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作者 王赜 林娜 王光兴 《东北大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第12期1157-1160,共4页
基于增强层运动估计的精细粒度伸缩编码(FGS),可以在整体上提高常规FGS编码的效率·但在低码率段,编码效率还有待进一步提高·提出了一种基于附加可变尺寸运动估计的FGS视频编码框架,在基本层运动估计部分附加了可变尺寸运动估... 基于增强层运动估计的精细粒度伸缩编码(FGS),可以在整体上提高常规FGS编码的效率·但在低码率段,编码效率还有待进一步提高·提出了一种基于附加可变尺寸运动估计的FGS视频编码框架,在基本层运动估计部分附加了可变尺寸运动估计来改善常规运动估计的效果·同时在FGS编码中引入了基于宏块的参考帧选择技术和增强层的目标码率比例截断法·仿真实验表明,这种编码方法提高了低码率段的编码效率,在整个增强层码率范围内都优于传统的FGS编码· 展开更多
关键词 视频压缩 精细粒度伸缩编码 尺寸运动估计 MPEG-4
作者 王赜 林娜 王光兴 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第12期18-21,共4页
为了实现细粒度的可变尺寸块运动估计算法,构造了一个三叉和四叉结构组合的伪树冠数据结构,和细粒度四叉树森林结合成一个具有单个根节点的复合树。细粒度可变尺寸块运动估计算法同粗粒度算法一样可以利用树结构的特点快速找到具有率失... 为了实现细粒度的可变尺寸块运动估计算法,构造了一个三叉和四叉结构组合的伪树冠数据结构,和细粒度四叉树森林结合成一个具有单个根节点的复合树。细粒度可变尺寸块运动估计算法同粗粒度算法一样可以利用树结构的特点快速找到具有率失真斜率极值的节点。仿真试验验证了细粒度算法和粗粒度算法的不同适用范围。通过仿真试验分析了运算量减少策略、搜索窗大小、搜索深度对算法性能的影响。 展开更多
关键词 伪树冠 细粒度 可变尺寸运动估计 视频压缩
作者 王瑞 姜宏旭 李波 《北京航空航天大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第11期1339-1343,共5页
针对可变尺寸块运动估计(VBSME,Variable Block-Size Motion Estimation)的硬件结构在现场可编程门阵列(FPGA,Field Programmable Gate Array)上实现时消耗资源多且速度慢的问题,提出了一种面积和速度优化的VBSME硬件结构.其中,绝对差... 针对可变尺寸块运动估计(VBSME,Variable Block-Size Motion Estimation)的硬件结构在现场可编程门阵列(FPGA,Field Programmable Gate Array)上实现时消耗资源多且速度慢的问题,提出了一种面积和速度优化的VBSME硬件结构.其中,绝对差累加和(SAD,Sum of Absolute Differences)的计算采用基于随机存储器(RAM,Random Access Memory)的累加计算方式,比基于寄存器合并的方式节省了面积并增加了速度;通过采用脉动比较链而非总线结构,增强了多个SAD值的比较能力,并能高效地实现对部分差排除算法(PDE,PartialDifference Elimination)的支持.基于Virtex-II型FPGA器件,本结构消耗了2 261个slice,时钟频率达到164 MHz,在搜索窗口为16×16时可实时处理标清格式的视频.与同类设计相比,设计的面积可减少77%,速度增加218%,FPGA的硬件效率显著提升. 展开更多
关键词 视频编码 可变尺寸运动估计 硬件结构 现场可编程门阵列
作者 王赜 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第12期2186-2189,共4页
通过排序算法和四叉树编码的改进以及快速运动矢量搜索算法的应用实现了优化的可变尺寸运动估计局部生长算法,将SP IHT小波图像编码器和可变尺寸重叠块运动补偿算法相结合,设计了一种混合小波视频编码器.仿真试验表明这是一种有效的视... 通过排序算法和四叉树编码的改进以及快速运动矢量搜索算法的应用实现了优化的可变尺寸运动估计局部生长算法,将SP IHT小波图像编码器和可变尺寸重叠块运动补偿算法相结合,设计了一种混合小波视频编码器.仿真试验表明这是一种有效的视频编码方法,对于具有复杂运动的视频序列的编码较为有效. 展开更多
关键词 尺寸运动估计 重叠块运动补偿 小波变换 视频压缩
基于运动目标尺寸检测的实时图像处理与显示 被引量:4
作者 翟亚宇 潘晋孝 +1 位作者 刘宾 陈平 《计算机测量与控制》 北大核心 2014年第11期3794-3797,共4页
运动目标尺寸实时检测与显示是运动图像检测和应用视觉研究领域的一个重要课题,而图像处理则是其核心内容;文章针对采集到的图像进行一系列的处理,最终实时显示图像并获得运动目标的尺寸等信息;首先针对采集图像时电子设备的不稳定性和... 运动目标尺寸实时检测与显示是运动图像检测和应用视觉研究领域的一个重要课题,而图像处理则是其核心内容;文章针对采集到的图像进行一系列的处理,最终实时显示图像并获得运动目标的尺寸等信息;首先针对采集图像时电子设备的不稳定性和检测模块的不一致性,进行中值滤波和增益校正同时将处理图像实时显示出来;然后对其整体图像进行分割与二值化、角点检测和边缘拟合处理,获得目标的尺寸信息;最后利用VC++将整体处理图像及尺寸信息显示出来,以便于图像理解和模式识别;实验证明,文章提出的算法、软件的设计很好地滤除不相关的目标,保存感兴趣目标,具有良好的实时性、精确性,能够满足当代工业检测设备中的要求。 展开更多
关键词 运动目标尺寸检测 实时图像处理与显示 增益校正 角点检测
作者 叶建东 范宗尉 吴玉光 《山东工业技术》 2017年第1期82-83,93,共3页
为了解决水环境下微小空间内声场难以测量问题,提出了一种基于标准尺寸微球运动图像的声场测量方法。首先根据水环境下声场中标准尺寸微球的受力特性建立运动模型,然后根据标准尺寸微球运动图像对微球运动情况进行分析得到运动参数,最... 为了解决水环境下微小空间内声场难以测量问题,提出了一种基于标准尺寸微球运动图像的声场测量方法。首先根据水环境下声场中标准尺寸微球的受力特性建立运动模型,然后根据标准尺寸微球运动图像对微球运动情况进行分析得到运动参数,最后结合运动模型反求出标准尺寸微球在声场中各处所受超声辐射力的分布。实验结果表明,该测量方法能较好地解决声场测量问题,具有较高的实用性。 展开更多
关键词 超声辐射力 近壁面 声场测量 标准尺寸微球运动模型
基于AVC/AVS标准高效运动估计硬件结构设计 被引量:6
作者 邓磊 高文 +1 位作者 胡铭曾 季振洲 《计算机研究与发展》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第11期1972-1979,共8页
在新一代高性能视频编码标准AVC和AVS中,为提高编码效率,运动估计采用了变尺寸块搜索、多参考帧、运动向量预测等新技术.这些技术成倍地增加了运动估计的计算复杂度.为满足运动估计高计算量需求,一个高效变尺寸块运动估计(VBSME)硬件结... 在新一代高性能视频编码标准AVC和AVS中,为提高编码效率,运动估计采用了变尺寸块搜索、多参考帧、运动向量预测等新技术.这些技术成倍地增加了运动估计的计算复杂度.为满足运动估计高计算量需求,一个高效变尺寸块运动估计(VBSME)硬件结构被提出来.该结构采用两个时钟,慢速时钟用于I/O部件,快速时钟用于核心计算部件.并且采用细粒度级流水线实现方式,提高时钟频率和计算部件的流水线效率.针对图像尺寸为720×576的视频,在65×65搜索窗下,该结构最高每秒可以编码71幅图像. 展开更多
关键词 AVS AVC H.264 运动估计 尺寸运动估计 VLSI
畲族传统体育“打尺寸” 被引量:3
作者 方哲红 赵理强 《浙江体育科学》 2004年第1期46-48,共3页
采用文献资料收集法、实地考察法,研究分析了畲族传统体育“打尺寸”项目的起源、形式内容。认为“打尺寸”运动项目已成为畲族人民喜爱的健身娱乐活动,并且所具有体育竞技、健身娱乐、教育、经济等多方面的功能,能为畲族地区的经济社... 采用文献资料收集法、实地考察法,研究分析了畲族传统体育“打尺寸”项目的起源、形式内容。认为“打尺寸”运动项目已成为畲族人民喜爱的健身娱乐活动,并且所具有体育竞技、健身娱乐、教育、经济等多方面的功能,能为畲族地区的经济社会发展起着积极的作用。 展开更多
关键词 畲族 民族传统体育 “打尺寸运动
作者 邓磊 高文 +1 位作者 胡铭曾 季振洲 《高技术通讯》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第10期1001-1005,共5页
为解决视频编码标准AVC/H.264中运动估计高计算复杂度问题,提出了一个高效运动估计硬件实现结构.该结构能够实现多尺寸块运动估计处理,并且具有高流水效率和高性价比的特点.结构灵活性强,通过改变PE单元和加法树的流水级数能够达到面积... 为解决视频编码标准AVC/H.264中运动估计高计算复杂度问题,提出了一个高效运动估计硬件实现结构.该结构能够实现多尺寸块运动估计处理,并且具有高流水效率和高性价比的特点.结构灵活性强,通过改变PE单元和加法树的流水级数能够达到面积和计算能力的折中.实验表明,该结构在搜索窗为65×65时,针对图像尺寸为720×576的视频,每秒最高可以编码48幅图像. 展开更多
关键词 AVC H.264 VLSI 尺寸运动估计
机构位置精度可靠性综合方法及其应用 被引量:1
作者 崔斌洲 吴琦 《机械科学与技术》 CSCD 北大核心 1996年第5期759-764,共6页
关键词 机械学 可靠性综合 运动尺寸 机构位置精度
Fabrication of chitosan microspheres for efficient adsorption of methyl orange 被引量:3
作者 Linlin Zhai Zhishan Bai +2 位作者 Yong Zhu Bingjie Wang Wenqiang Luo 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第3期657-666,共10页
In this article, morphology, structure and size controllable chitosan microspheres with high mechanical strength were synthesized by microfluidic technology combining chemical crosslinking and used as an adsorbent for... In this article, morphology, structure and size controllable chitosan microspheres with high mechanical strength were synthesized by microfluidic technology combining chemical crosslinking and used as an adsorbent for methyl orange. The synthesized adsorbents were characterized using scanning electron microscopy(SEM),Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR), and an Energy Dispersive Spectrometer(EDS). The effect of pH revealed that the adsorption process depended on pH and the pH variation of methyl orange solution after adsorption indicated that adsorption capacity was affected through the associated role of chitosan nature and pH variation. Experimental results suggested that the as-prepared chitosan microspheres were controlled within a narrow size distribution(coefficients of variation is 1.81%), whose adsorption capacity reached to 207 mg·g^(-1) and mechanical strength was suitable to resist forces. In addition, the adsorption isotherm was well fitted with the Langmuir model, and the adsorption kinetic was best described by the pseudo-second-order kinetic model.The high performance microfluidic-synthesized chitosan microspheres have promising potentials in the applications of removing dyes from wastewater. 展开更多
关键词 Microfluidic technology Chitosan microspheres Adsorption Methyl orange
Movement of dispersed droplets of W/O emulsion in a uniform DC electrostatic field: Simulation on droplet coalescence 被引量:5
作者 张军 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第9期1453-1459,共7页
Considering the droplet coalescence, the motion of a group of dispersed droplets in W/O emulsion in a DC electric field is simulated. The simulation demonstrates the evolutions of droplet number, size as well as its d... Considering the droplet coalescence, the motion of a group of dispersed droplets in W/O emulsion in a DC electric field is simulated. The simulation demonstrates the evolutions of droplet number, size as well as its distribution,local concentration distribution and droplet size-velocity relation with the applied time of electric field. The simulated average droplet size is roughly consistent with the experimental value. The simulated variation of droplet number with time under several applied voltages shows that increasing voltage is more effective for raising the rate of droplet coalescence than extending exerting time. However, with the further raise of applied voltage, the improvement in droplet coalescence rate becomes less significant. The evolution of simulated droplet size–velocity relationship with time shows that the inter-droplet electric repulsion force is very strong due to larger electric charge on the droplet under higher applied voltage, so that the magnitude and the direction of droplet velocity become more random, which looks helpful to droplet coalescence. 展开更多
关键词 DC electrostatic dehydration Droplet coalescence Droplet dynamics Simulation
Optimization of Wigley Hull Form in order to Ensure the Objective Functions of the Seakeeping Performance
作者 Hassan Bagheri Hassan Ghassemi 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2014年第4期422-429,共8页
The research performed in this paper was carried out to investigate the computational procedure to design seakeeping optimized ship hull form. To reach the optimized hull form, four stages should be done, which consis... The research performed in this paper was carried out to investigate the computational procedure to design seakeeping optimized ship hull form. To reach the optimized hull form, four stages should be done, which consists of: generate alternative hull form, seakeeping calculations, objective functions and optimization techniques. There are many parameters that may be determined in ship hull form optimization. This paper deals with developed strip theory for determining the seakeeping performance, genetic algorithm (GA) as optimization method, high order equations for curve fitting of the hull form and finally reaching to the minimum bow vertical motion in regular head waves. The Wigley hull is selected as an initial hull and carried to be optimized. Two cases are considered. For the first case, the only form coefficients of the hull (CB, CM, Cw, Cp) are changed and main dimensions (L, B, 7) are fixed. In the second case both hull form and main dimensions are varied simultaneously. Finally, optimized hull form and its seakeeping performances are presented. The results of optimization procedure demonstrate that the optimized hull forms yield a reduction in vertical motion and acceleration. 展开更多
关键词 OPTIMIZATION genetic algorithm (GA) Wigley hull hullform SEAKEEPING
Motion analysis of waste rock in gas-solids fluidized bed in coal dry beneficiation
作者 郭迎福 陈安华 +2 位作者 张永忠 邓志鹏 毛树楷 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2002年第2期88-92,共5页
Through the analysis of forces acting on the waste rock in the gas solid fluidized bed, the waste rock velocity equations and displacement equations in the gas solids fluidized bed were achieved and the influential fa... Through the analysis of forces acting on the waste rock in the gas solid fluidized bed, the waste rock velocity equations and displacement equations in the gas solids fluidized bed were achieved and the influential factors of the waste rock motion in the fluidized bed were studied in this paper. The conclusions show that the primary factors influencing the waste rock motion are the waste rock grain size and the scraper velocity according to the computer simulation. This has provided the theoretical foundation both for improving the separating effect and ascertaining the length of the separating cell. 展开更多
关键词 gas solids fluidized bed coal dry beneficiation motion analysis
A Study on Dimension Synthesis for the Peaucellier Mechanism
作者 Jessica Buckley Ming Z. Huang 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2012年第5期271-278,共8页
Straight-line motion, albeit simple, manifests itself in numerous applications, from running steam engines and oil wells to manufacturing parts with straight edges and sides. The drive to maximize production creates a... Straight-line motion, albeit simple, manifests itself in numerous applications, from running steam engines and oil wells to manufacturing parts with straight edges and sides. The drive to maximize production creates a need for continuously running assembly-line manufacturing comprised of precise, individually optimized components. While there are many so-called straight-line generating mechanisms, few actually produces a true straight-line, most generate only approximate straight-line. Featured an eight-link rhomboidal system with length constraints,, the Peaucellier mechanism is one that actually produces a true straight line intrinsically. This paper presents a study on the dimension synthesis of the Peaucellier mechanism, namely by identifying the correct ratio of linkage lengths to produce the longest straight line stroke. In addition to designing for stroke, another objective of interest is to attain a desired velocity profile along the path. Kinematic analysis of the velocity profile on the mechanism will render the creation of input angular velocity standards based on desired stroke speed. Given the stroke and velocity specifications, specific steps to size the dimensions of the mechanism developed as result of this study will be presented. 展开更多
关键词 Dimension synthesis straight-line mechanism Peaucellier mechanism.
一种适合可变块运动估计硬件实现的改进三步搜索算法 被引量:1
作者 王明江 王进祥 商迪 《中国图象图形学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第11期1596-1602,共7页
针对三步搜索算法(TSS)不适合搜索中小运动剧烈程度的视频序列,提出了一种基于初始点预测、加强对小范围搜索的可扩展的三步搜索算法。算法在保证对较剧烈的视频序列搜索有效性的同时,加强了对中小剧烈程度视频序列的有效搜索,在匹配精... 针对三步搜索算法(TSS)不适合搜索中小运动剧烈程度的视频序列,提出了一种基于初始点预测、加强对小范围搜索的可扩展的三步搜索算法。算法在保证对较剧烈的视频序列搜索有效性的同时,加强了对中小剧烈程度视频序列的有效搜索,在匹配精度、搜索点数等算法性能方面相对于三步搜索算法有了明显的改善,同时有利于搜索模板的硬件易实现性,最后将其引入到变尺寸块运动估计中,获得了较好的效果。 展开更多
关键词 中值预测 小范围精细搜索 矩形模板 尺寸运动估计
A large deviation for occupation time of critical branching α-stable process
作者 LI QiuYue REN YanXia 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE 2011年第7期1445-1456,共12页
In this paper we establish a large deviation principle for the occupation times of critical branching α-stable processes for large dimensions d > 2α, by investigating two related nonlinear differential equations.... In this paper we establish a large deviation principle for the occupation times of critical branching α-stable processes for large dimensions d > 2α, by investigating two related nonlinear differential equations. Our result is an extension of Cox and Griffeath’s (in 1985) for branching Brownian motion for d > 4. 展开更多
关键词 large deviation critical branching α-stable process occupation time
Current-induced domain wall motion in magnetic nanowires with different dimensions
作者 WU Yong XU XiaoGuang +4 位作者 ZHANG DeLin LI XiaoQi YANG HaiLing MIAO Jun JIANG Yong 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第11期2030-2032,共3页
The current-driven domain wall motion was investigated on permalloy nanowires with different dimensions by micromagnetic simulations.The critical current density increased with the reduction in both the width and thic... The current-driven domain wall motion was investigated on permalloy nanowires with different dimensions by micromagnetic simulations.The critical current density increased with the reduction in both the width and thickness of nanowires because of the enhanced hard-axis anisotropy.At a thickness of 5 nm,the critical current density decreased with the reduction of the nanowire width because of the reduced domain wall width. 展开更多
关键词 spin-transfer torque hard-axis anisotropy Walker breakdown field
作者 LIXIN SONG WENBIN CHE DAWEI LU 《International Journal of Biomathematics》 2013年第5期1-12,共12页
Using the theory of small ball estimate to study the biological population for keeping ecological balance in an ecosystem, we consider a Brownian motion with variable dimen- sion starting at an interior point of a gen... Using the theory of small ball estimate to study the biological population for keeping ecological balance in an ecosystem, we consider a Brownian motion with variable dimen- sion starting at an interior point of a general parabolic domain Dt in Rd(t)+1 where d(t) ≥ 1 is an increasing integral function as t →∞, d(t) →∞. Let TOt denote the first time the Brownian motion exits from Dr. Upper and lower bounds with exact constants of log P(rDt 〉 t) are given as t →∞, depending on the shape of the domain Dr. The problem is motivated by the early results of Lifshits and Shi, Li, Lu in the exit proba- bilities. The methods of proof are based on the calculus of variations and early works of Lifshits and Shi, Li, Shao in the exit probabilities of Brownian motion. 展开更多
关键词 Small ball estimate biological population Brownian motion.
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