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作者 张燕芬 《中学语文教学参考》 2023年第37期61-63,共3页
逻辑力是建立逻辑思维对问题进行分析与解决的能力。审视2023年课标I卷,无论是语料选择还是问题情境设置,都呈现出“运用逻辑力解决问题”的导向,对思维品质有更高要求。从思维考查的可视化过程,提取出培养逻辑思维需要聚焦的三种能力... 逻辑力是建立逻辑思维对问题进行分析与解决的能力。审视2023年课标I卷,无论是语料选择还是问题情境设置,都呈现出“运用逻辑力解决问题”的导向,对思维品质有更高要求。从思维考查的可视化过程,提取出培养逻辑思维需要聚焦的三种能力——思考逻辑力、表达逻辑力、写作逻辑一力,以期给日常教学提供可参考的视角。 展开更多
关键词 新课标Ⅰ卷 解决问题 逻辑力
社会组织党建中的借力逻辑:以广州D社工机构为例 被引量:13
作者 张紧跟 庄少英 《学术研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第6期78-84,共7页
社会组织党建是新时代增强中国共产党的阶级基础、扩大中国共产党的群众基础、夯实中国共产党的执政基础的重要体现。既有的政党中心论视角主要强调了党自上而下推进社会组织党建的政治逻辑,在相当程度上忽略了社会组织能动性。广州D社... 社会组织党建是新时代增强中国共产党的阶级基础、扩大中国共产党的群众基础、夯实中国共产党的执政基础的重要体现。既有的政党中心论视角主要强调了党自上而下推进社会组织党建的政治逻辑,在相当程度上忽略了社会组织能动性。广州D社工机构这一案例从行动和结构两个层面揭示了社工机构主动推进党建工作的内在逻辑。通过借力于党建,既夯实了社工机构的政治合法性,又增强了社工机构的资源聚合性。这一发现既有助于深化对社会组织党建中政治逻辑与治理逻辑的统一性理解,也有助于进一步深化关于社会组织党建中激发社会组织活力和创造力的研究。 展开更多
关键词 社工机构 党建 逻辑
大学生英语论说文的逻辑诉诸力研究——基于新修辞学论辩理论视角 被引量:2
作者 吕欣 《杭州电子科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第1期49-53,共5页
文章利用图尔明论辩模式,考察中国大学生英语论说文中论辩要素的使用情况,目的是从修辞学角度研究大学生英语论说文的逻辑诉诸力。图尔明模式分析显示:在英语论说文中,事实和理由的使用明显偏低,使英语论说文的质量大打折扣。大学生的... 文章利用图尔明论辩模式,考察中国大学生英语论说文中论辩要素的使用情况,目的是从修辞学角度研究大学生英语论说文的逻辑诉诸力。图尔明模式分析显示:在英语论说文中,事实和理由的使用明显偏低,使英语论说文的质量大打折扣。大学生的英语论说文普遍缺乏逻辑诉诸力。研究结果表明,内容匮乏和读者意识薄弱是中国大学生英语论说文写作中的两大突出问题。正是这两大问题使得学生在论证的过程中无法挖掘出充足的事实,忽视正当理由的使用,进而影响了论证的有效性和合理性,最终导致文章缺乏逻辑诉诸力。笔者结合大学英语教学现状以及跨文化差异,对研究结果进行了讨论。 展开更多
关键词 图尔明论辩模式 英语论说文 逻辑诉诸
基于证明力逻辑的命案证据链构造研究 被引量:1
作者 蒋震韬 李江楠 《辽宁警察学院学报》 2019年第1期24-30,共7页
为了适应审判为中心的诉讼改革,更好的完成现场勘查任务,每位侦查人员都应对证据链有一个清晰的认识。而在证据链的构造过程中,证明力逻辑贯穿始终。从证明结论的盖然性推导出有限的证明能力;从证明力推导出证据相关性的方向及强度;再... 为了适应审判为中心的诉讼改革,更好的完成现场勘查任务,每位侦查人员都应对证据链有一个清晰的认识。而在证据链的构造过程中,证明力逻辑贯穿始终。从证明结论的盖然性推导出有限的证明能力;从证明力推导出证据相关性的方向及强度;再将命案现场元素嫁接到此方向与强度上,可以构造出一种适用于命案的证据链结构。应用该证据链,分析全案中各部分与案件核心问题间的相关程度,可以对支持对应事实的此证据链中证据的证明力加以度量,从而增强证据链的可操作性与实用性。 展开更多
关键词 证明逻辑 证据链 证明度量 命案现场勘查 数学模型
关注“四力”培养 突破解题之困
作者 杨玉梅 《中学政治教学参考》 北大核心 2022年第45期75-76,共2页
“读、联、写、思”是学习思想政治的基本功,更是考试解题拿高分的关键能力。文章从“读得懂、想得到、写得清、说得透”角度,结合教学实践论证思想政治主观题的解题要领,提出关注阅读力、重视关联力、训练表达力、强化逻辑力的策略,帮... “读、联、写、思”是学习思想政治的基本功,更是考试解题拿高分的关键能力。文章从“读得懂、想得到、写得清、说得透”角度,结合教学实践论证思想政治主观题的解题要领,提出关注阅读力、重视关联力、训练表达力、强化逻辑力的策略,帮助学生破解主观题解题密码。 展开更多
关键词 阅读 关联 表达 逻辑力
作者 俞良早 《当代世界社会主义问题》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第4期36-46,共11页
纵观100年社会主义建设的历史,坚持科学社会主义价值取向所形成的力量,使共产党和人民的事业由前一时期转进到后一个时期,连绵不断,持续前进。研究其逻辑转进脉络,可以看到两条从头到尾延伸开来的充满活力的脉动线:一是执着宣传实现共... 纵观100年社会主义建设的历史,坚持科学社会主义价值取向所形成的力量,使共产党和人民的事业由前一时期转进到后一个时期,连绵不断,持续前进。研究其逻辑转进脉络,可以看到两条从头到尾延伸开来的充满活力的脉动线:一是执着宣传实现共产主义理想社会的脉动线;二是从当前实际出发阐述什么是社会主义的脉动线。由此产生的逻辑转进力表现为:宣扬共产主义理想社会在社会上以及在人民头脑里产生的信仰感召力;从当前实际出发阐述什么是社会主义给予实践中人民的事业激励力;两条脉动线相互联系和相互影响在社会上形成的正能量的前进力。 展开更多
关键词 社会主义建设史 科学社会主义价值取向 逻辑转进脉络 逻辑转进
语文能力与辞章研究——以“多”、“二”、“一(0)”的螺旋结构作考察 被引量:4
作者 陈满铭 《平顶山师专学报》 2004年第6期50-55,共6页
语文的能力是出之于先天(先验)的,而辞章的研究是成之于后天(后验)的;前者乃就顺向的创作(写)而言,所呈现的是"(0)一、二、多"的逻辑结构;后者却就逆向的批评(读)来说,所呈现的是"多、二、一(0)"的逻辑结构。通常,... 语文的能力是出之于先天(先验)的,而辞章的研究是成之于后天(后验)的;前者乃就顺向的创作(写)而言,所呈现的是"(0)一、二、多"的逻辑结构;后者却就逆向的批评(读)来说,所呈现的是"多、二、一(0)"的逻辑结构。通常,语文的能力,含"一般能力"、"特殊能力"与"综合能力"等;而辞章的研究,如对应于能力,则主要含意象(狭义)、词汇、修辞、文(语)法、章法、主题、风格等。由于前者应用于"由意而象"(写)的顺向过程,而后者则着眼于"由象而意"(读)的逆向过程;再加上"形象"、"逻辑"与"综合"三种思维之牵合,使得先天能力得以因与后天研究接轨而一一确认,而后天研究也得以因与先天能力接轨而回归生命。由此可证明两者始终是顺逆对应、融贯为一,而形成"多"、"二"、"一(0)"的螺旋结构的。 展开更多
关键词 语文能 辞章研究 思维(形象、逻辑、综合) 创造 “多”、“二”、“一(0)”的螺旋结构
学术论证逻辑结构的安排方式 被引量:2
作者 方然 《昆明学院学报》 1992年第3期74-80,共7页
文章结构,是写作过程最为关键和最富技巧性的内容。学术论文的论证结构,集中体现在正确的逻辑推论之中:学术论证的逻辑结构,同作者进行科学研究的基本思路相一致;随着科学研究的对象、实验手段和讨论方式的差异,而有其变化的动态规律;... 文章结构,是写作过程最为关键和最富技巧性的内容。学术论文的论证结构,集中体现在正确的逻辑推论之中:学术论证的逻辑结构,同作者进行科学研究的基本思路相一致;随着科学研究的对象、实验手段和讨论方式的差异,而有其变化的动态规律;清晰的逻辑结构图式,对学术论文的结构安排有着鲜明的指导作用;根据立论需要选择适当的推论方式,是学术论文写作的基本方法。 展开更多
关键词 写作学 学术论证技巧 逻辑结构 逻辑推论
作者 罗忠贤 《领导科学》 北大核心 2004年第12期32-33,共2页
关键词 领导者 文化修养 领导讲话 语言逻辑力
作者 赵东标 KeshengWang OliverKrimmel 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2000年第2期169-175,共7页
Reliable on line cutting tool conditioning monitoring is an essential feature of automatic machine tool and flexible manufacturing system (FMS) and computer integrated manufacturing system (CIMS). Recently artificia... Reliable on line cutting tool conditioning monitoring is an essential feature of automatic machine tool and flexible manufacturing system (FMS) and computer integrated manufacturing system (CIMS). Recently artificial neural networks (ANNs) are used for this purpose in conjunction with suitable sensory systems. The present work in Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) uses back propagation neural networks (BP) and fuzzy neural networks (FNN) to process the cutting tool state data measured with force and acoustic emission (AE) sensors, and implements a valuable on line tool condition monitoring system using the ANNs. Different ANN structures are designed and investigated to estimate the tool wear state based on the fusion of acoustic emission and force signals. Finally, four case studies are introduced for the sensing and ANN processing of the tool wear states and the failures of the tool with practical experiment examples. The results indicate that a tool wear identification system can be achieved using the sensors integration with ANNs, and that ANNs provide a very effective method of implementing sensor integration for on line monitoring of tool wear states and abnormalities. 展开更多
关键词 tool condition monitoring neural networks fuzzy logic acoustic emission force sensor fuzzy neural networks
Study of Controlling Clutch Engagement for AMT Based on Fuzzy Logic 被引量:16
作者 汤霞清 侯朝桢 陈云窗 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2002年第1期45-49,共5页
The control of the clutch engagement for an automatic mechanical transmission in the process of a tracklayer getting to start is studied. The dynamic model of power transmission and automatic clutch system is develope... The control of the clutch engagement for an automatic mechanical transmission in the process of a tracklayer getting to start is studied. The dynamic model of power transmission and automatic clutch system is developed. Using tools of Simulink, the transient characteristics during the vehicle starting, including the jerk and the clutch slip time, are provided here. Based on the analyses of the simulation results and driver’s experiences, a fuzzy controller is designed to control the clutch engagement. Simulation results verify its value. 展开更多
关键词 CLUTCH automatic transmission fuzzy control
作者 梁天钧 《语文教学之友》 2019年第7期32-34,共3页
关键词 词语引导 深化 行文思维 逻辑力
State Feedback Predictive Control for Hybrid System via Parametric Optimization 被引量:3
作者 李秀改 黄德先 高东杰 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第5期634-641,共8页
In this article, state feedback predictive controller for hybrid system via parametric programming is proposed. First, mixed logic dynamic (MLD) modeling mechanism for hybrid system is analyzed, which has a distingu... In this article, state feedback predictive controller for hybrid system via parametric programming is proposed. First, mixed logic dynamic (MLD) modeling mechanism for hybrid system is analyzed, which has a distinguished advantage to deal with the logic rules and constraints of a plant. Model predictive control algorithm with moving horizon state estimator (MHE) is presented. The estimator is adopted to estimate the current state of the plant with process disturbance and measurement noise, and the state estimated are utilized in the predictive controller for both regulation and tracking problems of the hybrid system based on MLD model. Off-line parametric programming is adopted and then on-line mixed integer programming problem can be treated as the parameter programming with estimated state as the parameters. A three tank system is used for computer simulation, results show that the proposed MHE based predictive control via parametric programming is effective for hybrid system with model/olant mismatch, and has a potential for the engineering applications. 展开更多
关键词 predictive control moving horizon estimator hybrid system mixed logic dynamic parameters programming
Design of an optimal active stabilizer mechanism for enhancing vehicle rolling resistance 被引量:6
作者 Yaghoub Pourasad Mehdi Mahmoodi-k Majid Oveisi 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第5期1142-1151,共10页
Improving rollover and stability of the vehicles is the indispensable part of automotive research to prevent vehicle rollover and crashes.The main objective of this work is to develop active control mechanism based on... Improving rollover and stability of the vehicles is the indispensable part of automotive research to prevent vehicle rollover and crashes.The main objective of this work is to develop active control mechanism based on fuzzy logic controller(FLC) and linear quadratic regulator(LQR) for improving vehicle path following,roll and handling performances simultaneously.3-DOF vehicle model including yaw rate,lateral velocity(lateral dynamic) and roll angle(roll dynamic) were developed.The controller produces optimal moment to increase stability and roll margin of vehicle by receiving the steering angle as an input and vehicle variables as a feedback signal.The effectiveness of proposed controller and vehicle model were evaluated during fishhook and single lane-change maneuvers.Simulation results demonstrate that in both cases(FLC and LQR controllers) by reducing roll angle,lateral acceleration and side slip angles remain under 0.6g and 4° during maneuver,which ensures vehicle stability and handling properties.Finally,the sensitivity and robustness analysis of developed controller for varying longitudinal speeds were investigated. 展开更多
关键词 vehicle dynamics ROLLOVER HANDLING FLC LQR
Application of fuzzy neural network to the nuclear power plant in process fault diagnosis
作者 LIUYong-kuo XIAHong XIEChun-li 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2005年第1期34-38,共5页
The fuzzy logic and neural networks are combined in this paper, setting upthe fuzzy neural network (FNN ) ; meanwhile, the distinct differences and connections between thefuzzy logic and neural network are compared. F... The fuzzy logic and neural networks are combined in this paper, setting upthe fuzzy neural network (FNN ) ; meanwhile, the distinct differences and connections between thefuzzy logic and neural network are compared. Furthermore, the algorithm and structure of the FNN areintroduced. In order to diagnose the faults of nuclear power plant, the FNN is applied to thenuclear power planl, and the intelligence fault diagnostic system of the nuclear power plant isbuilt based on the FNN . The fault symptoms and the possibility of the inverted U-tube breakaccident of steam generator are discussed. In order to test the system' s validity, the invertedU-tube break accident of steam generator is used as an example and many simulation experiments areperformed. The test result shows that the FNN can identify the fault. 展开更多
关键词 neural networks fuzzy logic fuzzy neural network (FNN) inverted U-tube nuclear power plant
A Fault-Tolerant FPGA Architecture
作者 Parag Kumar Lala Mohammed Tanveer Anwar James Patrick Parkerson 《Computer Technology and Application》 2011年第4期311-318,共8页
SRAM (Static RAM)-based FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have gained wide acceptance due to their on-line reconfigurable features. The growing demand for FPGAs has motivated semiconductor chip manufa... SRAM (Static RAM)-based FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have gained wide acceptance due to their on-line reconfigurable features. The growing demand for FPGAs has motivated semiconductor chip manufacturers to build more densely packed FPGAs with higher logic capacity. The downside of high density devices is that the probability of errors in such devices tends to increase. This paper proposes an FPGA architecture that is composed of an array of cells with built in error correction capability. Collectively a group of such cells can implement any logic function that is either registered or combinational. A cell is composed of three units: a logic block, a fault-tolerant address generator and a director unit. The logic block uses a look-up table to implement logic functions. The fault-tolerant address generator corrects any single bit error in the incoming data to the functional cell. The director block can transmit output data from the logic block to another cell located at its South, North, East or West, or to cells in all four directions. Thus a functional cell can also be used to route signals to other functional cells, thus avoiding any intricate network of interconnects, switching boxes, or routers commonly found in commercially available FPGAs. 展开更多
关键词 Soft error fault tolerant address generator configuration register director unit similarity circuit.
直/气复合控制导弹的自抗扰控制系统设计研究 被引量:4
作者 通雁辉 陈意芬 贾世伟 《上海航天》 CSCD 2017年第1期43-50,共8页
提出了一种直/气复合控制导弹的姿态控制系统设计方法。建立有轨控式直接力装置和空气舵导弹的短周期运动模型,基于自抗扰控制技术分别设计俯仰、偏航和滚转通道的姿态控制器,给出了俯仰、偏航和滚转通道的控制结构。俯仰(偏航)通道中... 提出了一种直/气复合控制导弹的姿态控制系统设计方法。建立有轨控式直接力装置和空气舵导弹的短周期运动模型,基于自抗扰控制技术分别设计俯仰、偏航和滚转通道的姿态控制器,给出了俯仰、偏航和滚转通道的控制结构。俯仰(偏航)通道中用俯仰(偏航)角速度环实现对俯仰(偏航)角速度指令的快速跟踪;用攻角(侧滑角)环实现对攻角(侧滑角)指令的快速跟踪;用法向(侧向)过载环实现对过载指令的快速跟踪。滚转通道中采用了有角速度环和角度环的双闭环结构,内外环均采用自抗扰控制器。设计了直接力开启逻辑。用Lyapunov法证明了设计的闭环系统的稳定性。对用该方法设计的某直/气复合控制导弹模型进行数值仿真,结果表明可保证设计的导弹姿态稳定且具良好的过载响应特性。 展开更多
关键词 直/气复合控制 短周期运动模型 自抗扰控制 姿态控制系统 俯仰和偏航通道 滚转通道 直接开启逻辑 过载响应特性
Virtual Reality Simulation of Fuzzy-logic Control during Underwater Dynamic Positioning 被引量:4
作者 Midhin Das Thekkedan Cheng Siong Chin Wai Lok Woo 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 CSCD 2015年第1期14-24,共11页
In this paper, graphical-user-interface (GUI) software for simulation and fuzzy-logic control of a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) using MATLABTM GUI Designing Environment is proposed. The proposed ROV's GUI plat... In this paper, graphical-user-interface (GUI) software for simulation and fuzzy-logic control of a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) using MATLABTM GUI Designing Environment is proposed. The proposed ROV's GUI platform allows the controller such as fuzzy-logic control systems design to be compared with other controllers such as proportional-integral-derivative (PID) and sliding-mode controller (SMC) systematically and interactively. External disturbance such as sea current can he added to improve the modelling in actual underwater environment. The simulated results showed the position responses of the fuzzy-logic control exhibit reasonable performance under the sea current disturbance. 展开更多
关键词 graphical-user-interface (GUI) fuzzy-logic control remotely operated vehicle (ROV) proportional-integral-derivative (PID) sliding-mode controller (SMC) underwater dynamic positioning
Abbe Guinot: Teaching Logic during the 18th Century to Increase Scientific Abilities
作者 Olivier Perru 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2015年第6期297-301,共5页
In 1778, Abbe Guinot, a priest native of Lorraine and professor in the seminary of Toul, published in Nancy the two volumes of his philosophical lectures, whose subtitle is "On Logic." This concerns a general philos... In 1778, Abbe Guinot, a priest native of Lorraine and professor in the seminary of Toul, published in Nancy the two volumes of his philosophical lectures, whose subtitle is "On Logic." This concerns a general philosophy of knowledge and a critic of philosophical systems. Guinot is interested in science and natural discoveries. He describes the organization of institutional science and appreciates the progress of sciences but he makes a distinction between scientific progress and philosophers' sophisms that he criticizes. In order to favor science and avoid philosophical errors, logic is essential in students' training. According to Guinot, logic allows us to extend our intellectual abilities, upliR our ideas, help our thought processes, and mature our reflection. However, this logic refers to the great book of nature written in mathematical language. Guinot thinks that scientific experiment is of the highest importance for accuracy of mind. This logic lecture is inspired by Aristotle but above all by Port-Royal Logic. It gives a place to Locke empiricism and it favors development of sciences. Abbe Guinot was a chaplain in the cathedral of Nancy; he emigrated in 1791. He came back in France during the Consulate and he died a few time later. 展开更多
关键词 LOGIC 18th century education Port-Royal Logic
The Significance of Image Schema in Embodied Cognition
作者 Dan Guo Huili Wang 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2018年第8期355-361,共7页
As a recurring pattern of sensory-motor-affective experience, image schema is not only a concept discussed in linguistics and psychology, but also a significant one in the study of embodied cognition. Through analyzi... As a recurring pattern of sensory-motor-affective experience, image schema is not only a concept discussed in linguistics and psychology, but also a significant one in the study of embodied cognition. Through analyzing the features of image schema considered by the authors as embodiment, recessiveness, sedimentation, logicality, scientificity, and dependency to cognitive metaphors and reviewing the definition of embodied cognition, the paper argues that image schema is an integration of bodily property and mental property, and accordingly a core and inseparable concept of embodied cognition by bridging body and mind. Image schema can help to explain how abstraction and inference generate from body-environment interactions, thus making the theory of embodied cognition more persuasive and reliable. 展开更多
关键词 image schema embodied cognition SIGNIFICANCE BODY MIND
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