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Karyotypic evolution in family Hipposideridae (Chiroptera, Mammalia) revealed by comparative chromosome painting, G- and C-banding 被引量:5
作者 毛秀光 王金焕 +3 位作者 苏伟婷 王应祥 杨凤堂 佴文惠 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期453-460,共8页
Comparing to its sister-family (Rhinolophidae), Hipposideridae was less studied by cytogenetic approaches. Only a few high-resolution G-banded karyotypes have been reported so far, and most of the conclusions on the... Comparing to its sister-family (Rhinolophidae), Hipposideridae was less studied by cytogenetic approaches. Only a few high-resolution G-banded karyotypes have been reported so far, and most of the conclusions on the karyotypic evolution in Hipposideridae were based on conventional Giemsa-staining. In this study, we applied comparative chromosome painting, a method of choice for genome-wide comparison at the molecular level, and G- and C-banding to establish comparative map between five hipposiderid species from China, using a whole set of chromosome-specific painting probes from one of them (Aselliscus stoliczkanus). G-band and C-band comparisons between homologous segments defined by chromosome painting revealed that Robertsonian translocations, paracentric inversions and heterochromatin addition could be the main mechanism of chromosome evolution in Hipposideridae. Comparative analysis of the conserved chromosomal segments among five hipposiderid species and outgroup species suggests that bi-armed chromosomes should be included into the ancestral karyotype of Hipposideridae, which was previously believed to be exclusively composed of acrocentric chromosomes. 展开更多
关键词 Comparative chromosome painting Robertsonian translocation Paracentric inversion Hipposideridae CHIROPTERA
山水画纵横谈 被引量:5
作者 王伯敏 《科教文汇》 2019年第10期195-196,共2页
迷远的景色,一般不占画面的主要地位。但有时适得其反,如画《一山半是云》便是这样。对于迷远,表现起来,毕竟不会很具体,所以就表现的对象而言,它必定是被减弱的。然而在艺术上,它还是起举足轻重的作用,正如明代王樨登所谓:'画荒远... 迷远的景色,一般不占画面的主要地位。但有时适得其反,如画《一山半是云》便是这样。对于迷远,表现起来,毕竟不会很具体,所以就表现的对象而言,它必定是被减弱的。然而在艺术上,它还是起举足轻重的作用,正如明代王樨登所谓:'画荒远灭没处,稍有逊色,则实景亦无至妙可言。'所以对迷远的作用,不能只就其在画面是否占主要地位来看待。 展开更多
关键词 地位 画荒 逊色 画面 实景 山水画
Effect of Spatial Dimension and External Potential on Joule-Thomson Coefficients of Ideal Bose Gases
作者 袁都奇 王参军 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第4期669-672,共4页
Based on the form of the n-dimensional generic power-law potential, the state equation and the heat capacity, the analytical expressions of the Joule-Thomson coefficient (3TC) for an ideal Bose gas are derived in n-... Based on the form of the n-dimensional generic power-law potential, the state equation and the heat capacity, the analytical expressions of the Joule-Thomson coefficient (3TC) for an ideal Bose gas are derived in n-dimensional potential. The effect of the spatial dimension and the external potential on the JTC are discussed, respectively. These results show that: (i) For the free ideal Bose gas, when n/s ≤ 2 (n is the spatial dimension, s is the momentum index in the relation between the energy and the momentum), and T → Tc (Tc is the critical temperature), the JTC can obviously improve by means of changing the throttle valve's shape and decreasing the spatial dimension of gases. (ii) For the inhomogeneous external potential, the discriminant △= [1 - y∏^ni=1(kT/εi)^1/tiГ(1/ti+1)] (k is the Boltzmann Constant, T is the thermodynamic temperature, ε is the external field's energy), is obtained. The potential makes the JTC increase when △ 〉 0, on the contrary, it makes the JTC decrease when A 〈△. (iii) In the homogenous strong external potential, the JTC gets the maximum on the condition of kTεi〈〈1. 展开更多
关键词 ideal Bose gases Joule-Thomson coefficient spatial dimension external potential field
Influences of Amazonian White and Black Waters on the Hematological and Biochemical Plasma Features of Arapaima gigas (Osteoglossiformes)
作者 Cleverson Agner Ramos Jose Carlos Nunes Raulino +5 位作者 Glauber Cruz de Menezes Iracimar Batista do Carmo Elenice Martins Brasil Elizabeth Gusmao Affonso Oscar Tadeu Ferreira da Costa Marisa Narciso Femandes 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2014年第3期252-261,共10页
The Arapaima gigas, despite being an air breather, its gill structure is quite close to water breathers, especially in early stages of development. The effects of Amazonian waters is well notices in other Teleostei ex... The Arapaima gigas, despite being an air breather, its gill structure is quite close to water breathers, especially in early stages of development. The effects of Amazonian waters is well notices in other Teleostei expose to BW (black water), and WW (white water). However, information about hematological adjustments and its implications to ionic regulation patters are scarce. Therefore, our aim was to analyzed A. gigas hematological parameters when exposed to BW and WW providing suitable hematological data concerning about physiological responses in Amazonian waters. Fish were acclimated in three separated ponds containing BW, WW and well water as control (C). Blood samples were taken from the caudal vessel in order to perform measurement assays on levels of hemoglobin, hematocrit, mean corpuscular volume, corpuscular hemoglobin, corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, glucose, cholesterol and protein. Our findings corroborate the hypothesis stating that BW does interfere on fish adaptation specialy in smallfish (-100 g). However in largefish (-1,000 g) neither WW or BW can interfere on plasma profile of analysed fish. Despite black water systems being considered a barrier constraining the dispersion of several species, this seems not to be a problem for this specie which has kept its ion-regulatory mechanisms even in black waters. 展开更多
关键词 Amazon fish blood parameters Amazonian waters Pirarucu.
作者 王岗 《首都博物馆论丛》 2002年第1期101-106,共6页
从十三世纪初叶开始,一代天骄成吉思汗崛起于漠北草原,在其后的半个世纪中,蒙古骑兵的铁蹄转战万里,横扫亚欧大陆,建立了一个庞大的帝国。元世祖忽必烈承其余威,攻灭南宋,一统中华。在中国历史上第一次由少数民族建立了统一天下的王朝... 从十三世纪初叶开始,一代天骄成吉思汗崛起于漠北草原,在其后的半个世纪中,蒙古骑兵的铁蹄转战万里,横扫亚欧大陆,建立了一个庞大的帝国。元世祖忽必烈承其余威,攻灭南宋,一统中华。在中国历史上第一次由少数民族建立了统一天下的王朝——元朝,其丰功伟业远比之于秦皇、汉武、唐宗、宋祖,而绝不逊色。近比之其祖成吉思汗,则有过之而无不及。当然,元世祖忽必烈之所以能够成就一番伟业。 展开更多
关键词 骑兵 逊色 草原 亚欧大陆 历史 中国 一统 铁蹄 成就 伟业
作者 梁路峰 《娘子关》 2019年第2期89-91,共3页
邮票,曾经是一张通往千家万户必不可少的信史。邮票,是传递人们生活工作需要的一张不可缺少的绿色天使。而今,邮票,随着科技的发展,网络的渗透,已经慢慢逊色其应有的功能。但,邮票在我的心中依然是那么的鲜亮,充满着激情和依恋,因为它... 邮票,曾经是一张通往千家万户必不可少的信史。邮票,是传递人们生活工作需要的一张不可缺少的绿色天使。而今,邮票,随着科技的发展,网络的渗透,已经慢慢逊色其应有的功能。但,邮票在我的心中依然是那么的鲜亮,充满着激情和依恋,因为它传递给我的,是永远难以忘怀的情感。我喜欢邮票,喜欢那种零零散散的、一张一张地收集的邮票,更珍惜那每一张来历不寻常的邮票背后感人的故事。 展开更多
关键词 科技 感人 信史 邮票 天使 功能 逊色 人们
作者 陈鲁民 《中华魂》 2019年第4期25-26,共2页
前不久,我和家人去4S店买车,促销员热情接待,详细介绍我看好的一款汽车。他说,汽车分为高配、标配和低配,高档的配置和低档的配置最多能差10来万元,但汽车性能也相差很多,高配的车要更安全、舒适、便捷,低配的车方方面面都要逊色不少。... 前不久,我和家人去4S店买车,促销员热情接待,详细介绍我看好的一款汽车。他说,汽车分为高配、标配和低配,高档的配置和低档的配置最多能差10来万元,但汽车性能也相差很多,高配的车要更安全、舒适、便捷,低配的车方方面面都要逊色不少。我和家人斟酌再三,决心一步到位,不留遗憾,最后买了一台高配汽车。汽车用了一段时间,果然是得心应手,性能上佳,家人都很满意. 展开更多
关键词 逊色 家人 汽车 买车 4S店 性能 促销员
热度之下强刷存在感 2019年4月电影票房排行榜
作者 小霖 《家庭影院技术》 2019年第5期126-126,共1页
如果没有世界级热度的超级英雄电影上映,本月的票房可以说是相当糟糕了,虽说4月份为电影淡季,但市场表现最佳的电影票房仅在6亿元左右,其它过亿电影寥寥可数的惨淡局面怎么说都比2018年同期逊色太多。原因相信各位看官心知肚明,其实4月... 如果没有世界级热度的超级英雄电影上映,本月的票房可以说是相当糟糕了,虽说4月份为电影淡季,但市场表现最佳的电影票房仅在6亿元左右,其它过亿电影寥寥可数的惨淡局面怎么说都比2018年同期逊色太多。原因相信各位看官心知肚明,其实4月有几部影片的大众口碑尚且不错,无奈它们的定位趋向小众,本来选择在淡季上映是一个企图投机的做法. 展开更多
关键词 市场 英雄 电影 电影票房 热度 逊色 淡季 世界级
"Who Are We?" Woodrow Wilson, the First World War and the Reshaping of America's National Identity
作者 Wang Lixin 《Social Sciences in China》 2010年第2期111-129,共19页
In the new context of the rise of United States as a world power, Woodrow Wilson seized the exceptional opportunity offered by American involvement in the First World War and wartime mobilization to reinterpret Americ... In the new context of the rise of United States as a world power, Woodrow Wilson seized the exceptional opportunity offered by American involvement in the First World War and wartime mobilization to reinterpret America's traditions and characteristics, contrasting the US with Germany, the "other." He successfully transformed America's self-image and international role from the "model republic" and "example of freedom" of the nineteenth century to "champion of liberty" and "world leader." Wilson's reshaping of the national identity not only facilitated wartime mobilization but also resolved America's identity crisis and its confusion about the role it was to play after it came on the world stage. In so doing, he identified the long-term direction of national policy for an America that had risen to be a world power. His creative interpretation of America's ideals, role and destiny guided his countrymen in their understanding of the meaning of their country's existence and its relations with the world and became the most influential foreign policy discourse of twentieth century America. This had a far-reaching influence on American foreign policy. 展开更多
关键词 Woodrow Wilson national identity international role champion of liberty American diplomacy
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