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作者 林艺敏 《中学语文》 2023年第18期55-56,共2页
关键词 《百合花》 通讯形象 多重视角
鲜明生动 恰切传神——谈《百合花》人物语言描写
作者 黄连平 《焦作大学学报》 2002年第4期28-29,共2页
《百合花》是著名女作家茹志鹃的代表作 ,也是中国当代文学宝库中的一件精品。作者在原有生活感受的基础上着力塑造了通讯员和新媳妇两个文学典型形象 ,其中的人物语言描写虽在全文文字中所占的比例不大 ,但艺术感染力较强 ,具有鲜明生... 《百合花》是著名女作家茹志鹃的代表作 ,也是中国当代文学宝库中的一件精品。作者在原有生活感受的基础上着力塑造了通讯员和新媳妇两个文学典型形象 ,其中的人物语言描写虽在全文文字中所占的比例不大 ,但艺术感染力较强 ,具有鲜明生动、恰切传神的特点。 展开更多
关键词 《百合花》 人物语言 通讯形象 新媳妇形象 语言描写 中国 当代文学 茹志鹃
《电器评介》 2004年第3期60-69,共10页
商务手机的外形或典雅华贵或庄重朴实,以迎合不同品位商务人士的需求,但做工务求精良细致。对商务人士来说,手机不仅仅是一件通讯工具那么简单,它同时还是一种彰显身份、体现使用者品味的东西。科技日新月异,手机已经摆脱单一的通讯形象... 商务手机的外形或典雅华贵或庄重朴实,以迎合不同品位商务人士的需求,但做工务求精良细致。对商务人士来说,手机不仅仅是一件通讯工具那么简单,它同时还是一种彰显身份、体现使用者品味的东西。科技日新月异,手机已经摆脱单一的通讯形象,正朝着多媒体移动信息终端的目标迈进。智能手机曾经是电影里的一种艺术化的东西,如今它正逐步走近我们的生活。它既是一部个人信息终端,又是一个移动通讯的信息平台,同时它还是一个陪伴您游戏和娱乐的好伙伴。它像一个能打电话的掌上电脑,身材则更为纤细小巧。随着智能商务手机登上历史舞台,商务人士随时随地工作的梦想已经初步实现,在工作的间隙和旅途劳顿之际轻松娱乐也以梦想成真。在异国他乡之时,亲人的音容笑貌可尽收眼底。大容量的电话薄,超长的待机时间这些曾经的期盼已经成为标准配置。超强的网络功能,使天涯若比邻;可扩展性又使它的功能伸缩自如。本文将对Motorola、Nokia、sonyErisson这三家移动通讯市场上的巨头生产的几款适合商用的手机做个简要介绍,也就管中窥豹吧,希望能对商务人士选购手机有所帮助。 展开更多
关键词 商务手机 通讯形象 多媒体移动信息终端 摩托罗拉A768 彩信388C Nokia8910i/7650 索尼爱立信P908 性能
Retail Brand Building Through Promotional Communication: A Study That Focuses on Category Killers Promotional Flyers
作者 Roberto Manzano Anton Magdalena Ferran Aranaz Maria Puelles Gallo Miguel Llorens Marin 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第3期217-225,共9页
Strong competition in retail distribution and the development of new purchasing options for the consumer generate a growing need to strengthen the retailers' brand image using all the communication elements, with pro... Strong competition in retail distribution and the development of new purchasing options for the consumer generate a growing need to strengthen the retailers' brand image using all the communication elements, with promotional flyers being one of the most important ways to do this. Promotional flyers make-up 5.1% of the money spent on communication and rank third place in terms of importance for retailers. The aim of this investigation work is to focus on analysing the utility of a promotional tool, such as a flyer, to fulfil a strategic objective, like creating a retail brand image, within a modern dynamic sector that is growing fast, such as Category Killers. Two sources of information have been used to carry out the research. On the One hand, a survey conducted on those responsible for the definition and execution of the promotional plan, and on the other hand, the accumulation and analysis of all the flyers issued into the market thought-out a year by those retailers which belong to this format, in order to conduct a study of seven defined image indicators. This information has been largely analyzed using multidimensional scaling method and chi-square test. As a result, we have managed to gather the differential elements in flyers execution between those retailers that prize the communications of image attributes and those retailers which concentrate on communicating price. The first group makes greater use of promotional theme related flyers, and shows greater differentiation in both product assortment and the depth of the range being communicated. 展开更多
关键词 retail image integrated communication store promotional flyers
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