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行政“退权”与自治“增权”的尺度考量——转型背景下基层行政与社区自治间逻辑困境的再思考 被引量:2
作者 邓睿 肖云 《行政与法》 2014年第10期74-78,共5页
在我国,基层行政与社区自治之间面临着一定的权力分配与资源整合问题,二者之间从表面上看是两种治理理念与路径的逻辑冲突,实质上则是如何界定行政权与自治权之间可触边界的尺度问题。因此,通过对二者逻辑困境的演绎进行分析,既应正确... 在我国,基层行政与社区自治之间面临着一定的权力分配与资源整合问题,二者之间从表面上看是两种治理理念与路径的逻辑冲突,实质上则是如何界定行政权与自治权之间可触边界的尺度问题。因此,通过对二者逻辑困境的演绎进行分析,既应正确看待基层行政与社区自治之间在理念上的间隙,理性分析"退权"呼声与"自治"主张,在此基础上合理考量行政"退权"与自治"增权"的操作尺度,以实现基层社会不同治理主体间的良性互动,推进社区治理的不断成熟与完善。 展开更多
关键词 退权 基层行政 社区自治
作者 戴俊 欧军 《财会月刊(中)》 2013年第10期19-21,共3页
本文研究权证退市对中国股市的影响,选取了权证退市前后50周的换手率、振幅及收益率波动性等数据进行对比研究,运用SPSS进行单因素方差分析与方差奇异性检验,运用eviews进行收益率波动性回归分析。结果表明,权证退市对中国股市的影响是... 本文研究权证退市对中国股市的影响,选取了权证退市前后50周的换手率、振幅及收益率波动性等数据进行对比研究,运用SPSS进行单因素方差分析与方差奇异性检验,运用eviews进行收益率波动性回归分析。结果表明,权证退市对中国股市的影响是流动性明显减弱,波动性略有减小,投资风险有所减弱,但投资者普遍继续亏损。 展开更多
关键词 中国股市 退 流动性 波动性
作者 陈美兰 《新农业》 2020年第6期36-37,共2页
由于城镇化进程和农村劳动力转移加快,农村地区人口逐渐下降,部分地区出现不同程度耕地摞荒情况。这不仅造成了耕地资源的闲置,也影响到农产品的生产和供给。为充分利用耕地资源,稳定农业生产和农村经济水平,有必要进一步研究农民与土... 由于城镇化进程和农村劳动力转移加快,农村地区人口逐渐下降,部分地区出现不同程度耕地摞荒情况。这不仅造成了耕地资源的闲置,也影响到农产品的生产和供给。为充分利用耕地资源,稳定农业生产和农村经济水平,有必要进一步研究农民与土地的关系。 展开更多
关键词 农村 土地承包经营 退权机制 具体方法
退社权假说、多重博弈和激励机制——集体化时期农民劳动积极性问题再考察 被引量:1
作者 齐秀琳 王鑫 《财经问题研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第10期32-39,共8页
如何认识集体化时期农民的劳动积极性不仅是经济史上的重要问题,而且直接影响当前农村改革的路径选择。首先,本文通过回顾退社权假说及相关争论,对以退社权假说为代表的主流解释提出逻辑质疑,并指出过去的讨论皆建立在报复策略为冷酷策... 如何认识集体化时期农民的劳动积极性不仅是经济史上的重要问题,而且直接影响当前农村改革的路径选择。首先,本文通过回顾退社权假说及相关争论,对以退社权假说为代表的主流解释提出逻辑质疑,并指出过去的讨论皆建立在报复策略为冷酷策略,且该策略在他人不合作时一定会被触发这一过强的假设上。若放弃该假设,则农民选择积极劳作或偷懒的博弈均衡在理论上都能实现。其次,本文纳入具体历史情境分析,认为彼时农民与单干时相较劳动积极性固有不足,但在诸多条件约束下也决不会以磨洋工度日。最后,本文讨论了以往学界在理解相关实证工作时的一个重大误区:由公社制到承包制的制度变迁对农业产量的回归系数不仅不能理解为农民劳动积极性提高的结果,甚至不能简单识别为去集体化所带来的制度红利。 展开更多
关键词 退假说 多重博弈 激励机制 信息不对称 劳动积极性
国际条约的单方退出与契约精神 被引量:1
作者 刘霞 《上海管理科学》 2021年第5期96-100,共5页
新冠肺炎疫情全球蔓延,然而美国却正式向世界卫生组织和联合国秘书长提交了退出协调全球抗击疫情行动的世界卫生组织的通知。从国际法角度看,退出世界卫生组织实际上就是退出《世界卫生组织组织法》,在无退约条款情形下的确存在当事国... 新冠肺炎疫情全球蔓延,然而美国却正式向世界卫生组织和联合国秘书长提交了退出协调全球抗击疫情行动的世界卫生组织的通知。从国际法角度看,退出世界卫生组织实际上就是退出《世界卫生组织组织法》,在无退约条款情形下的确存在当事国单方退约的权利,但这一权利并不是没有限制的,需满足一定的实体条件并遵循相应的程序,因此根据《世界卫生组织组织法》和条约法的规定,美国在满足了一定的条件后可以合法退出世界卫生组织,退出生效后美国将不再享受条约权利也不再承担条约义务;从其契约精神角度看,在无退约条款情形下的退约行为并不符合契约精神的要求,是对契约精神的公然违背。 展开更多
关键词 条约退 单方退 契约精神
国外有关农业合作化的研究暨对当前发展农业合作组织的启示 被引量:1
作者 张越 周建波 +1 位作者 苏甦 赵宇恒 《河北经贸大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期77-81,共5页
从20世纪50年代初持续到70年代中期的中国农业合作化运动引起了国内外学者强烈的研究兴趣,在梳理和总结关于农业合作化文献的基础上发现国内外学者认为,农业合作化与1959—1961年的农业危机之间的关系有食物供应量的下降、食物获取权的... 从20世纪50年代初持续到70年代中期的中国农业合作化运动引起了国内外学者强烈的研究兴趣,在梳理和总结关于农业合作化文献的基础上发现国内外学者认为,农业合作化与1959—1961年的农业危机之间的关系有食物供应量的下降、食物获取权的丧失以及制度因素的三种解释。 展开更多
关键词 农业 农业合作化 农业合作组织 农业合作化退 大跃进 农业生产率 农业危机
作者 段知壮 《广东开放大学学报》 2015年第1期39-45,共7页
1959-1961年中国大饥荒是人类历史上最为严重的饥荒之一,对这次大饥荒的成因不同的学者有不同的见解,但究其根本原因,乃是集权与计划失误所造成的。各位学者在论证大饥荒成因时的不同视角,从根本上讲并没有否定这一根源,无论是"退社权... 1959-1961年中国大饥荒是人类历史上最为严重的饥荒之一,对这次大饥荒的成因不同的学者有不同的见解,但究其根本原因,乃是集权与计划失误所造成的。各位学者在论证大饥荒成因时的不同视角,从根本上讲并没有否定这一根源,无论是"退社权"、"退堂权"还是"集体积累"说等等,如果抛开这个根本性因素便无法完整地解释大饥荒的成因。 展开更多
关键词 自然灾害 大饥荒 退 退 政治根源
家庭联产承包责任制:一种次优选择——基于Dong & Dow博弈模型的再分析
作者 宗计川 《中国经济评论(1536-9056)》 2004年第4期48-57,共10页
林毅夫(1990)提出了解释中国农业集体化运动失败的博弈论假说,林的这一阵弈论假说在国际上引起了争论,董和道(Dong and Dow,1993)在论文《自由退礼能减少生产队中的偷懒吗?》对林的博弈论假说提出了挑战,文中指出,合作社成员... 林毅夫(1990)提出了解释中国农业集体化运动失败的博弈论假说,林的这一阵弈论假说在国际上引起了争论,董和道(Dong and Dow,1993)在论文《自由退礼能减少生产队中的偷懒吗?》对林的博弈论假说提出了挑战,文中指出,合作社成员之间的相互偷懒策略只有在对退出施加一定成本的条件下才是有效的,否则偷懒者将选择退社以逃避惩罚,本文沿着董和道的模型继续分析,得出的结论具有戏剧性:(1)合作社的成功与退社槛无关,无论是林的假说还是Dong & Dow的结论都是片面的,中国集体化运动的失败主要归因于政策失误。(2)在解决当前中国“三农”问题方面,农村集体合作经济是一种有效的组织形式,而家庭联产承包责任制只是一种次优选择。 展开更多
关键词 博弈论 农业集体化 家庭联产承包责任制 退 “三农”问题
Analysis of Western Countries' Anti-globalization
作者 Liu Mingli 《Contemporary International Relations》 2017年第2期40-50,共11页
Anti-globalization trends are in play in the US and Western Europe where electorates are recalcitrant to allow immigrants into their societies, national sovereignty is sought in certain geographic areas, and the natio... Anti-globalization trends are in play in the US and Western Europe where electorates are recalcitrant to allow immigrants into their societies, national sovereignty is sought in certain geographic areas, and the national mood seeks to suppress newly rising countries' trade and development. The continuation of economic downturn in Western countries is reinforced by their internal wealth gap and external competition. As capitalism's demand for profit is now being critiqued along with the emergent profit prospects to be delivered by pending technological progress, the temper of the times could temporarily slow down but not reverse globalization. Timely discussions about reform of international economic order and about an effective national development model should seek sustainable solutions for healthy, stable globalization and development of the world economy. 展开更多
关键词 ANTI-GLOBALIZATION world economy EU US
The Contents of an Empowering Programme for Staff Working With Retired Volunteers
作者 Sanet Jansen van Rensburg Herman Strydom 《Sociology Study》 2013年第2期79-95,共17页
This article focuses on the development and content of an empowerment programme for staff members at a service centre. An empowerment programme for staffworking with retired volunteers can bring about better knowledge... This article focuses on the development and content of an empowerment programme for staff members at a service centre. An empowerment programme for staffworking with retired volunteers can bring about better knowledge and understanding of elderly persons. This can lead to the target group being ideally managed and understood. The personnel work and interact on a daily basis with retired volunteers. The empowering programme includes matters such as the life circumstances of retired volunteers, the value that retired volunteers have, for the functioning of the service centre, the reasons for utilising retired volunteers, what volunteers expect of staff members, and the motivation of retired volunteers to be involved in the various activities of a service centre for the elderly to benefit the staff members themselves. By presenting and evaluating the empowerment programme, staff members will be able to become functional units in utilising elderly volunteers to the fullest possible in order to benefit the staff members, the retired volunteers, and the community at large. 展开更多
关键词 Empowerment programme retired volunteers staff members service centre older persons
论合作社社员退社的法律限制与保护 被引量:3
作者 张德峰 《法商研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期46-53,共8页
我国合作社实践中的"任意退社"与"任意限制和禁止退社"导致的合作社低效率与伪合作表明,对社员退社进行限制和保护均有必要。法律应当基于退社自由的权利属性而保护社员退社,基于对他人正当利益的维护(保障其他社... 我国合作社实践中的"任意退社"与"任意限制和禁止退社"导致的合作社低效率与伪合作表明,对社员退社进行限制和保护均有必要。法律应当基于退社自由的权利属性而保护社员退社,基于对他人正当利益的维护(保障其他社员互助合作的正常进行和合作社债权人的利益或社会利益)而限制社员退社。为保障我国合作社社员"退社限制"的合理性和有效性,应取消不合理的法定退社条件,取消退社审批制,由法律授权合作社自定退社条件。同时,为实现"退社保护"的目的,法律应明确规定社员享有退社权,禁止合作社不合理限制社员退社,规定合作社限制退社的相对性,明确合作社为成员与资本可变的组织以及明确退社权救济的内容。 展开更多
关键词 合作社 社员 退社自由 退 退社限制
Embeddings of weighted Sobolev spaces and degenerate elliptic problems 被引量:2
作者 GUO ZongMing MEI LinFeng +1 位作者 WAN FangShu GUAN XiaoHong 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第8期1399-1418,共20页
New embeddings of some weighted Sobolev spaces with weights a(x)and b(x)are established.The weights a(x)and b(x)can be singular.Some applications of these embeddings to a class of degenerate elliptic problems of the f... New embeddings of some weighted Sobolev spaces with weights a(x)and b(x)are established.The weights a(x)and b(x)can be singular.Some applications of these embeddings to a class of degenerate elliptic problems of the form-div(a(x)?u)=b(x)f(x,u)in?,u=0 on??,where?is a bounded or unbounded domain in RN,N 2,are presented.The main results of this paper also give some generalizations of the well-known Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequality. 展开更多
关键词 positive weak solutions Sobolev type embeddings weighted elliptic equations Caffarelli-Kohn- Nirenberg inequality
Small-scale switch in cover-perimeter relationships of patches indicates shift of dominant species during grassland degradation 被引量:3
作者 Ming-Hua Song Johannes HCCornelissen +6 位作者 Yi-Kang Li Xing-Liang Xu Hua-Kun Zhou Xiao-Yong Cui Yan-Fen Wang Rong-Yan Xu Qi Feng 《Journal of Plant Ecology》 SCIE CSCD 2020年第6期704-712,共9页
Aims Grasslands are globally threatened by climate changes and unsustainable land-use,which often cause transitions among alternative stable states,and even catastrophic transition to desertification.Spatial vegetatio... Aims Grasslands are globally threatened by climate changes and unsustainable land-use,which often cause transitions among alternative stable states,and even catastrophic transition to desertification.Spatial vegetation patch configurations have been shown to signify such transitions at large spatial scale.Here,we demonstrate how small-scale patch configurations can also indicate state transitions.Methods The whole spatial series of degradation successions were chosen in alpine grasslands characterized as seven typical communities.Patch numbers,and perimeter and cover of each patch were recorded using adjacent quadrats along transects in each type of the communities.Species abundance within each patch was measured.Important Findings Across seven grazing-induced degradation stages in the world’s largest expanse of grassland,from dense ungrazed turf to bare black-soil crust,patch numbers and perimeters first increased as patch cover decreased.Numbers and perimeters then decreased rapidly beyond an intersection point at 68%of initial continuous vegetation cover.Around this point,the vegetation fluctuated back and forth between the sedge-dominated grassland breaking-up phase and the forb-dominated phase,suggesting impending shift of grassland state.This study thus demonstrates how ground-based small-scale vegetation surveys can provide a quantitative,easy-to-use signals for vegetation degradation,with promise for detecting the catastrophic transition to desertification. 展开更多
关键词 grassland degradation state transition Tibetan Plateau trade-off vegetation patchiness
作者 CHEN YEMIN School of Mathematics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China. 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2003年第4期529-540,共12页
In this paper, the author studies the regularity of solutions to the Dirichlet problem forequation Lu = f, where L is a second order degenerate elliptic operator in divergence form inΩ, a bounded open subset of Rn (n... In this paper, the author studies the regularity of solutions to the Dirichlet problem forequation Lu = f, where L is a second order degenerate elliptic operator in divergence form inΩ, a bounded open subset of Rn (n ≥ 3). 展开更多
关键词 REGULARITY Dirichlet problem DEGENERATE Weighted spaces
Community Detection with the Weighted Parsimony Criterion
作者 BETTINELLI Andrea HANSEN Pierre LIBERTI Leo 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第3期517-545,共29页
Community detection in networks has been studied extensively in the last decade. Many criteria, expressing the quality of the partitions obtained, as well as a few exact algorithms and a large number of heuristics hav... Community detection in networks has been studied extensively in the last decade. Many criteria, expressing the quality of the partitions obtained, as well as a few exact algorithms and a large number of heuristics have been proposed. The parsimony criterion consists in minimizing the number of edges added or removed from the given network in order to transform it into a set of disjoint cliques.Recently Zhang, Qiu and Zhang have proposed a weighted parsimony model in which a weight coefficient is introduced to balance the numbers of inserted and deleted edges. These authors propose rules to select a good value of the coefficient, use simulated annealing to find optimal or near-optimal solutions and solve a series of real and artificial instances. In the present paper, an algorithm is proposed for solving exactly the weighted parsimony problem for all values of the parameter. This algorithm is based on iteratively solving the problem for a set of given values of the parameter using a row generation algorithm. This procedure is combined with a search procedure to find all lowest breakpoints of the value curve(i.e., the weighted sum of inserted and deleted edges). Computational results on a series of artificial and real world networks from the literature are reported. It appears that several partitions for the same network may be informative and that the set of solutions usually contains at least one intuitively appealing partition. 展开更多
关键词 Community detection complex networks parsimony.
Increasing Powers in a Degenerate Parabolic Logistic Equation
作者 Jos Francisco RODRIGUES Hugo TAVARES 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第2期277-294,共18页
The purpose of this paper is to study the asymptotic behavior of the positive solutions of the problem tu- △u=au-b(x)up in Ω×R+,u(0)=u0,u(t )| Ω=0, as p→ +∞, where Ω is a bounded domain, and b(x... The purpose of this paper is to study the asymptotic behavior of the positive solutions of the problem tu- △u=au-b(x)up in Ω×R+,u(0)=u0,u(t )| Ω=0, as p→ +∞, where Ω is a bounded domain, and b(x) is a nonnegative function. The authors deduce that the limiting configuration solves a parabolic obstacle problem, and afterwards fully describe its long time behavior. 展开更多
关键词 Parabolic logistic equation Obstacle problem Positive solution Increasing power Subsolution and supersolution
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