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作者 王菱 潘大志 《智能计算机与应用》 2024年第6期102-109,共8页
针对遗传算法求解选址-路径问题存在收敛速度慢、易早熟等缺点,提出了一种近邻域搜索算法(Nearest Neighbor Search algorithm,NNS)。首先,在构造初始解阶段利用贪婪策略产生初始种群,提高初始解的质量;其次,在交叉阶段采用复制交叉的方... 针对遗传算法求解选址-路径问题存在收敛速度慢、易早熟等缺点,提出了一种近邻域搜索算法(Nearest Neighbor Search algorithm,NNS)。首先,在构造初始解阶段利用贪婪策略产生初始种群,提高初始解的质量;其次,在交叉阶段采用复制交叉的方式,增强算法的全局搜索;最后,在突变阶段使用近邻域局部搜索过程。此外,还设计了种群管理方案,以促进遗传算法种群多样性。在2个基准集上进行了试验,结果表明,与GRASP、MAPM、LRGTS等算法相比,该算法不仅显著提高了收敛速度,而且具有较强的寻优能力。 展开更多
关键词 选址-路径 贪婪算法 遗传算法 近邻域搜索
对修正的K近邻域关联算法的仿真与可信性评估 被引量:2
作者 毛一凡 饶世钧 《计算机仿真》 CSCD 2004年第7期11-13,共3页
关键词 航迹关联 K近邻域 关联准则 最近临 阈值自适应 MK-NN算法
基于K-近邻域搜索的遗传算法求解旅行商问题 被引量:8
作者 徐伟华 魏传祥 +2 位作者 张根瑞 赵彩梅 熊坚 《昆明理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 北大核心 2022年第1期139-146,共8页
针对传统遗传算法在求解旅行商问题时存在容易陷入局部最优和运算时间较长的问题,着重考虑影响算法局部搜索能力和种群多样性保持两个方面的因素,提出改进策略.将交叉变异产生的新个体与父代种群合并后剔除重复个体,再选择优势个体作为... 针对传统遗传算法在求解旅行商问题时存在容易陷入局部最优和运算时间较长的问题,着重考虑影响算法局部搜索能力和种群多样性保持两个方面的因素,提出改进策略.将交叉变异产生的新个体与父代种群合并后剔除重复个体,再选择优势个体作为新种群,防止种群中适应度值较低但具有优质基因的个体被剔除,促进种群多样性的发展;通过分析旅行商问题的内在特性,采用K-近邻域搜索的方式减少变异算子的无效操作,提高算法局部搜索能力及算法寻优效率.实验结果表明:与BLS算法相比,改进遗传算法的平均解误差降低了15.36%;相较于传统遗传算法,应用新型变异算子的改进遗传算法收敛速度明显提高.全精英选择法能较好地保持种群多样性,新型启发式变异算子在全局搜索的同时加强了局部搜索能力,对提高算法求解精度和寻优效率都有较好的效果. 展开更多
关键词 旅行商问题 K-近邻域 全精英选择法 遗传算法
基于目标域局部近邻几何信息的域自适应图像分类方法 被引量:6
作者 唐宋 陈利娟 +1 位作者 陈志贤 叶茂 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第4期1164-1168,共5页
在许多实际工程应用中,训练场景(源域)和测试场景(目标域)的分布并不相同,如果将源域中训练的分类器直接应用到目标域,性能往往会出现大幅度下降。目前大多数域自适应方法以概率推导为基础。从图像特征表达的角度出发,针对自适应图像分... 在许多实际工程应用中,训练场景(源域)和测试场景(目标域)的分布并不相同,如果将源域中训练的分类器直接应用到目标域,性能往往会出现大幅度下降。目前大多数域自适应方法以概率推导为基础。从图像特征表达的角度出发,针对自适应图像分类问题,提出一种新的基于协同特征的无监督方法。首先,所有源样本被作为字典;然后,距离目标样本最近的三个目标域样本被用来帮助鲁棒地表达局部近邻几何信息;最后,结合字典和局部近邻信息实现编码,并利用最近邻分类器完成分类。因为协同特征通过融合目标域局部近邻信息,获得了更强的鲁棒性和区分性,基于该特征编码的分类方法具有更好的分类性能。在域自适应数据集上的对比实验结果表明所提算法是有效的。 展开更多
关键词 自适应 流形 目标局部近邻关系 协同表达 图像分类
作者 邢文杰 王立洪 《数学学报(中文版)》 SCIE CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期339-350,共12页
主要讨论函数型数据的近邻域估计的渐近性质.在α-混合条件及一些正则性假设下,我们讨论了函数空间上非参数回归函数的k阶近邻域估计的相合性和渐近正态性.通过模拟分析几组不同误差分布的函数型数据,并与核估计方法进行比较,验证了有... 主要讨论函数型数据的近邻域估计的渐近性质.在α-混合条件及一些正则性假设下,我们讨论了函数空间上非参数回归函数的k阶近邻域估计的相合性和渐近正态性.通过模拟分析几组不同误差分布的函数型数据,并与核估计方法进行比较,验证了有限样本下,近邻域估计方法的有效性,并得出近邻域估计在稳健性方面更有优势. 展开更多
关键词 函数型数据 k阶近邻域估计 Α-混合 相合性
基于失衡样本特性过采样算法与SVM的滚动轴承故障诊断 被引量:20
作者 黄海松 魏建安 +1 位作者 任竹鹏 吴江进 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第10期65-74,132,共11页
针对传统支持向量机(SVM)算法在滚动轴承故障诊断领域中,对失衡数据集效果不佳、对噪声敏感以及对本身参数依赖较大等缺点,提出一种基于样本特性的过采样算法(OABSC)。该算法利用改进凝聚层次聚类将故障样本分成多个簇;在每个簇中综合... 针对传统支持向量机(SVM)算法在滚动轴承故障诊断领域中,对失衡数据集效果不佳、对噪声敏感以及对本身参数依赖较大等缺点,提出一种基于样本特性的过采样算法(OABSC)。该算法利用改进凝聚层次聚类将故障样本分成多个簇;在每个簇中综合考虑样本距离、近邻域密度对"疑似噪声点"进行识别、剔除,并将剩余样本按信息量进行排序;紧接着,在每个簇中采用K^*-信息量近邻域(K^*INN)过采样算法合成新样本,以使得数据集平衡;模拟3种不同失衡比下的轴承故障情况,并采用粒子群算法优化了SVM分类器的参数。经试验证明:相比已有算法,OABSC算法能更好地适用于数据呈多簇分布且失衡的轴承故障诊断领域,拥有更高的G-mean值与AUC值以及更强的算法鲁棒性。 展开更多
关键词 改进凝聚层次聚类 样本特性 K^*-信息量近邻域(K^*INN)过采样 支持向量机(SVM) 滚动轴承故障诊断
粗略不相似度量及其在层次聚类中的应用 被引量:1
作者 李春忠 郑玉棒 汪婷 《工程数学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第4期354-366,共13页
局部结构特征在数据分析过程中具有重要的作用.为获得简单有效的数据集局部结构化特征检测方法,本文结合重采样误差分析和传统的近邻选择方法提出了一种检测局部结构特征的方向一致性度量—粗略不相似性度量.该度量是一种优化的近邻选... 局部结构特征在数据分析过程中具有重要的作用.为获得简单有效的数据集局部结构化特征检测方法,本文结合重采样误差分析和传统的近邻选择方法提出了一种检测局部结构特征的方向一致性度量—粗略不相似性度量.该度量是一种优化的近邻选择方法,不仅考虑了传统的欧氏距离排序,而且考虑了局部方向结构特征.因其计算和存储复杂度小以及具有优越的结构检测性能,可应用于无监督学习形成一种层次化的子图聚类算法—RDClust,与经典聚类算法相比,其优势在于:一是计算复杂度较小,是近似线性算法;二是无需对类的形状和分布形式做任何的假设,可自动体现数据集的局部结构;三是有一个近邻参数,且该参数对结果较鲁棒.在人工和真实数据集上的实验显示了新的度量方式应用于新算法的优越性能. 展开更多
关键词 聚类 近邻域 第k个近邻点连接 层次连接图
作者 梁锦锦 刘三阳 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期167-168,183,共3页
提出基于近邻域比率的支持向量机NDR-SVM。该算法对每个训练样本构造一个近邻域,在此邻域中计算与中心同类的样本占邻域中总样本的比率;根据比率与剔除阈值的大小关系决定邻城中心的取舍,并将所保留的样本带入SVM分类.通过修剪训练集,... 提出基于近邻域比率的支持向量机NDR-SVM。该算法对每个训练样本构造一个近邻域,在此邻域中计算与中心同类的样本占邻域中总样本的比率;根据比率与剔除阈值的大小关系决定邻城中心的取舍,并将所保留的样本带入SVM分类.通过修剪训练集,该算法减弱了噪声对SVM泛化能力的影响。实验结果表明,与已有算法相比,NDR-SVM具有更高的分类精度,大大提高了训练速度。 展开更多
关键词 支持向量机 近邻域比率 噪声 修剪
基于声振信号的香梨内部早期褐变判别 被引量:6
作者 张慧 吴杰 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第17期264-271,共8页
香梨内部发生的褐变病害对香梨品质有严重影响,迫切需要对香梨内部早期褐变实现快速准确判别以减少贮藏期损失并提高商品率。该研究基于压电梁式传感器搭建声振无损检测装置系统,从香梨声振响应信号中提取了11个时域特征参数和7个频域... 香梨内部发生的褐变病害对香梨品质有严重影响,迫切需要对香梨内部早期褐变实现快速准确判别以减少贮藏期损失并提高商品率。该研究基于压电梁式传感器搭建声振无损检测装置系统,从香梨声振响应信号中提取了11个时域特征参数和7个频域特征参数,分别组成时域特征向量、频域特征向量和组合域特征向量(时域和频域参数组合),然后利用补偿距离评估技术评估各特征参数对香梨内部褐变的敏感性,输入敏感性较大的特征参数训练香梨内部褐变K-近邻域(K-nearest neighbor,KNN)判别模型。通过对模型判别结果的混淆矩阵分析,采用3个时域参数(波形因子、峭度、方根幅值)和1个频域参数(频率方差)构建香梨内部早期褐变KNN模型(近邻数K=5)用于判别早期褐变香梨,准确率和F1值分别为91.84%和92.59%;对已识别的褐变香梨,采用2个时域参数(波形因子、裕度因子)和1个频域参数(均方频率)构建香梨内部轻度褐变KNN模型(K=7)进一步判别其中的轻度褐变香梨,准确率和F1值分别为81.82%和83.33%。研究结果可为今后声振法香梨内部褐变实时在线检测和自动化分级技术研发提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 无损检测 果实 香梨 内部褐变 统计特征参数 K-近邻域算法 声振法
高斯加权的重构性K-NN算法研究 被引量:1
作者 刘作国 陈笑蓉 《中文信息学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期112-116,共5页
该文提出基于高斯加权距离以及聚类重构机制的K-NN文本聚类算法。文章提出K-NN近邻域的概念,通过高斯加权的近邻域算法实施K-NN聚类。利用高斯函数根据样本与聚类中心的距离为样本赋权,计算聚类距离。基于近邻域权重和聚类密度对形成的... 该文提出基于高斯加权距离以及聚类重构机制的K-NN文本聚类算法。文章提出K-NN近邻域的概念,通过高斯加权的近邻域算法实施K-NN聚类。利用高斯函数根据样本与聚类中心的距离为样本赋权,计算聚类距离。基于近邻域权重和聚类密度对形成的聚类实施重构,实现聚类数目的自适应调整。使用拆分算子拆分稀疏聚类并调整异常样本;使用合并算子合并相似聚类。实验显示聚类重构机制能够有效地提高聚类的准确率及召回率,增加聚类密度,使得形成的聚类结果更加合理。 展开更多
关键词 文本聚类 K-NN算法 高斯加权 近邻域规则 聚类重构
Phytoplankton in Prydz Bay and Its Adjacent Sea Area of Antarctica During the Austral Summer (1998/1999) 被引量:6
作者 朱根海 宁修仁 +1 位作者 蔡昱明 刘子琳 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第4期390-398,共9页
The cell density, species composition and distribution of phytoplankton, and their relations to environmental factors in Prydz Bay and its adjacent sea area, Antarctica (69degrees-77degrees E, 62degrees-70degrees S) d... The cell density, species composition and distribution of phytoplankton, and their relations to environmental factors in Prydz Bay and its adjacent sea area, Antarctica (69degrees-77degrees E, 62degrees-70degrees S) during the austral summer of 1998/1999 were investigated. A total of 48 taxa belonging to 21 genera of phytoplankton in the sea area were identified. The average cell density of phytoplankton was 22.46 x 10(3) cells/dm(3), of which diatoms were predominant (84.51%). The highest cell density of phytoplankton occurred in Prydz Bay and the adjacent continental shelf where the average cell density was 46.03 x 10(3) cells/dm(3). The lowest cell density (3.34 x 10(3) cells/dm(3)) occurred in deep sea area. The dominant species of phytoplankton was Fragilariopsis curta. The vertical distribution of phytoplankton density was highest in the upper part of 0-50 in depth, lower in 100 in and lowest in 150 in. The species composition and cell density of phytoplankton were influenced by water circulation. The cell density was positively correlated with water temperature and salinity, and negatively correlated with the concentration of nutrients. 展开更多
关键词 PHYTOPLANKTON DISTRIBUTION Prydz Bay and its and adjacent sea area ANTARCTICA
Numerical Study on Tides in the Taiwan Strait and its Adjacent Areas 被引量:3
作者 朱佳 胡建宇 +4 位作者 张文舟 曾淦宁 陈德文 陈金泉 商少平 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2009年第2期23-36,共14页
Diurnal and semi-diurnal tides in the Taiwan Strait and its adjacent areas are calculated by using a two-dimensional finite-difference model. Compared with data of more than 20 observation stations around the Taiwan S... Diurnal and semi-diurnal tides in the Taiwan Strait and its adjacent areas are calculated by using a two-dimensional finite-difference model. Compared with data of more than 20 observation stations around the Taiwan Strait, the model-produced results agree quite well with those of previous researches using observational data from coastal tidal gauge stations. According to the results, the co-tidal and co-range charts are given. Furthermore, the characteristics of 8 major tidal constituents have been uminated respectively. The result shows that: (1) The tide motion can be attributed to the interaction between the degenerative rotary tidal system in the north and the progressive tidal system in the south. (2) The southward and northward tidal waves of semi-diurnal tide converge in the middle of the Taiwan Strait while the diurnal tidal waves propagate southwestward through the Taiwan Strait and the Luzon Strait. (3) The maximum amplitude of semi-diurnal tides exists at the area between the Meizhou Bay and Xinghua Bay, and that of diurnal tides appears in the region to the east of the Leizhou Peninsula, (4) The patterns of co-tidal and co-range charts of N2, K2 and P1, Q1 tidal constituents are similar to those of M2, S2 and K1 O1 tidat constituents, respectively 展开更多
关键词 Taiwan Strait and its adjacent areas tidal characteristics MODEL
单传感器多目标跟踪相关算法的研究 被引量:3
作者 袁桂生 施坤贤 黄清清 《雷达与对抗》 1996年第2期52-57,共6页
关键词 目标跟踪 单传感器 近邻域相关法 舰载 雷达
三坐标雷达跟踪算法研究及应用 被引量:1
作者 袁桂生 《雷达与对抗》 1997年第4期1-4,共4页
关键词 检测 近邻域相关 三坐标雷达 跟踪算法
Color constancy using color edge moments and regularized regression in anchored neighborhood
作者 吴萌 罗凯 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2016年第4期426-431,共6页
To improve the accuracy of illumination estimation while maintaining a relative fast execution speed, a novel learning-based color constancy using color edge moments and regularized regression in an anchored neighborh... To improve the accuracy of illumination estimation while maintaining a relative fast execution speed, a novel learning-based color constancy using color edge moments and regularized regression in an anchored neighborhood is proposed. First, scene images are represented by the color edge moments of various orders. Then, an iterative regression with a squared Frobenius norm(F-norm) regularizer is introduced to learn the mapping between the edge moments and illuminants in the neighborhood of the anchored sample.Illumination estimation for the test image finally becomes the nearest anchored point search followed by a matrix multiplication using the associated mapping matrix which can be precalculated and stored. Experiments on two standard image datasets show that the proposed approach significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms with a performance increase of at least 10. 35% and 7. 44% with regard to median angular error. 展开更多
关键词 color constancy color edge moments anchored neighborhood nearest neighbor
Variability of surface velocity in the Kuroshio Current and adjacent waters derived from Argos drifter buoys and satellite altimeter data 被引量:11
作者 马超 吴德星 林霄沛 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第2期208-217,共10页
By combining Argos drifter buoys and TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter data, the time series of sea-surface velocity fields in the Kuroshio Current (KC) and adjacent regions are established. And the variability of the KC from ... By combining Argos drifter buoys and TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter data, the time series of sea-surface velocity fields in the Kuroshio Current (KC) and adjacent regions are established. And the variability of the KC from the Luzon Strait to the Tokara Strait is studied based on the velocity fields. The results show that the dominant variability period varies in different segments of the KC: The primary period near the Luzon Strait and to the east of Taiwan Island is the intra-seasonal time scale; the KC on the continental shelf of the ECS is the steadiest segment without obvious periodicity, while the Tokara Strait shows the period of seasonal variability. The diverse periods are caused by the Rossby waves propagating from the interior ocean, with adjustments in topography of island chain and local wind stress. 展开更多
Late Cenozoic Tectonic Deformation in the Dongsha Islands and Adjacent Sea Area 被引量:6
作者 吴时国 刘展 +3 位作者 王万银 郭军华 T.Lüdmann H.K.Wong 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第4期377-388,共12页
Dongsha Island and the adjacent sea area locate at the northern continental margin of the South China Sea (SCS), and is connected to the east by the Manila Trench. Analyses of seismic stratigraphy and gravity, magneti... Dongsha Island and the adjacent sea area locate at the northern continental margin of the South China Sea (SCS), and is connected to the east by the Manila Trench. Analyses of seismic stratigraphy and gravity, magnetic and drilling wells data led to the discovery of three post fault sequences (V, VI, VII). Extensive tectonic uplift, magma activity and erosion occurred in Dongsha Island and the adjacent area, where most of the faults in the northeastern SCS were still active during Pliocene and Quaternary. Two groups of faults trending NEE and NW were developed during Late Cenozoic. We conclude that three important tectonic movements, especially Dongsha movement (4.4-5.2 Ma) and Liuhua movement (1.4-1.89 Ma), controlled the structural framework in the Dongsha rise; whose deformation in the east is stronger than that in the west and whose stress field variation suggests that the tectonic uplift in the study area contributed to magmato tectonic events correlated to the main collision phases between the East China and Taiwan 5-3 and 3-0 Ma ago. 展开更多
关键词 Late Cenozoic tectonic movement seismic stratigraphy plate collision South China Sea
Fog Detection over China's Adjacent Sea Area by using the MTSAT Geostationary Satellite Data 被引量:7
作者 LI Jun 1,2,HAN Zhi-Gang 3,CHEN Hong-Bin 1,ZHAO Zeng-Liang 3,and WU Hong-Yi 4 1 Laboratory for Middle Atmosphere and Global Environment Observation (LAGEO),Institute of Atmospheric Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100029,China 2 Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China 3 Beijing Institute of Applied Meteorology,Beijing 100029,China 4 Beijing Meteorological Bureau,Beijing 100089,China 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2012年第2期128-133,共6页
A fog threshold method for the detection of sea fog from Multi-function Transport Satellite (MTSAT1R) infrared (IR) channel data is presented.This method uses principle component analysis (PCA),texture analysis,and th... A fog threshold method for the detection of sea fog from Multi-function Transport Satellite (MTSAT1R) infrared (IR) channel data is presented.This method uses principle component analysis (PCA),texture analysis,and threshold detection to extract sea fog information.A heavy sea fog episode that occurred over China's adjacent sea area during 7 8 April 2008 was detected,indicating that the fog threshold method can effectively detect sea fog areas nearly 24 hours a day.MTSAT-1R data from March 2006,June 2007,and April 2008 were processed using the fog threshold method,and sea fog coverage information was compared with the meteorological observation report data from ships.The hit rate,miss rate,and false alarm rate of sea fog detection were 66.1%,27.3%,and 33.9%,respectively.The results show that the fog threshold method can detect the formation,evolution,and dissipation of sea fog events over period of time and that the method has superior temporal and spatial resolution relative to conventional ship observations.In addition,through MTSAT-1R data processing and a statistical analysis of sea fog coverage information for the period from 2006 to 2009,the monthly mean sea fog day frequency,spatial distribution and seasonal variation characteristics of sea fog over China's adjacent sea area were obtained. 展开更多
关键词 sea fog MTSAT geostationary satellite spatial distribution seasonal variation
Taxonomic Distinctness of Macrofauna as an Ecological Indicator in Laizhou Bay and Adjacent Waters 被引量:9
作者 ZHOU Hong HUA Er ZHANG Zhinan 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2010年第4期350-358,共9页
In this paper, we assessed the ecological and biodiversity status in the Bohai Sea through a quantitative survey on mac-rofaunal community at 25 stations in Laizhou Bay and adjacent waters in the autumn of 2006.We tes... In this paper, we assessed the ecological and biodiversity status in the Bohai Sea through a quantitative survey on mac-rofaunal community at 25 stations in Laizhou Bay and adjacent waters in the autumn of 2006.We tested the robustness and effectiveness of taxonomic distinctness as an ecological indictor by analyzing its correlation with species richness and natural environmental variables and by analyzing other ecological indicators (Shannon-Wiener H' and W statistics from Abundance Biomass Comparison curve).Results so obtained indicated that the benthic environment of the study waters in general is not under major impact of anthropogenic disturbance, but some stations in Laizhou Bay and along the coast of the Shandong Peninsula and even in the central Bohai Sea might be moderately disturbed and showed signs of ecological degradation.The taxonomic distinctness measures △+ and Λ+ were independent of sampling effort and natural environment factors and were compliant to other ecological indicators.Further application of the taxonomic distinctness indicator to assess marine biodiversity and ecosystem health on a larger regional scale with historical data seems promising. 展开更多
关键词 Taxonomic distinctness MACROFAUNA ecological indicator BIODIVERSITY Laizhou Bay Bohai Sea
Characteristics of the δ15NNO3 distribution and its drivers in the Changjiang River estuary and adjacent waters 被引量:3
作者 王文涛 俞志明 +4 位作者 宋秀贤 吴在兴 袁涌铨 周鹏 曹西华 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第2期367-382,共16页
In this study, we conducted investigations in the Changjiang (Yangtze) River estuary and adjacent waters (CREAW) in June and November of 2014. We collected water samples from different depths to analyze the nitrog... In this study, we conducted investigations in the Changjiang (Yangtze) River estuary and adjacent waters (CREAW) in June and November of 2014. We collected water samples from different depths to analyze the nitrogen isotopic compositions of nitrate, nutrient concentrations (including inorganic N, P, and Si), and other physical and biological parameters, along with the vertical distribution and seasonal variations of these parameters. The compositions of nitrogen isotope in nitrate were measured with the denitrifier method. Results show that the Changjiang River diluted water (CDW) was the main factor affecting the shallow waters (above 10 m) of the CREAW, and CDW tended to influence the northern areas in June and the southern areas in November. 615Nrqo~ values in CDW ranged from 3.21%o-3.55%o. In contrast, the deep waters (below 30 m) were affected by the subsurface water of the Kuroshio Current, which intruded into the waters near 3 I^N in June. The ~iI^NNo3 values of these waters were 6.03%0-7.6%0, slightly higher than the values of the Kuroshio Current. Nitrate assimilation by phytoplankton in the shallow waters of the study area varied seasonally. Because of the favorable temperature and nutrient conditions in June, abundant phytoplankton growth resulted in harmful algae blooms (HABs). Therefore, nitrate assimilation was strong in June and weak in November. The ~15NNo3 fractionations caused by assimilation of phytoplankton were 4.57%0 and 4.41%o in the shallow waters in June and November, respectively. These results are consistent with previous laboratory cultures and in situ investigations. Nitrification processes were observed in some deep waters of the study area, and they were more apparent in November than in June. The fractionation values of nitrification ranged from 24%0-25%o, which agrees with results for Nitrosospira tenuis reported by previous studies. 展开更多
关键词 Changjiang River estuary NITRATE nitrogen isotope ASSIMILATION NITRIFICATION
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