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阳极振动往复运丝微细电解线切割试验研究 被引量:7
作者 于洽 曾永彬 +2 位作者 徐坤 曲宁松 朱荻 《中国机械工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期295-299,共5页
电解加工产物的及时输运是微细电解线切割加工中亟待解决的问题。提出通过线电极往复运动和工件低频振动共同强化加工间隙内传质过程来提高微细电解线切割的切缝质量的方法;构建了线电极往复运丝、工件振动的微细电解线切割试验系统;采... 电解加工产物的及时输运是微细电解线切割加工中亟待解决的问题。提出通过线电极往复运动和工件低频振动共同强化加工间隙内传质过程来提高微细电解线切割的切缝质量的方法;构建了线电极往复运丝、工件振动的微细电解线切割试验系统;采用正交试验方法,分析了线电极运丝幅值、运丝频率、工件振动幅值和振动频率4个因素对切缝平均宽度和切缝轮廓均匀性影响的主次和趋势,并筛选出了优化的线电极运丝和工件振动参数;采用优化参数加工出了结构清晰、完整的微梁结构。 展开更多
关键词 微细电解 线切割 运丝 振动 正交试验
复合运丝型电火花线切割加工参数分析与研究 被引量:10
作者 廖剑霞 陈浩东 +1 位作者 黄祯祥 黄书植 《机械科学与技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期119-121,126,共4页
提出了一种新型电火花线切割机床,即电极丝作往复直线运动的同时还绕自身轴线高速旋转的复合运丝型线切割机床。介绍了该类机床与其他线切割机床加工的基本工艺指标。通过与高速走丝电火花线切割机床比较实验,分析了脉冲宽度、脉冲间隔... 提出了一种新型电火花线切割机床,即电极丝作往复直线运动的同时还绕自身轴线高速旋转的复合运丝型线切割机床。介绍了该类机床与其他线切割机床加工的基本工艺指标。通过与高速走丝电火花线切割机床比较实验,分析了脉冲宽度、脉冲间隔、脉冲峰值电流等电参数对加工工艺指标的影响,实验表明这种独特的复合运丝方式在降低表面粗糙度、提高加工精度等方面较传统运丝方式具有较大的优越性,且机床结构较为简单,对于各种工艺参数和电参数具有更加广泛的适用性,具有进一步研究和推广价值。 展开更多
关键词 复合运丝 线切割 工艺指标 加工参数
作者 董广强 李富柱 《煤矿机械》 北大核心 2006年第12期126-127,共2页
分析了单贮丝筒上电极丝恒张力伺服控制系统存在的问题,在此基础上研究了一种新型线切割运丝系统,可以提高电极丝运行的稳定性,有利于深入研究线切割的加工精度及生产率,对发展我国自行设计的高速走丝线切割机具有重要的理论意义和实用... 分析了单贮丝筒上电极丝恒张力伺服控制系统存在的问题,在此基础上研究了一种新型线切割运丝系统,可以提高电极丝运行的稳定性,有利于深入研究线切割的加工精度及生产率,对发展我国自行设计的高速走丝线切割机具有重要的理论意义和实用价值。 展开更多
关键词 线切割机 运丝系统 稳定性
作者 王燕青 白基成 +1 位作者 朱国征 张恒 《上海交通大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期24-30,共7页
为了减小线电极电火花磨削中线电极有效加工区位置的波动,建立了运丝系统多自由度振动模型,分析了滚轮的直径和质量、相邻滚轮间线电极的材料、长度和直径对运丝系统振动固有频率的影响,将仿真分析结果用于指导运丝系统设计,以提高运丝... 为了减小线电极电火花磨削中线电极有效加工区位置的波动,建立了运丝系统多自由度振动模型,分析了滚轮的直径和质量、相邻滚轮间线电极的材料、长度和直径对运丝系统振动固有频率的影响,将仿真分析结果用于指导运丝系统设计,以提高运丝系统的固有频率并减小线电极有效加工区发生振动的频率;通过试验研究了线电极运丝速度、线电极在导向轮上的包角及线电极张力对线电极有效加工区位置波动的影响规律,并用于确定最佳加工参数;同时,利用所设计的线电极磨削装置加工出直径为(50±1)μm的微细轴.结果表明,所设计的线电极磨削装置及试验获得的最佳加工参数可用于高尺寸精度的微细轴加工. 展开更多
关键词 线电极电火花磨削 运丝系统 多自由度振动模型 有效加工区 微细轴
作者 王佳 李振兴 《科技信息》 2011年第29期I0033-I0033,I0061,共2页
关键词 运丝托板 夹具 定位 夹紧
电火花线切割机床运丝电机及控制电路设计 被引量:1
作者 顾水方 王银川 《电子与自动化》 1996年第2期52-54,共3页
1.引言电火花线切割机床在模具工业乃至整个机械制造行业的应用甚为广泛。由于该机床采用计算机技术,自动化程度较高,可实现无人看管自动加工,因而要求机床有较高的工作稳定性。而作为机床重要构架之一的电极钼丝运丝机构,其可靠性对机... 1.引言电火花线切割机床在模具工业乃至整个机械制造行业的应用甚为广泛。由于该机床采用计算机技术,自动化程度较高,可实现无人看管自动加工,因而要求机床有较高的工作稳定性。而作为机床重要构架之一的电极钼丝运丝机构,其可靠性对机床的整体性能有着较明显的影响。选用不同的运丝电机。 展开更多
关键词 运丝电机 控制电路 机床 电火花切割
作者 谢冬和 周瑜飞 《现代制造工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第12期91-94,154,共5页
为降低传统快走丝线切割机加工表面粗糙度,对其采用旋转+往复直线运动的新型复合运丝工艺,通过分析快速旋转+往复直线运动的复合运丝形成的电火花磨削加工效应,将钼丝单边损耗转化为圆周损耗,降低了加工中钼丝偏移补偿量影响。使用电火... 为降低传统快走丝线切割机加工表面粗糙度,对其采用旋转+往复直线运动的新型复合运丝工艺,通过分析快速旋转+往复直线运动的复合运丝形成的电火花磨削加工效应,将钼丝单边损耗转化为圆周损耗,降低了加工中钼丝偏移补偿量影响。使用电火花磨削加工工艺,改善了线切割加工中的排屑条件,消除了工件加工表面的换向条纹。试验结果表明,复合运丝工艺可明显提高加工精度并降低表面粗糙度。 展开更多
关键词 快走丝线切割 复合运丝 电磨削加工 表面粗糙度
作者 刘雨兰 《数字技术与应用》 2018年第10期8-10,共3页
针对数控电火花线切割机床运丝系统速度控制的要求,提出了一种基于永磁无刷直流电机的运丝系统控制方案。阐述整体设计要求,介绍硬件设计与软件设计。应用证明,该系统具有优异的起动性能和调速性能,能耗低,经济性好,适应性强,满足频繁... 针对数控电火花线切割机床运丝系统速度控制的要求,提出了一种基于永磁无刷直流电机的运丝系统控制方案。阐述整体设计要求,介绍硬件设计与软件设计。应用证明,该系统具有优异的起动性能和调速性能,能耗低,经济性好,适应性强,满足频繁换向、工况恶劣的场合使用。 展开更多
关键词 数控线切割机床 运丝控制系统 永磁无刷直流电机 Atmega16控制 电机驱动
高速走丝线切割机多次切割加工电极丝动态性能的研究 被引量:6
作者 郭烈恩 刘正埙 +2 位作者 邢晓峰 周大农 曹跃忠 《电加工》 1999年第6期22-25,共4页
关键词 多次切割 电极丝 动态性能 运丝速度 线切割机
高铌钛铝合金中走丝电火花线切割加工工艺研究 被引量:3
作者 杨彦平 王燕青 +2 位作者 杨胜强 武锋锋 李文辉 《工具技术》 2018年第6期8-11,共4页
关键词 高铌钛铝合金 中走丝电火花线切割 放电跟踪间隙 运丝速度
作者 宋顺 李赞 +2 位作者 王燕青 贾建宇 杨胜强 《现代制造工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第8期1-6,共6页
为实现各种异形微细工具的制造,提出了线电极双侧布置的间隙约束线电极电火花磨削加工方法,并设计了实验装置,加工区域内线电极的位置波动对微细工具的尺寸精度有直接影响。以加工区域内运丝稳定性为研究目标,进行田口实验,探究缓冲器... 为实现各种异形微细工具的制造,提出了线电极双侧布置的间隙约束线电极电火花磨削加工方法,并设计了实验装置,加工区域内线电极的位置波动对微细工具的尺寸精度有直接影响。以加工区域内运丝稳定性为研究目标,进行田口实验,探究缓冲器旋出长度、磁滞制动器电流和丝速对线电极位置波动和张力的影响。通过分析线电极张力可知,运丝过程中线电极位置波动和张力变化具有相关性;各实验因素对线电极位置波动量和张力波动量占比的影响规律相同。实验结果表明,丝速对运丝稳定性的影响程度最大;当缓冲器旋出长度为10.5 mm,磁滞制动器电流为0.09 A和丝速为1 mm/s时,线电极运行最稳定,并进行了实验验证。 展开更多
关键词 微细工具 线电极电火花磨削 运丝稳定性 位置波动
快走丝多次切割的试验研究 被引量:2
作者 谢冬和 《模具工业》 2019年第6期58-60,69,共4页
关键词 快走丝线切割 多次切割 工艺效果 运丝系统 试验研究
快走丝线切割断丝因素 被引量:1
作者 黄小科 《科技传播》 2014年第3期173-173,153,共2页
随着国内经济的高速发展和产业结构的转型升级,机械制造业也向高、精、尖加工方向不断提升和发展。快走丝线切割机床具有速度快、周期短、一次成型等优点,能解决复杂零件的加工工艺问题(如尖角、细缝等),其它机床不能完成的工艺问题,用... 随着国内经济的高速发展和产业结构的转型升级,机械制造业也向高、精、尖加工方向不断提升和发展。快走丝线切割机床具有速度快、周期短、一次成型等优点,能解决复杂零件的加工工艺问题(如尖角、细缝等),其它机床不能完成的工艺问题,用线切割机床能轻松完成。在机械加工领域特别是模具制造方面应用非常广泛。 展开更多
关键词 电极丝 松紧度 运丝机构 电参数
作者 李旭 《科技风》 2008年第10期2-2,共1页
关键词 线切割 钼丝 运丝机构 工件 电参数
Stomatal Opening Induced by Acetylcholine Is Associated with Cytoskeletal Components 被引量:2
作者 黄荣峰 王学臣 娄成后 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2000年第6期559-563,共5页
Acetylcholine (Ach) is a key component of animal cholinergic system. Recent experiments demonstrated that Ach, choline acetyltransferase, acetylcholinesterase and Ach receptors are present in all parts of plants and... Acetylcholine (Ach) is a key component of animal cholinergic system. Recent experiments demonstrated that Ach, choline acetyltransferase, acetylcholinesterase and Ach receptors are present in all parts of plants and have many functions, including inducing stomatal movement. The authors' previous work has evidenced that microtubules and microfilaments are involved in regulating both stomatal closing and opening. The present investigation is to determine whether stomatal opening induced by Ach is associated with microtubules and microfilaments. The results showed that Ach could induce stomatal opening of Vicia faba L. with or without addition of KCl in the dark. Ach also stimulated protoplast swelling in a K +_free solution in the dark. However, the induction was partially suppressed when the strips and protoplasts were pretreated with either cytochalasin B, an inhibitor of F_actin polymerization, or oryzalin, an inhibitor of plant microtubule polymerization. Thus, our data suggest for the first time that stomatal opening induced by Ach is associated with the dynamics of microtubules and microfilaments. 展开更多
Progress in Research on Intercellular Movement of Protoplasm in Higher Plants 被引量:3
作者 张伟成 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第9期1068-1074,共7页
Since nuclear extrusion was rediscovered in young Allium scale by S.H.WU in the years of 1950's systematic investigations on this phenomenon were carried out with various kinds of microscopic techniques a... Since nuclear extrusion was rediscovered in young Allium scale by S.H.WU in the years of 1950's systematic investigations on this phenomenon were carried out with various kinds of microscopic techniques and plant materials to collect more effective evidence to clarify the debate about whether the nuclear extrusion is an artifact or normal event. In the cooperative research of S. H. WU and C. H. LOU the normality of the occurrence of nuclear extrusion either in growing part of plant or in senescent tissue has been confirmed. This event is intimately associated with the physiological state of the tissues/cells and may play an important role in redistribution and reutilization of cell contents. Based on the results obtained a hypothesis of intercellular movement of protoplasm as a means of translocation of organic material in plants was suggested. Chromatin extrusion was also discovered in the pollen mother cells (cytomixis) of certain angiosperms by G. C. ZHENG and his team. Intercellular migration of chromatin appears most frequently at the stage of synizesis. Cytomixis has been studied in relation to variation and evolution. Chromosome aberration has been considered to be closely associated with chromatin extrusion. By vital microscopic observations of the live tissues of garlic (Allium sativum L.) bud and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) ovule combined with cinemicroscopy and video recording it has been uncovered that, not only the nuclear material but also the cytoplasm could traverse the intercellular channels by vigorous contraction and expansion, and they may simultaneously extrude out of a cell but often asynchronously migrate from one cell to another. The involvement of cytoplasmic constituents in intercellular migration was also detected in pollen mother cells with electron microscopy. Regarding the mechanism of intercellular movement a series of experiments provide convincing evidence showing that this kind of movement is an active metabolic process closely coupled with energy metabolism, and the motive power for driving the extrusion may be supplied by the contractile proteins in protoplasm. 展开更多
关键词 nuclear extrusion PLASMODESMA
Movement analysis on steel wire rope of continuous conveyor with disc-tube assembly
作者 栾丽君 石树林 任立义 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2004年第2期92-94,共3页
The steel wire rope of continuous conveyor with disc-tube assembly is droved by the driving wheel. When the driving wheel rotates, the gear is combined to the con- nection disc in turn, promoting the connection disc t... The steel wire rope of continuous conveyor with disc-tube assembly is droved by the driving wheel. When the driving wheel rotates, the gear is combined to the con- nection disc in turn, promoting the connection disc to move in succession. Turning the whirling torque of driving wheel into the straight-line traction force. When the steel wire rope is winded by the driving wheel some winded along the circumference, others winded along the straight line. Used motion subject law, this article analyses the change of the velocity and the acceleration of the steel wire rope in the straight movement, and observe the mathematics’ model of velocity and acceleration. 展开更多
关键词 driving wheel mesh cycle velocity analysis acceleration analysis running resistance
Plasmodesmata: Dynamic Channels for Symplastic Transport 被引量:3
作者 马丰山 Carol A.PETERSON 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2001年第5期441-460,共20页
Plasmodesmata (PDs) are cytoplasmic structures that link adjacent cells to form the symplast of a plant. PDs are involved extensively in a plant's life by mediating symplastic transport of a wide range of ions and... Plasmodesmata (PDs) are cytoplasmic structures that link adjacent cells to form the symplast of a plant. PDs are involved extensively in a plant's life by mediating symplastic transport of a wide range of ions and molecules. Major components of a plasmodesma (PD) include a plasma membrane, a desmotubule, and a cytoplasmic annulus, all of which are readily detectable by electron microscopy. Both the plasma membrane and the desmotubule contain proteinaceous particles, thought to be involved in altering the size of the cytoplasmic annulus. Cytoskeleton elements (actin and myosin) are essential for maintaining the integrity of PDs. Together with these elements, calcium_binding proteins probably play a significant role in regulating PD function. Symplastic transport occurs through the cytoplasmic annulus for the great majority of solutes, while other substances may traverse through the desmotubule internal compartment, the desmotubule shell, or the plasma membrane. The symplast is subdivided into several domains with varying molecular size exclusion limits (ranging from <1 kD to >10 kD). Plasmodesmata can be either primary or secondary; the former are developed during new wall formation and the latter are made in existing walls. The dynamic nature of plasmodesmata is also reflected by their changing frequencies, which, in turn, depend on the developmental and physiological status of the tissue or the entire plant. While diffusion is the major mechanism of symplastic transport, plasmodesmata are selective for certain ions and molecules. Upon viral infection, viral movement proteins interact with PD receptor proteins and, as a result of yet unknown mechanisms, the plasmodesmata are remarkably dilated to allow viral movement proteins and the bound viral genome to enter healthy cells. Some proteins of plant origin are also able to traverse plasmodesmata, presumably in ways similar to viral movement proteins. Some of these plant proteins are probably signal molecules contributing to cell differentiation and other activities. Other proteins move cell_to_cell in a non_specific manner. 展开更多
关键词 CYTOSKELETON movement protein PHLOEM PLASMODESMATA protein size exclusion limit symplastic transport VIRUS
Mass Tourism and Air Transport, an Inevitable Relationship: The Case of Canary Islands
作者 Victor S. Pescador 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2016年第5期607-614,共8页
The tourist industry, as global mass phenomenon, is inextricably linked to the evolution of air transport systems and air carriers, in turn, depends on tourism to ensure stability in routes and prices. Therefore, both... The tourist industry, as global mass phenomenon, is inextricably linked to the evolution of air transport systems and air carriers, in turn, depends on tourism to ensure stability in routes and prices. Therefore, both sectors must face the new challenges together, the transport industry is heading a problem of energy and cost overruns, that inevitably will affect tourism in the short term. The first energy crisis that they are starting to live, has been mitigated by changes in three parameters: (1) the international regulation of commercial aviation; (2) the connectivity and business (birth of low cost companies) models; and (3) the new policies for climate change and gas emission. So far, the rapid growth of the tourist industry has being held on a fast and cheap access to transport energy resources based on the false belief of unlimited access to energy. The article is a review of the state of the art, and the research papers published on air transportation, relating to tourism and the emergence of low cost airlines, in order to give a global vision for the decision makers of mass destinations, as it is the case of the Canary Islands that we will use as a reference. 展开更多
关键词 Air transport low cost energy cost island tourist destinations sustainability kerosene price oil peak.
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