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中国南方苦苣苔科植物在喀斯特地貌和丹霞地貌上的适应分化 被引量:8
作者 俞筱押 李家美 任明迅 《广西科学》 CAS 2019年第1期132-140,共9页
中国南方同域分布着大面积的喀斯特地貌和丹霞地貌,其形成的异质性生境可能促进物种的分化适应以实现植物物种形成与维持。本文比较研究了中国南方喀斯特地貌和丹霞地貌的土壤与生境差异,分析了苦苣苔科植物在这两类生境上的分布格局、... 中国南方同域分布着大面积的喀斯特地貌和丹霞地貌,其形成的异质性生境可能促进物种的分化适应以实现植物物种形成与维持。本文比较研究了中国南方喀斯特地貌和丹霞地貌的土壤与生境差异,分析了苦苣苔科植物在这两类生境上的分布格局、专性程度等,解释这两类生境对苦苣苔科物种分化与特有种维持的可能作用。结果显示:丹霞地貌的土壤更偏酸性,土壤含钾量极高;喀斯特地貌土壤则呈明显碱性,土壤含钙量极高。苦苣苔科植物专性或偏好喀斯特生境的物种有162种(占31.58%),花期集中在4—10月(87.04%);丹霞生境专性或偏好的物种27种,花期集中在8—9月(44.44%)。另外有一部分类群同时在喀斯特地貌和丹霞地貌有着较广的分布,但也存在一定的分化;如在两类生境都有大量分布的闽赣长蒴苣苔,在丹霞地貌上的种群花期较喀斯特种群的约早2个月。这些结果证实,中国南方喀斯特和丹霞地貌不同的土壤性质及相关环境与气候特点,促进了苦苣苔科植物物种分化,可能是我国南方苦苣苔科植物具有较多狭域特有种的一个重要原因。 展开更多
关键词 适应分化 生境异质性 物种形成 特有种
NBA1/MERIT40 在3种沙棘中的适应性分化研究——兼论二代测序技术在杂种鉴定中的应用 被引量:1
作者 孙坤 丁雪洋 +4 位作者 张辉 李雪丽 汪颖 王娟 刘本立 《植物研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期648-658,共11页
随着高通量测序技术的发展,从“组学”水平研究适应性进化分子机制成为进化生物学的研究热点。本研究以沙棘属的中国沙棘、肋果沙棘及二者的同倍化杂交物种棱果沙棘为材料,通过转录组测序,筛选出了受到正选择(w>1)的BRCA1-A&BRIS... 随着高通量测序技术的发展,从“组学”水平研究适应性进化分子机制成为进化生物学的研究热点。本研究以沙棘属的中国沙棘、肋果沙棘及二者的同倍化杂交物种棱果沙棘为材料,通过转录组测序,筛选出了受到正选择(w>1)的BRCA1-A&BRISC复合体亚基NBA1基因。生物信息学分析表明,NBA1基因在3种沙棘中编码区全长为771 bp,共编码256个氨基酸,为核定位的亲水性蛋白。中国沙棘与肋果沙棘中NBA1的氨基酸序列在218与236位存在差异,中国沙棘中靠近结合位点的218位突变为甲硫氨酸,不同于肋果沙棘及其他陆生植物中NBA1亚基VWA结构域中保守的亮氨酸,导致二者的蛋白质三级结构发生明显变化,且使中国沙棘与肋果沙棘中该蛋白结合位点的空间排布产生显著差异。综上,推测二者的NBA1亚基在结合其他亚基方面有所不同,主要导致了BRCA1-A复合体修复紫外辐射引起的DNA损伤修复功能方面出现差异,这可能与中国沙棘与肋果沙棘对不同海拔环境的适应有关。此外,Sanger测序验证了二代测序结果的准确性,证明该基因在亲本种中国沙棘与肋果沙棘中是纯合的单拷贝,在杂种棱果沙棘中以共显性的杂合方式存在。进一步分析发现第二代测序数据不适用于在个体水平鉴定杂种,但群体内多个个体的平行测序一定程度上可随机反映杂种的亲本来源。本研究为进一步揭示沙棘属植物对不同海拔的适应分子机制提供了参考数据,同时为利用转录组测序方法鉴定杂交物种提出了建议。 展开更多
关键词 NBA1 中国沙棘 肋果沙棘 棱果沙棘 适应分化 杂种鉴定
肋果沙棘和西藏沙棘转录因子bHLH94基因对海拔适应性分化的研究 被引量:1
作者 钱婷 赵凡 +3 位作者 张玉洁 李雪丽 孙坤 张辉 《植物研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期976-985,共10页
bHLH转录因子是植物体内的第二大类转录因子,在植物的生长发育、生理代谢及逆境应答过程中起着重要的作用。以肋果沙棘(Hippophae neurocarpa)和西藏沙棘(H. tibetana)为研究材料,通过转录组测序,筛选出受正选择作用的转录因子bHLH94基... bHLH转录因子是植物体内的第二大类转录因子,在植物的生长发育、生理代谢及逆境应答过程中起着重要的作用。以肋果沙棘(Hippophae neurocarpa)和西藏沙棘(H. tibetana)为研究材料,通过转录组测序,筛选出受正选择作用的转录因子bHLH94基因,基于HnbHLH94、HtbHLH94基因序列和基因表达量分析,研究肋果沙棘和西藏沙棘bHLH94基因对海拔的响应机制。HnbHLH94和HtbHLH94基因分别编码338和335个氨基酸,Sanger法测序验证序列的正确性及二者DNA结合结构域之外的10个非同义突变位点,推测与该基因的适应性进化有关;qRT-PCR验证HnbHLH94基因表达量随海拔的升高而减小,HtbHLH94基因表达量随海拔的升高而增大,提示二者可能在干旱、冷冻及辐射等方面提供了对海拔适应的分子基础。综上,HnbHLH94和HtbHLH94基因在序列结构和表达量两个方面来响应海拔升高的生境条件。 展开更多
关键词 bHLH94转录因子 肋果沙棘 西藏沙棘 海拔 适应分化
航天失重下动态血管系统分化性适应变化研究进展——张立藩教授的应激综述在JAppl Phsiol发表后进入网上点击、阅读前十位小记
作者 张东宁 《生理通讯》 2002年第3期77-78,共2页
关键词 航天先重 动脉血管系统 分化适应 研究进展
褐菖鲉不同地理群体的形态学比较研究 被引量:3
作者 刘璐 周永东 高天翔 《水生态学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期81-88,共8页
褐菖鲉(Sebastiscus marmoratus)常见于西北太平洋近海的暖温水域底层,是我国重要的广布型海洋经济鱼类。研究褐菖鲉群体间形态差异及其与生境的关系,能够为我国近海鱼类多样性保护提供基础资料。鉴于生物多元统计需要尽量缩小不同鱼类... 褐菖鲉(Sebastiscus marmoratus)常见于西北太平洋近海的暖温水域底层,是我国重要的广布型海洋经济鱼类。研究褐菖鲉群体间形态差异及其与生境的关系,能够为我国近海鱼类多样性保护提供基础资料。鉴于生物多元统计需要尽量缩小不同鱼类群体大小和规格差异为前提,通过传统形态测定和多变量框架量度相结合的方法,采用主成分分析、判别分析、聚类分析和单因素方差分析多元统计方法,对采集自浙江舟山、福建厦门、广东汕头及广西北海附近海域的4个褐菖鲉群体共112尾个体的8个分节特征和15个量度特征开展研究。结果显示,不同群体间可数性状特征差异不明显,难以作为有效区分4个褐菖鲉群体的依据;结合框架法和传统形态学进行研判,4个群体的综合判别正确率在81.5%~96.7%。主成分分析表明,前4个主成分累积贡献率为51.74%,北海群体和舟山群体的形态特征指标分别与其他2个群体存在一定程度的分化。相比于北海群体,厦门群体的尾柄更长、头部更小。生境差异以及褐菖鲉生活范围相对稳定,使得被隔绝于相对独立生活环境的群体产生了形态特征上的适应性分化。由于东海海域和南海海域之间的联通性,不同海域的褐菖鲉群体之间因摄食、繁殖等出现的短距离迁徙和短暂的基因交流,在一定程度上削弱了形态特征的分化。 展开更多
关键词 褐菖鲉 地理群体 形态特征 适应分化
渤海湾津唐沿海野生大豆(Glycine soja)种群高盐碱胁迫反应 被引量:13
作者 肖鑫辉 李向华 王克晶 《植物遗传资源学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期290-297,304,共9页
以渤海湾津唐沿海地带895份野生大豆种群在高盐碱(3%)环境下的全生育期鉴定试验,分析不同种群(株系)的生长发育动态以及对盐碱土壤生态适应性的分化。结果表明,出苗阶段存在3种耐盐碱能力类型:耐高盐碱胁迫发芽出苗;耐低盐碱胁迫发芽出... 以渤海湾津唐沿海地带895份野生大豆种群在高盐碱(3%)环境下的全生育期鉴定试验,分析不同种群(株系)的生长发育动态以及对盐碱土壤生态适应性的分化。结果表明,出苗阶段存在3种耐盐碱能力类型:耐高盐碱胁迫发芽出苗;耐低盐碱胁迫发芽出苗;盐胁迫不能发芽出苗。在高盐胁迫下营养生长早期阶段种群死亡率最高,中期以后相对降低,成熟期死亡率较低。种群植株形态建成和生殖生长受到高盐胁迫的强烈抑制,表现早期严重而后期较轻。植株和产量性状的受害程度由大到小依次为:单株的地上干物质重、单株产量、种子数、百粒重和收获指数。株系间变异系数从大到小依次为:单株产量、种子数、荚数、收获指数、地上干物质重、百粒重。研究揭示该地域种群内对盐碱土壤有很高的适应性分化,存在高耐盐碱生态型。 展开更多
关键词 野生大豆 耐盐性 生态适应分化 土壤生态型 种群
Robust adaptive polarization analysis method for eliminating ground roll in 3C land seismics 被引量:3
作者 陈海峰 李向阳 +1 位作者 钱忠平 赵桂玲 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第3期295-304,358,共11页
To improve the data quality of converted waves, and better identify and suppress the strong ground-roll interference in three-component (3C) seismic recordings on land, we present an adaptive polarization filtering ... To improve the data quality of converted waves, and better identify and suppress the strong ground-roll interference in three-component (3C) seismic recordings on land, we present an adaptive polarization filtering method, which can effectively separate the ground- roll interference by combining complex polarization and instantaneous polarization analysis. The ground roll noise is characterized by elliptical plane polarization, strong energy, low apparent velocity, and low frequency. After low-pass filtering of the 3C data input within a given time-window of the ground roll, the complex covariance matrix is decomposed using the sliding time window with overlapping data and length that depends on the dominant ground-roll frequency. The ground-roll model is established using the main eigenvectors, and the ground roll is detected and identified using the instantaneous polarization area attributes and average energy constraints of the ground-roll zone. Finally, the ground roll is subtracted. The threshold of the method is stable and easy to select, and offers good ground- roll detection. The method is a robust polarization filtering method. Model calculations and actual data indicate that the method can effectively identify and attenuate ground roll while preserving the effective signals. 展开更多
关键词 three-component (3C) adaptive polarization filtering suppressing ground roll
作者 叶谦吉 《西南农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第2期1-7,共7页
生命的历史是漫长攸久的演替过程表征着植物群落演替进化的周期性特征,即“演替-分化-灭绝-突变-进化”的过程。历经变异多样化、物种形成、适应性族群演替进化、种群散布、转化传递和演替进化。就是通过这一过程,最终导致了现代人类社... 生命的历史是漫长攸久的演替过程表征着植物群落演替进化的周期性特征,即“演替-分化-灭绝-突变-进化”的过程。历经变异多样化、物种形成、适应性族群演替进化、种群散布、转化传递和演替进化。就是通过这一过程,最终导致了现代人类社会的产生。在这一地球历史过程中,生物的进化经历着严峻状态的地球环境,从单细胞生物开始直至高等动物产生,一路历经为生存而艰难挣扎斗争,在斗争中求生存,在生存中力图挣扎前进。为笔者曾提出的“生存斗争进化论”[1]提供了进一步的佐证。 展开更多
关键词 生存斗争 植物群落演替进化 变异多样化 适应分化
作者 胡兆华 《农业考古》 1998年第1期387-387,共1页
东亚水稻农耕摇篮地之探索(摘要)(美籍农学家)胡兆华1.稻作起源与发展分二阶段:A.原始期(Incipience)是旱作(Ricefarming-dry),发生在云南、缅甸、泰北、老挝一带山地,点播、混植,稻是多种禾... 东亚水稻农耕摇篮地之探索(摘要)(美籍农学家)胡兆华1.稻作起源与发展分二阶段:A.原始期(Incipience)是旱作(Ricefarming-dry),发生在云南、缅甸、泰北、老挝一带山地,点播、混植,稻是多种禾谷类植物被采集利用之一,园艺式。B... 展开更多
关键词 水稻 野生稻 东亚 栽培技术 爪哇稻 爪哇型 水田稻 农业生产体系 适应分化 稻作起源
Adaptive Evolution of Large Subunits of RubisCO in Magnoliophyta Crops 被引量:3
作者 刘晗 王丽坤 熊冬金 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第4期8-11,18,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to study adaptive evolution of the large subunits of RubisCO in Magnoliophyta crops. [Method] Taking Magnoliophyta crops such as corn and rice as research materials, the analysis on molecular a... [Objective] The aim was to study adaptive evolution of the large subunits of RubisCO in Magnoliophyta crops. [Method] Taking Magnoliophyta crops such as corn and rice as research materials, the analysis on molecular adaptive evolution was carded out by using codon replacement and maximum likelihood methods. [ Result] The RubisCO suffered positive selection effect and six amino acid sites were identified. [ Conclusion] The six amino acid sites are of important guiding significance for studying catalytic activity of RubisCO large subunits and crop improvement. 展开更多
关键词 Magnoliophyta crops Ribulose-1 5-biphosphate carboxylase/oxgenase rbcL gene Positive selection
Hydraulic cylinder control of injection molding machine based on differential evolution fractional order PID 被引量:2
作者 LI Ya-qiu GU Li-chen +1 位作者 YANG Sha XUE Xu-fei 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2020年第4期317-325,共9页
Injection molding machine,hydraulic elevator,speed actuators belong to variable speed pump control cylinder system.Because variable speed pump control cylinder system is a nonlinear hydraulic system,it has some proble... Injection molding machine,hydraulic elevator,speed actuators belong to variable speed pump control cylinder system.Because variable speed pump control cylinder system is a nonlinear hydraulic system,it has some problems such as response lag and poor steady-state accuracy.To solve these problems,for the hydraulic cylinder of injection molding machine driven by the servo motor,a fractional order proportion-integration-diferentiation(FOPID)control strategy is proposed to realize the speed tracking control.Combined with the adaptive differential evolution algorithm,FOPID control strategy is used to determine the parameters of controller on line based on the test on the servo-motor-driven gear-pump-controlled hydraulic cylinder injection molding machine.Then the slef-adaptive differential evolution fractional order PID controller(SADE-FOPID)model of variable speed pump-controlled hydraulic cylinder is established in the test system with simulated loading.The simulation results show that compared with the classical PID control,the FOPID has better steady-state accuracy and fast response when the control parameters are optimized by the adaptive differential evolution algorithm.Experimental results show that SADE-FOPID control strategy is effective and feasible,and has good anti-load disturbance performance. 展开更多
关键词 variable speed pump-controlled cylinder fractional order proportion-integration-differentiation(FOPID) self-adaptive differential evolution(SADE) injection molding machine control anti-load disturbance
Mechanisms of species divergence through visual adaptation and sexual selection:Perspectives from a cichlid model system 被引量:3
作者 Martine E.MAAN Ole SEEHAUSEN 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期285-299,共15页
The theory of ecological speciation suggests that assortative mating evolves most easily when mating preferences aredirectly linked to ecological traits that are subject to divergent selection. Sensory adaptation can ... The theory of ecological speciation suggests that assortative mating evolves most easily when mating preferences aredirectly linked to ecological traits that are subject to divergent selection. Sensory adaptation can play a major role in this process,because selective mating is often mediated by sexual signals: bright colours, complex song, pheromone blends and so on. Whendivergent sensory adaptation affects the perception of such signals, mating patterns may change as an immediate consequence.Alternatively, mating preferences can diverge as a result of indirect effects: assortative mating may be promoted by selectionagainst intermediate phenotypes that are maladapted to their (sensory) environment. For Lake Victoria cichlids, the visual environmentconstitutes an important selective force that is heterogeneous across geographical and water depth gradients. We investigatethe direct and indirect effects of this heterogeneity on the evolution of female preferences for alternative male nuptial colours(red and blue) in the genus Pundamilia. Here, we review the current evidence for divergent sensory drive in this system, extractgeneral principles, and discuss future perspectives [Current Zoology 56 (3): 285-299, 2010]. 展开更多
关键词 CICHLID Sexual selection Species divergence Visual adaptation
An Immune Self-adaptive Differential Evolution Algorithm with Application to Estimate Kinetic Parameters for Homogeneous Mercury Oxidation 被引量:12
作者 胡春平 颜学峰 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第2期232-240,共9页
A new version of differential evolution (DE) algorithm, in which immune concepts and methods are applied to determine the parameter setting, named immune self-adaptive differential evolution (ISDE), is proposed to... A new version of differential evolution (DE) algorithm, in which immune concepts and methods are applied to determine the parameter setting, named immune self-adaptive differential evolution (ISDE), is proposed to improve the performance of the DE algorithm. During the actual operation, ISDE seeks the optimal parameters arising from the evolutionary process, which enable ISDE to alter the algorithm for different optimization problems and improve the performance of ISDE by the control parameters' self-adaptation. The .performance of the proposed method is studied with the use of nine benchmark problems and compared with original DE algorithm ~nd-other well-known self-adaptive DE algorithms. The experiments conducted show that the ISDE clearly outperforms the other DE algorithms in all benchmark functions. Furthermore, ISDE is applied to develop the kinetic model for homogeneous mercury. (Hg) oxidation in flue gas, and satisfactory results are obtained. 展开更多
关键词 differential evolution immune system evolutionary computation parameter estimation
An efficient adapting virtual intermediate instruction set towards optimized dynamic binary translator (DBT) system
作者 杨吟冬 管海兵 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第11期3118-3128,共11页
A new efficient adapting virtual intermediate instruction set,V-IIS,is designed and implemented towards the optimized dynamic binary translator (DBT) system.With the help of this powerful but previously little-studied... A new efficient adapting virtual intermediate instruction set,V-IIS,is designed and implemented towards the optimized dynamic binary translator (DBT) system.With the help of this powerful but previously little-studied component,DBTs can not only get rid of the dependence of machine(s),but also get better performance.From our systematical study and evaluation,experimental results demonstrate that if V-IIS is well designed,without affecting the other optimizing measures,this could make DBT's performance close to those who do not have intermediate instructions.This study is an important step towards the grand goal of high performance "multi-source" and "multi-target" dynamic binary translation. 展开更多
关键词 binary translation virtual intermediate instruction set dynamic binary translator (DBT)
A new self-adaptive remeshing approach
作者 吴勇 He Yuanjun Zhang Lin 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2006年第2期154-159,共6页
This paper proposes a self-adaptive approach to converting irregular genus-O meshes into those with subdivision connectivity. To assure a maximal utilization of the multiresolution techniques on the remesh, we map the... This paper proposes a self-adaptive approach to converting irregular genus-O meshes into those with subdivision connectivity. To assure a maximal utilization of the multiresolution techniques on the remesh, we map the original mesh onto the unit sphere and construct a base mesh with only four vertices. We also introduce a self-adaptive relocation operation, which is used to adapt the vertex distribution of the spherical subdivision mesh to that of the parameterized mesh, to improve the visual appearance of the remesh. The experimental results show that our method can not only make the number of irregular vertices in the remesh as small as possible, but also preserve the details of the original mesh well. 展开更多
关键词 self-adaptive remeshing subdivision connectivity spherical parametrization MULTIRESOLUTION
Hybrid Improved Self-adaptive Differential Evolution and Nelder-Mead Simplex Method for Solving Constrained Real-Parameters
作者 Ngoc-Tam Bui Hieu Pham Hiroshi Hasegawa 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2013年第9期551-559,共9页
In this paper, a new hybrid algorithm based on exploration power of a new improvement self-adaptive strategy for controlling parameters in DE (differential evolution) algorithm and exploitation capability of Nelder-... In this paper, a new hybrid algorithm based on exploration power of a new improvement self-adaptive strategy for controlling parameters in DE (differential evolution) algorithm and exploitation capability of Nelder-Mead simplex method is presented (HISADE-NMS). The DE has been used in many practical cases and has demonstrated good convergence properties. It has only a few control parameters as number of particles (NP), scaling factor (F) and crossover control (CR), which are kept fixed throughout the entire evolutionary process. However, these control parameters are very sensitive to the setting of the control parameters based on their experiments. The value of control parameters depends on the characteristics of each objective function, therefore, we have to tune their value in each problem that mean it will take too long time to perform. In the new manner, we present a new version of the DE algorithm for obtaining self-adaptive control parameter settings. Some modifications are imposed on DE to improve its capability and efficiency while being hybridized with Nelder-Mead simplex method. To valid the robustness of new hybrid algorithm, we apply it to solve some examples of structural optimization constraints. 展开更多
关键词 Differential evolution hybrid algorithms evolutionary computation global search local search simplex method.
作者 Xie Zongbo Feng Jiuchao 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2009年第6期836-841,共6页
The K-COD (K-Complete Orthogonal Decomposition) algorithm for generating adaptive dictionary for signals sparse representation in the framework of K-means clustering is proposed in this paper,in which rank one approxi... The K-COD (K-Complete Orthogonal Decomposition) algorithm for generating adaptive dictionary for signals sparse representation in the framework of K-means clustering is proposed in this paper,in which rank one approximation for components assembling signals based on COD and K-means clustering based on chaotic random search are well utilized. The results of synthetic test and empirical experiment for the real data show that the proposed algorithm outperforms recently reported alternatives: K-Singular Value Decomposition (K-SVD) algorithm and Method of Optimal Directions (MOD) algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 Sparse representation K-Complete Orthogonal Decomposition (K-COD) Adaptivedictionary
Synthesis and optimization of utility system using parameter adaptive differential evolution algorithm
作者 李泽秋 杜文莉 +1 位作者 赵亮 钱锋 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第8期1350-1356,共7页
Synthesis and optimization of utility system usually involve grassroots design, retrofitting and operation optimization, which should be considered in modeling process. This paper presents a general method for synthes... Synthesis and optimization of utility system usually involve grassroots design, retrofitting and operation optimization, which should be considered in modeling process. This paper presents a general method for synthesis and optimization of a utility system. In this method, superstructure based mathematical model is established, in which different modeling methods are chosen based on the application. A binary code based parameter adaptive differential evolution algorithm is used to obtain the optimal con figuration and operation conditions of the system. The evolution algorithm and models are interactively used in the calculation, which ensures the feasibility of con figuration and improves computational ef ficiency. The capability and effectiveness of the proposed approach are demonstrated by three typical case studies. 展开更多
关键词 Utility system synthesis MINLP Operation optimization
植物交配系统与分子进化理论及其应用研究 被引量:1
作者 李玲玲 王茜 +3 位作者 肖钰 程祥 陈晓阳 胡新生 《中国科学:生命科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期50-63,共14页
伴随着植物交配系统从异交向自交演化过程,植物花性状和基因组结构呈现自交综合征.本文系统探讨了形成有关综合征的理论基础与分子机制,分析了交配系统与不同进化过程互作基本理论.自交导致有效群体大小、突变率、重组率以及选择功效降... 伴随着植物交配系统从异交向自交演化过程,植物花性状和基因组结构呈现自交综合征.本文系统探讨了形成有关综合征的理论基础与分子机制,分析了交配系统与不同进化过程互作基本理论.自交导致有效群体大小、突变率、重组率以及选择功效降低,但漂变效应、连锁不平衡等增强.这些理论较好地解释了同义和非同义突变相对比值变化、转座子数量变化、基因家族成员遗传相关性以及基因组结构特征.虽然分子标记被应用于交配系统参数估计,但交配系统研究与分子进化研究属于不同的研究领域,两者结合可形成一些重要生物学问题,如交配系统驱动与强化种间分子进化的作用模式、自交与异交植物分子进化模式差异、同种异质交配系统的群体间基因组结构差异等,澄清这些问题有助于深入理解交配系统在种内和种间分子进化过程中的作用. 展开更多
关键词 交配系统 分子进化 适应分化选择 基因组结构 物种形成
鼠尾草属不同物种的雄蕊杠杆机制对传粉者空间变异的进化响应 被引量:9
作者 张勃 孙杉 +1 位作者 方强恩 白小明 《植物生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第7期681-689,共9页
被子植物虫媒传粉植物的物种分化通常被认为是花性状响应传粉环境(传粉者)的空间变异而发生适应性分化的结果。通过对鼠尾草属(Salvia) 3个物种(共4个居群)传粉互作系统的比较, 探索了花性状对不同传粉环境的进化响应。结果表明:各居群... 被子植物虫媒传粉植物的物种分化通常被认为是花性状响应传粉环境(传粉者)的空间变异而发生适应性分化的结果。通过对鼠尾草属(Salvia) 3个物种(共4个居群)传粉互作系统的比较, 探索了花性状对不同传粉环境的进化响应。结果表明:各居群的传粉者组成、主要传粉者类型及其大小各不相同, 杠杆状雄蕊及相关花部性状大小在不同居群间具有显著差异; 各居群均表现出腹部传粉和背部传粉2种传粉模式, 但背部传粉仍然是最有效的传粉方式; 居群间杠杆状雄蕊长度与传粉者体长表现出极显著的正相关, 然而花冠长与传粉者体长表现出负相关; 花冠口高度和柱头高度与传粉者胸厚也表现出一定的协同变异。鼠尾草属植物的杠杆状雄蕊及相关花部性状在传粉系统的进化过程中表现出高度的可塑性, 表明雄蕊杠杆传粉机制对传粉环境的变异非常敏感, 在该属植物的物种分化过程中具有关键作用。 展开更多
关键词 适应辐射 协同进化 地理趋异 关键性状 局域适应分化 传粉
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