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A Major Landslide Involving an Inverted Paleochannel in Sierra County, New Mexico
作者 Gerald Lindsey 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2013年第12期791-806,共16页
A landslide that probably dates to the end of the Pleistocene has been found in Sierra County. The feature consists of three sub-parallel segments, covering an area about 8 km wide and 10 km long. The head of the slid... A landslide that probably dates to the end of the Pleistocene has been found in Sierra County. The feature consists of three sub-parallel segments, covering an area about 8 km wide and 10 km long. The head of the slide deposits consists of a northeast-trending paleochannel forming an inverted topography. The paleochannel deposits contain many boulders with sizes up to 1.5 meter diameter, indicating flow rate as high as 100 m3/s. The paleochannel ridge is mostly underlain by the hidden lateral contact of the Cretaceous Crevasse Canyon Formation and by the Tertiary Love Ranch and is sharply defined by Yoast Draw valley that cuts a water gap through the 25 m high inverted ridge. The landslide body consists of Love Ranch Formation overlain by a substantial cover of Quaternary fanglomerate. A series of northwest-trending faults have influenced the landslide. The broad western upslope segment of the slide has been washed away, leaving only trace evidence of a landslide. A low slide plane angle of less than 1% slope suggests a seismic trigger. 展开更多
关键词 Inverted paleochannel Pleistocene climate seismic trigger landslide Sierra County geology.
作者 毛书征 《瞭望》 北大核心 1990年第11期33-33,共1页
一个地区和单位的廉政建设如何? “头头”带头最关紧要。“其身正,不令而行;其身不正,虽令不行”,“桃李无言,下自成蹊”,“喊破嗓子不如做出样子”,“三令五申不如身体力行”,这些古今谚语都是被实践反复证明了的真理。但是,象报纸所... 一个地区和单位的廉政建设如何? “头头”带头最关紧要。“其身正,不令而行;其身不正,虽令不行”,“桃李无言,下自成蹊”,“喊破嗓子不如做出样子”,“三令五申不如身体力行”,这些古今谚语都是被实践反复证明了的真理。但是,象报纸所载湖南省岳阳县县委书记黄甲喜那样,“在端正党风,不以权谋私和为人民办实事这几点上”,敢于公开向全县干部大声疾呼:“向我看齐!”却十分不易,为古往今来所少有。 展开更多
关键词 黄甲 下自成蹊 端正党风 县委书记 廉政勤政 贪污受贿 为官者 封建统治阶级 道昂 人从
作者 吕友者 《东方收藏》 2016年第4期67-72,共6页
富冈铁斋为近代日本画坛巨墨,其地位可与中国的齐白石相匹,遗留作品多达2万余件。铁斋最初通称猷辅,青年时期称道昂、道节,至1872年一度名铁斋。以后名百炼,字无倦,号铁斋。1924年12月31日卒于京都。1986年10月为纪念他诞生150周年,在... 富冈铁斋为近代日本画坛巨墨,其地位可与中国的齐白石相匹,遗留作品多达2万余件。铁斋最初通称猷辅,青年时期称道昂、道节,至1872年一度名铁斋。以后名百炼,字无倦,号铁斋。1924年12月31日卒于京都。1986年10月为纪念他诞生150周年,在中国北京和上海举办了富冈铁斋书画展览,产生了广泛的影响。学者兼职画家富冈铁斋,字无倦,日本文人画画家。 展开更多
关键词 铁斋 艺术漫谈 道昂 近代日本 人物画创作 吴昌硕 四畅图 桃源图 《前赤壁赋》 明清文人
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