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作者 卢一飞 《文教资料》 2014年第32期23-24,共2页
《并音连声字学集要》是一部明代韵书。该书由明代官员陶承学根据"按行吴中"所得的一部韵书改编而成,成书于嘉靖辛酉年间。该书改编时的原则主要是"扬榷异同,芟繁剔冗",因而确定其改编的蓝本就尤为重要。根据研究比较,《并音连声字... 《并音连声字学集要》是一部明代韵书。该书由明代官员陶承学根据"按行吴中"所得的一部韵书改编而成,成书于嘉靖辛酉年间。该书改编时的原则主要是"扬榷异同,芟繁剔冗",因而确定其改编的蓝本就尤为重要。根据研究比较,《并音连声字学集要》的编撰蓝本应为《并音连声韵学集成》。 展开更多
关键词 《并音连声字学集要》 明代韵书 编撰蓝本
作者 王芳 《牡丹江大学学报》 2020年第1期31-34,共4页
关键词 《并音连声字学集要》 又音 语音层次
作者 王芳 《江苏海洋大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2020年第1期107-113,共7页
关键词 《并音连声字学集要》 《洪武正韵》 韵母 明代吴语
Progress and Research on Interconnects Crosstalk in Deep Submicron Technology 被引量:2
作者 蔡懿慈 赵鑫 洪先龙 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第11期1121-1129,共9页
As develops in deep sub micron designs,the interconnect crosstalk becomes much more serious.Espe cially, the coupling inductance can not be ignored in gigahertz designs.So shield insertion is an efficient techniq... As develops in deep sub micron designs,the interconnect crosstalk becomes much more serious.Espe cially, the coupling inductance can not be ignored in gigahertz designs.So shield insertion is an efficient technique to reduce the inductive noise.In this paper,the characteristics of on chip mutual inductance (as well as self) for coplanar,micro stripline and stripline structures are introduced first.Then base on the coplanar interconnect structures,the effective coupling K eff model and the RLC explicit noise model are proposed respectively.The results of experiments show that these two models both have high fidelity. 展开更多
关键词 interconnect crosstalk crosstalk noise K eff model RLC explicit noise model
Dynamic Rangefinding Device Using Amplitude-Modulated Continuous UltrasonicWave+
作者 华宏 王涌天 徐彤 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 1998年第1期55-61,共7页
Aim To develop a high speed and high resolution dynamic rangefinding device for the measurement of large distances.Methods The device was comprised of an ultrasonic transmitter and a receiver,and a receiver , and a co... Aim To develop a high speed and high resolution dynamic rangefinding device for the measurement of large distances.Methods The device was comprised of an ultrasonic transmitter and a receiver,and a receiver , and a continuous ultrasonic wave amplitude-modulated by a low- frequency acoustic signal was used. The rangefinding was achieved by detecting the phase difference between the transmitted and received ultrasonic signals. The design principle. hard- ware implementation , experimental results and performance analysis of the device are included. Results and Conclusion Experiments show that the accuracy of the device are included. within 1.5m while its dynamic data update rate can be up to 40kHz. 展开更多
关键词 position tracker rangefinding continuous ultrasonic wave phase shift
言为心声,走进范进的内心世界——《范进中举》的层次解读 被引量:1
作者 范传平 《语文教学通讯(初中)(B)》 2015年第9期62-62,共1页
教学《范进中举》,以“噫!好了!我中了!”为切入点,可以走进他的内心世界。一、疯言疯语从语言表达上看,“噫!好了!我中了!”这三句话,显然和正常状态下的范进说的话完全不同。这三句话是疯言疯语。中举前,范进面对老丈人胡屠户的臭骂... 教学《范进中举》,以“噫!好了!我中了!”为切入点,可以走进他的内心世界。一、疯言疯语从语言表达上看,“噫!好了!我中了!”这三句话,显然和正常状态下的范进说的话完全不同。这三句话是疯言疯语。中举前,范进面对老丈人胡屠户的臭骂和羞辱,“唯唯连声”,连说“岳父见教的是”;中举后,范进与张乡绅的对话口若悬河,圆滑得体。 展开更多
关键词 范进 唯唯连声 报录人 饱读诗书 二字 科举考试 诗云 十年
作者 邱守伟 《初中生世界(初中教学研究)》 2015年第8期66-68,共3页
《信客》是人民教育出版社八年级上册第二单元的一篇课文,也是余秋雨《文化苦旅》中的重要篇章。在《文化苦旅》诸多篇章中,作者反复述说着这样一个主题:在文明与不文明的斗争中,每次获胜的并不都是文明。敦煌文物流失了,阳关消失了,... 《信客》是人民教育出版社八年级上册第二单元的一篇课文,也是余秋雨《文化苦旅》中的重要篇章。在《文化苦旅》诸多篇章中,作者反复述说着这样一个主题:在文明与不文明的斗争中,每次获胜的并不都是文明。敦煌文物流失了,阳关消失了,信客退出了……《信客》讲述了两位信客坎坷凄凉的故事,叙述了诚信、宽容文化在不诚信、不宽容文化环境中的精神苦旅, 展开更多
关键词 《文化苦旅》 诚信文化 余秋雨 人民教育出版社 外出谋生 单元的 收信人 连声诺诺 微瑕 中所
作者 多杰扎西 《西藏大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2018年第4期12-20,共9页
林温·白玛格桑先生是当代藏学界知名的梵文专家。林温先生精通《波你尼文法》《旃陀罗声明论》《声明集分论》《妙音声明论》藏传四大梵文语法理论,先后培养了一批研究梵文的学者,对几近失传的藏传四大梵文语法理论的传承和发扬做... 林温·白玛格桑先生是当代藏学界知名的梵文专家。林温先生精通《波你尼文法》《旃陀罗声明论》《声明集分论》《妙音声明论》藏传四大梵文语法理论,先后培养了一批研究梵文的学者,对几近失传的藏传四大梵文语法理论的传承和发扬做出了巨大贡献。他还对藏族传统诗学、藏文语法、传统藏文公文写作等方面有颇深的研究。已发表30余篇文章,出版专著5部,在学界反响很大。文章主要围绕藏传四部梵文典籍的形成历史背景、核心内容、藏传梵文理论传播史、梵藏语法关系、梵藏修辞学关系等为主题,专访了林温·白马格桑先生。 展开更多
关键词 藏传四大梵文理论 藏文化 连声 格的应用
作者 鲍洪昌 《新闻爱好者》 1993年第2期21-21,共1页
新闻科的李科长,几乎是踩着早上8点的钟声,走进了刘局长的办公室。年纪40有余,精明强悍的刘局长满脸堆笑地说:“欢迎科长来指导工作,请坐,请坐。”说着,把椅子朝李科长身边推去。李科长笑着,从提兜里掏出一张报纸,递上去说:“刘局长,我... 新闻科的李科长,几乎是踩着早上8点的钟声,走进了刘局长的办公室。年纪40有余,精明强悍的刘局长满脸堆笑地说:“欢迎科长来指导工作,请坐,请坐。”说着,把椅子朝李科长身边推去。李科长笑着,从提兜里掏出一张报纸,递上去说:“刘局长,我写您的通讯发出来了。”刘局长双手捧着报纸,一目三行地看着,一叠连声地说:“谢谢,谢谢,真是大手笔,出手不凡,出手不凡……”李科长坐下来,小声说:“刘局长,我有一事想求您。”“说!咱这是老关系了,凡能办的事儿,就是让捎来三指宽的纸条都行,还用劳您的大驾。”李科长笑笑,点点头,说:“听说您这儿要招收10名天车工,我在乡下的侄儿高中毕业,想拜托您门下。”刘局长脸一沉,一拍李科长的肩膀头,“我说老李呀,这事儿咋不早打个招呼, 展开更多
关键词 李科 一叠连声 在乡下 精明强悍 长眉 一封信
作者 胡文海 《中世纪与文艺复兴研究》 2021年第1期52-69,共18页
与以往的研究不同,该文从母音重叠、连声、相通等声韵方面对松尾芭蕉的俳句进行了全面考察,论证了俳句的声韵规律,同时探究了声韵对俳句内容及含义的扩大作用。虽然日语母音只有五个,容易出现母音重叠现象,但是该文通过对芭蕉俳句的逐... 与以往的研究不同,该文从母音重叠、连声、相通等声韵方面对松尾芭蕉的俳句进行了全面考察,论证了俳句的声韵规律,同时探究了声韵对俳句内容及含义的扩大作用。虽然日语母音只有五个,容易出现母音重叠现象,但是该文通过对芭蕉俳句的逐一分析及论证,证明了人在吟咏俳句,抑或是抒发情感之时,一定程度上考量了声韵之美。声韵美不仅可以增强俳句的音乐性和节奏感,也可以增加句子的感情色彩,拓展诗意。 展开更多
关键词 松尾芭蕉 俳句 母音重叠 连声 相通
作者 康玉琨 《搏击》 2015年第3期77-78,共2页
白鹤拳是清朝顺治年间,少林拳师方种的独生女方七娘所创。据说七娘年方十六即粗通少林拳艺。一日,在寺中织布,忽见一只白鹤飞宿梁间,昂首振翮,舞足弄翼,姿势巧妙,七娘心甚异之,即以手中梭盒投鹤,又以纬尺掷之,皆被白鹤舞足展翼闪跳弹避... 白鹤拳是清朝顺治年间,少林拳师方种的独生女方七娘所创。据说七娘年方十六即粗通少林拳艺。一日,在寺中织布,忽见一只白鹤飞宿梁间,昂首振翮,舞足弄翼,姿势巧妙,七娘心甚异之,即以手中梭盒投鹤,又以纬尺掷之,皆被白鹤舞足展翼闪跳弹避。一会儿,白鹤奋翮凌空,冲霄而去。七娘因此感悟,揉合白鹤种种舞姿于少林拳法之中,几经琢磨演练,创出了标新立异的"似刚非刚,似柔非柔"的拳法,称为"白鹤拳"。其后七娘随丈夫曾四回福建省永春县广授生徒,白鹤拳便在永春民间流传开来,并不断发扬光大,俗称"永春白鹤拳"。 展开更多
关键词 鹤拳 生徒 鹤飞 凤头 永春 竹溪村 揉合 赵金 一叠连声 鹤舞
作者 何苗苗 《语文教学之友》 2015年第11期29-29,共1页
同许多经典一样,《范进中举》是一个常说常新的话题。范进发疯之后,穷形尽相,丑态毕露,使人忍俊不禁。但掩卷之余,一股悲凉之情油然而生,我们不禁会发出一种疑问:范进为什么会发疯?这个问题既简单又复杂,笔者不揣浅陋,试从三个方面略... 同许多经典一样,《范进中举》是一个常说常新的话题。范进发疯之后,穷形尽相,丑态毕露,使人忍俊不禁。但掩卷之余,一股悲凉之情油然而生,我们不禁会发出一种疑问:范进为什么会发疯?这个问题既简单又复杂,笔者不揣浅陋,试从三个方面略陈管见,以期就教方家。 展开更多
关键词 范进 不揣浅陋 使人 唯唯连声 渐行渐远 万般皆下品 青眼相看 屡试不第 精神鸦片 无长物
作者 息行雨 《黄河之声》 2017年第10期88-89,共2页
练声是运用科学的发声原理、掌握学习歌唱技术的方法和手段,是声乐教学中不可或缺的重要组成部分。它既能巩固声音训练的技巧,又能激发学习者的学习兴趣。多年来。经过无数前辈们对声乐这一学科的探索与总结,终于取得了比较丰硕的成果,... 练声是运用科学的发声原理、掌握学习歌唱技术的方法和手段,是声乐教学中不可或缺的重要组成部分。它既能巩固声音训练的技巧,又能激发学习者的学习兴趣。多年来。经过无数前辈们对声乐这一学科的探索与总结,终于取得了比较丰硕的成果,并得以广泛传播。我将从练声开始展开,从选择发声曲和气息训练等因素,到在声乐教学中其重要的作用与意义进行相对应的阐述说明。 展开更多
关键词 歌唱 基础 连声
作者 万福友 《中学语文(大语文论坛)(下旬)》 1998年第7期25-26,共2页
范进,是一位热衷于科举功名并为此而发疯的封建知识分子形象。一旦得知自己中举的消息,先是“往后跌倒,牙关咬紧,不省人事”,继而拍手大笑向外疯跑的情节,无疑是给读者留下最深刻印象的地方。且看看人们是如何对范进这一人物形象进行评... 范进,是一位热衷于科举功名并为此而发疯的封建知识分子形象。一旦得知自己中举的消息,先是“往后跌倒,牙关咬紧,不省人事”,继而拍手大笑向外疯跑的情节,无疑是给读者留下最深刻印象的地方。且看看人们是如何对范进这一人物形象进行评析的:“他是一个热衷功名的下层知识分子。 展开更多
关键词 知识分子 人物形象 孔乙己 唯唯连声
Positioning planning of high-intensity-focused ultrasound surgery platform using Bezier curve
作者 项林清 马培荪 +1 位作者 许剑波 高雪官 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2004年第3期332-340,共9页
A positioning volume ellipsoid method is proposed to represent tumor volume in the workspace of a high-intensity-focused ultrasound (HIFU) surgery platform during the platform's positioning motion. To this simplif... A positioning volume ellipsoid method is proposed to represent tumor volume in the workspace of a high-intensity-focused ultrasound (HIFU) surgery platform during the platform's positioning motion. To this simplified tumor model, a nearest neighbor search method is used to determine intermediate configuration and goal configuration, which the treatment head and ultrasound focus must pass in their localization to target volume. Based on the decided configurations, the continuity condition of combined Bezier curve in Euclidean space and De Casteljau algorithm on Lie group SO(3) are integrated to construct a combined Bezier positioning path of C2 continuity at junctional configuration, and an illustration of different positioning path planning is analyzed based on a liver tumor case. 展开更多
关键词 Dynamic positioning Patient treatment Temperature distribution TUMORS Ultrasonic applications
An Array Extension Method in a Noisy Environment 被引量:1
作者 李博 孙超 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2011年第2期226-232,共7页
An array extension method in a noisy environment was proposed to improve angular resolution and array gain. The proposed method combines the FOC (fourth-order cumulants) technique with the ETAM (extended towed arra... An array extension method in a noisy environment was proposed to improve angular resolution and array gain. The proposed method combines the FOC (fourth-order cumulants) technique with the ETAM (extended towed array measurements) method to extend array aperture and suppress Gaussian noise, First, successive measurements of a virtual uniform linear array were constructed by applying lburth-order cumulants to measurements of uniform linear array; Gaussian noise in these measurements was also eliminated. Then, the array was extended by compensating phase differences using the ETAM method, Finally, the synthetic aperture was extended further by the fourth-order cumulants technique. The proposed FOC-ETAM-FOC method not only improves angular resolution and array gain, but also effectively suppresses Gaussian noise. Furthermore, it inherits the advantages of the ETAM method. Simulation results showed that the FOC-ETAM-FOC method achieved better angular resolution and array gain than the ETAM method. Furthermore this method outperforms the ETAM method in Gaussian noise environment. 展开更多
关键词 array signal processing array extension fourth-order cumulants synthetic aperture linear array
Identification of diesel front sound source based on continuous wavelet transform 被引量:8
作者 郝志勇 韩军 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 EI CSCD 2004年第9期1069-1075,共7页
Acoustic signals from diesel engines contain useful information but also include considerable noise components To extract information for condition monitoring purposes, continuous wavelet transform (CWT) is used for t... Acoustic signals from diesel engines contain useful information but also include considerable noise components To extract information for condition monitoring purposes, continuous wavelet transform (CWT) is used for the characterization of engine acoustics. This paper first reviews CWT characteristics represented by short duration transient signals. Wavelet selection and CWT are then implemented and wavelet transform is used to analyze the major sources of the engine front's exterior radiation sound. The research provides a reliable basis for engineering practice to reduce vehicle sound level. Comparison of the identification results of the measured acoustic signals with the identification results of the measured surface vibration showed good agreement. 展开更多
关键词 Acoustic signals Wavelet transform Diesel engine Sound source identification
Mechanical and Acoustic Performance Test of New Designed Metal Noise Barrier Unit Plate with No Riveted Connection 被引量:1
作者 LUAN Haoxiang WU Jin +3 位作者 PAN Jiayu ZHU Wanxu ZHOU Hongmei PENG Hanze 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2020年第2期343-352,共10页
The modern transportation system is increasingly developed during recent years.It is an effective solution to set the noise barriers to reduce the traffic noise pollution caused by different kinds of transportation sy... The modern transportation system is increasingly developed during recent years.It is an effective solution to set the noise barriers to reduce the traffic noise pollution caused by different kinds of transportation systems.Many deficiencies on concrete noise barriers and metal noise barriers with rivet structure can be eliminated by a new kind of noise barrier with no-riveted structure.The mechanical performance examination and acoustic performance test are conducted on the new-designed noise barrier with no-riveted structure.The results indicate that the maximum stress is 1.74 MPa and the maximum deformation is 1.04 mm with load acting on the unit plate.The noise reduction coefficient of this kind of no-riveted noise barrier unit plate is 0.75 and its noise insulation is 40 dB,which were conform to or superior to the standard requirements.Therefore,this new designed noise barrier meets the field application requirements of mechanical and acoustic performance,which demonstrates the noise barriers can be widely promoted. 展开更多
关键词 noise barrier unit plate no-riveted connection structure design mechanical performance acoustic performance
Study on Acoustic Modeling in a Mandarin Continuous Speech Recognition 被引量:1
作者 PENG Di LIU Gang GUO Jun 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2007年第1期143-146,共4页
The design of acoustic models is of vital importance to build a reliable connection between acoustic wave-form and linguistic messages in terms of individual speech units. According to the characteristic of Chinese ph... The design of acoustic models is of vital importance to build a reliable connection between acoustic wave-form and linguistic messages in terms of individual speech units. According to the characteristic of Chinese phonemes, the base acoustic phoneme units set is decided and refined and a decision tree based state tying approach is explored. Since one of the advantages of top-down tying method is flexibility in maintaining a balance between model accuracy and complexity, relevant adjustments are conducted, such as the stopping criterion of decision tree node splitting, during which optimal thresholds are captured. Better results are achieved in improving acoustic modeling accuracy as well as minimizing the scale of the model to a trainable extent. 展开更多
关键词 acoustic model base acoustic phoneme units decision tree
Effect of high-intensity ultrasonic field on process of semi-continuous casting for AZ80 magnesium alloy billets 被引量:2
作者 张志强 乐启炽 崔建忠 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第B07期376-381,共6页
Under the high-intensity ultrasonic field,AZ80 magnesium alloy was semi-continuously cast.The effects of ultrasonic intensity on the as-cast microstructures and mechanical properties were investigated.The results show... Under the high-intensity ultrasonic field,AZ80 magnesium alloy was semi-continuously cast.The effects of ultrasonic intensity on the as-cast microstructures and mechanical properties were investigated.The results show that the microstructures of the alloy cast under high-intensity ultrasonic field are fine and uniform,and the grains are equiaxed,rose-shaped or globular with an average size of 257μm.High-intensity field significantly decreases the grain size,changes the morphologies of theβ-Mg17Al12 phases and reduces their area fraction.It is also shown that a proper increase in ultrasonic intensity is helpful to obtain fine,uniform and equiaxed as-cast microstructures.The optimum ultrasonic parameters are that frequency is 20 kHz and ultrasonic intensity is 1 368 W.The mechanical tests show that the mechanical properties of the as-cast AZ80 magnesium alloy billets cast under ultrasonic field are greatly improved,and with increasing the ultrasonic intensity,the mechanical properties of the entire alloy billets are much higher and more uniform than those of the alloy without ultrasonic field. 展开更多
关键词 magnesium alloy ultrasonic field semi-continuous casting MICROSTRUCTURE mechanical properties
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