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采用单冠或连冠种植修复上颌后牙连续缺失患者的主观满意度:调查与分析 被引量:12
作者 张强 张宇 谢畅 《中国组织工程研究》 CAS 北大核心 2017年第14期2203-2207,共5页
背景:患者对种植义齿修复的满意度在种植义齿的临床推广中具有重要意义。目的:调查上颌后牙连续缺失患者对连续单冠与连冠种植修复后的主观满意度。方法:选择203例采取连续单冠与连冠粘接固位种植修复1年的上颌第一二磨牙连续缺失患者,... 背景:患者对种植义齿修复的满意度在种植义齿的临床推广中具有重要意义。目的:调查上颌后牙连续缺失患者对连续单冠与连冠种植修复后的主观满意度。方法:选择203例采取连续单冠与连冠粘接固位种植修复1年的上颌第一二磨牙连续缺失患者,其中单冠修复者99例,连冠修复者104例,进行目测类比评分主观满意度问卷调查。结果与结论:(1)选择单冠组与连冠修复组的男女比例差异不大,年龄多分布35-64岁,连冠修复组食物嵌塞比例、连冠修复脱落比例大于单冠修复组,大部分患者没有使用牙线的习惯;(2)单冠修复组、连冠修复组总体满意度分别为88.96%和85.32%,两组低于80的4项指标均为:我敢用种植牙咬硬食物、我的种植牙容易被清洁、我的种植牙和天然牙相比需要更少时间清洁、我觉得种植牙价格合适可以接受;(3)方差分析结果显示,食物嵌塞会影响咀嚼效果(P=0.047)、会使种植牙清洁工作变得困难(P=0.031)、会使患者感到不适(P=0.038),使用牙线可增强种植牙清洁效果(P=0.019)、大幅度减小刷牙出血问题(P=0.029);(4)结果表明,上颌后牙缺失患者采用单冠与连冠种植修复均可获得较高满意度;连冠修复组患者出现食物嵌塞现象更严重;连冠修复出现冠脱落现象更严重,单冠修复表现出更加优良的特性。 展开更多
关键词 牙种植 义齿 病人满意度 组织工程 生物材料 口腔生物材料 种植义齿 单冠修复 连冠修复 患者满意度
种植义齿连冠修复即刻负重的临床疗效分析 被引量:2
作者 任军 周立林 王丽娟 《中国医药指南》 2015年第33期114-115,共2页
目的探讨种植义齿连冠修复即刻负重的临床治疗效果,为临床治疗提供依据。方法选取多颗牙齿缺失的患者88例,随机分为对照组和观察组,每组44例。对照组采用延期法治疗,观察组采用种植义齿连冠修复即刻负重治疗,进行疗效比较观察。结果对... 目的探讨种植义齿连冠修复即刻负重的临床治疗效果,为临床治疗提供依据。方法选取多颗牙齿缺失的患者88例,随机分为对照组和观察组,每组44例。对照组采用延期法治疗,观察组采用种植义齿连冠修复即刻负重治疗,进行疗效比较观察。结果对照组和观察组的各有3例患者在种植1个月之后都出现1颗种植义齿脱落的现象,但是没有影响到其余义齿的功能,种植体边缘的骨吸收<1 mm,并且患者对牙齿外形都很满意;对照组和观察组的种植成功率分别是96.8%和97.8%,P>0.05,两组比较经统计学处理没有显著性差异。结论在临床上应用即刻负重种植义齿修复具有手术过程更加简化和便于临床操作等优点,不仅避免了多次手术带给患者的疼痛与畏惧,而且在缓解患者对缺少牙齿的不适感的同时,也很大程度上减轻了患者的经济负担,最大限度地帮助患者及早恢复咀嚼功能和达到美化牙齿的效果,值得临床推广。 展开更多
关键词 义齿 连冠修复 即刻负重 疗效分析
作者 潘宝香 王晶 杨红霞 《吉林大学学报(医学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期1157-1157,共1页
关键词 不锈钢丝弯制根桩 银汞合金 复合树脂充填 单冠 连冠 修复 牙残冠 临床分析
作者 蒋骏 董芹 +3 位作者 霍焱 李伟海 路瑛 史诗扬 《中国农学通报》 2016年第15期150-158,共9页
为研究气象条件在常州水稻单产"12连冠"中发挥的效应,应用2003—2014年间水稻单产数据及气象观测资料,采用数理统计、文献查阅以及SPSS软件中曲线估计等方法,结合水稻生长指标,对该期间气象要素适宜程度、农业气象灾害发生等... 为研究气象条件在常州水稻单产"12连冠"中发挥的效应,应用2003—2014年间水稻单产数据及气象观测资料,采用数理统计、文献查阅以及SPSS软件中曲线估计等方法,结合水稻生长指标,对该期间气象要素适宜程度、农业气象灾害发生等级以及气象产量贡献作用进行综合分析。结果表明:(1)气象要素总体适宜:0℃以上积温较常年偏多;日照时数较常年偏少,但90.9%年份在常年-15%范围内;降水量一半年份少于常年,但拔节—孕穗期降水的偏多和抽穗—成熟期降水的偏少则利于水稻的高产;(2)农业气象灾害影响偏轻:基于水稻生育期农业气象灾害发生等级定量预警阈值分析,期间灾害发生等级多为轻度危害,但拔节—孕穗期中度、重度危害有增多趋势;(3)气象产量总体呈正贡献:计算线性、二次项、三次项3个最佳拟合方程,显示多数年份气象产量为正产量。气象条件在常州水稻"12连冠"中起到了增产的贡献效应。 展开更多
关键词 水稻 “12连冠 气象条件 灾害等级 增产贡献
种植义齿连冠修复即刻负重临床效果观察 被引量:4
作者 季丽玢 马泉生 张立焕 《山东医药》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第31期65-66,共2页
目的探讨种植牙连冠修复后即刻负重的临床效果及可行性。方法对31例多颗牙齿缺失患者(观察组,共缺失81颗)行种植义齿连冠临时修复,修复体与对颌在正中咬合时相距0.1 mm。种植2~4个月行永久修复。另对53例多颗牙齿缺失患者(对照组,缺失... 目的探讨种植牙连冠修复后即刻负重的临床效果及可行性。方法对31例多颗牙齿缺失患者(观察组,共缺失81颗)行种植义齿连冠临时修复,修复体与对颌在正中咬合时相距0.1 mm。种植2~4个月行永久修复。另对53例多颗牙齿缺失患者(对照组,缺失104颗)行种植义齿连冠延期修复,不做临时冠,3~6个月行永久修复。随访1~2 a,比较两组种植义齿功能及种植成功率。结果观察期内两组均有2颗种植义齿丧失,余义齿均功能正常,两组种植成功率比较无显著差异。结论种植义齿连冠修复即刻负重不会影响牙齿功能;可明显缩短患者无牙时间,从而提高患者的生活质量。 展开更多
关键词 牙种植 连冠修复 即刻负重
多单位固定连冠口腔修复33例分析 被引量:1
作者 肖希贤 《人民军医》 2015年第7期831-832,843,共3页
近年来,随着生活水平的日益提高,人们对牙缺失的保存修复越来越重视。固定连冠修复体凭借其良好的支持、稳定功能,以及美观、方便、无异物感,舒适等优点,已越来越多地应用于临床。2004年5月一2010年5月,我们对需行大范围治疗口腔... 近年来,随着生活水平的日益提高,人们对牙缺失的保存修复越来越重视。固定连冠修复体凭借其良好的支持、稳定功能,以及美观、方便、无异物感,舒适等优点,已越来越多地应用于临床。2004年5月一2010年5月,我们对需行大范围治疗口腔疾病33例,采用多单位固定连冠行修复保存,效果满意。现分析报告如下。 展开更多
关键词 多单位固定连冠 口腔修复
作者 潘文辉 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)医药卫生》 2022年第8期72-75,共4页
分析种植义齿连冠修复即刻负重临床效果。方法 选取2018年1月至2021年1月128例义齿修复患者进行研究,以随机法分为观察组(种植义齿连冠修复即刻负重治疗)与对照组(常规义齿修复)。对比两组患者的实际治疗效果。结果 观察组患者的各项临... 分析种植义齿连冠修复即刻负重临床效果。方法 选取2018年1月至2021年1月128例义齿修复患者进行研究,以随机法分为观察组(种植义齿连冠修复即刻负重治疗)与对照组(常规义齿修复)。对比两组患者的实际治疗效果。结果 观察组患者的各项临床指标及临床治疗效果均明显优于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 种植义齿连冠修复即刻负重治疗可显著提高患者的治疗成功率且安全性较高,值得广泛推广。 展开更多
关键词 种植义齿 连冠修复 即刻负重 生活质量
作者 张海忠 邓运龙 何凯 《体育科技》 2013年第3期36-38,44,共4页
关键词 第59届军事五项世界锦标赛 综合保障 男子团体十七连冠
作者 苗龙 王学臣 张伟成 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 1997年第8期774-777,共4页
With light and electron microscopy the substructural change and the ATPase activity of corn (Zea mays L.) root cap cells after short-term osmotic stress were studied. Some spoke-like fine strands originating from the ... With light and electron microscopy the substructural change and the ATPase activity of corn (Zea mays L.) root cap cells after short-term osmotic stress were studied. Some spoke-like fine strands originating from the departed periplasm and stretching towards cell wall could be observed even after plasmolysis. By observing the precipitation of ATPase activity product (lead phosphate) at plasma membrane and plasmodesmata, it was found that the fine strands were plasma membrane-lined channels surrounding the cytoplasm and that they still firmly connected to the plasmodesmata during plasmolysis. Compared with the control (unstressed), a sharp decrease of ATPase activity in the plasmodesmata of the stressed cells was observed. Inhibition of energy metabolism in these limited locales would affect the physiological activity, maybe including the regulation of permeability and the change of size exclusion limit (SEL) of plasmodesmata. 展开更多
关键词 ATPASE Osmotic stress PLASMODESMATA Zea mays
Study on the influence of crown ether on arsenic behavior during coal pyrolysis 被引量:2
作者 Bao-Feng WANG Li-Rong LI Yong-Man ZHU Qiang KANG Jin-Jun ZHANG 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2013年第3期375-380,共6页
The influence of crown ether on behaviors of arsenic at different temperatures and residence time was investigated during the pyrolysis of Tuanbo (TB) coal. The modes of occurrence of arsenic were determined by sequ... The influence of crown ether on behaviors of arsenic at different temperatures and residence time was investigated during the pyrolysis of Tuanbo (TB) coal. The modes of occurrence of arsenic were determined by sequential chemical extraction, density fractionation and demineralization. The results indicated that at the same temperature and residence time, the arsenic removal adding dibenzo-18-crown-6 was higher than that adding 18-crown-6, and were all higher than that of TB coal during pyrolysis. When temperature was 850 ℃ and residence time was 30 min, the arsenic removal of TB coal was 30.63%; at the same condition, the arsenic removal while adding 18-crown-6 was 33.21%, higher than that of TB coal; and the arsenic removal while adding dibenzo-18-crown-6 was 67.41%, significantly higher than that of TB coal. From the results, we can see that adding crown ether can improve the arsenic removal during coal pyrolysis, and especially be conducive to the arsenic which is mainly associated with sulfates & monosulfides and that in stable forms. 展开更多
关键词 COAL PYROLYSIS crown ether arsenic removal transformation behavior
ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction in the elderly 被引量:1
作者 Marcelo Franken Amit Nussbacher +1 位作者 Alberto Liberman Mauricio Wajngarten 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第2期108-114,共7页
Acute coronary syndromes (ACS) are the leading causes of death in the elderly. The suspicion and diagnosis of ACS in this age group is more difficult, since typical angina is less frequent. The morbidity and mortali... Acute coronary syndromes (ACS) are the leading causes of death in the elderly. The suspicion and diagnosis of ACS in this age group is more difficult, since typical angina is less frequent. The morbidity and mortality is greater in older age patients presenting ACS. Despite the higher prevalence and greater risk, elderly patients are underrepresented in major clinical trials fi:om which evidence based recommendations are formulated. The authors describe, in this article, the challenges in the diagnosis and management of ST elevation myocardial infarction in the elderly, and discuss the available evidence. 展开更多
关键词 Myocardial Infarction Acute coronary syndromes Elderly people MANAGEMENT
Network pharmacology and molecular docking analysis on molecular targets and mechanism prediction of Huanglian Jiedu Decoction in the treatment of COVID-19
作者 XU Xinyi LIU Leping +3 位作者 CAO Xueshuai LONG Xi PENG Sujuan ZHANG Guomin 《Digital Chinese Medicine》 2022年第1期18-32,共15页
Objective To investigate and predict the molecular targets and mechanism of Huanglian Jiedu Decoction(黄连解毒汤,HLJDD)in the treatment of Corona Virus Disease 2019(COV-ID-19)through network pharmacology and molecular... Objective To investigate and predict the molecular targets and mechanism of Huanglian Jiedu Decoction(黄连解毒汤,HLJDD)in the treatment of Corona Virus Disease 2019(COV-ID-19)through network pharmacology and molecular docking analysis.Methods The chemical constituents and action targets of HLJDD were retrieved on Tradi-tional Chinese Medicine Systems Pharmacology Database and Analysis Platform(TCMSP),SymMap v2,Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicine(ETCM),a High-throughput Ex-periment-and Reference-guided Database of Traditional Chinese Medicine(HERB),and Tra-ditional Chinese Medicine Integrated Database(TCMID).UniProt and GeneCards were used to query the target genes that corresponding to the active compounds,and then a compound-target network was constructed using Cytoscape 3.7.2.Gene Ontology(GO)database was used to annotate GO functions.Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes(KEGG)was used to predict the possible mechanisms of active compounds.The Database for Annotation,Visu-alization and Integrated Discovery(DAVID)was used to analysis the tissue enrichment.The main active compounds in HLJDD are molecularly docked with their corresponding related targets.Results Seventy-six compounds were screened and 458 corresponding targets in the network were obtained.Gene annotation showed that the targets were involved mainly in 1953 biolo-gical processes.884 signaling pathways was enriched,involving signaling by interleukins,cy-tokine signaling in immune system,generic transcription pathway,and RNA polymerase II transcription.The targets mainly distributed in the lung,liver,and placenta,involving a vari-ety of immune cells,such as T cells and B cells.The molecular docking results showed that core compounds such as wogonin,berberine,and baicalein had high affinity with tumor nec-rosis factor(TNF),insulin(INS),and tumor protein 53(TP53).Conclusion The active compounds in HLJDD may have a therapeutic effect on COVID-19 through regulating multiple signal pathways by targeting genes such as vascular endothelial growth factor A(VEGFA),INS,interleukin-6(IL-6),TNF,caspase-3,TP53,and mitogen-activ-ated protein kinase 3(MAPK3). 展开更多
关键词 Huanglian Jiedu Decoction(黄连解毒汤 HLJDD) Active compounds Corona Virus Disease 2019(COVID-19) Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2(SARS-CoV-2) Network pharmacology Molecular docking
A network pharmacological study to investigate the combination of LHQW-XYS in the treatment of COVID-19 olfactory impairment-associated
作者 Xiaoyu Wei Luhang Yu +1 位作者 Mengru Li Qiang Xu 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS CSCD 2024年第7期631-646,共16页
To explore the target of action of LHQW-XYS on the main components of COVID-19 olfactory impairment by using network pharmacological methods and try to reveal its mechanism of action in the treatment related to COVID-... To explore the target of action of LHQW-XYS on the main components of COVID-19 olfactory impairment by using network pharmacological methods and try to reveal its mechanism of action in the treatment related to COVID-19 induced olfactory impairment,we used the TCMSP platform to obtain potential active ingredients through oral utilization and drug-like properties screening;the Swiss TargetPrediction platform to predict the targets of the active ingredients and construct a drug-ingredient-target network,and then obtained the gene targets of COVID-19 olfactory injury through GeneCards,OMIM,and TTD platforms to intersect the drug targets and disease genes to obtain common targets.The drug targets and disease genes were intersected to obtain common targets.STRING and Cytoscape 3.8.2 software were used to construct the target-disease gene PPI network,screen the key targets and core gene clusters,and analyze the key targets by GO and KEGG enrichment analyses with the help of the Metascape platform,and then map the screened core active ingredients and their targets into the pathway to construct the core active ingredients-targets-pathway network.The core active ingredient-target-pathway network was constructed,and finally,molecular docking was carried out.The results showed that there were 4669 potential targets,5609 disease targets,and 17 drug-disease cross-targets for the active ingredients of LHQW-XYS.The GO and KEGG enrichment analyses indicated that the mechanism of LHQW-XYS in the treatment of olfactory impairment in COVID-19 may be due to the regulation of related signaling pathways,such as Serotonergic synapse and Regulation of lipolysis in adipocytes.Molecular docking showed that six active components(quercetin,luteolin,kaempferol,7-methoxy-2-methylisoflavone,wogonin,medicarpin)and two key genes(PTGS2,PPARG)had good binding properties.In the end,we conclude that LHQW-XYS may act on Serotonergic synapse and Regulation of lipolysis in adipocyte pathways to achieve anti-COVID-19 olfactory impairment-associated effects. 展开更多
关键词 LHQWXYS COVID-19 olfactory impairment-associate Network pharmacology Molecular docking
Characterization of Connected Graphs with Maximum Domination Number
作者 徐保根 周尚超 《Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition》 CSCD 2000年第4期523-528,共6页
Let G be a connected graph of order p, and let γ7(G) denote the domination number of G. Clearly, γ(G) ≤[p/2]. The aim of this paper is to characterize the graphs G that reaches this upper bound. The main results ar... Let G be a connected graph of order p, and let γ7(G) denote the domination number of G. Clearly, γ(G) ≤[p/2]. The aim of this paper is to characterize the graphs G that reaches this upper bound. The main results are as follows: (1) when p is even, γ(G) = p/2 if and only if either G C4 or G is the crown of a connected graph with p/2 vertices; (2) when p is odd, γ(G) = (p-1)/2 if and only if every spanning tree of G is one of the two classes of trees shown in Theorem 3.1. 展开更多
关键词 connected graph CROWN domination number domination critical graph$
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