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论西域样式凹凸法与天竺遗法 被引量:2
作者 顾颖 《敦煌研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第2期78-83,共6页
西域式"凹凸法"是西域样式佛画最基本的技法之一,它虽以古印度晕染法为根基,但同时也是在糅合其他相异文化因素的基础上发展而来的,其技巧、程式、效果与所谓的"天竺遗法"有着显著的区别。因此,在有关"西域绘... 西域式"凹凸法"是西域样式佛画最基本的技法之一,它虽以古印度晕染法为根基,但同时也是在糅合其他相异文化因素的基础上发展而来的,其技巧、程式、效果与所谓的"天竺遗法"有着显著的区别。因此,在有关"西域绘画"的研究中,应将"天竺遗法"与西域式"凹凸法"予以区分,如此才能更清晰地把握西域样式佛画的风格和特征。 展开更多
关键词 佛教绘画 西域凹凸 天竺遗法
模糊遗传算法及其应用研究 被引量:6
作者 王兴成 郑紫微 贾欣乐 《计算技术与自动化》 2000年第2期5-9,共5页
针对多目标遗传算法化的特点 ,基于模糊集理论 ,提出模糊遗传算法的概念及其算法结构。将系统设计的要求转化为模糊遗传算法的约束条件 ,利用模糊遗传算法对其进行优化设计。具体的设计示例说明了该算法的有效性。
关键词 模糊优化 模糊遗法 鲁棒控制
“天竺遗法”与“凹凸花”析 被引量:3
作者 王敏 《装饰》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第11期94-95,共2页
"天竺遗法"与"凹凸花"之间的异同关系是本文研究的主要内容。作者以龟兹石窟中带有"凹凸画法"特点的壁画和部分佛寺遗存的门饰图案为例,从用色特点和内容等方面入手,论证了存在于"天竺遗法"和&... "天竺遗法"与"凹凸花"之间的异同关系是本文研究的主要内容。作者以龟兹石窟中带有"凹凸画法"特点的壁画和部分佛寺遗存的门饰图案为例,从用色特点和内容等方面入手,论证了存在于"天竺遗法"和"凹凸花"之间的区别与联系。本文指出"天竺遗法"是对古印度佛教造型技术的总称,"凹凸花"则是"天竺遗法"的一种表现方式且明显具有建筑装饰的特点,从而阐释了这两种技法间的异同关系。 展开更多
关键词 壁画 凹凸花 天竺遗法 艺术设计
天竺遗法在平城 被引量:6
作者 李聿骐 《故宫博物院院刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第3期57-62,110,共7页
佛教传入中国之后,中国与南亚在佛教文化和艺术领域的交流全面展开,南亚的佛教雕刻与绘画技艺随之传入中土。2015年大同新出土的彩绘石椁板即用"天竺遗法"绘制而成。这种绘画技法应用广泛,印度阿旃陀石窟、斯里兰卡狮子岩壁... 佛教传入中国之后,中国与南亚在佛教文化和艺术领域的交流全面展开,南亚的佛教雕刻与绘画技艺随之传入中土。2015年大同新出土的彩绘石椁板即用"天竺遗法"绘制而成。这种绘画技法应用广泛,印度阿旃陀石窟、斯里兰卡狮子岩壁画和中国新疆克孜尔石窟与敦煌莫高窟等早期壁画都留有遗迹。据文献记载,"天竺遗法"在六世纪前半叶已传入南朝。新出土的彩绘佛像石椁板为北魏中后期遗存,由此成为中原北方地区现存最早采用"天竺遗法"绘画的标本,比建康一乘寺"凹凸花"的绘制时间提早了约半个世纪。 展开更多
关键词 平城 彩绘佛像石椁板 天竺遗法
作者 冯唐彬 《医学信息》 2023年第24期125-128,共4页
目的研究温肾益气、缩尿止遗法在前列腺增生术后改善尿控的临床疗效。方法选取2018年3月-2022年12月在我院行手术治疗的84例前列腺增生患者为研究对象,采用随机数字表法分为对照组(41例)和观察组(43例)。对照组采用温肾益气法治疗,观察... 目的研究温肾益气、缩尿止遗法在前列腺增生术后改善尿控的临床疗效。方法选取2018年3月-2022年12月在我院行手术治疗的84例前列腺增生患者为研究对象,采用随机数字表法分为对照组(41例)和观察组(43例)。对照组采用温肾益气法治疗,观察组采用温肾益气、缩尿止遗法治疗,比较两组尿控恢复率、尿控恢复时间、尿控恢复指标(膀胱残余尿量、漏尿次数、漏尿量)、尿失禁发生情况、尿动力学指标及生活质量。结果观察组尿控恢复率高于对照组,尿控恢复时间短于对照组(P<0.05);观察组膀胱残余尿量、漏尿次数、漏尿量均小于对照组(P<0.05);观察组尿失禁(Ⅰ级、Ⅱ级)发生率低于对照组(P<0.05);治疗后观察组最大尿流率(Qmax)、最大尿道闭合压(MUCP)均大于对照组(P<0.05);两组治疗后生活质量水平均高于治疗前,且观察组高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论温肾益气、缩尿止遗法在前列腺增生术后改善尿控中具有良好的疗效,可提高尿控恢复率,缩短尿控恢复时间,减少膀胱残余尿量、漏尿次数和漏尿量,降低尿失禁发生率,改善尿动力学指标,提高患者术后生活质量。 展开更多
关键词 温肾益气 缩尿止遗法 前列腺增生 尿失禁
醒脑开窍针刺法加阴三针治疗遗尿症63例 被引量:2
作者 孟杰 温丽娟 +1 位作者 杨柳成 刘婉师 《中医临床研究》 2010年第7期72-73,共2页
目的:探讨醒脑开窍针刺法加阴三针治疗小儿遗尿症的临床疗效。方法:先用醒脑开窍法针刺,用1.5寸毫针,于人中,内关(双)三阴交(双)各刺一针。醒脑开窍后,用1.5寸毫针,取头皮针百会五针,即百会穴一针,百会穴左旁开5分1针,... 目的:探讨醒脑开窍针刺法加阴三针治疗小儿遗尿症的临床疗效。方法:先用醒脑开窍法针刺,用1.5寸毫针,于人中,内关(双)三阴交(双)各刺一针。醒脑开窍后,用1.5寸毫针,取头皮针百会五针,即百会穴一针,百会穴左旁开5分1针,再左旁开5分1针,百会右旁开5分1针,再右旁开5分1针。沿头皮向后刺。针毕,再针阴三针,(阴三针共分3穴。穴1:阴茎正面根部上0.5厘米;穴2:阴茎背面根部右侧0.5厘米;穴3:阴茎背面根部左侧0.5厘米。三穴成等腰三角形。如为女孩,穴1可选耻骨联合正中线上1厘米,穴2、穴3分别为穴1之左右旁开2厘米)。辅以针刺阴陵泉(双)足三里(双),合谷(双)。结果:主要采取门诊随访和个别家访。在63例中,痊愈40例,占63.5%,显效18例,占28.6%,好转3例,占4.8%,无效1例,占3.1%,总有效率96.9%。结论:醒脑开窍针刺法加阴三针治疗小儿遗尿症疗效确切,值得临床推广。 展开更多
关键词 尿症/针灸治疗 尿症/醒脑开窍针刺 阴三针
苎麻织物制备多孔氧化铝遗态陶瓷 被引量:6
作者 王蒙 刘江南 +3 位作者 贺辛亥 王俊勃 江燕 李冰 《西安工程大学学报》 CAS 2014年第1期45-49,共5页
以苎麻织物为生物模板,聚合氯化铝溶液为浸渍液,经浸渍、干燥获得前驱体,将前驱体经有氧煅烧制备出具有苎麻织物结构的 Al2 O3遗态材料.采用 TG 、XRD 、TEM 、SEM 和比表面积等检测技术,分别对材料的热失重、物相组成和显微结构... 以苎麻织物为生物模板,聚合氯化铝溶液为浸渍液,经浸渍、干燥获得前驱体,将前驱体经有氧煅烧制备出具有苎麻织物结构的 Al2 O3遗态材料.采用 TG 、XRD 、TEM 、SEM 和比表面积等检测技术,分别对材料的热失重、物相组成和显微结构进行了表征与分析.结果表明,1200℃下制备的 Al2 O3陶瓷成功地保留了苎麻织物的结构.不同浓度下制得的 Al2 O3具有不同的微观形貌.Al2 O3比表面积为9.94~30.07m 2? g-1;平均孔径为5.02~6.2nm . 展开更多
关键词 多孔氧化铝 溶液浸渍
对日本劳务派遣法制定过程的考察 被引量:24
作者 李天国 《中国劳动》 北大核心 2002年第10期71-73,共3页
关键词 劳务派遗法 过程 日本 劳务派
以“西天”法释西洋画——明清“二西”语境下“西画东渐”史的一个现象考论 被引量:1
作者 李宝山 《昆明学院学报》 2021年第5期117-125,共9页
明清时期的“二西”语境,涵盖“西洋”和“西天”两个层面,在这种语境下,明清时人将西洋画的立体感与“凹凸花”联系起来,将西洋画的阴影法溯源到“天竺遗法”,产生了以“西天”法释西洋画的现象。这种现象是明清之际“西学中源”思潮... 明清时期的“二西”语境,涵盖“西洋”和“西天”两个层面,在这种语境下,明清时人将西洋画的立体感与“凹凸花”联系起来,将西洋画的阴影法溯源到“天竺遗法”,产生了以“西天”法释西洋画的现象。这种现象是明清之际“西学中源”思潮的一个表征,其根源在于“夷夏之防”的民族文化心理以及“执古语今”的阐释传统。以“西天”法释西洋画作为一个学术史案例,对当下的学术研究具有一定的警示作用,即应尽量避免在西方绘画体系的“阴影”之下阐述中国绘画美学问题。 展开更多
关键词 西画东渐 凹凸花 天竺遗法 西学中源 执古语今 明暗技
锅炉经济燃烧的一种自寻优控制方法 被引量:3
作者 杨英 《工业锅炉》 2001年第5期28-28,共1页
关键词 最佳风煤比 最优控制 最小二乘传递推算 锅炉 燃烧 经济性
Vehicle routing optimization algorithm based on time windows and dynamic demand
作者 LI Jun DUAN Yurong +1 位作者 ZHANG Weiwei ZHU Liyuan 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2024年第3期369-378,共10页
To provide the supplier with the minimizum vehicle travel distance in the distribution process of goods in three situations of new customer demand,customer cancellation service,and change of customer delivery address,... To provide the supplier with the minimizum vehicle travel distance in the distribution process of goods in three situations of new customer demand,customer cancellation service,and change of customer delivery address,based on the ideas of pre-optimization and real-time optimization,a two-stage planning model of dynamic demand based vehicle routing problem with time windows was established.At the pre-optimization stage,an improved genetic algorithm was used to obtain the pre-optimized distribution route,a large-scale neighborhood search method was integrated into the mutation operation to improve the local optimization performance of the genetic algorithm,and a variety of operators were introduced to expand the search space of neighborhood solutions;At the real-time optimization stage,a periodic optimization strategy was adopted to transform a complex dynamic problem into several static problems,and four neighborhood search operators were used to quickly adjust the route.Two different scale examples were designed for experiments.It is proved that the algorithm can plan the better route,and adjust the distribution route in time under the real-time constraints.Therefore,the proposed algorithm can provide theoretical guidance for suppliers to solve the dynamic demand based vehicle routing problem. 展开更多
关键词 vehicle routing problem dynamic demand genetic algorithm large-scale neighborhood search time windows
Design Method for Optimizing the Interactive Interface of Live Broadcasting Platform for the Elderly Users
作者 WEI Bi-ze FAN Wei DUAN Ying-ke 《印刷与数字媒体技术研究》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第4期167-178,共12页
In the era of network live broadcasting for everyone,the development of live broadcasting platforms is also more intelligent and diversified.However,in the face of a large group of elderly users,the interface interact... In the era of network live broadcasting for everyone,the development of live broadcasting platforms is also more intelligent and diversified.However,in the face of a large group of elderly users,the interface interaction design mode used is still mainly based on the interaction mode for young groups,and is not designed for elderly users.Therefore,a design method for optimizing the interaction interface of live broadcasting platform for elderly users was proposed in this study.Firstly,the case study method and Delphi expert survey method were used to determine the design needs of elderly users and the design mode was analysed.Secondly,the orthogonal design principle was used to design a test sample of the interactive interface of live broadcasting platform applicable for the elderly users,and then a user evaluation system was established to calculate the weights of the design elements using hierarchical analysis,and then the predictive relationship between the design mode of the interactive interface of live broadcasting platform and the elderly users was established by Quantitative Theory I.Finally,Genetic Algorithm was applied to generate the optimized design scheme.The results showed that the design method based on the Genetic Algorithm and the combination of Quantitative Theory can scientifically and effectively optimize the design of the interactive interface of the live broadcasting platform for the elderly users,and improve the experience of the elderly users. 展开更多
关键词 Live broadcasting platform Interaction design Elderly users Genetic Algorithm Quantitative Theory I
Evaluation of a Novel 32 X-STR Loci Multiplex System in the Forensic Application
作者 ZHANG Juntao YANG Xingyi +5 位作者 YU Zhengliang ZHAO Peng LIU Dayu HAN Xiaolong SUN Hongyu LIU Chao 《刑事技术》 2024年第5期456-463,共8页
The AGCU X Plus STR system is a newly developed multiplex PCR kit that detects 32 X-chromosomal STR loci simultaneously.These are DXS6807,DXS9895,linkage group 1(DXS10148,DXS10135,DXS8378),DXS9902,DXS6795,DXS6810,DXS1... The AGCU X Plus STR system is a newly developed multiplex PCR kit that detects 32 X-chromosomal STR loci simultaneously.These are DXS6807,DXS9895,linkage group 1(DXS10148,DXS10135,DXS8378),DXS9902,DXS6795,DXS6810,DXS10159,DXS10162,DXS10164,DXS7132,linkage group 2(DXS10079,DXS10074,DXS10075),DXS981,DXS6800,DXS6803,DXS6809,DXS6789,DXS7424,DXS101,DXS7133,GATA172D05,GATA165B12,linkage group 3(DXS10103,HPRTB,DXS10101),GATA31E08 and linkage group 4(DXS8377,DXS10134,DXS7423).A major advantage of this kit is that it takes into account linkage between loci,in addition to detecting more X-STR loci.In order to evaluate the forensic application of 32 X-STR fl uorescence amplifi cation system,PCR settings,sensitivity,species specifi city,stability,DNA mixtures,concordance,stutter,sizing precision,and population genetics investigation were evaluated according to the Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods(SWGDAM)developmental validation guidelines.The study showed that the genotyping results of each locus were signifi cantly accurate when the DNA template was at least 62.5 pg.Complete profi les were obtained for the 1∶1 and 1∶3 combinations.A total of 209 unrelated individuals from Southern Chinese Han community,consisting of 84 females and 125 males,were selected for population studies,and 285 allele profi les were detected from 32 X-STR loci.The polymorphism information content(PIC)ranged from 0.2721 in DXS6800,to 0.9105 in DXS10135,with an average of 0.6798.DXS10135(PIC=0.9105)was the most polymorphic locus,with discrimination power(DP)of 0.9164 and 0.9871 for the male and female.The cumulative PD_(F),PD_(M),MEC_(trio) and MEC_(duo) valu es were all greater than 0.999999999.There were 78 different DXS10103-HPRTB-DXS10101 haplotypes among the 125 males,and the haplotype diversity was 0.9810.There was no signifi cant difference in the cumulative PD_(F),PD_(M),MEC_(trio) and MEC_(duo) values whether considering linkage or not.In summary,the new X-STR multiplex typing system is effective and reliable,which can be useful in human genetic analysis and kinship testing as a potent complement to autosomal STR typing. 展开更多
关键词 forensic genetics X-STR loci kinship analysis EVALUATION
作者 吴晓萍 周晓光 《安徽师大学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1998年第4期33-41,共9页
赵是元末明初新安理学中最重要的代表人物之一。其学术思想的最大特色是“和会朱陆”,而学术研究的重心则在《春秋》的探讨。赵深研《春秋》的原因,一是新安理学重视《春秋》研究传统的影响,二是基于自身对《春秋》重要性及其研究价... 赵是元末明初新安理学中最重要的代表人物之一。其学术思想的最大特色是“和会朱陆”,而学术研究的重心则在《春秋》的探讨。赵深研《春秋》的原因,一是新安理学重视《春秋》研究传统的影响,二是基于自身对《春秋》重要性及其研究价值的认识,三是因资中学者黄泽的引导。在对历史上研究《春秋》诸家中肯评判的基础上,赵提出了求索《春秋》“笔削之旨”的根本方法是“属辞比事法”,并指出具体研究途径是先考鲁史之法,再求圣人之法。坚持“三传”并重的原则、据传求经,由考证而索经义、继承与创新相结合、研究与著述并举乃是赵《春秋》 展开更多
关键词 《春秋》 新安理学 笔削之旨 属辞比事 春秋三传 鲁史遗法 制作之原
作者 于海广 《东方考古》 CSSCI 2012年第1期727-734,共8页
2011年2月25日,全国人大常委会第十九次会议上,表决通过《中华人民共和国非物质文化遗产法》(本文简称《遗产法》),至6月1日正式实施。《非遗法》的颁布是中国文化遗产保护领域、特别是非物质文化遗产保护学界的一件大事,被认为是中国... 2011年2月25日,全国人大常委会第十九次会议上,表决通过《中华人民共和国非物质文化遗产法》(本文简称《遗产法》),至6月1日正式实施。《非遗法》的颁布是中国文化遗产保护领域、特别是非物质文化遗产保护学界的一件大事,被认为是中国非物质文化遗产保护工作的里程碑,必将对我国的非遗保护实践和研究工作有重大指导和推动作用。中国的非遗保护工作将进入有法可依的新阶段。本文把通过学习《非遗法》,主要是对其内容和特点的个人体会,与诸同好研商。 展开更多
关键词 体会 物质 遗法 特点 个人 中华人民共和国 文化 工作
作者 沈爱凤 《亚太艺术》 2021年第1期7-26,共20页
古代印度阿旃陀石窟壁画表现了诸多佛教题材故事,创造了具有鲜明印度民族特色的绘画风格,特别是塑造了具有印度美学特色和印度民族风情的美女形象,造型之精美神奇,勾线、晕染和重彩设色之精致,刻画衣饰、建筑和植物花卉之详尽,难以用文... 古代印度阿旃陀石窟壁画表现了诸多佛教题材故事,创造了具有鲜明印度民族特色的绘画风格,特别是塑造了具有印度美学特色和印度民族风情的美女形象,造型之精美神奇,勾线、晕染和重彩设色之精致,刻画衣饰、建筑和植物花卉之详尽,难以用文字语言加以表达。阿旃陀石窟壁画是伟大的艺术瑰宝,也是研究印度宗教和早期社会的重要图像资料,同时,也是丝绸之路文化交流的结果,其结合了西亚以及印度、希腊和中国等各种艺术要素。本文对印度阿旃陀石窟绘画艺术所涉及的文化渊源、题材和相关风格、绘画技巧、审美特色和文化交流等情况进行了概要的论述。 展开更多
关键词 马土腊-笈多 三道弯式 悲悯 艳情 优雅 六支 天竺遗法
A model for extracting large deformation mining subsidence using D-InSAR technique and probability integral method 被引量:22
作者 范洪冬 顾伟 +2 位作者 秦勇 薛继群 陈炳乾 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第4期1242-1247,共6页
Due to the difficulties in obtaining large deformation mining subsidence using differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (D-InSAR) alone, a new algorithm was proposed to extract large deformation mining ... Due to the difficulties in obtaining large deformation mining subsidence using differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (D-InSAR) alone, a new algorithm was proposed to extract large deformation mining subsidence using D-InSAR technique and probability integral method. The details of the algorithm are as follows:the control points set, containing correct phase unwrapping points on the subsidence basin edge generated by D-InSAR and several observation points (near the maximum subsidence and inflection points), was established at first; genetic algorithm (GA) was then used to optimize the parameters of probability integral method; at last, the surface subsidence was deduced according to the optimum parameters. The results of the experiment in Huaibei mining area, China, show that the presented method can generate the correct mining subsidence basin with a few surface observations, and the relative error of maximum subsidence point is about 8.3%, which is much better than that of conventional D-InSAR (relative error is 68.0%). 展开更多
关键词 D-INSAR genetic algorithm probability integral method mining subsidence
Evaluation of volcanic reservoirs with the "QAPM mineral model" using a genetic algorithm 被引量:8
作者 潘保芝 薛林福 +2 位作者 黄布宙 闫桂京 张丽华 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2008年第1期1-8,共8页
Gas-bearing volcanic reservoirs have been found in the deep Songliao Basin, China. Choosing proper interpretation parameters for log evaluation is difficult due to complicated mineral compositions and variable mineral... Gas-bearing volcanic reservoirs have been found in the deep Songliao Basin, China. Choosing proper interpretation parameters for log evaluation is difficult due to complicated mineral compositions and variable mineral contents. Based on the QAPF classification scheme given by IUGS, we propose a method to determine the mineral contents of volcanic rocks using log data and a genetic algorithm. According to the QAPF scheme, minerals in volcanic rocks are divided into five groups: Q(quartz), A (Alkaline feldspar), P (plagioclase), M (mafic) and F (feldspathoid). We propose a model called QAPM including porosity for the volumetric analysis of reservoirs. The log response equations for density, apparent neutron porosity, transit time, gamma ray and volume photoelectrical cross section index were first established with the mineral parameters obtained from the Schlumberger handbook of log mineral parameters. Then the volumes of the four minerals in the matrix were calculated using the genetic algorithm (GA). The calculated porosity, based on the interpretation parameters, can be compared with core porosity, and the rock names given in the paper based on QAPF classification according to the four mineral contents are compatible with those from the chemical analysis of the core samples. 展开更多
关键词 QAPM mineral model well logs genetic algorithm volcanic reservoirs
作者 乔兵 孙志峻 朱剑英 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2001年第1期108-112,共5页
The job shop scheduli ng problem has been studied for decades and known as an NP-hard problem. The fl exible job shop scheduling problem is a generalization of the classical job sche duling problem that allows an oper... The job shop scheduli ng problem has been studied for decades and known as an NP-hard problem. The fl exible job shop scheduling problem is a generalization of the classical job sche duling problem that allows an operation to be processed on one machine out of a set of machines. The problem is to assign each operation to a machine and find a sequence for the operations on the machine in order that the maximal completion time of all operations is minimized. A genetic algorithm is used to solve the f lexible job shop scheduling problem. A novel gene coding method aiming at job sh op problem is introduced which is intuitive and does not need repairing process to validate the gene. Computer simulations are carried out and the results show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 flexible job shop gene tic algorithm job shop scheduling
Low Power Polarity Conversion Based on the Whole Annealing Genetic Algorithm 被引量:4
作者 汪鹏君 陆金刚 +1 位作者 陈恳 徐建 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期298-303,共6页
For an n-variable logic function,the power dissipation and area of the REED-MULLER (RM) circuit corresponding to each polarity are different. Based on the propagation algorithm of signal probability,the decompositio... For an n-variable logic function,the power dissipation and area of the REED-MULLER (RM) circuit corresponding to each polarity are different. Based on the propagation algorithm of signal probability,the decomposition algorithm of a multi-input XOR/AND gate,and the multiple segment algorithm of polarity conversion,this paper successfully applies the whole annealing genetic algorithm (WAGA) to find the best polarity of an RM circuit. Through testing eight large-scale circuits from the Microelectronics Center North Carolina (MCNC) Benchmark, the SYNOPSYS synthesis results show that the RM circuits corresponding to the best polarity found using the proposed algorithm attain average power,area,and max delay savings of 77.2% ,62.4% ,and 9.2% respectively,compared with those under polarity 0. 展开更多
关键词 whole annealing genetic algorithm REED-MULLER low power polarity conversion
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