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句道兴《搜神记》与天鹅处女型故事 被引量:4
作者 王青 《敦煌研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第2期96-100,116,共6页
关键词 道兴 《搜神记》 田昆仑 田章 天鹅处女型故事
作者 朱学斌 《中国本土宗教研究》 2023年第1期211-219,共9页
泰山后石坞元君庙在明代初建时由女冠住持,但到了清代却改为尼僧入住,由道观变成了佛寺。通过相关传世文献的梳理及现存石刻材料的实地考察,可以勾勒出泰山后石坞元君庙佛道交替的关键时间节点并分析导致其宗教场所性质更替的原因。另外... 泰山后石坞元君庙在明代初建时由女冠住持,但到了清代却改为尼僧入住,由道观变成了佛寺。通过相关传世文献的梳理及现存石刻材料的实地考察,可以勾勒出泰山后石坞元君庙佛道交替的关键时间节点并分析导致其宗教场所性质更替的原因。另外,通过结合当时的时代背景,可对以往论著相关记载的缺失进行订正和补充,例如“隆庆黄花洞口玉女修真处题款”“万历总理泰山香税州判名”“后石坞女冠道派字辈”等一系列相关问题。 展开更多
关键词 明清泰山 后石坞 碧霞元君信仰 道兴 尼僧
贵州道真隆兴地区铝土矿地质特征与成矿条件研究 被引量:1
作者 顾业平 《采矿技术》 2022年第6期207-211,共5页
通过对贵州道真隆兴地区的铝土矿地质工作进行综合分析研究,确认了区内的铝土矿呈层状产于二叠系大竹园组地层中,证明其矿体厚度、品位与含矿岩系厚度有着直接的关系。矿石矿物主要为一水硬铝石,次为黏土矿物,矿石化学成分呈高硅、中铁... 通过对贵州道真隆兴地区的铝土矿地质工作进行综合分析研究,确认了区内的铝土矿呈层状产于二叠系大竹园组地层中,证明其矿体厚度、品位与含矿岩系厚度有着直接的关系。矿石矿物主要为一水硬铝石,次为黏土矿物,矿石化学成分呈高硅、中铁、低硫特点。综合该区地质特征和成矿条件,可知成矿条件与构造、地貌、气候、沉积环境关系密切,含矿岩系倾向部位中心地带的古沉积环境相对稳定,处于水体较深区域,是该区找矿潜力较好的地带。 展开更多
关键词 真隆地区 铝土矿 地质特征 成矿条件 找矿标志
作者 纪庆站 《作文成功之路(小学)》 2015年第11期F0004-F0004,共1页
关键词 、讽、诵 古诗教学
卯山叶氏道教世家谱系考释 被引量:1
作者 赵治中 《丽水学院学报》 2013年第1期1-6,共6页
松阳卯山叶法善的高祖乾昱,虽是位有出世情怀的隐士,但并未与道教发生直接关系。曾祖叶道兴,才是"遹开道脉"、"始构大门"的人物。祖父叶国重和父亲叶慧明习道和传道活动,在浙西南已有相当影响,乃至升闻帝庭,受到征... 松阳卯山叶法善的高祖乾昱,虽是位有出世情怀的隐士,但并未与道教发生直接关系。曾祖叶道兴,才是"遹开道脉"、"始构大门"的人物。祖父叶国重和父亲叶慧明习道和传道活动,在浙西南已有相当影响,乃至升闻帝庭,受到征召,但他们仍是在家受箓传道的职业道士。直到叶法善,才由江南道教世家子弟,进位内道场道士、国师、大洞三景法师,乃至景龙观观主、越国公,"恩开五君,名动四国"。侄子叶仲容,晚年弃官从道,承袭黄冠旧业。后裔叶藏质,入天台习道传道,人称尊师,中兴卯山叶氏道业。叶法善及祖孙一门,真称得上是浙西南一个典型的道教世家。 展开更多
关键词 卯山叶氏 道兴 国重 慧明 法善 教世家
为农村畜牧业奉献一生——访基层名老中兽医黄德祥 被引量:1
作者 任秋敏 范才良 +2 位作者 刘付国树 李恒 刘娟 《中国动物保健》 2015年第11期72-74,共3页
关键词 中兽医 直升镇 人物简介 畜牧站 西南区 诊疗工作 重庆市荣昌 道兴 山药粥 猪肺疫
作者 宁风 《共产党员(下半月)》 2007年第10期27-27,共1页
关键词 山西省交通厅 县等 运输成本 行政执法 离石区 道兴
作者 卢卫平 《内蒙古宣传》 2002年第5期39-39,共1页
关键词 贾政 贾母 冷子 宝钗 就是你 大管家 把刀 道兴
作者 蒋勤俭 《中医药文化》 2021年第4期369-376,共8页
敦煌句道兴本《搜神记》樊鯈、张嵩、焦华的故事描写了孝子们寻求反季节的食物来医治患病父母,从而使父母病愈的情节。通过对三则涉医故事的研究分析,发现医治樊鯈母亲的鲤鱼具有食用、医药和民俗多重文化价值;张嵩母亲所食之堇为齿,堇... 敦煌句道兴本《搜神记》樊鯈、张嵩、焦华的故事描写了孝子们寻求反季节的食物来医治患病父母,从而使父母病愈的情节。通过对三则涉医故事的研究分析,发现医治樊鯈母亲的鲤鱼具有食用、医药和民俗多重文化价值;张嵩母亲所食之堇为齿,堇菜所具有的药效使其母亲病愈;神仙授予焦华父亲充药的"瓜"不仅可以治病疗疾,而且折射出我国古代葫芦文化、瓜崇拜现象。 展开更多
关键词 《搜神记》 敦煌写本 道兴 药物考证 鲤鱼
为了一句托付 三代人坚守
作者 张丽芬 《云岭先锋》 2016年第4期44-,共1页
杜正云,沾益县花山街道兴发村一个普普通通的村民,是杜家第三代小红军墓守墓人。他常说:"把小红军托付给我们,我们就要对得起红军,我们杜家会一直坚守下去的。"为了这个托付,近80个春秋,杜家人三代接力,寒来暑往守护着烈士的... 杜正云,沾益县花山街道兴发村一个普普通通的村民,是杜家第三代小红军墓守墓人。他常说:"把小红军托付给我们,我们就要对得起红军,我们杜家会一直坚守下去的。"为了这个托付,近80个春秋,杜家人三代接力,寒来暑往守护着烈士的英灵。这个小红军墓,还有一段鲜为人知的故事,由杜家人口口相传至今。1936年4月初的一天。 展开更多
关键词 花山街 三代人 沾益县 口口相传 道兴 第三代 革命传统教育 宣威 虎头山 国民党军队
作者 王祖龙 《三峡论坛》 2012年第1期134-136,150,共3页
"写意"、"比兴"、"体道"是文人画的三维视界。"写意"作为形式层面,从符号学角度确立了文人画的形式特征,它的内涵构成文人画的形式视界;"比兴"作为情感层面,从现象学角度规定了文人... "写意"、"比兴"、"体道"是文人画的三维视界。"写意"作为形式层面,从符号学角度确立了文人画的形式特征,它的内涵构成文人画的形式视界;"比兴"作为情感层面,从现象学角度规定了文人画的形象构成,它的内涵构成了文人画的情感视界;"体道"作为意蕴层面,从本体论高度确定了文人画的人文价值,它的内涵构成了文人画的人生视界。 展开更多
关键词 文人画 三维视界 写意
《台州市人民政府公报》 2013年第7期30-31,共2页
台政办发[2013]56号各县(市、区)人民政府,市政府直属各单位:2012年.全市沿海各级政府和有关部门认真贯彻落实伏季休渔制度.圆满完成了伏季休渔管理任务.并在工作中涌现了一批成绩突出的先进集体和先进个人。为树立典型,鼓励先进,市政... 台政办发[2013]56号各县(市、区)人民政府,市政府直属各单位:2012年.全市沿海各级政府和有关部门认真贯彻落实伏季休渔制度.圆满完成了伏季休渔管理任务.并在工作中涌现了一批成绩突出的先进集体和先进个人。为树立典型,鼓励先进,市政府决定对台州市海洋与渔业局等6个"2012年全市伏季休渔管理工作先进集体"、袁小华等17名"2012年全市伏季休渔管理工作先进个人"予以通报表彰。 展开更多
关键词 伏季休渔 健跳镇 金清镇 边防总队 陈应 吴军 潘江 项忠 卫军 道兴
《南阳市人民政府公报》 2009年第6期29-30,共2页
南阳对外开放高峰论坛隆重举行6月16日上午,由市政府主办、市商务局承办的南阳对外开放高峰论坛,在南阳宾馆隆重举行。论坛主题是"开放、创新、奋进、发展"。出席论坛的领导、专家有:省商务厅副厅长宋国卿,省社科院副院长刘道... 南阳对外开放高峰论坛隆重举行6月16日上午,由市政府主办、市商务局承办的南阳对外开放高峰论坛,在南阳宾馆隆重举行。论坛主题是"开放、创新、奋进、发展"。出席论坛的领导、专家有:省商务厅副厅长宋国卿,省社科院副院长刘道兴,省发改委经济研究所所长郑泰森,河南大学经济学院院长耿明斋。 展开更多
关键词 南阳宾馆 社科院副院长 宋国 耿明 道兴 中国中部地区 对内对外 输变电工程 副中心 调整结构
Effects of Forest Roads on Habitat Pattern for Sables in Da Hinggan Mountains, Northeasten China 被引量:4
作者 LI Yuehui WU Wen +3 位作者 XIONG Zaiping HU Yuanman CHANG Yu XIAO Duning 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第5期587-598,共12页
The anthropogenic managements of forest have created a network of roads resulting in the loss and alternation of habitat. To better understand road′s impact on animal habitats, we assessed the habitat pattern of sabl... The anthropogenic managements of forest have created a network of roads resulting in the loss and alternation of habitat. To better understand road′s impact on animal habitats, we assessed the habitat pattern of sables(Martes zibellina), one of rodents within national first-class protected species, when roads are considered in Huzhong area in Da Hinggan Mountains, northeastern China. Employing published literatures about behavior ecology, aerial photographs and forest stand maps, we classified the study area into three habitat types including best-suitable, suitable and unsuitable habitats based on sable habitat requirements at the landscape scale including four variables derived from forest source map with attribute database. Results indicated the loss and significant fragmentation of best-suitable habitat and home range habitat when roads, especially 150 m avoidance distance of roads, were considered. The roads reduced and fragmented highly suitable habitats more significantly during earlier development period than the later development period. Additionally, the suitable area percentage increased with increasing distance to roads. This study helped to identify the suitable area for sables and location of sable population. Also, this study suggested the passage construction and road management involving road closure and removal will reduce the fragmentation functionally and benefit the sable population. 展开更多
关键词 forest road SABLE habitat pattern buffer analysis Da Hinggan Mountains
Hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel subtypes differentially modulate the excitability of murine small intestinal afferents 被引量:3
作者 Ying-Ping Wang Bi-Ying Sun +4 位作者 Qian Li Li Dong Guo-Hua Zhang David Grundy Wei-Fang Rong 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第6期522-531,共10页
AIM: To assess the role of hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated cation (HCN) channels in regu- lating the excitability of vagal and spinal gut afferents. METHODS: The mechanosensory response of mese... AIM: To assess the role of hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated cation (HCN) channels in regu- lating the excitability of vagal and spinal gut afferents. METHODS: The mechanosensory response of mesen- teric afferent activity was measured in an ex vivo murine jejunum preparation. HCN channel activity was recorded through voltage and current clamp in acutely dissoci- ated dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and nodose ganglia (NG) neurons retrogradely labeled from the small intestine through injection of a fluorescent marker (DiI). The isoforms of HCN channels expressed in DRG and NG neurons were examined by immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: Ramp distension of the small intestine evok- ed biphasic increases in the afferent nerve activity, re- flecting the activation of low- and high-threshold fibers.HCN blocker CsCl (5 mmol/L) preferentially inhibited the responses of low-threshold fibers to distension and showed no significant effects on the high-threshold re- sponses. The effect of CsCI was mimicked by the more selective HCN blocker ZD7288 (10 ~mol/L). In 71.4% of DiI labeled DRG neurons (/7 = 20) and 90.9% of DiI labeled NG neurons (n = 10), an inward current (Ih current) was evoked by hyperpolarization pulses which was fully eliminated by extracellular CsCI. In neurons expressing Ih current, a typical "sag" was observed upon injection of hyperpolarizing current pulses in cur- rent-clamp recordings. CsCI abolished the sag entirely. In some DiI labeled DRG neurons, the Ih current was potentiated by 8-Br-cAMP, which had no effect on the Ih current of DiI labeled NG neurons. Immunohistochem- istry revealed differential expression of HCN isoforms in vagal and spinal afferents, and HCN2 and HCN3 seemed to be the dominant isoform in DRG and NG, respec- tively.CONCLUSION: HCNs differentially regulate the excit- ability of vagal and spinal afferent of murine small in- testine. 展开更多
关键词 Hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleo-tide-gated cation Vagal afferent Spinal afferent Gas-trointestinal tract CSCI
Man is consubstantial with God Moral reflections on Humanism
作者 Haijie LIU 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第11期86-88,共3页
Early Renaissance man regained the independence of individual personality, but by the fear of God into the evolution away from God, from the backwash toward the loss. Late Renaissance reflection and adjustments is com... Early Renaissance man regained the independence of individual personality, but by the fear of God into the evolution away from God, from the backwash toward the loss. Late Renaissance reflection and adjustments is comforting one, rational constraints original desire, divinity give directions to humanity, which is the most profound meaning of humanism. For human freedom and liberation, post-humanism made a valuable exploration, by absorbing humanistic ingredients of the ancient Greek - Roman and Hebrew - Christian culture, tried to avoid walking single dimension of cultural evolution orientation. 展开更多
Reduction of gastrointestinal motility by unilateral thyroparathyroidectomy plus subdiaphragmatic vagotomy in rats
作者 Jun Ho Lee Oh Deog Kwon +5 位作者 Seon Ho Ahn Keun Han Choi Ji Hye Park Seoul Lee Bong Kyu Choi Kyu Yong Jung 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第33期4570-4577,共8页
AIM: To investigate whether the combined methods of unilateral thyroparathyroidectomy (TPX) and subdiaphragmatic vagotomy (VAX) can be adapted for rats and used as a reliable method to produce a rat model of long-term... AIM: To investigate whether the combined methods of unilateral thyroparathyroidectomy (TPX) and subdiaphragmatic vagotomy (VAX) can be adapted for rats and used as a reliable method to produce a rat model of long-term reduction of gastrointestinal (GI) motor function. METHODS: Male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into 3 groups, normal, sham-operated and unilateral TPX plus VAX. The TPX plus VAX rats received VAX 7 d after application of TPX, and dietary intake and fecal output were then measured daily for 1 wk.After completion of the experiments, gastric emptying and small bowel transit were measured in vivo, and the contractile responses of colonic strips to excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters were estimated using isometric force transducers in vitro. RESULTS: In comparison with normal and sham-operated rats, rats which received unilateral TPX plus VAX showed a significant decrease in body weight and in fecal pellet number and weight throughout the entire week. Application of TPX plus VAX to rats markedly delayed gastric emptying and small bowel transit. In TPX plus VAX rats, the longitudinal muscles of the proximal colon showed a significant reduction in contractile responses to acetylcholine (5 × 10-6 mol/L), and a dramatic attenuation of contractile responses was also observed in both the longitudinal and circular muscles of the distal colon. However, the spontaneous contractility of the colonic strips from TPX plus VAX rats was not significantly affected by treatment with N-nitro-Larginine-methyl ester (0.1 mol/L). CONCLUSION: The results indicate that unilateral TPX plus VAX reduced the motor function of the GI tract in rats, and the reduced gut motility is likely mediated, at least in part, by inhibition of the excitatory neurotransmitter system. 展开更多
关键词 Unilateral thyroparathyroidectomy Subdiaphragmatic vagotomy Gastric emptying Small bowel transit Rat
Humanistic Principles in the Circle of European Literature Themes
作者 Gordana Pokrajac 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2014年第8期552-563,共12页
There is the question--can we hope that humanism and erudition can redevelop nowadays? In the long history of humanistic inheritance, from ancient times till the end of the 18th century, there was obvious decadence o... There is the question--can we hope that humanism and erudition can redevelop nowadays? In the long history of humanistic inheritance, from ancient times till the end of the 18th century, there was obvious decadence of essential humanistic points. As the historial period, humanism means revival of classical culture, and as a specific culturological phenomenon, it means erudite education created by Hellens and developed by Romans, who recovered "humanitas" as global education. Italy was the first who helped humanists to contemplate on classical culture; and in post-medieval age, Italian humanists achieved a supreme measure of humanism through their "humanistic studies." We will try to point out good achievements of humanism erudite education in European culture in later epochs. Humanism leads man to turn over to world--after medieval stricture--and it becomes self-conscious revolution, what we can see in Latin literature till the 18th century. Rise of individualism, development of libraries and humanistic academies give chance to latin tradition in European literature as universal discipline, including erudite education in international corpus (Ragusa also). High-intellectual and latinized elites with humanistic state of mind develop complex spiritual inteligency with science requests in later epochs too. We will try to explain in which degree humanism, with its synthetic point of view, influences on later corpus of European literary themes and how great its actuallity is nowdays. 展开更多
关键词 HUMANISM latinism ERUDITION studia humana ITALY Ragusa encyclopedism
党员干部要带头注重家教家风 被引量:2
作者 杜治江 《理论导报》 2015年第12期49-50,共2页
党员干部既是"党的人",也是家庭中起着举足轻重作用的成员。家庭建设搞得好坏跟他们对家教家风的重视程度有很大关系。家风正,则家道兴,民风淳;家风不正,则家道衰,民风坏。由于家教家风连着党风政风,所以党员干部搞好家庭建... 党员干部既是"党的人",也是家庭中起着举足轻重作用的成员。家庭建设搞得好坏跟他们对家教家风的重视程度有很大关系。家风正,则家道兴,民风淳;家风不正,则家道衰,民风坏。由于家教家风连着党风政风,所以党员干部搞好家庭建设也就是做到对组织、对家庭的双重负责。只有充分认识到自己的家风不是小事,不是家庭私事,而是干部作风的重要体现,才能做到"不论时代发生多大变化,不论生活格局发生多大变化,我们都要重视家庭建设,注重家庭。 展开更多
关键词 党员干部 风不正 干部作风 亲情教育 道兴 中央纪委书记 中起 价值认同 领导干部 习仲勋
作者 鸿勋 《文史知识》 1988年第8期80-80,共1页
[原文]昔有刘义狄者,中山人也。甚能善造千日之酒,饮者醉亦千日。时青州刘玄石善能饮酒,敌来就狄饮千日之酒。狄语玄石曰:'酒沸未定,不堪君吃。'玄石再三求乞取尝,狄自取一盏与尝,饮尽。玄石更索,狄知已醉,语玄石曰:'今君已... [原文]昔有刘义狄者,中山人也。甚能善造千日之酒,饮者醉亦千日。时青州刘玄石善能饮酒,敌来就狄饮千日之酒。狄语玄石曰:'酒沸未定,不堪君吃。'玄石再三求乞取尝,狄自取一盏与尝,饮尽。玄石更索,狄知已醉,语玄石曰:'今君已醉,待醒更来,当共君同饮。'玄石嗔而遂去。玄石至家,乃即醉死。家人不知来由,遂即埋之。 展开更多
关键词 玄石 千日 善能 牛日 搜神记 道兴
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