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作者 吴羽 《晋阳学刊》 CSSCI 2009年第5期88-91,共4页
世俗人所穿的道服,无论从式样来看,还是从人文内涵来看,都是源于道士所穿的常服。晚唐五代逐渐渗入世俗服饰领域,北宋则成为世俗人士休闲时间和休闲空间普遍穿着的服装。这标志着道教对社会影响的进一步加深。同时,道服在被世俗人士接... 世俗人所穿的道服,无论从式样来看,还是从人文内涵来看,都是源于道士所穿的常服。晚唐五代逐渐渗入世俗服饰领域,北宋则成为世俗人士休闲时间和休闲空间普遍穿着的服装。这标志着道教对社会影响的进一步加深。同时,道服在被世俗人士接受的过程中,无论是样式,还是象征意义都发生了变异,世俗人士对道服的样式、象征意义又做了选择吸收,削弱了道服的宗教意义,赋予了道服非常世俗化的意义。 展开更多
关键词 道服 世俗人士 唐宋
作者 张文平 《大学书法》 2024年第2期105-114,共10页
范仲淹学书取法晋唐,其书用笔敏捷,结体内紧外展,呈现出一种清逸端雅的个人面貌,与同时期好友林逋清瘦的书风较为相似,气格甚高。他首次概括出的“颜筋柳骨”一词,是“筋骨”观念演绎中的重要一环,得到了后世书家学者广泛认同。“颜筋... 范仲淹学书取法晋唐,其书用笔敏捷,结体内紧外展,呈现出一种清逸端雅的个人面貌,与同时期好友林逋清瘦的书风较为相似,气格甚高。他首次概括出的“颜筋柳骨”一词,是“筋骨”观念演绎中的重要一环,得到了后世书家学者广泛认同。“颜筋柳骨”也由开始的“形质”上升到“神采”层面,并从对书法的品评延伸到绘画、文章等领域。由于“筋骨”和“颜柳”书家相对应,从此便有了一定的人格精神隐喻性,逐渐成为品评中的褒奖用语。 展开更多
关键词 范仲淹 道服赞》 颜筋柳骨 《乐毅论》
作者 孟璇璇 《电脑迷》 2023年第14期184-186,共3页
随着科技的不断发展,3D打印技术已经成了一种新兴的技术手段。它可以实现快速原型设计和制造,并且可以在短时间内完成复杂的结构和形状。因此,越来越多的人开始将3D打印技术引入各种领域进行创新和发展。其中,影视制作行业是一个非常适... 随着科技的不断发展,3D打印技术已经成了一种新兴的技术手段。它可以实现快速原型设计和制造,并且可以在短时间内完成复杂的结构和形状。因此,越来越多的人开始将3D打印技术引入各种领域进行创新和发展。其中,影视制作行业是一个非常适合运用3D打印技术的地方。因为电影服装是电影中最为重要的一部分之一,而3D打印技术能够帮助设计师们更加精确地控制服装的设计和生产过程,从而提高服装的质量和效率。文章重点研究3D打印技术在电影服化道中的应用,更好地了解其特点和优势,并为其在影视服化道中的应用提供更多的可能性。 展开更多
关键词 3D打印技术 电影
道服“帔”考源 被引量:3
作者 杨蓉 杨小明 《中国道教》 北大核心 2019年第6期56-61,共6页
历史上,道服"帔"作为一种特殊的服饰文化符号,不仅凝聚着道教自身信仰、思想和精神内涵,而且对整个中华服饰文化及历史亦具深刻影响。在道教中,"帔"是表征神仙飞天行云的功能性服饰符号。故道教对仙人所着之"... 历史上,道服"帔"作为一种特殊的服饰文化符号,不仅凝聚着道教自身信仰、思想和精神内涵,而且对整个中华服饰文化及历史亦具深刻影响。在道教中,"帔"是表征神仙飞天行云的功能性服饰符号。故道教对仙人所着之"帔"的描述,多赋予云、霞、光等物象,以表征其飞翔于天的美学意象——"衣以紫华之云帔,夕驾八景,朝登昆仑"1,"衣以紫霞之云帔,夕游八景,朝登虎舆"2,"仙道有紫绣毛帔,丹青飞裙,翠羽华衣,金铃青带,曲晨飞盖,御之自飞"。 展开更多
关键词 美学意象 饰符号 八景 道服 饰文化
作者 许征 《语言与翻译》 北大核心 2006年第2期17-18,共2页
关键词 语境照应 语音关系 古书用例 《战国策·燕昭王求士》
作者 江雪歌 《声屏世界》 2022年第17期44-46,共3页
随着互联网的发展,我们迎来了观众主导话语权的全媒体时代,网络剧与传统电视剧相比具有更大的互动性和优越性,受众的角色定位向用户过渡。古装网络剧中的服化道成为剧作的品质保证,在展现给用户视觉美感之余对网络剧的人物塑造、情节推... 随着互联网的发展,我们迎来了观众主导话语权的全媒体时代,网络剧与传统电视剧相比具有更大的互动性和优越性,受众的角色定位向用户过渡。古装网络剧中的服化道成为剧作的品质保证,在展现给用户视觉美感之余对网络剧的人物塑造、情节推动和思想内涵都有很大的作用。文章通过分析热播古装网络剧《延禧攻略》《长安十二时辰》《鹤唳华亭》《陈情令》的服饰、妆容、道具,探讨中国服化道兴盛的原因和表现,深剖网络自制剧在当代的文化价值和经济价值。 展开更多
关键词 古装网络剧 本土文化意识 传统文化 视觉审美
跆拳道文化的探析 被引量:4
作者 王小卫 甘毅臻 何宜忠 《郧阳师范高等专科学校学报》 2011年第6期75-77,共3页
跆拳道起源于朝鲜半岛,是一项集健身、娱乐、竞技为一体的时代体育运动.近年来,全球掀起了锻炼跆拳道的热潮.跆拳道具有浓郁的文化内涵,其宗旨是"礼义廉耻、忍耐克己、百折不屈",蕴含着跆拳道的礼仪文化、精神文化、道服文化... 跆拳道起源于朝鲜半岛,是一项集健身、娱乐、竞技为一体的时代体育运动.近年来,全球掀起了锻炼跆拳道的热潮.跆拳道具有浓郁的文化内涵,其宗旨是"礼义廉耻、忍耐克己、百折不屈",蕴含着跆拳道的礼仪文化、精神文化、道服文化以及级段位制文化,以其独特的科学文化内涵和精神精髓作为其广泛传播的支撑. 展开更多
关键词 跆拳 文化 礼仪 精神 道服 级段位制
魏晋南北朝时期的宗教服饰 被引量:1
作者 张承宗 《淮阴师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2005年第1期68-71,100,共5页
关键词 魏晋南北朝 僧衣 道服
宋代士人幅巾的审美研究 被引量:2
作者 王芙蓉 孔凡栋 《服饰导刊》 2017年第4期10-15,共6页
关键词 宋代士人 幅巾 道服 头饰
作者 王欢欢 杨谷旸 《文物鉴定与鉴赏》 2021年第19期76-78,共3页
楮冠是中国古代文学中一种常见的意象,常用来表达安贫乐道、超然世外的精神追求。楮是一种树,树皮可用来制作布匹和造纸,唐朝以后也用于代称纸张。关于楮冠究竟为何物,学术界有三种观点,分别为楮皮冠、楮布冠和纸冠。梳理楮冠在文学作... 楮冠是中国古代文学中一种常见的意象,常用来表达安贫乐道、超然世外的精神追求。楮是一种树,树皮可用来制作布匹和造纸,唐朝以后也用于代称纸张。关于楮冠究竟为何物,学术界有三种观点,分别为楮皮冠、楮布冠和纸冠。梳理楮冠在文学作品中指代意义的更替,同时结合中国造纸技术史,发现楮冠最初指楮皮冠或者楮布冠,随着造纸技术的进步和楮皮纸应用范围的扩大,至迟宋代起"纸冠"开始在社会中出现,与"楮皮冠"一同作为楮冠的代称。 展开更多
关键词 楮冠 楮纸 原宪 道服
《当代矿工》 2007年第7期50-50,共1页
跆拳道的道服不论级别高低、技术好坏,统一为白色,而腰带的颜色则代表着选手的技术水平,从低到高依次为白带(10级)、白黄带(9级)、黄带(8级)、黄绿带(7级)、绿带(6级)、绿蓝带(5级)、蓝带(4级)、蓝红带(3级)、红带(2... 跆拳道的道服不论级别高低、技术好坏,统一为白色,而腰带的颜色则代表着选手的技术水平,从低到高依次为白带(10级)、白黄带(9级)、黄带(8级)、黄绿带(7级)、绿带(6级)、绿蓝带(5级)、蓝带(4级)、蓝红带(3级)、红带(2级)、红黑带(1级、一品至三品)、黑带(一段至九段)。 展开更多
关键词 跆拳 技术 腰带 道服
Research on Safety of Manhuning Oral Liquid to Chicken
作者 王贵波 郭妮妮 +6 位作者 谢家声 赵小龙 罗超应 罗永江 郑继方 辛蕊华 李锦宇 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第9期1726-1729,共4页
This study aimed to evaluate the safety of Manhuning oral liquid and to provide safety basis for clinical treatment. A total of 120 chickens of 14 days old were selected. After one week of adaptive feeding, they were ... This study aimed to evaluate the safety of Manhuning oral liquid and to provide safety basis for clinical treatment. A total of 120 chickens of 14 days old were selected. After one week of adaptive feeding, they were evenly and randomly divided into four groups: one time the therapeutic dose (T1), three times the therapeutic dose (T2), five times the therapeutic dose (T3) and control (CK). In different groups, the chickens were fed with Manhuning oral liquid according to the set doses for one week. At the beginning and at the end of the experiment, total 10 chickens were selected randomly from each group, respectively. They were weighed, and their blood was sampled for determination of routine blood indexes and examination of liver and kidney function. Organ indexes were determined, and pathological examination was conducted for the head, liver, spleen, lung and kidney of the chickens. The results showed that the body mass gain and organ indexes differed insignificantly among different groups (P〉0.05). No significant differences were found in the routine blood indexes, serum ALT activity, albumin content, creatinine content and urea content among different groups before and after the experiment (P〉0.05). After the administration, the head, liver, spleen, lung and kidney of the chickens showed no obvious abnormalities. In shod, Manhuning oral liquid had little impact on the physiological and biochemical indexes and had no toxic effects on the head, liver, spleen, lung and kidney of chickens, and it is a low-toxicity safe veterinary drug preparation. 展开更多
关键词 Manhuning oral liquid Veterinary medicine Respiratory disease CHICKEN Safety evaluation
Carbachol promotes gastrointestinal function during oral resuscitation of burn shock 被引量:10
作者 Sen Hu Jin-Wei Che Yi-jun Tian Zhi-Yong Sheng 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第13期1746-1752,共7页
AIM: To investigate the effect of carbachol on gastrointestinal function in a dog model of oral resuscitation for burn shock. METHODS: Twenty Beagle dogs with intubation of the carotid artery, jugular vein and jejunum... AIM: To investigate the effect of carbachol on gastrointestinal function in a dog model of oral resuscitation for burn shock. METHODS: Twenty Beagle dogs with intubation of the carotid artery, jugular vein and jejunum for 24 h were subjected to 35% total body surface area fullthickness burns, and were divided into three groups: no fluid resuscitation (NR, n = 10), in which animals did not receive fluid by any means in the first 24 h postburn; oral fluid resuscitation (OR, n = 8), in which dogs were gavaged with glucose-electrolyte solution (GES) with volume and rate consistent with the Parkland formula; and oral fluid with carbachol group (OR/CAR, n = 8), in which dogs were gavaged with GES containing carbachol (20 μg/kg), with the same volume and rate as the OR group. Twenty-four hours after burns, all animals were given intravenous fluid replacement, and 72 h after injury, they received nutritional support. Hemodynamicand gastrointestinal parameters were measured serially with animals in conscious and cooperative state. RESULTS: The mean arterial pressure, cardiac output and plasma volume dropped markedly, and gastrointestinal tissue perfusion was reduced obviously after the burn injury in all the three groups. Hemodynamic parameters and gastrointestinal tissue perfusion in the OR and OR/CAR groups were promoted to pre-injury level at 48 and 72 h, respectively, while hemodynamic parameters in the NR group did not return to pre-injury level till 72 h, and gastrointestinal tissue perfusion remained lower than pre-injury level until 120 h post-burn. CO 2 of the gastric mucosa and intestinal mucosa blood flow of OR/CAR groups were 56.4 ± 4.7 mmHg and 157.7 ± 17.7 blood perfusion units (BPU) at 24 h postburn, respectively, which were significantly superior to those in the OR group (65.8 ± 5.8 mmHg and 127.7 ± 11.9 BPU, respectively, all P < 0.05). Gastric emptying and intestinal absorption rates of GES were significantly reduced to the lowest level (52.8% and 23.7% of pre-injury levels) in the OR group at about 2 and 4 h post-burn, and did not return to 80% of pre-injury level until 24 h. In the first 24 h postburn, the rate of gastric emptying and intestinal water absorption were elevated by a mean 15.7% and 11.5%, respectively, in the OR/CAR group compared with the OR group. At 5 days, the mortality in the NR group was 30% (3/10), 12.5% in the OR group (1/8), and none in the OR/CAR group. CONCLUSION: Carbachol had a beneficial effect on oral resuscitation of burn shock by promoting gastric emptying and intestinal absorption in our canine model. 展开更多
关键词 Burn shock Fluid therapy Oral rehydration CARBACHOL Animal model Gastric emptying Intestinal absorption
班主任工作需科任老师的支持和学生的配合 被引量:1
作者 钟志强 《天津市教科院学报》 2013年第S2期71-72,共2页
班主任工作是一项系统工程,除班主任积极参与学生的德育、智育、体育、美育等方面的科学管理之外,还离不开科任老师的支持和学生的配合。本文就班主任工作需科任老师的支持和学生的配合方面谈了四点体会:1、主动与科任老师交流,使管理... 班主任工作是一项系统工程,除班主任积极参与学生的德育、智育、体育、美育等方面的科学管理之外,还离不开科任老师的支持和学生的配合。本文就班主任工作需科任老师的支持和学生的配合方面谈了四点体会:1、主动与科任老师交流,使管理工作浑然一体。2、树立老师威信,使学生服其人信其道。3、引导学生"换位"思考,使意见或误会烟消云散。4、架设沟通桥梁,拉近师生心理距离。努力拓宽提升班集体管理质量。 展开更多
关键词 交流 浑然一体 树立 其人信其 沟通 烟消云散 换位 拉近距离
作者 王惠莹 陈芳 《宗教信仰与民族文化》 2021年第1期135-146,共12页
东晋时始有鹤氅的文献记载,又因实物资料多为明清时期,故而以往学者对于明代以前鹤氅的具体形制及其发展脉络大多言而未明。本文通过详细梳理鹤氅文献、图像及部分实物材料,对鹤氅进行定义并探讨不同时期鹤氅的具体形制,并对鹤氅存在的... 东晋时始有鹤氅的文献记载,又因实物资料多为明清时期,故而以往学者对于明代以前鹤氅的具体形制及其发展脉络大多言而未明。本文通过详细梳理鹤氅文献、图像及部分实物材料,对鹤氅进行定义并探讨不同时期鹤氅的具体形制,并对鹤氅存在的道教属性和世俗性做出进一步的思考和阐释。 展开更多
关键词 鹤氅 教法 世俗化
Diagnostic and therapeutic direct peroral cholangioscopy using an intraductal anchoring balloon 被引量:9
作者 Mansour A Parsi Tyler Stevens John J Vargo 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第30期3992-3996,共5页
AIM:To report our experience using a recently introduced anchoring balloon for diagnostic and therapeutic direct peroral cholangioscopy(DPOC).METHODS:Consecutive patients referred for diagnostic or therapeutic peroral... AIM:To report our experience using a recently introduced anchoring balloon for diagnostic and therapeutic direct peroral cholangioscopy(DPOC).METHODS:Consecutive patients referred for diagnostic or therapeutic peroral cholangioscopy were evaluated in a prospective cohort study.The patients underwent DPOC using an intraductal anchoring balloon,which was recently introduced to allow consistent access to the biliary tree with an ultraslim upper endoscope.The device was later voluntarily withdrawn from the market by the manufacturer.RESULTS:Fourteen patients underwent DPOC using the anchoring balloon.Biliary access with an ultraslim upper endoscope was accomplished in all 14 patients.In 12(86%) patients,ductal access required sphincteroplasty with a 10-mm dilating balloon.Intraductal placement of the ultraslim upper endoscope allowed satisfactory visualization of the biliary mucosa to the level of the confluence of the right and left hepatic ducts in 13 of 14 patients(93%).Therapeutic interventions by DPOC were successfully completed in all five attempted cases(intraductal biopsy in one and DPOC guided laser lithotripsy in four).Adverse events occurred in a patient on immunosuppressive therapy who developed an intrahepatic biloma at the site of the anchoring balloon.This required hospitalization and antibiotics.Repeat endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography 8 wk after the index procedure showed resolution of the biloma.CONCLUSION:Use of this anchoring balloon allowed consistent access to the biliary tree for performance of diagnostic and therapeutic DPOC distal to the biliary bifurcation. 展开更多
关键词 Anchoring balloon Direct peroral cholangioscopy Cholangiocarcinoma Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography Choledocholithiasis
作者 钟志强 《天津市教科院学报》 2013年第S1期77-78,共2页
班主任工作是一项系统工程,除班主任积极参与学生的德育、智育、体育、美育等方面的科学管理之外,还离开科任老师的支持和学生的配合。本文就班主任工作需科任老师的支持和学生的配合方面谈了四点体会:1.主动与科任老师交流,使管理工作... 班主任工作是一项系统工程,除班主任积极参与学生的德育、智育、体育、美育等方面的科学管理之外,还离开科任老师的支持和学生的配合。本文就班主任工作需科任老师的支持和学生的配合方面谈了四点体会:1.主动与科任老师交流,使管理工作浑然一体。2.树立老师威信,使学生服其人信其道。3.引导学生"换位"思考,使意见或误会烟消云散。4.架设沟通桥梁,拉近师生心理距离。努力拓宽提升班集体管理质量。 展开更多
关键词 交流 浑然一体 树立 其人信其 沟通 烟消云散 换位 拉近距离
浅析网剧《延禧攻略》的成功要素 被引量:1
作者 陈雨姮 《视听》 2019年第2期35-36,共2页
关键词 《延禧攻略》 人物设计 “创可贴”式广告营销
Ethically Inspired Care Information Technology Can Enable Freedom of Choice of Older Users
作者 Narciso Gonzalez-Vega Anna Kamarainen Outi Kalla 《Sociology Study》 2011年第6期452-459,共8页
The goal of this paper is to present the ethical issues that are relevant at the concept development stage and inspiring its development during the CONFIDENCE (Ubiquitous Care System to Support Independent Living) p... The goal of this paper is to present the ethical issues that are relevant at the concept development stage and inspiring its development during the CONFIDENCE (Ubiquitous Care System to Support Independent Living) project. We propose that the technology must support principles such as human rights, privacy, safety, and dignity. The voluntary contribution of people as participants in research must undergo the scrutiny of research plans by ethical review boards. Informed consent processes and procedures must be observed in this realm. Ethical issues arising in heterogeneous fields involving technology, end-users, service providers, and formal and informal caregivers pose important challenges. Attempting to maximize the ethical compliance of the results of this ICT (information and communication technology) project, we explore and suggest preventive measures for possible scenarios of misuse of this or related technology. Concluding, the observation of ethical principles throughout the development process can empower users to make informed decisions on the acceptance of ICT systems and services when these reach the market. 展开更多
关键词 Care information technology ETHICS informed consent older people CONFIDENCE
Power Control Algorithm of Cognitive Radio Based on Non-Cooperative Game Theory 被引量:4
作者 赵军辉 杨涛 +2 位作者 贡毅 王娇 付雷 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第11期143-154,共12页
This paper addresses the power con- trol problems of Cognitive Radio (CR) trader transmission power and interference tempera- ture constraints. First, we propose the interfer- ence constraint which ensures that the ... This paper addresses the power con- trol problems of Cognitive Radio (CR) trader transmission power and interference tempera- ture constraints. First, we propose the interfer- ence constraint which ensures that the Quality of Service (QoS) standards for primary users is considered and a non-cooperative game power control model. Based on the proposed model, we developed a logical utility function based on the Signal-to-Interference-Noise Ratio (S/NR) and a novel algorithm network power control. that is suitable for CR Then, the existence and uniqueness of the Nash Equilibrium (NE) in our utility function are proved by the principle of game theory and the corresponding optimi- zations. Compared to traditional algorithms, the proposed one could converge to an NE in 3-5 iterative operations by setting an appropriate pricing factor. Finally, simulation results ver- ified the stability and superiority of the novel algorithm in flat-fading channel environments. 展开更多
关键词 cognitive radio non-cooperativepower control game theory utility function Na-sh equilibrium target power
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