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论章士钊的逻辑文 被引量:2
作者 徐鹏绪 周逢琴 《东方论坛(青岛大学学报)》 2002年第5期13-22,共10页
章士钊的逻辑文是一种颇具特色的文体 ,在文学史上占有一席之地 ,但政治、文化因素使它的文学史意义未能得以充分的发掘。该文考察了逻辑文的得名 ,认为章士钊是真正具有明确的逻辑文体意识而进行逻辑政论创作的作家。逻辑文在文化转型... 章士钊的逻辑文是一种颇具特色的文体 ,在文学史上占有一席之地 ,但政治、文化因素使它的文学史意义未能得以充分的发掘。该文考察了逻辑文的得名 ,认为章士钊是真正具有明确的逻辑文体意识而进行逻辑政论创作的作家。逻辑文在文化转型过程中 ,代表了现代性的方向 ,在散文变革中 ,代表了朴实说理的理性方向 ,并最终促成了论说文与狭义的文学散文相互剥离。章士钊的逻辑文糅合了中西政论的优长 ,在语言、结构安排上别具一格 ,改变了自新文体以来的浮华文风 ,体现了强烈的理性色彩 ,对现代散文的作用是潜在的 ,也是深远的。 展开更多
关键词 章士钊 逻辑文 变革 意义
作者 徐鹏绪 周逢琴 《山东社会科学》 2003年第2期102-105,共4页
关键词 章士钊 学观 "逻辑文"
作者 刘兴忠 《辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2021年第5期23-30,共8页
作为近现代报章文体不同历史阶段的代表文本,梁启超的新文体和章士钊的逻辑文以其“欧化文言”的属性在近现代汉语史上具有重要意义。从汉语欧化史的角度对此类文本进行分析,发现其中的近现代汉语欧化语法现象具有普遍性、一致性以及内... 作为近现代报章文体不同历史阶段的代表文本,梁启超的新文体和章士钊的逻辑文以其“欧化文言”的属性在近现代汉语史上具有重要意义。从汉语欧化史的角度对此类文本进行分析,发现其中的近现代汉语欧化语法现象具有普遍性、一致性以及内部差异性。此外,早期欧化文言也表现出一定的保守性。 展开更多
关键词 逻辑文 欧化
章士钊的“逻辑文”与欧化的古文的限度 被引量:4
作者 倪伟 《文学评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第1期134-142,共9页
章士钊的"逻辑文"不仅大量采用了新名词、新术语,而且还大胆地将西洋文法移用于古文的写作,从而创造了一些新的表述方式,达到了传统古文未曾企及的复杂而精密的程度。本文从词语、句法以及文体风格等方面来分析章士钊的"... 章士钊的"逻辑文"不仅大量采用了新名词、新术语,而且还大胆地将西洋文法移用于古文的写作,从而创造了一些新的表述方式,达到了传统古文未曾企及的复杂而精密的程度。本文从词语、句法以及文体风格等方面来分析章士钊的"逻辑文",并通过翻译实例的检讨,指出其作为一种革新的古文,仍然存在着自身无法克服的限度。 展开更多
关键词 章士钊 逻辑文 书写语言
作者 唐亮 王晓楠 赵展 《荆楚学刊》 2024年第4期107-112,共6页
“身体”的前置限定历史性地指向“女性”,性犯罪的事实进一步佐证着这一判断的合理。父权话语的传统宰制使得身体沦为凸显女性性征的唯一价值。现代消费社会父权话语通过医疗技术与媒体赋能的隐匿操控强化与兜售着身体符号的性征能指... “身体”的前置限定历史性地指向“女性”,性犯罪的事实进一步佐证着这一判断的合理。父权话语的传统宰制使得身体沦为凸显女性性征的唯一价值。现代消费社会父权话语通过医疗技术与媒体赋能的隐匿操控强化与兜售着身体符号的性征能指。传统与现代的合谋固化着女性身体符号性征的隐喻解读,身体符号的所指意蕴被定义为唯一的性放荡,进而成为性犯罪者实施性侵害的正当逻辑。超越古典主义犯罪学“犯罪人”中心的预防理念,构建后现代主义犯罪学“被害人-犯罪人”的互文理路是性犯罪预防当代实践的必要补充。 展开更多
关键词 身体符号 隐喻风险 父权话语 性犯罪预防 逻辑
作者 李珊珊 《现代商业》 2009年第24期285-285,共1页
清末是中国报刊政论文最为繁荣的时期之一。报刊政论文在清末经历的三次重要流变,不仅为中国近现代报刊带来了大发展的机会,而且推动了文学革新,引导五四新文学的到来;另外,也启蒙了民智,推进了中国近现代化的发展。本文从三次重要流变... 清末是中国报刊政论文最为繁荣的时期之一。报刊政论文在清末经历的三次重要流变,不仅为中国近现代报刊带来了大发展的机会,而且推动了文学革新,引导五四新文学的到来;另外,也启蒙了民智,推进了中国近现代化的发展。本文从三次重要流变入手,浅析其重大意义。 展开更多
关键词 政论 报章 新民体 逻辑文
作者 杨志君 《中国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第2期114-120,共7页
清末报纸的出现,使当时的政论文为之一变。先是出现了王韬的报章政论文,其以说理为主,间杂抒情。其说理方式往往据事言理,或直抒胸臆。梁启超在继承前人的基础上,借用日本词汇、语法对之进行改造,从而创造了一种"笔锋常带感情"... 清末报纸的出现,使当时的政论文为之一变。先是出现了王韬的报章政论文,其以说理为主,间杂抒情。其说理方式往往据事言理,或直抒胸臆。梁启超在继承前人的基础上,借用日本词汇、语法对之进行改造,从而创造了一种"笔锋常带感情"的"新文体"。在说理方式上,梁启超一方面继承了王韬的据事言理及直抒胸臆,另一方面又运用类比推理,结合比喻、排比、夸张等修辞手段,并采取偏激的言说方式,使得抒情性成为其报章政论文的突出特征。民国初年前后,由于历史文化语境的变化,报章政论文整体由以情动人转向朴实说理。在此潮流中,章士钊将西方逻辑学运用于报章政论文的写作中,并借用英语语法对古文进行改造,创造出逻辑严密、层次谨严的"逻辑文"。随着纯文学观念的引入,白话文的兴起,文言体报章政论文逐渐退出了历史的舞台,但它们在语言、文法、思想、政治意识等方面对现代白话文产生过多方面的积极影响。 展开更多
关键词 清末民初 报章政论 逻辑文 白话
《中州学刊》 1983年第1期123-124,共2页
关键词 《河南师大学报》(社会科学版)一九八二年第六期发表了赵纪彬生前所撰《先秦逻辑史论稿·序论——先秦名辩思潮的逻辑果实》一 对先秦逻辑思想成就作了一些新的探讨.章把先秦逻辑史分成三个时期:一 萌芽期 包括春秋战国之际的孔墨对立 汛滥期 包括战国中叶的百家之学 结实期 包括战国末叶的《墨经》作者 苟子和韩非.然后逐一评价了这三个时期的逻辑思想成就.
Architectural Teaching and Design Computing: A Didactic Experience in a Brazilian Architecture Course 被引量:1
作者 Femando Tadeu de Araujo Lima 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2018年第1期51-58,共8页
In the last years, architectural practice has been confronted with a paradigm shift towards the application of digital methods in design activities. In this regard, it is a pedagogic challenge to provide a suitable co... In the last years, architectural practice has been confronted with a paradigm shift towards the application of digital methods in design activities. In this regard, it is a pedagogic challenge to provide a suitable computational background for architectural students, to improve their ability to apply algorithmic-parametric logic, as well as fabrication and prototyping resources to design problem solving. This challenge is even stronger when considering less favored social and technological contexts, such as in Brazil, for example. In this scenario, this article presents and discusses the procedures and the results from a didactic experience carried out in a design computing-oriented discipline, inserted in the curriculum of a Brazilian architecture course. Hence, this paper shares some design computing teaching experiences and presents some results on computational methods and creative approaches, with a view to contribute to a better understanding about the relations between logical thinking, mathematics and architectural design processes. 展开更多
关键词 Architectural design teaching design computing didactic experience.
Plato's Theory of the Intercommunion of Forms (∑υμπλοκη Еīδων): the Sophist 259, e4-6
作者 Alireza Saati 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2015年第1期35-43,共9页
Plato's lifelong confrontation with Parmenides and his metaphysical mire of believing that nothing (το μη ǒν) does not actually exist, gradually in the Sophist comes into finish, insofar as the philosopher a... Plato's lifelong confrontation with Parmenides and his metaphysical mire of believing that nothing (το μη ǒν) does not actually exist, gradually in the Sophist comes into finish, insofar as the philosopher after facing the foe and having the last laugh simmers down. In this paper after giving an interpretation of what Parmenides says, I shall present an analysis of Plato's drastic answer to him (Sophist, 259 e4-6) to see how Plato opens the impasse way created by the Eleatic philosopher. Here the intercommunion of Forms is regarded as the final answer by which Plato devastates Parmenides infamous thesis. Since hitherto no in-depth analysis is given by the scholars who are puzzled with the subject, I have tried to analyze the intercommunion of Forms philosophically. Plato's Eleatic challenge has always been crucial in Plato himself and philosophical development after him. As while as Parmenides thesis (Sph., 238 a8-9) provides the sophists opportunity to reject the falsehood, Plato's theory of Forms in contrast in order to cross off the extremely sly sophists tries to make Parmenides come down. In my opinion, the intercommunion of Forms, as the last step of the theory of Forms, basically determines Plato's late ontology tightly knitted with logic. Vindicating this proposal depends on true understanding of the intercommunion of Forms. Since Plato's late ontology, in my opinion, is closed to Frege's ontology and discussion of language, we are armed to interpret the intercommunion of Forms with recent recent logico-philosophicus achievements, I think. In this respect, this is what I have done in my paper: analyzing sentence from Plato's logico-metaphysical point of view. Ultimately, I have tried to show how the aim of the intercommunion of Forms, which Plato himself states, is demonstrating the possibility of dialogue and discourse. This statement explicitly sets forward that the discussion is bound up with several logical approaches, according to which finally full bright light is shed on different implications of the subject such as universals. 展开更多
关键词 Form intercommunion of Forms sentence PREDICATION the verb "is" (εīναι) ontological glue
Philosophical Reflections of the Crisis and Opportunities of Sports Competitions
作者 Peipei Yang 《International English Education Research》 2014年第4期77-79,共3页
With the increasingly fierce athletic competition, some of the negative phenomena that appear in sports competitions are al-so increasing. In order to solve this problem, through literature and logical analysis, this ... With the increasingly fierce athletic competition, some of the negative phenomena that appear in sports competitions are al-so increasing. In order to solve this problem, through literature and logical analysis, this article attempts to analyze the reasons for the sub- jective and objective aspects of athletic competition arising from the crisis, and put forward the reasonable proposals in order to provide a reference for related research. 展开更多
关键词 Sports Competitions CRISIS OPPORTUNITY
Research fit under the "China Dream" background Chinese Wushu industry and traditional culture
作者 Wang Wen 《Review of Global Academics》 2014年第2期140-146,共7页
In this paper, the author uses literature data and logical analysis in the ',China Dream" background and discusses the opportunities and challenges of Chinese Wushu industry. The author points out that China's deve... In this paper, the author uses literature data and logical analysis in the ',China Dream" background and discusses the opportunities and challenges of Chinese Wushu industry. The author points out that China's development should be directed to the development of the fusion of traditional Chinese culture, to help China establish an energetic, self-improvement image and the pursuit of harmony and common prosperity. The image of peaceful rise of a big country enhances China's international status and influence Martial Arts and Martial industrial development should focus on the rich cultural connotations, tap the cultural symbol it could develop, build martial arts industry brands through various media channels, government support and other ways to expand the widest range of consumer groups, and expand development of martial arts industry 展开更多
关键词 Chinese Dream Martial arts industry Chinese traditional culture
MEXIR: An Implementation of High Performance and High Precision on XML Retrieval
作者 Tanakom Wichaiwong Chuleerat Jaruskulchai 《Computer Technology and Application》 2011年第4期301-310,共10页
Traditional information retrieval systems respond to user queries with ranked lists of relevant documents. Since, XML (Extensible Markup Language) documents separate content and structure; XML-IR (information retri... Traditional information retrieval systems respond to user queries with ranked lists of relevant documents. Since, XML (Extensible Markup Language) documents separate content and structure; XML-IR (information retrieval) systems are able to retrieve only the relevant portions of documents. Therefore, users who utilize an XML-IR system could potentially receive highly relevant and precise material. We have developed the XML information retrieval system by using MySQL and Sphinx, which we call MEXIR. In our system, XML documents are stored into one table that has fixed relational schema. The schema is independent of the logical structure of XML documents. Each node in XML documents is represented by labels that express the positions in XML tree, namely ADXPI scheme. Our system has performance experiments on INEX collections and shown an average up to four seconds better than GPX. In addition, it has been reduced the size of the data down by 82.29 % compare to GPX system. 展开更多
关键词 XML retrieval information retrieval ranking strategies indexing units.
Development and application of new material and athletic sports
作者 Ren Tian-ping 《International English Education Research》 2015年第3期125-127,共3页
In today's world of sports competition is actually the competition of science and technology, and advanced materials are one of the important conditions for improving the level of sports science and technology. Using... In today's world of sports competition is actually the competition of science and technology, and advanced materials are one of the important conditions for improving the level of sports science and technology. Using the method of literature and logic method, analyzes the application of material technology in competitive sports in the. The results show that: the improvement of sports performance has a strong dependence on the new material; application of new materials in competitive sports, raise the level of competitive sports, promote the development of sports. It will further promote the sports equipment, venues and other scientific. 展开更多
关键词 new materials science and technology competitive sports
The Significance of Horizon in Scientific Cognitive Activities
作者 Liu Xin Wang Qian Wang Huili 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2018年第4期169-177,共9页
The hermeneutic concept of horizon contributes to the philosophical understanding of scientific cognition. In the context of scientific cognitive practices, the concept of horizon provides a way of understanding the d... The hermeneutic concept of horizon contributes to the philosophical understanding of scientific cognition. In the context of scientific cognitive practices, the concept of horizon provides a way of understanding the distinctive characteristics of scientific observation and knowing. Horizon is a key factor that facilitates the cognitive subject to select objects and their backgrounds. In order to make new accomplishment in scientific discoveries, it is essential to broaden the horizon and intzoduce new cognitive instrumentalities and methods. This requires people to be adept at finding out the limitations of their thinking and overcome them consciously. Conscious horizon expansion is essential to the integration of intuition and logical thinking process in scientific cognitive activities, as well as to the establishment of the essential connection/relation between different disciplines and research fields, prompting inter-disciplinary communication and producing methods of thinking. This article is an attempt to explore the significance of horizon for scientific cognition. As we will show, by integrating intuitive thinking and logical thinking through the expansion of horizon, a new cognitive model will be provided. 展开更多
关键词 HORIZON scientific cognition INTUITION logic
Factors Affecting English Reading of High School Studies
作者 芮黎 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2006年第4期30-32,共3页
Compared with the skills of listening and speaking, reading is commonly considered to be one of the most difficult skills to be improved for the middle school students. The slow progression results from various obstac... Compared with the skills of listening and speaking, reading is commonly considered to be one of the most difficult skills to be improved for the middle school students. The slow progression results from various obstacles the students might confront in their reading. This essay makes a summary of various difficulties that hinder the students' successful reading comprehension, from the aspects of vocabulary, sentence and grammar, understanding of a passage, habits of reading, logic thinking, meanings of language and culture background. 展开更多
关键词 vocabulary sentence and grammar habits of reading logic thinking culture background
Intercultural Logical Analysis of Business Communication From Daoism and Vagueness
作者 Tongjun Wang 《Sociology Study》 2015年第1期74-81,共8页
This paper discusses the interconnection between the Daoism and vagueness. On one hand, it summarizes the viewpoints of vagueness proposed by numerous scholars, displaying the function of such expressions, stressing t... This paper discusses the interconnection between the Daoism and vagueness. On one hand, it summarizes the viewpoints of vagueness proposed by numerous scholars, displaying the function of such expressions, stressing the affirmative role; on the other hand, it launches the term into the Chinese first philosophy Daoism, revealing the links of these two good brothers. Then, the paper argues about the insights of the logics put forward by the Chinese and the Western professionals, drawing on the conclusion that the Daoism is concerned with the Dao of vagueness. It is a fuzzy set as well as logics of dialectics with reversion reasoning. The two high context terms resemble the cultures of the East and West. The integration can contribute to the success in business communication. No universal way can guide the business interaction; our heart and soul can soften all the discrepancy and conflict. Harmony can be achieved through a variety of Daoes, each cultural group bearing their own vagueness, silence, rhetoric, and reasoning. The logics of the Dao in business communication are in your eyes, your mouth, your hands, and your heart and soul in particular. 展开更多
Discussion on Thinking Mode in Cross-cultural Teaching
作者 Bing Zhang 《International English Education Research》 2015年第11期27-29,共3页
Different cultural backgrounds result in a different way of thinking and cultural characteristics, and this difference are reflected in the life, production, culture, education and other aspects. Chinese and Westerner... Different cultural backgrounds result in a different way of thinking and cultural characteristics, and this difference are reflected in the life, production, culture, education and other aspects. Chinese and Westerners have different social and historical and cultural traditions, forming a distinctive way of thinking. Such as the differences between marginal thinking and logical thinking, differences between comprehensive thinking and analytical thinking, differences between focusing on "unity" and tending to "opposite", differences between focusing on perceptual and on rational thinking, all of these ways of thinking result in different ways of expression and language in cross-cultural teaching, different ways of behavior and interactions and different view of life and values. 展开更多
关键词 Differences between Chinese Thinking Modes and Western Thinking Modes Cross-Cultural Teaching IMPACT
A2A Relationships in Service Contexts
作者 Luca Carrubbo Andrea Moretta Tartaglione Primiano Di Nauta 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第10期873-890,共18页
This work aims at developing the actor-to-actor (A2A) relationship concept in service contexts enhancing the contribution of the systems theories. The most recent progresses related to the research on the service, a... This work aims at developing the actor-to-actor (A2A) relationship concept in service contexts enhancing the contribution of the systems theories. The most recent progresses related to the research on the service, as a matter of fact, highlight how the nowadays co-creation processes are key elements in each service context. Both the Service Science (SS) and the Service Dominant (S-D) logic analyse the importance of the role played by the numerousness of actors involved in the service exchange because of the resources held (and released) and the contribution they can offer. System theories, and in particular the Viable System Approach, offer the possibility of an holistic perspective able to re-interpret the same characterizing mechanisms of the value co-creation. In the following parts of the work it will presented a conceptual analysis based on the contribution of the VSA, the SS and the S-D logic, whose scientific proposals will be developed and critically analysed in order to verify the proposition coherence in terms of A2A relationships within the value co-creation process. The relational perspective of the Service Eco-systems shows a view open to network in relation to economic and social actors, where each organization can be considered as an actor because it is actively committed in the value co-creation development, going beyond the difference between the user, the producer, or the exchange facilitator. Therefore, the contribution proposes some progresses compared with the business to business (B2B) approach and literature, through the introduction of the new A2A interaction concept within the service context for the indistinct role that the actors play in the value co-creation process. In this perspective, the contribution introduces the research line focused on the service, giving attention, afterwards, to the service system context, in order to analyse the features of these systems with the specific goal of identifying its peculiarity. The contribution proceed with the presentation of the systems thinking, and in particular the VSA contribution, directed toward the description of the gaps that the authors identify in the present research attempting to offer some orientations for the comprehension and the improvement of the service systems and of their planning and management implications. The contribution finally proposes an integrated interpretation of the several emerging paradigms (VSA, SS and S-D logic) seeking an in-depth-analysis of the A2A relationships in the service contexts. 展开更多
关键词 A2A relationships Viable System Approach (VSA) service context Service Dominant Logic (S-Dlogic) Service Science (SS) value co-creation
Discussion on incentives of Physical Education Teaching Methods
作者 Hongtao PAN 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第7期140-142,共3页
The use of literature, logical reasoning and other research methods are used in this thesis, classification and analysis of the definition of incentive methods, motivation methods are also stated in this paper, and th... The use of literature, logical reasoning and other research methods are used in this thesis, classification and analysis of the definition of incentive methods, motivation methods are also stated in this paper, and this article also combine with students' psychological characteristics, different teaching content, teaching methods together, discussed how to stimulate students' interest in sports and mobilize students' enthusiasm, initiative by motivation methods in the sports teaching, thus promoting teaching effectiveness, improve teaching quality, provide some theoretical reference for improving the quality of teaching physical education. The results showed that: we have already made some researches in the stimulation methods in teaching sports, but few are studied combining with the psychological characteristics of students 展开更多
关键词 Physical education motivation methods SECONDARY
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