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关于打工妹婚姻逆迁移的调查 被引量:18
作者 邓智平 《南方人口》 CSSCI 2004年第3期35-40,共6页
由于制度与自身的原因 ,很多在城相恋的农民工婚后回到了农村 ,文章根据打工妹的婚后生活状况把打工妹的婚姻逆迁移分为四种类型 :安居乐业型、外出型、女方外逃型、女方自杀型。通过对这四种类型的描述从宏观和微观两个层面对婚姻逆迁... 由于制度与自身的原因 ,很多在城相恋的农民工婚后回到了农村 ,文章根据打工妹的婚后生活状况把打工妹的婚姻逆迁移分为四种类型 :安居乐业型、外出型、女方外逃型、女方自杀型。通过对这四种类型的描述从宏观和微观两个层面对婚姻逆迁移进行理论探讨。从宏观上看 ,城市化、工业化是不可逆的现代化趋势 ,在此背景下 ,与城市化、工业化相悖的婚姻逆迁移必然整体上充满被动和凄凉。从微观的角度来看 ,男女双方婚前信息交换的完全性、婚姻迁移和社区迁移的同步性也是影响这些婚姻迁移者婚姻质量的关键变项。 展开更多
关键词 婚姻逆迁移 社区迁移 完全性
作者 赵婷 李繁 《渭南师范学院学报》 2016年第14期54-59,共6页
语言迁移(Language Transfer)指一种语言对另一种语言学习的影响,其中母语对二语的影响分为正迁移和负迁移。而逆迁移(Reverse Transfer)则指在长期接触二语的情况下,二语反作用于母语。从语音、词汇、句法及语用层面多角度探讨逆迁移... 语言迁移(Language Transfer)指一种语言对另一种语言学习的影响,其中母语对二语的影响分为正迁移和负迁移。而逆迁移(Reverse Transfer)则指在长期接触二语的情况下,二语反作用于母语。从语音、词汇、句法及语用层面多角度探讨逆迁移的类型,揭示二语的反方向影响,以此得出造成逆迁移的语言层面成因和非语言层面成因,进而对当下的外语教学方式及语言学习偏见进行反思。 展开更多
关键词 语言迁移 逆迁移 对比分析 成因
打工妹的婚姻逆迁移研究 被引量:19
作者 邓智平 李宏渊 《社会》 北大核心 2004年第7期49-53,共5页
随着经济体制改革和户籍制度的松动,人口的流动和迁移席卷中华大地,尤其是大批农民如潮水般涌入城市.来到城市后,农民工的交际圈迅速扩大,随之他们的通婚圈也迅速扩大.但是以户籍制度为代表的各种制度性歧视依旧存在,外来工自身相对低... 随着经济体制改革和户籍制度的松动,人口的流动和迁移席卷中华大地,尤其是大批农民如潮水般涌入城市.来到城市后,农民工的交际圈迅速扩大,随之他们的通婚圈也迅速扩大.但是以户籍制度为代表的各种制度性歧视依旧存在,外来工自身相对低下的收入水平和教育水平,决定了他们中相当部分人的婚后生活依然要回到农村.于是很多在城市务工的农村女性婚后都追随自己的丈夫回迁移到了农村. 展开更多
关键词 农村女性 农民工 婚姻逆迁移 生活经历 社区迁移 信息交换
二语习得中目的语对母语使用的逆迁移 被引量:4
作者 徐志平 《洛阳师范学院学报》 2008年第6期148-150,共3页
目前,关于二语习得中的母语对目的语的迁移研究较多,其实,目的语对母语也会有影响,即目的语对母语的逆迁移,但目前对此语言现象的关注不足。这里主要讨论了这种语言现象及其三种具体表现类型,即词汇逆迁移,句法逆迁移,语用逆迁移,这三... 目前,关于二语习得中的母语对目的语的迁移研究较多,其实,目的语对母语也会有影响,即目的语对母语的逆迁移,但目前对此语言现象的关注不足。这里主要讨论了这种语言现象及其三种具体表现类型,即词汇逆迁移,句法逆迁移,语用逆迁移,这三种表现类型能较好地解释二语习得者的一些语言变化,进而为新形势下汉语规划工作提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 逆迁移 目的语 母语
作者 张辉 《中国校外教育》 2013年第11期112-113,共2页
随着国家间交流频繁,双语或多语使用者大量存在的客观事实,已证明一个正常人是具有"多重语言能力"的。人们在使用外语的同时,外语也在潜默化地影响着我们母语的使用,这种现象被称为"逆迁移",且这种"逆迁移&qu... 随着国家间交流频繁,双语或多语使用者大量存在的客观事实,已证明一个正常人是具有"多重语言能力"的。人们在使用外语的同时,外语也在潜默化地影响着我们母语的使用,这种现象被称为"逆迁移",且这种"逆迁移"有微观和宏观两种表现形式,微观表现主要发生在"外翻汉"的翻译过程中,若L3的词源和词形与L2或L1相似或相同时,就会对译者在母语选词造句时造成一定的心理影响。 展开更多
关键词 复合能力 语言迁移 逆迁移
作者 郎寒晓 《日语教育与日本学》 2022年第2期41-53,共13页
本研究系统分析了不同语言族群在电子邮件中的请求行为,并着重对中国日语学习者的语用逆迁移现象开展了实证研究。结果显示,在中国日语学习者写作的汉语电子邮件中观察到明显的逆迁移现象,具体表现为他们倾向于使用消极礼貌策略,包括“... 本研究系统分析了不同语言族群在电子邮件中的请求行为,并着重对中国日语学习者的语用逆迁移现象开展了实证研究。结果显示,在中国日语学习者写作的汉语电子邮件中观察到明显的逆迁移现象,具体表现为他们倾向于使用消极礼貌策略,包括“体察”“致歉”“间接请求”等。此外,比起汉语,学习者在日语语境下更加顾虑上下级关系。可见,高水平日语学习者具备了根据不同社会背景、社会距离权势关系等因素去处理语境进行人际交往的能力。 展开更多
关键词 逆迁移 话语礼貌理论 请求行为 二语习得 复合能力假设
作者 陈祚瑜 《教育教学论坛》 2015年第3期246-247,共2页
全球化的发展推动着语言的交融,致使迁移现象成为语言学界广泛关注的领域。然而,多数学者侧重于正迁移的研究,即一语对二语的迁移,而对于二语对一语的逆迁移的研究相对较少。笔者结合自身工作,研究公文写作中的逆迁移现象。本文将南京... 全球化的发展推动着语言的交融,致使迁移现象成为语言学界广泛关注的领域。然而,多数学者侧重于正迁移的研究,即一语对二语的迁移,而对于二语对一语的逆迁移的研究相对较少。笔者结合自身工作,研究公文写作中的逆迁移现象。本文将南京理工大学学生工作处历年的文件收集整理成语料库,对其进行对比分析。发现与传统汉语写作相比,英语学习者进行公文写作时受到逆迁移的影响,主要表现在三个方面:句子长度变长;定语复杂化;句子充当定语。笔者认为这些变化主要是因为随着撰写者英语水平的不断提高,汉语公文受到英语结构或翻译模式的影响。 展开更多
关键词 公文写作 句法研究 逆迁移
简议文化差异与商务沟通 被引量:3
作者 常婧 《商品储运与养护》 2007年第5期100-101,共2页
关键词 文化差异 商务沟通 文化迁移 文化定势 文化迁移
作者 黄欢 《中国电子商务》 2013年第16期267-267,共1页
进行跨文化沟通时,文化差异可能影响沟通的方式是不同的,分别表现为文化迁移、文化定势和逆文化迁移。但是单独了解文化差异的作用机制,并不会对跨文化沟通产生帮助,只有在实际沟通过程中保持问题意识,综合运用各种沟通技巧,不断... 进行跨文化沟通时,文化差异可能影响沟通的方式是不同的,分别表现为文化迁移、文化定势和逆文化迁移。但是单独了解文化差异的作用机制,并不会对跨文化沟通产生帮助,只有在实际沟通过程中保持问题意识,综合运用各种沟通技巧,不断地化解差异,才会不断推动跨文化沟通的顺利进行。 展开更多
关键词 跨文化交际 文化迁移 文化定势 文化迁移
作者 陈小辉 殷萍 《现代商业》 2007年第23期280-281,共2页
关键词 文化迁移 文化定势 文化迁移
文化差异对跨文化沟通的三种影响(英文) 被引量:2
作者 李峥 《海外英语》 2012年第10X期277-278,共2页
跨文化沟通是发生在不同文化背景的人们之间的沟通。密切的跨文化沟通是当今世界的一个重要特征。随着经济全球化进程的加速,跨国、跨文化的交往活动日益频繁,不同文化背景人员的跨国往来与日俱增,大量跨国公司的出现使得职场人士的文... 跨文化沟通是发生在不同文化背景的人们之间的沟通。密切的跨文化沟通是当今世界的一个重要特征。随着经济全球化进程的加速,跨国、跨文化的交往活动日益频繁,不同文化背景人员的跨国往来与日俱增,大量跨国公司的出现使得职场人士的文化背景多元化趋势日益明显。跨文化交流变得日益重要。该文就探讨了文化差异对跨文化沟通影响的三个方面问题,即:文化迁移、文化定势、逆文化迁移。 展开更多
关键词 文化差异 跨文化沟通 影响 文化迁移 文化定势 文化迁移
Decreased prolactin-inducible protein expression exhibits inhibitory effects on the metastatic potency of breast cancer cells
作者 Zhendong Zheng Xiaodong Xie 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2013年第3期101-105,共5页
Objective:The aim of the research was to study the effects of prolactin-inducible protein(PIP) downregulation on metastatic abilities of human breast cancer MDA-MB-453 cells.Methods:PIP-siRNA was transfected into huma... Objective:The aim of the research was to study the effects of prolactin-inducible protein(PIP) downregulation on metastatic abilities of human breast cancer MDA-MB-453 cells.Methods:PIP-siRNA was transfected into human breast cancer MDA-MB-453 cells through liposome.Reverse transcription PCR and immunocytochemistry were employed to detect the downregulated expression of PIP.Cell migration,adhesion and invasion assays were performed to assess the impacts of PIP downregulation on cell migration,adhesion and invasion respectively.Results:Knockdown of PIP obviously inhibited cell migration,the migrated cells were decreased by 83.1% compared with the negative control group.Cell adhesion was also reduced,the adhesion rates at 30 min and 60 min were decreased by 42.6% and 48.5% respectively compared with the negative control group.Moreover,PIP downregulation resulted in decreased invasion rate by 73.9%.Conclusion:Reduced PIP expression in MDA-MB-453 cells can inhibit the abilities of migration,adhesion and invasion,which suggests that PIP plays an important role in the metastatic potency of breast cancer cells. 展开更多
关键词 prolactin-inducible protein (PIP) breast cancer migration adhesion invasion
Multi-level phase-change memory with ultralow power consumption and resistance drift 被引量:4
作者 Bin Liu Kaiqi Li +5 位作者 Wanliang Liu Jian Zhou Liangcai Wu Zhitang Song Stephen R.Elliott Zhimei Sun 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CSCD 2021年第21期2217-2224,M0004,共9页
By controlling the amorphous-to-crystalline relative volume,chalcogenide phase-change memory materials can provide multi-level data storage(MLS),which offers great potential for high-density storageclass memory and ne... By controlling the amorphous-to-crystalline relative volume,chalcogenide phase-change memory materials can provide multi-level data storage(MLS),which offers great potential for high-density storageclass memory and neuro-inspired computing.However,this type of MLS system suffers from high power consumption and a severe time-dependent resistance increase(‘‘drift")in the amorphous phase,which limits the number of attainable storage levels.Here,we report a new type of MLS system in yttriumdoped antimony telluride,utilizing reversible multi-level phase transitions between three states,i.e.,amorphous,metastable cubic and stable hexagonal crystalline phases,with ultralow power consumption(0.6–4.3 p J)and ultralow resistance drift for the lower two states(power-law exponent<0.007).The metastable cubic phase is stabilized by yttrium,while the evident reversible cubic-to-hexagonal transition is attributed to the sequential and directional migration of Sb atoms.Finally,the decreased heat dissipation of the material and the increase in crystallinity contribute to the overall high performance.This study opens a new way to achieve advanced multi-level phase-change memory without the need for complicated manufacturing procedures or iterative programming operations. 展开更多
关键词 Phase-change memory Multi-level storage Antimony telluride Yttrium doping Power consumption Resistance drift
Migration of multiples from the South China Sea 被引量:7
作者 LIU YiKe ZHU WeiLin +2 位作者 MI LiJun ZHOU JiaXiong HAO Hu 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第3期482-490,共9页
The South China Sea where water depth is up to 5000 m is the most promising oil and gas exploration area in China in the future.The seismic data acquired in the South China Sea contain various types of multiples that ... The South China Sea where water depth is up to 5000 m is the most promising oil and gas exploration area in China in the future.The seismic data acquired in the South China Sea contain various types of multiples that need to be removed before imaging can be developed.However,compared with the conventional reflection migration,multiples carry more information of the underground structure that helps provide better subsurface imaging.This paper presents a method to modify the conventional reverse time migration so that multiple reflections can migrate to their correct locations in the subsurface.This approach replaces the numerical impulsive source with the recorded data including primaries and multiples on the surface,and replaces the recorded primary reflection data with multiples.In the reverse time migration process,multiples recorded on the surface are extrapolated backward in time to each depth level,while primaries and multiples recorded on the surface are extrapolated forward in time to the same depth levels.By matching the difference between the primary and multiple images using an objective function,this algorithm improves the primary resultant image.Synthetic tests on Sigsbee2 B show that the proposed method can obtain a greater range and better underground illumination.Images of deep water in the South China Sea are obtained using multiples and their matching with primaries.They demonstrate that multiples can make up for the reflection illumination and the migration of multiples is an important research direction in the future. 展开更多
关键词 the South China Sea reverse time migration of multiples seismic imaging
The Research of Laminar-Turbulent Transition in Hypersonic Three-Dimensional Boundary Layer 被引量:1
作者 Marat A.GOLDFELD Evgeniy V.ORLIK 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第2期103-107,共5页
The results of experimental investigation of laminar-turbulent transition in three-dimensional flow under the high continuous pressure gradient including the flow with local boundary layer separation are presented. Th... The results of experimental investigation of laminar-turbulent transition in three-dimensional flow under the high continuous pressure gradient including the flow with local boundary layer separation are presented. The experimental studies were performed within the Mach number range from 4 to 6 and Reynolds number 10-60×106 1/m, the angles of attack were 0° and 5°. The experiments were carried out on the three-dimensional convergent inlet model with and without sidewalls. The influence of artificial tubulator of boundary layer on transition and flow structure was studied. The conducted researches have shown that adverse pressure gradient increase hastens transition and leads to decrease of transition area length. If pressure gradient rises velocity profile fullness increases and profile transformation from laminar to turbulent occurs. As a result of it the decrease of separation area length occurs. The same effect was reached with Reynolds number increase. These results are compared with the data on two-dimensional model with longitudinal curvature. 展开更多
关键词 hypersonic boundary layer TRANSITION convergent inlet adverse pressure gradient.
Human endogenous retrovirus W env increases nitric oxide production and enhances the migration ability of microglia by regulating the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase 被引量:4
作者 Ran Xiao Shan Li +5 位作者 Qian Cao Xiuling Wang Qiujin Yan Xiaoning Tu Ying Zhu Fan Zhu 《Virologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第3期216-225,共10页
Human endogenous retrovirus W env(HERV-W env) plays a critical role in many neuropsychological diseases such as schizophrenia and multiple sclerosis(MS). These diseases are accompanied by immunological reactions in th... Human endogenous retrovirus W env(HERV-W env) plays a critical role in many neuropsychological diseases such as schizophrenia and multiple sclerosis(MS). These diseases are accompanied by immunological reactions in the central nervous system(CNS). Microglia are important immunocytes in brain inflammation that can produce a gasotransmitter – nitric oxide(NO). NO not only plays a role in the function of neuronal cells but also participates in the pathogenesis of various neuropsychological diseases. In this study, we reported increased NO production in CHME-5 microglia cells after they were transfected with HERV-W env. Moreover, HERV-W env increased the expression and function of human inducible nitric oxide synthase(hi NOS) and enhanced the promoter activity of hi NOS. Microglial migration was also enhanced. These data revealed that HERV-W env might contribute to increase NO production and microglial migration ability in neuropsychological disorders by regulating the expression of inducible NOS. Results from this study might lead to the identification of novel targets for the treatment of neuropsychological diseases, including neuroinflammatory diseases, stroke, and neurodegenerative diseases. 展开更多
关键词 human endogenous retrovirus W family(HERV-W) env nitric oxide(NO) inducible nitric oxide synthase(iNOS) neuropsychological disorders microglia
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