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作者 谭庆莉 邱子芫 《商展经济》 2024年第16期1-6,共6页
会奖旅游作为一种商务旅游形式,在规模、档次、利润等方面均表现出强劲的发展态势和潜力。当前,江苏会奖旅游发展呈现两极分化,苏南地区普遍拥有较好的发展基础,承接了较多国际性会议,而苏北地区则略显薄弱,缺乏具有较高知名度的展览会... 会奖旅游作为一种商务旅游形式,在规模、档次、利润等方面均表现出强劲的发展态势和潜力。当前,江苏会奖旅游发展呈现两极分化,苏南地区普遍拥有较好的发展基础,承接了较多国际性会议,而苏北地区则略显薄弱,缺乏具有较高知名度的展览会议,同时,其城市知名度亦有待提升。江苏省在“十四五”文旅规划中明确提出要谋划建设“两廊两道两区”特色文旅空间体系,推动江苏成为水韵人文魅力充分彰显的世界级旅游目的地。基于此,本文运用层次分析法探究江苏省滨海城市会奖旅游发展策略,以助力江苏省会奖业的全面发展,帮助苏北部分城市缩小与发达地区的发展差距。 展开更多
关键词 会奖旅游 层次分析法 海滨城市 德尔菲法 水韵人文魅力 世界级旅游廊
重塑信息时代美国的软权力——《软权力:在世界政治中的成功之道》介评 被引量:11
作者 杨文静 《现代国际关系》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第8期61-62,共2页
美国哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院院长约瑟夫·奈曾任克林顿时期的国家情报委员会主席和助理国防部长)上世纪80年代末在其<美国注定领导>(Boundto Lead: The Changing Nature of American Power)一书中创造性地提出"软权力&qu... 美国哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院院长约瑟夫·奈曾任克林顿时期的国家情报委员会主席和助理国防部长)上世纪80年代末在其<美国注定领导>(Boundto Lead: The Changing Nature of American Power)一书中创造性地提出"软权力"(soft Power)这一概念,认为一国的实力不仅包括经济、军事、政治等客观存在的要素,还有文化实力.自此软权力作为衡量国家实力的一个标准,成为公共领域广为接受的话语,被政治家、评论家和学者频繁使用. 展开更多
关键词 信息时代 美国 《软权力:在世界政治中的成功之 软权力 霸权主义 布什政府 外交政策
2019年世界空手道联合会超级联赛赛事分析 被引量:1
作者 刘鼎伟 庞俊鹏 《辽宁体育科技》 2019年第5期81-83,92,共4页
采用文献资料、数理统计和逻辑分析等方法,对世界空手道联合会的参赛人数、参赛国家、奖牌分布、赛事水平等方面综合分析,结果表明:随着空手道项目的发展,世界空手道联合会比赛类型呈多样化趋势;各国参赛人数逐渐增加,性别分布和级别分... 采用文献资料、数理统计和逻辑分析等方法,对世界空手道联合会的参赛人数、参赛国家、奖牌分布、赛事水平等方面综合分析,结果表明:随着空手道项目的发展,世界空手道联合会比赛类型呈多样化趋势;各国参赛人数逐渐增加,性别分布和级别分布差异较小,但各国竞技技术水平存在明显差异;奖牌分布地域性差异显著,日本空手道型发展较快,意大利、法国、伊朗的组手竞技水平相对较高;竞赛规则越来越完善,裁判员水平逐渐提高,空手道项目改革成绩显著。 展开更多
关键词 世界空手联合会 超级联赛 赛事分析
作者 王雅茹 《拳击与格斗》 2024年第19期22-24,共3页
文章运用视频观察法,分析了2024年世界空手道联合会(以下简称“世空联”)K1超级联赛摩洛哥站女子组手-61kg决赛过程,同时梳理和统计了双方运动员的技战术使用情况,并总结了中国运动员龚莉获胜的关键因素。结果发现,龚莉在技术使用上多... 文章运用视频观察法,分析了2024年世界空手道联合会(以下简称“世空联”)K1超级联赛摩洛哥站女子组手-61kg决赛过程,同时梳理和统计了双方运动员的技战术使用情况,并总结了中国运动员龚莉获胜的关键因素。结果发现,龚莉在技术使用上多为单一技术,尤其擅长使用腿法,其成功率为33.3%;在战术上以迎击战术为主,反击战术为辅,两者成功率分别为28.6%和14.3%。日本运动员YUKI KUJURO的技术运用以单一技术为主、组合技术为辅;在战术运用方面,以进攻战术为主,佯攻战术为辅。 展开更多
关键词 世界空手联合会 K1超级联赛 组手 -61kg
作者 傅凤英 《辽宁医学院学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第2期56-61,共6页
道教养生的特征是超越性,是得道成真;而得道成真的最显著特征是长生不死,因此,一般习惯于把道教养生学归结为《老子》的"长生久视"之道。道教养生学首推内丹学,内丹学肯定"长生久视";但认为其最高境界不能仅限于&qu... 道教养生的特征是超越性,是得道成真;而得道成真的最显著特征是长生不死,因此,一般习惯于把道教养生学归结为《老子》的"长生久视"之道。道教养生学首推内丹学,内丹学肯定"长生久视";但认为其最高境界不能仅限于"长生久视",而是与道合一的"真人境界",萧天石称之为"道世界"。与道合一的过程是追求"合真"的过程,道教称为"全真",正是在此意义上,萧天石称道教养生学是"全真之道"。将道教养生学的最高境界从"长生久视"提高到"道"的境界,进一步拓展了道教养生学的终极境界。 展开更多
关键词 教养生 超越性 “长生久视” 道世界 全真之
作者 梁奚硕晗 《建筑与文化》 2022年第5期90-92,共3页
2018年黄山市被纳入杭州都市圈,高质量建设杭黄世界级自然生态和文化旅游廊道对于杭州都市圈旅游业可持续发展具有战略意义。文章在分析杭州都市圈概况及旅游业现状、杭黄世界级自然生态和文化旅游廊道资源及现状后,提出从资源整合利用... 2018年黄山市被纳入杭州都市圈,高质量建设杭黄世界级自然生态和文化旅游廊道对于杭州都市圈旅游业可持续发展具有战略意义。文章在分析杭州都市圈概况及旅游业现状、杭黄世界级自然生态和文化旅游廊道资源及现状后,提出从资源整合利用、优化空间格局、加速产业融合、完善廊道旅游业态四方面着手,将廊道打造成世界知名跨境旅游目的地的观点。 展开更多
关键词 高质量建设 杭黄世界级自然生态和文化旅游廊 杭州都市圈 可持续发展
作者 魏敦友 《社会科学论坛》 CSSCI 2015年第5期120-125,共6页
近百多年来是中国文化大转折的历史性时期,作为这一个时期所涌现出的学术大师钱穆先生,用他那深邃的眼光,以极平易的文字,向人们展示了中国思想不同于西方思想的独特类型及发展路径。他对中国思想中道与理的深入考辨所呈现出的两种世界... 近百多年来是中国文化大转折的历史性时期,作为这一个时期所涌现出的学术大师钱穆先生,用他那深邃的眼光,以极平易的文字,向人们展示了中国思想不同于西方思想的独特类型及发展路径。他对中国思想中道与理的深入考辨所呈现出的两种世界观即道的世界观与理的世界观,让人耳目一新地认识到中国思想的内在逻辑性,并创造性要提出了一种新的世界观即道理合成的世界观。钱穆先生的思想发人深省,但意犹未尽,中国思想尚需更深入地开拓。从比较文化史的视角看,中国文化乃是一种基于道论世界观作为原型的文化类型,而经学世界观、理学世界观进而法学世界观不过是它不同时代的表现。如果说,中国文化已经走过了它的经学时代、理学时代,那么它正在迎来自己的法学时代。 展开更多
关键词 世界 经学世界 理学世界 法学世界 新理学
作者 宋思运 《甘肃理论学刊》 2015年第2期47-50,共4页
"正言若反"是老子思想重要的特征,"正言若反"的实质就是老子所说的"正言"与世人的一般认识"若反"。"正言若反"作为一种思想现象,其背后隐藏着老子独特的、与世人一般具有的"求... "正言若反"是老子思想重要的特征,"正言若反"的实质就是老子所说的"正言"与世人的一般认识"若反"。"正言若反"作为一种思想现象,其背后隐藏着老子独特的、与世人一般具有的"求异"思维相反的"求同"思维。"求同"思维及其所决定的"正言若反"不仅来源于老子独特的"道"世界观,更直接决定了老子独特的"德"价值观、"弃智"认识观以及"无为"实践观。 展开更多
关键词 正言若反 求同思维 道世界 德价值观
“大千世界”与“洞天福地”——佛、道教神灵世界的宗教意蕴之比较 被引量:2
作者 冯川 《世界宗教文化》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第1期143-146,151,共5页
本文分别概述了佛教和道教的神灵世界体系,并对两者的宗教意蕴展开了详细的阐释。以"三界诸天、十方净土","洞天福地、三十六天"等佛、道教空间概念为研究对象,对两者神灵世界体系的宗教义理和修行观念进行了比较,... 本文分别概述了佛教和道教的神灵世界体系,并对两者的宗教意蕴展开了详细的阐释。以"三界诸天、十方净土","洞天福地、三十六天"等佛、道教空间概念为研究对象,对两者神灵世界体系的宗教义理和修行观念进行了比较,进而探讨了此研究对当代中国宗教文化建设的积极意义。 展开更多
关键词 佛教 神灵世界比较 宗教义理
On New Missions of the Belt and Road Initiative
作者 Zhang Yuncheng Huang Ying +1 位作者 Liang Jianwu Si Wen 《Contemporary International Relations》 2017年第6期144-150,共7页
The Belt and Road Initiative is in line with international principles of peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit, and aims to promote the world economy. It shoulders three missions: to continue creating glo... The Belt and Road Initiative is in line with international principles of peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit, and aims to promote the world economy. It shoulders three missions: to continue creating global development dividends, to global economic transformation, and to promote world peace and stability. It is a way for China to build a community of shared interests and a better future for humanity. 展开更多
关键词 Belt and Road Initiative community of a shared future for humanity China
Ethics as an Active Self-construction of the Human
作者 Conceiao Soares 《Chinese Business Review》 2013年第5期324-329,共6页
This paper will attempt to clarify the clear tendency, in our contemporary world, to look at ethics as something that "cures" all wrongs, all unbalance, and all evils from the political, environmental, to the busine... This paper will attempt to clarify the clear tendency, in our contemporary world, to look at ethics as something that "cures" all wrongs, all unbalance, and all evils from the political, environmental, to the business ones. For this reason, there is nothing better than to turn to ethics in order to "moralise" the system and the world, when the numerous news of fraud, injustice, and scandals are a part of everyday life in the business world and in our society. But, is this the role of ethics? Can we reduce the aim of ethics to a mere technique? In this paper, it is argued that ethics needs to be replaced in the epistemological scale of knowledge, where until now it has occupied a place at the top. Ethics needs to be repositioned in a different level of knowledge where we may find the roots of its foundation. It is also discussed that it is at the core of being that the experience of the action takes place and develops and in it, ethics takes root. Furthermore, it is suggested that understanding ethics from this point of view presupposes a new ethos around a relational poietics which privileges inter-subjectivity, self-creation, and an active and dynamic construction of the human and of the world. 展开更多
关键词 ETHICS ONTOLOGY action relational ethics human nature BEING
Translational Techniques as a Teaching Tool Using Culture-Specific Units: The Case of French-English Proverbs
作者 Priye Enemi lyalla-Amadi 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第2期111-118,共8页
Given the fact that cultures are a distinct way of identifying the mores and customs of a people, culture-specific units such as proverbs could serve as veritable teaching tools to pass on otherwise difficult language... Given the fact that cultures are a distinct way of identifying the mores and customs of a people, culture-specific units such as proverbs could serve as veritable teaching tools to pass on otherwise difficult language concepts to students, especially in the context of acquiring a foreign language. Proverbs can actually be viewed as succinct sayings that convey semantically-laden units expressing a people's worldview. In this paper, an attempt is made to illustrate the effectiveness of using culture-specific units like French proverbs to teach challenging grammatical features to English-speaking students in a French class. For example, grammatical aspects like verb conjugation French syntax, etc., can be effectively tackled. Translational techniques could then serve as pedagogical tools to bring about a better grasp of the foreign language being acquired, and in the process, exposure to a larger world culture would be achieved 展开更多
关键词 culture-specific units foreign language acquisition grammatical features world culture translational techniques pedagogical tools
Craftsmanship and the Guilds in the Late Middle Ages: The Testimony of Des Teufels Netz and of the Mendel Housebooks
作者 Albrecht Classen 《History Research》 2016年第1期23-39,共17页
Placing the anonymous didactic poem Des Teufels Netz next to the Mendelschen ZwOlfbrfiderstiftung zu Narnberg, we gain most valuable access to the world of craftsmen in the late Middle Ages. Even though the author of ... Placing the anonymous didactic poem Des Teufels Netz next to the Mendelschen ZwOlfbrfiderstiftung zu Narnberg, we gain most valuable access to the world of craftsmen in the late Middle Ages. Even though the author of the first text pursues mostly ethical and moral concerns, formulating many specific comments about people's wrongdoing, his narrative proves to be almost as informative about craftsmen as the Mendel Housebook (short title). The latter mostly consists of a very large number of illustrations of old craftsmen working in their shops, which sheds important light on the tools available, the work methods, and the impressive differentiation and sophistication amongst the craftsmen. The Housebook was continued until the early nineteenth century, whereas Des Teufels Netz was mostly forgotten and did not experience a significant reception. Both works complement each other well and allow us to gain an excellent insight into the world of craftsmen. 展开更多
关键词 Des Teufels Netz Mendelschen ZwOlfloraderstifiung zu Narnberg medieval craftsmen didactic and memorial literature
Implication of Football on the Developments of Chinese Martial Arts
作者 Hou Jun Zhao Li 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第12期12-14,共3页
The 2010 football World Cup is held successfully, which shows the great charming again. However, as the essence of Chinese martial arts, there is still a long way to go, though there has been some progress in recent y... The 2010 football World Cup is held successfully, which shows the great charming again. However, as the essence of Chinese martial arts, there is still a long way to go, though there has been some progress in recent years, compred with the spread of sports such as taekwondo and karate, " Stones from other hills, can learn" . This paper learn from the positive experience from football and analyse it from the view of culture, turnament, stars and so on, which will give suggestion for the spread and development of martial arts. 展开更多
关键词 Football Sports Martial Arts Development MEANING
Evie's Ethical Choices in the World of Noir Ethical Literary Reading of Judy Blundell' s What I Saw and How I Lied
作者 YANG Chun 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第6期430-434,共5页
In the novel What I Saw and How I Lied (2008), Judy Blundell presents readers a world of noir where so many lies are around the innocent protagonist, 15-year-old girl Evie. It is a challenge for Evie to probe into t... In the novel What I Saw and How I Lied (2008), Judy Blundell presents readers a world of noir where so many lies are around the innocent protagonist, 15-year-old girl Evie. It is a challenge for Evie to probe into the heart of the deceptions and make ethical choices between good and evil. After experiencing the path from error to truth, from confusion to clarity, and unconsciousness to consciousness, Evie comes to realize the corruption and evils of the society and in an epiphany, obtains a self-knowledge which leads to her initiation. Through analyzing the ethical predicament and ethical choices of the protagonist Evie as well as the negative living environment around her, the present paper aims to interrogate the moral issues of truth, lie, justice, greed, fidelity, and betrayal so as to give readers a better understanding of the theme of initiation in the novel. 展开更多
关键词 What I Saw and How 1 Lied ethical choices the world of noir INITIATION
China’s Path: A Great Practice in Human Social Development
作者 HOU RUILI 《China Today》 2017年第10期2-2,共1页
Over the past few years,while the world's economic development has undergone a profound adjustment,China's economy has maintained a medium-to-high rate of growth.According to statistics from the World Bank,China con... Over the past few years,while the world's economic development has undergone a profound adjustment,China's economy has maintained a medium-to-high rate of growth.According to statistics from the World Bank,China contributed more than 30 percent on average to the global economic expansion annually from 2011 to 2016(at constant 2010prices in U.S.dollars). 展开更多
关键词 annually prices adjustment maintained planned profound prosperity itself commodity founded
Road safety is no accident——for celebrating World Health Day 2004 被引量:3
作者 王正国 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS 2004年第2期67-69,共3页
The 7th of April is always appointed to be ”World Health Day” by World Health O rganization (WHO), to celebrate the anniversary of its founding in 1946. World Health Day (WHD) 2004 focuses on road traffic injuries a... The 7th of April is always appointed to be ”World Health Day” by World Health O rganization (WHO), to celebrate the anniversary of its founding in 1946. World Health Day (WHD) 2004 focuses on road traffic injuries and measures to pre vent them, and the slogan for the WHD 2004 is ”Road Safety is No Accident”. 1 W HO calls all people to be concerned with road safety on WHD 2004 and beyond. In fact, almost everybody is related with road traffic, and everybody may be consid ered as a road user. Occurrence of road traffic injury (RTI) It is estimated that in 2002 road crashes killed 1.18 million people and inj ured about 20 to 50 million more. Millions were hospitalized for days, weeks or months. Perhaps 5 million were disabled for life. Every day as many as 140 000 people are injured because of road crashes. More than 3 000 die and about 15 000 are disabled for life. It is predicted that by the year 2020, the an nual number of deaths and disabilities from road traffic injuries will increase by 60% or more, and could take third place in the rank order of disease burden ( DALYs) by the year 2000 as compared with the ninth in 1990. 2 展开更多
关键词 World Health Accidents Traffic Humans World Health Organization
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