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含硼铁精矿选择性还原-选分新工艺的实验研究 被引量:6
作者 付小佼 于洪翔 +1 位作者 柳政根 储满生 《东北大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第7期966-970,共5页
针对现有含硼铁精矿硼铁分离工艺所存在的弊端,提出了含硼铁精矿选择性还原-选分新工艺,并通过热力学分析和实验室研究进行了验证.研究表明:对于辽宁凤城Fe和B2O3质量分数分别为56.05%和3.86%的含硼铁精矿,最佳的选择性还原-选分工艺参... 针对现有含硼铁精矿硼铁分离工艺所存在的弊端,提出了含硼铁精矿选择性还原-选分新工艺,并通过热力学分析和实验室研究进行了验证.研究表明:对于辽宁凤城Fe和B2O3质量分数分别为56.05%和3.86%的含硼铁精矿,最佳的选择性还原-选分工艺参数如下:配碳比0.8~1.0,还原温度1 275~1 300℃,还原时间不小于20 min,还原煤粒度为-0.075 mm,分选时的磁场强度为50 mT.得到的选分产物为高金属化率的金属铁粉,可进一步处理用于钢铁生产;选分尾矿为高品位的含硼资源,可作为硼工业的优质原料. 展开更多
关键词 含硼铁精矿 择性还原 选分 磁场 硼铁
电渣重熔过程ANF-6渣Al_2O_3选分结晶对渣皮成分和组织的影响 被引量:3
作者 赵俊学 李永波 +3 位作者 张振强 李小明 崔雅茹 唐雯聃 《特殊钢》 北大核心 2014年第6期9-11,共3页
分析和检测了MC5钢7.6 t锭总渣量310 kg ANF-6渣系(/%:69.14CaF_2,29.51Al_2O_3,0.54CaO,0.83SiO_2)电渣重熔(ESR)过程中渣头、渣皮形成过程、成分和结构。结果表明,ESR后渣中CaF_2和Al_2O_3含量明显降低,CaO、SiO_2含量明显增高;ESR渣... 分析和检测了MC5钢7.6 t锭总渣量310 kg ANF-6渣系(/%:69.14CaF_2,29.51Al_2O_3,0.54CaO,0.83SiO_2)电渣重熔(ESR)过程中渣头、渣皮形成过程、成分和结构。结果表明,ESR后渣中CaF_2和Al_2O_3含量明显降低,CaO、SiO_2含量明显增高;ESR渣皮最外层是急冷层,中间层是选分结晶层,Al_2O_3含量明显高于初始值,第3层是共晶层;渣皮在不同高度的平均成分存在明显差异,其中中部渣皮Al_2O_3含量明显高于初始值。 展开更多
关键词 电渣重熔 ANF-6渣 渣皮 与组织 AL2O3 选分结晶
“选分”还是“选人”:新高考背景下高校招生的改革困境与应对策略 被引量:3
作者 陈为峰 韦月 《河北师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 北大核心 2021年第3期54-60,共7页
考试制度本质上是一个选择过程,分数是选择的手段,人才是选拔的目的。理论上,“选分”是“选人”的现实条件,“选人”是“选分”的终极目标。现实中,二者的界限却常常被混淆,人才选拔的初衷甚至一度被分数掩盖。从“选分”到“选人”的... 考试制度本质上是一个选择过程,分数是选择的手段,人才是选拔的目的。理论上,“选分”是“选人”的现实条件,“选人”是“选分”的终极目标。现实中,二者的界限却常常被混淆,人才选拔的初衷甚至一度被分数掩盖。从“选分”到“选人”的转变,是新高考改革背景下高校招生面临的改革困境。当前,招生自主性难以彰显是高校“选人”面临的主要障碍,具体表现在选拔人才过于追求形式公平,综合评价程序相对繁琐以及综合评价方式的社会认可度不高等三个方面。有效落实综合素质评价是实现高校招生从“选分”到“选人”转变的关键节点。为此,需要深化全面发展的育人理念,加强中学与高校的配合,借助信息技术提升综合素质评价的可信度和可行性,落实升学顾问师资队伍建设,化考为评,将多维评价理念落实到位。 展开更多
关键词 新高考 综合素质评价 改革困境 应对策略 选分
种子的介电灭菌消毒与选分技术 被引量:2
作者 成建宏 刘滨疆 时飚 《中国种业》 北大核心 2004年第9期40-41,共2页
关键词 种子 介电灭菌消毒技术 介电灭菌选分技术 技术原理
作者 吴小燕 《文教资料》 2018年第11期157-158,共2页
选分制模式综合了"学分制"与"分层教学"的优点,立足学生优势,以学生兴趣为导向,提高学生的综合素质。本文结合初中班级管理经验,从选分制模式分析出发,对班级管理工作改革策略进行分析与总结,从而实现推进学校教育改革与提高班级管... 选分制模式综合了"学分制"与"分层教学"的优点,立足学生优势,以学生兴趣为导向,提高学生的综合素质。本文结合初中班级管理经验,从选分制模式分析出发,对班级管理工作改革策略进行分析与总结,从而实现推进学校教育改革与提高班级管理工作效率的和谐统一。 展开更多
关键词 选分 班级管理 教育改革
选分结晶对包晶钢连铸坯表面裂纹的影响 被引量:9
作者 曹磊 王国连 +3 位作者 黄伟青 韩立浩 石永亮 王景奇 《炼钢》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第3期58-61,共4页
针对某钢厂200 mm×2 000 mm连铸机,采用现场试验方法重点研究了选分结晶对碳质量分数在0.09%~0.15%的包晶钢连铸坯表面裂纹的影响。研究发现,由于选分结晶的影响,碳含量在连铸坯厚度方向上呈现"M"形,初始凝固坯壳中,距... 针对某钢厂200 mm×2 000 mm连铸机,采用现场试验方法重点研究了选分结晶对碳质量分数在0.09%~0.15%的包晶钢连铸坯表面裂纹的影响。研究发现,由于选分结晶的影响,碳含量在连铸坯厚度方向上呈现"M"形,初始凝固坯壳中,距离铸坯表面40 mm以内的区域碳含量低于原始钢液中的成分。对于初始钢液碳质量分数0.10%的B2钢,距离铸坯表面10 mm处的碳质量分数为0.087%~0.088%,低于0.09%,表面质量良好;而对于初始碳质量分数0.13%的B1钢,距离铸坯表面10 mm处的碳质量分数为0.113%~0.115%,仍处于裂纹敏感性区域,裂纹发生率较高。 展开更多
关键词 选分结晶 包晶钢 表面裂纹 连铸坯
并行自动拣选系统品项拣选量拆分优化 被引量:5
作者 王艳艳 吴耀华 吴颖颖 《机械工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第16期177-184,共8页
分析并行自动分拣系统的作业模式,发现各分拣机的分拣延迟时间是影响分拣效率的关键因素之一,建立基于虚拟视窗的拣选时间模型;分析品项拣选量拆分对并行分拣系统分拣延迟时间模型的影响,建立大批量分拣时总分拣延迟时间最短为目标的拣... 分析并行自动分拣系统的作业模式,发现各分拣机的分拣延迟时间是影响分拣效率的关键因素之一,建立基于虚拟视窗的拣选时间模型;分析品项拣选量拆分对并行分拣系统分拣延迟时间模型的影响,建立大批量分拣时总分拣延迟时间最短为目标的拣选量拆分优化模型;提出并证明拣选量拆分优化的必要条件,降低模型求解的复杂度,并设计启发式自适应遗传算法对拣选量拆分优化模型进行求解,仿真结果显示与常用的拣选量平均拆分法相比拣选作业时间缩短9%左右。 展开更多
关键词 并行自动拣系统 量拆 延迟时间 启发式自适应遗传算法
作者 刘兴晖 《社会科学家》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期29-31,共3页
民国时期出现了大量分调型词谱体词选,这些词选兼具词谱与词选的功能,在编选宗旨、编纂体例、标注符号等方面独具特色。梁启超等试图将长短句作为新体乐歌歌辞形式的构想,促进了这种词选的盛行,体现出词之音乐性在晚清民国逐渐受到重视... 民国时期出现了大量分调型词谱体词选,这些词选兼具词谱与词选的功能,在编选宗旨、编纂体例、标注符号等方面独具特色。梁启超等试图将长短句作为新体乐歌歌辞形式的构想,促进了这种词选的盛行,体现出词之音乐性在晚清民国逐渐受到重视的过程。 展开更多
关键词 调型词谱体词 为谱 标注符号 编纂体例 新体乐歌
近接运营线路超长深基坑分坑施工方案比选研究 被引量:1
作者 罗嵩 陈思明 +2 位作者 白伟 孙明祥 段小明 《路基工程》 2023年第2期173-178,共6页
依托福州滨海快线火车站基坑工程,制定两套近接运营线超长深基坑的分坑施工方案,采用FLAC3D软件对分坑施工全过程进行数值模拟,重点关注围护结构与近接运营线的水平位移变化规律。分析结果表明:两套分坑施工方案的围护结构水平位移分布... 依托福州滨海快线火车站基坑工程,制定两套近接运营线超长深基坑的分坑施工方案,采用FLAC3D软件对分坑施工全过程进行数值模拟,重点关注围护结构与近接运营线的水平位移变化规律。分析结果表明:两套分坑施工方案的围护结构水平位移分布规律大致相同,均呈上部小、中部大的“鼓包”状;两套分坑施工方案的运营线水平位移分布规律也大致相同,一期开挖使运营线呈现出4处“局部凸出”形态,二期开挖则使其水平位移整体增大。 展开更多
关键词 超长深基坑 近接运营线施工 数值模拟 坑施工方案比 水平位移
矿石性质研究及改善选矿指标的建议 被引量:1
作者 吕建华 马晓雯 《矿业工程》 CAS 2005年第2期25-28,共4页
研究和分析了齐大山铁矿黄泥段部位和北采西石砬子及新出露矿体的矿石的工艺特性, 及其对选矿指标的影响, 并根据研究结果提出了建议。
关键词 矿物组成 高FeO矿石 易泥化矿石 选分工艺
作者 王世忠 张淑兴 《天津冶金》 CAS 2000年第6期12-13,共2页
关键词 破碎机 立算板 调整杆 锤头 磁性选分 烧结
Flotation separation of brucite and calcite in dodecylamine system enhanced by regulator potassium dihydrogen phosphate
作者 Xiu-feng GONG Jin YAO +3 位作者 Bin YANG Wan-zhong YIN Yu-lian WANG Ya-feng FU 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第8期2658-2670,共13页
To achieve efficient flotation separation of brucite and calcite,flotation separation experiments were conducted on two minerals using dodecylamine(DDA)as the collector and potassium dihydrogen phosphate(PDP)as the re... To achieve efficient flotation separation of brucite and calcite,flotation separation experiments were conducted on two minerals using dodecylamine(DDA)as the collector and potassium dihydrogen phosphate(PDP)as the regulator.The action mechanism of DDA and PDP was explored through contact angle measurement,zeta potential detection,solution chemistry calculation,FTIR analysis,and XPS detection.The flotation results showed that when DDA dosage was 35 mg/L and PDP dosage was 40 mg/L,the maximum floating difference between brucite and calcite was 79.81%,and the selectivity separation index was 6.46.The detection analysis showed that the main dissolved component HPO_(4)^(2−)of PDP is selectively strongly adsorbed on the Ca site on the surface of calcite,promoting the adsorption of the main dissolved component RNH_(3)^(+)of DDA on calcite surface,while brucite is basically not affected by PDP.Therefore,PDP is an effective regulator for the reverse flotation separation of brucite and calcite in DDA system. 展开更多
关键词 BRUCITE CALCITE selective adsorption flotation separation
A novel surfactant N-hydroxy-9,10-epoxy group-octadecanamide:Part II.Its synthesis and application in flotation separation of spodumene and albite
作者 Wei-di ZHANG Meng-jie TIAN Wei SUN 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第9期3002-3015,共14页
A novel hydroxamic acid,N-hydroxy-9,10-epoxy group-octadecanamide(N-OH-9,10-O-ODA),was synthesised by modifying the structure of oleic acid.The carboxyl group of oleic acid was converted into an N-hydroxy amide group,... A novel hydroxamic acid,N-hydroxy-9,10-epoxy group-octadecanamide(N-OH-9,10-O-ODA),was synthesised by modifying the structure of oleic acid.The carboxyl group of oleic acid was converted into an N-hydroxy amide group,and an epoxy group was introduced into its structure.N-OH-9,10-O-ODA was used as a novel collector in the flotation separation of spodumene from one of its associated gangue minerals,specifically albite.N-OH-9,10-O-ODA exhibits remarkable selectivity,with a stronger affinity for collecting spodumene particles compared to albite particles.Zeta potential measurements and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic analysis reveal that the adsorption quantity of N-OH-9,10-O-ODA on spodumene surface is comparable to that on albite surface.First-principles calculations demonstrate the diverse adsorption configurations of N-OH-9,10-O-ODA on surfaces of spodumene and albite,leading to its distinct collecting abilities for spodumene and albite particles. 展开更多
关键词 N-hydroxy-9 10-epoxy group-octadecanamide SPODUMENE ALBITE flotation separation oleic acid
作者 池碧波 李必雄 +2 位作者 罗桂发 侯国求 谢菲 《中国建筑金属结构》 2024年第5期130-132,共3页
为了解决某滑雪馆结构存在顶板大开洞、局部错层、斜板结构、竖向刚度不均等结构不利问题及探险馆如何处理好外立面构架与主体结构之间连接的问题,本文介绍了针对滑雪馆具体问题的相应结构对策及解决方法,分析了探险馆外立面构架与主体... 为了解决某滑雪馆结构存在顶板大开洞、局部错层、斜板结构、竖向刚度不均等结构不利问题及探险馆如何处理好外立面构架与主体结构之间连接的问题,本文介绍了针对滑雪馆具体问题的相应结构对策及解决方法,分析了探险馆外立面构架与主体结构之间连接处理方式,针对滑雪馆提出了底板嵌固包络设计、真实考虑错层柱受力且提高抗震等级、补充楼板应力分析、采用钢支撑—混凝土框架结构体系等观点,针对探险馆提出了外立面构架依附于主体结构设计的观点。研究结果表明:滑雪馆采取相应措施后,减少了因结构不规则性超限所带来的抗震不利影响,确保滑雪馆结构满足结构设计及规范要求,探险馆采用相应的连接方式后,主体结构及外立面构架受力清晰,避免地震作用对外立面构架的不利影响,实现了建筑与结构的有机结合。 展开更多
关键词 滑雪馆 探险馆 缝方案比 钢支撑—混凝土框架 外立面构架
Development and Application of Detection Methods for Capture and Transcription Elongation Rate of Bacterial Nascent RNA
作者 LI Yuan-Yuan WANG Yu-Ting +8 位作者 WU Zi-Chun LI Hao-Xuan FEI Ming-Yue SUN Dong-Chang GUALERZI O.Claudio FABBRETTI Attilio GIULIODORI Anna Maria MA Hong-Xia HE Cheng-Guang 《生物化学与生物物理进展》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第9期2249-2260,共12页
Objective Detection and quantification of RNA synthesis in cells is a widely used technique for monitoring cell viability,health,and metabolic rate.After exposure to environmental stimuli,both the internal reference g... Objective Detection and quantification of RNA synthesis in cells is a widely used technique for monitoring cell viability,health,and metabolic rate.After exposure to environmental stimuli,both the internal reference gene and target gene would be degraded.As a result,it is imperative to consider the accurate capture of nascent RNA and the detection of transcriptional levels of RNA following environmental stimulation.This study aims to create a Click Chemistry method that utilizes its property to capture nascent RNA from total RNA that was stimulated by the environment.Methods The new RNA was labeled with 5-ethyluridine(5-EU)instead of uracil,and the azido-biotin medium ligand was connected to the magnetic sphere using a combination of“Click Chemistry”and magnetic bead screening.Then the new RNA was captured and the transcription rate of 16S rRNA was detected by fluorescence molecular beacon(M.B.)and quantitative reverse transcription PCR(qRT-PCR).Results The bacterial nascent RNA captured by“Click Chemistry”screening can be used as a reverse transcription template to form cDNA.Combined with the fluorescent molecular beacon M.B.1,the synthesis rate of rRNA at 37℃is 1.2 times higher than that at 15℃.The 16S rRNA gene and cspI gene can be detected by fluorescent quantitative PCR,it was found that the measured relative gene expression changes were significantly enhanced at 25℃and 16℃when analyzed with nascent RNA rather than total RNA,enabling accurate detection of RNA transcription rates.Conclusion Compared to other article reported experimental methods that utilize screening magnetic columns,the technical scheme employed in this study is more suitable for bacteria,and the operation steps are simple and easy to implement,making it an effective RNA capture method for researchers. 展开更多
关键词 nascent RNA selection Click Chemistry fluorescence molecular beacon
Microwave assisted grinding of ilmenite ore 被引量:11
作者 郭胜惠 陈菓 +3 位作者 彭金辉 陈晋 李东波 刘利军 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第9期2122-2126,共5页
The influence of microwave heating on the grinding of Panzhihua ilmenite ore was investigated. Factors that influence the processing are: the microwave exposure time, power density and sample mass. 40 g sample was mi... The influence of microwave heating on the grinding of Panzhihua ilmenite ore was investigated. Factors that influence the processing are: the microwave exposure time, power density and sample mass. 40 g sample was microwave heated for 30 s with 1 kW of microwave power and followed by water quenching. SEM analysis indicated that intergranular fractures occurred between ores and gangues other than transgranular fractures after microwave treatment, which would liberate minerals from each other effectively. The subsequently magnetic separation trials provided evidence that the recovery rate increased from 44% for raw ore to 72% by microwave treatment. 展开更多
关键词 MICROWAVE ilmenite ore MAGNETITE GRINDING magnetic separation
Flotation separation of andalusite from quartz using sodium petroleum sulfonate as collector 被引量:7
作者 朱海玲 邓海波 陈臣 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第4期1279-1285,共7页
The floatability of andalusite and quartz was studied using sodium petroleum sulfonate as collector, being successfully applied in the real ore separation. The collecting performance on minerals was interpreted by mea... The floatability of andalusite and quartz was studied using sodium petroleum sulfonate as collector, being successfully applied in the real ore separation. The collecting performance on minerals was interpreted by means of zeta potential measurement and infrared spectroscopic analysis. The single mineral experiments showed that andalusite got good floatability in acidic pH region while quartz exhibited very poor floatability in the whole pH range. At pH 3, the presence of Fe3+ obviously activated quartz, causing the identical flotation behavior of the two minerals, and calcium lignosulphonate exhibited good selective inhibition to quartz. The real ore test results showed that andalusite concentrate with 53.46% Al2O3 and quartz concentrate with 92.74% SiO2 were obtained. The zeta potential and infrared spectroscopic analysis results indicated that chemical adsorption occurred between sodium petroleum sulfonate and andalusite. 展开更多
关键词 flotation separation ANDALUSITE QUARTZ sodium petroleum sulfonate
Behaviors of vanadium and chromium in coal-based direct reduction of high-chromium vanadium-bearing titanomagnetite concentrates followed by magnetic separation 被引量:5
作者 赵龙胜 王丽娜 +3 位作者 陈德胜 赵宏欣 刘亚辉 齐涛 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第4期1325-1333,共9页
The reduction behaviors of FeO·V2O3 and FeO·Cr2O3 during coal-based direct reduction have a decisive impact on the efficient utilization of high-chromium vanadium-bearing titanomagnetite concentrates. The ef... The reduction behaviors of FeO·V2O3 and FeO·Cr2O3 during coal-based direct reduction have a decisive impact on the efficient utilization of high-chromium vanadium-bearing titanomagnetite concentrates. The effects of molar ratio of C to Fe n(C)/n(Fe) and temperature on the behaviors of vanadium and chromium during direct reduction and magnetic separation were investigated. The reduced samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD), scanning election microscopy(SEM) and energy dispersive spectrometry(EDS) techniques. Experimental results indicate that the recoveries of vanadium and chromium rapidly increase from 10.0% and 9.6% to 45.3% and 74.3%, respectively, as the n(C)/n(Fe) increases from 0.8 to 1.4. At n(C)/n(Fe) of 0.8, the recoveries of vanadium and chromium are always lower than 10.0% in the whole temperature range of 1100-1250 °C. However, at n(C)/n(Fe) of 1.2, the recoveries of vanadium and chromium considerably increase from 17.8% and 33.8% to 42.4% and 76.0%, respectively, as the temperature increases from 1100 °C to 1250 °C. At n(C)/n(Fe) lower than 0.8, most of the FeO·V2O3 and FeO·Cr2O3 are not reduced to carbides because of the lack of carbonaceous reductants, and the temperature has little effect on the reduction behaviors of FeO·V2O3 and FeO·Cr2O3, resulting in very low recoveries of vanadium and chromium during magnetic separation. However, at higher n(C)/n(Fe), the reduction rates of FeO·V2O3 and FeO·Cr2O3 increase significatly because of the excess amount of carbonaceous reductants. Moreover, higher temperatures largely induce the reduction of FeO·V2O3 and FeO·Cr2O3 to carbides. The newly formed carbides are then dissolved in the γ(FCC) phase, and recovered accompanied with the metallic iron during magnetic separation. 展开更多
关键词 high-chromium vanadium-bearing titanomagnetite concentrates coal-based direct reduction magnetic separation reduction behavior VANADIUM CHROMIUM
Element distribution of high iron-bearing zinc calcine in high gradient magnetic field 被引量:4
作者 李密 彭兵 +3 位作者 柴立元 王纪明 彭宁 闫缓 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第9期2261-2267,共7页
High gradient magnetic separation was conducted in order to separate insoluble zinc ferrite from zinc calcine before acid leaching of hydrometallurgical process. Chemical composition and structural characterization of... High gradient magnetic separation was conducted in order to separate insoluble zinc ferrite from zinc calcine before acid leaching of hydrometallurgical process. Chemical composition and structural characterization of zinc calcine were studied via inductively coupled plasma (ICP), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Mossbauer spectra, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and laser particle analysis (LPA). The parameters of magnetic separation which affect the distribution of zinc ferrite and undesired elements, such as calcium, sulfur and lead in magnetic concentrate were investigated. The results of high gradient magnetic separation indicate that more than 85% of zinc ferrite is distributed into magnetic concentrate from the zinc calcine under the magnetic induction of 0.70 T. In addition, about 60% of calcium and 40% of sulfur distribute in non magnetic phases of tailings during magnetic separation process. Most of lead distributes uniformly along the zinc calcine in superfine particle size. 展开更多
关键词 zinc calcine zinc ferrite magnetic separation element distribution
Screening and Isolation of Highly Efficient Cellulose-degrading Microorganisms and Construction of Complex Microbial System 被引量:2
作者 尚婷婷 李全宏 邓尚贵 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第4期639-644,652,共7页
This study almed to screen a highIy efficient ceI uIose-degrading compIex microbial system from soiI and rotten straw and then study its appIication to natural ceI uIose. The isoIated stralns were preIiminariIy screen... This study almed to screen a highIy efficient ceI uIose-degrading compIex microbial system from soiI and rotten straw and then study its appIication to natural ceI uIose. The isoIated stralns were preIiminariIy screened with Congo red stalning and the ceI uIases activities were determined with DNS method. The non-antagonis-tic highIy efficient ceI uIos-degrading stralns were seIected and cuItured combinedIy for deveIoping a ceI uIose-degrading compIex microbial system. The resuIts showed that the CMC enzyme activity of the mixed cuIture of the three fungi stralns was higher than those of the cuItures of the three singIe stralns. The morphoIogical and moIecuIar bioIogical identification indicated that F1 was Botryosphaeria, F2 was Rhi-zopus oryzae, and F5 was Fusarium oxysporum. When straw was used as carbon source, the CMC enzyme activities of F1, F2 and F5 were 39.2, 31.4 and 40.6 IU/mI, respectiveIy; whiIe the CMC enzyme activity of the mixed cuIture of F1+F2+F5 was 50.12 IU/mI, which was increased by 23% compared to that of the singIe straln of F5. The experimental resuIts indicated that the ceI uIose-degrading effect of the compIex microbial system was better than those of the singIe fungi stralns, and the singIe stralns of F1, F2 and F5 had certaln deveIopment potentials. 展开更多
关键词 CeI ulose degradatlon Screening and isolatlon Identificatlon
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