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从悉尼奥运会看世界田坛新格局及运动实力演变 被引量:25
作者 张玉泉 魏承中 《体育与科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第1期50-52,55,共4页
采用媒体评价法和积分评价法 ,对第 2 7届奥运会田径比赛结果进行统计分析 ,综合评价了国家田径整体实力 ,揭示了当今世界田径优势项群地域归属、男女发展水平及田坛新格局特征 ,并对参赛国田径运动实力作以客观的定位。旨在为我国田径... 采用媒体评价法和积分评价法 ,对第 2 7届奥运会田径比赛结果进行统计分析 ,综合评价了国家田径整体实力 ,揭示了当今世界田径优势项群地域归属、男女发展水平及田坛新格局特征 ,并对参赛国田径运动实力作以客观的定位。旨在为我国田径训练管理部门制定规化和发展战略提供参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 悉尼奥运会 田径比赛 竞争格局 运动实力 优势项群 发展战略
第14届亚运会田径竞赛新格局及运动实力演变 被引量:7
作者 张玉泉 《浙江体育科学》 2004年第2期39-44,共6页
对第14届亚运会田径决赛结果进行了统计分析,综合评价了参赛国及整个亚洲竞技田径运动实力。结果表明:本届比赛奖牌、得分成分流态势,亚洲田坛竞争格局并不均衡,呈鲜明的4类集团等级(金字塔)结构特征。以世界田径水平来衡量,亚洲女子成... 对第14届亚运会田径决赛结果进行了统计分析,综合评价了参赛国及整个亚洲竞技田径运动实力。结果表明:本届比赛奖牌、得分成分流态势,亚洲田坛竞争格局并不均衡,呈鲜明的4类集团等级(金字塔)结构特征。以世界田径水平来衡量,亚洲女子成绩表现优于男子,径赛项目稳中有升,田赛项目呈衰退趋向。此外,还对亚洲田径项目优势类别进行了划分,并就其近期发展战略目标作以客观的定位。 展开更多
关键词 14届亚运会 田径竞赛 竞争格局 运动实力 优势
提高竞技运动实力表现的稳定性 被引量:3
作者 卢元镇 《中国体育科技》 北大核心 1999年第2期2-2,共1页
关键词 运动实力 不稳定性 运动成绩 竞技运动 社会心理 优秀运动 运动训练 运动项目 制胜规律 奥运会
第14届亚运会赛前中日游泳实力研究与分析 被引量:3
作者 吴河海 白慕炜 +1 位作者 沈宇鹏 贺慈红 《广州体育学院学报》 北大核心 2002年第3期79-83,共5页
通过中日两国游泳在历届亚运会上的表现以及第 2 7届奥运会游泳比赛、第九届世界游泳锦标赛、 2 0 0 1年国内比赛成绩和优秀游泳运动员身体形态、年龄的对比研究 ,对中日两国游泳现实实力进行分析 ,为中国游泳备战第十四届亚运会提供参... 通过中日两国游泳在历届亚运会上的表现以及第 2 7届奥运会游泳比赛、第九届世界游泳锦标赛、 2 0 0 1年国内比赛成绩和优秀游泳运动员身体形态、年龄的对比研究 ,对中日两国游泳现实实力进行分析 ,为中国游泳备战第十四届亚运会提供参考意见。 展开更多
关键词 第14届亚运会赛 中国 日本 游泳运动 运动实力 身体形态 年龄
作者 徐爽 《中国体育科技》 北大核心 1992年第6期20-22,共3页
南朝鲜竞技体育的实力在汉城奥运会上达到一个高峰。在这次大赛上,他们共获得金牌12枚、银牌10枚、铜牌11枚,跃居世界第四位。大赛后,南朝鲜许多老队员退役,新队员一时上不来,出现青黄不接现象,运动实力呈下降趋势。在1989年和1990年两... 南朝鲜竞技体育的实力在汉城奥运会上达到一个高峰。在这次大赛上,他们共获得金牌12枚、银牌10枚、铜牌11枚,跃居世界第四位。大赛后,南朝鲜许多老队员退役,新队员一时上不来,出现青黄不接现象,运动实力呈下降趋势。在1989年和1990年两年的世界大赛中,南朝鲜成绩平平,只获得6枚金牌。自1990年冬季。 展开更多
关键词 奥运会 南朝鲜 金牌 世界大赛 运动实力 竞技体育 铜牌 举重 实力分析 银牌
作者 徐爽 《中国体育科技》 北大核心 1992年第6期3-5,共3页
德国竞技体育的实力在统一前后经过一番曲折,1991年又开始有所回升,但还没有恢复到统一前两德拥有的总体实力水平。从它在1988—1991年间参加国际重大比赛所获的金牌和奖牌数的变化上,可看出这一发展的趋势(参见表1)。德国运动实力的这... 德国竞技体育的实力在统一前后经过一番曲折,1991年又开始有所回升,但还没有恢复到统一前两德拥有的总体实力水平。从它在1988—1991年间参加国际重大比赛所获的金牌和奖牌数的变化上,可看出这一发展的趋势(参见表1)。德国运动实力的这种变化并不是偶然的。德国统一初期,由于原民德体育领导体制瓦解。 展开更多
关键词 奥运会 德国 竞技体育 运动实力 总体实力 发展缓慢 民德 实力分析 领导体制 重大比赛
以运动之名 试驾雷克萨斯GS250 F sport
作者 李滨 《产品可靠性报告》 2013年第5期100-107,共8页
雷克萨斯给人的印象,是精密的制造工艺、丰富的技术配置、奢华的装饰,即使是GS系列,其“运动”特征也被掩盖在其豪华精美的表象之后。但毕竟,这是雷克萨斯精心打造的运动风格车型,而如今这款G6250 Fsport车型,即是在GS基础上。将... 雷克萨斯给人的印象,是精密的制造工艺、丰富的技术配置、奢华的装饰,即使是GS系列,其“运动”特征也被掩盖在其豪华精美的表象之后。但毕竟,这是雷克萨斯精心打造的运动风格车型,而如今这款G6250 Fsport车型,即是在GS基础上。将一些以运动为诉求的技术以及一些能够体现运动风格的装饰融入其中,向人们展示了雷克萨斯的“运动实力”这一“运动实力”。并非是为赛道而生的LFA那从内到外的真凶猛,也不是某些小钢炮那种欢蹦乱跳的凌厉,而是如中国太极功夫一般,在柔和舒展的外表下面蕴涵着的那种完全的自信和内在深厚的功力,这,是对“运动” 展开更多
关键词 运动实力 雷克萨斯 试驾 技术配置 制造工艺 装饰 车型 风格
第20届冬奥会自由式滑雪空中技巧女子项目夺金形势分析 被引量:2
作者 高婉娜 陈洪彬 《沈阳体育学院学报》 2004年第1期27-28,共2页
关键词 冬季奥运会 自由式滑雪 空中技巧 女子项目 运动实力 2006年 难度动作
第28、29届奥运会中国田径势力分析 被引量:21
作者 韩纪光 《体育与科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第3期52-54,75,共4页
运用文献资料、专家访谈、数理统计和逻辑推理等法 ,通过对我国田径运动员参加第 2 3~2 7届奥运会比赛名次 ,1998年~ 2 0 0 3年田径各单项进入世界前 5 0位的人数、近几年青少年运动员在世界大赛上取得的成绩 ,以及参加 1~ 9届世界... 运用文献资料、专家访谈、数理统计和逻辑推理等法 ,通过对我国田径运动员参加第 2 3~2 7届奥运会比赛名次 ,1998年~ 2 0 0 3年田径各单项进入世界前 5 0位的人数、近几年青少年运动员在世界大赛上取得的成绩 ,以及参加 1~ 9届世界田径锦标赛的成绩进行分析与研究 ,制定出我国在 2 8、2 9届奥运会上田径夺取金牌数、奖牌数、团体总分、世界排名的目标。研究目的是为了尽快摆脱我国在奥运“金牌大户”田径项目上的落后面貌 ,并为之成为奥运“金牌增长点”提供科学的理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 第28届奥运会 第29届奥运会 中国 田径 运动格局 运动 后备人才 运动实力
德国队保住了奥运会第三位 被引量:1
作者 徐叶炯 《中国体育科技》 北大核心 1992年第Z1期9-10,共2页
关键词 奥运会 统一后德国 优秀运动 金牌 游泳 运动实力 赛艇 民德 获奖项目 德国人
作者 徐爽 《中国体育科技》 1988年第8期21-23,28+32,共5页
南朝鲜在1981年9月巴登巴登会议上击败了竞争对手日本名古屋而取得廿四届奥运会承办权后,便积极着手筹组,而在本届奥运会上主办国究竞能拿到几枚金牌?这对南朝鲜则是个至关重要的问题。为此,南朝鲜对国际形势和自己的实力进行了反复地... 南朝鲜在1981年9月巴登巴登会议上击败了竞争对手日本名古屋而取得廿四届奥运会承办权后,便积极着手筹组,而在本届奥运会上主办国究竞能拿到几枚金牌?这对南朝鲜则是个至关重要的问题。为此,南朝鲜对国际形势和自己的实力进行了反复地研究和比较并制定了他的“金牌战略”计划。对于这一计划,根据不断变化着的情况,他们以后又作了多次修改。1986年12月制定了要在大赛中拿到8~10枚金牌的计划;1987年1月修改为要拿10枚金牌,争取世界第十名;1987年2月再次修改为12~15枚金牌,争取世界第五,亚洲第一。1987年2月9日和18日。 展开更多
关键词 南朝鲜 奥运会 金牌战略 运动 科学训练 亚运会 柔道 国际比赛 运动实力 教练员
Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Bow Profiles on Resistance of an Underwater Vehicle in Free Surface Motion 被引量:2
作者 Mehran Javadi Mojtaba Dehghan Manshadi +1 位作者 Saeid Kheradmand Mohammad Moonesun 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 CSCD 2015年第1期53-60,共8页
In this paper, towing tank experiments are conducted to study the behavior of flow on a model of the underwater vehicle with various shapes of bows, i.e. tango and standard bows in free surface motion tests. The total... In this paper, towing tank experiments are conducted to study the behavior of flow on a model of the underwater vehicle with various shapes of bows, i.e. tango and standard bows in free surface motion tests. The total resistances for different Froude numbers are considered experimentally. The towing tank is equipped with a trolley that can operate in through 0.05-6 m/s speed with ±0.02 m/s accuracy. Furthermore, the study is done on hydrodynamic coefficients i.e. total, residual and friction resistance coefficients, and the results are compared. Finally, the study on flow of wave fields around bows is done and wave filed around two bows are compared. The Froude number interval is between 0.099 and 0.349. Blockage fraction for the model is fixed to 0.005 3. The results showed that the residual resistance of the standard bow in 0.19 to 0.3 Froude number is more than the tango bow in surface motion which causes more total resistance for the submarine. Finally, details of wave generated by the bow are depicted and the effects of flow pattern on resistance drag are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 underwater vehicle free surface motion bow profile residual resistance towing tank flow assessment Froude mtmber
How the Orbital System of Particles Consolidates Gravity and Electromagnetism
作者 William Day 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2012年第9期619-630,共12页
There is an actual reality that underlies the relative reality of physics. The orbital system is shown to be the principle by which motion transforms space into matter. The support of the universe is the absolute thre... There is an actual reality that underlies the relative reality of physics. The orbital system is shown to be the principle by which motion transforms space into matter. The support of the universe is the absolute three-stage hierarchy of particles, atoms, and gravitational systems. Below 1/c waves are dissociated into strands and neutrinos are separated as points of charge. The electron and positron are single strands with opposed helical turns. Protons and neutrons have a nucleus of positrinos and negatrinos surrounded by concentric shells of strands in 2"~ resonance. The orbital strands reverberate into space creating a field with gravitational and electromagnetic aspects. The orbital system defines matter, energy, motion, and time based on composition. The three stages have a constant field content but differ by field density and components. 展开更多
关键词 orbital systems GRAVITY electromagnetism STRANDS NEUTRINOS positrino negatrino proton compositionspace matrix
Estimation of an Object's Physical Parameter by Force Sensors of a Dual-arm Robot
作者 CAO Sheng LUO Zhiwei QUAN Changqin 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2017年第3期120-131,共12页
We are developing a nursing-care robot for physical care tasks. The concept of this robot is to promote the cared persons by the robot to activate their own motion ability as long as possible. This may lead to the imp... We are developing a nursing-care robot for physical care tasks. The concept of this robot is to promote the cared persons by the robot to activate their own motion ability as long as possible. This may lead to the improvement of the cared person's movement volition and movement abilities. In order to realize safe and human friendly robot care tasks, full body manipulation is an important technology, for which it is necessary to estimate the subject's center of gravity from the contact positions and forces with the robot's two arms. In this paper, we estimate the center of gravity of object based on the contact point and the contact force estimated by force sensor on both robot arms. The position of gravity center is important to realize care tasks stably. We performed experiments and simulations for the single point contact and dual points contact cases using a cylindrical object. As a result, it is found that although some errors were recognized in the experiments compared with the simulations, the relations between the contact positions and such errors were observed. Such experimental error mainly comes from the difference of shape between the real robot and the model of the robot in simulation. 展开更多
关键词 Nursing care robot estimation of physical parameter.
作者 +1 位作者 ■(■) 《金桥》 2018年第9期104-108,104,共5页
关键词 转身 华丽 运动实力 好胜心
作者 旺扎 《西藏体育》 2008年第3期42-44,共3页
每年的体育高考,总会有部分希望较大的考生落选。在这些落选的考生中,有的是因为自身运动实力稍差,而有的则是因为临场发挥失常。临场发挥失常是最令人遗憾的事,俗话说:“养兵千日,用兵一时。”考生怎样才能在这“用兵”的时刻,... 每年的体育高考,总会有部分希望较大的考生落选。在这些落选的考生中,有的是因为自身运动实力稍差,而有的则是因为临场发挥失常。临场发挥失常是最令人遗憾的事,俗话说:“养兵千日,用兵一时。”考生怎样才能在这“用兵”的时刻,发挥出自己的最佳水平?笔者认为,考生除了具有一定的运动实力外,还应具备良好的心理素质。 展开更多
关键词 体育考生 心理准备 术科考试 运动实力 临场发挥 体育高考 心理素质 落选
Effect of moxibustion at Shénquè(神阙 CV 8) on anti-exercise-induced fatigue in exhaustive rats in varying degrees 被引量:5
作者 周龙岗 梁玉磊 +7 位作者 周小红 祝婕 高飞 许晓康 张闯 丁晨光 孙立虹 马小顺 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 CSCD 2017年第4期35-40,共6页
Objective To explore the effect of moxibustion at Shenque (神阙 CV 8) on the anti-exercise-induced fatigue in rats after exhaustive exercise in varying degrees. Methods Seventy-two SD rats were randomly divided int... Objective To explore the effect of moxibustion at Shenque (神阙 CV 8) on the anti-exercise-induced fatigue in rats after exhaustive exercise in varying degrees. Methods Seventy-two SD rats were randomly divided into 3 groups according to the random number table method, including blank group, model group and moxibustion group. The model group and moxibustion group were divided into 4 subgroups respectively, that was 1 time, 4 times, 7 times and 10 times subgroup. There were 9 groups with 8 rats in each group. Except blank group, all the rats were established into exhaustive models through swimming. Mild moxibustion at CV 8 was carried out for 15 min in the rats in moxibustion group after modeling for once every other day. The concentration of serum glucose (GLU), malonaldehyde (MDA) and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) as well as the activity of aspartate transaminase (AST), alanine transaminase (ALT) and lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) were detected 24h after the exhaustive exercise by adopting full-automatic analyzer. Results The exhaustive time of rats were long at first but shorter later. The exhaustive time of rats in the model group (4 times) were obviously longer than that in the model group (1 time) (P〈0.01), the exhaustive time of rats in the model group (7 times) and model group (10 times) were obviously shorter than that in the model group (1 time) (P〈0.01), and the exhaustive time of rats in the moxibustion group (7 times) and moxibustion group (10 times) were obviously longer than that in the model group with the same number of times (P〈0.01), the serum GLU level of rats in the model group (7 times) and model group (10 times) increased when compared with the blank group (P〈0.01), and the serum MDA and BNU levels as well as the activity of AST, ALT and LDH of rats in the model group (4 times), model group (7 times) and model group (10 times) increased when compared with the blank group (P〈0.05 or P〈0.01), the serum GLU, MDA and BNU levels as well as the activity of AST and ALT of rats in the moxibustion group (7 times) and moxibustion group (10 times) reduced when compared with the model group with the same number of times (P〈0.05 or P〈0.01), and the serum LDH activity of rats in the moxibustion group (4 times), moxibustion group (7 times) and moxibustion group (10 times) reduced when compared with the model group with the same number of times (P〈0.05 or P〈0.01). Conclusion Moxibustion at CV 8 can reduce the serum MDA and BNU levels as well as the activity of AST, ALT and LDH of organism in a status of long-term fatigue, effectively improve the symptom of long-term fatigue, providing a certain experimental basis for the clinical application of moxibustion at CV 8 in the process of anti-exercise-induced fatigue in the future. 展开更多
关键词 Mild moxibustion Shenque (神阙 CV 8) exhaustive exercise ANTI-FATIGUE experimental study
Experimental and numerical investigation of the roll motion behavior of a floating liquefied natural gas system 被引量:3
作者 ZHAO WenHua YANG JianMin +2 位作者 HU ZhiQiang XIAO LongFei PENG Tao 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第3期629-644,共16页
The present paper does an experimental and numerical investigation of the hydrodynamic interaction and the response of a single point turret-moored Floating Liquefied Natural Gas(FLNG) system,which is a new type of fl... The present paper does an experimental and numerical investigation of the hydrodynamic interaction and the response of a single point turret-moored Floating Liquefied Natural Gas(FLNG) system,which is a new type of floating LNG(Liquid Natural Gas) platform that consists of a ship-type FPSO hull equipped with LNG storage tanks and liquefaction plants.In particular,this study focuses on the investigation of the roll response of FLNG hull in free-decay motions,white noise waves and also in irregular waves.Model tests of the FLNG system in 60%H filling condition excited by both white noise waves and irregular waves combined with steady wind and current have been carried out.Response Amplitude Operators(RAOs) and time histories of the responses are obtained for sway,roll and yaw motions.Obvious Low Frequency(LF) components of the roll motions are observed,which may be out of expectation.To facilitate the physical understanding of this phenomenon,we filter the roll motions at the period of 30 s into two parts:the Wave Frequency(WF) motions and the Low Frequency(LF) motions respectively.The results indicate that the LF motions are closely related to the sway and yaw motions.Possible reasons for the presence of the LF motions of roll have been discussed in detail,through the comparison with the sway and yaw motions.As for the numerical part,the simulation of the modeled case is conducted with the help of the software SESAM.A good agreement between experiments and calculations is reported within the scope of trends.However,the numerical simulations should be further improved for the prediction of the FLNG system in the heading sea. 展开更多
关键词 FLNG HYDRODYNAMICS roll motion behavior model tests coupled effects
An experimental investigation into electromyography, constitutive relationship and morphology of crucian carp for biomechanical “digital fish” 被引量:2
作者 ZHOU Meng YIN XieZhen TONG BingGang 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第5期966-977,共12页
Currently, the integrated biomechanical studies on fish locomotion come into focus, so it is urgent to provide reliable and sys- tematic experimental results, and to establish a biomechanical "digital fish" database... Currently, the integrated biomechanical studies on fish locomotion come into focus, so it is urgent to provide reliable and sys- tematic experimental results, and to establish a biomechanical "digital fish" database for some typical fish species. Accord- ingly, based on the control framework of "Neural Control - Active Contraction of Muscle - Passive Deformation", the elec- tromyography (EMG) signals, the mechanical properties and the constitutive relationship of skin, muscle, and body trunk, as well as morphological parameters of crucian carp, are investigated with experiments, from which a simplified database of bio- mechanical "digital fish" is established. First, the EMG signals from three lateral superficial red muscles of crucian carp, which was evolving in the C-start movement, were acquired with a self-designing amplifier. The modes of muscle activity were also investigated. Secondly, the Young's modulus and the reduced relaxation function of crucian carp's skin and muscle were de- termined by failure tests and relaxation tests in uniaxial tensile ways, respectively. Viscoelastic models were adopted to deduce the constitutive relationship. The mechanical properties and the angular stiffness of different sites on the crucian carp's body trunk were obtained with dynamic bending experiments, where a self-designing dynamic bending test machine was employed. The conclusion was drawn regarding the body trunk of crucian carp under dynamic bending deformation as an approximate elastomer. According to the above experimental results, a possible benefit of body effective stiffness increasing with a little energy dissipation was discussed. Thirdly, the distribution of geometric parameters and weight parameters for a single experi- mental individual and multiple individuals of crucian carp was studied with experiments. Finally, considering all the above re- suits, generic experimental data were obtained by normalization, and a preliminary biomechanical "digital fish" database for crucian carp was established. 展开更多
关键词 crucian carp (Carassius auratus) "digital fish" experimental investigation electromyography (EMG) signal material mechanical property MORPHOLOGY
Experimental Investigation of Dimensionless Velocity and Shearing Stress in Boundary Layer Flow on Continuous Moving Surface in Power Law Fluids 被引量:1
作者 Hao Zhang Xinxin Zhang +2 位作者 Liancun Zheng Weiliang Wang Yuancheng Wang 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第2期115-118,共4页
An analysis is carried out to study the steady flow characteristics from a continuous flat surface moving in a parallel free stream of non-Newtonian power law fluid. The constitutive equations of the fluid are transfo... An analysis is carried out to study the steady flow characteristics from a continuous flat surface moving in a parallel free stream of non-Newtonian power law fluid. The constitutive equations of the fluid are transformed into dimensionless ones. The velocity field is measured by Particle Image Velocimetry. Experimental results are obtained for the distribution of velocity. The influence of wall velocity ratio parameter on boundary layer flow field is observed in the experiment. Dimensionless velocity distribution and shearing stress distribution are obtained by post-processing experimental results. The effects of various physical parameters like velocity ratio parameter and similarity variable on various momentum transfer characteristics are discussed in detail and shown graphically. It is indicated that dimensionless velocity increases with velocity ratio parameter and similarity variable, and that dimensionless shearing stress decreases with velocity ratio parameter and similarity variable. 展开更多
关键词 Boundary layer Power law fluid PIV Experiment Dimensionless transformation
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