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近代中国现代化的艰难启动及其根源分析 被引量:1
作者 徐子棉 《西北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期73-77,共5页
通过采用历史比较和文献分析等研究方法,对近代中国经济社会发展的历史进行剖析,认为从1840年到1949年,近代中国在外力的挑激下,被强行卷入世界现代化的发展轨道上,自此打破了原有社会系统的自足性,开启了社会结构的形变过程。但这百余... 通过采用历史比较和文献分析等研究方法,对近代中国经济社会发展的历史进行剖析,认为从1840年到1949年,近代中国在外力的挑激下,被强行卷入世界现代化的发展轨道上,自此打破了原有社会系统的自足性,开启了社会结构的形变过程。但这百余年现代化进程是曲折和缓慢的。从甲午战败、维新变法到辛亥革命创立民国、再到国民政府时期的建设、抗日战争和解放战争时期,虽然中国社会内部的现代化因子和集团也在凝聚,且社会改革也推进到制度和文化层面上,但其所联系的经济、政治、文化、社会、外部环境等方面的要素,错综复杂地交织在一起,导致现代化的启动具有不连续性、曲折性和反复性。追溯近代中国现代化启动的根源,明确它的曲折艰难与反复,对于其在实践中的历史走向、探索具有中国特色的社会主义现代化道路和人类文明程度的提高都具有良性的助推意义。 展开更多
关键词 近代中国现代化 历史进程 经济发展史 社会转型
作者 范尧 《巢湖学院学报》 2008年第5期128-130,共3页
关键词 清政府 近代中国现代化 影响
作者 费敏 《中国军转民》 2024年第16期62-64,共3页
历观中国现代化建设道路之历史发展脉络,中国式现代化既是近代中国的现代化的延续发展,更是对传统现代化道路的超越创新。在中国共产党的领导下,中国式现代化开辟了全新的、科学的社会风貌,凭借敢为人先的智慧和魄力,中国式现代化道路... 历观中国现代化建设道路之历史发展脉络,中国式现代化既是近代中国的现代化的延续发展,更是对传统现代化道路的超越创新。在中国共产党的领导下,中国式现代化开辟了全新的、科学的社会风貌,凭借敢为人先的智慧和魄力,中国式现代化道路以新道路取代传统的西方道路实现了对近代中国现代化的方法超越、以“两个结合”实现了对近代中国现代化的思想超越、以胸怀天下的人类文明大格局实现了对近代中国现代化的情怀超越。 展开更多
关键词 中国式现代化 近代中国的现代化 超越性
双重视觉文本的对峙——由月份牌与木刻版画的价值评价看近代中国的现代化之途 被引量:2
作者 吴晓兵 《苏州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期181-185,共5页
20世纪20、30年代,与月份牌广告的盛行相媲美的是以鲁迅为代表的左翼知识分子发起的新兴木刻运动。月份牌广告是清末实业救国思想的延续,是西风渐进的产物,它以精美的视觉画面言说着近代中国城市市民对物质文明的追求和沉迷;而新兴木刻... 20世纪20、30年代,与月份牌广告的盛行相媲美的是以鲁迅为代表的左翼知识分子发起的新兴木刻运动。月份牌广告是清末实业救国思想的延续,是西风渐进的产物,它以精美的视觉画面言说着近代中国城市市民对物质文明的追求和沉迷;而新兴木刻版画,却彰显着知识分子唤醒农工、革命救国的政治话语力量。无论是月份牌广告,还是新兴木刻版画,作为近代中国具有代表意义的历史性视觉文本和话语体系,围绕它们展开的众多的,甚至是冲突性的价值评述,表征了中国社会各阶层对于现代化之途的思考所呈现的多样性和复杂性。 展开更多
关键词 月份牌广告 新兴木刻版画 近代中国现代化
The Origin of Chinese Modem Engineering Education: Fuzhou Shipping School's Engineering Education at Late Qing Dynasty
作者 Chen Jia 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2014年第4期302-314,共13页
Engineering education is an important issue in engineering practice, and engineering practice and characteristics can be seen through examining the history of early Chinese engineering education. During the period ran... Engineering education is an important issue in engineering practice, and engineering practice and characteristics can be seen through examining the history of early Chinese engineering education. During the period ranging from the 1860s to the middle of the 1890s, the westernization group set up a series of modern industrial and mining enterprises for military and civil use, making the implementation of modern engineering education become possible and necessary. Thanks to their efforts, many schools and old-style private schools for teaching knowledge about western science and technology and training senior engineering managements and talents were gradually founded in China. These modern education organizations are the source and beginning of Chinese engineering education, which is also the origin of modernization of Chinese engineering education. This article takes Fuzhou Shipping School for case studies, using a cultural anthropology approach to examine the overall status, basic characteristics, and impact evaluation of engineering education during the Westernization Movement in China. It reiterates the idea of that "engineering education should be returned to engineering practice," and tries to explain the framework of the development of engineering education in China. Through conducting research, we find that the development of engineering education in modem China generally has the basic resources for realization of internationalization through "westernization" and localization through traditional culture and education and the general characteristics of diversification of social influence. During the development process, it has accumulated valuable experience for timely reform and gradual improvement of modernization: attaching importance to culture and cultivating qualified technical personnel; strictly requiring and building high-level schools and specialties; learning the advanced knowledge and bravely utilizing foreign educational resources; setting pragmatic and highly pertinent disciplines and specialties. It also left the society with thought-provoking lessons, namely, the lagging industrial production and social instability made the development severely restricted and obstructed; the unreasonable development layout resulted in the intensified imbalanced development in different regions; the bureaucracy nature imposed serious impact on efficiency and effectiveness of education; the negligence of innovation made the great-leap-forward development failed, etc. 展开更多
关键词 Engineering Education China Fuzhou Shipping School Late Qing
The Construction of"New Woman" in Chen Hengzhe's Autobiography
作者 Tieniu Cheng 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第12期739-756,共18页
This essay examines the autobiography of Chen Hengzhe (1890-1976) (see Appendix), a relatively less studied woman writer, historian, and critic in modem China. Through the study in four aspects, namely, the pursui... This essay examines the autobiography of Chen Hengzhe (1890-1976) (see Appendix), a relatively less studied woman writer, historian, and critic in modem China. Through the study in four aspects, namely, the pursuit of modem education, simple appearance, great leaders, and the ambassadors of culture, the author's research indicates that Chen's construction of"new woman" has been influenced by complex historical and cultural forces such as the Chinese traditional culture, Western culture, and the iconoclastic spirit of "the New Culture Movement". Meanwhile, Chen's gender consciousness is also an important element. Moreover, Chen's pioneering standing and her own experiences of studying abroad makes her take the lead in conceiving women's leadership and their roles in global culture communications. In the late Qing and the early Republic, traditional values and norms of womanhood were severely challenged. Chen's construction of"new woman" is her conscious effort to define a new womanhood and is an integral part of the ongoing exploration of Chinese women for modem womanhood. Through the examination of Chen's "new woman", this paper seeks to enrich our understanding of the complexity of modem Chinese women's exploration of modem womanhood. 展开更多
关键词 new woman culture and politics modem China womanhood AUTOBIOGRAPHY Chen Hengzhe
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