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作者 霍印林 李明训 《河北农业技术师范学院学报》 1991年第1期46-48,共3页
实验教学是高等教育中一个重要环节,为了适应现代教学的需要,一些院校对实验室的管理体制和教学进行了探索性地改革。我们认为不管是实行“三级管理”还是由“校统管”,提高人、财、物的利用率,合理使用仪器和有限的实验室是关键。为此... 实验教学是高等教育中一个重要环节,为了适应现代教学的需要,一些院校对实验室的管理体制和教学进行了探索性地改革。我们认为不管是实行“三级管理”还是由“校统管”,提高人、财、物的利用率,合理使用仪器和有限的实验室是关键。为此就需要对有限的实验室进行合理调度,编制科学的“实验室调度运行表”(以下简称“运行表”),这一措施应是实验室改革的一个重要组成部分。 展开更多
关键词 高等教育 实验教学 实验室高度运行表 实验室改革 编制
一种多维影响下运行电能表计量性能评估方法 被引量:8
作者 李贺龙 刘佳 +2 位作者 陈伟 李立 王春雨 《电测与仪表》 北大核心 2016年第8期69-74,共6页
为了更好地探究现场多维影响工况下运行电能表的计量性能,确保现场运行电能表的准确性和可靠性,针对多维影响下电能表计量性能的评估开展了一系列理论和试验研究,提出了一种适用于现场多维影响工况特点的运行电能表计量性能评估方法。... 为了更好地探究现场多维影响工况下运行电能表的计量性能,确保现场运行电能表的准确性和可靠性,针对多维影响下电能表计量性能的评估开展了一系列理论和试验研究,提出了一种适用于现场多维影响工况特点的运行电能表计量性能评估方法。应用结果表明,利用文章方法可以对现场多维影响下运行电能表的计量性能进行准确评估,及时发现现场运行电能表出现的问题,保障现场运行电能表的准确性和可靠性。 展开更多
关键词 多维影响 运行电能 计量性能 评估方法
基于随机矩阵理论和聚类算法的电能表运行状态评估方法 被引量:26
作者 程瑛颖 杜杰 +3 位作者 周全 张家铭 张晓勇 李刚 《中国电力》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第11期116-125,共10页
随着智能配电网络规模的扩大以及电网结构的复杂化,电力大数据呈指数级增长,电力设备的检、监测评估面临新的挑战。在大数据原理和数据挖掘分析的基础上,提出一种基于随机矩阵理论和聚类算法的电能表运行状态评估方法。首先,对电力大数... 随着智能配电网络规模的扩大以及电网结构的复杂化,电力大数据呈指数级增长,电力设备的检、监测评估面临新的挑战。在大数据原理和数据挖掘分析的基础上,提出一种基于随机矩阵理论和聚类算法的电能表运行状态评估方法。首先,对电力大数据统一预处理,完成时间序列数据表征;然后,采用实时分离窗技术整合时序数据;其次,基于随机矩阵理论,对多维度电能表时间序列数据实时计算、分析统计量时序特征;进一步,采用改进的时间规整聚类算法计算时序数据相似度,从而对随机矩阵统计量聚类分级;最后,分析聚类结果,得到电能表运行状态评估等级和范围,完成电能表实时运行状态评估。实例分析和对比研究结果表明,与传统的主元分析评估方法相比,所提出的新型电能表运行状态评估方法具有良好的鲁棒性、可靠性和时效性,为电力电网检测技术应用研究提供了新思路。 展开更多
关键词 随机矩阵理论 聚类算法 移动分离窗 时间序列 电力系统大数据 电能运行状态
电能表现场运行环境仿真装置研究 被引量:1
作者 陈锦胜 《科技资讯》 2020年第4期25-27,共3页
低压电网计量电能表运行在各类现场运行环境条件中,温度、湿度、酸碱度、负载、接线工艺等因素影响电能表的安全运行,该文提出建设一套在实验室内进行的运行仿真装置,考核衡量电能表的运行性能和寻找现场影响使用寿命的不利因素。为充... 低压电网计量电能表运行在各类现场运行环境条件中,温度、湿度、酸碱度、负载、接线工艺等因素影响电能表的安全运行,该文提出建设一套在实验室内进行的运行仿真装置,考核衡量电能表的运行性能和寻找现场影响使用寿命的不利因素。为充分符合电能表的现场运行条件,并有别于电能表全性能试验,体现运行仿真试验的特点,遵循一致性、区别性和可操作性的原则来设计,装置能够最大程度地模拟电能表现场运行环境的运行仿真,试验装置可开展对电能表运行性能的评价。 展开更多
关键词 电能 运行仿真装置 电能运行环境
基于大数据分析技术的电能表运行误差监测研究 被引量:3
作者 刘璐 刘宗有 吴尚阳 《吉林电力》 2022年第4期9-11,52,共4页
为了实现对吉林省内运行中电能表运行误差的在线监测,基于海量用户用电数据、利用大数据分析技术构建了电能表运行误差分析模型。建立电能表运行误差监测系统,介绍系统中大数据分析基础平台、数据清洗与处理、模型分析诊断、功能展示模... 为了实现对吉林省内运行中电能表运行误差的在线监测,基于海量用户用电数据、利用大数据分析技术构建了电能表运行误差分析模型。建立电能表运行误差监测系统,介绍系统中大数据分析基础平台、数据清洗与处理、模型分析诊断、功能展示模块。实例应用证明了系统分析的准确性和有效性,并提高了一线工作人员的工作效率。 展开更多
关键词 电力数据 台区 电能运行误差 在线监测
厂站电能量采集终端技术改造对运行中电能表的影响 被引量:1
作者 何玉平 《自动化应用》 2015年第12期126-128,共3页
关键词 采集终端 改造 运行中电能
对新《财政总预算会计制度》下会计报表的看法 被引量:1
作者 张建利 杨青青 胡振 《财会月刊(中)》 北大核心 2016年第6期41-43,共3页
新《财政总预算会计制度》整合了会计报表,改进了资产负债表和收入支出表,能够反映政府的财务状况,但存在未编制运行成本表、未阐述月度资产负债表的编制规定、未编制收支决算表等不足。本文提出编制运行成本表、补充月度资产负债表的... 新《财政总预算会计制度》整合了会计报表,改进了资产负债表和收入支出表,能够反映政府的财务状况,但存在未编制运行成本表、未阐述月度资产负债表的编制规定、未编制收支决算表等不足。本文提出编制运行成本表、补充月度资产负债表的编制规定、编制收支决算表的建议,通过完善财政总预算会计报表制度,更好地反映政府的财务状况和受托责任的履行情况。 展开更多
关键词 财政总预算会计制度 会计报 资产负债 运行成本
作者 江奇锋 熊兴良 陈萍 《中国医学物理学杂志》 CSCD 2013年第2期4080-4083,共4页
目的:针对医科院校物理实验室少而学生人数多的特殊情况,探讨一套实验教学管理方法,以期对类似情况提供有价值的参考。方法:通过设计的分班分组表,使不同几个班一起进行实验课的同时,方便了各班的管理;通过设计的实验室运行表,使实验室... 目的:针对医科院校物理实验室少而学生人数多的特殊情况,探讨一套实验教学管理方法,以期对类似情况提供有价值的参考。方法:通过设计的分班分组表,使不同几个班一起进行实验课的同时,方便了各班的管理;通过设计的实验室运行表,使实验室技术人员方便管理各位教师的出勤情况;实验操作考试时,通过设计48个考题,让学生随机抽取一个考题,这就促使学生在考试前必须全面复习,精心准备。结果:探讨出了一套关于医学物理学实验有效的教学管理方法。结论:这套实验教学管理方法,简化了实验教学中的一些繁琐工作和减轻了实验室技术人员的管理负担。 展开更多
关键词 医学物理学实验 教学管理方法 分班分组 实验室运行表
LED电子显示屏播放软件的开发方法及技巧 被引量:1
作者 朱旭光 《程序员(CSDN开发高手)》 2004年第5期36-39,共4页
在2004年第4期《开发高手》杂志中,介绍了LED显示条屏点阵数据的获取方法,在本期杂志中,作者朱旭光再次将他的开发经验总结成文,向广大读者介绍LED电子显示屏播放软件的开发方法和思路,对如何在LED上播放各种类型文件(如Txt/Rtf、... 在2004年第4期《开发高手》杂志中,介绍了LED显示条屏点阵数据的获取方法,在本期杂志中,作者朱旭光再次将他的开发经验总结成文,向广大读者介绍LED电子显示屏播放软件的开发方法和思路,对如何在LED上播放各种类型文件(如Txt/Rtf、Dat/Mpg/Avi、Bmp/Gif、Flc/Swf等)进行了详尽的描述,相信对从事这一领域的开发者有一定的借鉴作用。 展开更多
关键词 LED电子显示屏 播放软件 开发方法 同步卡 VISUAL BASIC6.0 播放运行表 多媒体文件播放 txt文本文件显示 图形文件 flc动画 数据库记录
谈供热计量项目的实施与推广 被引量:2
作者 张茜 《山西建筑》 2015年第15期145-146,共2页
关键词 热计量 远程集中抄.运行管理 计量收费
《工业设计》 2007年第5期26-26,共1页
关键词 活塞环 压缩环 可以用来 制造 渗氮层 耐磨性能 材料使用 不锈钢 汽缸壁 运行表
作者 赖德华 朱宜金 《地方政府管理》 1996年第9期38-39,共2页
建设行政中的程序化管理要走好四步“棋”赖德华,朱宜金程序化管理作为一种科学的管理手段,在建设行政管理中正被广泛的重视和运用。但作为一种新的管理办法,如何实现形式与内容的高度统一,还有待在实践中不断总结、提高。近年来,... 建设行政中的程序化管理要走好四步“棋”赖德华,朱宜金程序化管理作为一种科学的管理手段,在建设行政管理中正被广泛的重视和运用。但作为一种新的管理办法,如何实现形式与内容的高度统一,还有待在实践中不断总结、提高。近年来,我县在建设行政的程序化管理中,着力... 展开更多
关键词 程序化管理 建设行政管理 建设单位 运行表 职能部门 建设工程规划许可证 《房屋所有权证》 施工许可证 江西省石城县 管理模式
用Visual Foxpro设计学生成绩管理系统
作者 祝燎 《河西学院学报》 2005年第5期63-65,共3页
Visual FoxPro是一个面向对象的应用程序开发系统,运行于Windows和Windows NT环境下.学生成绩管理系统是VF系统下开发的一个重要的应用实例它使用了游离视图增强连接能力,对数据的显示、收集、修改提供了极大方便.为了满足教学论文的要... Visual FoxPro是一个面向对象的应用程序开发系统,运行于Windows和Windows NT环境下.学生成绩管理系统是VF系统下开发的一个重要的应用实例它使用了游离视图增强连接能力,对数据的显示、收集、修改提供了极大方便.为了满足教学论文的要求,它还必须从科学、艺术性、技术性等方面入手,有计划、有组织的进行软件设计,力争使其达到完美的效果. 展开更多
关键词 成绩管理系统 项目管理器 单的设计及运行
Deterministic and randomized scheduling problems under the lp norm on two identical machines 被引量:5
作者 林凌 谈之奕 何勇 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第1期20-26,共7页
Parallel machine scheduling problems, which are important discrete optimization problems, may occur in many applications. For example, load balancing in network communication channel assignment, parallel processing in... Parallel machine scheduling problems, which are important discrete optimization problems, may occur in many applications. For example, load balancing in network communication channel assignment, parallel processing in large-size computing, task arrangement in flexible manufacturing systems, etc., are multiprocessor scheduling problem. In the traditional parallel machine scheduling problems, it is assumed that the problems are considered in offline or online environment. But in practice, problems are often not really offline or online but somehow in-between. This means that, with respect to the online problem, some further information about the tasks is available, which allows the improvement of the performance of the best possible algorithms. Problems of this class are called semi-online ones. In this paper, the semi-online problem P2|decr|lp (p>1) is considered where jobs come in non-increasing order of their processing times and the objective is to minimize the sum of the lp norm of every machine’s load. It is shown that LS algorithm is optimal for any lp norm, which extends the results known in the literature. Furthermore, randomized lower bounds for the problems P2|online|lp and P2|decr|lp are presented. 展开更多
Surface effects on in-shoe plantar pressure and tibial impact during running 被引量:4
作者 Weijie Fu Ying Fang +3 位作者 David Ming Shuo Liu Lin Wang Sicong Ren Yu Liu 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2015年第4期384-390,共7页
Purpose: This study aims to explore the effects of running on different surfaces on the characteristics of in-shoe plantar pressure and tibial acceleration. Methods: Thirteen male recreational runners were required ... Purpose: This study aims to explore the effects of running on different surfaces on the characteristics of in-shoe plantar pressure and tibial acceleration. Methods: Thirteen male recreational runners were required to run at 12 km/h velocity on concrete, synthetic track, natural grass, a normal treadmill, and a treadmill equipped with an ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) cushioning underlay (treadmill_EVA), respectively. An in-shoe plantar pressure system and an accelerometer attached to the tibial tuberosity were used to record and analyze the characteristics of plantar pressure and tibial impact during running. Results: The results showed that there were no significant differences in the 1 st and 2nd peak plantar pressures (time of occurrence), pressure-time integral, and peak pressure distribution for the concrete, synthetic, grass, and normal treadmill surfaces. No significant differences in peak positive acceleration were observed among the five tested surface conditions. Compared to the concrete surface, however, running on treadmillEVA showed a significant decrease in the 1st peak plantar pressure and the pressure time integral for the impact phase (p 〈 0.05). These can be further ascribed to a reduced peak pressure observed at heel region (p 〈 0.05). Conclusion: There may not be an inevitable relationship between the surface and the lower-limb impact in runners. It is, however, still noteworthy that the effects of different treadmill surfaces should be considered in the interpretation of plantar pressure performance and translation of such results to overground running. 展开更多
关键词 Peak plantar pressure Pressure distribution Running Surface Tibia acceleration
The REMO Ocean Data Assimilation System into HYCOM(RODAS_H):General Description and Preliminary Results 被引量:1
作者 Clemente Augusto Souza TANAJURA Alex Novaes SANTANA +3 位作者 Davi MIGNAC Leonardo Nascimento LIMA Konstantin BELYAEV XIE Ji-Ping 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2014年第5期464-470,共7页
The first version of the Brazilian Oceano- graphic Modeling and Observation Network (REMO) ocean data assimilation system into the Hybrid Coordi- nate Ocean Model (HYCOM) (RODAS H) has recently been constructed ... The first version of the Brazilian Oceano- graphic Modeling and Observation Network (REMO) ocean data assimilation system into the Hybrid Coordi- nate Ocean Model (HYCOM) (RODAS H) has recently been constructed for research and operational purposes. The system is based on a multivariate Ensemble Optimal Interpolation (EnOI) scheme and considers the high fre- quency variability of the model error co-variance matrix. The EnOl can assimilate sea surface temperature (SST), satellite along-track and gridded sea level anomalies (SLA), and vertical profiles of temperature (T) and salinity (S) from Argo. The first observing system experiment was carried out over the Atlantic Ocean (78°S-50°N, 100°W-20°E) with HYCOM forced with atmospheric reanalysis from 1 January to 30 June 2010. Five integra- tions were performed, including the control run without assimilation. In the other four, different observations were assimilated: SST only (A SST); Argo T-S profiles only (AArgo); along-track SLA only (A_SLA); and all data employed in the previous runs (A_All). The A_SST, A_Argo, and A_SLA runs were very effective in improv- ing the representation of the assimilated variables, but they had relatively little impact on the variables that were not assimilated. In particular, only the assimilation of S was able to reduce the deviation of S with respect to ob- servations. Overall, the A_All run produced a good analy- sis by reducing the deviation of SST, T, and S with respect to the control run by 39%, 18%, and 30%, respectively, and by increasing the correlation of SLA by 81%. 展开更多
关键词 ocean data assimilation ensemble optimalinterpolation observing system experiment HYCOM Atlantic Ocean
Crosswind stability of high-speed trains in special cuts 被引量:3
作者 张洁 高广军 +1 位作者 刘堂红 李志伟 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第7期2849-2856,共8页
Analysis of the aerodynamic performance of high-speed trains in special cuts would provide references for the critical overturning velocity and complement the operation safety management under strong winds.This work w... Analysis of the aerodynamic performance of high-speed trains in special cuts would provide references for the critical overturning velocity and complement the operation safety management under strong winds.This work was conducted to investigate the flow structure around trains under different cut depths,slope angles using computational fluid dynamics(CFD).The high-speed train was considered with bogies and inter-carriage gaps.And the accuracy of the numerical method was validated by combining with the experimental data of wind tunnel tests.Then,the variations of aerodynamic forces and surface pressure distribution of the train were mainly analyzed.The results show that the surroundings of cuts along the railway line have a great effect on the crosswind stability of trains.With the slope angle and depth of the cut increasing,the coefficients of aerodynamic forces tend to reduce.An angle of 75°is chosen as the optimum one for the follow-up research.Under different depth conditions,the reasonable cut depth for high-speed trains to run safely is 3 m lower than that of the conventional cut whose slope ratio is 1:1.5.Furthermore,the windward slope angle is more important than the leeward one for the train aerodynamic performance.Due to the shield of appropriate cuts,the train body is in a minor positive pressure environment.Thus,designing a suitable cut can contribute to improving the operation safety of high-speed trains. 展开更多
关键词 high-speed train crosswind stability cut pressure distribution numerical simulation
Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Bow Profiles on Resistance of an Underwater Vehicle in Free Surface Motion 被引量:2
作者 Mehran Javadi Mojtaba Dehghan Manshadi +1 位作者 Saeid Kheradmand Mohammad Moonesun 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 CSCD 2015年第1期53-60,共8页
In this paper, towing tank experiments are conducted to study the behavior of flow on a model of the underwater vehicle with various shapes of bows, i.e. tango and standard bows in free surface motion tests. The total... In this paper, towing tank experiments are conducted to study the behavior of flow on a model of the underwater vehicle with various shapes of bows, i.e. tango and standard bows in free surface motion tests. The total resistances for different Froude numbers are considered experimentally. The towing tank is equipped with a trolley that can operate in through 0.05-6 m/s speed with ±0.02 m/s accuracy. Furthermore, the study is done on hydrodynamic coefficients i.e. total, residual and friction resistance coefficients, and the results are compared. Finally, the study on flow of wave fields around bows is done and wave filed around two bows are compared. The Froude number interval is between 0.099 and 0.349. Blockage fraction for the model is fixed to 0.005 3. The results showed that the residual resistance of the standard bow in 0.19 to 0.3 Froude number is more than the tango bow in surface motion which causes more total resistance for the submarine. Finally, details of wave generated by the bow are depicted and the effects of flow pattern on resistance drag are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 underwater vehicle free surface motion bow profile residual resistance towing tank flow assessment Froude mtmber
Effect of Binders on Aromatization Performance of HZSM-5 Catalyst
作者 Chen Chunfang Yu Zhongwei +2 位作者 Ma Aizeng Wang Zijian Sun Yilan(SINOPEC Research Institute of Petroleum Processing,Beijing 100083) 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2011年第2期47-51,共5页
The effect of different binders on light hydrocarbon aromatization performance of the HZSM-5 catalyst was investigated. Physicochemical properties of the catalysts, such as the specific surface area, pore volume and a... The effect of different binders on light hydrocarbon aromatization performance of the HZSM-5 catalyst was investigated. Physicochemical properties of the catalysts, such as the specific surface area, pore volume and acidity, etc., were characterized to correlate with their aromatization performance data. The results showed that the pore structure of Al2O3 could significantly affect the catalyst performance. As the accessible pore diameter of the catalyst increased from 8.0 nm to 9.0 nm, the light aromatics yield increased by 2.7 percentage points, while the operating time of the catalyst nearly doubled. In addition, catalysts prepared with SiO2 and aluminum phosphate was more active and stable than that prepared with Al2O3, of which the light aromatics yield enhanced 6---8 percentage points and the rtm length, or seivice eife run length nearly doubled. 展开更多
关键词 HZSM-5 catalyst BINDER light hydrocarbon AROMATIZATION
Atmospheric pressure and CO_2 concentration of potential habitable planet HD40307g 被引量:1
作者 TIAN Feng 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第6期1403-1406,共4页
HD40307g is the closest potentially habitable planet discovered today orbiting a K2V star and will be a prime target for future TPF-like missions if its existence is confirmed.Although the atmosphere of HD40307g shoul... HD40307g is the closest potentially habitable planet discovered today orbiting a K2V star and will be a prime target for future TPF-like missions if its existence is confirmed.Although the atmosphere of HD40307g should be denser and contain more CO2 judging from the amount of radiation it receives from its star,it is unknown how dense and how much CO2 the planetary atmosphere should have.Thus more knowledge on its atmosphere is useful.For HD40307g to have Earth-like climate(288 K global mean surface temperature),we obtain the following combination of atmospheric pressure and CO2 mixing ratio:(1)10-bar+3%CO2;(2)5-bar+10%CO2;(3)3-bar+30%CO2. 展开更多
关键词 exoplanet atmosphere exoplanet climate exoplanet life habitable zone habitable planet
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