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元器件性能退化机理及寿命预测方法研究 被引量:1
作者 李凌 林瑞仕 +2 位作者 朱旭锋 王欢 薛宁 《电子质量》 2023年第11期98-104,共7页
随着装备可靠性的不断提高,电气系统元器件面临长时间加电连续工作的需求,需要对其性能退化机理和寿命进行研究。元器件长时间加电失效机理与其内部结构、材料、制造工艺和使用环境等密切相关。首先,从物理、化学微观分子层面研究了长... 随着装备可靠性的不断提高,电气系统元器件面临长时间加电连续工作的需求,需要对其性能退化机理和寿命进行研究。元器件长时间加电失效机理与其内部结构、材料、制造工艺和使用环境等密切相关。首先,从物理、化学微观分子层面研究了长时间工作状态下其芯片及封装结构退化机理,并结合失效案例分析元器件材料、结构和工艺特点,研究了芯片及封装结构的性能退化表征和性能退化模型;然后,根据电性能及封装结构性能参数数据构建寿命预测模型,建立了基于失效物理的元器件长时间加电退化机理及寿命预测方法;最后,给出实际案例验证了方法的可行性,解决了元器件退化轨迹及故障预测难题。 展开更多
关键词 元器件 退化机理 连续加电
Effect of coal slurry on the corrosion of coal-mine equipment 被引量:4
作者 ZhangQi Xie Jingxuan Zhao Wei Bai Shasha Zhong Shiteng Chu Zhenfeng 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2011年第3期413-417,共5页
The corrosion of coal mine equipment immersed in coal slurry is addressed. The corrosion of low carbon steel samples immersed in coal slurries of different concentrations (80, 130, and 180g/L) prepared from coals of... The corrosion of coal mine equipment immersed in coal slurry is addressed. The corrosion of low carbon steel samples immersed in coal slurries of different concentrations (80, 130, and 180g/L) prepared from coals of different rank (long-flame coal, meager lean coal, and anthracite) and different granularity (0.25-0.5 ram, 0.074-0.25 mm, and less than 0.074 mm particle size) was studied by the electrochemical method of polarization curve measurement, controlled potential sweeping, and continuous scanning. The results show that the corrosion rate in an anthracite slurry, where the coal has high coalification, is far greater than corrosion in a long-flame or a meager lean coal slurry. Furthermore the corrosion current, polarization current, and corrosion rate of low carbon steel become larger, and the polarizability becomes smaller, as the coal particle size decreases. The same trend is seen as the concentration of the coal slurry increases. 展开更多
关键词 CoalCorrosion Electrochemistry Coal-mine equipment
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