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强透水性地层基坑钻孔咬合桩止水工艺 被引量:11
作者 张滨 张力华 +1 位作者 王宏波 袁路路 《水运工程》 北大核心 2019年第A01期125-128,共4页
强透水性地层深基坑施工止水效果是工程成败的关键,止水工艺对工程的安全、进度、成本有较大的影响。结合锦州港煤炭码头一期工程SG-03标段含煤污水处理场水池基坑止水施工实践,在强透水性地层条件下,对钻孔咬合桩、高压旋喷止水墙、塑... 强透水性地层深基坑施工止水效果是工程成败的关键,止水工艺对工程的安全、进度、成本有较大的影响。结合锦州港煤炭码头一期工程SG-03标段含煤污水处理场水池基坑止水施工实践,在强透水性地层条件下,对钻孔咬合桩、高压旋喷止水墙、塑性混凝土防渗墙、黏土芯墙等基坑止水工艺进行对比分析,确定钻孔咬合桩在工期、质量、成本等方面更有优越性。对钻孔咬合桩的适应性及控制要点进行探讨,指出钻孔咬合桩在施工过程中可能遇到的问题及处理措施。结果表明,钻孔咬合桩工艺在强透水性地层深基坑止水施工中效果良好。 展开更多
关键词 透水性地层 基坑止水 钻孔咬合桩
某深厚透水性地层基坑渗控方案研究 被引量:4
作者 石裕 马永锋 《人民长江》 北大核心 2010年第16期77-80,共4页
南水北调中线一期工程跨河建筑物均安排在枯季以围堰保护形成的基坑中旱地施工。围堰基础为深厚透水性地层,若采用完全封闭的基坑渗控方案既不经济也不合理。结合渗流计算,从工程进度、安全性及造价等多方面综合比选,确定了4种透水地层... 南水北调中线一期工程跨河建筑物均安排在枯季以围堰保护形成的基坑中旱地施工。围堰基础为深厚透水性地层,若采用完全封闭的基坑渗控方案既不经济也不合理。结合渗流计算,从工程进度、安全性及造价等多方面综合比选,确定了4种透水地层基坑渗控方案,即管井降水,悬挂式垂直防渗墙,悬挂式垂直防渗墙+排水明沟,悬挂式垂直防渗墙+管井。分析比较结果表明,采用悬挂垂直防渗墙与降水管井相结合的防渗效果最好。 展开更多
关键词 深厚透水性地层 悬挂式垂直防渗 管井 围堰防渗 南水北调中线一期工程
透水性地层防渗处理施工工法 被引量:1
作者 张海英 《水利建设与管理》 2021年第11期52-58,共7页
本文针对传统透水性地层防渗处理中存在的注浆容易串浆、冒浆,松散土体难起压等技术难题,研发了控制性水泥灌浆新技术和一次成孔、分段高压注浆新工艺,形成了“透水性地层防渗处理施工工法”,变水泥浆渗透扩散机理为塑性橡皮泥状浆液挤... 本文针对传统透水性地层防渗处理中存在的注浆容易串浆、冒浆,松散土体难起压等技术难题,研发了控制性水泥灌浆新技术和一次成孔、分段高压注浆新工艺,形成了“透水性地层防渗处理施工工法”,变水泥浆渗透扩散机理为塑性橡皮泥状浆液挤嵌机理,可在截水防渗的同时有效保护灌浆地层。该工法成功应用于福清核电站等工程项目防渗治理,取得了良好的经济和社会效益,可为类似工程防渗处理提供参考和借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 透水性地层 岩化剂 膜袋阻塞体 控制性注浆 分段保护注浆
袖阀管注浆在治理立井表土段强透水性地层中的应用 被引量:1
作者 李宣立 《能源技术与管理》 2018年第6期163-165,共3页
针对大瑞铁路高黎贡山隧道1号竖井主、副井井筒表土段强透水性地层,通过采取袖阀管注浆,主副井井筒表土段施工时,表土固结较好,有效治理了表土层含水,实现对地层的固结和防渗处理,保证了立井井筒表土段施工质量及安全,为以后类似工程提... 针对大瑞铁路高黎贡山隧道1号竖井主、副井井筒表土段强透水性地层,通过采取袖阀管注浆,主副井井筒表土段施工时,表土固结较好,有效治理了表土层含水,实现对地层的固结和防渗处理,保证了立井井筒表土段施工质量及安全,为以后类似工程提供了相关经验。 展开更多
关键词 透水性地层 含水层 袖阀管注浆 安全施工
作者 李永建 《四川建筑》 2024年第2期251-253,共3页
在景观工程施工中,人造水系补水通常采用抽水提升补水的方式,抽水须耗用能量。确保水系补水至终点的流水过程减少损失,是保证水系正常使用功能和工程实施的基本目的,直接影响水系景观造景效果。因此,为了保证人造水系蓄水、涵水能力,特... 在景观工程施工中,人造水系补水通常采用抽水提升补水的方式,抽水须耗用能量。确保水系补水至终点的流水过程减少损失,是保证水系正常使用功能和工程实施的基本目的,直接影响水系景观造景效果。因此,为了保证人造水系蓄水、涵水能力,特别对于透水性较强地层进行水系防渗漏处理,为解决人造水系易产生渗漏部位的处理,对此进行分析并提出解决措施。 展开更多
关键词 人造水系 透水性较强地层 防渗漏解决措施
作者 刘峰 李鹏 曹海 《地下水》 2024年第5期66-69,111,共5页
基于榆林某新材料项目建设区水文地质勘察及地下水环境评价实践,综合项目区已有水文地质成果,对项目建设区进行水文地质勘察,并对研究区地下水环境进行评价,结果可见:(1)拟建场地地处毛乌素沙漠东南边缘与陕北黄土高原接壤地带,地貌单... 基于榆林某新材料项目建设区水文地质勘察及地下水环境评价实践,综合项目区已有水文地质成果,对项目建设区进行水文地质勘察,并对研究区地下水环境进行评价,结果可见:(1)拟建场地地处毛乌素沙漠东南边缘与陕北黄土高原接壤地带,地貌单元属片沙黄土梁峁地貌,场地120m深度内地层自上而下依次为第四系全新统①层杂填土、第四系全新统风积②层细砂、上更新统风积③层黄土夹砂土、中更新统④层风积黄土夹砂土、下更新统⑤层粉质黏土、新第三系上新统保德组⑥层砂岩及三叠系上统瓦窑堡组⑦层砂岩夹泥岩。(2)研究区地下水位均高于附近河流水位高程,向河流渗流补给是该研究区地下水的主要流向,场区地下水流向为由场区流向佳芦河。研究区局部潜水地下水的流向还受人工开采地下水的影响,人工开采是影响微承压地下水的最主要因素,由未开采区向开采区流动是微承压地下水的主要流向。(3)场地潜水含水层与微承压含水层污染特征分级均为不易,现状条件下区域内无原生环境水文地质问题和人类活动引起的水质、水量及水位的变化情况等环境水文地质问题。研究结果以期对类似水文地质勘察及地下水环境评价工作提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 水文地质勘察 地下水环境 勘察方法 地层透水性
提水试验技术在建筑勘测工程中的应用 被引量:1
作者 何忠良 《中国新技术新产品》 2012年第5期186-187,共2页
地下水的富水性乖透水性对高层建筑地下室基坑的开挖施工和支护设计方案影响极大。对查明地下水的富水性和透水性的精度要求不高时,提水试验可在岩土工程勘察的同时,利用工程钻机在工程钻探孔中进行操作的一种简易抽水试验。阐述提水试... 地下水的富水性乖透水性对高层建筑地下室基坑的开挖施工和支护设计方案影响极大。对查明地下水的富水性和透水性的精度要求不高时,提水试验可在岩土工程勘察的同时,利用工程钻机在工程钻探孔中进行操作的一种简易抽水试验。阐述提水试验技术在建筑勘测工程中的应用。 展开更多
关键词 提水试验 岩土工程勘察 地层水性透水性
提水试验在岩土工程勘察中的应用 被引量:4
作者 翟运雄 《西部探矿工程》 CAS 2011年第4期47-48,50,共3页
地下水的富水性和透水性对高层建筑地下室基坑的开挖施工和支护设计方案影响极大。对查明地下水的富水性和透水性的精度要求不高时,提水试验可在岩土工程勘察的同时,利用工程钻机在工程钻探孔中进行操作的一种简易抽水试验。结合工程实... 地下水的富水性和透水性对高层建筑地下室基坑的开挖施工和支护设计方案影响极大。对查明地下水的富水性和透水性的精度要求不高时,提水试验可在岩土工程勘察的同时,利用工程钻机在工程钻探孔中进行操作的一种简易抽水试验。结合工程实例,阐述提水试验在岩土工程勘察中的应用。 展开更多
关键词 提水试验 岩土工程勘察 地层水性透水性
On-site tests to estimate aquifer permeability of drainage area of south caisson anchorage construction of Taizhou Bridge
作者 Feng Zhaoxiang Zhao Yanrong 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2011年第2期20-25,共6页
During the construction of the south caisson anchorage of Taizhou Bridge, the drainage area is located in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the permeability of stratums there is considerable. In order to main... During the construction of the south caisson anchorage of Taizhou Bridge, the drainage area is located in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the permeability of stratums there is considerable. In order to maintain progress and guarantee safety during the sinking of the caisson, water should be drained in the initial period. Subsequently, detailed information about the aquifer permeability is required to make sure that the drainage will proceed successfully, which consequently necessitates the on-site estimation of the aquifer permeability in the drainage area. Therefore, the traditional pumping test and slug test are implemented respectively on site. The comparison of computational results of these two tests indicates that they are consistent overall. Notwithstanding, as slug test can be conducted with portable facilities in a short time and the manipulation is easy and few people need to be involved, the advantages of slug test is conspicuous compared with the traditional pumping test. It could be speculated that slug test will gain a prevalent application in the measurement of aquifer permeability in the future. 展开更多
关键词 Taizhou Bridge south-anchor caisson pumping test slug test
Analysis of Aquifer Characteristics and Groundwater Quality in Southwest Punjab, India
作者 Rajinder Pal Singh Chopra Gopal Krishan 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2014年第10期597-604,共8页
A study was conducted in eight districts, viz., Faridkot, Moga, Ferozepur, Muktsar, Bathinda, Mansa, Barnala and Sangrur in south-western part of the Punjab, India to characterize aquifer strata by preparing a fence d... A study was conducted in eight districts, viz., Faridkot, Moga, Ferozepur, Muktsar, Bathinda, Mansa, Barnala and Sangrur in south-western part of the Punjab, India to characterize aquifer strata by preparing a fence diagram depicting sub-surface strata and distribution of groundwater quality. The sub-surface lithology drilled upto a depth of 60 m reveal the presence of top most layer of impervious strata comprising of clay upto the depth of 2 m to 5 m which impedes the percolation of surface runoff into the soil leading to surface flooding and water logging even in areas having saturated zone beyond the depth of 5 m. Thick pervious strata of 45 m to 50 m thickness is encountered in central and south-sentral part of the study area comprising of Bathinda, Muktsar and Mansa districts which at certain places are separated by one or two thin layers of impervious or semi-pervious strata comprising of clay and sand occasionally associated with "kankar" of thickness ranging between 2 m to 5 m. The northern, western and eastern parts, however, exhibit three to four layered pervious zones ranging in thickness from 5 m to 25 m separated by thin layers of impervious and semi pervious strata. The groundwater quality in about 6% of the study area in eight districts is fit, 18% is marginal and 76% is unfit for irrigation purpose. 展开更多
关键词 GROUNDWATER aquifer characteristics QUALITY DEPTH southwest Punjab.
CBM geology conditions study of Gemudi syncline,Western Guizhou Province
作者 WU Cai-fang OU Zheng FENG Qing ZHANG Jie-fang 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2010年第3期288-291,共4页
Through the analysis of the surrounding rock, coal seam burial depth, coal quality and hydrologic geological condition, the methane-bearing property characteristics of the coal reservoir in the Gemudi syncline were el... Through the analysis of the surrounding rock, coal seam burial depth, coal quality and hydrologic geological condition, the methane-bearing property characteristics of the coal reservoir in the Gemudi syncline were elucidated. Most of the wall rock of the coal reservoir is mudstone and silt, which is a favourable enclosing terrane. Burial depth of the main excavating coat seam is moderate. The groundwater activity is thin, and there are absolute groundwater systems between each coal seam, which make poor intercon- nections to accelerate CBM enrichment. In our research, the area coal reservoir meta- morphosis is high, CBM content is high, hole-cranny system development degree is high, and permeability of the great mass of the main coal seam exceeds 0.1×10^-3 μm2, The result demonstrates that the southeast of the Gemudi syncline has the best conditions for prospecting and exploiting CBM. 展开更多
关键词 Gemudi syncline CBM geological condition coal reservoir characteristics permeability
Experimental studies on gas and water permeability of fault rocks from the rupture of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, China 被引量:5
作者 DUAN QingBao YANG XiaoSong 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第11期2825-2834,共10页
The permeabilities of fault rocks from the rupture of Wenchuan earthquake were measured by using nitrogen gas and distilled water as pore fluids under the confining pressure ranging from 20 to 180 MPa at room temperat... The permeabilities of fault rocks from the rupture of Wenchuan earthquake were measured by using nitrogen gas and distilled water as pore fluids under the confining pressure ranging from 20 to 180 MPa at room temperature. Experimental results indi- cate that both gas and water permeabilities decrease with increasing confining pressure, described by power law relationship, i.e., b = 0.2x10-3kl-0.557. The water permeability is about one order less than gas permeability and also half order smaller than the permeability corrected by the Klinkenberg effect, so-called intrinsic permeability. The differences in the permeabilies imply that the reduction of effective pore size caused by the adhesion of water molecules to clay particle surface and water-swelling of expandable clay minerals contributes to lessening the water permeability besides the Klinkenberg effect. Hence, the liquid permeability of fault rocks cannot be deduced by gas permeability by the Klinkenberg correction reliably and accurately, and it is necessary to use liquid as pore media to measure their transport property directly. 展开更多
关键词 fault rocks PERMEABILITY Klinkenberg effect pore pressure oscillation method rupture of Wenchuan earthquake
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