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锂离子动力电池包连接排缓冲设计 被引量:1
作者 刘大军 丁坤鹏 田云龙 《汽车与新动力》 2023年第3期22-24,共3页
锂离子动力电池包工作温度范围较宽,其内部结构尤其是方壳电池之间连接排结构的固定约束程度高,几乎没有发生位移的空间,在冷热循环冲击中温度变化引起的热应力效应需要连接排自身消化。对此,分析了连接排热胀冷缩时的应力应变情况;在... 锂离子动力电池包工作温度范围较宽,其内部结构尤其是方壳电池之间连接排结构的固定约束程度高,几乎没有发生位移的空间,在冷热循环冲击中温度变化引起的热应力效应需要连接排自身消化。对此,分析了连接排热胀冷缩时的应力应变情况;在连接排中部设计缓冲部,利用缓冲部的升缩弯曲变化来降低连接排对连接极耳的作用力;分析了连接排缓冲部不同几何形状对电池极耳的作用力,推导出其变化规律。连接排缓冲设计能有效解决方壳电池包电芯之间连接排结构与电芯极耳强度的热应力问题,降低了由于连接排设计不合理而导致的电芯寿命降低甚至无法使用的风险。 展开更多
关键词 动力电池包 连接排 缓冲部 热应力
作者 张成 吴沛峰 +1 位作者 张艺淳 张若瑜 《城市道桥与防洪》 2022年第3期201-204,231,M0017,共6页
为研究多排组合剪力连接件栓钉直径、贯通钢筋直径、开孔孔径、开孔孔数对抗剪承载力和荷载-滑移曲线的影响,使用ABAQUS软件建立组合剪力连接件模型,通过与现有试验对比验证其可行性.在此基础上,建立多排组合剪力连接件模型进行参数分析... 为研究多排组合剪力连接件栓钉直径、贯通钢筋直径、开孔孔径、开孔孔数对抗剪承载力和荷载-滑移曲线的影响,使用ABAQUS软件建立组合剪力连接件模型,通过与现有试验对比验证其可行性.在此基础上,建立多排组合剪力连接件模型进行参数分析,结果表明:增加开孔孔数、开孔直径、贯通钢筋直径、栓钉直径均可有效提高组合剪力连接件的抗剪承载力.其中,开孔孔数在4以下时,各孔之间不会互相影响,承载力随孔数线性增加;贯通钢筋直径在16 mm以下时,对组合剪力连接件的承载力影响较小,当直径从16 mm增加至20 mm时,构件承载力有明显提高;栓钉直径与承载能力之间并不是线性增加关系.依据叠加原理,建立了多排组合剪力连接件承载力计算公式,其计算值与数值计算结果吻合良好. 展开更多
关键词 组合结构 组合剪力连接 有限元模型 荷载-滑移曲线 抗剪承载力
作者 高文军 《安装》 2003年第6期34-34,41,共2页
紫铜铜排软连接头是由两块大厚度铜板和中间多层铜皮焊接而成。主要用于铜排 (母线 )与发电机组、变压器及其它大型导电器设备之间的软性连接 ,其焊接质量的优劣 ,将直接影响导电系统的正常运行及其安全性能和使用寿命。
关键词 钨极氩弧焊 紫铜连接 连接 变压器
作者 程虎 《机电信息》 2020年第24期83-84,共2页
关键词 密间距长针连接 焊锡丝绕接 焊接方法
作者 杨显昆 郑锡涛 +2 位作者 成李南 杨杰 王斌团 《机械科学与技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期240-245,共6页
提出了一种新的计算复合材料多钉连接载荷分配方法,即将电路模型应用到复合材料多钉连接结构载荷分配估算中,多钉连接结构中的载荷、柔度和变形分别等效于电路模型的电流、电阻和电压。在新模型中材料的胡克定律转化为电学中的欧姆定律... 提出了一种新的计算复合材料多钉连接载荷分配方法,即将电路模型应用到复合材料多钉连接结构载荷分配估算中,多钉连接结构中的载荷、柔度和变形分别等效于电路模型的电流、电阻和电压。在新模型中材料的胡克定律转化为电学中的欧姆定律,变形协调方程等效于电学中的电压平衡方程。该方法使复杂的多钉连接模型变成了一些由简单的串联和并联电路组成的简单模型。对n排单列连接结构的电路模型进行分析,总能找到n-1个独立的闭环电压平衡方程和一个电流平衡方程,联立这n个方程就能够计算出各个钉上的电流大小,也就是相应的载荷值。在某些支路上添加恰当的电源,还可以模拟复合材料多钉连接结构的间隙或者过盈量。通过与试验结果对比,发现该方法能较好的预测出复合材料多钉连接载荷分配。 展开更多
关键词 电路模型 复合材料 单列连接 载荷分配 钉孔配合
铜母排搭接方案研究与实验验证 被引量:1
作者 戴罡 郭乔根 +2 位作者 陈红 王宇枭 杨全兵 《电器与能效管理技术》 2022年第12期46-54,共9页
为研究螺栓紧固型连接铜母排间接触电阻的主要影响因素,以螺栓连接的矩形铜母排为研究对象,进行了铜母排间接触电阻的理论分析、仿真分析以及实验验证。通过研究表明,接触电阻主要取决于垫圈下方的接触面积和接触压强。在理论分析的基础... 为研究螺栓紧固型连接铜母排间接触电阻的主要影响因素,以螺栓连接的矩形铜母排为研究对象,进行了铜母排间接触电阻的理论分析、仿真分析以及实验验证。通过研究表明,接触电阻主要取决于垫圈下方的接触面积和接触压强。在理论分析的基础上,首先利用多物理场耦合有限元分析软件建立了螺栓紧固型连接铜母排的仿真模型;然后,进行不同螺栓预紧力和不同搭接长度下的连接电阻仿真分析;最后,将连接电阻实验结果与仿真结果进行了对比分析,验证了所提结论的正确性。 展开更多
关键词 螺栓紧固型连接铜母 接触电阻 搭接面积 螺栓预紧力
作者 翟浩春 古湘龙 汤龙 《电子产品世界》 2022年第9期88-92,共5页
2021年A公司GMV多联机主控制器在实际生产组装过程中,使用甲公司镀金排针,大量镀金排针在波峰焊接过程出现批量浮高,浮高率达到30%。在同条件生产环境下,切换使用乙厂家物料生产使用故障消失。在经过大量的数据统计分析,对镀金排针浮高... 2021年A公司GMV多联机主控制器在实际生产组装过程中,使用甲公司镀金排针,大量镀金排针在波峰焊接过程出现批量浮高,浮高率达到30%。在同条件生产环境下,切换使用乙厂家物料生产使用故障消失。在经过大量的数据统计分析,对镀金排针浮高原因及异常失效机理分析并实际生产对比验证,确认是排针焊接性能差,镀金层表面存在氧化,在波峰焊接过程中焊接拒锡且同时受到波峰焊波峰上涌力的作用导致器件整体浮高。分析结果表明:在镀金排针生产加工过程中极容易对镀金镀层产生损伤,不恰当的加工工艺会加剧镀金工艺的氧化,同时镀金层镀层质量同样决定排针焊接质量水平,经过对加工工艺流程的优化和镀金镀层质量的提升,经实际验证可以大幅度提高镀金针座的焊接质量及整体焊接可靠性。 展开更多
关键词 镀金 连接器(针) 波峰焊 焊接质量
作者 刘晋霞 刘磊 王爱波 《机械传动》 北大核心 2021年第3期127-133,共7页
为有效降低整车油耗,研制传动比间隔合理的多挡四排行星齿轮机构(PGM)自动变速器(AT)传动方案成为新的趋势。基于杠杆法原理,在分析单排与三排并联PGM的输入、输出位置及接合元件布置形式的基础上,提出了由单排与三排并联PGM串联(简称... 为有效降低整车油耗,研制传动比间隔合理的多挡四排行星齿轮机构(PGM)自动变速器(AT)传动方案成为新的趋势。基于杠杆法原理,在分析单排与三排并联PGM的输入、输出位置及接合元件布置形式的基础上,提出了由单排与三排并联PGM串联(简称为“单串三并”)的结构杠杆图;通过对“单串三并”转速线杠杆图的分析,根据AT的设计要求,筛选出5种合理的传动方案;根据接合元件工作情况与接合元件及挡位数进行对比,优选出最优传动方案。将该最优传动方案与克莱斯勒45RFE AT相对比,在45RFE AT的基础上增设1排PGM,即可设计出挡位数更多、性能更优的AT传动方案。与2个双排并联PGM串联形成的四排混联PGM AT传动方案相比,增加了2~3个前进挡位,降低了换挡控制的难度。 展开更多
关键词 杠杆法 自动变速器 行星齿轮机构 行星齿轮机构连接 传动方案
作者 任双军 《中国新技术新产品》 2014年第19期130-130,共1页
新型的预埋式镀锌钢管内排雨水收水口连接施工工艺,已经被我公司评为企业工法并已经推广使用。这种工艺彻底提高镀锌钢管雨水管的使用率与连接合格率。杜绝了屋面防水在此处收头时,因减小了有效的收水口面积,使收水口排水不畅,造成屋面... 新型的预埋式镀锌钢管内排雨水收水口连接施工工艺,已经被我公司评为企业工法并已经推广使用。这种工艺彻底提高镀锌钢管雨水管的使用率与连接合格率。杜绝了屋面防水在此处收头时,因减小了有效的收水口面积,使收水口排水不畅,造成屋面积水的现象;并且具有稳定性能好,泄水流量大,掺气量少,拦污能力强等优点。本文笔者结合秦皇岛第一医院外科病房楼工程等项目来说阐述这一新型的预埋式镀锌钢管内排雨水收水口连接施工工艺。 展开更多
关键词 预埋式镀锌钢管 雨水收水口连接施工工艺 工艺原理 操作要点
光伏用直流塑壳断路器的过载保护特性研究 被引量:8
作者 周云红 黄银芳 李志宏 《电器与能效管理技术》 2018年第22期65-69,共5页
从直流断路器过载保护特性的技术背景、IEC与UL标准要求以及客户实际应用情况3个方面对直流塑壳断路器的过载保护特性进行了分析,提出了一种可以提高光伏用直流塑壳断路器过载保护特性的稳定性方法。首先设计温升试验,利用测温热电偶对... 从直流断路器过载保护特性的技术背景、IEC与UL标准要求以及客户实际应用情况3个方面对直流塑壳断路器的过载保护特性进行了分析,提出了一种可以提高光伏用直流塑壳断路器过载保护特性的稳定性方法。首先设计温升试验,利用测温热电偶对直流塑壳断路器的双金属片温度进行采集;然后根据标准要求确定出脱扣区域;最后指导调整出厂时的热调参数,从而保证其可靠动作,提高过载保护特性的可靠性和稳定性。 展开更多
关键词 光伏系统 直流断路器 过载特性 双金属片 连接排
作者 徐松林 柯玉伟 谭宇昂 《住宅与房地产》 2024年第23期30-33,共4页
针对现有装配式混凝土结构高层住宅产业化技术体系不完善、技术标准不健全、设计标准化和模数化程度低、技术集成程度低、不利于工厂规模化加工和现场装配、设计-加工-装配脱节等问题。本文依托某装配式混凝土结构住宅项目,通过对装配... 针对现有装配式混凝土结构高层住宅产业化技术体系不完善、技术标准不健全、设计标准化和模数化程度低、技术集成程度低、不利于工厂规模化加工和现场装配、设计-加工-装配脱节等问题。本文依托某装配式混凝土结构住宅项目,通过对装配式混凝土结构高层住宅产业化技术体系的研发、优化以及应用研究,采用分布筋单排连接、边缘构件简化连接等新型连接技术。对高层住宅装配式混凝土结构体系的建筑、结构、机电、装修系统集成技术和设计-加工-装配全产业链技术的实现方案进行研究,形成全专业设计、全产业链建造一体化技术,最终提高了本工程的设计质量和建造效率。 展开更多
关键词 装配式混凝土结构 分布筋单连接 边缘构件简化连接 全产业链集成技术 两提两减
作者 杨波 高广春 巩娜 《科技信息》 2011年第21期351-352,共2页
关键词 开关 连接排 散热 热传导
500 kV主变压器箱沿过热影响分析及缺陷处理 被引量:2
作者 侯杰 郑加能 《上海电气技术》 2014年第1期5-8,共4页
在广东红海湾发电有限公司3#主变压器满负荷运行时开展红外热成像检查,发现箱沿存在过热现象。通过对缺陷原因的分析,明确了缺陷可能产生的原因及影响。结合主变压器的结构特点,综合使用变压器油样分析、声音检查、振动检测、局部放电... 在广东红海湾发电有限公司3#主变压器满负荷运行时开展红外热成像检查,发现箱沿存在过热现象。通过对缺陷原因的分析,明确了缺陷可能产生的原因及影响。结合主变压器的结构特点,综合使用变压器油样分析、声音检查、振动检测、局部放电试验等方法,分析判断变压器内部部件的运行情况及绝缘状态。明确现场实际情况,制定处理方案,开展缺陷处理工作,但却加剧了缺陷程度。在进一步完善处理思路后,再次处理缺陷,彻底解决了问题。对分析、判断同类型缺陷变压器的运行状态、缺陷产生原因和制定正确的处理方案都具有一定的参考意义。 展开更多
关键词 变压器 箱沿 连接排 过热
A New Type of Continuously Variable Displacement Mechanism Used for Hydraulic Motors 被引量:1
作者 李勇 施光林 陈兆能 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2007年第1期125-130,共6页
A continuously variable displacement mechanism, which is composed of a hydraulic control valve with mechanical-positional feedback to camshaft, was designed for changing the displacement of traditional camshaft connec... A continuously variable displacement mechanism, which is composed of a hydraulic control valve with mechanical-positional feedback to camshaft, was designed for changing the displacement of traditional camshaft connecting-rod low speed high torque (LSHT) hydraulic motor continuously. The new type of continuously variable displacement mechanism is simple and easy to be made. The structure and principle of a continuously variable displacement mechanism was introduced. The mathematic model of the continuously variable displacement mechanism was set up and its static and dynamic characteristics were analyzed with the help of computer simulation. It can be seen that the cam ring on camshaft of the traditional LSHT hydraulic motor can stop at any position between minimum and maximum eccentricity, according to an input fluid pressure signal. And it can also stay anywhere stably through self-adjusting. Besides, it can work stabilized when load impact or oil leakage exists. 展开更多
关键词 LSHT hydraulic motor camshaft connecting-rod continuously variable displacement mechanism mechanical-positional feedback
Fork-Join program response time on multiprocessors with exchangeable join 被引量:1
作者 WANG Yong-cai ZHAO Qian-chuan ZHENG Da-zhong 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第6期927-936,共10页
The Fork-Join program consisting of K parallel tasks is a useful model for a large number of computing applications. When the parallel processor has multi-channels, later tasks may finish execution earlier than their ... The Fork-Join program consisting of K parallel tasks is a useful model for a large number of computing applications. When the parallel processor has multi-channels, later tasks may finish execution earlier than their earlier tasks and may join with tasks from other programs. This phenomenon is called exchangeable join (EJ), which introduces correlation to the task’s service time. In this work, we investigate the response time of multiprocessor systems with EJ with a new approach. We analyze two aspects of this kind of systems: exchangeable join (EJ) and the capacity constraint (CC). We prove that the system response time can be effectively reduced by EJ, while the reduced amount is constrained by the capacity of the multiprocessor. An upper bound model is constructed based on this analysis and a quick estimation algorithm is proposed. The approximation formula is verified by extensive simulation results, which show that the relative error of approximation is less than 5%. 展开更多
关键词 Exchangeable join First come first served (FCFS) Fork-Join MULTIPROCESSOR Response time
Space heating and hot water demand analysis of dwellings connected to district heating scheme in UK
作者 R.Burzynski M.Crane +1 位作者 R.Yao V.M.Becerra 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第6期1629-1638,共10页
To achieve CO2 emissions reductions, the UK Building Regulations require developers of new residential buildings to calculate expected CO2 emissions arising from their energy consumption using a methodology such as St... To achieve CO2 emissions reductions, the UK Building Regulations require developers of new residential buildings to calculate expected CO2 emissions arising from their energy consumption using a methodology such as Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP 2005) or, more recently SAP 2009. SAP encompasses all domestic heat consumption and a limited proportion of the electricity consumption. However, these calculations are rarely verified with real energy consumption and related CO2 emissions. This work presents the results of an analysis based on weekly heat demand data for more than 200 individual fiats. The data were collected from a recently built residential development connected to a district heating network. A method for separating out the domestic hot water (DHW) use and space heating (SH) demand has been developed and these values are compared to the demand calculated using SAP 2005 and SAP 2009 methodologies. The analysis also shows the variation in DHW and SH consumption with size of flats and with tenure (privately owned or social housing). Evaluation of the space heating consumption also includes an estimate of the heating degree day (HDD) base temperature for each block of fiats and compares this to the average base temperature calculated using the SAP 2005 methodology. 展开更多
关键词 domestic hot water space heating energy consumption heat demand
Cytoskeletal arrangement and its intercellular connection in wheat young leaf cells
作者 SEIXIANGYUN LINGCHENGJIAN 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1993年第2期131-139,共9页
By using the techniques of partial digestion of cell wall and selective extraction, we examined the cytoskeleton of wheat young leaf cells under scanning electron micro-scope(SEM). A 3-dimensional cytoskeletal system,... By using the techniques of partial digestion of cell wall and selective extraction, we examined the cytoskeleton of wheat young leaf cells under scanning electron micro-scope(SEM). A 3-dimensional cytoskeletal system, showing some new features, was observed. The cortical network located beneath the cross wall was an anastomosing organization. The association of nucleus with the cell wall by some skeletal filaments was also found. It is noticeable that there were cytoskeletal filaments, which passed through cell wall and connected together with cytoskeletal arrays of adjacent cells. Thus, it is possible that an integral skeletal network existed within the young leaf tissue of wheat. 展开更多
关键词 CYTOSKELETON intercellular connection scanning electron microscopy wheat.
Dixy: A Connection Between the “Typographic Appearance” and the Brain of Children
作者 María Fernanda del Real García 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第1期55-61,共7页
This study presents a comparison between three different fonts in order to know the possible influence they may have when used in educational materials for children with readers difficulties resulting from dyslexia. T... This study presents a comparison between three different fonts in order to know the possible influence they may have when used in educational materials for children with readers difficulties resulting from dyslexia. Two of the three selected fonts (Arial and MeMimas) are frequently used in textbooks in Spain. The third type of letter (Dixy) was specially developed for typographic research purposes, following graphic features that according to literature and previous studies on reading patterns favor the dyslexic, and could improve reading skills in these individuals. To examine the quality of reading (speed and accuracy) between fonts, a small--but significant--sample was used. Ten children in Madrid, from eight to 10 years old were examined while reading words and pseudowords with three different fonts (Arial, MeMimas, and Dixy). The result of the study shows the influence of the shapes of the letters in the legibility of texts with familiar and unfamiliar words (pseudowords) in children with dyslexia. The study showed that using the font Dixy, despite not being known by the children, reading is more accurate than using fonts known to them, such as Arial and MeMimas. As to the reading speed, the results indicate that, although the Dixy is a font never seen before by the children, reading speed is similar to a known font for them, as is the Arial, and greater than a hand writing font such as MeMimas. 展开更多
关键词 LEGIBILITY letter font dyslexia reading CHILDREN readers difficulties
作者 于承鑫 郝斌 邓玲玲 《核动力工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第6期128-134,共7页
针对中国改进型百万千瓦级压水堆(CPR1000)核电机组在中间停堆反应堆余热排出系统(RRA)连接模式下失去高低压安注和喷淋的冷却剂丧失事故(LOCA),采用MAAP5程序对参考机组的反应堆堆芯、反应堆冷却剂系统以及安全壳系统进行模拟计算,同... 针对中国改进型百万千瓦级压水堆(CPR1000)核电机组在中间停堆反应堆余热排出系统(RRA)连接模式下失去高低压安注和喷淋的冷却剂丧失事故(LOCA),采用MAAP5程序对参考机组的反应堆堆芯、反应堆冷却剂系统以及安全壳系统进行模拟计算,同时结合计算结果分析中压安注系统对该严重事故序列进程的影响,并研究其对事故的缓解作用。分析结果表明,在RRA连接模式下出现LOCA导致的堆芯裸露和升温过程中,中压安注的及时注入能有效地限制堆芯的升温行为,并可对严重事故进程起到重要的缓解作用,甚至为事故工况下失去高低压安注和喷淋时避免堆芯完整性遭到破坏提供可能。最后,根据分析结果针对现行核电机组的运行规程提出改进建议:对于中压安注箱的行政隔离行为,只对其电气开关做相应的隔离操作,而对安全壳厂房内的阀门就地部分做挂牌警示,不做现场挂锁的操作,这样不仅可避免在正常运行工况下中压安注箱误注入行为的发生,同时能够在RRA连接模式下发生LOCA时有效地保障堆芯的完整性,在保证电厂正常安全运行的同时,提高了机组在该模式下发生严重事故的缓解能力。 展开更多
关键词 严重事故 中压安注 反应堆余热出系统(RRA)连接模式 MAAP5 冷却剂丧失事故(LOCA)
Study on carbon emissions towards flange connection joints of assembled steel structures
作者 Jinyang Guo Yanxia Zhang +2 位作者 Mingzhao Zheng Xi Zhao Binglong Wu 《Low-carbon Materials and Green Construction》 2024年第1期405-425,共21页
In order to comply with the trend of global climate change,countries are gradually promoting energy conservation and emission reduction,and prefabricated buildings have become one of the main paths for the constructio... In order to comply with the trend of global climate change,countries are gradually promoting energy conservation and emission reduction,and prefabricated buildings have become one of the main paths for the construction industry to develop towards carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals.This paper takes the box-shaped column flange connection achieved by plug welding-core sleeve in the dormitory building of Tongzhou Campus of the Affiliated High School of Capital Normal University in China as the research object.Based on the consumption quota of prefabricated construction projects and the actual project quantity,the carbon emissions of steel structure column connection joints at different phases are calculated by the emission factor method,and it is proposed that the production consumption of building materials plays a key role in energy conservation and emission reduction.This paper concludes that the box-shaped column flange connection achieved by plug welding-core sleeve in the construction phase of an assembled steel building emits 49.5%less carbon dioxide than a conventional full fusion-welded joint.And the reason for the high carbon emissions of the latter is mainly from the amount of materials and machinery required for full penetration welding.It further affirms the green and environmental protection effect of the assembled steel structure plug welding-core sleeve flange connection joint in actual projects,and provides a reference for related research. 展开更多
关键词 Carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals Assembled steel structure Flange connections achieved by plug welding-core sleeve Emission factor method
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