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Implementation Application of Alternative Fuel for Land Transportation Sector in Indonesia Based on Other Countries Experience
作者 Mirza Mahendra Sutrasno Kartohardjono Yuswan Muharam 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第3期524-536,共13页
The usage of alternative fuel as a substitute of oil fuel for transportation sector in developed countries has been commonly implemented in order to decrease crude oil consumption, where in a few years back, the crude... The usage of alternative fuel as a substitute of oil fuel for transportation sector in developed countries has been commonly implemented in order to decrease crude oil consumption, where in a few years back, the crude oil price is constantly increasing. In addition, global warming issue becomes one of reasons that motivate many countries to switch for a cleaner energy usage. As a country that has a relatively big reserve of natural gas, its appropriate natural gas could minimize subsidized oil fuel and also financing country's burden if Indonesia is optimizing the usage of energy resources. This paper will discuss about the background of gas fuel usage for road transportation sector in Indonesia, review of alternative fuel usage, the gas fuel usage status in Indonesia and gas usage recommendation for land transportation sector in Indonesia based on other countries experiences. 展开更多
关键词 Alternative fuel cleaner energy gas fuel land transportation.
山石有灵性 风景独一边
作者 范本虎 《河南电力》 2018年第4期90-90,共1页
阳春三月,太阳向北回归线逐渐靠近,温度慢慢地上升,万物也在一点点复苏,这个季节最适合去大山中找寻那些让人心旷神怡的美景,可以让繁忙、疲惫的身心得到沐浴和放松。尧山风景名胜区位于河南省平顶山市鲁山县西部,地处伏牛山东段,因尧... 阳春三月,太阳向北回归线逐渐靠近,温度慢慢地上升,万物也在一点点复苏,这个季节最适合去大山中找寻那些让人心旷神怡的美景,可以让繁忙、疲惫的身心得到沐浴和放松。尧山风景名胜区位于河南省平顶山市鲁山县西部,地处伏牛山东段,因尧孙刘累为祭祖立尧祠而得名,是国家5A级旅游景区、国家地质公园、首批国家生态旅游示范区;尧山山峰奇特,瀑布众多,森林茂密,温泉优良,人文景观辉煌,集雄、险、秀、奇、幽于一体,分为九曲瀑布、石扉玉章、将军峰、白龙潭、半仙居、石人、鸡冠石、白牛城、秘洞、温泉十大部分. 展开更多
关键词 通天门
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