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《新农药》 2002年第1期38-38,共1页
关键词 道农 巴斯夫 Clearfield油菜 作物 全球合作 油菜
《质量技术监督研究》 2001年第5期13-13,共1页
浙江省海宁市农村,这里原是杭嘉湖平原上的鱼米之乡,可一谈到种田,农民们就吸开了苦经。 在田间耕作了50多年的张品金告诉笔者,如今种田,也不知道哪里来这么多病虫害,算了一下,去年水稻种下去,隔10天左右就要打一次农药,从插秧开始打到... 浙江省海宁市农村,这里原是杭嘉湖平原上的鱼米之乡,可一谈到种田,农民们就吸开了苦经。 在田间耕作了50多年的张品金告诉笔者,如今种田,也不知道哪里来这么多病虫害,算了一下,去年水稻种下去,隔10天左右就要打一次农药,从插秧开始打到抽穗,整整打了13道农药,才保住了收成。 展开更多
关键词 水稻 道农 杭嘉湖平原 病虫害 化肥 鱼米之乡 海宁市 糖醋诱杀 善待自然 灯光诱杀
作者 郭秀君 《黑河科技》 2002年第1期52-52,共1页
关键词 浅基浮体式 构造 设计 桥梁
作者 刘发智 田振华 《黑龙江水利》 2015年第10期13-16,共4页
小型农道桥是跨越渠道连接农田和道路的建筑物,是田间配套建筑物的重要组成部分。本文从小型农道桥结构型式和施工工艺入手,提出了一种预制组合式和批量工厂化小型农道桥,该桥施工简便、施工工期短,造价低,在实际应用中具有重要的现实... 小型农道桥是跨越渠道连接农田和道路的建筑物,是田间配套建筑物的重要组成部分。本文从小型农道桥结构型式和施工工艺入手,提出了一种预制组合式和批量工厂化小型农道桥,该桥施工简便、施工工期短,造价低,在实际应用中具有重要的现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 渠系建筑物 小型 组合式 工厂化
作者 刘铁奇 高长权 杨宏宇 《黑龙江水利科技》 2009年第1期179-180,共2页
关键词 北引 结构物破损 修补加固 方法
作者 杨永安 于宝 +1 位作者 邢宏 翟赋 《水利天地》 2001年第3期45-45,共1页
关键词 浮体式 浅基础 结构设计 抗冻 可靠性
“家电下乡”活动的分销渠道建设思考——以湖北省为例 被引量:1
作者 张辉 《科技资讯》 2009年第13期249-250,共2页
该文在全国开展的"家电下乡"活动的背景下,以湖北省为例,认为农村家电市场消费具有注重经济实用性、消费时间集中、市场分布广、品牌意识逐渐增强等特征,预测了活动持续期间农村家电市场的需求,对目前较成熟的区域代理分销模... 该文在全国开展的"家电下乡"活动的背景下,以湖北省为例,认为农村家电市场消费具有注重经济实用性、消费时间集中、市场分布广、品牌意识逐渐增强等特征,预测了活动持续期间农村家电市场的需求,对目前较成熟的区域代理分销模式、大型连锁终端分销模式、企业自建渠道分销模式、直销模式等四种家电产品分销渠道进行了分析,并给出了针对农村市场的分销渠道创新建议。 展开更多
关键词 家电 村市场 分销渠
作者 纤夫 《福建农业》 1995年第1期2-2,共1页
据报道闽东某县1993年发放农业生产经营费用仅110万元,而这个县同年农行累计发放的贷款却达6136万元。由此可见,农业贷款真正落到农民手中的比例很少。这种“挂着农字号,不干农家事”的现象着实令人担扰。 谈到眼下的农村工作情况,有人... 据报道闽东某县1993年发放农业生产经营费用仅110万元,而这个县同年农行累计发放的贷款却达6136万元。由此可见,农业贷款真正落到农民手中的比例很少。这种“挂着农字号,不干农家事”的现象着实令人担扰。 谈到眼下的农村工作情况,有人说是“两头热中间冷”。事实上也正如此。高层领导坚持把农业摆在各项经济工作的首位,以稳粮增收为目标,全面发展农村经济;下面老百姓知道农时不可违,肥料自己备,种子自己找;就是中间一些涉农部门挂着农字号,不干农家事,变把戏似地坑农、卡农。在一些地方,农业贷款已今非昔比,相当部分已被“农转非”挪作他用,落入个别人的囊中。象征性的蝇头小额也伴随着“ 展开更多
关键词 业贷款 字号 道农 头热 稳粮增收 蝇头 间冷
作者 庄赐南 《福建农业》 1996年第8期22-22,共1页
现在,各级政府和有关部门都开始重视农村工作,常常派人下到农村,了解春耕及其它有关情况,帮助农民解决一些实际困难,确实支持了农民,深受农民的欢迎。为了更好地支农还必须先”知农”。尤其是一些对农村既不够了解,缺乏农业基本知识,又... 现在,各级政府和有关部门都开始重视农村工作,常常派人下到农村,了解春耕及其它有关情况,帮助农民解决一些实际困难,确实支持了农民,深受农民的欢迎。为了更好地支农还必须先”知农”。尤其是一些对农村既不够了解,缺乏农业基本知识,又爱发号施令不懂装懂的机关干部的所谓“农盲”,更要首先了解农民。 一、要了解农村的实际情况。 展开更多
关键词 民文化 村信息 道农 始重 种养殖 机关干部 村工作 顺昌县 工作 技术资金
作者 陈福坤 王之义 +1 位作者 孙松怀 戴勇 《水利学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2001年第10期93-96,共4页
运用理论与实践相结合的方法 ,确定和优化组成振动式鼠道犁的振动、传动、成洞机构的三要件和其它组件的设计方法与制造工艺 .研制具有构思新颖、设计合理、洞身可调、犁刀自收、操作方便、成洞质量好、噪音低等特点的、适合中国国情的... 运用理论与实践相结合的方法 ,确定和优化组成振动式鼠道犁的振动、传动、成洞机构的三要件和其它组件的设计方法与制造工艺 .研制具有构思新颖、设计合理、洞身可调、犁刀自收、操作方便、成洞质量好、噪音低等特点的、适合中国国情的新犁具 .为农业现代化和节水革命提供一项新产品和相关的新技术 .运用该项技术 ,可取得每公顷节地 2 5 %、增加麦产量 495kg的经济效益 . 展开更多
关键词 田鼠 成洞机具 振动式鼠
作者 贺雄 周守宏 《山西财经大学学报》 1987年第5期110-110,共1页
关键词 供销合作社 销销 道农 开拓经营 星罗 变宽 商业
作者 刘乾先 《古籍整理研究学刊》 1985年第1期29-29,共1页
《韩非子·五》有一句话:“其商工之民,修治苦窳之器,聚弗靡之财,蓄积待时,而侔农夫之利”。“苦窳”指粗劣,“侔”即侵取,那么,“弗靡之财”究竟指何而言呢?陈奇猷《韩非子集释》释“弗靡”为“沸靡”,释“财”为“货”,认为“弗... 《韩非子·五》有一句话:“其商工之民,修治苦窳之器,聚弗靡之财,蓄积待时,而侔农夫之利”。“苦窳”指粗劣,“侔”即侵取,那么,“弗靡之财”究竟指何而言呢?陈奇猷《韩非子集释》释“弗靡”为“沸靡”,释“财”为“货”,认为“弗靡之财,犹言奢侈之货”;王焕镳《韩非子选》则认为“弗靡之财”需那是"压榨来的财富"。前一种解释是一种很有代表性的看法,对此我颇有怀疑,怎能囤聚一些奢侈的货物去"侔农夫之利"呢?难道农夫急需那些与他们衣食无关的奢侈品吗?至于后一种看法,其所云不知所本,亦不敢苟同。 这里有两个问题:一是“弗靡”到底如何解?一是“财”如何解? 我以为“弗靡”不必作“沸靡”。从版本上说,明赵用贤刊本、迂评本、凌瀛初本固然皆作“沸靡”,但更早的宋乾道黄三八郎刊本却作“弗靡”,明正统道藏本以及其它许多版本亦作“弗靡”。我以为,作“弗靡”实较“沸靡”于义为长,“弗靡” 展开更多
关键词 韩非子 墨子 生活必需品 赵用贤 道农 多版本 玉帛 一种解释 集释
Treatment of Domestic Sewage by Channels Constructed Wetland in New Countryside 被引量:1
作者 杨林 余跑兰 +2 位作者 赖发英 周利军 王琳 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第4期857-860,866,共5页
[Objection] The aim was to study application of channels constructed wetland in treatment of domestic sewages in new countryside. [Method] Supported by construction of new rural areas project in China, we surveyed on ... [Objection] The aim was to study application of channels constructed wetland in treatment of domestic sewages in new countryside. [Method] Supported by construction of new rural areas project in China, we surveyed on new rural areas in Gannan, Jiangxi Province, summarized source, characteristics and treatment of domestic sewage in countryside, and designed channels constructed wetland for sewage treatment. [Result] The technique is proven effective in sewage treatment. After the technique was conducted for a trial run for four months, removal rates of COD, TP and TN averaged 73.07%, 73.25% and 72.36%, respectively. After contin- uous sampling for six times, effluent COD was analyzed 20-35 mg/L, TP was 0.60- 1.19 mg/L and TN was 6.88-11.21 mg/L, better than that of Standard 1B ruled by Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant. [Conclusion] Thanks for low investment, channels constructed wetland can be built by trans- formation of bottom land, proving a good way for treatment of diffuse pollution source and control of water non-point pollution. 展开更多
关键词 Domestic sewage in countryside Channels constructed wetland Surface flow: Underflow
作者 刘永国 《安徽消防》 1997年第1期21-21,共1页
关键词 配电室 配电房 大火 变压器 穿过田野 滚带 牛绳 道农 木梯 节骨眼
《现代农业科学》 1994年第2期16-16,共1页
关键词 西红柿 幼芽嫁接 土豆 韩国 塑料大棚 地上部 生长期 地下部 收获量 道农
Study on the Price Design and Contract Stability of "Company + Farmer" Model with Time Preference under Double Moral Hazards
作者 高阔 甘筱青 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第8期1424-1427,共4页
The double moral hazard of "company + farmer" and the time preference cost of company and farmer was analyzed. According to static game model, it re-vealed that the reason for low compliance rate of "company + fa... The double moral hazard of "company + farmer" and the time preference cost of company and farmer was analyzed. According to static game model, it re-vealed that the reason for low compliance rate of "company + farmer" model was the existence of market risk, namely, the fluctuation of market price, and the stable market price in contracts was actualy a kind of interval, instead of a specific value. Furthermore, the effect of default penalty, market transaction cost and time prefer-ence cost on the stability of contract was studied. The results showed that default penalty, market transaction cost and time preference cost had positive influence on the price interval range of a contract. 展开更多
关键词 "Company+ farmer" Double moral hazard Time preference Price design Contract stability
Comparison of Cancer Incidence between China and the USA 被引量:10
作者 Yong-chuan Wang Li-juan Wei +2 位作者 Jun-tian Liu Shi-xia Li Qing-sheng Wang 《Clinical oncology and cancer researeh》 CAS CSCD 2012年第2期128-132,共5页
Objective The incidence of cancer varies around the globe,especially between less-developed and developed regions.The aim of this study is to explore differences in cancer incidence between China and the USA. Methods ... Objective The incidence of cancer varies around the globe,especially between less-developed and developed regions.The aim of this study is to explore differences in cancer incidence between China and the USA. Methods Data were obtained from the GLOBOCAN 2008 database.Estimated numbers of new cancer cases in the USA were obtained from the American Cancer Society,while the numbers of cases in China,including those in urban and rural areas,were obtained from 36 cancer registries(2003-2005).Cancer incidence for major sites between China and the USA were analyzed. Results In China,lung cancer was the predominant type of cancer detected in males;in females,breast cancer was the main type of cancer.Gastrointestinal cancers,such as those of the liver,stomach,and esophagus,were more commonly seen in China than in the USA.A significant difference in the incidence of melanoma of the skin was observed between China and the USA.During comparison of differences in the age-standardized rates by world population(ASRWs) of major cancer sites between the two countries,4 sites in males(i.e.,nasopharynx,esophagus,stomach,and liver) and 6 sites in females(i.e.,nasopharynx,esophagus,stomach,liver, gallbladder,and cervix uteri) showed higher cancer incidence rates in China than in the USA. Conclusions Significant differences in cancer incidence sites were found between the two countries.Cancer may be prevented through public education and awareness.Programs to promote cancer prevention in China,especially those of the lung,breast,and gastrointestinal region,must also be implemented. 展开更多
Genetic Divergence among Progenies Resulting from the Crossing of Groups Coffee Timor Hybrid and Dilla & Alghe
作者 Janine Magalhaes Guedes Juliana Costa Rezende +4 位作者 Joao Marcos Rodrigues Andrade Lara Samuel Pereira Carvalho Antonio Alves Pereira Alex Mendonca de Carvalho 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2013年第12期865-872,共8页
This study aimed to agronomically and morphologically characterize, as well as analyze the genetic divergence of Dilla & Alghe x Timor hybrid progenies of the coffee germplasm bank of Minas Gerais in Brazil to improv... This study aimed to agronomically and morphologically characterize, as well as analyze the genetic divergence of Dilla & Alghe x Timor hybrid progenies of the coffee germplasm bank of Minas Gerais in Brazil to improve the breeding and management schemes of the hybrids. Forty-two morpho-agronomic traits were evaluated and the generalized Mahalanobis distance was used to quantify the genetic divergence among progenies. Tocher clustering, unweighted pair-group method using arithmetic averages (UPGMA) method and canonical variation analysis were employed as clustering strategies. The Tocher and UPGMA methods have been separated the progenies into eight and five groups, respectively. Analysis of the relative contribution of each characteristic to genetic dissimilarity highlighted the characteristics of production in liters in 2009, production notes in 2009, and average uniformity of maturation in 2009 as those that contributed most to obtaining genetic divergence. The authors observed that the first three canonical variables accounted for over 99% of the total variance observed in the full set of analyzed characteristics. High variability was observed among the 15 progenies of Dilla & Alghe × Timor hybrid progenies. The progenies MG0589 and MG0592, MG0593 and MG0589, MG0591 and MG0589, MG0589 and MG0588, MG0589 and MG0583 were the most suitable crosses for exploring the genetic variability in Dilla & Alghe × Timor hybrid generated from the germplasm bank of Minas Gerais. Through these crossovers, it is expected to get new coffee cultivars with desirable agronomic characteristics, as resistant to Pseudomonas xyringae pv. garcae and some breeds ofHemileia vastatrix. 展开更多
关键词 Coffea arabica multivariate analysis germplasm bank genetic improvement morpho-agronomic traits.
Goat Marketing Systems and Channels in Selected Markets of Lilongwe District in Malawi
作者 L. J. Banda J. L. Dzanja T. N. Gondwe 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第8期1200-1203,共4页
A household survey was carried out in Central Malawi to evaluate the goat marketing structure and systems in the rural areas using Nsundwe and Nkhoma areas in Lilongwe District as a case study. The analysis focused on... A household survey was carried out in Central Malawi to evaluate the goat marketing structure and systems in the rural areas using Nsundwe and Nkhoma areas in Lilongwe District as a case study. The analysis focused on identifying marketing systems of goats in Malawi by investigating the role of goats in an average Malawian rural household and how the current goat marketing systems affects that role. Goats play important role in Malawian rural households by way of providing food, income and as a capital reserve to be used in times critical times of food scarcity. The findings indicate that there is potential for goats to generate more income for the rural farmers, which can in turn help to improve household food security. The marketing system however apparently does not favour the farmers. The farmers seem not to know goat prices beyond the rural markets and hence have inadequate negotiating power to sell at optimum prices. Middlemen bought from farmers and finally sold the goats to urban consumers and retail shops. From the analysis, middlemen seemed to control the goat marketing system. Urban butchers sold the goats at 58% more than the value of farmers while retail shops sold at 137% more than the value of farmers. The differences reflect value-adding activities done at butchers and retail shops levels as well as transportation costs and profit margins. Though farmers may not engage in value adding, the finding implies that they would fetch more money if they supplied directly to the retail shops than to the middlemen. With access to more market information, they could also increase their bargaining power information with middlemen and sell the goats at relatively higher prices than the current. This paper details the results of the study. 展开更多
关键词 Market structure constraints POVERTY FARMER MIDDLEMEN
作者 张秀锦 《河南水利与南水北调》 2015年第4期44-45,共2页
小型农灌渠道工程在促进地区经济发展方面发挥极其重要的作用,为保证小型农灌渠道工程的社会效益得以充分发挥,应严格控制工程设计与施工两个重要环节,以保证小型农灌渠道工程质量。文章对小型农灌渠道工程设计方案中的优化措施进行了分... 小型农灌渠道工程在促进地区经济发展方面发挥极其重要的作用,为保证小型农灌渠道工程的社会效益得以充分发挥,应严格控制工程设计与施工两个重要环节,以保证小型农灌渠道工程质量。文章对小型农灌渠道工程设计方案中的优化措施进行了分析,并阐述了小型农灌渠道工程的施工质量控制措施,以期为更好发挥小型农灌渠道工程的作用提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 小型灌渠 工程设计 施工质量
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