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ATM交换机信令适配层的设计与实现 被引量:3
作者 徐展琦 刘增基 《西安电子科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第3期301-306,共6页
在详细分析消化BISDNⅠ系列建议基础上,文中简述了BISDN协议参考模型(BISDN/PRM)和ATM交换机组成与功能。在给出信令适配层(SAAL)分层结构的前提下,分析了各子层功能块的功能,较详细地介绍了特定服务... 在详细分析消化BISDNⅠ系列建议基础上,文中简述了BISDN协议参考模型(BISDN/PRM)和ATM交换机组成与功能。在给出信令适配层(SAAL)分层结构的前提下,分析了各子层功能块的功能,较详细地介绍了特定服务面向连接协议SSCOP(ServiceSpecificConnectionOrientedProtocol)的功能及其优点。在分析ATM交换机中SAAL总体功能要求的基础上,设计并实现了SAAL软硬件,并且对SAAL功能的增强,CRC-32的软硬件计算,进程优先级的设置等关键技术进行了探讨,这对SAAL及其类似协议的实现有较大的意义。最后指出了SAAL在其它方面可能的应用。 展开更多
关键词 B-ISDN 信令过配 ATM交换机 交换机 设计
过配粉末激光选区熔化制备高氮不锈钢研究 被引量:2
作者 任建彪 赵定国 +3 位作者 孙鑫 王书桓 倪国龙 柳昆 《粉末冶金工业》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第3期13-22,共10页
常压下高氮不锈钢粉末激光选区熔化法制备高氮不锈钢的过程存在氮逸出现象,不能有效制备出合格高氮不锈钢。采用过配粉末法配制了含氮量1.472%的不锈钢粉末,在激光选区熔化设备上开展了过配粉末打印成形实验,研究了激光工艺参数对高氮... 常压下高氮不锈钢粉末激光选区熔化法制备高氮不锈钢的过程存在氮逸出现象,不能有效制备出合格高氮不锈钢。采用过配粉末法配制了含氮量1.472%的不锈钢粉末,在激光选区熔化设备上开展了过配粉末打印成形实验,研究了激光工艺参数对高氮不锈钢氮含量、显微组织和力学性能的影响。实验结果表明,过配粉末法可制备出含氮量超0.9%且具有一定力学性能的高氮不锈钢;成形试样的氮含量与激光功率成反比,在扫描速度为1000 mm/s时,激光功率由200 W增至300 W,氮含量由0.991%降至0.956%;当激光功率为225 W时,扫描速度由700 mm/s增至1000 mm/s,氮含量由0.823%增至0.985%,与扫描速度成正比;当激光功率为250 W时,扫描速度由700 mm/s增至1000 mm/s,氮含量由0.817%增至0.970%,扫描速度对氮含量的影响更为显著。当扫描速度为1000 mm/s时,200~300 W范围内,随激光功率的增大,成形试样的内部缺陷逐渐减少,成形质量变好,抗拉强度呈先增加后降低趋势。优化结果表明,扫描速度1000 mm/s、激光功率275 W为最优成形工艺参数,在保证氮含量高于0.9%的同时,高氮不锈钢成形质量最好,内部缺陷数量最少,综合拉伸性能好,抗拉强度和屈服强度分别为1001.7 MPa和363.8 MPa。 展开更多
关键词 过配粉末 激光选区熔化 高氮不锈钢 氮含量 力学性能
作者 寇攀高 廖栋阳 +4 位作者 范昭胜 赵小华 肖剑 付亮 吴长利 《大电机技术》 2021年第2期65-70,共6页
针对传统水轮发电机动平衡技术存在的不足及工程实践的需求,本文在研究转子系统单平面多测点平衡模型的基础上,建立了"扁平型"水轮发电机转子的单平面多测点加权平衡模型;通过分析动平衡试验中的"过配"、"欠配... 针对传统水轮发电机动平衡技术存在的不足及工程实践的需求,本文在研究转子系统单平面多测点平衡模型的基础上,建立了"扁平型"水轮发电机转子的单平面多测点加权平衡模型;通过分析动平衡试验中的"过配"、"欠配"现象,提出了能同时满足空转、空载工况下振动要求的单平面多测点加权适中平衡模型;分别从优化理论及工程实践的角度出发,提出了单平面多测点加权平衡模型、单平面多测点加权适中平衡模型的求解策略,并将本文方法应用于湖南省双牌水电站3号机组的动平衡试验,试验结果表明本文方法在工程实践中简单、可行,具有较高的配重精度。 展开更多
关键词 单平面多测点平衡模型 单平面多测点加权平衡模型 单平面多测点加权适中平衡模型 动平衡 过配
基于HSV模型和改进AdaBoost算法的车牌检测 被引量:6
作者 王毅 王创新 +1 位作者 卢进 盛文正 《电子科技》 2015年第2期107-111,共5页
提出了一种基于HSV颜色模型和改进Ada Boost算法的车牌检测方法。针对传统Ada Boost算法在训练过程中出现的过配现象和检测率偏低问题,文中在传统Ada Boost算法的基础上对其权值更新规则和弱分类器加权参数做了改进,并通过利用HSV颜色... 提出了一种基于HSV颜色模型和改进Ada Boost算法的车牌检测方法。针对传统Ada Boost算法在训练过程中出现的过配现象和检测率偏低问题,文中在传统Ada Boost算法的基础上对其权值更新规则和弱分类器加权参数做了改进,并通过利用HSV颜色模型构建第一层强分类器,并构建成级联分类器应用于车牌检测。实验证明使用该方法得到的车牌检测器不仅提高了车牌检测率和检测速度,并在一定程度上避免了过配现象产生。 展开更多
关键词 ADABOOST算法 分类器 过配现象 HSV颜色模型
基于Adaboost算法的人脸检测 被引量:14
作者 郑峰 杨新 《计算机仿真》 CSCD 2005年第9期167-169,253,共4页
该文提出了一种基于改进的Adaboost算法的人脸检测方法。Adaboost是一种构建准确分类器的学习算法,它将一族弱学习算法通过一定规则结合成为一个强学习算法,从而通过样本训练得到一个识别准确率理想的分类器。但是,Adaboost在有高噪音... 该文提出了一种基于改进的Adaboost算法的人脸检测方法。Adaboost是一种构建准确分类器的学习算法,它将一族弱学习算法通过一定规则结合成为一个强学习算法,从而通过样本训练得到一个识别准确率理想的分类器。但是,Adaboost在有高噪音样本的情况下,有可能发生过配现象,该文在Adaboost算法的基础上,对其权值更新规则做了改进,并结合PCA进行人脸检测。仿真试验表明,该方法具有良好的性能,同时可以在一定程度上有效防止过配现象的发生。 展开更多
关键词 人脸检测 算法 主分量分析 过配
Cross Point Assignment Algorithm with Crosstalk Constraint
作者 姚海龙 周强 +1 位作者 洪先龙 蔡懿慈 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第4期388-393,共6页
An algorithm to resolve the coupling effect problem is proposed during the cross point assignment (CPA) stage.In the algorithm,the priority queue concept and the rip-up and reroute strategy are combined to control cro... An algorithm to resolve the coupling effect problem is proposed during the cross point assignment (CPA) stage.In the algorithm,the priority queue concept and the rip-up and reroute strategy are combined to control crosstalk noise caused by interconnect coupling capacitance.First,the nets are arranged into different priority queues according to their weighted sum of their length and criticality.Then,the CPA problem for one queue of nets is translated into a linear assignment problem.After the assignment of one queue of nets,a post-CPA checking routine is performed to check and rip up the net pairs which violate the crosstalk noise constraint and then push them into the next queue to be reassigned.The algorithm is tested by a set of bench mark examples,and the experimental results are promising... 展开更多
关键词 routing cross point assignment CROSSTALK INTERCONNECT
Efficient Interconnect Network Model for Linear Circuit Reduction
作者 陈彬 杨华中 +1 位作者 罗嵘 汪蕙 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第9期916-920,共5页
A new interconnect network model for linear netw ork reduction is presented.In this new model,the ports of the interconnect network are classified into two groups:active and passive ports.After the classification,some... A new interconnect network model for linear netw ork reduction is presented.In this new model,the ports of the interconnect network are classified into two groups:active and passive ports.After the classification,some proprieties of the interconnect network are found to be redundant and pruned before reduction.For common interconnect networks,the scale of reduced models is smaller than 50% of the scale of previous works. 展开更多
关键词 moment matching MPVL process linear circuit reduction
作者 朱秀文 左明健 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2000年第2期146-151,共页
This paper reports the reengineering of the assembly processes of printed circuit boards (PCBs) used in computers.The new designed assembly processes are quite different from the traditional ones,and the business perf... This paper reports the reengineering of the assembly processes of printed circuit boards (PCBs) used in computers.The new designed assembly processes are quite different from the traditional ones,and the business performance is dramatically improved through establishing parallel workstations,off line workstation,merging workstations and organizing a small teamwork who cooperates in stations.“ITHINK”,a software package of business process reengineering (BPR),was used to analyze the current processes and create new processes.ITHINK is a powerful tool of BPR in modeling business processes,“soft” variables and conducting sensitivity analysis.The new assembly processes were tested over a period of 8 hours simulation.The results show that the new processes can increase throughput by 80% with only requiring less additional resources.The throughput can increase further by 17.5% when a small teamwork cooperates in some stations. 展开更多
关键词 reengineering the assembly processes modeling business process soft variable
Pioglitazone, a specific ligand of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma, protects pancreas against acute cerulein-induced pancreatitis 被引量:7
作者 Peter C Konturek Artur Dembinski +6 位作者 Zygmunt Warzecha Grzegorz Burnat Piotr Ceranowicz Eckhart G Hahn Marcin Dembinski Romana Tomaszewska Stanislaw J Konturek 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第40期6322-6329,共8页
AIM: To determine the effect of pioglitazone, a specific peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-y (PPART) ligand, on the development of acute pancreatitis (AP) and on the expression of heat shock protein 70 ... AIM: To determine the effect of pioglitazone, a specific peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-y (PPART) ligand, on the development of acute pancreatitis (AP) and on the expression of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) in the pancreas. METHODS: AP was induced in rats by subcutaneous infusion of ceruw was measured by laser Dopplein for 5 h. Pancreatic blood floler flowmetry. Plasma lipase activity, intedeukin-1β (IL-1β) and IL-10 were determined. Pancreatic weight and histology were evaluated and pancreatic DNA synthesis and blood flow as well as pancreatic mRNA for IL-1β and HSP70 were assessed in rats treated with pioglitazone alone or in combination with cerulein. RESULTS: Pioglitazone administered (10-100 mg/kg i.g.) 30 min before cerulein, attenuated dose-dependently the pancreatic tissue damage in cerulein-induced pancreatitis (tiP) as demonstrated by the improvement of pancreatic histology, reduction in plasma lipase activity, plasma concentration of pro-inflammatory IL-1β and its gene expression in the pancreas and attenuation of the pancreatitis-evoked fall in pancreatic blood flow. CIP increased pancreatic HSP70 mRNA and protein expression in the pancreas and this effect was enhanced by pioglitazone treatment. CONCLUSION: Pioglitazone attenuates CIP and the beneficial effect of this pioglitazone is multifactorial probably due to its anti-infiammatory activities, to the suppression of IL-1β and to the overexpression of HSP70. PPART ligands could represent a new therapeutic optionin the treatment of AP. 展开更多
关键词 Cerulein-induced pancreatitis PPARy ligand Heat shock protein 70
Activity-based resource capability modeling 被引量:2
作者 程绍武 徐晓飞 +1 位作者 王刚 孙雪冬 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2008年第3期307-311,共5页
To analyse and optimize a enterprise process in a wide scope, an activity-based method of modeling resource capabilities is presented. It models resource capabilities by means of the same structure as an activity, tha... To analyse and optimize a enterprise process in a wide scope, an activity-based method of modeling resource capabilities is presented. It models resource capabilities by means of the same structure as an activity, that is, resource capabilities are defined by input objects, actions and output objects. A set of activity-based resource capability modeling hales and matching rules between an activity and a resource are introduced. This method can not only be used to describe capability of manufacturing tools, but also capability of persons and applications, etc. It unifies methods of modeling capability of all kinds of resources in an enterprise and supports the ootimization of the resource allocation of a orocess. 展开更多
关键词 resource capability modeling activity-based resource allocation process optimization enterprise modeling
Thermodynamic simulation of complex Pb-Bi concentrate oxidative bath smelting process 被引量:4
作者 Lin CHEN Peng CHEN +2 位作者 Du-chao ZHANG Wei-feng LIU Tian-zu YANG 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第4期1165-1174,共10页
The element partitioning in a Pb-Bi concentrate oxygen-rich bath smelting process was studied using thermodynamic equilibrium simulation method. Effects of oxygen to feed ratio(OFR) and sulfur dioxide partial pressure... The element partitioning in a Pb-Bi concentrate oxygen-rich bath smelting process was studied using thermodynamic equilibrium simulation method. Effects of oxygen to feed ratio(OFR) and sulfur dioxide partial pressure(pSO2) on the partitionings of Bi, Pb, As, Sb, Cu and Ag were analyzed and compared with industrial data. The results suggested that the optimal OFR was between 6.3 and 6.8 kmol/t to maximize Bi, Pb, Cu and Ag partitioning in the metal phase. Further increase of OFR led to the drop of metal partitioning and increase of slag liquidus temperature. High pSO2 led to high deportment of Bi and Pb in the gas phase mainly in the form of sulfides, suggesting that a low pSO2 was conducive for reducing the dust ratio. 展开更多
关键词 complex Pb-Bi concentrate oxygen-rich bath smelting multiphase equilibrium simulation element partitioning process parameter optimization
Determination of interference fit value on entire roller embedded shapemeter roll 被引量:5
作者 吴海淼 刘宏民 +1 位作者 于丙强 杨利坡 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第12期4503-4508,共6页
For entire roller embedded shapemeter roll, the relationship between the value of interference fit and the sensor pre-pressure, and the pressure transfer performance of shapemeter roll were analyzed by elasticity theo... For entire roller embedded shapemeter roll, the relationship between the value of interference fit and the sensor pre-pressure, and the pressure transfer performance of shapemeter roll were analyzed by elasticity theory during the cold reversible rolling process. Considering the influence of strip temperature on the interference fit, the distributions of contact pressure of the framework's top surface and the sensor pre-pressure on different values of interference fit were analyzed by the finite element technology. The results show that the contact pressure of the framework's top surface and the sensor pre-pressure increase with the increase of the value of interference fit. When the value of interference fit is between 0.05 mm and 0.09 mm, roll body's inner hole surface, the framework and pressure magnetic sensitive component don't separate from each other, and the sensor works in the linear segment of characteristic curve, so the normal operation of shapemeter roll is guaranteed. 展开更多
关键词 reversible rolling shapemeter roll value of interference fit contact pressure finite element
Compact passing algorithm for signalized intersection management based on vehicular network 被引量:1
作者 Bian Chentong Yin Guodong +1 位作者 Xu Liwei Zhang Ning 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2019年第1期103-110,共8页
To improve the traffic efficiency at signalized intersections, a compact passing algorithm is proposed based on a vehicular network. Its basic principle is that several waiting vehicles after the stop line of the cons... To improve the traffic efficiency at signalized intersections, a compact passing algorithm is proposed based on a vehicular network. Its basic principle is that several waiting vehicles after the stop line of the considered intersection should simultaneously start in green periods. Thus, more vehicles can pass the intersection in a green period. Then, the having passed vehicles should follow the planned trajectories to enlarge their longitudinal clearances. Phase timing is not considered in the compact passing algorithm, and therefore, the proposed compact passing algorithm can be combined with other algorithms on phase timing to further improve their performances. Several simulations were designed and performed to verify the performance of the proposed algorithm. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can increase the number of completed vehicles and decrease the travel time in the signalized intersections managed by fixed-time and vehicle actuated algorithms, which indicates that the proposed algorithm is effective for improving the traffic efficiency at common signalized intersections. 展开更多
关键词 intersection management signalized intersection vehicular network compact passing phase timing
Effect of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma ligand on inflammation of human gallbladder epithelial cells 被引量:3
作者 Guang-Dong Pan Hong Wu +5 位作者 Jiang-Wen Liu Nan-Sheng Cheng Xian-Ze Xiong Sheng-Fu Li Suo-Fu Zhang Lu-Nan Yan 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第38期6061-6065,共5页
AIM: To investigate the effect of peroxisome proliferatoractivated receptor gamma (PPAR-γ) and its ligand, ciglitazone, on inflammatory regulation of human gallbladder epithelial cells (HGBECs) and to assess the... AIM: To investigate the effect of peroxisome proliferatoractivated receptor gamma (PPAR-γ) and its ligand, ciglitazone, on inflammatory regulation of human gallbladder epithelial cells (HGBECs) and to assess the effect of human epithelial growth factor (hEGF) on growth of HGBECs. METHODS: HGBECs were cultured in media containing hEGF or in hEGF-free media. HGBECs were divided into normal control group, inflammatory control group and ciglitazone group (test group). Inflammatory control group and ciglitazone group were treated with 5 μg/L of human interleukin-1β(hIL-1β) to make inflammatory model of HGBECs. The ciglitazone group was treated with various concentrations of ciglitazone, a potent ligand of PPAR-y. Subsequently, interleukin-8 (IL-8), IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) concentrations in all groups were measured. The data were analyzed statistically. RESULTS: HGBECs were cultured in medium successfully. The longevity of HGBECs in groups containing hEGF was longer than that in hEGF-free groups. So was the number of HGBECs. The longest survival time of HGBEC was 25 d. The inflammatory model of HGBECs was obtained by treating with hIL-1β. The concentrations of IL-6 and IL-8 in ciglitazone group were lower than those in inflammatory conlyol group (P〈0.05). The secretion of IL-6 in inflammatory control group was higher (350.31±37.05 μg/L) than that in normal control group (50.0±0.00 μg/L, P〈0.001). Compared to normal control group, IL-8 concentration in inflammatory control was higher (P〈0.05). CONCLUSION: hEGF improves the growth of HGBECs in vitro. Ciglitazone inhibits the inflammation of HGBECs in vitro and has potential therapeutic effect on cholecystitis in vivo. 展开更多
关键词 PPAR-γ1 Human gallbladder epithelial cells INFLAMMATION EFFECT
An Extended Birth-Death Processes with Catastrophes——Stochastically Monotone, Feller and Symmetric Properties
作者 吴群英 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 2002年第2期36-42,共7页
A new structure with the special property that catastrophes is imposed to ordinary Birth_Death processes is considered. The necessary and sufficient conditions of stochastically monotone, Feller and symmetric properti... A new structure with the special property that catastrophes is imposed to ordinary Birth_Death processes is considered. The necessary and sufficient conditions of stochastically monotone, Feller and symmetric properties for the extended birth_death processes with catastrophes are obtained. 展开更多
关键词 extended birth_death process Q _process stochastic monotonicity Feller property symmetric property
O-O bond formation mechanisms during the oxygen evolution reaction over synthetic molecular catalysts 被引量:5
作者 Xue-Peng Zhang Hong-Yan Wang +2 位作者 Haoquan Zheng Wei Zhang Rui Cao 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第8期1253-1268,共16页
Water oxidation is one of the most important reactions in natural and artificial energy conversion schemes.In nature,solar energy is converted to chemical energy via water oxidation at the oxygen-evolving center of ph... Water oxidation is one of the most important reactions in natural and artificial energy conversion schemes.In nature,solar energy is converted to chemical energy via water oxidation at the oxygen-evolving center of photosystem II to generate dioxygen,protons,and electrons.In artificial energy schemes,water oxidation is one of the half reactions of water splitting,which is an appealing strategy for energy conversion via photocatalytic,electrocatalytic,or photoelectrocatalytic processes.Because it is thermodynamically unfavorable and kinetically slow,water oxidation is the bottleneck for achieving large-scale water splitting.Thus,developing highly efficient water oxidation catalysts has attracted the interests of researchers in the past decades.The formation of O-O bonds is typically the rate-determining step of the water oxidation catalytic cycle.Therefore,better understanding this key step is critical for the rational design of more efficient catalysts.This review focuses on elucidating the evolution of metal-oxygen species during transition metal-catalyzed water oxidation,and more importantly,on discussing the feasible O-O bond formation mechanisms during the oxygen evolution reaction over synthetic molecular catalysts. 展开更多
关键词 Oxygen evolution reaction Water oxidation O-O bond formation Transition metal complex Molecular electrocatalysis Reaction mechanism
Multinuclear Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of 〔VS_4 (CuPPh_3)_5 (CuCl) Br_2〕 被引量:2
作者 CHEN Zhong YE Jian-Liang CAI Shu-Hui(The Research Laboratory of SEDC of Analytical Science for Material and Life Chemistry(Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005)(State Key Laboratory of Structural Chemistry, Fuzhou 350002)ZHENG Fa-Ku 《Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1998年第2期89-93,共5页
The structure, spectroscopic properties and chemical stability of [VS4-(CuPPh3)3 (CuCl)Br2] in CDCl3 solution have been studied by multinuclear NMR tech-nique. Two peaks with relative intensity of 1: 4 are found in th... The structure, spectroscopic properties and chemical stability of [VS4-(CuPPh3)3 (CuCl)Br2] in CDCl3 solution have been studied by multinuclear NMR tech-nique. Two peaks with relative intensity of 1: 4 are found in the31P-{1H} spectra.Some 13C-{1H} and 1H NMR peaks have the same integral intensity ratio. These com-plemented the results of 31P-{1H} NMR. The experimental results demonstrates that the PPh3 ligand bound to Cu(6) is not equivalent with the four PPh3 ligands bound toCu(2) ~Cu (5 )- It affords an evidence that the title compound in the solution keepssimilar structure to solid state. 展开更多
关键词 nuclear magnetic resonance V-Cu-S cluster transition metal complex
Dynamic simulation on effect of flame arrangement on thermal process of regenerative reheating furnace 被引量:5
作者 欧俭平 马爱纯 +2 位作者 詹树华 周孑民 萧泽强 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2007年第2期243-247,共5页
By analyzing the characteristics of combustion and billet heating process, a 3-D transient computer fluid dynamic simulation system based on commercial software CFX4.3 and some self-programmed codes were developed to ... By analyzing the characteristics of combustion and billet heating process, a 3-D transient computer fluid dynamic simulation system based on commercial software CFX4.3 and some self-programmed codes were developed to simulate the thermal process in a continuous heating furnace using high temperature air combustion technology. The effects of different switching modes on injection entrancement of multi burners, combustion and billet heating process in furnace were analyzed numerically, and the computational results were compared with on-site measurement, which verified the practicability of this numerical simulation system. The results indicate that the flow pattern and distribution of temperature in regenerative reheating furnace with partial same-side-switching combustion mode are favorable to satisfy the high quality requirements of reheating, in which the terminal heating temperature of billets is more than 1 460 K and the temperature difference between two nodes is not more than 10 K. But since the surface average temperature of billets apart fi'om heating zone is only about 1 350 K and continued heating is needed in soaking zone, the design and operation of current state are still needed to be optimized to improve the temperature schedule of billet heating. The distribution of velocity and temperature in regenerative reheating furnace with same-side-switching combustion mode cannot satisfy the even and fast heating process. The terminal heating temperature of billets is lower than that of the former case by 30 K. The distribution of flow and temperature can be improved by using cross-switching combustion mode, whose terminal temperature of billets is about 1 470 K with small temperature difference within 10 K. 展开更多
关键词 high temperature air combustion reheating furnace switched combustion numerical simulation
Deviation Diagnosis and Analysis of Hull Flat Block Assembly Based on a State Space Model 被引量:1
作者 Zhiying Zhang Yinfang Dai Zhen Li 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2012年第3期311-320,共10页
Dimensional control is one of the most important challenges in the shipbuilding industry. In order to predict assembly dimensional variation in hull flat block construction, a variation stream model based on state spa... Dimensional control is one of the most important challenges in the shipbuilding industry. In order to predict assembly dimensional variation in hull flat block construction, a variation stream model based on state space was presented in this paper which can be further applied to accuracy control in shipbuilding. Part accumulative error, locating error, and welding deformation were taken into consideration in this model, and variation propagation mechanisms and the accumulative rule in the assembly process were analyzed. Then, a model was developed to describe the variation propagation throughout the assembly process. Finally, an example of fiat block construction from an actual shipyard was given. The result shows that this method is effective and useful. 展开更多
关键词 hull fiat block state space model deviation source diagnosis
Partition Equilibrium Between Charged Membrane and Single Electrolyte Aqueous Solution 被引量:1
作者 徐铜文 杨伟华 何柄林 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2001年第3期326-330,共5页
Ionic partition equilibrium in charged membrane immersed in solution of single electrolyte with monovalence or multi-valence is systematically investigated and several expressions are established for determination of ... Ionic partition equilibrium in charged membrane immersed in solution of single electrolyte with monovalence or multi-valence is systematically investigated and several expressions are established for determination of partition coefficients. On this basis, the effects of the ratio of membrane charge density to bulk electrolyte solution concentration, the charge sign and valence of electrolyte ions and the type of membrane on the partition equilibrium were analyzed and simulated within chosen parameters. It is revealed that ion partition is not related solely with the respective concentrations but also definitely with the concentration ratio of fixed group to bulk solution in addition to the charge sign and the valence. For a counterion, the partition coefficient increases with this ratio and the valence; while for a coion, the partition coefficient decreases with this ratio and the valence. The theoretical calculations were compared with the experimental data and a good agreement was observed. 展开更多
关键词 partition coefficient Donnan equilibrium ELECTROLYTE charged membrane
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