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文化遗产保护工作中的热点话题:遗产重建再思考 被引量:4
作者 郭旃 《中国文化遗产》 2017年第2期28-33,共6页
在世界遗产背景下,国际文化遗产领域对待遗产重建的态度、研究动向、学术基础,关于重建和真实性的关联以及价值评估判断的标准等等并没有形成共识。在对待遗产重建的问题上,首先应该弄清重建的属性、目的和类型,据此设定适应的原则、预... 在世界遗产背景下,国际文化遗产领域对待遗产重建的态度、研究动向、学术基础,关于重建和真实性的关联以及价值评估判断的标准等等并没有形成共识。在对待遗产重建的问题上,首先应该弄清重建的属性、目的和类型,据此设定适应的原则、预期目标、准则、效应,评判花费、回报等,仔细研究相关的投资、设计、施工、工艺、材料、管理、可逆性等。无论何种重建,首先要保证现存的历史遗迹和历史环境不得因为重建有任何损坏。另外一定要有准确的历史依据,要有传统的技术、知识、队伍。 展开更多
关键词 遗产重建 真实性 威尼斯宪章
作者 邵军 《中国文化遗产》 2016年第3期82-86,共5页
重建,是遗产保护领域里的一个非常重要而敏感的话题。根据国际公约、宪章,我国现行法律、法规中遗产重建的有关条文和规定,遗产重建是指在有充足必要性的前提下,充分利用考古、历史文献、测绘等材料,将被损毁的文物古迹恢复、复建至历... 重建,是遗产保护领域里的一个非常重要而敏感的话题。根据国际公约、宪章,我国现行法律、法规中遗产重建的有关条文和规定,遗产重建是指在有充足必要性的前提下,充分利用考古、历史文献、测绘等材料,将被损毁的文物古迹恢复、复建至历史上某个特定状态的文物保护行为。从行政管理的角度,国家文物行政管理部门在审批我国遗产重建项目时,需要满足有充足的必要性,能够惠及民生;有充分历史和科学测绘的依据;严格遵循文物保护规划的规定;维护文物的真实性和完整性;确保文物本体安全等原则。 展开更多
关键词 遗产重建 文物保护规划 遗产真实性和完整性 文物本体安全 原址保护 原址展示
文化遗产保护语境下的重建问题讨论 被引量:10
作者 吕舟 《中国文化遗产》 2017年第2期4-15,共12页
重建行为本身反映了人们对于已毁建筑的记忆和价值的认同。在当代文化遗产保护的语境下,重建活动具有了一种试图重现已消逝的重要历史建筑形态或价值的动机。作为对集体记忆或文化传统的尊重,特别是当重建本身有助于传统文化的延续,这... 重建行为本身反映了人们对于已毁建筑的记忆和价值的认同。在当代文化遗产保护的语境下,重建活动具有了一种试图重现已消逝的重要历史建筑形态或价值的动机。作为对集体记忆或文化传统的尊重,特别是当重建本身有助于传统文化的延续,这种重建就具有了文化传承和保护的意义。但从基本逻辑和物质的层面,重建的建筑无法等于已毁的建筑,二者具有不同的意义和价值。重建的建筑作为新的建造物,在艺术、历史见证等方面并不具备与重建对象——已灭失的建筑同等的价值,从真实性的角度二者之间也不存在物质上的关联。从这个意义上,重建后的建筑在被附加上时间价值之前,并不具有文化遗产本身的属性。 展开更多
关键词 文化遗产重建 修复 威尼斯宪章 中国文物古迹保护准则
作者 夏攀 《中国文化遗产》 2020年第5期100-103,共4页
雷峰塔和南高峰塔的重建在不同的时代背景、文化遗产保护理念、法律法规体系下,具有不同的理解视角,与雷峰塔相比,南高峰塔的重建可以被看作是"文化景观"的修复。历史建筑的重建应该考虑文化遗产保护观念的动态性,在重建方案... 雷峰塔和南高峰塔的重建在不同的时代背景、文化遗产保护理念、法律法规体系下,具有不同的理解视角,与雷峰塔相比,南高峰塔的重建可以被看作是"文化景观"的修复。历史建筑的重建应该考虑文化遗产保护观念的动态性,在重建方案上充分考虑这种动态变化。文化遗产保护的相关法律法规需要尽快适应国内外文化遗产观念体系的新变化,为历史建筑的重建提供更加明晰的依据。而具体历史建筑的重建,往往不是孤立的,需要放到不同的文化遗产类型相关原则中去理解和执行。 展开更多
关键词 杭州雷峰塔 南高峰塔 历史建筑 文化景观 遗产重建
试论“重建”之于中国文化遗产保护的意义 被引量:12
作者 王新文 张沛 孔黎明 《东南文化》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期13-19,共7页
中国古代有重建损毁建筑之传统,或因表达文化传承之精神,或因地方记忆再现之需要。近代以来,由于对建筑遗产历史价值的强调,基于历史真实性的考虑,国际遗产保护领域将"重建"视为一种不可接受的遗产保护行为,明确反对建筑遗产... 中国古代有重建损毁建筑之传统,或因表达文化传承之精神,或因地方记忆再现之需要。近代以来,由于对建筑遗产历史价值的强调,基于历史真实性的考虑,国际遗产保护领域将"重建"视为一种不可接受的遗产保护行为,明确反对建筑遗产的重建。然而,"重建"部分承载了地方文化记忆的建筑遗产,客观上具有复兴地方文明、延续文化记忆之意义。特别是随着人类文化视野的逐渐开阔,基于文化多样性及遗产文化价值再现的目的,"重建"已逐渐成为国际遗产保护领域讨论的热点,《奈良文件》的达成,表明遗产真实性应该在不同文化背景下予以思考。在当代中国传统文化复兴的语境下,重建部分已毁的标志性建筑对于民族文化之传承、城市精神之弘扬有一定的意义。 展开更多
关键词 建筑遗产 重建遗产保护 文化记忆 多元文化背景
Rehabilitation of Abandoned Monumental Hospitals: Tools for Urban Liveability
作者 Pier Francesco Cherchi 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2016年第6期643-650,共8页
This proposal is intended to be a contribution toward achieving more liveable cities through the revitalization of inner areas based on the restoration and rehabilitation of historic facilities in order to meet curren... This proposal is intended to be a contribution toward achieving more liveable cities through the revitalization of inner areas based on the restoration and rehabilitation of historic facilities in order to meet current needs. The research starts by posing the following questions. Can we claim, in a general perspective of improvement of the quality of life in towns and cities, that the recovery of abandoned historic buildings could be a key-factor in conservation and innovation policies of the historical heart of towns? What relationship, if any, is there between the adaptive-reuse design of ancient hospitals and the effects of such action, not only in terms of heritage conservation but also in terms of economic and social regeneration of the surrounding context? The complexity of this issue is addressed by analyzing related cases, relevant for their design solutions and effects, and proposes answers to the opening questions by correlating the main characters of relevant case studies in Europe. 展开更多
关键词 Adaptive reuse sustainable preservation sustainable preservation historic hospitals recycling.
Historical Building Renovation as a Construction Project
作者 Daniela Dvomik Perhavec Natasa Suman 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2013年第6期712-722,共11页
Approaches to building renovation require high professional levels, interdisciplinary elements, team work and time to study and do research on the buildings. The process of renovating historic buildings is made up of ... Approaches to building renovation require high professional levels, interdisciplinary elements, team work and time to study and do research on the buildings. The process of renovating historic buildings is made up of agreements and compromises between the interests of the government, common interests, and the motives and interests of individual owners and prospective investors. Research that deals with any portion of cultural heritages always carried out very precisely, but there is still no precise knowledge of how to define a system and draw up a model that accurately represents a cultural heritage. In the existing literature on this topic, the authors have written about the different views of how to explain the construction project as a system. While many authors focus on "sub-phases" directly connected to the building of an object, the process involved in the construction phase often neglects the phases required before beginning work, which culminates in a logical sequence in the process of preparing a project. Irregularities or deficiencies which occur during the preparation process of a project often directly impact the construction itself. What the scope of this impact depends on the approach of the contractual organization, the organization of construction companies and on co-operation between the customer (or architects) and the contractors. Unlike the projects for newly built objects, the conservation projects of cultural heritage are not only more demanding because of lack of knowledge of the building materials, construction, foundation and interaction of the mentioned individual parts into a unit called a building. The authors analyzed the structural aspects of building conservation which were suggested by Beckmaun and Bowles and another methodology, which was developed as part of the 5th framework program for the purpose of providing a comprehensive and interdisciplinary treatment of the revitalization of a historical city. The authors found that both methodologies do not include modern IT tools and methods. By analyzing and monitoring the restoration of historic buildings in Slovenia, specifically in the city of Maribor (including all documentation, interviews and direct views) the authors found that the project was regarded as a collection of individual projects rather than a unified whole (a system). The authors have demonstrated the consequences of structuring a historic building restoration project in a non-systemic way. This type of project can be classified as a non-sustainable renovation. In this article, at first the authors will try to clarify what types of systems and subsystems are considered in renovating historic buildings. The authors show when and why a system becomes stochastic (a probability) and in the end what would be needed to successfully re-establish it back to a determined system. By analyzing the work and reconstruction of old buildings in Maribor, the authors found that it would be necessary to give a new framework with IT tools for the preparation of a historic building restoration project. 展开更多
关键词 Cultural heritages renovation projects general systems theory determined systems stochastic system.
作者 潘紫路 《人文论谭》 2015年第1期311-320,共10页
文庙是儒家思想文化的重要载体,其自身蕴含着丰富的历史文化内涵,成为传承中国传统思想文化的重要场所和培育践行社会主义核心价值观的文化阵地。文庙是武汉城市发展历程中传统教育文化兴盛的重要见证。因此,本文论述了武汉市亟须重建... 文庙是儒家思想文化的重要载体,其自身蕴含着丰富的历史文化内涵,成为传承中国传统思想文化的重要场所和培育践行社会主义核心价值观的文化阵地。文庙是武汉城市发展历程中传统教育文化兴盛的重要见证。因此,本文论述了武汉市亟须重建武昌文庙的必要性及其可行性。 展开更多
关键词 武昌文庙 文化遗产 重建 必要性 可行性
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