Acute lumbar sprain is a common symptom in acupuncture and moxibustion department. It is acute laceration induced by over traction of soft tissues, such as lumbar muscle, fascia and ligament due to external exertions....Acute lumbar sprain is a common symptom in acupuncture and moxibustion department. It is acute laceration induced by over traction of soft tissues, such as lumbar muscle, fascia and ligament due to external exertions. Lumbar pain is typical in clinic. The pain is drastic, persistent, with fixed location and combined with limited motor function. It is termed as "Shan Yao" (闪腰) and "Cha Qi" ( 岔气 ) in TCM.展开更多
文摘Acute lumbar sprain is a common symptom in acupuncture and moxibustion department. It is acute laceration induced by over traction of soft tissues, such as lumbar muscle, fascia and ligament due to external exertions. Lumbar pain is typical in clinic. The pain is drastic, persistent, with fixed location and combined with limited motor function. It is termed as "Shan Yao" (闪腰) and "Cha Qi" ( 岔气 ) in TCM.