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“肝病宜疏通大肠”在肝病治疗中的应用探讨 被引量:4
作者 刘斌斌 林敏 +1 位作者 章茜 宋欣远 《实用中医药杂志》 2018年第8期1006-1007,共2页
《医学入门》提出“肝病宜疏通大肠”,指出“肝病”可从中医之大肠论治,治疗应以疏通大肠为要。临床诸多医家将疏通大肠法运用在现代肝病的治疗中,取得了良好的疗效。我们从中西医角度出发,通过理论探究、现代医学研究、临床应用等... 《医学入门》提出“肝病宜疏通大肠”,指出“肝病”可从中医之大肠论治,治疗应以疏通大肠为要。临床诸多医家将疏通大肠法运用在现代肝病的治疗中,取得了良好的疗效。我们从中西医角度出发,通过理论探究、现代医学研究、临床应用等角度进行探讨,以期为肝病的治疗提供临床指导。 展开更多
关键词 临床应用 通大肠 肝病 治疗 《医学入门》 现代医学研究 临床指导 中西医
作者 杨峰 《医师在线》 2018年第10期33-33,共1页
患者,女,45岁。主诉便秘10余年,近年来加重。初起3~4日一行,少有便意,后逐渐延迟到大便5~6日一行,粪便粗硬如栗,努责难解,曾服用酚酞片、芦荟胶囊、番泻叶、大黄等药,还常外用开塞露,但也只管一时,过后依然。做肠镜检查,肠道未见器质性... 患者,女,45岁。主诉便秘10余年,近年来加重。初起3~4日一行,少有便意,后逐渐延迟到大便5~6日一行,粪便粗硬如栗,努责难解,曾服用酚酞片、芦荟胶囊、番泻叶、大黄等药,还常外用开塞露,但也只管一时,过后依然。做肠镜检查,肠道未见器质性病变。近1年来便秘尤甚,伴鼻干,咽干,舌燥,腹胀满,口臭,口干欲饮,食欲不振,神疲乏力,舌质红少津,无苔,脉象细数。 展开更多
关键词 便秘 下病上治 通大肠 肺燥 阴虚 外用开塞露 器质性病变 芦荟胶囊
张之文教授从肝与大肠相通论治炎症性肠病经验 被引量:12
作者 吴文军 刘业方 郭尹玲 《四川中医》 2017年第6期24-26,共3页
炎症性肠病发病率逐年增高,以青壮年多见,危害较大。张之文教授从感证的视角,以"肝与大肠通"为理论支撑论治IBD,疗效显著。笔者追本溯源,探查"肝与大肠通"的理论渊源,提出IBD的发生以肝与大肠同病为病机核心,治疗... 炎症性肠病发病率逐年增高,以青壮年多见,危害较大。张之文教授从感证的视角,以"肝与大肠通"为理论支撑论治IBD,疗效显著。笔者追本溯源,探查"肝与大肠通"的理论渊源,提出IBD的发生以肝与大肠同病为病机核心,治疗以通降阳明,疏解厥阴,共建阖机为法,注重通泄脏腑浊邪,恢复脏腑化生气血的生机的辨治思路。 展开更多
关键词 “肝与大肠 炎症性肠病 张之文
“脏腑互通”学说在临床中的应用 被引量:9
作者 赵宇翔 王旭 《中国针灸》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第8期597-597,共1页
关键词 临床中的应用 学说 脏腑 《医学入门》 小肠病 三焦病 补肾为主 通大肠 利膀胱
作者 朱光 《上海中医药杂志》 北大核心 2002年第5期24-25,共2页
以通大肠与利膀胱为重点 ,归纳整理临床上通腑的具体方法、方药与原则。
关键词 通大肠 利膀胱 中医治疗学
大柴胡汤治疗大肠癌的猜想 被引量:1
作者 李鹏耀 《中医临床研究》 2014年第32期49-50,共2页
大柴胡汤出自仲圣《伤寒论》,历代医家对其条文注疏不尽相同,但大多数医家对其治疗消化系统疾病的观点认同,因柴胡剂在三阳病篇出现,易多与肝胆疾病相联系,而其条文所述症状,又与现代西医学胰脏疾病相似,故大多对此方的治疗范围规定在... 大柴胡汤出自仲圣《伤寒论》,历代医家对其条文注疏不尽相同,但大多数医家对其治疗消化系统疾病的观点认同,因柴胡剂在三阳病篇出现,易多与肝胆疾病相联系,而其条文所述症状,又与现代西医学胰脏疾病相似,故大多对此方的治疗范围规定在肝胆胰脏疾病之中,笔者早期阅读美国汉唐中医学院倪海厦教授讲述《伤寒论》,倪氏指出其方与肝脏及大肠之间有着极为密切的联系,并照搬原方治愈数例大肠癌患者,笔者在此将试论大柴胡汤调节肝与大肠之关系及治疗大肠癌的猜想。 展开更多
关键词 大柴胡汤 大肠 大肠癌肝转移 阴实 肝与大肠
作者 袁润 赵鹏 +3 位作者 时岩 姜芸 雷沥 李华山 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第9期4785-4788,共4页
功能性肛门直肠痛是肛门直肠区反复发作的非器质性疼痛综合征,而焦虑抑郁等情志异常是引起功能性肛门直肠痛的主要原因,又是其常见的伴随症状。从“肝与大肠相别通”理论为切入点,揭示焦虑抑郁状态下的功能性肛门直肠痛的中医基本内涵... 功能性肛门直肠痛是肛门直肠区反复发作的非器质性疼痛综合征,而焦虑抑郁等情志异常是引起功能性肛门直肠痛的主要原因,又是其常见的伴随症状。从“肝与大肠相别通”理论为切入点,揭示焦虑抑郁状态下的功能性肛门直肠痛的中医基本内涵。明确肝气郁结,疏泄失职的病理特点,进而提出和利肝枢的治疗思路,旨在为深入辨治功能性肛门直肠痛等肠腑病症开拓新的思路。 展开更多
关键词 功能性肛门直肠痛 焦虑抑郁 肝与大肠相别 肝主情志 枢机
赵昌林主任医师从肝论治结直肠癌的临床经验 被引量:4
作者 胡沛 吴慧 赵昌林(指导) 《中医临床研究》 2020年第33期53-55,共3页
赵昌林主任医师对于如何运用中医药治疗恶性肿瘤具有丰富的临床经验。结直肠癌发病率高、致死率高,临床中结直肠癌的中医药治疗多从脾胃论治,多以健脾化痰、祛瘀散结为治则。赵昌林主任医师认为,肝气条达则脏腑气血调和,治疗大肠癌除了... 赵昌林主任医师对于如何运用中医药治疗恶性肿瘤具有丰富的临床经验。结直肠癌发病率高、致死率高,临床中结直肠癌的中医药治疗多从脾胃论治,多以健脾化痰、祛瘀散结为治则。赵昌林主任医师认为,肝气条达则脏腑气血调和,治疗大肠癌除了调理脾胃,也不能忽视肝的重要作用。通过对肝与结直肠癌之间联系的梳理,并引用“肝通大肠”“开、阖、枢”理论、“五脏别通”理论加以验证,归纳出肝与大肠在经络、生理、病理上关系密切、相互作用,肝的功能失常是结直肠癌发生的重要病理基础。肝失疏泄直接影响大肠的功能,并通过对脾胃气机、胆汁分泌、精神情志的影响使其传导失司,在气滞基础上产生痰湿、瘀血、热毒等病理产物并蓄积于肠道,发为大肠癌。赵昌林主任医师以肝为中心,从调和肝胆气机出发,结合胆、脾、胃相关脏腑,分析认为结直肠癌的证型可分为肝气郁结、肝肾阴虚、痰湿中阻、肝气亏虚四个证型,选用相应方药治疗,通过相关病例证实这一理论观点所取得的明显临床疗效,并对肠梗阻、肝转移两个结直肠癌常见并发症的中医药治疗进行简述。 展开更多
关键词 肝主疏泄 通大肠 结直肠癌
Coherent Assembly of Ultracold Polyatomic Molecules: Two-Channel Interference 被引量:1
作者 景辉 孔嘉 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第2期257-262,共6页
The evidences of three-body and four-body bound states have been reported in a series of very recent experiments with ultracold atoms.Here we study coherent creation of polyatomic molecules via a generalized atom-mole... The evidences of three-body and four-body bound states have been reported in a series of very recent experiments with ultracold atoms.Here we study coherent creation of polyatomic molecules via a generalized atom-molecule dark-state technique.By keeping the intermediate trimer or tetramer state essentially unpopulated,the constructive quantum two-channel interference is shown to play an important role in,e.g.coherent atom-pentamer conversion at ultracold temperature. 展开更多
关键词 ultracold atoms quantum snperchemistry coherent population trapping state
Two Approaches for Indirect Teleportation with Partially Entangled States
作者 张子云 刘益民 +2 位作者 徐纯洁 章文 张战军 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第12期1010-1014,共5页
Teleportation of a qubit with two partially entangled qubit states linking three nodes as quantum channels is extensively studied via the usual ancilla method. With the method two realization approaches, i.e., the nod... Teleportation of a qubit with two partially entangled qubit states linking three nodes as quantum channels is extensively studied via the usual ancilla method. With the method two realization approaches, i.e., the node progression approach and the global accumulation approach, are presented. Their resource consumptions, operation complexities, and el^ciencies axe evaluated and compared. It is found that the latter approach is better than the former one besides the error is partially self-corrected. The latter approach is further improved so that two merits are resultant. The improved version is compared with a similar protocol [M.Y. Wang and F.L. Yah, Eur. Phys. J. D 54 (2009) 111]. Their merits and additional costs are exposed. 展开更多
关键词 probabilistic teleportation ancilla method resource consumption operation complexity EFFICIENCY
Traffic Congestion Mechanism in Two Ramp Systems 被引量:1
作者 赵小梅 宋桂翠 宋玉鲲 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第1期95-100,共6页
The aim of this paper is to study traffic properties in an on/off-ramp system with a bus stop close to the on/off ramp. The location of the bus stop in the on/off-ramp (thereafter downstream or upstream case) is dis... The aim of this paper is to study traffic properties in an on/off-ramp system with a bus stop close to the on/off ramp. The location of the bus stop in the on/off-ramp (thereafter downstream or upstream case) is discussed. The simulation results show that in the two ramp systems, the reasons for traffic congestions are different. In the on-ramp system, buses and cars coming from on-ramp interweave each other, while in the off-ramp system, buses interweave with cars exiting to off-ramp. Thus, in the on-ramp (off-ramp) system, the upstream (downstream) bus stop is helpful to reduce the interweaving situation. Moreover, the negative effect will disappear when the distance between the bus stop and the on/off-ramp is more than 20 cells (i.e. 150 m). These qualitative findings may provide some suggestions on traffic management and optimization. 展开更多
关键词 cellular automaton model traffic congestion traffic bottleneck ramp system
A Novel Audio Event Detection Method for Internet of Things 被引量:1
作者 李祺 田斌 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第1期110-118,共9页
Recently, the Internet of Things (loT) has attracted more and more attention. Multimedia sensor network plays an important role in the IoT, and audio event detection in the multimedia sensor net- works is one of the... Recently, the Internet of Things (loT) has attracted more and more attention. Multimedia sensor network plays an important role in the IoT, and audio event detection in the multimedia sensor net- works is one of the most important applications for the Internet of Things. In practice, it is hard to get enough real-world samples to generate the classifi- ers for some special audio events (e.g., car-crash- ing in the smart traffic system). In this paper, we introduce a TrAdaBoost-based method to solve the above problem. By using the proposed approach, we can train a strong classifier by using only a tiny amount of real-world data and a large number of more easily collected samples (e.g., collected from TV programs), even when the real-world data is not sufficient to train a model alone. We deploy this ap- proach in a smart traffic system to evaluate its per- formance, and the experiment evaluations demonstrate that our method can achieve satisfying results. 展开更多
关键词 Internet of Things smart traffic audio event detection
Multifaceted nature of membrane microdomains in colorectal cancer 被引量:2
作者 Kristina A Jahn Filip Braet 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第6期681-690,共10页
Membrane microdomains or lipid rafts are known to be highly dynamic and to act as selective signal transduction mediators that facilitate interactions between the cell's external and internal environments.Lipid ra... Membrane microdomains or lipid rafts are known to be highly dynamic and to act as selective signal transduction mediators that facilitate interactions between the cell's external and internal environments.Lipid rafts play an important mediating role in the biology of cancer:they have been found in almost all existing experimental cancer models,including colorectal cancer (CRC),and play key regulatory roles in cell migration,metastasis,cell survival and tumor progression.This paper explores the current state of knowledge in this field by highlighting some of the pioneering and recent lipid raft studies performed on different CRC cell lines and human tissue samples.From this literature review,it becomes clear that membrane microdomains appear to be implicated in all key intracellular signaling pathways for lipid metabolism,drug resistance,cell adhesion,cell death,cell proliferation and many other processes in CRC.All signal transduction pathways seem to originate directly from those peculiar lipid islands,thereby orchestrating the colon cancer cells' state and fate.As confirmed by recent animal and preclinical studies in different CRC models,continuing to unravel the structure and function of lipid rafts-including their associated complex signaling pathways-will likely bring us one step closer to better monitoring and treating of colon cancer patients. 展开更多
关键词 ACTIN CAVEOLAE CYTOSKELETON Combined imaging Detergent-resistant membranes Drug targeting Electron microscopy Lipid domains Membrane rafts Prognosis STAGING Tomography Lipid-mediated therapy
Bacterial Colonization and Occurrence of Legionella in Cooling Towers of Southern General Company for Fertilizer Production in Basrah City
作者 Hadeel T. Al-Hadithi Jundi A. Mehdi 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2011年第10期789-793,共5页
Sixty six water samples were collected from inlets, inside and outlets of cooling towers (22 samples each, once a week). Samples were screened for bacterial colonization with special focus on Legionella. Percentage ... Sixty six water samples were collected from inlets, inside and outlets of cooling towers (22 samples each, once a week). Samples were screened for bacterial colonization with special focus on Legionella. Percentage occurrence of predominant bacteria present in water samples collected from inlets included: Klebsiella (95.45%), Enterobacter (90.9%), Pseudomonas (86.36%), Escherichia coli (81.81%), and Legionella (72.72%). While those predominant in water inside cooling towers were: Pseudomonas (100%), Staphylococci (81.81%), Legionella (81.81%) and Bacillus (72.72%). Incidence of Legionella recovered from inside and outlets of cooling towers sites was similar. Four species of Legionella were identified in water samples collected from inlets, inside and outlets of cooling towers, in the following consecutive frequencies L. pneumophila (72.72%, 81.81% and 81.81%), L. jordans (18.18%, 36.36% and 27.27%), L. dumffii (9.09%, 22.72% and 22.72%) and L. oekidegenes (4.54%, 13.63% and 18.18%). The increased percentage occurrence of Legionella in water collected from inlets and inside cooling towers, as well as those of Pseudomonas and Staphylococci suggest that Legionella is also a hardy organism, being potentially survive as free organism despite water disinfection. 展开更多
关键词 Bacterial colonization LEGIONELLA L. pneumophila cooling towers.
作者 陈欣 郑琦 +4 位作者 席玉棚 王成磊 郭秋均 郑红刚 花宝金 《中医肿瘤学杂志》 2024年第6期38-44,共7页
大肠癌的肝肺转移主要归因于脏腑功能失调,尤其是大肠与肝、肺二脏之间的关联。癌毒初始聚积于大肠,随着病情进展,沿经脉扩散至肝脏和肺部。若肝气郁结或肝血亏虚,则气血瘀滞,癌毒易于积聚并扩散至肝。肺主一身之气,大肠糟粕积聚,传导... 大肠癌的肝肺转移主要归因于脏腑功能失调,尤其是大肠与肝、肺二脏之间的关联。癌毒初始聚积于大肠,随着病情进展,沿经脉扩散至肝脏和肺部。若肝气郁结或肝血亏虚,则气血瘀滞,癌毒易于积聚并扩散至肝。肺主一身之气,大肠糟粕积聚,传导失职致使肺宣发肃降失常,易于侵袭入肺,在此过程中,或因痰湿阻滞气机,瘀血阻碍血行,或因肝气犯肺,气血运行不畅,进一步助长癌毒的扩散和转移。本文从肝通大肠的经络、五行及藏象内涵角度和肺合大肠的脏腑、经络、体用及气化关系角度,阐述大肠癌肝肺转移发生的具体病因病机,临床上对预防大肠癌患者发生肝肺转移、遏制疾病进展意义深远。 展开更多
关键词 大肠癌转移 通大肠 肺合大肠 藏象 气化 相辅相助 互克互制
运用董建华院士脾胃病学术思想治疗癌症 被引量:2
作者 麻仲学 《中国中西医结合消化杂志》 CAS 2018年第6期469-471,共3页
关键词 董建华 降胃气 大肠 癌症
Spontaneous high-frequency action potential
作者 Wonchae CHOE 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2011年第4期311-335,共25页
Action potential,which is the foundation of physiology and electrophysiology,is most vital in physiological research.This work starts by detecting cardiac electrophysiology(tachyarrhythmias),combined with all spontane... Action potential,which is the foundation of physiology and electrophysiology,is most vital in physiological research.This work starts by detecting cardiac electrophysiology(tachyarrhythmias),combined with all spontaneous discharge phenomena in vivo such as wound currents and spontaneous neuropathic pain,elaborates from generation,induction,initiation,to all of the features of spontaneous high-frequency action potential--SSL action potential mechanism,i.e.,connecting-end hyperpolarization initiates spontaneous depolarization and action potential in somatic membrane.This work resolves the conundrums of in vivo spontaneous discharge in tachyarrhythmias,wounds,denervation supersensitivity,neurogenic pain(hyperalgesia and allodynia),epileptic discharge and diabetic pain in pathophysiological and clinical researches that have puzzled people for a hundred years. 展开更多
关键词 action potential spontaneous high-frequency action potential TACHYARRHYTHMIAS atrial fibrillation wound denervation supersensitivity neurogenic pain hyperalgesia and allodynia epileptic discharge diabetic pain regeneration and development
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