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作者 韦敏 《企业管理》 2019年第7期49-52,共4页
曾经做过IBM管理咨询高级合伙人、随后担任两家企业CEO的李志宏,现在转型做起了企业家私人教练,开启了以全程陪伴方式助力企业家成长的新历程。他如何看当今的企业家群体?为什么要从传统管理咨询向企业家私人教练转型?他有哪些全球视野... 曾经做过IBM管理咨询高级合伙人、随后担任两家企业CEO的李志宏,现在转型做起了企业家私人教练,开启了以全程陪伴方式助力企业家成长的新历程。他如何看当今的企业家群体?为什么要从传统管理咨询向企业家私人教练转型?他有哪些全球视野下的管理咨询经验与感悟?带着这些问题,本刊记者于近日采访了道可智库、道可私董会创始人李志宏。 展开更多
关键词 李志宏 私人教练 企业家 私董会
“知不道”和“不知道” 被引量:7
作者 沈怀兴 《语言研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第3期30-31,共2页
关键词 不到 知不 不知
中保斯通智运快线:梦想因行动而伟大 被引量:2
作者 杨吉 《广东经济》 2017年第10期82-83,共2页
马亚胜:全球第一条智慧物流快线缔造者历经三年艰苦探索、科技创新,首条智慧物流快线全球发布会在广州隆重举行。7月7日,广东中保斯通集团向全球发布首条"智慧物流快线"。该项目致力于建成覆盖全国城乡的索道智运快线系统,通过"索... 马亚胜:全球第一条智慧物流快线缔造者历经三年艰苦探索、科技创新,首条智慧物流快线全球发布会在广州隆重举行。7月7日,广东中保斯通集团向全球发布首条"智慧物流快线"。该项目致力于建成覆盖全国城乡的索道智运快线系统,通过"索轨+穿梭机器人"实现商品国内当天送达,同城一小时到货,物流费用下降一半的目标。在广州当前正大力发展其"IAB"计划,即新一代信息技术(Information Technology)、 展开更多
关键词 道智 于建成 保斯 斯通 信息技术 云计算中心 产业转型升级 自动驾驶系统 完全知识产权
作者 刘朝霞 《四川师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期31-37,共7页
南北朝地论学派与摄论学派的思想属于广义的唯识学,影响了天台智者教判思想的形成,尤其真谛翻译的《大乘唯识论》的"别教"观念,对智者的"别教"教判影响很大。别教核心是"别理",依之而形成道种智。智者基... 南北朝地论学派与摄论学派的思想属于广义的唯识学,影响了天台智者教判思想的形成,尤其真谛翻译的《大乘唯识论》的"别教"观念,对智者的"别教"教判影响很大。别教核心是"别理",依之而形成道种智。智者基本判唯识学思想为别教有门,既殊胜于通教,又稍逊于圆教,且不同于别教空门的三论思想。 展开更多
关键词 唯识古学 别教
作者 吕田 《中国食品》 2015年第9期94-95,共2页
近年来,物联网概念在家电行业被一再提及。有趣的是,不仅是家电,一些厨房小物件也以"互联互通"为卖点,为消费者提供更智能的使用体验。这些功能是创新还是噱头呢?精准量化智能厨房让"傻瓜"变专业黄瓜100克、肉丝100克、食用盐一小... 近年来,物联网概念在家电行业被一再提及。有趣的是,不仅是家电,一些厨房小物件也以"互联互通"为卖点,为消费者提供更智能的使用体验。这些功能是创新还是噱头呢?精准量化智能厨房让"傻瓜"变专业黄瓜100克、肉丝100克、食用盐一小勺……食材克重的配比对于不少烹饪初学者来说并不好掌握。菜谱普遍以克重或是单位容器为计量单位,这也让80后、90后的"生手"很难做到"一把准"。此外,烹饪的时间和火候也令人难以把控。不过,对于消费者赵晓光来说,"这都不叫事儿。" 展开更多
关键词 克重 食材 计量单位 物联网 互联互通 食用盐 赵晓 食物成分 附赠 道智
作者 仁和 《华人时刊》 2015年第10期86-88,共3页
武汉有一家特殊的民营食品小厂,这家工厂曾经红红火火,如今却一度陷入困境。让周围的人想不明白的是,女老板明明知道智残工人工作效率低下,已成为制约企业发展的瓶颈,却先后卖掉或抵押两套房产往厂里贴钱,8年累计亏损近80万元,仍坚持留... 武汉有一家特殊的民营食品小厂,这家工厂曾经红红火火,如今却一度陷入困境。让周围的人想不明白的是,女老板明明知道智残工人工作效率低下,已成为制约企业发展的瓶颈,却先后卖掉或抵押两套房产往厂里贴钱,8年累计亏损近80万元,仍坚持留下全部智残工人。面对外界的疑惑不解,这个被称为"犟妈"的女老板给出的解释是:她要让这些智商如三五岁孩子般的员工在这里得到尊重—— 展开更多
关键词 道智 疑惑不解 工作效率 销售网点 招聘方 阮成发 在阳台上 企业破产 劳动效率 央视新闻联播
作者 陈旭 《上海城市规划》 2016年第2期124-125,共2页
空间是城市规划研究的重要对象,对于空间的解读有不同的视角,而经济学是其中一个重要的视角。在以空间、区位为对象的经济学研究领域,由克鲁格曼、藤田昌久和维纳布尔斯合著的《空间经济学》是广为流传的经典之作,标志着空间进入了主流... 空间是城市规划研究的重要对象,对于空间的解读有不同的视角,而经济学是其中一个重要的视角。在以空间、区位为对象的经济学研究领域,由克鲁格曼、藤田昌久和维纳布尔斯合著的《空间经济学》是广为流传的经典之作,标志着空间进入了主流经济学的视野,以新古典经济学的建模方式可以用于解释空间经济结构的形成。 展开更多
关键词 空间经济学 维纳布尔斯 集聚经济 城市规划研究 道智 解释空间 产业区位 雅克 藤田 石敏俊
作者 周道智 《钢管》 CAS 1989年第4期61-61,共1页
我厂生产12Cr1MoV 钢管用3Cr2W8V钢顶头穿孔时,顶头产生严重的塌鼻、开裂、表面起毛、凸凹不平缺陷,一只顶头只能穿毛管50~60支,顶头消耗高,钢管内表面质量差。后采用钼基顶头(Mo 基体,Ti0.5%,Zr0.08~0.1%,C0.02~0.03%)穿制出的毛管... 我厂生产12Cr1MoV 钢管用3Cr2W8V钢顶头穿孔时,顶头产生严重的塌鼻、开裂、表面起毛、凸凹不平缺陷,一只顶头只能穿毛管50~60支,顶头消耗高,钢管内表面质量差。后采用钼基顶头(Mo 基体,Ti0.5%,Zr0.08~0.1%,C0.02~0.03%)穿制出的毛管内表面光滑、质量好。 展开更多
关键词 毛管 锅炉管 凸凹不平 塌鼻 内表面 孔时 内折 道智 现场记录 铝基
作者 杨国义 《数学小灵通(烧脑版)(中高年级)》 2017年第9期17-17,11,共2页
四(1)班要评选本月的"数学智多星"了,王老师打开电脑,给同学们出了一道智趣题:将3个相同的骰子按下图所示摆放,3个骰子的底面点数之和最大是多少?乐乐通过仔细观察,发现与"1点"相邻的点数分别是2、3、4、5,从而得出"1点"的对... 四(1)班要评选本月的"数学智多星"了,王老师打开电脑,给同学们出了一道智趣题:将3个相同的骰子按下图所示摆放,3个骰子的底面点数之和最大是多少?乐乐通过仔细观察,发现与"1点"相邻的点数分别是2、3、4、5,从而得出"1点"的对面是6。 展开更多
关键词 道智 参考答案 乐成
作者 于璇 《电器》 2016年第4期77-77,共1页
2016年,三星中国的核心任务,正是通过创新变革为消费者带来美好生活。随着在中国业务范围的扩充,三星正在以全线创新家电产品覆盖中国家庭生活的方方面面。与往届论坛相比,2016年三星中国论坛带给与会者的视觉冲击似乎更强一些。3月2日... 2016年,三星中国的核心任务,正是通过创新变革为消费者带来美好生活。随着在中国业务范围的扩充,三星正在以全线创新家电产品覆盖中国家庭生活的方方面面。与往届论坛相比,2016年三星中国论坛带给与会者的视觉冲击似乎更强一些。3月2日,无边框曲面电视、品道智宴(Family Hub)交互式冰箱、 展开更多
关键词 中国论坛 道智 视觉冲击 FAMILY 创新变革 空气净化器 大中华区 营销副总裁 电视画面 量子点
脱脂·减盐·健康·享瘦 美的纯蒸炉X1-242A体验评测
作者 梁景裕 《消费电子》 2015年第17期70-71,共2页
中国的烹饪方法博大精深,其中的“蒸”也是普通家庭中最常用的烹饪方法。虽然目前很多微波炉都已经具备蒸鱼蒸鸡的功能,不过就味道而言,微波炉所得出的味道跟中国传统烹饪方法的“蒸”还是有很大区别。美的微波炉事业部也特意为了满足... 中国的烹饪方法博大精深,其中的“蒸”也是普通家庭中最常用的烹饪方法。虽然目前很多微波炉都已经具备蒸鱼蒸鸡的功能,不过就味道而言,微波炉所得出的味道跟中国传统烹饪方法的“蒸”还是有很大区别。美的微波炉事业部也特意为了满足中国家庭的需求推出了新款的台式纯蒸炉——美的X1-242A。 展开更多
关键词 烹饪方法 中国家庭 营养成分 X1-242A 杀菌消毒 蒸蛋 蒸汽动力系统 能选择 道智 自动熄灭
《经济资料译丛》 2015年第2期95-95,共1页
从2013年第2期开始,《经济资料译丛》重新定位为国内高质量的通俗经济学期刊,以发表原创性论文为主,倡导运用经济学理论和方法来分析、解释经济、社会问题和现象。主办单位:厦门大学经济学院厦门大学王亚南经济研究院主编:洪永淼副主编... 从2013年第2期开始,《经济资料译丛》重新定位为国内高质量的通俗经济学期刊,以发表原创性论文为主,倡导运用经济学理论和方法来分析、解释经济、社会问题和现象。主办单位:厦门大学经济学院厦门大学王亚南经济研究院主编:洪永淼副主编:林添湖,傅十和,廖谋华,杨荷,赵建国内统一刊号:CN35-1021/F读者群:与财经有关的学生、教师、研究人员。 展开更多
关键词 国内统一刊号 财经科学 企业管理人员 学生作者 西南财经大学 王亚南 中国人民大学 乔治城大学 新加坡国立大学 道智
Security integrated framework for semantic web based on social intelligence
作者 孟庆华 丁永生 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2006年第3期409-412,共4页
An integrated security framework for a semantic web is proposed based on the social intelligence of an individual's avoiding harm and preserving transaction logic-integrity. The framework extends the semantic web mod... An integrated security framework for a semantic web is proposed based on the social intelligence of an individual's avoiding harm and preserving transaction logic-integrity. The framework extends the semantic web model and controls the dynamic security of semantic web services, such as trust, logic and reasoning. It includes four layers, that is, a trust entrance layer, a social intelligence layer, a transaction layer, and a TCP/IP security protocols layer. The trust entrance layer deals with trustable features from users. Social intelligence layer is responsible for logical questions for a semantic web. The transaction layer carries out transaction reasoning. And the TCP/IP security protocols layer ensures security communication. These layers can cooperate to build closed-security-ring with different security grades. The integrated security framework provides an integrated security method for semantic web flow so that it is universal for various semantic web technologies. 展开更多
关键词 integrated security framework social intelligence closed-security-ring security-channel semantic web
Visual object-oriented application for lane following on intelligent highway system
作者 王春燕 王炜 +1 位作者 陆建 常玉林 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2003年第2期165-167,共3页
A visual object-oriented software for lane following on intelligent highway system (IHS) is proposed. According to object-oriented theory, 3 typical user services of self-check, transfer of human driving and automatic... A visual object-oriented software for lane following on intelligent highway system (IHS) is proposed. According to object-oriented theory, 3 typical user services of self-check, transfer of human driving and automatic running and abnormal information input from the sensors are chosen out. In addition, the functions of real-time display, information exchanging interface, determination and operation interweaving in the 3 user services are separated into 5 object-oriented classes. Moreover, the 5 classes are organized in the visual development environment. At last, experimental result proves the validity and reliability of the control application. 展开更多
关键词 intelligent transportation system intelligent highway system lane following visual object-oriented application
A smart calibration model on track's pressure-sinkage characteristic of a tracked vehicle moving on soft seabed sediments 被引量:1
作者 曾谊晖 周育才 +1 位作者 刘道才 左青松 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第4期911-917,共7页
The bentonite-water mixture was selected as the substitute of seabed sediments according to the in-situ measurement data of sediments 15-20 cm deep in China's ocean poly-metallic mining contract area and the soft ... The bentonite-water mixture was selected as the substitute of seabed sediments according to the in-situ measurement data of sediments 15-20 cm deep in China's ocean poly-metallic mining contract area and the soft seabed sediments could be simulated with certain proportion of the bentonite and water; besides, based on the theory on the interaction between the vehicle and ground and referenced to Bekker's apparatus and related experimental methods, a scenario on the experimental system of the pressure-sinkage characteristics of interaction between the track of tracked vehicle and soft seabed sediments was designed. The pressure-sinkage experiments were performed with different dimensions of penetration plates. The "pressure-sinkage" model based on Bekker's formula and correlation parameters were obtained to describe the corresponding characteristics of the seabed sediments and a smart calibration model on the pressure-sinkage characteristic of the track was established based on the function chain neural network, which could provide boundary loading conditions for simulation analysis of the tracked vehicle moving on the seabed. 展开更多
关键词 tracked vehicle TRACK seabed sediments pressure-sinkage characteristic smart calibration
Network Intelligence Capability Requirements and Standards System 被引量:2
作者 Wang Qian Zhang Yuan Zhao Huiling 《China Standardization》 2012年第4期84-85,共2页
It is discussed in this paper the capability requirements of modern communication industry for smart pipe or Network Intelligence Capability Enhancement (NICE), Domestic and international researches on smart pipe ar... It is discussed in this paper the capability requirements of modern communication industry for smart pipe or Network Intelligence Capability Enhancement (NICE), Domestic and international researches on smart pipe are elaborated in the essay as well. 展开更多
关键词 Smart pipe function STANDARD
The Exploration of relationship among benevolence, wisdom and courage in the context of Putnam's value theory
作者 LIANG Zongxian ZHANG Yanjing 《International English Education Research》 2017年第4期47-49,共3页
Confucius attaches great importance to the relationship between benevolence, wisdom and courage. Benevolence is the core of Confucius's moral principle, which reflects the principle of Confucius values; Wisdom is the... Confucius attaches great importance to the relationship between benevolence, wisdom and courage. Benevolence is the core of Confucius's moral principle, which reflects the principle of Confucius values; Wisdom is the recognition of the principle of benevolence and other values; Courage is the inner belief to achieve benevolence. Putnam rejected the dichotomy, of facts and value, he thought value problem also have cognitive meaning. This theory maintenance the relationship between benevolence, wisdom and courage is reasonable. To discuss the relationship between benevolence, wisdom and courage in the context of Putnam's value theory will help us to achieve the benevolence thought modernization. 展开更多
作者 蔡日新 《浙江佛教》 2003年第1期34-39,共6页
关键词 药山 惟俨禅师 禅法 中国传统文化 吾圆禅师 船子德诚禅师 李翱
Research on an inertial piezoelectric actuator for a micro in-pipe robot 被引量:1
作者 杨志欣 孙宝元 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2006年第4期473-476,共4页
A new kind of inertial piezoelectric actuator for a micro in-pipe robot is proposed and studied. The actuator is composed of a body, corresponding to a mass rod, and four elastic legs. Each leg is a composite piezoele... A new kind of inertial piezoelectric actuator for a micro in-pipe robot is proposed and studied. The actuator is composed of a body, corresponding to a mass rod, and four elastic legs. Each leg is a composite piezoelectric bimorph beam, made up of a middle metal element, an upper and lower piezoelectric elements. The mechanism is driven by an asymmetric waveform voltage, such as saw-toothed waveform, and utilizes the dynamic relationship between the maximum static friction force and the inertial force. To study the actuator, firstly, the constituent equation of a composite piezoelectric bimorph under both applied voltage and external force was inferred by thermodynamics. Secondly, the dvnamic model of the actuator was established analyzing the relationship between the locomotive states, viz. displacement and velocity, and design parameters, such as piezoelectric strain constant, elastic modulus,length, width and thickness of the piezoelectric element, actuator mass, and driving vohage. At last, the dynamic equation was solved and the theoretical calculation of the inherent frequency was more consistent with the experimental data, which proved the rationality of the model. All these lay a theoretical foundation of the micro actuator parameter optimization and more research on a micro robot. 展开更多
关键词 micro actuator composite piezoelectric bimorph dynamic model
Power Consumption Prediction for an Intelligent Air-Cushion Track Vehicle: Fuzzy Expert System 被引量:1
作者 H. Altab R. Ataur +1 位作者 A.K.M. Mohiuddin A. Yulfian 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2010年第5期10-17,共8页
This paper describes the unique structure of an intelligent air-cushion system of a hybrid electrical air-cushion track vehicle working on swamp terrain. Fuzzy expert system (FES) is used in this study to control th... This paper describes the unique structure of an intelligent air-cushion system of a hybrid electrical air-cushion track vehicle working on swamp terrain. Fuzzy expert system (FES) is used in this study to control the swamp tracked vehicle's intelligent air cushion system while it operates in the swamp peat. The system will be effective to control the intelligent air-cushion system with total power consumption (PC), cushion clearance height (CCH) and cushion pressure (CP). Ultrasonic displacement sensor, pull-in solenoid electromagnetic switch, pressure sensor, micro controller and battery pH sensor will be incorporated with the FES to investigate experimentally the PC, CCH and CP. In this study, we provide illustration how FES might play an important role in the prediction of power consumption of the vehicle's intelligent air-cushion system. The mean relative error of actual and predicted values from the FES model on total power consumption is found as 10.63 %, which is found to be alomst equal to the acceptable limits of 10%. The goodness of fit of the prediction values from the FES model on PC is found as 0.97. 展开更多
关键词 Power consumption fuzzy expert system ultrasonic displacement sensor.
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