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仁義對道—德的礙阻與中斷——論《莊子·駢拇》對仁義的批判 被引量:1
作者 趙帥鋒 郭美華 《诸子学刊》 2019年第2期81-94,共14页
人的自然形體有駢拇枝指,精神生命則有仁義禮樂,二者都是對於人之本性的背離與扭曲。特定個體的駢枝之物(即仁義),通過與權力的沆瀣一氣而僞造爲普遍之物,吞噬了整體世界的自在性與道的客觀性,使得無數他者喪失自身的自在性與差異性。... 人的自然形體有駢拇枝指,精神生命則有仁義禮樂,二者都是對於人之本性的背離與扭曲。特定個體的駢枝之物(即仁義),通過與權力的沆瀣一氣而僞造爲普遍之物,吞噬了整體世界的自在性與道的客觀性,使得無數他者喪失自身的自在性與差異性。仁義作爲扭曲與虚妄的掩飾物,阻斷了道與德之間自由而暢然的往復交通,成爲回到真實整全世界與真實個體之間的障礙。《駢拇》對於仁義的批評,集中指出了:仁義不等於道德,反而是道德的反面與阻礙;仁義不但不是人的真實本性,反而是人之真情實感的虚僞化;道作爲真正的秩序是"讓"每一物在其自身,而"仁義"作爲虚妄的秩序,卻以"使"每一物喪失自身爲其自身;仁義顛倒了真實與虚妄,使得流俗世界陷入以無本爲本質的荒謬境況;只有捨棄仁義,才能返歸整全之道與本真之德的自由順暢之溝通,才能讓萬物整體與每一物回到自身的自然真實。 展开更多
关键词 駢拇 道—德 仁義 礙阻 自然
作者 康中乾 侯序 《东岳论丛》 北大核心 2023年第8期70-77,191,192,共10页
先秦道家老子和庄子都以“道”为本原。但只有这个“道”本还不行,因为“道”既然是天地万物之存在的本原,它理所当然要体现于天地万物,否则就会干涸窒息。这就涉及“德”的问题。老子讲“朴散则为器”“失道而后德”,庄子讲“道德”,... 先秦道家老子和庄子都以“道”为本原。但只有这个“道”本还不行,因为“道”既然是天地万物之存在的本原,它理所当然要体现于天地万物,否则就会干涸窒息。这就涉及“德”的问题。老子讲“朴散则为器”“失道而后德”,庄子讲“道德”,这就是道家的“道—德”形而上学或本体论。认识道家这种“道—德”本体论,对把握和发掘道家的深邃思想有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 道—德”形而上学
老子尊道贵德尚和的“玄同”愿景 被引量:3
作者 唐明邦 《华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第6期89-91,共3页
关键词 老子 经》 尚和
作为moral reasonability的道德理性及其优先性 被引量:2
作者 马永翔 《北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第4期113-122,共10页
通行的"道德理性"概念的所指及有效性并未局限在理论范围,还必然地延展到实践领域。对于其丰富内含,植根于西方传统形而上学的reason和rationality却不能给予充分表达。基于这两个概念的一些西方传统道德哲学(如康德的道义论... 通行的"道德理性"概念的所指及有效性并未局限在理论范围,还必然地延展到实践领域。对于其丰富内含,植根于西方传统形而上学的reason和rationality却不能给予充分表达。基于这两个概念的一些西方传统道德哲学(如康德的道义论)看起来至高至远,其实并不具有经验或实践层面的可普遍化性,因而在实际生活中难免走向反面。研究发现,如果使用英文词moral reasonability来理解和解释道德理性,或可弥补上述欠缺。因为,相较而言,这后一概念蕴含有一种着眼于"探究原因、提供理由"的最低限度的道德要求或"超底线准则",作为一种形式性的"前道德立场",它更易于落实到现实生活。这个概念不仅能够表达出道德理性中被前两个概念所忽略的含义,而且因为其历史特点具有优先性。 展开更多
关键词 作为moral reasonability的理性 可普遍化性 超底线准则 立场
时间·变化·对策——老子道论重诂 被引量:1
作者 程二行 《武汉大学学报(人文科学版)》 CSSCI 2004年第2期189-196,共8页
The book of Laozi is written by Lao Dan,a retired hist or ian in XiChou Dynasty, therefore, "recording the course from success to failure , from being to dying, from misfortune to fortune and from ancient to toda... The book of Laozi is written by Lao Dan,a retired hist or ian in XiChou Dynasty, therefore, "recording the course from success to failure , from being to dying, from misfortune to fortune and from ancient to today",wh ich Lui Xin said, should be the basis of explanation of Laozi. In the Laozi, the Daoismis a supreme being, and the word of Dao(道) is originated from the orbit, so the Daoism is either noumenon of the universe or the form of the time. Daois m(道) is time, De(德)is the change in the time, and Yong(用)is usage of the course of the change in the time. 展开更多
关键词 老子 “用” “天”学说 隐士式人生规律
作者 李天道 魏春艳 《河北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2021年第2期85-92,共8页
刘勰《文心雕龙》"文之为德也大矣,与天地并生者"之所谓"德",其意义应该与"道"同。"文""德""道"的一体化,"道"就是"德",就是"文"。同时,... 刘勰《文心雕龙》"文之为德也大矣,与天地并生者"之所谓"德",其意义应该与"道"同。"文""德""道"的一体化,"道"就是"德",就是"文"。同时,这里所谓的"道",也就是道家美学所谓的"道生万物"之"道"。这个"道",乃是万物生成的原初域,又可以说是"天道""地道""人道"之"道"。这种意义之"道",乃"天人合一"的基础。所谓"文之为德也大矣",说得非常清楚,"大"就是"德",也就是"文",是"原道"之"道"的呈现态,即"德","文"就是"德";"文之为德",就是"道"使之然。"道""德""文"一如,不可分离。"德""文"以显"道","文""德"为"道"的显现。"道"生长万物,"德"养育万物,"德"是"道"的化身,是"道"生成万物之后,又蕴藉于万物,为万物各自本性的体现。而刘勰则于此认为"文""德""道"一如。所谓"文之为德也大矣",显然是"文"以显"道","德"以显"道"。 展开更多
关键词 刘勰 “文”
南宋道学的政治理论与实践——从真德秀与张忠恕的冲突与“和解”出发 被引量:2
作者 方诚峰 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第1期112-125,共14页
道学思想对南宋从朝中到地方政治的影响是个有待深入开展的课题。南宋宁宗嘉定八年(1215)前后,道学传人真德秀与张忠恕在江东路发生了激烈矛盾,焦点是赈灾、地方赋税问题。理宗宝庆元年(1225)二人同在临安任官时,又在丧礼、人伦、帝王... 道学思想对南宋从朝中到地方政治的影响是个有待深入开展的课题。南宋宁宗嘉定八年(1215)前后,道学传人真德秀与张忠恕在江东路发生了激烈矛盾,焦点是赈灾、地方赋税问题。理宗宝庆元年(1225)二人同在临安任官时,又在丧礼、人伦、帝王之学、收召名流等问题上立场高度一致,甚至可能因此和解。他们的矛盾与和同,可以从道学政治理论的两截来理解。所谓两截,一截是修身以成“先觉”,另一截是“絜矩”(政事)以实现“天下平”。前者落实在朝廷中,就是所谓“正君”;后者落实在地方治理中,就是合理与公正的赋役以保障民众的财用。真德秀和张忠恕在“正君”问题上取得了高度一致,而在“絜矩”层面产生了分化与矛盾。“一贯”的、内部自洽的道学思想体系可在朝中、地方衍生出不同乃至矛盾的实践方式。 展开更多
关键词 南宋 张忠恕
试析黑格尔哲学中的“道德”和“伦理”问题 被引量:9
作者 先刚 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期46-54,共9页
黑格尔在《精神现象学》里面认为"道德"是一个比"伦理"更高级的精神形态,然而在《法哲学原理》里面又把"伦理"放在一个比"道德"更高的阶段。本文分析了黑格尔对于这两个概念的理解,以及这两个... 黑格尔在《精神现象学》里面认为"道德"是一个比"伦理"更高级的精神形态,然而在《法哲学原理》里面又把"伦理"放在一个比"道德"更高的阶段。本文分析了黑格尔对于这两个概念的理解,以及这两个概念在黑格尔的不同文本中的定位,从而澄清了这个疑难。也就是说,从存在的角度看,"伦理"高于"道德",而从认识的角度看,"道德"高于"伦理"。 展开更多
关键词 伦理 自由 精神现象学 法哲学
作者 刘喜华 吴育华 王金祥 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2001年第4期265-267,共3页
This paper first gives an explanation of moral hazard in the insurance field,and then offers a game theory model about insurance pricing according to the non zero sum game analysis between the insurer and the insured... This paper first gives an explanation of moral hazard in the insurance field,and then offers a game theory model about insurance pricing according to the non zero sum game analysis between the insurer and the insured when moral hazard exists.On the basis of the game analysis,this paper also presents a lowest pricing formula and studies the cost of moral hazard simultaneously. 展开更多
关键词 moral hazard insurance pricing games analysis
《文心雕龙》的注释翻译应注意吸收已有的研究成果 被引量:1
作者 韩湖初 《语文学刊》 2022年第2期10-15,共6页
近年《文心雕龙》的翻译注释著作不少,但发现一些本来已经接近原意的研究成果却没有被注意吸收,结果抄来抄去距离原意反而越来越远。这就影响了对原著的理解和把握,尤其一些关键文句的解读。如首篇《原道》首句“文之为德”及其后的“... 近年《文心雕龙》的翻译注释著作不少,但发现一些本来已经接近原意的研究成果却没有被注意吸收,结果抄来抄去距离原意反而越来越远。这就影响了对原著的理解和把握,尤其一些关键文句的解读。如首篇《原道》首句“文之为德”及其后的“人文之元,肇自太极”的“太极”,本来早已有学者指出前者“德”应训“得道”,后者“太极”是指伏羲氏作八卦,并作了详细的辨析。但译注家均未注意,应引以为鉴。 展开更多
关键词 文心雕龙 太极 人文 八卦
Study on the Price Design and Contract Stability of "Company + Farmer" Model with Time Preference under Double Moral Hazards
作者 高阔 甘筱青 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第8期1424-1427,共4页
The double moral hazard of "company + farmer" and the time preference cost of company and farmer was analyzed. According to static game model, it re-vealed that the reason for low compliance rate of "company + fa... The double moral hazard of "company + farmer" and the time preference cost of company and farmer was analyzed. According to static game model, it re-vealed that the reason for low compliance rate of "company + farmer" model was the existence of market risk, namely, the fluctuation of market price, and the stable market price in contracts was actualy a kind of interval, instead of a specific value. Furthermore, the effect of default penalty, market transaction cost and time prefer-ence cost on the stability of contract was studied. The results showed that default penalty, market transaction cost and time preference cost had positive influence on the price interval range of a contract. 展开更多
关键词 "Company+ farmer" Double moral hazard Time preference Price design Contract stability
以价值取向多元化为目标的公务员激励机制——试用信息经济学分析“腐败问题”本质与对策 被引量:1
作者 刘锐 关忠良 《内蒙古科技与经济》 2007年第04S期70-72,共3页
本文基于信息经济学理论,从“腐败”的本质入手,分析了腐败形成的外因和内因,提出了相应的解决办法,即通过“显示原理”的激励机制引导公务员的价值取向多元化,来充分弥合公务员的“社会效用函数”和“自身效用函数”偏差,由此从根本上... 本文基于信息经济学理论,从“腐败”的本质入手,分析了腐败形成的外因和内因,提出了相应的解决办法,即通过“显示原理”的激励机制引导公务员的价值取向多元化,来充分弥合公务员的“社会效用函数”和“自身效用函数”偏差,由此从根本上避免腐败动机的产生。 展开更多
关键词 腐败 公务员 价值取向 激励机制 风险
Human thrombin for the treatment of gastric and ectopic varices 被引量:12
作者 Norma C McAvoy John N Plevris Peter C Hayes 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第41期5912-5917,共6页
AIM:To evaluate the efficacy of human thrombin in the treatment of bleeding gastric and ectopic varices.METHODS:Retrospective observational study in a Tertiary Referral Centre.Between January 1999-October 2005,we iden... AIM:To evaluate the efficacy of human thrombin in the treatment of bleeding gastric and ectopic varices.METHODS:Retrospective observational study in a Tertiary Referral Centre.Between January 1999-October 2005,we identified 37 patients who were endoscopically treated with human thrombin injection therapy for bleeding gastric and ectopic varices.Patient details including age,gender and aetiology of liver disease/segmental portal hypertension were documented.The thrombin was obtained from the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service and prepared to give a solution of 250 IU/mL which was injected via a standard injection needle.All patient case notes were reviewed and the total dose of thrombin given along with the number of endoscopy sessions was recorded.Initial haemostasis rates,rebleeding rates and mortality were catalogued along with the incidence of any immediate complications which could be attributable to the thrombin therapy.The duration of follow up was also listed.The study was conducted according to the United Kingdom research ethics guidelines.RESULTS:Thirty-seven patients were included.33 patients(89%) had thrombin(250 U/mL) for gastric varices,2(5.4%) for duodenal varices,1 for rectal varices and 1 for gastric and rectal varices.(1) Gastric varices,an average of 15.2 mL of thrombin was used per patient.Re-bleeding occurred in 4 patients(10.8%),managed in 2 by a transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt(TIPSS)(one unsuccessfully who died) and in other 2 by a distal splenorenal shunt;(2) Duodenal varices(or type 2 isolated gastric varices),an average of 12.5 mL was used per patient over 2-3 endoscopy sessions.Re-bleeding occurred in one patient,which was treated by TIPSS;and(3) Rectal varices,an average of 18.3 mL was used per patient over 3 endoscopy sessions.No re-bleeding occurred in this group.CONCLUSION:Human thrombin is a safe,easy to use and effective therapeutic option to control haemorrhage from gastric and ectopic varices. 展开更多
关键词 Variceal haemorrhage Ectopic Varices Gastric varices Portal hypertension THROMBIN
《道德经》的自然观与《黄帝内经》中医理论体系的构建 被引量:7
作者 朱叶 王小平 《中医杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第18期1535-1538,共4页
中医理论体系的构建深受中国古代自然观的影响,作为本土影响力最大的道家秉承'自然而然'的自然观,对中医理论体系的渗透最为深远。根据《道德经》的论述,将道家自然观总结为同源自然、顺应自然、崇尚自然、回归自然四个方面,认... 中医理论体系的构建深受中国古代自然观的影响,作为本土影响力最大的道家秉承'自然而然'的自然观,对中医理论体系的渗透最为深远。根据《道德经》的论述,将道家自然观总结为同源自然、顺应自然、崇尚自然、回归自然四个方面,认为《黄帝内经》运用道家自然观认识生命、健康与疾病,指导疾病的诊断与防治,形成独特的中医理论体系,同时也进一步完善了道家的自然观。提出研习中医应重视对自然观的理解和把握。 展开更多
关键词 自然观 黄帝内经 中医理论体系
Roles of Financial Innovation and Information Technology:Lessons from US Sub-prime Mortgage Crisis and Its Implications for China 被引量:2
作者 James H LENZER JR Simon Xiaobin ZHAO 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第3期343-355,共13页
The mortgage loan has evolved from a local lending instrument into a major global security and its role is unparallel to other financial instruments in the process of financial globalization. This paper explains how t... The mortgage loan has evolved from a local lending instrument into a major global security and its role is unparallel to other financial instruments in the process of financial globalization. This paper explains how technology and financial innovation transformed the mortgage loan from a local security into a premier global security traded worldwide. It examines the fundamental flaws of this process and why it does not work in regards to mortgage lending and the re-securitization products that were created through financial innovation. The findings show that regulation was unable to keep pace with financial innovation, which created an environment where actors in the financial service sector were able to behave geographically irresponsibly by using information asymmetries to their advantage by par- ticipating in moral hazard activities and engaging in other immoral and unethical business practices that were centered around localized geography, which ultimately contributed to the global financial crisis. It also examines the roll of financial innovation in regard to the Lehman Brothers Mini-Bond in Hung and its role as a driving force behind China's newly emerging shadow banking sector. It concludes with a policy recommendation and its implication for China's continued economic development. 展开更多
关键词 shadow banking US sub-prime mortgage crisis financial tsunami global financial crisis wealth man- agement vehicle China asset bubble
The Global Value ofMencius's Ideas on Moral Feeling and Reason: Reinterpreting the Feeling of Compassion From the Perspective of the Philosophy of Emotion 被引量:5
作者 Liu Yuedi 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2016年第6期372-386,共15页
Amid the recent global upsurge of studies on the philosophy of emotion, a reinterpretation of traditional Confucian philosophy, especially Mencius's ideas on the siduan (Four Original Sources) of morality, may shed... Amid the recent global upsurge of studies on the philosophy of emotion, a reinterpretation of traditional Confucian philosophy, especially Mencius's ideas on the siduan (Four Original Sources) of morality, may shed new light on the subject in comparative philosophy. This paper probes the structure of moral feeling and reason described by Mencius's from five perspectives: (1) In view of the relationship between feeling and reason, is it better to use the expression "siduan" or the expression "sixin (Four Heart-minds)"? (2) In view of dispositional feeling, what are the four original sources? (3) In view of moral feeling, what are the structural order of the four sources and the corresponding procedure of reasoning of four heart-minds of Humanity? (4) In view of positive feeling, how does moral feeling grow out of the goodness of human nature? (5) What is the global value of Mencius's ideas on human moral feeling? The author concludes that Mencius's thought on moral feeing has a global value and cross-cultural significance, and that Chinese wisdom is more than regional but universally applicable. The structure of moral feeling and reason that Mencius identified is in accordance with the principles ofzhiliang (grasping the two poles of the beginning and the end) and yongzhong (emloying the middle). The principles ofzhiliang and yongzhong are true universal wisdoms of Confucianism, which should be rekindled today. From a practical point of view, "the Way begins from moral feelings," and Confucius and Yah Hui's seeking the simple, virtuous life is an ideal model of emotional well-being. 展开更多
关键词 philosophy of emotion four original sources COMPASSION structure of moral feeling and reason globalvalue
Bank Ethics: An Empirical Investigation of the Banking in China 被引量:1
作者 刘春红 宋玮 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2004年第1期49-55,共7页
Business ethics is considered critical for the reputation and competitive power of banks, especially in China after WTO Entry. This study applied the theory and research on ethical practices of successful managers and... Business ethics is considered critical for the reputation and competitive power of banks, especially in China after WTO Entry. This study applied the theory and research on ethical practices of successful managers and ethics control mechanisms to identify the ethical climates that result in ethical behaviors in the banking. 141 employees from different banks in Shanghai, China, completed measures of all scales in the survey. The results support the theorizing of the value of well-formed business ethics in the banking in China. The correlation and structural equation analysis suggests that ethical practices of successful managers and ethics control mechanisms of banks reinforce three ethical climates of ‘service’, ‘law and rules’ and ‘caring’ that promote the ethical level of employees, and the independence and instrumental climate on the contrary. This study also found that there are three ethics control mechanisms most commonly used in the banking and ethics-focused reward system is believed to be a mostly effective one by the employees of banking in China. 展开更多
关键词 ethical climates ethical behavior ethics control mechanisms
Sense of courage:The mediating role of courage between emotional reflexivity and work-life integration among nurses in Indian hospitals 被引量:1
作者 Lalatendu Kesari Jena Jeeta Sarkar Saumya Goyal 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2021年第3期318-324,I0005,共8页
Objectives:This study aimed to determine the relationship between emotional reflexivity and work-life integration through the mechanism of moral courage and enhance our understanding of the importance of these nursing... Objectives:This study aimed to determine the relationship between emotional reflexivity and work-life integration through the mechanism of moral courage and enhance our understanding of the importance of these nursing concepts to enable the nurses to develop better coping strategies for work-life integration.Methods:A cross-sectional survey was performed with 249 nurses,including staff nurses,ICU and critical care nurses,operation theatre nurses,pediatric nurses from 17 hospitals.Emotional Reflexivity,work-life integration,and courage were measured using a demographic information questionnaire,Life Project Reflexivity Scale(LPRS),Nurse’s Moral Courage Scale(NMCS),andWork-Life Boundary Enactment(WLBE)scale.A series of multiple regressions analyzed the mediating effect.Results:Emotional Reflexivity was positively correlated with work-life integration(b=0.66,P<0.01).There was a positive correlation between emotional reflexivity and moral courage.But the path did not get the necessary support in the structural equation modeling(SEM)(b=0.13,P=0.40).When controlling for courage(b=0.42,P<0.01),the association was significant between emotional reflexivity and work-life integration with partial mediation.Conclusion:The study reported a positive correlation between reflexivity and work-life integration.Thus,nurses’work-life integration becomes better by reinforcing their emotional reflexivity and moral courage. 展开更多
关键词 Emotional reflexivity Life Moral courage Nurses Survey and questionnaires Work
Operating room nurses’lived experiences of ethical codes:A phenomenological study in Iran 被引量:1
作者 Fateme Aghamohammadi Behzad Imani Mahnaz Moghadari Koosha 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2021年第3期332-338,I0007,共8页
Objective:Operating room nurses,as essential members of health care teams,often face ethical challenges in the operating room.By using the ethical experiences of operating room nurses,a better understanding of ethics ... Objective:Operating room nurses,as essential members of health care teams,often face ethical challenges in the operating room.By using the ethical experiences of operating room nurses,a better understanding of ethics in the operating room can be achieved,which can lead to better nursing decisions in the face of these challenges.Therefore,this study was conducted to investigate operating room nurses’lived experiences of ethical codes.Methods:A hermeneutic phenomenological study was performed in Hamadan(Iran)from February 2019 to November 2020.Ten operating room nurses were selected as participants by purposive sampling.Data were collected through in-depth and semi-structured interviews.Data analysis was performed based on Van Manen methodology.Results:Data analysis revealed three main themes and 11 sub-themes representing the operating room nurses experience of the ethical code.The main themes were;adherence to professional commitments,preserving patient dignity,and respect to colleagues.Conclusion:The results underlined ethics and ethical values in the operating room.Due to the intense interactions between operating room nurses with the patient and surgical team,commitment to ethics by nurses can lead to improving quality of care and interactions among members of the surgical team.It is suggested that using these codes as a guideline and a framework could be developed to improve the ethical and professional performance of operating room nurses. 展开更多
关键词 Ethical codes Qualitative study Phenomenology Iran Operating room nursing Perioperative nursing
Ezra Pound's Conversion to Confucianism 被引量:2
作者 TAN Xiao-cui 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第3期165-173,共9页
The paper aims to explore Pound's early discovery of Confucianism and his conversion to Confucianism. Pound's interest in Confucianism coincided with the time when Christianity, already "contaminated" by "histori... The paper aims to explore Pound's early discovery of Confucianism and his conversion to Confucianism. Pound's interest in Confucianism coincided with the time when Christianity, already "contaminated" by "historical diseases" in Pound's view, could not offer a valid vision by which to guide the spiritual life, resulting in losing self in a modem society. Pound discovers three main deficiencies of Christianity: lack of respect for individuality, the decline of ethics, and open attack upon nature, which could not provide solutions to Western problems. Pound turned to Confucianism to search the existence of modem man in the face of society, and nature, which results in Pound's Confucian medicine to cure Western moral obtuseness. 展开更多
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