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云锡某难选锡铁矿选矿工艺试验研究 被引量:12
作者 仇云华 《有色金属(选矿部分)》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第1期31-35,共5页
对云锡某难选锡铁矿开展选矿试验研究,根据矿石性质,采用阶段磨矿、阶段选别的磁重工艺流程有效地回收了矿石中的锡矿物和铁矿物;流程试验获得粗锡精矿品位11.37%、回收率30.25%,锡富中矿品位3.8%、回收率5.51%,贫中矿品位15%、回收率9.... 对云锡某难选锡铁矿开展选矿试验研究,根据矿石性质,采用阶段磨矿、阶段选别的磁重工艺流程有效地回收了矿石中的锡矿物和铁矿物;流程试验获得粗锡精矿品位11.37%、回收率30.25%,锡富中矿品位3.8%、回收率5.51%,贫中矿品位15%、回收率9.85%,锡综合回收率45.61%;铁精矿产率28.92%、铁品位60.78%、铁回收率67.21%的良好指标。 展开更多
关键词 选锡铁矿 分级
金船塘难选锡铋矿选矿工艺流程研究 被引量:1
作者 雷泽恒 乔玉生 刘述根 《有色金属(选矿部分)》 CAS 北大核心 2003年第6期14-17,共4页
金船塘矿区的黄铁矿磁黄铁矿型锡铋矿是一种难选矿石 ,本文在试验研究的基础上 ,着重对选矿厂原选矿工艺流程进行了分析研究 ,并对其选矿流程进行合理有效地改造和调整 ,从而使该难选矿石取得了较好的选矿技术指标 。
关键词 选锡铋矿石 磨矿粒度 药剂制度 矿工艺流程
立式搅拌磨机在选锡中矿再磨工艺的应用研究 被引量:4
作者 李前进 卢致明 +2 位作者 符海桃 张佳 王槐 《世界有色金属》 2018年第13期43-44,46,共3页
本文简单介绍了立式搅拌磨机的结构及工作原理,针对云南某多金属选矿厂选锡中矿再磨球磨机磨矿效率低、能耗高、噪音大的问题,在国内首次将立式搅拌磨机成功推广应用到了选锡中矿再磨工艺,并采用纳米陶瓷球作为磨矿介质,大幅提高了选锡... 本文简单介绍了立式搅拌磨机的结构及工作原理,针对云南某多金属选矿厂选锡中矿再磨球磨机磨矿效率低、能耗高、噪音大的问题,在国内首次将立式搅拌磨机成功推广应用到了选锡中矿再磨工艺,并采用纳米陶瓷球作为磨矿介质,大幅提高了选锡中矿再磨的磨矿效率,有利于提高选锡综合回收率,实现了降本增效、节能降耗的目的,大幅降低了作业现场噪音分贝,社会效益显著。 展开更多
关键词 立式搅拌磨机 选锡中矿再磨 磨矿效率 节能降耗 噪音
云南某地难选锡多金属矿工艺流程试验研究 被引量:1
作者 杨冰 《有色金属(选矿部分)》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第3期36-39,共4页
依据铁锡铅氧化矿性质,通过磁选—重选、重选—磁选工艺对比试验研究,重选—磁选方案产出的锡铅混合精矿锡品位和锡回收率比磁选—重选方案分别高1.13%和2.32%。产出的铁粗精矿产率和品位、回收率,比磁选—重选方案分别高5.39%、低3.17... 依据铁锡铅氧化矿性质,通过磁选—重选、重选—磁选工艺对比试验研究,重选—磁选方案产出的锡铅混合精矿锡品位和锡回收率比磁选—重选方案分别高1.13%和2.32%。产出的铁粗精矿产率和品位、回收率,比磁选—重选方案分别高5.39%、低3.17%和高6.12%,结合云锡处理氧化铁锡矿生产实践,确定重选—磁选为合理的选别工艺方案。 展开更多
关键词 铅多金属矿 —重工艺 —磁工艺
《云南冶金》 1977年第6期42-50,共9页
关键词 球团强度 氯化挥发 选锡中矿 固结 转鼓指数
作者 刘军 顾茗心 +3 位作者 夏彬涵 王真 杨兆青 杜晓冉 《现代矿业》 CAS 2024年第8期141-144,150,共5页
塔吉克斯坦某含银铜锡重选粗精矿中的铜、锡难以分离,为了查清铜锡重选粗精矿的成分及分布状态等特征,为选矿工艺的选择提供依据,采用矿物自动分析系统(AMICS)对试样的矿物组成、主要矿物粒度、矿物共生情况、矿物单体解离情况等特征进... 塔吉克斯坦某含银铜锡重选粗精矿中的铜、锡难以分离,为了查清铜锡重选粗精矿的成分及分布状态等特征,为选矿工艺的选择提供依据,采用矿物自动分析系统(AMICS)对试样的矿物组成、主要矿物粒度、矿物共生情况、矿物单体解离情况等特征进行研究。结果表明,重选粗精矿中主要有用矿物为孔雀石、羟锡铜石、锡石、黄锡矿等,重选粗精矿中有用矿物粒度大小不一,且连生体较多,共生嵌布关系极为复杂。伴生有用矿物成分为辉银矿、自然银、重晶石、白钨矿等,可考虑进行综合回收利用。基于重选粗精矿的AMICS分析结果,可采用重选—浮选相结合的联合工艺流程分选。 展开更多
关键词 AMICS 分析技术 粗精矿 主要有用矿物 综合回收
难选锡中矿回转窑高温氯化挥发工艺实践 被引量:1
作者 张宗远 《云锡科技》 1998年第1期19-46,共28页
本语文通过对难选锡中矿高温氯化挥发工艺实际生产过程的论述,详细地总结了十余年来,100t/d回转窑氯化工艺全流程选定的技术条件和操作中取得的丰富的实践经验,可供从事回转窑高温氯化冶金工作者、工程技术人员和工人从事实际... 本语文通过对难选锡中矿高温氯化挥发工艺实际生产过程的论述,详细地总结了十余年来,100t/d回转窑氯化工艺全流程选定的技术条件和操作中取得的丰富的实践经验,可供从事回转窑高温氯化冶金工作者、工程技术人员和工人从事实际工作参考。 展开更多
关键词 高温氯化 回转窑 选锡中矿 焙烧
响应曲面法分析难选高硅锡中矿的还原 被引量:3
作者 伍伟 陈顺智 +1 位作者 毛晓勇 朱云 《有色金属(冶炼部分)》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第4期16-18,31,共4页
采用响应曲面法分析难选高硅锡中矿还原过程中相关因素对锡浸出率影响的显著性以及它们之间的相互关系。结果表明,还原时间、还原温度、配碳量对锡的浸出率影响显著且各因素之间是简单的线性关系不存在交互作用,最佳工艺条件为:还原温度... 采用响应曲面法分析难选高硅锡中矿还原过程中相关因素对锡浸出率影响的显著性以及它们之间的相互关系。结果表明,还原时间、还原温度、配碳量对锡的浸出率影响显著且各因素之间是简单的线性关系不存在交互作用,最佳工艺条件为:还原温度850℃、还原时间1.5h、配碳量4%、矿中含硫量2.2%,在此条件下能获得98.54%的锡浸出率。 展开更多
关键词 高硅中矿 响应曲面法 交互作用 浸出
作者 敬菲 郭晋川 李崇瑛 《世界有色金属》 2022年第1期39-42,共4页
云南某锌锡铜多金属矿的特点是选矿回收的矿物种类多、铜锌锡硫矿物的嵌布粒度细,共生关系密切,选矿难度大。该矿经过一系列的试验研究,最终采用了“铜锌硫优先浮选-磁选脱硫除铁-重选回收锡”的阶段磨矿阶段选别工艺流程。获得的各种... 云南某锌锡铜多金属矿的特点是选矿回收的矿物种类多、铜锌锡硫矿物的嵌布粒度细,共生关系密切,选矿难度大。该矿经过一系列的试验研究,最终采用了“铜锌硫优先浮选-磁选脱硫除铁-重选回收锡”的阶段磨矿阶段选别工艺流程。获得的各种选矿产品的选别指标如下:铜精矿品位16.66%、回收率53.18%的;锌精矿品位48.33%、回收率86.04%的;硫精矿品位34.23%、回收率53.39%的;磁选硫精矿:铁品位59.54%、硫品位37.87%、产率0.09%。锡精矿品位44.39%、回收率38.61%;锡富中矿:锡品位2.94%、锡回收率5.56%。 展开更多
关键词 工艺矿物学 铜锌浮 试验 -磁-重
云锡高砷高硫尾矿中有价元素的综合回收 被引量:10
作者 戈保梁 杨波 +1 位作者 周国仲 尹久发 《金属矿山》 CAS 北大核心 2003年第4期51-53,共3页
云南个旧地区锡精选厂排出的高砷高硫尾矿中含砷、硫、锡等多种有价元素 ,其中的砷是造成污染的祸首 ,却又是物料中价值最高的。为综合回收利用该尾矿资源 ,减轻环境污染 ,研究了加药预处理后硫砷分离、焙烧提炼白砷、烧渣选锡的组合工... 云南个旧地区锡精选厂排出的高砷高硫尾矿中含砷、硫、锡等多种有价元素 ,其中的砷是造成污染的祸首 ,却又是物料中价值最高的。为综合回收利用该尾矿资源 ,减轻环境污染 ,研究了加药预处理后硫砷分离、焙烧提炼白砷、烧渣选锡的组合工艺。在小型试验取得良好指标的基础上 ,工业试生产 2 73d ,获利税 2 1 6 .386 5万元。 展开更多
关键词 尾矿 有价元素 综合回收利用 环境污染 焙烧 选锡
Collision and attachment behavior between fine cassiterite particles and H_2 bubbles 被引量:16
作者 任浏祎 张一敏 +2 位作者 覃文庆 包申旭 王军 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第2期520-527,共8页
Particle-bubble interaction during electro-flotation of cassiterite was investigated by determining the recovery of cassiterite and the collision mechanism of cassiterite particle and H2 bubble. Flotation tests at dif... Particle-bubble interaction during electro-flotation of cassiterite was investigated by determining the recovery of cassiterite and the collision mechanism of cassiterite particle and H2 bubble. Flotation tests at different conditions were conducted in a single bubble flotation cell. The recovery of cassiterite was found to be affected by cassiterite particle and bubble size. A matching range, in which the best recovery can be obtained, was found between particle and bubble size. Collision, attachment, and detachment of the particle-bubble were observed and captured by a high-speed camera. Particle-bubble collision and attachment were analyzed with the use of particle-bubble interaction theory to obtain the experimental results. An attachment model was introduced and verified through the photos captured by the high-speed camera. A bridge role was observed between the bubbles and particles. Particle-bubble interaction was found to be affected by bubble size and particle size, which significantly influenced not only the collision and attachment behavior of the particles and bubbles but also the flotation recovery of fine cassiterite particles. 展开更多
关键词 CASSITERITE fine particle flotation particle-bubble interaction collision and attachment
Flotation behavior and adsorption mechanism of(1-hydroxy-2-methyl-2-octenyl) phosphonic acid to cassiterite 被引量:16
作者 谭鑫 何发钰 +1 位作者 尚衍波 印万忠 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第9期2469-2478,共10页
The flotation behavior and adsorption mechanism of novel(1-hydroxy-2-methyl-2-octenyl) phosphonic acid(HEPA) to cassiterite were investigated by micro-flotation tests, zeta potential measurements, FTIR determinati... The flotation behavior and adsorption mechanism of novel(1-hydroxy-2-methyl-2-octenyl) phosphonic acid(HEPA) to cassiterite were investigated by micro-flotation tests, zeta potential measurements, FTIR determination and density functional theory(DFT) calculation. The flotation results demonstrated that HEPA exhibited superior collecting performance compared with styrene phosphonic acid(SPA). The cassiterite recovery maintained above 90% over a wide pH range of 2-9 with 50 mg/L HEPA. The results of zeta potential measurement and FTIR detection indicated that the adsorption of HEPA onto cassiterite was mainly attributed to the chemisorption between HEPA monoanions and Sn species on mineral surfaces. The DFT calculation results demonstrated that HEPA monoanions owned higher HOMO energy and exhibited a better affinity to cassiterite than SPA, which provided very clear evidence for the stronger collecting power of HEPA presented in floatation test and zeta potential measurement. 展开更多
关键词 (1-hydroxy-2-methyl-2-octenyl) phosphonic acid CASSITERITE adsorption FLOTATION density functional theory
Effect and mechanism of octanol in cassiterite flotation using benzohydroxamic acid as collector 被引量:14
作者 Lei SUN Yue-hua HU Wei SUN 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第12期3253-3257,共5页
The effect of octanol in cassiterite flotation using benzohydroxamic acid (BHA) as a collector was investigated. Theadsorption mechanism of octanol and BHA on the surface of cassiterite was analyzed by adsorption expe... The effect of octanol in cassiterite flotation using benzohydroxamic acid (BHA) as a collector was investigated. Theadsorption mechanism of octanol and BHA on the surface of cassiterite was analyzed by adsorption experiments and infrared spectraanalysis. Micro-flotation results indicated that single octanol exhibited almost no collecting power to cassiterite over a wide pHrange. However, as an auxiliary collector, octanol could markedly decrease the consumption of collector BHA and keep the recoveryof cassiterite in high level. The results of adsorption experiments and infrared spectra demonstrated that single octanol was notadsorbed on the surface of cassiterite. It formed adsorption connected with BHA on the surface of cassiterite, and enhanced thehydrophobicity of cassiterite. Octanol promoted the adsorption amount of BHA on the cassiterite surface, and decreased theconsumption of BHA. 展开更多
Selective recovery of Sn from copper alloy dross and its heat-treatment for synthesis of SnO_2 被引量:2
作者 Jung-Il LEE Jong Bum PARK +2 位作者 Tae Wan KIM Man-Sik KONG Jeong Ho RYU 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第S1期157-161,共5页
Preliminary study on concentration and separation of tin(Sn) from copper alloy dross by selective dissolution method was conducted. The tin in the copper alloy dross did not dissolve in an aqueous nitric acid solution... Preliminary study on concentration and separation of tin(Sn) from copper alloy dross by selective dissolution method was conducted. The tin in the copper alloy dross did not dissolve in an aqueous nitric acid solution which could allow separation of tin from the copper alloy dross. The tin as H2SnO3(metastannic acid) phase was precipitated in the solution with centrifuging process and transformed to tin dioxide(SnO2) after drying process. The dried sample was heat-treated at low temperature and its phase characteristics, surface morphology and chemical composition were investigated. 展开更多
关键词 recovery of Sn copper alloy dross selective dissolution SNO2
Flotation performance of anisic hydroxamic acid as new collector for tungsten and tin minerals 被引量:4
作者 ZHAO Gang ZHOU Xiao-tong +2 位作者 LI Fang-xu FU Guang-qin SHANG Xing-ke 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第11期3645-3655,共11页
In order to improve the recovery of tungsten ores containing tin minerals,anisic hydroxamic acid(p-methoxy benzohydroxanic acid,PMOB)was synthesized and introduced as novel collector in the flotation of scheelite,wolf... In order to improve the recovery of tungsten ores containing tin minerals,anisic hydroxamic acid(p-methoxy benzohydroxanic acid,PMOB)was synthesized and introduced as novel collector in the flotation of scheelite,wolframite and cassiterite.The flotation performance and adsorption mechanism were investigated by micro/batch flotation,zeta potential measurements and density functional theory(DFT).The micro flotation results showed that the recoveries of scheelite,wolframite and cassiterite using PMOB as collector are 97.45%,95.77% and 90.08%,respectively,and the corresponding recoveries are 91.00%,84.30% and 84.67% for benzohydroxamic acid(BHA).The batch flotation results revealed that the collector dosage could be reduced by about 45% for PMOB compared with BHA,in the case of similar flotation indicators.Zeta potential measurements indicated that PMOB could be adsorbed on the mineral surfaces by chemisorption.Moreover,density functional theory(DFT)calculation results showed that the substituent group—OCH_(3)endues PMOB stronger electron donation ability and hydrophobicity compared with benzohydroxamic acid(BHA),pmethyl benzohydroxamic acid(PMB)and p-hydroxyl benzohydroxamic acid(PHB). 展开更多
ZnO whiskers growth on the surface of Sn9Zn/Cu solder joints in concentrator silicon solar cells solder layer 被引量:1
作者 张亮 Yang Fan Zhong Sujuan 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2017年第3期337-341,共5页
ZnO whiskers observation on the surface of SnZn/Cu solder joints in concentrator silicon solar cells solder layer is reported. In the experiment,SnZn/Cu samples are left in laboratory after reflow soldering for two ye... ZnO whiskers observation on the surface of SnZn/Cu solder joints in concentrator silicon solar cells solder layer is reported. In the experiment,SnZn/Cu samples are left in laboratory after reflow soldering for two years before an examination by SEM,then ZnO whiskers can be observed obviously,which grows out from the rich-Zn phase of the samples and causes electrical short circuit in the electronics appliances,which demonstrates that the SnZn solder shows a risk for the short circuiting failure of an electronic device. Moreover,the growth mechanism of ZnO whiskers is researched based on cracked oxide theory,which provides the reference support for SnZn solders application. 展开更多
关键词 ZnO whiskers reflow soldering short circuiting failure electronic device
Synthesize of 2,6-Di-O-acetyl Sucrose by Regioselective Acetylation with Dibutyltin Oxide
作者 YuKE MinLIU ZhenZhongLIU 《Chinese Chemical Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第3期273-274,共2页
Di-O-acetyl sucrose was regioselective synthesized by using dibutyltin oxide in about 60% yield. The structure of acetyl derivative was elucidated by 1H NMR, 13C NMR, 2D-NMR and MS spectral data.
关键词 Dibutyltin oxide 2 6-di-O-acetyl sucrose REGIOSELECTIVE acetylation.
《云锡科技》 1991年第2期64-64,61,共2页
关键词 选锡中矿 回转窑 氯化 中间试验
作者 陈英伟 《光彩》 2000年第8期24-26,共3页
关键词 超细活性氧化锌 女儿 高科技 企业 企业管理 选锡中矿 发明专利 爱迪生 云南
Photoelectrochemical characteristics of TiO_2 nanorod arrays grown on fluorine doped tin oxide substrates by the facile seeding layer assisted hydrothermal method 被引量:1
作者 隋美蓉 韩翠平 +3 位作者 顾修全 王永 唐璐 唐慧 《Optoelectronics Letters》 EI 2016年第3期161-165,共5页
TiO2 nanorod arrays (NRAs) were prepared on,fluorine doped tin oxide (FTO) substrates by a facile two-step hydrothermal method. The nanorods were selectively grown on the FTO regions which were covered with TiO2 s... TiO2 nanorod arrays (NRAs) were prepared on,fluorine doped tin oxide (FTO) substrates by a facile two-step hydrothermal method. The nanorods were selectively grown on the FTO regions which were covered with TiO2 seeding layer. It took 5 h to obtain the compact arrays with the nanorod length of -2 μm and diameter of-50 nm. The photoelectrochemical (PEC) properties of TiO2 NRAs are also investigated. It is demonstrated that the TiO2 NRAs indicate the good photoelectric conversion ability with an efficiency of 0.22% at a full-wavelength irradiation. A photocurrent density of 0.21 mA/cm2 is observed at 0,7 V versus the saturated calomel electrode (SCE). More evidences suggest that the charge transferring resistance is lowered at an irradiation, while the flat-band potential (Vgb) is shifted towards the positive side. 展开更多
关键词 择性生长 TiO2 纳米棒 氧化 氟掺杂 水热法 电化学特性 阵列
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