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作者 倪金艳 《影剧新作》 2024年第1期54-60,共7页
通剧《瓦匠女人》充分挖掘南通本地资源,以支撑南通“铁军”勇往直前的瓦匠女人群体为主角,演绎农村留守女性的喜怒哀乐,其乡土特征鲜明、生活气息浓郁。其中,丑角行当的充分使用,成就了调笑与讽刺并存的喜剧效果。《瓦匠女人》在插科... 通剧《瓦匠女人》充分挖掘南通本地资源,以支撑南通“铁军”勇往直前的瓦匠女人群体为主角,演绎农村留守女性的喜怒哀乐,其乡土特征鲜明、生活气息浓郁。其中,丑角行当的充分使用,成就了调笑与讽刺并存的喜剧效果。《瓦匠女人》在插科打诨中反映了留守女性的生活艰辛、夫妻聚少离多致使情爱缺失等社会问题,故而,在某种程度上是一部社会问题剧。 展开更多
关键词 通剧《瓦匠女人》 丑角 谐谑 社会问题
根植传统,花开现代 ——地方戏曲通剧在小学音乐社团的融合与传承
作者 曹钰 《环球慈善》 2024年第12期0220-0222,共3页
将地方独具特色的戏剧元素融入进小学音乐教育过程中,并围绕学生的实践成长情况开设社团展演和社区 实践,不仅能够有效调整音乐学科教育的内涵与形式,也能帮助学生在拓展学习的过程中,有效认识到自身的文化素养 与实践基础,从而更好地... 将地方独具特色的戏剧元素融入进小学音乐教育过程中,并围绕学生的实践成长情况开设社团展演和社区 实践,不仅能够有效调整音乐学科教育的内涵与形式,也能帮助学生在拓展学习的过程中,有效认识到自身的文化素养 与实践基础,从而更好地面向传统、面向现在、面向未来,实现自身的全面发展。本文主要围绕本地区的独特传统文化, 从地方戏曲通剧及小学音乐社团的融合概念以及传承价值角度出发,并且根据校本课程的建设、校园文化活动的延伸、 课后服务的拓展、合作性社区实践以及评价体系的建设等路径出发,为更多的小学音乐教师提供创新教育思路。 展开更多
关键词 地方戏曲 通剧 小学音乐 社团 融合
作者 周飞 《贵州大学学报(艺术版)》 2022年第1期49-57,共9页
新中国成立后,南通的童子戏在戏改背景下脱胎而出,淡化了仪式性,凸显了演艺性。南通市为了成立南通本地戏曲剧种,政府文化部门围绕剧团展开了童子戏改良和剧种剧团的初步建设,南通地方剧种“通剧”就此诞生,并开始一系列剧种实验。在通... 新中国成立后,南通的童子戏在戏改背景下脱胎而出,淡化了仪式性,凸显了演艺性。南通市为了成立南通本地戏曲剧种,政府文化部门围绕剧团展开了童子戏改良和剧种剧团的初步建设,南通地方剧种“通剧”就此诞生,并开始一系列剧种实验。在通剧实验中,逐渐出现唱腔转向老腔与新旧兼顾的趋势,改革通剧逐渐确立“四定”标准,剧种体制和特色通过“实验通剧团”的艺术实践被再度确认。然而由于历史原因,通剧只经历了短暂的实验和发展阶段即遭禁演,剧团也被遣散。 展开更多
关键词 童子戏 通剧 实验通剧 短暂发展 种体制
通剧的传承与创新——从大型现代通剧《瓦匠女人》热演谈起 被引量:1
作者 周飞 《艺术百家》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第5期117-121,131,共6页
通剧是南通的地方戏曲剧种,源自童子戏但与童子戏有着很大区别。文章从通剧的来源、发展迁变谈起,以现代通剧《瓦匠女人》创演经验为例,探索通剧的传承与创新需体现时代性、地域性,在文化、方言、音乐上传承,在题材、表演形式、观念上... 通剧是南通的地方戏曲剧种,源自童子戏但与童子戏有着很大区别。文章从通剧的来源、发展迁变谈起,以现代通剧《瓦匠女人》创演经验为例,探索通剧的传承与创新需体现时代性、地域性,在文化、方言、音乐上传承,在题材、表演形式、观念上创新。 展开更多
关键词 通剧 童子戏 《瓦匠女人》 传承与创新
作者 王洁 《戏剧之家》 2021年第18期27-29,共3页
通剧乃江苏省南通市及其周边地区流传之地方小戏,其脱胎于被称为“童子”的南通巫师的祭祀仪式,故又名“童子戏”。通剧在其历史发展和演变过程中经历了多个不同阶段,且各阶段之上演剧目有所不同。诸剧目大致来源于早期祭祀仪式、民间... 通剧乃江苏省南通市及其周边地区流传之地方小戏,其脱胎于被称为“童子”的南通巫师的祭祀仪式,故又名“童子戏”。通剧在其历史发展和演变过程中经历了多个不同阶段,且各阶段之上演剧目有所不同。诸剧目大致来源于早期祭祀仪式、民间劝世文、古代戏曲剧目等。此外,剧目从类型上分为祭祀剧目、移植剧目、新编(创)剧目等;从题材上亦可分为历史故事、神话传说、民间轶事、公案评判、婚恋情爱、社会伦理等多种。剧目之产生乃伴随着通剧之演变而发展,二者相辅相成故形成了现今通剧的整体面貌。 展开更多
关键词 通剧 来源 分类
作者 王洁 《戏剧之家》 2013年第9期30-31,共2页
民间戏班中的艺人是构成民间戏班的第一要素,艺人的生存状态直接影响着民间戏班的发展趋势。因此,本文以民族音乐学实地调查中的微型音乐调查理念为出发点,选取典型性、代表性的艺人进行研究分析,从而论证艺人在民间戏班中的重要性,并... 民间戏班中的艺人是构成民间戏班的第一要素,艺人的生存状态直接影响着民间戏班的发展趋势。因此,本文以民族音乐学实地调查中的微型音乐调查理念为出发点,选取典型性、代表性的艺人进行研究分析,从而论证艺人在民间戏班中的重要性,并将此作为探究特定区域内某一音乐事象的关键切入点。 展开更多
关键词 民间戏班 艺人 通剧 传承
通剧历史渊源及其文化传承思考 被引量:1
作者 黄瑾 《艺术百家》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第A01期281-283,共3页
通剧是南通地方戏曲的一个剧种,源于童子戏,是我国古傩文化的一个分支。因为其唱腔粗犷纯朴,唱词通俗易懂,曾很受当地人民群众的喜爱。但是,随着社会的发展,第三产业的不断兴起,人民的物质文化生活不断丰富,人们的艺术审美取向不断发生... 通剧是南通地方戏曲的一个剧种,源于童子戏,是我国古傩文化的一个分支。因为其唱腔粗犷纯朴,唱词通俗易懂,曾很受当地人民群众的喜爱。但是,随着社会的发展,第三产业的不断兴起,人民的物质文化生活不断丰富,人们的艺术审美取向不断发生改变,通剧便逐渐淡出人们的视野,现今甚至到了面临失传的地步。2008年通剧的原形童子戏被列为国家第二批非物质文化遗产,国家和当地政府给予了通剧这个民间瑰宝以高度的关注。 展开更多
关键词 戏曲艺术 通剧 历史渊源 传承思考
童子戏与实验通剧的比较研究 被引量:6
作者 吴丕能 《艺术百家》 北大核心 1997年第3期88-91,共4页
南通童子戏与实验通剧的历史演变,经历了三个阶段:①传统的原生态童子祭祀仪式剧;②实验通剧与传统祭仪剧共存期;③吸收实验通剧某些优长的新生态童子戏。实验通剧经过几十年的艰难探索,虽未取得成功,但它给研究巫傩文化与戏曲文... 南通童子戏与实验通剧的历史演变,经历了三个阶段:①传统的原生态童子祭祀仪式剧;②实验通剧与传统祭仪剧共存期;③吸收实验通剧某些优长的新生态童子戏。实验通剧经过几十年的艰难探索,虽未取得成功,但它给研究巫傩文化与戏曲文化、江淮童子群落与江淮地方戏的嬗变关系,对巫傩文化底蕴深层次的开掘,留下了一笔不可多得的财富。 展开更多
关键词 巫傩文化 童子戏 实验通剧
当前稀有剧种的生存现状与传承路径分析——以南通市“通剧”为例 被引量:1
作者 何婷婷 《戏剧之家》 2019年第24期17-18,共2页
近些年来,由于人们艺术审美的改变,许多稀有剧种都存在着生存问题,甚至有的剧种已经趋于灭亡或者已经消失。而南通的通剧也是如此,它曾十分受群众的喜爱,但随着社会经济发展,精神文化日益丰富多彩,通剧便慢慢淡出人们的视野,现在甚至已... 近些年来,由于人们艺术审美的改变,许多稀有剧种都存在着生存问题,甚至有的剧种已经趋于灭亡或者已经消失。而南通的通剧也是如此,它曾十分受群众的喜爱,但随着社会经济发展,精神文化日益丰富多彩,通剧便慢慢淡出人们的视野,现在甚至已经面临失传的困境。自2008年,通剧入选为国家第二批非物质文化遗产,南通市通剧团成立。我们一直致力于改变通剧的现状,实现通剧更好地传承。作为这个团的一名主要演员,在经历这十年的探索后,我对通剧的生存、传承与发展有了些粗浅的思考。 展开更多
关键词 稀有 生存现状与传承 通剧
作者 查珏 《剧影月报》 2021年第2期33-35,共3页
通剧,作为一种具有浓郁地方色彩的戏剧艺术,方言的运用,便是它的重要标志,方言与音乐的结合创造出极具南通特色的声腔艺术。南通地区六县一市,包括海安、如皋、启东、海门、通州、如东、南通,各地方言各异,而且差别很大。目前通剧主要... 通剧,作为一种具有浓郁地方色彩的戏剧艺术,方言的运用,便是它的重要标志,方言与音乐的结合创造出极具南通特色的声腔艺术。南通地区六县一市,包括海安、如皋、启东、海门、通州、如东、南通,各地方言各异,而且差别很大。目前通剧主要使用南通港闸区、崇川区、通州市、如皋和如东县部分乡镇的南通方言进行演唱,这几个区方言读法基本相通。 展开更多
关键词 通剧 地方戏 方言
作者 凌感 《中国戏剧》 北大核心 2022年第11期88-90,共3页
通剧是江苏南通的传统戏曲剧种之一,20世纪60年代之前,称为“童子戏”。童子艺人从楚越的巫文化“以舞降神”祭祀仪式中将戏剧成分剥离,于20世纪二三十年代逐渐演化成带有戏剧要素的“童子串”。新中国成立后,在一系列文艺方针政策的指... 通剧是江苏南通的传统戏曲剧种之一,20世纪60年代之前,称为“童子戏”。童子艺人从楚越的巫文化“以舞降神”祭祀仪式中将戏剧成分剥离,于20世纪二三十年代逐渐演化成带有戏剧要素的“童子串”。新中国成立后,在一系列文艺方针政策的指引和其他剧种的影响下,童子戏在音乐、剧目、表演等方面不断进行实验改革,逐渐向地方戏曲嬗变,最终定名为通剧。随着时代发展变化,通剧由最初的童子戏蜕变为“实验通剧”,后部分恢复为传统通剧,部分进一步与现代戏剧融合为“现代通剧”。2008年通剧被列入第二批国家非物质文化遗产名录。 展开更多
关键词 通剧 传承保护 戏曲 现代戏 祭祀仪式 童子戏 巫文化 20世纪二三十年代
作者 朱恒夫 《东方艺术》 2022年第5期49-52,共4页
近年来,为庆祝新中国成立70周年、中国共产党创建100周年和表现在脱贫工作上攻坚克难的巨大成绩,戏曲界创演了数以百计的相关题材的现代戏。但平心而论,这些剧目绝大多数是“应景之作”,由于创演者对这些题材没有进行深入的思考,也缺乏... 近年来,为庆祝新中国成立70周年、中国共产党创建100周年和表现在脱贫工作上攻坚克难的巨大成绩,戏曲界创演了数以百计的相关题材的现代戏。但平心而论,这些剧目绝大多数是“应景之作”,由于创演者对这些题材没有进行深入的思考,也缺乏对相关生活的沉潜性的了解,故而既没有讲出动人的故事,更没有成功地塑造出鲜活的人物形象。 展开更多
关键词 现代戏 中国共产党创建 创演 通剧 应景之作 人物形象 攻坚克难
作者 周飞 《江苏师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2021年第6期37-46,123,共11页
小剧种彰显了中华民族文化的多样性与特殊性,传承发展小剧种具有特殊价值。江苏小剧种有通剧、丹剧、海门山歌剧等,目前生存状态良好,但发展中仍存在一定的瓶颈,如小剧种文献资料未能充分保存与整理、小剧种创作展演缺乏科学规划与指导... 小剧种彰显了中华民族文化的多样性与特殊性,传承发展小剧种具有特殊价值。江苏小剧种有通剧、丹剧、海门山歌剧等,目前生存状态良好,但发展中仍存在一定的瓶颈,如小剧种文献资料未能充分保存与整理、小剧种创作展演缺乏科学规划与指导、小剧种人才培养未有长项与持续设置、小剧种传播交流未能紧随时代求创新。对此,应加强小剧种文献资料的整理挖掘、完成存量资源的普查,扶持小剧种创作展演,预先做好科学规划与指导,组建新型小剧种演员构成、加强小剧种人才培养长项设置,创新小剧种传播方式、创造小剧种对外交流机会,通过若干路径的不断改革创新,开创江苏小剧种传承和发展的新局面。 展开更多
关键词 江苏地方戏 通剧 海门山歌 发展路径
Effect of processing route on grain refinement in pure copper processed by equal channel angular extrusion 被引量:2
作者 唐超兰 李豪 李赛毅 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第7期1736-1744,共9页
An experimental study of the microstructures in pure copper billets processed by 8 passes of equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) via an extended range of processing routes with a 90° die is carried out. Each... An experimental study of the microstructures in pure copper billets processed by 8 passes of equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) via an extended range of processing routes with a 90° die is carried out. Each processing route is defined according to the inter-pass billet rotation angle (χ), which varies from 0° to 180°. According to the generation of high-angle boundaries and reduction of grain size by electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) measurements, the grain refinement is found to be most efficient for route with χ=90°and least efficient with χ=180°, among the seven routes studied. This trend is supported by supplementary transmission electron microscopy (TEM) measurements. Comparison of the EBSD and TEM data reveals the importance of considering the non-equiaxity of grain structures in quantitative assessment of microstructural differences in ECAE-processed materials. 展开更多
关键词 pure copper equal channel angular extrusion severe plastic deformation strain path grain refinement
Application of crystal plasticity modeling in equal channel angular extrusion 被引量:4
作者 李赛毅 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第1期170-179,共10页
Some applications of crystal plasticity modeling in equal channel angular extrusion(ECAE) of face-centered cubic metals were highlighted.The results show that such simulations can elucidate the dependency of grain r... Some applications of crystal plasticity modeling in equal channel angular extrusion(ECAE) of face-centered cubic metals were highlighted.The results show that such simulations can elucidate the dependency of grain refinement efficiency on processing route and the directionality of substructure development,which cannot be explained by theories that consider only the macroscopic deformation behavior.They can also capture satisfactorily the orientation stability and texture evolution under various processing conditions.It is demonstrated that crystal plasticity models are useful tools in exploring the crystallographic nature of grain deformation and associated behavior that are overlooked or sometimes erroneously interpreted by existing phenomenological theories. 展开更多
关键词 severe plastic deformation equal channel angular extrusion TEXTURE crystal plasticity strain path grain refinement
The Dynamics of Hong Kong Identity: A Sociolinguistic Perspective
作者 Siu-lun Lee 《Sociology Study》 2013年第5期334-340,共7页
This paper looks at the language use and the language situation of Hong Kong and their relationship with the identity issue or identity crisis (as reported in some of the media, such as The Guardian, March 2012). T... This paper looks at the language use and the language situation of Hong Kong and their relationship with the identity issue or identity crisis (as reported in some of the media, such as The Guardian, March 2012). The "bi-literacy and tri-lingualism language policy" of Hong Kong is discussed. The use of the three language varieties, namely Cantonese, English and Mandarin are discussed in relation to Hong Kong people's proclaimed cultural identity. The emergence of mixed code (juxtaposing English into Cantonese utterances) also marks the link between language and proclaimed cultural identity. With the several social issues happened in Hong Kong 2010-2012, Hong Kong citizens' sense of belonging with an ethnic Hong Kong identity reached the highest according to the Public Opinion Program launched by one of the universities in Hong Kong. Language use in one of the recent television drama series magnifies the issue of "Hongkongness" which is closely linked to the use of Cantonese and mixed code. 展开更多
关键词 SOCIOLINGUISTICS language use Hong Kong identity Hong Kong studies CANTONESE
Significant improvements in mechanical properties of AA5083 aluminum alloy using dual equal channel lateral extrusion 被引量:2
作者 N.FAKHAR F.FERESHTEH-SANIEE R.MAHMUDI 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第12期3081-3090,共10页
Dual equal channel lateral extrusion (DECLE), as a severe plastic deformation (SPD) process, was employed forimproving the mechanical properties of AA5083 aluminum alloy. Several experiments were conducted to study th... Dual equal channel lateral extrusion (DECLE), as a severe plastic deformation (SPD) process, was employed forimproving the mechanical properties of AA5083 aluminum alloy. Several experiments were conducted to study the influences of theroute type, namely A and B, and pass number on mechanical properties of the material. The process was conducted up to 6 passeswith decreasing process temperature, specifically from 573 to 473 K. Supplementary experiments involving metallography, hardnessand tensile tests were carried out in order to evaluate the effects of the process variables. The hardness measurements exhibitedreasonably uniform distributions within the product with a maximum increase of 64% via a 6-pass operation. The yield and ultimatestrengths also amended 107% and 46%, respectively. These significant improvements were attributed to the severe shear deformationof grains and decreasing pass temperature, which intensified the grain refinement. TEM images showed an average grain sizereduction from 100 μm for the annealed billet to 200 nm after 6 passes of DECLE. Finally, the experimental findings for routes A andB were compared and discussed and some important conclusions were drawn. 展开更多
关键词 AA5083 aluminum alloy severe plastic deformation dual equal channel lateral extrusion hardness homogeneity
Severe plastic deformation of commercially pure aluminum using novel equal channel angular expansion extrusion with spherical cavity 被引量:3
作者 Xiao-xi WANG Xiang ZHANG +2 位作者 Xin-yu JING Jun-chi YUAN Wei SONG 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第10期2613-2624,共12页
Equal channel angular expansion extrusion with spherical cavity(ECAEE-SC)was introduced as a novel severe plastic deformation(SPD)technique,which is capable of imposing large plastic strain and intrinsic back-pressure... Equal channel angular expansion extrusion with spherical cavity(ECAEE-SC)was introduced as a novel severe plastic deformation(SPD)technique,which is capable of imposing large plastic strain and intrinsic back-pressure on the processed billet.The plastic deformation behaviors of commercially pure aluminum during ECAEE-SC process were investigated using finite element analysis DEFORM-3D simulation software.The material flow,the load history,the distribution of effective strain and mean stress in the billet were analyzed in comparison with conventional equal channel angular extrusion(ECAE)process.In addition,single-pass ECAEE-SC was experimentally conducted on commercially pure aluminum at room temperature for validation,and the evolution of microstructure and microhardness of as-processed material was discussed.It was shown that during the process,the material is in the ideal hydrostatic stress state and the load requirement for ECAEE-SC is much more than that for ECAE.After a single-pass ECAEE-SC,an average strain of 3.51 was accumulated in the billet with homogeneous distribution.Moreover,the microstructure was significantly refined and composed of equiaxed ultrafine grains with sub-micron size.Considerable improvement in the average microhardness of aluminum was also found,which was homogenized and increased from HV 36.61 to HV 70.20,denoting 91.75%improvement compared with that of the as-cast billet. 展开更多
关键词 severe plastic deformation equal channel angular expansion extrusion with spherical cavity(ECAEE-SC) numerical simulation strain accumulation grain refinement
Chemistry, Theater, Information and Communications Technology
作者 Maria de los Angeles Montiel Montoya Celia Sanchez Mendoza Graciela Martinez de Jesus 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2015年第3期221-226,共6页
Theater play that shows how textiles, make up, hair dyes and music players has changed along the last six decades, especially due to polymers. It is a play that has a historic, chemical and musical side that introduce... Theater play that shows how textiles, make up, hair dyes and music players has changed along the last six decades, especially due to polymers. It is a play that has a historic, chemical and musical side that introduces the use of ICT (information and communications technology), such as Faeebook, Moodle platform, Web sites, E-mail, Word, Publisher, PowerPoint, Videos and Digital music. Results in the conduct of the students that participated: assertiveness, self-esteem, tolerance, cooperation, responsibility and teamwork, all of them significantly contributed a meaningful learning about the polymers. 展开更多
关键词 THEATER ICT POLYMER meaningful learning.
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