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汉初儒学演进史略 被引量:1
作者 刘周堂 《江西社会科学》 CSSCI 1998年第2期30-34,共5页
汉初儒学演进史略□刘周堂秦始皇统一天下的成功,宣告了法家学说的胜利,中断了儒学跻身政治舞台的道路,焚书坑儒的劫难,更使儒学遭受了致命性的打击。但秦王朝的迅速崩溃,又使儒学的东山再起出现了生机。刘邦即位伊始,叔孙通就主... 汉初儒学演进史略□刘周堂秦始皇统一天下的成功,宣告了法家学说的胜利,中断了儒学跻身政治舞台的道路,焚书坑儒的劫难,更使儒学遭受了致命性的打击。但秦王朝的迅速崩溃,又使儒学的东山再起出现了生机。刘邦即位伊始,叔孙通就主动劝说刘邦征用儒生,起草朝仪,并且... 展开更多
关键词 董仲舒 儒学 汉初 陆贾 权势法制 黄老学说 等级制度 叔孙通 进史 《新语》
作者 刘周堂 《湛江师范学院学报》 1997年第4期8-12,共5页
本文旨在对先秦儒学的演进历史进行概述,文章认为:明道救世、实现天下的长治久安是懦学的终极目标,为此,孔孟荀进行了辛勤的探索:孔子认为良好的君主政治和理想的人伦规范是促成这个目标实现的手段,孟子则把实现治国平天下的希望... 本文旨在对先秦儒学的演进历史进行概述,文章认为:明道救世、实现天下的长治久安是懦学的终极目标,为此,孔孟荀进行了辛勤的探索:孔子认为良好的君主政治和理想的人伦规范是促成这个目标实现的手段,孟子则把实现治国平天下的希望寄托在效法先王之道和君主仁爱之心的开启上,但由于他权力倡扬人格的独立和君臣间的平等意识,使得其主张未能被君主所接受。荀子以开放的心态,务实的精神兼蓄各家之长,认为只有修明礼义法度,才能达成天下的太平与安定。这种历史演变表明儒学的政治实用性在逐步增强。 展开更多
关键词 秦儒 学演 进史
弦管“名指”《金井梧桐》记谱衍进史探 被引量:1
作者 陈恩慧 陈瑜 《中国音乐》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期106-116,共11页
弦管指套历史悠久,其中《金井梧桐》是目前所发现的50套传统指套中分量重且奏唱难度较高的一套,堪称弦管指套中的"名指",在明代以来的弦管文献中均有记载,具有重要研究价值。本文通过梳理明清以来重要弦管谱本中《金井梧桐》... 弦管指套历史悠久,其中《金井梧桐》是目前所发现的50套传统指套中分量重且奏唱难度较高的一套,堪称弦管指套中的"名指",在明代以来的弦管文献中均有记载,具有重要研究价值。本文通过梳理明清以来重要弦管谱本中《金井梧桐》记谱法的历史衍变过程,试图归纳总结其所反映的记谱法衍进发展特征,以此窥探弦管记谱法的历史发展过程,并对弦管曲谱的一些现象提出思考,以供学界探讨。 展开更多
关键词 弦管 指套《金井梧桐》 记谱法 进史
中国古代科技史研究新的里程碑——读《走进殿堂的中国古代科技史》 被引量:1
作者 万辅彬 韦丹芳 《广西民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2010年第1期45-48,共4页
由全国人大常委会副委员长、中国科学院院长路甬祥担纲主编的《走进殿堂的中国古代科技史》于2009年10月由上海交通大学出版社出版.这是将二十余位学者的重要讲稿整理而成,分为上、中、下3册,共44讲,珠玑闪耀,堪称30卷本《中国科学技术... 由全国人大常委会副委员长、中国科学院院长路甬祥担纲主编的《走进殿堂的中国古代科技史》于2009年10月由上海交通大学出版社出版.这是将二十余位学者的重要讲稿整理而成,分为上、中、下3册,共44讲,珠玑闪耀,堪称30卷本《中国科学技术史》的精华版,是中国古代科技史研究新的里程碑.它具有以下特点:作者阵容强大,学术水平高;具有国际视野;史论结合;深入浅出,引人入胜,系统完整,气势恢宏.该书能让读者整体了解中国古代科技史,把握中国古代科技与文明的发展脉络及特点,是一套极佳的硕博士教材. 展开更多
关键词 《走殿堂的中国古代科技 中国古代 科技 里程碑
作者 魏良 《中国社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 1997年第3期203-,205+204,共3页
中华民族演进史中的重要一章《魏晋南北朝民族史》,白翠琴著。40万字。四川民族出版社1996年8月出版。责任编辑:杨凌。在中国历史上,长达四五百年的社会大动荡有过两次:一次是在春秋战国,一次是在魏晋南北朝。它们共同的表... 中华民族演进史中的重要一章《魏晋南北朝民族史》,白翠琴著。40万字。四川民族出版社1996年8月出版。责任编辑:杨凌。在中国历史上,长达四五百年的社会大动荡有过两次:一次是在春秋战国,一次是在魏晋南北朝。它们共同的表征是:内忧外患交加,争战连年不息,... 展开更多
关键词 魏晋南北朝 民族 华民族 民族大融合 中华文明 进史 少数民族 《读方舆纪要》 汉族 南北朝时期
关于史学评论的几个问题 被引量:1
作者 郑先兴 《南都学坛(南阳师范学院人文社会科学学报)》 1989年第4期80-84,共5页
史学评论是史学理论里一个特殊领域,是史学发展的内在动力。但目前史学界对之论述的文章极少,故笔者在此仅对史学评论所涉及的一些问题谈些谬见,敬请专家指正。 一、史学评论的性质 史学评论是对史学现象和史学著作的真与伪,是与非,善与... 史学评论是史学理论里一个特殊领域,是史学发展的内在动力。但目前史学界对之论述的文章极少,故笔者在此仅对史学评论所涉及的一些问题谈些谬见,敬请专家指正。 一、史学评论的性质 史学评论是对史学现象和史学著作的真与伪,是与非,善与恶,美与丑,优与劣,新与旧,正与邪,崇高与卑下,高雅与庸俗等等的封定。它在判定时,是用已定好的标准而进行的,适合自己的标准就是好的,否则就是差的。因此,可以说,史学评论是一个价值观念。 展开更多
关键词 学评论 学发展 评论者 学家 研究 几个问题 学理论 进史 学研究成果
Sources and significance of variation in basal,summit and maximal metabolic rates in birds 被引量:7
作者 Andrew E. MCKECHNIE David L. SWANSON 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期741-758,共18页
The rates at which birds use energy may have profound effects on fitness, thereby influencing physiology, behavior, ecology and evolution. Comparisons of standardized metabolic rates (e.g., lower and upper limits of ... The rates at which birds use energy may have profound effects on fitness, thereby influencing physiology, behavior, ecology and evolution. Comparisons of standardized metabolic rates (e.g., lower and upper limits of metabolic power output) present a method for elucidating the effects of ecological and evolutionary factors on the interface between physiology and life history in birds. In this paper we review variation in avian metabolic rates [basal metabolic rate (BMR; minimum normothermic metabolic rate), summit metabolic rate (Msum; maximal thermoregulatory metabolic rate), and maximal metabolic rate (MMR; maximal exercise metabolic rate)], the factors associated with this variation, the evidence for functional links between these metabolic traits, and the ecological and evolutionary significance of avian metabolic diversity. Both lower and upper limits to metabolic power production are phenotypically flexible traits, and vary in association with numerous ecological and evolutionary factors. For both inter- and intraspecific comparisons, lower and upper limits to metabolic power production are generally upregulated in response to energetically demanding conditions and downregulated when energetic demands are relaxed, or under conditions of energetic scarcity. Positive correlations have been documented between BMR, Msum and MMR in some, but not all studies on birds, providing partial support for the idea of a functional link between lower and upper limits to metabolic power production, but more intraspecific studies are needed to determine the robustness of this conclusion. Correlations between BMR and field metabolic rate (or daily energy expenditure) in birds are variable, suggesting that the linkage between these traits is subject to behavioral adjustment, and studies of the relationship between field and maximal metabolic rates are lacking. Our understanding of avian metabolic diversity would benefit from future studies of: (1) the functional and mechanistic links between lower and upper limits of metabolic power output; (2) the environmental and ecological cues driving phenotypically flexible metabolic responses, and how responses to such cues might impact population responses to climate change; (3) the shapes of metabolic reaction norms and their association with environmental variability; and (4) the relationship of metabolic variation to fitness, including studies of repeatability and heritability of minimum and maximum metabolic power output [Current Zoology 56 (6): 741-758, 2010]. 展开更多
关键词 Phenotypic flexibility Reaction norms Basal metabolic rate Maximal metabolic rate BIRDS
Historical Evolution of Mariculture in China During Past 40 Years and Its Impacts on Eco-environment 被引量:4
作者 LIANG Yinxiu CHENG Xianwei +4 位作者 ZHU Hui Brian SHUTES YAN Baixing ZHOU Qingwei YU Xiangfei 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第3期363-373,共11页
The rapid development of mariculture in China in recent decades has satisfied people's demand of seafood, and has made a great contribution to economic development. However, mariculture has also caused some negati... The rapid development of mariculture in China in recent decades has satisfied people's demand of seafood, and has made a great contribution to economic development. However, mariculture has also caused some negative impacts on the eco-environment. By statistically analyzing national data(as well as data for four main provinces) regarding the mariculture area and cultivation species in China since reform and opening up, the historical evolution of mariculture during the past 40 years was analyzed, the driving factors related to policy, market and technology innovation were discussed, and the potential impacts of mariculture on the coastal eco-environment were also illustrated. The statistical results indicated that the maricultural area increased radically during the past 40 years, from 1979(116.47 × 10~3 ha) to 2012(2205.65 × 10~3 ha), with an increase of nearly 20-fold. Shandong Province represented the fastest-growing region, with an increase of 31-fold. Moreover, the cultivated species had gradually become diversified. Initially, shellfish and algae were major species, and then it developed to various species including fish, and currently shellfish and crustaceans were the major species. The development of mariculture was driven by government policies, market economy and technology innovation. Rapid development of mariculture also caused significantly adverse impacts on the eco-environment of the coastal regions. For example, the sea reclamation for mariculture decreased the area and function of coastal wetlands and the contaminants originating from mariculture destroyed the coastal aquatic environment. Fortunately, the implementation of ‘13 th Five-Year Fisheries Planning' is expected to help both improve the seafood quality and reduce the contamination in coastal aquatic environment. This current study will provide reference for management and structure adjustment of mariculture in the future. 展开更多
关键词 mariculture reclamation coastal wetlands aquatic environment pollution
Different Attitudes in Different Regions Aimed at Military Personnel in Turkey
作者 Sinan Caya 《Sociology Study》 2015年第6期510-518,共9页
Historically Turks had always relied on military power. The culture is rich with martial values to this day. Even each civilian is somewhat soldierly in a sense, in general. Nevertheless, in a more detailed analysis, ... Historically Turks had always relied on military power. The culture is rich with martial values to this day. Even each civilian is somewhat soldierly in a sense, in general. Nevertheless, in a more detailed analysis, in some territories of the country, the prestige enjoyed by the military is more intensive than the average, while in some other territories, respect for military people is much below the average tendency. One might infer that in the former category, it is a question of the regions where the inhabitants are mild, soft-spoken, and compatible. They accordingly admire discipline and display obedient attitudes vis-a-vis governmental authority ever since the Ottoman times, merely as a cultural and traditional trait. Those regions are certainly places where military people today are held in high esteem. In such locations, even the ideal profession for a little boy is indoctrinated as a military career, by the whole family or the surrounding social environment. It should be mentioned that in certain cities and towns, a substantial percentage of the population are represented by immigrants, who got re-patriated along the course of the near history, as the former Ottoman Empire began shrinking in territory due to loss of land, during successive wars. The crushing majority of the Muslim Ottoman subjects in those lost territories preferred leaving their property and escaping into the Anatolian mainland, rather than renouncing their belief and assimilating to the new political regime. Having suffered at the hands of foreign powers, those people have also been especially appreciative of the value of their own soldiers. As for the latter category, dislike of discipline and authority can be mainly attributed to the special social structure and historical circumstances. 展开更多
Analysis on the Relationship among Memorizing Ability, Note-taking, and Psychological Factors in Interpretation Teaching
作者 Yufang RUAN 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第6期68-70,共3页
Since China's reform and accession to the world trade organization (WTO), the international labor division, cooperation, and communication of production have been a direction of the global productivity development.... Since China's reform and accession to the world trade organization (WTO), the international labor division, cooperation, and communication of production have been a direction of the global productivity development. The expansion of the world trade organization and the growth of multinational corporations have promoted China's market economy to head for internationalization; the exchanges of all countries' science and technology, culture, and education have become increasingly frequent and beyond the borders very early, so opening-up has become a world trend. China is playing an important role in this historical process. In this situation, the importance of language translation is increasing day by day, and an unprecedented prosperous situation has especially appeared to the interpretation. In order to accord with this new historical situation, many colleges and universities have set up language translation program and have offered interpretation course. To promote the economic development of China and train more senior interpreters, the studies of interpretation teaching and the improvement of interpretation teaching quality have been particularly important. In this paper, the relationship among memory, note-taking, and psychological factors are analyzed. 展开更多
关键词 The Current Situation of Interpretation Teaching MEMORY Note-taking Psychological Factors and the Teaching Effect
南音记谱史探衍 被引量:4
作者 李寄萍 《中央音乐学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期44-57,共14页
南音传承悠古,记谱使历史上大量的南音经典保留下来并代代传唱,记谱衍进史自然就成为南音传承中的一面历史明镜。通过对唐宋元时期南音相关史料、明代南音记谱萌芽、清代南音工ㄨ谱记谱、民国时期南音成熟记谱、新中国时期南音记谱保护... 南音传承悠古,记谱使历史上大量的南音经典保留下来并代代传唱,记谱衍进史自然就成为南音传承中的一面历史明镜。通过对唐宋元时期南音相关史料、明代南音记谱萌芽、清代南音工ㄨ谱记谱、民国时期南音成熟记谱、新中国时期南音记谱保护与探究五个历史阶段的大量古今南音文献资料的搜集、梳理、分析与插图举证,系统研究南音记谱衍进历史,意在为南音传承历史的研究提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 南音记谱 南音文献 进史 工ㄨ谱 自成体系
作者 ZHONG Wei, XIONG Hei-gang, TASHPOLAT Tiyip, SHU Qiang (Department of Geography, Xinjiang University,Urumqi 830046, P.R. China) 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2001年第2期144-149,共6页
Through synthetic researches of multi-index geological records of Niya section, which are of high resolution in southern margin of Tarim Basin, this paper has reconstructed the sequences of paleoclimate in this region... Through synthetic researches of multi-index geological records of Niya section, which are of high resolution in southern margin of Tarim Basin, this paper has reconstructed the sequences of paleoclimate in this region during historical times (since about 4000a B.P.). During the last 4000 years, the area has experienced alternations of relative cold-moisture and relative warm-dry periods. Three evident cold-moisture periods and three warm-dry periods are identifing. The study shows that the human activities have an intimate relation with the evolution of paleoclimate in the southern Xinjiang. Paleoclimate has played very important role in influencing human being′s agricultural activities. 展开更多
关键词 southern margin of Tarim Basin Niya section historical times climatic evolution
Technological Evolution of Historic Structural Mortars
作者 Vasiliki Pachta Maria Stefanidou Stavroula Konopisi Ioanna Papayianni 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第7期846-854,共9页
Mortars are among the first building materials used in constructions, even from prehistoric times (8th millennium BC). Their study reveals a great source of information regarding the evolution of their technological... Mortars are among the first building materials used in constructions, even from prehistoric times (8th millennium BC). Their study reveals a great source of information regarding the evolution of their technological characteristics and application techniques, the availability and exploitation of raw materials, as well the wider socio-economic aspects of each era. The aim of this paper is to comparatively evaluate the analysis results from approximately 1,000 structural mortar samples taken from various monuments and historic buildings of Greece, dated from the Hellenistic period, until the beginning of the 20th century. The analysis focused in the determination of their physico-mechanical and chemical properties, such as porosity, apparent specific gravity, mechanical strength, aggregates type and granulometry and chemical composition. Through the results' evaluation, significant remarks can be made upon the evolution of the raw materials used (binding system, aggregates, additives), as well as regarding the final properties of historic structural mortars. It is concluded that hydrated lime was the main binding agent used for a long-lasting period of 2.5 millenniums, while mixed type binding systems based on lime and natural pozzolan were systematically used for producing durable mortars, resistant to humidity. In any case, it seems that ancient masons were fully aware of the significant role of mortars in constructions and were capable of exploiting the available raw materials and application techniques to the maximum. 展开更多
关键词 Structural mortars technological evolution physico-mechanical chemical properties.
The Role of the Church in Making a Neighboring Enemy a Loyal Citizen An Example of Pseudo-Indigenization of Fellow Lutherans
作者 Kjell O. Lejon 《History Research》 2016年第2期70-79,共10页
In this article the crucial role of the Lutheran Church in Sweden in neighboring Lutheran Danish enemies in the province of Scania into the pseudo-indigenization process of making loyal Swedish citizen after the peace... In this article the crucial role of the Lutheran Church in Sweden in neighboring Lutheran Danish enemies in the province of Scania into the pseudo-indigenization process of making loyal Swedish citizen after the peace treaty of Roskilde 1658, and more pronounced after 1678, is described and discussed. The process included educational, pedagogical, judicial, liturgical and theological-rhetorical means and had significant, invaluable, and long lasting consequences. The province remains as a part of the Kingdom of Sweden. From a historical perspective, the process was fast and successful, even though some modem historians question the speediness of the process and thereby want to modify the picture of a fast and non-problematic Swedification or pseudo-indigenization process. 展开更多
关键词 pseudo-indigenization Swedification SCANIA
A coevolutionary framework based on temporal and spatial ecology of host-parasite interactions:A missing link in studies of brood parasitism 被引量:2
作者 Anders P.MLLER Juan J.SOLER 《Chinese Birds》 2012年第4期259-273,共15页
A central tenet of coevolutionary theory,including theory of the coevolutionary relationship between brood parasites and their hosts,is that temporal and spatial patterns may reveal important information about ecologi... A central tenet of coevolutionary theory,including theory of the coevolutionary relationship between brood parasites and their hosts,is that temporal and spatial patterns may reveal important information about ecological and evolutionary dynamics.For instance,level of genetic structure of populations provides important information about the role of genetics and gene ow in determining local patterns of selection on hosts due to parasitism(i.e.,egg rejection) and on parasites due to selection by hosts(i.e.,egg mimicry).Furthermore,abiotic(i.e.,climatic conditions) and biotic(phenotypic characteristics of animals) factors that also vary spatially may directly or indirectly a ect populations of hosts and brood parasites and,therefore,their interaction.By reviewing the literature,we found considerable evidence for an e ect of the spatially and temporally structured abiotic environment on the phenotype of both parasite and host eggs and the degree of mimicry.Moreover,we found examples suggesting that speci c life history characteristics of hosts that vary geographically and/or temporally may a ect the probability of initial colonization of a new host species and the direction and the speed of coevolution.We provide an exhaustive review of studies investigating temporal and spatial patterns of the interaction between brood parasites and their hosts.Such temporal and spatial trends in parasite and host traits are,together with genetic information on rejection and signi cant e ects of gene ow,consistent with coevolutionary dynamics.However,gene ow and changes in the temporal and spatial patterns of abundance of both parasites and hosts may result in frequent cases of counter-intuitive relationships between the phenotype of the parasite and that of the host(i.e.,poor or no mimicry),which may suggest limits to the degree of adaptation.We provide a list of scienti c questions in need of further investigation,concluding that studies of brood parasites and their hosts may play a central role in testing the geographic theory of coevolution and several alternative hypotheses. 展开更多
关键词 abiotic environment biotic environment coevolution cuckoos geographic theory of coevolution life history traits limits to adaptation
20 years,From Birth to Backbone
《China's Foreign Trade》 2008年第11期42-42,共1页
CCPIT is a professional promo- tion in international business exchange.We draw this con- clusion not only because of its vast geography coverage by 16 overseas representative offices,50
关键词 中国国际贸易促委员会 人民大会堂 发展历 对外贸易
《国际广告》 2004年第10期139-139,共1页
关键词 《开源节流》 书评 户外广告 《中国营销25年》 《中国广告猛进史
Phylogeny and evolutionary history of the silkworm 被引量:9
作者 SUN Wei YU HongSong +3 位作者 SHEN YiHong BANNO Yutaka XIANG ZhongHuai ZHANG Ze 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2012年第6期483-496,共14页
The silkworm,Bombyx mori,played an important role in the old Silk Road that connected ancient Asia and Europe.However,to date,there have been few studies of the origins and domestication of this species using molecula... The silkworm,Bombyx mori,played an important role in the old Silk Road that connected ancient Asia and Europe.However,to date,there have been few studies of the origins and domestication of this species using molecular methods.In this study,DNA sequences of mitochondrial and nuclear loci were used to infer the phylogeny and evolutionary history of the domesticated silkworm and its relatives.All of the phylogenetic analyses indicated a close relationship between the domesticated silkworm and the Chinese wild silkworm.Domestication was estimated to have occurred about 4100 years ago(ya),and the radiation of the different geographic strains of B.mori about 2000 ya.The Chinese wild silkworm and the Japanese wild silkworm split about 23600 ya.These estimates are in good agreement with the fossil evidence and historical records.In addition,we show that the domesticated silkworm experienced a population expansion around 1000 ya.The divergence times and the population dynamics of silkworms presented in this study will be useful for studies of lepidopteran phylogenetics,in the genetic analysis of domestic animals,and for understanding the spread of human civilizations. 展开更多
关键词 SILKWORM DOMESTICATION divergence time population dynamic population expansion
Sedimentary and geochemical evidence of Eocene climate change in the Xining Basin, northeastern Tibetan Plateau 被引量:6
作者 Abu Sadat Md SAYEM Zhengtang GUO +4 位作者 Haibin WU Chunxia ZHANG Fan YANG Guoqiao XIAO Zhilin HE 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第9期1292-1305,共14页
The northeastern Tibetan Plateau began to grow during the Eocene and it is important to understand the climatic history of Asia during this period of so-called ‘doubthouse' conditions. However, despite major adva... The northeastern Tibetan Plateau began to grow during the Eocene and it is important to understand the climatic history of Asia during this period of so-called ‘doubthouse' conditions. However, despite major advances in the last few decades,the evolutionary history and possible mechanisms of Eocene climate change in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau remain unclear.The Xining Basin in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau contains a continuous sequence of Early to Late Eocene non-marine sediments which provides the opportunity to resolve long-term climate changes during this period. In this study, we report the results of analyses of lithofacies, sediment color and geochemistry of bulk samples collected from the Xijigou section of the Xining Basin. An abrupt lithofacies change between the Early(~52–40 Ma) and Late Eocene(~40–34 Ma) indicates a change in the depositional environment from a shallow lake to a playa lake in response to a significant climatic shift. During ~52–40 Ma,higher values of sediment redness(a*), redness/lightness(a*/L*) and higher modified Chemical Index of Weathering(CIW′)indicate a relatively warm and humid climate, while from ~40–34 Ma the lower values of a*, a*/L*and lower CIW′ imply subhumid to semi-arid climatic conditions. The paleoclimatic records indicate a long-term(~52–34 Ma) trend of decreasing chemical weathering, consistent with global climate change. An abrupt sharp excursion of the proxy records during ~42–40 Ma suggests a relatively brief warm interval, corresponding to the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum(MECO). We suggest that global cooling substantially reduced humidity in inner Asia, resulting in sub-humid to semi-arid climatic conditions after 40 Ma in the Xining Basin, which may have been responsible for the long-term trend of decreasing chemical weathering during the Eocene. 展开更多
关键词 EOCENE Climate change Sediment color Chemical index of weathering Xining Basin Tibetan Plateau
Oceanic plate subduction history in the western Pacific Ocean:Constraint from late Mesozoic evolution of the Tan-Lu Fault Zone 被引量:54
作者 Guang ZHU Cheng LIU +4 位作者 Chengchuan GU Shuai ZHANG Yunjian LI Nan SU Shiye XIAO 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第4期386-405,共20页
The NE-to NNE-striking Tan-Lu Fault Zone(TLFZ) is the largest fault zone in East China, and a typical representative for the circum-Pacific tectonics. Its late Mesozoic evolution resulted from subduction of the Paleo-... The NE-to NNE-striking Tan-Lu Fault Zone(TLFZ) is the largest fault zone in East China, and a typical representative for the circum-Pacific tectonics. Its late Mesozoic evolution resulted from subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Plate,and can be used for indication to the subduction history. The TLFZ reactivated at the end of Middle Jurassic since its origination in Middle Triassic. This phase of sinistral motion can only be recognized along the eastern edge of the Dabie-Sulu orogenis,and indicates initiation of the Paleo-Pacific(Izanagi) Plate subduction beneath the East China continent. After the Late Jurassic standstill, the fault zone experienced intense sinistral faulting again at the beginning of Early Cretaceous under N-S compression that resulted from the NNW-ward, low-angle, high-speed subduction of the Izanagi Plate. It turned into normal faulting in the rest of Early Cretaceous, which was simultaneous with the peak destruction of the North China Craton caused by backarc extension that resulted from rollback of the subducting Izanagi Plate. The TLFZ was subjected to sinistral, transpressive displacement again at the end of Early Cretaceous. This shortening event led to termination of the North China Craton destruction. The fault zone suffered local normal faulting in Late Cretaceous due to the far-field, weak backarc extension. The late Mesozoic evolution of the TLFZ show repeated alternation between the transpressive strike-slip motion and normal faulting. Each of the sinistral faulting event took place in a relatively short period whereas every normal faulting event lasted in a longer period, which are related to the subduction way and history of the Paleo-Pacific Plates. 展开更多
关键词 Tan-Lu Fault Zone Sinistral displacement Extensional activity Izanagi Plate Pacific plate
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