主义异化理论为视角分析当代大学生学习过程的异化现象,可以在了解现状的前提下为大学生的自由全面发展提供新的思路。 展开更多
关键词 异化 劳动异化 大学生学习过程中的异化
作者 石羽 《内蒙古师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 1995年第1期10-15,共6页
1 读王炬的小说心里很快活。一篇篇地翻着,便有新鲜的风从眼前吹过,让你的感观和心理接二连三地经受刺激。这不象读有的书那样,单篇拿出来,也许篇篇精彩,可惜合在一起,便觉雷同得不行。除了人物、故事有所变化,观念手法如出一辙,有一篇... 1 读王炬的小说心里很快活。一篇篇地翻着,便有新鲜的风从眼前吹过,让你的感观和心理接二连三地经受刺激。这不象读有的书那样,单篇拿出来,也许篇篇精彩,可惜合在一起,便觉雷同得不行。除了人物、故事有所变化,观念手法如出一辙,有一篇代表足矣,大可不必再读全书了。但王炬这《突围》却大不一样。在你的感觉上,一会是从外部形态的描绘呼隆隆地展开向人物心理的掘进,一会是自嘲自谑的反讽效果叫你辗转反侧。一会是频频转换的叙述体态转成万花筒,一会又是酸甜苦辣的哲学意味诱得你口舌生津。刚刚还为叠床架屋的意象组合拍案叫好,顷刻间,又聆听了文学言语在语境压迫下发生的蜕变和叛逃。这时你不能不赞叹王炬编选此书的高妙。他从100万言的文字仓库中,变着样地挑选出这么九篇,也许他的用意正在于此。然而,这却给读者带来困难——他涵盖全书的东西究竟是什么?于是我合上书。合上书,便觉有一种强烈而集中的感受产生,起自丹田,漫过喉咙,直冲顶门。清楚了,原来这是在几代人的灵魂中所展开的生命异化过程,以及与这该死的异化过程所进行的拼死的抗争!这本来是个无声的世界,是封闭自足的心象世界,然而你就能听见硝烟战火,马嘶雷鸣。听见人与人搏斗,梦与梦纠缠,情与情角逐,命与命追赶。原来,读王炬的书。 展开更多
关键词 生命异化 异化文学 宗教的异化 小说集 哲学意味 存在主义哲学 夸大陈述 反讽 异化过程 文学言语
城乡建设用地增减挂钩政策实施的异化风险及预防 被引量:11
作者 李海梅 《中州学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期39-42,共4页
城乡建设用地增减挂钩政策能够有效缓解工业化、城镇化发展对建设用地的需求压力,同时提高农村土地集约节约利用效率,确保耕地总量平衡。但各地在实施过程中出现"走样",偏离了耕地占补平衡的初衷。坚持统筹规划,健全完善项目... 城乡建设用地增减挂钩政策能够有效缓解工业化、城镇化发展对建设用地的需求压力,同时提高农村土地集约节约利用效率,确保耕地总量平衡。但各地在实施过程中出现"走样",偏离了耕地占补平衡的初衷。坚持统筹规划,健全完善项目规划管理体制;创新农村产权制度,推动农村建设用地优化配置;建立科学合理的补偿标准和责任评估体系;完善体制机制设计是纠正城乡建设用地增减挂钩政策实施变异现象的良策。 展开更多
关键词 城乡建设用地 增减挂钩 过程异化
作者 安替 《商务周刊》 2005年第Z1期104-104,共1页
在12月26日之前,2004年年度单词应当是。Blog(之后当然是海啸)。Blog是web-log的缩写,意思是即时更新的网络信息日志,由一个人或若干人维护。在西方,Blog其实就是个人新闻社,不断发布个人现场报道和即时评论,是主流媒体很重要的竞争者,... 在12月26日之前,2004年年度单词应当是。Blog(之后当然是海啸)。Blog是web-log的缩写,意思是即时更新的网络信息日志,由一个人或若干人维护。在西方,Blog其实就是个人新闻社,不断发布个人现场报道和即时评论,是主流媒体很重要的竞争者, 在选战、在政争、在战地、在救援中,Blog越来越发挥无法代替的作用,甚至和其他互联网媒体有改写西方媒体社会话语势力分布的可能,因此Hugh Hewitt在新书中称之为"改变世界的信息革命"。在12月26日之前,2004年年度单词应当是。Blog(之后当然是海啸)。Blog是web-log的缩写,意思是即时更新的网络信息日志,由一个人或若干人维护。在西方,Blog其实就是个人新闻社,不断发布个人现场报道和即时评论,是主流媒体很重要的竞争者, 在选战、在政争、在战地、在救援中,Blog越来越发挥无法代替的作用,甚至和其他互联网媒体有改写西方媒体社会话语势力分布的可能,因此Hugh Hewitt在新书中称之为"改变世界的信息革命"。 展开更多
关键词 异化过程 博客 传统媒体 BLOG 新生事物 互联网媒体 网络信息 信息革命 社会话语 现场报道
作者 李世雁 赵立忠 《中外科技信息》 北大核心 2003年第5期79-79,共1页
关键词 城市技术体系 异化过程 环境危机 交通技术 垃圾处理技术 供排水技术
作者 丁树哲 徐志群 《冰雪运动》 1982年第1期49-51,共3页
赛前准备活动是建立在赛前状态基础上的由肌肉活动引起的诸器官系统被动性兴奋的过程,因此,在赛前准备活动中,运动员机体内部必然要发生一系列深刻的生理生化变化,用以适应其未来的非常负荷,其中体温的升高,可谓是一重要生理生化变化标... 赛前准备活动是建立在赛前状态基础上的由肌肉活动引起的诸器官系统被动性兴奋的过程,因此,在赛前准备活动中,运动员机体内部必然要发生一系列深刻的生理生化变化,用以适应其未来的非常负荷,其中体温的升高,可谓是一重要生理生化变化标志。运动员赛前的体温上升,对其在比赛中取得成功,具有颇大的意义。运动员在比赛中,机体内部各个代谢环节,为了适应当时运动的需要,都要加速其同化异化过程,这一过程的实现,要靠许多参与代谢活动的生物催化剂发挥催化作用,这种催化剂即是“酶”。酶在代谢中发挥的作用大小,是利用它本身的活性大小来表示的,活性提高催化作用就强。酶的活性对温度改变极为敏感。 展开更多
关键词 生理生化变化 肌肉活动 赛前准备 过程的实现 生物催化剂 异化过程 器官系统 作用大小 医药院校 性兴奋
Fault Diagnosis in Chemical Process Based on Self-organizing Map Integrated with Fisher Discriminant Analysis 被引量:16
作者 陈心怡 颜学峰 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第4期382-387,共6页
Fault diagnosis and monitoring are very important for complex chemical process. There are numerous methods that have been studied in this field, in which the effective visualization method is still challenging. In ord... Fault diagnosis and monitoring are very important for complex chemical process. There are numerous methods that have been studied in this field, in which the effective visualization method is still challenging. In order to get a better visualization effect, a novel fault diagnosis method which combines self-organizing map (SOM) with Fisher discriminant analysis (FDA) is proposed. FDA can reduce the dimension of the data in terms of maximizing the separability of the classes. After feature extraction by FDA, SOM can distinguish the different states on the output map clearly and it can also be employed to monitor abnormal states. Tennessee Eastman (TE) process is employed to illustrate the fault diagnosis and monitoring performance of the proposed method. The result shows that the SOM integrated with FDA method is efficient and capable for real-time monitoring and fault diagnosis in complex chemical process. 展开更多
关键词 self-organizing maps Fisher discriminant analysis fault diagnosis MONITORING Tennessee Eastman process
基于代谢理论的城市化—水资源系统协同演化研究 被引量:1
作者 彭思涵 刘丙军 林钟华 《水文》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期1-6,共6页
城市代谢是物质、能量投入并且产生经济、环境产出的过程,能够有效解析城市化-水资源系统之间复杂的耦合交互作用。基于城市代谢理论,将城市化-水资源系统代谢过程分解为同化过程和异化过程,并采用DEA模型研究了珠江三角洲近15年来城市... 城市代谢是物质、能量投入并且产生经济、环境产出的过程,能够有效解析城市化-水资源系统之间复杂的耦合交互作用。基于城市代谢理论,将城市化-水资源系统代谢过程分解为同化过程和异化过程,并采用DEA模型研究了珠江三角洲近15年来城市化-水资源系统同化、异化效率,对珠江三角洲城市化-水资源系统协同演化情况进行分析,指出其发展中存在的问题及未来发展的方向。研究表明:(1)对比同化效率,近15年来珠江三角洲异化效率保持在较高水平,城市化对水资源系统的输出扰动作用明显。(2)珠江三角洲城镇化率,经济水平和消费水平在提高水资源利用效率的前提下还有很大的提高空间。在未来发展过程中,珠江三角洲的城市化发展应该从提高技术水平方面去入手,而非一味地增加资源投入。 展开更多
关键词 城市化-水资源系统 同化-异化过程 城市代谢 珠江三角洲
Synthesis of FER zeolite with piperidine as structure-directing agent and its catalytic application 被引量:4
作者 Weifeng Chu Fucun Chen +7 位作者 Ce Guo Xiujie Li Xiangxue Zhu Yang Gao Sujuan Xie Shenglin Liu Nan Jiang Longya Xu 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第11期1880-1887,共8页
The synthesis of ferrierite(FER)zeolite using piperidine as an organic structure‐directing agent was investigated.X‐ray diffraction,X‐ray fluorescence,N2‐adsorption,and scanning electron microscopy were used to ch... The synthesis of ferrierite(FER)zeolite using piperidine as an organic structure‐directing agent was investigated.X‐ray diffraction,X‐ray fluorescence,N2‐adsorption,and scanning electron microscopy were used to characterize the crystal phases,textural properties,and particle morphologies of the zeolite samples.The crystallization behavior of the FER zeolite was found to be directly related to crystallization temperature.At150?C,pure FER phase was observed throughout crystallization.At160–170?C,MWW phase appeared first and gradually transformed into FER phase over time,indicating that the FER phase was thermodynamically favored.In the piperidine‐Na2O‐H2O synthetic system,alkalinity proved to be the crucial factor determining the size and textural properties of FER zeolite.Furthermore,the obtained FER samples exhibited good catalytic performance in the skeletal isomerization of1‐butene. 展开更多
关键词 FER zeolite PIPERIDINE Crystallization process MWW zeolite Skeletal isomerization
Investigation of Nitration Processes of iso-Octanol with Mixed Acid in a Microreactor 被引量:14
作者 沈佳妮 赵玉潮 +1 位作者 陈光文 袁权 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第3期412-418,共7页
In this paper, the nitration characteristic of alcohols with mixed acid for the synthesis of energetic mate-rials in a stainless steel microreactor was investigated experimentally. The nitration of iso-octanol with HN... In this paper, the nitration characteristic of alcohols with mixed acid for the synthesis of energetic mate-rials in a stainless steel microreactor was investigated experimentally. The nitration of iso-octanol with HNO3-H2SO4 mixed acid was chosen as a typical model reaction which involved fast and strong exothermic liquid-liquid heterogeneous reaction process. The influences of mixed acid composition, flow rate, organic/aqueous flow ratio and reaction temperature have been investigated. The results indicated that the reaction could be con-ducted safely and stably in the microreactor at 25-40°C, which are enhanced compared to 15°C or below for safe operating conditions in the conventional reactors. Moreover, the 98.2% conversion of iso-octanol could be obtained and no by-products were detected in all cases. 展开更多
关键词 NITRATION 2-ethylhexyl nitrate MICROCHANNEL MICROMIXER microfluidic
Isomerization of alkyl naphthalene and refining of 2-methylnaphthalene 被引量:2
作者 Hao Sun saijian Shi Zhenggui Gu 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第2期149-152,共4页
A preparation process of 2-methylnaphthalene (2-MN) was proposed by isomerization, side-stream distillation and extractive distillation. The isomerization of alkyl naphthalene was catalyzed by acid-treated HBEA zeol... A preparation process of 2-methylnaphthalene (2-MN) was proposed by isomerization, side-stream distillation and extractive distillation. The isomerization of alkyl naphthalene was catalyzed by acid-treated HBEA zeolites, and the 2-MN selectivity of isomerization was 92.70%. Side-stream distillation and extractive distillation were investigated by simulation, and effects of operation parameters on 2-MN were studied. Further, the simulated results were verified by experiment. Under the optimal condition, the mass fraction of 2-MN reached to 98.09%; in the oroduct, and the yield was 83.84% in refining orocess. 展开更多
关键词 Side-stream distillationExtractive distillationlsomerization2-MethylnaphthaleneSimulationCatalyst
An Optimized Vertical Handoff Algorithm Based on Markov Process in Vehicle Heterogeneous Network 被引量:4
作者 MA Bin DENG Hong +1 位作者 XIE Xianzhong LIAO Xiaofeng 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第4期106-116,共11页
In order to solve the problem the existing vertical handoff algorithms of vehicle heterogeneous wireless network do not consider the diversification of network's status, an optimized vertical handoff algorithm bas... In order to solve the problem the existing vertical handoff algorithms of vehicle heterogeneous wireless network do not consider the diversification of network's status, an optimized vertical handoff algorithm based on markov process is proposed and discussed in this paper. This algorithm takes into account that the status transformation of available network will affect the quality of service(Qo S) of vehicle terminal's communication service. Firstly, Markov process is used to predict the transformation of wireless network's status after the decision via transition probability. Then the weights of evaluating parameters will be determined by fuzzy logic method. Finally, by comparing the total incomes of each wireless network, including handoff decision incomes, handoff execution incomes and communication service incomes after handoff, the optimal network to handoff will be selected. Simulation results show that: the algorithm proposed, compared to the existing algorithm, is able to receive a higher level of load balancing and effectively improves the average blocking rate, packet loss rate and ping-pang effect. 展开更多
关键词 vehicle heterogeneous network vertical handoff markov process fuzzy logic multi-attribute decision
Improvement of Isomerization Process of Crude Isoamylene with Tertiary-amyl-alcohol Addition 被引量:1
作者 徐泽辉 夏蓉晖 +2 位作者 郭世卓 范存良 房鼎业 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第5期761-766,共6页
The present work contributed to a new developed production method for enhancing the quality of isoamylene (IA) by adding a small amount of tertiary amyl alcohol (TAA) to the catalyst of strong acid cation exchange... The present work contributed to a new developed production method for enhancing the quality of isoamylene (IA) by adding a small amount of tertiary amyl alcohol (TAA) to the catalyst of strong acid cation exchange resin. TAA improved the selectivity of 2-methyl-2-butene (2M2B) at a high conversion level for the isomerization of IA. Compared with the other results from the current IA units, the conversion of 2-methyl- 1-butene (2M1B), the mass ratio of 2M2B to 2M1B and the selectivity of 2M2B were increased from 0.5474, 7.32 and 0.6864 to 0.72, 12 and 0.95, respectively, while the dimers content in the products decreased from 4.38% to below 1.0%. Optimized conditions for IA isomerization consisted of temperature between 28 and 33℃ and system pressure of 0.5 MPa, weight hourly space velocity of 8.0 h-1 with TAA mass fraction of 0.7%-0.9% in raw material. The results in lab supported bases for the developed process in industrial application which was later proved to be successful. In addition, a possible mechanism of the isomerization process was speculated to propose a key step of water formation in the TAA-added isomerization process and a verified experiment was conducted to support this speculation. 展开更多
关键词 isoamylene 2-methyl-1-butene 2-methyl-2-butene isomerization process tertiary amyl alcohol
Analysis of Potential Energy Surface for Butanone Isomerization 被引量:3
作者 Xue Yang Bing Yan +3 位作者 Hai-feng Xu Rui-han Zhu Mei-xia Zhang Da-jun Ding 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第5期519-525,I0003,共8页
The potential energy surfaces for butanone isomerization have been investigated by density function theory calculation. Six main reaction pathways are confirmed using the intrinsic reaction coordinate method, and the ... The potential energy surfaces for butanone isomerization have been investigated by density function theory calculation. Six main reaction pathways are confirmed using the intrinsic reaction coordinate method, and the corresponding isomerization products are 1-buten-2-ol, 2-buten-2-ol, butanal or 1-buten-l-ol, methyl 1-propenyl ether, methyl allyl ether, and ethyl vinyl ether, respectively. Among them, there are three pathways through butylene oxide, indicating butylene oxide is an important intermediate product during butanone isomer ization. The calculated vertical ionization energies of the reactant and its products are in a good agreement with the experimental values available. From the consideration for the relative energies Of transition states and the number of high-energy barriers we infer that the reaction pathway butanone-*l-buten-2-ol---2-buten-2-oi is the most competitive. The obtained results are informative for future studies on isomerization of ketone molecules. 展开更多
关键词 BUTANONE ISOMERIZATION Density function theory Potential energy surface Vertical ionization energy
痛苦的失落与新的思考——回忆我过去的生活和写作 被引量:1
作者 杨利民 《文艺评论》 1988年第4期111-113,共3页
走过四十年的路,回头看看,挑挑拣拣找不出几件可以回忆的事。生活象一盘古老的石磨无限重复着…… 尽管如此,建筑在灵魂上的回忆,总还有几件不能忘却的事。童年的饥饿;青年时代被政治化了的无差别青春;到了中年虽然可以看到更多的世界,... 走过四十年的路,回头看看,挑挑拣拣找不出几件可以回忆的事。生活象一盘古老的石磨无限重复着…… 尽管如此,建筑在灵魂上的回忆,总还有几件不能忘却的事。童年的饥饿;青年时代被政治化了的无差别青春;到了中年虽然可以看到更多的世界,但又一下子变得迷蒙和困惑…… 人,需要变化这或许是天性。 展开更多
关键词 新的思考 文学艺术 人的全面发展 一条线 青年时代 异化过程 无差别 人与人的差异 无限重复 人的本性
Approaching Differentiated Instruction via the Attitudes and the Opinions of Greek Primary School Teachers: An Empirical Investigation
作者 loannis Fykaris Polyxeni MiLsi 《Sociology Study》 2012年第12期918-926,共9页
In the modern educational reality, as it is influenced by the social developments, the diversity of school potential is intensely highlighted. At the same time, the standardization of the teaching process appears to b... In the modern educational reality, as it is influenced by the social developments, the diversity of school potential is intensely highlighted. At the same time, the standardization of the teaching process appears to be insufficient to meet the modern instructive requirements, while it is vastly supported that differentiated teaching can sufficiently respond to the modern instructive needs. Moreover, it is pointed out that differentiated teaching is another way of thinking on the instructive work. On that basis and with a view to investigating the functionalist dimensions of differentiated teaching, a research of empiric character was attempted geared toward at the investigation of attitudes and opinions of Greek primary school teachers with regard to the differentiated teaching. The structured questionnaire was used as a research tool and the main conclusions showed not only the limited briefing of the sample teachers, with regard to the theoretical and applicable functionalism of differentiated teaching, but also the conviction that the differentiated teaching has the potential to treat students equally while functioning as a driving force for the dynamic forming of knowledge by the students themselves. 展开更多
Virtual reconfigurable architecture for evolving combinational logic circuits 被引量:4
作者 王进 LEE Chong-Ho 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第5期1862-1870,共9页
A virtual reconfigurable architecture(VRA)-based evolvable hardware is proposed for automatic synthesis of combinational logic circuits at gate-level.The proposed VRA is implemented by a Celoxica RC1000 peripheral com... A virtual reconfigurable architecture(VRA)-based evolvable hardware is proposed for automatic synthesis of combinational logic circuits at gate-level.The proposed VRA is implemented by a Celoxica RC1000 peripheral component interconnect(PCI)board with an Xilinx Virtex xcv2000E field programmable gate array(FPGA).To improve the quality of the evolved circuits,the VRA works through a two-stage evolution: finding a functional circuit and minimizing the number of logic gates used in a feasible circuit.To optimize the algorithm performance in the two-stage evolutionary process and set free the user from the time-consuming process of mutation parameter tuning,a self-adaptive mutation rate control(SAMRC)scheme is introduced.In the evolutionary process,the mutation rate control parameters are encoded as additional genes in the chromosome and also undergo evolutionary operations.The efficiency of the proposed methodology is tested with the evolutions of a 4-bit even parity function,a 2-bit multiplier,and a 3-bit multiplier.The obtained results demonstrate that our scheme improves the evolutionary design of combinational logic circuits in terms of quality of the evolved circuit as well as the computational effort,when compared to the existing evolvable hardware approaches. 展开更多
关键词 evolutionary algorithm evolvable hardware self-adaptive mutation rate control virtual reconfigurable architecture
Relationship between the berrant hypermethylation profile of 14-3-3 sigma and its reduced transcription levels in Chinese women sporadic breast carcinogenesis
作者 Zuojun Wang Jing Feng +5 位作者 Jun Lu Yuping Wang Fei Xie Youli Zhou Jicai Zhang Wenbin Li 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2007年第5期479-483,共5页
Objective: To study the relationship between 14-3-3 sigma gene promoter hypermethylation and its transcrip-tion levels in sporadic breast carcinogenesis. Methods: Hypermethylation of 14-3-3 sigma gene was detected by ... Objective: To study the relationship between 14-3-3 sigma gene promoter hypermethylation and its transcrip-tion levels in sporadic breast carcinogenesis. Methods: Hypermethylation of 14-3-3 sigma gene was detected by sensitive MSP assay in carcinous, non-cancerious and normal tissue, and its mRNA was also detected by real-time PCR based on SYBR Green 1. Results: The hypermethylation frequencies of 14-3-3 sigma were 90% in 68 cases of sporadic breast cancer patients. Hypermethylation was presented in portions (2/13,18%) of hyperplastic samples, and no hypermethylation was presented in normal tissue. The hypermethylation change of 14-3-3 sigma gene was markedly related with various types, grades and lymph node metastases (P < 0.05), and no significant differences in methylation frequencies were seen between premenopause and postmenopause (P > 0.05). The hypermethylation of 14-3-3 sigma showed reverse relationship with its mRNA transcription (P < 0.05). Only lymph node metastases was strongly associated with poor outcome (P = 0.02). Whether 14-3-3 sigma promoter methylation or not did not affect the 5-year survival rate of sporadic breast cancer (P > 0.05). Conclu-sion: Epigenetics alterations of the 14-3-3 sigma can contribute to reducing or losing the expression of 14-3-3 sigma protein, which plays an important role in the development of sporadic breast carcinomas including various types, grades and lymph node metastases. 展开更多
关键词 sporadic breast cancer DNA methylation CARCINOGENESIS 14-3-3 sigma
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