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音叉作受迫振动的速度共振幅频响应曲线的研究 被引量:4
作者 陈思 陈骏逸 《实验技术与管理》 CAS 2007年第12期48-50,56,共4页
关键词 受迫振动 共振 速度振幅 位移振幅
南海北部神狐海域含天然气水合物沉积层的速度特征 被引量:40
作者 梁劲 王明君 +3 位作者 陆敬安 梁金强 王宏斌 匡增桂 《天然气工业》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第7期29-35,共7页
2007年在南海北部神狐海域对天然气水合物(以下简称水合物)的钻探结果表明,仅依靠似海底反射(BSR)和振幅空白不能揭示沉积层内水合物的赋存状态,不能准确地圈定水合物的分布面积和储层厚度。为准确判定水合物储层情况,对南海北部神狐海... 2007年在南海北部神狐海域对天然气水合物(以下简称水合物)的钻探结果表明,仅依靠似海底反射(BSR)和振幅空白不能揭示沉积层内水合物的赋存状态,不能准确地圈定水合物的分布面积和储层厚度。为准确判定水合物储层情况,对南海北部神狐海域声波测井及地震资料进行了精细分析,研究了含水合物沉积层的声波速度、地震速度的分布特征和变化规律。结果认为:①地震反射剖面上,由于水合物饱和度、厚度增大,引起含水合物沉积层的速度增大而产生上拉构造,其下方同时显示出因低速含气层引起的速度下拉构造,即"眼球状"的速度振幅异常结构;②含水合物层的层速度大小与沉积物孔隙度和水合物饱和度密切相关,水合物饱和度随声波速度升高而上下波动,总体趋势上随声波速度的升高而增高;③在含水合物带内部,高速层呈平行于海底的带状分布,底部速度最高,从底部往上速度逐渐降低;④利用上述特征,结合其他地质和地球物理资料,依据层速度可识别地层中水合物的存在,计算水合物的饱和度,确定含水合物层的厚度、分布范围,并可进一步计算水合物的资源量。 展开更多
关键词 南海北部 神狐海域 声波测井速度 地震速度 天然气水合物 饱和度 速度振幅异常 地震反射特征 资源量
地震波振幅对黄土-泥岩边坡动力响应规律的影响 被引量:18
作者 张泽林 吴树仁 +2 位作者 王涛 唐辉明 梁昌玉 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第7期2403-2412,2450,共11页
研究地震作用下黄土-泥岩边坡动力响应特征,对边坡的稳定性评价和抗震设计具有重要指导意义。基于边坡的离心机振动台试验和数值模拟分析,研究地震波振幅对边坡地震动响应的影响规律,结果表明:由坡体深部至浅表层,黄土-泥岩边坡的水平... 研究地震作用下黄土-泥岩边坡动力响应特征,对边坡的稳定性评价和抗震设计具有重要指导意义。基于边坡的离心机振动台试验和数值模拟分析,研究地震波振幅对边坡地震动响应的影响规律,结果表明:由坡体深部至浅表层,黄土-泥岩边坡的水平向和垂向加速度放大效应呈非线性增加,且水平向大于垂直向,在坡体顶部到达最大,表现为趋表效应和高程效应;在边坡内部岩性接触部位,黄土层内动力响应较大,泥岩中动力响应较小,表现为岩性效应;随着输入地震波振幅的增加,坡体动力响应表现为先增大后减小的趋势,当输入振幅达0.3g时,坡体动力响应最大。黄土-泥岩边坡的变形破坏过程为:随输入地震波振幅增加,坡顶逐渐形成拉张裂缝,不断扩展,坡体中上部溜土,产生向临空面方向的位移,坡体中部发生鼓胀隆起,局部坡体振动松散,岩土体滑落至坡脚堆积。 展开更多
关键词 离心机振动台试验 数值模拟 黄土-泥岩边坡 速度振幅 地震动响应
击弦点及击弦力度对钢琴幅度谱的影响 被引量:3
作者 谢志文 黄天乾 肖魏 《电声技术》 北大核心 2003年第12期6-9,共4页
从理论和谱分析实验研究了钢琴的击弦点及击弦力度对钢琴幅度谱的影响。首先通过弦振动理论对速度振幅进行了理论计算,然后用计算机对钢琴的原始录音进行分析和处理,得出了钢琴的幅度谱,最后讨论了击弦点及击弦力度对钢琴幅度谱的影响... 从理论和谱分析实验研究了钢琴的击弦点及击弦力度对钢琴幅度谱的影响。首先通过弦振动理论对速度振幅进行了理论计算,然后用计算机对钢琴的原始录音进行分析和处理,得出了钢琴的幅度谱,最后讨论了击弦点及击弦力度对钢琴幅度谱的影响。结果表明,虽然钢琴的幅度谱值与速度振幅值之间不存在简单的对应关系,但两者是成正比的。欲改变各次谐波幅度谱值之间的比例关系,可以比较方便地通过调整A/L值来达到。 展开更多
关键词 击弦点 击弦力度 钢琴 幅度谱 速度振幅
地铁车辆接触网硬点在线检测系统设计 被引量:9
作者 伍川辉 卿云 +1 位作者 吴琛 杨慧莹 《中国测试》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第1期77-82,共6页
针对地铁车辆弓网系统安全检测的重要性及现有接触网硬点检测技术的不足,基于高低压隔离技术,结合受电弓滑板垂向加速度和滑板振幅,作为硬点评价的基准,研究并设计一种新型地铁车辆接触网硬点在线检测系统。首先,进行硬件设计,选用灵敏... 针对地铁车辆弓网系统安全检测的重要性及现有接触网硬点检测技术的不足,基于高低压隔离技术,结合受电弓滑板垂向加速度和滑板振幅,作为硬点评价的基准,研究并设计一种新型地铁车辆接触网硬点在线检测系统。首先,进行硬件设计,选用灵敏度高、误差小的电容式加速度传感器和激光测距仪,以及采样速率高、抗干扰能力强的IMC数字采集器;然后,进行软件设计,基于LabVIEW软件开发环境,编写相应的测试软件,实现垂向加速度信号和高度信号的实时显示与记录;最后,为验证检测系统的测试性能,以杭州地铁2号线地铁车辆为测试对象,于40 km/h、60 km/h和80 km/h的速度级工况下进行装车往返试验。试验结果表明,各工况下前后滑板垂向加速度的最大值分别为3.817 g、9.208 g和15.827 g,单位跨距内的滑板最大振幅分别为19.4 mm、21.4 mm、24.1 mm,并未检测出硬点,与地铁运营单位对实际线路的维护检查结果一致。另对部分测试数据进行分析处理,分析结果可充分体现检测系统的安全性、准确性和实用性。 展开更多
关键词 地铁车辆 接触网硬点 检测系统 受电弓滑板 垂向加速度振幅
The influence of sea water velocity variation on seismic traveltimes,ray paths,and amplitude 被引量:9
作者 韩复兴 孙建国 王坤 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第3期319-325,361,362,共9页
The main factors affecting seismic exploration is the propagation velocity of seismic waves in the medium. In the past, during marine seismic data processing, the propagation velocity of sea water was generally taken ... The main factors affecting seismic exploration is the propagation velocity of seismic waves in the medium. In the past, during marine seismic data processing, the propagation velocity of sea water was generally taken as a constant 1500 m/s. However, for deep water exploration, the sound velocity varies with the season, time, location, water depth, ocean currents, and etc.. It also results in a layered velocity distribution, so there is a difference of seismic traveltime, ray paths, and amplitude, which affect the migration imaging results if sea water propagation velocity is still taken as constant for the propagation wavefield. In this paper, we will start from an empirical equation of seismic wave velocity in seawater with changes of temperature, salinity, and depth, consider the variation of their values, build a seawater velocity model, and quantitatively analyze the impact of seawater velocity variation on seismic traveltime, ray paths, and amplitude in the seawater velocity model. 展开更多
关键词 Sea water velocity TRAVELTIMES ray paths AMPLITUDE
腰英台油田青山口组沉积特征与储层预测 被引量:5
作者 钟红利 蒲仁海 +2 位作者 吴聿元 吴群 赵红旭 《石油地球物理勘探》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期471-476,500+330-331,共6页
文中通过沉积相分析、地震属性优选及测井约束反演,分析了腰英台油田青山口组三角洲砂体的展布规律,得出以下认识:①砂泥岩总体呈薄互层分布,有利储集相带为青二段下部的三角洲前缘细—中砂,其次为青一段中部的破坏性三角洲席状浅滩砂,... 文中通过沉积相分析、地震属性优选及测井约束反演,分析了腰英台油田青山口组三角洲砂体的展布规律,得出以下认识:①砂泥岩总体呈薄互层分布,有利储集相带为青二段下部的三角洲前缘细—中砂,其次为青一段中部的破坏性三角洲席状浅滩砂,曲流河点坝砂体和决口河道砂体,平面上规模小,孤立分布;②由于泥岩含钙质,导致泥岩与砂岩的速度、自然伽马、电阻率等值接近,除自然电位测井外,其他测井系列对砂岩的识别效果不好,振幅类、波阻抗等地震属性也无法识别砂体;③砂岩发育指数可以较好地反映砂岩发育程度,振幅加速度属性能有效地反映不同微相骨架砂体展布,低加速度属性与井点高砂岩发育指数吻合较好,据此确定了青一段湖泊分布范围,识别出新的朵状腰西三角洲砂体。钻井验证其上发育厚约10m的河口坝和分流河道中—细砂岩,单井产量高于其他地区。 展开更多
关键词 腰英台油田 青山口组 沉积特征 砂泥岩薄互层 砂岩发育指数 振幅速度
作者 武丹丹 杨成斌 王江涛 《河北工程大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2014年第2期43-46,51,共5页
文章根据桩土系统波动理论,在桩顶施加竖向瞬态激振力情况下,对基桩竖向振动的时域和频域分析进行理论研究。对完整桩时域速度曲线进行拟合处理,分析桩身、桩侧、桩底参数对完整桩时域速度曲线和速度振幅谱曲线的影响,对非完整桩(缩径... 文章根据桩土系统波动理论,在桩顶施加竖向瞬态激振力情况下,对基桩竖向振动的时域和频域分析进行理论研究。对完整桩时域速度曲线进行拟合处理,分析桩身、桩侧、桩底参数对完整桩时域速度曲线和速度振幅谱曲线的影响,对非完整桩(缩径桩、扩径桩、断桩)也进行类似的分析处理。研究表明:桩土参数的变化对曲线产生了影响,桩侧土剪切波速越大桩底反射衰减的越多,理论波形图和工程桩动测波形图显示出很好的一致性。 展开更多
关键词 桩土系统 速度时域曲线 速度振幅谱曲线
均匀土中非完整桩瞬态纵向动力响应研究 被引量:1
作者 姜静 刘东甲 +1 位作者 窦本洋 俞磊 《西昌学院学报(自然科学版)》 2021年第3期88-91,97,共5页
为研究桩土参数对非完整桩低应变时域速度曲线和速度振幅谱曲线的影响,根据桩土系统波动理论,建立了桩-土系统瞬态振动的计算模型;得到了基桩在纵向激振力作用下的瞬态动力响应,将计算结果与基桩低应变完整性检测实测数据进行对比分析,... 为研究桩土参数对非完整桩低应变时域速度曲线和速度振幅谱曲线的影响,根据桩土系统波动理论,建立了桩-土系统瞬态振动的计算模型;得到了基桩在纵向激振力作用下的瞬态动力响应,将计算结果与基桩低应变完整性检测实测数据进行对比分析,验证了该数值模拟的可靠性和可行性;研究了桩长、桩周土、桩底土等因素对时域速度曲线和速度振幅谱曲线的影响。结果表明:桩土参数对时域速度曲线和速度振幅谱曲线都有影响,桩侧土剪切波速增大,桩底反射越弱。 展开更多
关键词 非完整桩 桩-土系统 低应变测试 时域速度曲线 速度振幅谱曲线
将超声波波能应用于悬浮物加速沉淀的可行性研究 被引量:1
作者 王恺 孔令勇 +4 位作者 刘稚红 李祖鹏 沈卫民 刘湘平 毛雄伟 《给水排水》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第S1期64-66,共3页
关键词 超声波 纵波 速度振幅 电声转换器
根据地基振动推测泥石流规模 被引量:1
作者 诹访浩 山越隆雄 +3 位作者 佐藤一幸 党福江 李晓华 李铁军 《水土保持科技情报》 2000年第4期50-53,共4页
通过在日本的烧岳上上堀泽设置地震计,观测泥石流运动时地基振动特性,建立了波峰振动加速度与波峰流量,振动加速度振幅时间积分与泥石流体积之间的函数关系,并且两两变量之间里拉强的正相关,相关系数分别为0.90和0.98。由... 通过在日本的烧岳上上堀泽设置地震计,观测泥石流运动时地基振动特性,建立了波峰振动加速度与波峰流量,振动加速度振幅时间积分与泥石流体积之间的函数关系,并且两两变量之间里拉强的正相关,相关系数分别为0.90和0.98。由此断定:可以通过观测地基振动来推测石砾型泥石流流量或泥沙总输出量。但当振动加速度小于 40 m/s2时,泥石流波峰流量的推测值误差比率会有超过 50%的情况。当振动加速度振幅的时间积分小于800 m/(s2·s)时,推测泥石流体积,误差比率虽然也有超过50%的情况出现,但是在发生比其规模大的泥石流时,推测精度显著提高。 展开更多
关键词 石砾型泥石流 地基振动 速度振幅 流量 体积
作者 刘铄 钟浩源 高有辉 《大学物理》 2019年第6期42-44,共3页
采用干涉法对音叉受迫振动的位移振幅、速度振幅以及音叉振动与外加周期性驱动力的相频关系做了测量与探究.实验结果表明,位移共振频率与速度共振频率近似相等;音叉达到共振时,音叉振动与外加周期性驱动力存在π/2的相位差.利用干涉的... 采用干涉法对音叉受迫振动的位移振幅、速度振幅以及音叉振动与外加周期性驱动力的相频关系做了测量与探究.实验结果表明,位移共振频率与速度共振频率近似相等;音叉达到共振时,音叉振动与外加周期性驱动力存在π/2的相位差.利用干涉的方法可对音叉受迫振动的位移振幅、速度振幅以及音叉振动与外加周期性驱动力的相频关系同时进行研究,并且可观测到调节信号源频率至共振频率过程中相位差的改变,以及达到共振时施加外在扰动后相位差偏离π/2而后恢复的过程. 展开更多
关键词 迈克耳孙干涉 音叉受迫振动 位移振幅 速度振幅 相频关系
闾阳-海城-东沟剖面深地震波动力学特征初探 被引量:1
作者 朱兆言 崔德鹏 《防灾减灾学报》 1995年第3期62-70,共9页
本文利用国内外有关深地震波动力学特征的研究方法,结合现有原始资料的实际条件,对闾阳-海城-东沟深地震测深剖面某些地段的主要波组的动力学特征进行了定性或半定量的分析与研究。在频谱分析,速度振幅的计算与相对理论振幅的对比... 本文利用国内外有关深地震波动力学特征的研究方法,结合现有原始资料的实际条件,对闾阳-海城-东沟深地震测深剖面某些地段的主要波组的动力学特征进行了定性或半定量的分析与研究。在频谱分析,速度振幅的计算与相对理论振幅的对比等方面,获得了一些有益信息。为进一步合理解释深地震测深资料提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 频谱分析 速度振幅 相对理论振幅 扩散系数 吸收系数
Fracture detection by using full azimuth P wave attributes 被引量:16
作者 Qu Shouli Ji Yuxin Wang Xin Wang Xiuling Chen xinrong Shen Guoqiang 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2007年第3期238-243,共6页
A type of specific fractured hydrocarbon reservoir, a shale fractured reservoir, exists in the Shengli oilfield. Due to very small porosity of this type, low sensitivity to the variation of petrochemical property para... A type of specific fractured hydrocarbon reservoir, a shale fractured reservoir, exists in the Shengli oilfield. Due to very small porosity of this type, low sensitivity to the variation of petrochemical property parameters, and strong anisotropy, it is very difficult to explore for them. So far, there is no set of mature methods for recognition of direction, distribution, and density of the fractures by an integrated analysis of geologic, geophysical, well log, drilling data, and etc. This paper presents a new method for acoustic impedance variation with azimuth (IPVA), based on existing fracture detection methods. Seismic acquisition, processing, and recognition techniques were developed for detecting directional vertical fractures using multi-azimuth P wave data in combination with the seismic and geological features of shale fractures in the Luojia area. The IPVA research is carried out for recognizing the distribution, strike, and density of fractures based on the study of velocity variation with azimuth (VVA) and amplitude variation with azimuth (AVA) for full azimuth P wave data at different CMP positions. Through practical application in the Luojia area, primary results have been obtained which verifies that the IPVA method provides good potential for quantitative detection of parallel, high angle, shale fractures. 展开更多
关键词 Shale fractures VELOCITY AMPLITUDE acoustic impedance P wave full azimuth
Scholte wave dispersion and particle motion mode in ocean and ocean crust 被引量:1
作者 Xu Xin Wan Yong-Ge +1 位作者 Li Zhen-Yue Sheng Shu-Zhong 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2022年第1期132-142,146,共12页
The dispersion equation of the Scholte wave was reviewed using the homogeneous elastic half-space covered by a liquid layer,and the range of the Scholte wave propagation velocity was examined using the dispersion equa... The dispersion equation of the Scholte wave was reviewed using the homogeneous elastic half-space covered by a liquid layer,and the range of the Scholte wave propagation velocity was examined using the dispersion equation.The displacement expressions of the Scholte waves in liquid and solid were derived.Additionally,the mode of motion of Scholte waves in liquid and solid and their variation with depth was studied.The following results were obtained:The dispersion equation shows that the propagation velocity of the fundamental Scholte wave was greater than the P-wave in liquid and less than that of the Scholte wave in homogeneous elastic half-space.In contrast,the velocity of higher-order Scholte waves was greater than that of P waves in liquid and S-waves in solid.Only the fundamental Scholte wave has no cutoff frequency.The Scholte wave at the liquid surface moved only vertically,while the particles inside the liquid medium moved elliptically.The amplitude variation with depth in the solid medium caused the particle motion to change from a retrograde ellipse to a prograde ellipse.The above results imply the study of Scholte waves in the ocean and oceanic crust and help estimate ocean depths. 展开更多
关键词 Scholte waves in the ocean and oceanic crust dispersion equation propagation velocity amplitude mode of motion
P-SV转换波勘探和应用 被引量:4
作者 钱荣钧 《石油地球物理勘探》 EI CSCD 北大核心 1989年第6期619-633,736,共16页
转换波采集方便、成本较低,有着广阔的应用前景。本文按纵横波速度比对转换波进行不对称抽道集,然后采用双曲线拟合方法求取转换波的叠加速度,并提出用压缩转换波的办法制作纵波和转换波的振幅比剖面;在确定纵波和转换波的层位对应关系... 转换波采集方便、成本较低,有着广阔的应用前景。本文按纵横波速度比对转换波进行不对称抽道集,然后采用双曲线拟合方法求取转换波的叠加速度,并提出用压缩转换波的办法制作纵波和转换波的振幅比剖面;在确定纵波和转换波的层位对应关系之后,求取速度比及泊松比剖面。利用上述方法对YM地区的实际转换波资料进行分析和处理,获得了一般单纯纵波勘探所得不到的有用信息。 展开更多
关键词 地震勘探 转换波采集 纵横波速度分析和振幅处理
Characteristics analysis of a novel centralized-driving flip-flow screen 被引量:9
作者 Peng Liping Li Fengming +3 位作者 Dong Hailin Liu Chusheng Zhao Yuemin Duan Chenlong 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2014年第2期195-200,共6页
During screening operation, blinding or clogging of screen perforations generally occurs to reduce the sieving capacity and efficiency. Recently, the flip-flow screening has been widely recognized as a feasible method... During screening operation, blinding or clogging of screen perforations generally occurs to reduce the sieving capacity and efficiency. Recently, the flip-flow screening has been widely recognized as a feasible method to deal with the problem. In this paper, a novel centralized-driving flip-flow screen(CFS) was developed for the separation of fine and moist coal, and the key structures, namely, a centralized-driving mechanism and a quasi-circle beam mounted with the mat were designed for high reliability and stability. By means of a test on an experimental prototype, the effect of some factors, i.e., initial stretch and hardness of the polyurethane panel, respectively, and the rotation speed of the driving motor on the kinematic characteristic of the screen surface was investigated. Results show that without an initial stretch, the sieve mat generates the largest vibratory amplitude while the slacker the sieve mat initially is, the smaller amplitude it will accomplish. And an increase in the rotation speed could cause a rise in the vibratory amplitude. Unlike the two factors, the hardness does not have a definite effect on the kinematic performance, on which a further study is required. Finally, screening processing on a laboratory prototype was conducted to draw the conclusion that the developed CFS also has a high sieving efficiency for the fine and moist coal. 展开更多
关键词 Centralized-driving Flip-flow screen Fine and moist coal Kinematic characteristic Sieving capacity and efficiency
Dispersion characteristics of seabed Scholte waves with variable velocity seawater in deep water
作者 Jiang Jia-Meng Yu Peng-Fei 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2022年第4期537-552,604,共17页
Acoustic velocity varies in deep-water environments.To obtain accurate inversion interpretations,it is necessary to develop a horizontally layered seawater–seabed(HLSS)model with continuously varying velocities.In th... Acoustic velocity varies in deep-water environments.To obtain accurate inversion interpretations,it is necessary to develop a horizontally layered seawater–seabed(HLSS)model with continuously varying velocities.In this work,we used an HLSS model based on wave theory to deduce the Scholte wave dispersion equations and established an HLSS model based on the acoustic velocity profile and the submarine medium parameters of the South China Sea.We studied the dispersion characteristics of Scholte waves and theoretically calculated the amplitude–depth distribution.We also examined the influence of deep-water environments on the dispersion characteristics of Scholte waves.Using the real geological parameters of the Dongsha Islands in the South China Sea,we exploited the spectral element method to simulate seismic wave propagation in the fluid–solid interface and extracted the Scholte wave dispersion curves using multichannel analysis of surface waves(MASW).The consistent theoretical and extracted dispersion curve results verified the accuracy of our method.Numerical experiments showed that the dispersion characteristics of Scholte waves in deep water are weaker than those in shallow water.In addition to the seawater depth and the physical parameters of seabed sediments,the seawater’s variable velocity also influences Scholte wave dispersion characteristics. 展开更多
关键词 Scholte waves variable-velocity seawater dispersion characteristics amplitudedepth distribution.
The velocity field around two interacting cavitation bubbles in an ultrasound field 被引量:2
作者 WANG ChengHui CHENG JianChun 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第7期1246-1252,共7页
A model is developed to calculate the distribution of first-order velocity field caused by the coupled bubbles in an ultrasound field. Using this model, numerical investigations of velocity field have been made when t... A model is developed to calculate the distribution of first-order velocity field caused by the coupled bubbles in an ultrasound field. Using this model, numerical investigations of velocity field have been made when the two identical bubbles are driven well below resonance by an acoustic field with pressure amplitude exceeding cavitation threshold. Three representative kinestates of the coupled bubbles were chosen for analyzing the velocity distribution of surrounding liquid. The results show that the nonlinear oscillations of a bubble pair affect violently the radial velocity distribution of surrounding liquid, especially in the expanding phase. Symmetry of the tangential velocity distribution implies a possibility of attraction or repulsion of the bubble pairs. 展开更多
关键词 cavitation bubbles bubble pairs velocity distribution
Ultrasound speed and attenuation in progressive trypsin digested articular cartilage 被引量:3
作者 NIU HaiJun LI LiFeng +4 位作者 SUN Feng YAN Yan WANG YueXiang LI DeYu FAN YuBo 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2011年第11期1029-1035,共7页
Subtle changes of articular cartilage(AC) can lead to tissue degeneration and even osteoarthritis(OA).The early degeneration of AC is closely related to a change in proteoglycans(PG) content.The observation of PG is t... Subtle changes of articular cartilage(AC) can lead to tissue degeneration and even osteoarthritis(OA).The early degeneration of AC is closely related to a change in proteoglycans(PG) content.The observation of PG is therefore an appropriate way of studying OA and evaluating the degree of AC degeneration.In this study,20 cartilage-bone samples were prepared from normal porcine femoral condyle cartilage and 10 samples were digested over 2 h using 0.25% trypsin solution.The dynamic process of PG-digestion was explored using a conventional A-mode ultrasound(US) experimental system with a 10 MHz center frequency.Quantitative acoustic parameters were calculated from ultrasonic radio-frequency echo signals and included US speed(USS),US amplitude attenuation coefficient(UAA) and broadband US attenuation coefficient(BUA).The experimental results showed that the conventional A-mode ultrasound is valuable for tracking the degree of PG-digestion.Histology also confirmed the validity of the ultrasound observations.For every AC sample,the degree of PG-digestion within a given time was different and was affected by individual differences.After two hours of degeneration,USS showed a mean decrease of 0.4%(P<0.05).UAA was significantly lower after a two-hour PG depletion period(from(2.45±0.23) to(2.28±0.41) dB mm?1).BUA showed no significant differences during this process.In conclusion,conventional ultrasound can provide useful information about trypsin-induced progressive PG depletion in AC and can reflect variations of PG content via the quantitative acoustic parameters USS and UAA.The results of this study may be used to identify an indirect indicator of cartilage matrix integrity and OA disease progression. 展开更多
关键词 articular cartilage trypsin degeneration OSTEOARTHRITIS acoustic parameters
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