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双船间隙水体运动特性及水体阻尼修正研究 被引量:2
作者 刘利琴 孟春蕾 +2 位作者 沈文君 刘依伦 张若瑜 《中国舰船研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第3期129-138,共10页
[目的]旨在修正势流理论在计算小间隙双浮体系统时由于无黏假设导致的结果失真现象,研究间隙水体的运动响应特性。[方法]建立过驳双船系统CFD数值计算模型,分析间隙水体的响应特点及机理。之后将CFD计算结果与势流理论计算结果进行对比... [目的]旨在修正势流理论在计算小间隙双浮体系统时由于无黏假设导致的结果失真现象,研究间隙水体的运动响应特性。[方法]建立过驳双船系统CFD数值计算模型,分析间隙水体的响应特点及机理。之后将CFD计算结果与势流理论计算结果进行对比,获得准确的双船间隙水体修正阻尼系数,从而修正势流理论的计算结果。[结果]结果表明,不同频率的波浪通过双船间隙时波面升高变化趋势不同,对于低频波浪,入射波不能穿过双船间隙,间隙的波面升高小于入射波的波幅;对于高频波浪,入射波可以从双船的间隙穿越,间隙内波面升高大于入射波的波幅;在特定波浪频率下,双船间隙存在一个高速区域,对应的双船内侧动水压力降低,产生较大的吸力,可能对过驳作业造成不利影响。[结论]通过上述方法得到了更为准确的间隙水体修正阻尼系数,为过驳双船系统的高精度、快速水动力及运动性能计算提供了指导。 展开更多
关键词 过驳双船系统 间隙水体运动 间隙水体阻尼 水动力模型修正
夏季长江口与苏北海域之间的水体运动及其对动力因子的响应 被引量:2
作者 朱平 吴辉 《华东师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期171-183,共13页
基于一个高分辨率的三维数值模式,定量化研究了夏季长江口与苏北海域之间的水体运动规律,探讨了季风和潮汐等外部动力因子对该海域水体运动的影响,并计算了苏北特定断面上的水体通量、长江淡水通量和苏北河流淡水通量.数值模拟结果表明... 基于一个高分辨率的三维数值模式,定量化研究了夏季长江口与苏北海域之间的水体运动规律,探讨了季风和潮汐等外部动力因子对该海域水体运动的影响,并计算了苏北特定断面上的水体通量、长江淡水通量和苏北河流淡水通量.数值模拟结果表明,在气候态条件下,苏北海域水体净输运整体向北,苏北浅滩附近的水体净输运速度为10 cm/s,射阳河口附近水体产生离岸净输运速度,而沿40 m等深线的水体净输运速度为7cm/s左右.苏北近岸水体通量具有大小潮变化,小潮时断面水体通量最小,大潮时水体通量最大.潮汐对于长江口与苏北海域之间的水体运动具有巨大的影响,当没有潮汐作用时,长江口以北海域水体净输运均向北,沿40 m等深线的东南方向水体输运现象消失;季风对于该海域的水体运动没有显著影响,仅仅改变了局部区域的水体输运量. 展开更多
关键词 长江口与苏北海域 水体运动 动力因子 数值模拟
作者 孟令久 孟德鑫 《吉林水利》 2007年第z1期98-100,共3页
介绍土工织物软体排用于聚丙烯编织布和编成网状的聚乙烯绳按设计要求扎成整体排,铺在险工险段的岸边、河底,用石笼和砌石压好,起到护底、护脚、护坡的作用,工程造价低,施工进度快,控制河势恶化,可减少河床、河槽对堤防的冲刷和威胁,其... 介绍土工织物软体排用于聚丙烯编织布和编成网状的聚乙烯绳按设计要求扎成整体排,铺在险工险段的岸边、河底,用石笼和砌石压好,起到护底、护脚、护坡的作用,工程造价低,施工进度快,控制河势恶化,可减少河床、河槽对堤防的冲刷和威胁,其作用有反滤、隔离、防冲、保土、稳定性能强,从十几项防洪水利工程进行中看到聚丙烯编织布在治河、防洪工程中的优缺点,并努力做到扬长避短。 展开更多
关键词 软排体 土工编织物 水体运动
河道水体中氢氧稳定同位素组成的微分方程模型 被引量:10
作者 童海滨 陈建生 汪集旸 《水科学进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期552-557,共6页
介绍了前人提出并被广泛应用的瑞利分馏模型,指出了其优缺点。针对其不足,在作了一定的假定和简化的前提下,基于瑞利分馏原理和水力学基本定律分别推导了:①静止水体的氢氧稳定同位素组成随时间变化的微分方程模型,揭示了静止水体的同... 介绍了前人提出并被广泛应用的瑞利分馏模型,指出了其优缺点。针对其不足,在作了一定的假定和简化的前提下,基于瑞利分馏原理和水力学基本定律分别推导了:①静止水体的氢氧稳定同位素组成随时间变化的微分方程模型,揭示了静止水体的同位素组成与时间、分馏系数和蒸发率之间的关系;②河道中运动水体的同位素组成随时间和空间变化的微分方程模型,导出了河道运动水体中稳定同位素组成与分馏系数、流速、流量、蒸发率之间的定量关系。最后通过数学推导论述了上述各模型之间的内在联系。上述模型的建立为定量计算和精确模拟运动水体中氢氧稳定同位素组成的变化提供了确定性的数学基础,也为更客观、更充分的解译水的稳定同位素数据提供了帮助。 展开更多
关键词 氢氧 稳定同位素 微分方程 瑞利分馏原理 运动水体
海洋同位素示踪技术研究进展 被引量:12
作者 黄奕普 陈敏 《厦门大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第2期512-523,共12页
简述同位素示踪技术在海洋水体运动、海洋颗粒物循环与输出、海洋沉积动力学等方面的应用以及海洋中同位素的富集、分离与测定 .
关键词 海洋 同位素示踪技术 水体运动 颗粒物循环 沉积动力学 海洋化学
华北地区水循环与水资源安全:问题与挑战 被引量:87
作者 夏军 《地理科学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第6期517-526,共10页
华北缺水及其日趋严重的生态环境变化是中国首要解决的问题之一。目前,由于山区与平原径流明显减少和过量开发水资源,造成了地下水漏斗加深、平原区河道干涸、湖泊湿地萎缩、地表和地下水污染等生态环境恶化问题,严重影响到华北地区水... 华北缺水及其日趋严重的生态环境变化是中国首要解决的问题之一。目前,由于山区与平原径流明显减少和过量开发水资源,造成了地下水漏斗加深、平原区河道干涸、湖泊湿地萎缩、地表和地下水污染等生态环境恶化问题,严重影响到华北地区水资源安全,已引起党和国家的高度重视。本文以海河流域为重点对象,通过国内外学科前沿进展综述,指出华北地区缺水及其导致的生态环境恶化问题背后的自然和人文因素作用与发展演化的背景,强调高强度人类活动作用下的水循环基础研究的重要性,提出华北地区水资源安全的水循环基础与应用问题研究的若干建议与思考。研究自然和人类活动双重作用下的华北地区水循环过程,水体运动与污染物质输移及其与生态环境演变耦合机制,阐明华北地区"河道断流,水体污染,湿地消失,地下水枯竭"的成因规律,特别是人类活动的驱动分量,提出生态环境修复的理论基础,不仅对变化环境下流域水环境演变的地学基础科学前沿研究有重大的学术价值,而且对中国可持续发展和社会进步具有重要的战略意义。 展开更多
关键词 水循环 水资源 水安全 生态环境 华北地区 水体运动 水污染
南极普里兹湾及其邻近海域表层水镭同位素的分布及应用 被引量:2
作者 陈倩娜 任春燕 +5 位作者 李琦 李敬轩 贾仁明 郑敏芳 邱雨生 陈敏 《海洋与湖沼》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期77-87,共11页
中国第27次南极科学考察期间(2010年12月30日至2011年1月16日),对普里兹湾及其邻近海域表层海水进行了226Ra和228Ra的分析,结果表明:226Ra和228Ra比活度的变化范围分别为1.47—2.43Bq/m3和0.17—0.45Bq/m3,平均值分别为2.13Bq/m3和0.29B... 中国第27次南极科学考察期间(2010年12月30日至2011年1月16日),对普里兹湾及其邻近海域表层海水进行了226Ra和228Ra的分析,结果表明:226Ra和228Ra比活度的变化范围分别为1.47—2.43Bq/m3和0.17—0.45Bq/m3,平均值分别为2.13Bq/m3和0.29Bq/m3,228Ra/226Ra)A.R.(228Ra与226Ra的活度比)的变化范围为0.08—0.20,平均值为0.14。根据盐度和226Ra的质量平衡方程,计算出研究海域表层水中冰融水、南极夏季表层水和普里兹湾中深层水的份额。研究海域表层水中温度、盐度、226Ra、228Ra、228Ra/226Ra)A.R.和冰融水份额的空间分布显示,在埃默里冰架前沿海域,西侧海域较东侧海域具有低温、高盐、高226Ra、低228Ra、低228Ra/226Ra)A.R.、低冰融水份额的特征,证实埃默里冰架下水体东进西出的运动规律。根据埃默里冰架前沿东、西侧水体228Ra/226Ra)A.R.的差异,估算出埃默里冰架下表层水体东进西出所经历的时间为1.85a。此外,在普里兹湾湾口中部海域(66.5—67.5°S,72°—74°E),观察到次表层水的上升通风作用,该区域较高的228Ra含量和228Ra/226Ra)A.R.证明这些表层水体并非来自湾外绕极深层水的上涌,而可能来自湾内埃默里冰架输出水体。 展开更多
关键词 226RA 228Ra 水团来源 水体运动速率 南极普里兹湾
Hydrodynamics and bubble behaviour in a three-phase two-stage internal loop airlift reactor 被引量:3
作者 Dan Li Kai Guo +4 位作者 Jingnan Li Yiping Huang Junchao Zhou Hui Liu Chunjiang Liu 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第6期1359-1369,共11页
Local hydrodynamics of a gas–liquid–solid system,such as bubble circulation regime,gas holdup,liquid velocity and axial profile of solid concentration,are studied in a two-stage internal loop airlift reactor.Empiric... Local hydrodynamics of a gas–liquid–solid system,such as bubble circulation regime,gas holdup,liquid velocity and axial profile of solid concentration,are studied in a two-stage internal loop airlift reactor.Empirical correlations for gas holdup and liquid velocity are proposed to ease the reactor design and scale-up.Different bubble circulation regimes were displayed in the first(lower) and second(upper) stages.Increasing superficial gas velocity and solid loading can promote regime transition of the second stage,and the gas holdup of the second stage is higher than that of the lower stage.In addition,the effects of solid loading on bubble behaviour are experimentally investigated for each stage.It is found that bubble size in the downcomer decreases with the presence of solid particles,and bubble size distribution widens under higher superficial gas velocity and lower solid loading. 展开更多
关键词 Two-stage internal loop airlift reactor HYDRODYNAMICS BUBBLE Multiphase flow
Fuzzy neural network control of underwater vehicles based on desired state programming 被引量:6
作者 LIANG Xiao LI Ye XU Yu-ru WAN Lei QIN Zai-bai 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2006年第3期1-4,共4页
Due to the nonlinearity and uncertainty, the precise control of underwater vehicles in some intelligent operations hasn’t been solved very well yet. A novel method of control based on desired state programming was pr... Due to the nonlinearity and uncertainty, the precise control of underwater vehicles in some intelligent operations hasn’t been solved very well yet. A novel method of control based on desired state programming was presented, which used the technique of fuzzy neural network. The structure of fuzzy neural network was constructed according to the moving characters and the back propagation algorithm was deduced. Simulation experiments were conducted on general detection remotely operated vehicle. The results show that there is a great improvement in response and precision over traditional control, and good robustness to the model’s uncertainty and external disturbance, which has theoretical and practical value. 展开更多
关键词 underwater vehicle motion control fuzzy neural network desired state programming
Features of the motion of gel particles in a three-phase bubble column under foaming and non-foaming conditions
作者 Gabriel Salierno Mauricio Maestri +4 位作者 Stella Piovano Miryan Cassanello Maria Angelica Cardona Daniel Hojman Hector Somacal 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第6期1370-1382,共13页
Features of the motion of gel particles in a three-phase bubble column with non-foaming and foaming gas–liquid systems,determined by using experiments of radioactive particle tracking(RPT),have been compared.The trac... Features of the motion of gel particles in a three-phase bubble column with non-foaming and foaming gas–liquid systems,determined by using experiments of radioactive particle tracking(RPT),have been compared.The tracer used is a gel particle which resembles typical immobilized biocatalyst.The tracer trajectory is analyzed to extract relevant information for design purposes.The solid velocity field,turbulence parameters,dispersion coefficients,mixing times and flow transitions are determined and compared.The presence of foam significantly affects many quantified parameters,especially within the heterogeneous flow regime.The hydrodynamic stresses are reduced in the presence of foam,especially close to the disengagement.The dispersion coefficients also decrease,and the solid mixing time is only slightly affected by the presence of foam.Gas holdup,inferred both from RPT experiments and from gamma ray scanning,is higher for foaming systems and leads to a shift in the transition gas velocity towards higher values. 展开更多
关键词 Bubble columns Solid motion Gel beads FOAMING Particle tracking MIXING
CFD-Based Numerical Simulation of Water Film Flash Evaporation with a New Flash Evaporation Model
作者 Siyuan Zhao Yong Liu +1 位作者 Yanjun Liu Ping Na 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2018年第6期563-570,共8页
In this study, a new mass model involving superheat, initial temperature, liquid height, evaporator diameter, and flashing time is established to describe the flash evaporation process of water film. Of 469 sets of fl... In this study, a new mass model involving superheat, initial temperature, liquid height, evaporator diameter, and flashing time is established to describe the flash evaporation process of water film. Of 469 sets of flash experimental data from three previous researches, 305 sets were applied to optimize parameters, and the other 164 sets were used to verify the practicability of the model. The results showed that the mean relative error between the literature data and the model values was less than 16.3%, and the model statistics proved that the model was well-posed. Then, the kinetic model was obtained using the time derivative of the new mass model. Computational fluid dynamics simulation of water film flash evaporation was studied based on a user-defined function program of the new evaporation kinetic model. The new kinetic model shows more consistency with the experimental phenomena in terms of evaporated mass and temperature compared with the evaporation–condensation model in Fluent software and Gopalakrishna's model. This new kinetic model can be extended to describe the flash process of water solution under other conditions. 展开更多
关键词 Flash evaporation Evaporation model Well-posedness analysis CFD simulation
Deviation of Carbon Dioxide-Water Gas-Liquid Balance from Thermodynamic Equilibrium in Turbulence h Experiment and Correlation 被引量:2
作者 张珍稹 钱智 +2 位作者 徐联滨 吴彩艳 郭锴 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第7期770-775,共6页
The carbon dioxide-water system was used to investigate the flowing gas-liquid metastable state. The experiment was carded out in a constant volume vessel with a horizontal circulation pipe and a peristaltic pump forc... The carbon dioxide-water system was used to investigate the flowing gas-liquid metastable state. The experiment was carded out in a constant volume vessel with a horizontal circulation pipe and a peristaltic pump forced CO2 saturated water to flow. The temperature and pressure were recorded. The results showed that some CO2 escaped from the water in the flow process and the pressure increased, indicating that the gas-liquid equilibrium was broken. The amount of escaped CO2 varied with flow speed and reached a limit in a few minutes, entitled dy- namic equilibrium. Temperature and liquid movement played the same important role in breaking the phase equilib- rium. Under the experimental conditions, the ratio of the excessive carbon dioxide in the gas phase to its thermody- namic equilibrium amount in the liquid could achieve 15%. 展开更多
关键词 carbon dioxide TURBULENCE DESORPTION dynamic gas-liquid phase equilibrium
Numerical Simulation of the Water Entry of a Structure in Free Fall Motion 被引量:1
作者 Qingtong Chen Baoyu Ni +1 位作者 Shuping Chen Jiangguang Tang 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2014年第2期173-177,共5页
To solve the problems concerning water entry of a structure, the RANS equations and volume of fluid (VOF) method are used. Combining the user-defined function (UDF) procedure with dynamic grids, the water impact o... To solve the problems concerning water entry of a structure, the RANS equations and volume of fluid (VOF) method are used. Combining the user-defined function (UDF) procedure with dynamic grids, the water impact on a structure in free fall is simulated, and the velocity, displacement and the pressure distribution on the structure are investigated. The results of the numerical simulation were compared with the experimental data, and solidly consistent results have been achieved, which validates the numerical model. Therefore, this method can be used to study the water impact problems of a structure. 展开更多
关键词 STRUCTURE free fall motion water impact RANSequations VOF water entry
Anguilliform Fish Propulsion of Highest Hydrodynamic Efficiency
作者 William S. Vorus Brandon M. Taravella 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2011年第2期163-174,共12页
It is hypothesized that steady anguilliform swimming motion of aquatic animals is purely reactive such that no net vortex wake is left downstream. This is versus carangiform and tunniform swimming of fish, where vorte... It is hypothesized that steady anguilliform swimming motion of aquatic animals is purely reactive such that no net vortex wake is left downstream. This is versus carangiform and tunniform swimming of fish, where vortex streams are shed from tail, fins, and body. But there the animal movements are such to produce partial vortex cancellation downstream in maximizing propulsive efficiency. In anguilliform swimming characteristic of the eel family, it is argued that the swimming motions are configured by the animal such that vortex shedding does not occur at all. However, the propulsive thrust in this case is higher order in the motion amplitude, so that relatively large coils are needed to produce relatively small thrust; the speeds of anguilliform swimmers are less than the carangiform and tunniforrn, which develop first order thrusts via lifting processes. Results of experimentation on live lamprey are compared to theoretical prediction which assumes the no-wake hypothesis. Two-dimensional analysis is first performed to set the concept. This is followed by three-dimensional analysis using slender-body theory. Slender-body theory has been applied by others in studying anguilliform swimming, as it is ideally suited to the geometry of the lamprey and other eel-like animals. The agreement between this new approach based on the hypothesis of wakeless swimming and the experiments is remarkably good in spite of the physical complexities. 展开更多
关键词 HYDRODYNAMICS fish propulsion propulsion efficiency
Women and exercise in aging 被引量:3
作者 Kristina L.Kendall Ciaran M.Fairman 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2014年第3期170-178,共9页
Aging is associated with physiological declines, notably a decrease in bone mineral density (BMD) and lean body mass, with a concurrent increase in body fat and central adiposity. Interest in women and aging is of p... Aging is associated with physiological declines, notably a decrease in bone mineral density (BMD) and lean body mass, with a concurrent increase in body fat and central adiposity. Interest in women and aging is of particular interest partly as a result of gender specific responses to aging, particularly as a result of menopause. It is possible that the onset of menopause may augment the physiological decline associated with aging and inactivity. More so, a higher incidence of metabolic syndrome (an accumulation of cardiovascular disease risk factors including obesity, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, high blood pressure, and high fasting glucose) has been shown in middle-aged women during the postmenopausal period. This is due in part to the drastic changes in body composition, as previously discussed, but also a change in physical activity (PA) levels. Sarcopenia is an age related decrease in the cross-sectional area of skeletal muscle fibers that consequently leads to a decline in physical function, gait speed, balance, coordination, decreased BMD, and quality of life. PA plays an essential role in combating physiological decline associated with aging. Maintenance of adequate levels of PA can result in increased longevity and a reduced risk for metabolic disease along with other chronic diseases. The aim of this paper is to review relevant literature, examine current PA guidelines, and provide recom- mendations specific to women based on current research. 展开更多
关键词 AEROBIC Exercise prescription FLEXIBILITY Older adults Strength training
作者 辛丰 《现代农业装备》 2011年第8期74-75,共2页
鱼池水的深浅不同,养鱼的密度不同,需配备的增氧机也不同。现介绍几种鱼池增氧机供养殖户按实际需要选购。 一、鱼池增氧机种类 1.充气式增氧机 主机是空气压缩机或鼓风机。当空气加压后通过水底安装的沙滤芯或微孔塑料管时,排出微... 鱼池水的深浅不同,养鱼的密度不同,需配备的增氧机也不同。现介绍几种鱼池增氧机供养殖户按实际需要选购。 一、鱼池增氧机种类 1.充气式增氧机 主机是空气压缩机或鼓风机。当空气加压后通过水底安装的沙滤芯或微孔塑料管时,排出微小气泡,在气泡上升的过程中形成水体运动,一部分氧气溶入水中从而达到增氧的目的。该机适合深水鱼池使用。 展开更多
关键词 增氧机 鱼池 正确选用 种类 空气压缩机 微孔塑料管 水体运动 养殖户
作者 辛丰 《农村百事通》 2011年第20期55-56,共2页
一、鱼池增氧机种类 1.充气式增氧机。主机是空气压缩机或鼓风机.当空气加压后通过水底安装的沙滤芯或微孔塑料管时.排出微小气泡.在气泡上升的过程中形成水体运动.一部分氧气溶入水中.从而达到增氧的目的。该机适合深水鱼池使用。
关键词 增氧机 正确选用 鱼池 种类 空气压缩机 微孔塑料管 水体运动 充气式
作者 辛丰 《农村新技术》 2012年第9期36-36,共1页
一、鱼池增氧机种类1.充气式增氧机。主机是空气压缩机或鼓风机。当空气加压后通过水底安装的沙滤芯或微孔塑料管时,排出微小气泡,在气泡上升的过程中形成水体运动,一部分氧气溶入水中,从而达到增氧的目的。该机适合深水鱼池使用。2.射... 一、鱼池增氧机种类1.充气式增氧机。主机是空气压缩机或鼓风机。当空气加压后通过水底安装的沙滤芯或微孔塑料管时,排出微小气泡,在气泡上升的过程中形成水体运动,一部分氧气溶入水中,从而达到增氧的目的。该机适合深水鱼池使用。2.射流式增氧机。由潜水泵和射流管配套组合而成。工作时,水泵里的水从射流管内的喷嘴高速射出, 展开更多
关键词 射流式增氧机 鱼池 种类 空气压缩机 微孔塑料管 水体运动 配套组合 潜水泵
Hydrodynamic dispersion of reactive solute in a Hagen–Poiseuille flow of a layered liquid
作者 Sudip Debnath Apu Kumar Saha +1 位作者 B.S.Mazumder Ashis Kumar Roy 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第7期862-873,共12页
An analysis of the solute dispersion in the liquid flowing through a pipe by means of Aris–Barton's ‘method of moments', under the joint effect of some finite yield stress and irreversible absorption into th... An analysis of the solute dispersion in the liquid flowing through a pipe by means of Aris–Barton's ‘method of moments', under the joint effect of some finite yield stress and irreversible absorption into the wall is presented in this paper. The liquid is considered as a three-layer liquid where the center region is Casson liquid surrounded by Newtonian liquid layer. A significant change from previous modelling exercises in the study of hydrodynamic dispersion, different molecular diffusivity has been considered for the different region yet to be constant. For all time period, finite difference implicit scheme has been adopted to solve the integral moment equation arising from the unsteady convective diffusion equation. The purpose of the study is to find the dependency of solute transport coefficients on absorption parameter, yield stress, viscosity ratio, peripheral layer variation and in addition with various diffusivity coefficients in different liquid layers. This kind of study may be useful for understanding the dispersion process in the blood flow analysis. 展开更多
关键词 Casson liquid Yield stress Axial-dispersion coefficient Irreversible reaction DIFFUSIVITY
Dynamics Modeling and Simulation of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles with Appendages 被引量:3
作者 Yumin Su Jinxin Zhao Jian Cao Guocheng Zhang 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2013年第1期45-51,共7页
To provide a simulation system platform for designing and debugging a small autonomous underwater vehicle's (AUV) motion controller, a six-degree of freedom (6-DOF) dynamic model for AUV controlled by thruster an... To provide a simulation system platform for designing and debugging a small autonomous underwater vehicle's (AUV) motion controller, a six-degree of freedom (6-DOF) dynamic model for AUV controlled by thruster and fins with appendages is examined. Based on the dynamic model, a simulation system for the AUV's motion is established. The different kinds of typical motions are simulated to analyze the motion performance and the maneuverability of the AUV. In order to evaluate the influences of appendages on the motion performance of the AUV, simulations of the AUV with and without appendages are performed and compared. The results demonstrate the AUV has good maneuverability with and without appendages. 展开更多
关键词 autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) motion performance dynamics modeling appendages simulation system
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